Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT 2018)
235 authors
- Abdulkarim, Aim
- Kampong Literacy as a Social Capital in Tourism to Realize Literated Cultural Communities
- Abdullah, Taufik
- The Effect of Venue Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Jakarta Convention Centre
- Abdullah, Taufik
- Does Food Image Affect Customer Intention to Buy Food?
- Abdullah, Taufik
- Factors Influencing Generation Y Satisfaction in Sundanese Restaurant
- Abdullah, Taufik
- The Effect of Costumer Ethnocentrism on Tourists’ Purchase Decision
- Achmadi, M.
- Teenagers Perception of Halal Food as an Option for Culinary Tourism
- Adam, Helmi
- Analysis of Labor, Tourism, and GDP Growth: Case Study of ASEAN Countries
- Adhi, Bambang Prasetya
- Customer Satisfaction In Disruption Era at Universitas Negeri Jakarta Postgraduate Program
- Afidah, Nuri Novianti
- Kampong Literacy as a Social Capital in Tourism to Realize Literated Cultural Communities
- Agarwal, Manisha
- Active Research Directions for Studying Repeat Tourist Behaviour
- Alvionita, Vindy
- The Perception of Hotel Employees on the Benefits of Tourism Competency Certification in Hospitality in Bandung
- Andari, Rini
- The Influence of Heritage Destination Attributes towards Customer Satisfaction at Palaces in Cirebon
- Andari, Rini
- The influence of Memorable Experience to Revisit Intention in Baduy Traditional Village
- Andari, Rini
- The Effect of Costumer Ethnocentrism on Tourists’ Purchase Decision
- Andrianto, Tomy
- Learning Management System in Tourism Higher Education: Where can we go?
- Anggraeni, Leni
- The Model of Tourism Village-Based Service Learning: A Strategy of Regional Tourism Potential Development
- Anggraeni, Leni
- Restructuring Curriculum of Tourism Based on Culture: Efforts to the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Humanity
- Anggraini, Diana Noor
- Kampong Literacy as a Social Capital in Tourism to Realize Literated Cultural Communities
- Anita, Tiurida Lily
- Effects of Product Uniqueness on Re-purchase Intention Case Study at KINI Capsule Hotel Jakarta
- Annisa, Rosalina Nur
- The Implementation of Sharia Principles Concept of Hotels: Unisi Hotel, Yogyakarta
- Ardiansyah, Fadjri Noor
- The Influence of Airport Service Quality toward Passenger Satisfaction
- Ariandani, W.
- Does Food Image Affect Customer Intention to Buy Food?
- Arief, M. Noor
- Openness, Labor, and Tourism; Case Study of ASEAN Countries
- Arif Fiyan, Miftah
- Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on The Concept of Halal Tourism
- Asparini, Putu Swasti
- Tourism Components and The Perspective of Hospitality Industry in Supporting Sustainable Urban Tourism Development
- Asyahidda, Fajar Nugraha
- Local Wisdom as Educational Tourism: A Study from Kampong Dukuh West Java Indonesia
- Aulia, D.
- The Effect of Costumer Ethnocentrism on Tourists’ Purchase Decision
- Badrun, Ubedilah
- Customer Satisfaction In Disruption Era at Universitas Negeri Jakarta Postgraduate Program
- Bestari, Prayoga
- Analysis of The Implementation of Radical Terrorism Counter Policies in Tasikmalaya Regency
- Betakemala, Fahdila
- The Influence of Heritage Destination Attributes towards Customer Satisfaction at Palaces in Cirebon
- Bidasari, Cyndiana
- The Effect of Venue Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Jakarta Convention Centre
- Brahmantyo, Budi
- Geotourism Reinterpretation towards Natural Tourist Attractions in Bandung Basin, West Java, Indonesia
- Budiningsih, Marlinda
- Game-Based Model on Environmental Insights to Improve the Behavior of Clean and Healthy Living
- Budiningtyas, Erna Sadiarti
- The Reinforcement of Women's Role in Baluwarti as Part of Gastronomic Tourism and Cultural Heritage Preservation
- Caria, Ningsih
- Developing Strategy of Chinatown as a Halal Gastronomic Tourism Destination in Bandung
- Chaerunissa, Yasmin Nindya
- Do the Cikondang Traditional Village’s Values and Local Wisdom Inheritance Need to be Developed for Tourism?
- Damanik, Darmawan
- Consumer Behaviours in Dropbox Resto and Café
- Damanik, Janianton
- Characteristics and Behaviors of Tourists: Case of Middle East Tourists in Puncak Cianjur, Indonesia, from Tour Guides’ Perspective
- Damar, Novelita
- A Study on E-Commerce: How Does It Have an Influence on Purchase Decision?
- Darsiharjo
- The Locals’ Readiness in Developing Tourism Village: Case Study of Jelekong Art & Culture Village, Bandung
- Darsiharjo
- The Factor Analysis of Hotel Attributes between Business Travelers and Leisure Travelers in Choosing an Upscale Hotel in Bandung City
- Darsiharjo
- The Influence of Hotel Attributes on Three Star Hotels Guest Satisfaction in Bandung City
- Darsiharjo
- Tourism Activities Development in Southern Coastal Province of West Java
- Dewi, Liliana
- The Development of Rural Tourism in Bogor Regency (Case Study of Ciseeng Village)
- Dewi, Mela Vhita
- Residents’ Perception Towards Tourism Impact and Community Participation
- Dewi, W. Citra
- Analysis of Tourism Supply Chain Management after The Eruption of Mount Agung, Bali
- Djunaid, Ika Suryono
- The Development of Rural Tourism in Bogor Regency (Case Study of Ciseeng Village)
- Eddyono, Fauziah
- Implementation of Sustainable Tourism Model in Taman Wisata Alam Pantai Carita Pandeglang Banten, Indonesia
- Entas, Derinta
- Implementation of Sustainable Tourism Model in Taman Wisata Alam Pantai Carita Pandeglang Banten, Indonesia
- Ermawati, Kiki
- Tourism Carrying Capacity Analysis as a Basis for The Determination of The Spatial Tourism in Tidung Besar Island South Thousand Islands Subdistrct The Province of Jakarta
- Farida, L.M.
- Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
- Fatimah, Sri
- Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
- Faturrahman Hakim, M.
- Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on The Concept of Halal Tourism
- Fauzi, Wildan Insan
- Islamic Tourism: A Form of Harmonization of Religion, Politics, Social, Culture and Economy
- Febrianti, Risa
- Comparative Research of Bandung Residents’ Recreation Behaviors from Gendered Perspective
- Fedrina, Rezka
- Visitor Activity Development at Satria Mandala Museum Through Experiential Marketing
- Firdaus, Endis
- The Impact of Religious Tourism in the Formation of a Peaceful and Moderate Society
- Firmansyah, Hengky J.
- Consumer Behaviours in Dropbox Resto and Café
- Fitria, Nurul
- What is The Perception of Halal Food According to Food Vendors and Consumers?
- Ganjar, K.
- Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
- Gunardi, D.
- Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
- Hadian, Mohamad Sapari Dwi
- Geotourism Potential Analysis of North Kalimantan
- Hariansyah, Okta
- The Impact of Nature Experience Towards Revisit Intention
- Hasanah, Siti
- Edu-Tourism: An Alternative of Tourism Destination Based on Geography Literacy
- Hendradewi, Savitri
- Halal Rural Tourism from the Viewpoint of Marine Destination Strategy through SWOT Analysis at Iboih Village, Sabang-Indonesia
- Hidayat, Taufiq
- Characteristics and Behaviors of Tourists: Case of Middle East Tourists in Puncak Cianjur, Indonesia, from Tour Guides’ Perspective
- Hidayat, Yuyun
- Factors Affecting the Empowerment of Rosella Farmers to Realize Rural Agroecotourism
- Irvania, Vika
- The Factor Analysis of Hotel Attributes between Business Travelers and Leisure Travelers in Choosing an Upscale Hotel in Bandung City
- Iswati, Sri
- Analysis of Labor, Tourism, and GDP Growth: Case Study of ASEAN Countries
- Kamil, Muslim
- Openness, Labor, and Tourism; Case Study of ASEAN Countries
- Kartika, Endo Wijaya
- Stress Difference Analysis Based on Gender and Age at Surabaya Formal Restaurants
- Kartika, Titing
- Cultural Heritage Tourism Preservation in Kota Tua Jakarta Indonesia and Old Town Central Hong Kong: A Comparative Study
- Khrisnamurti
- Visitor Activity Development at Satria Mandala Museum Through Experiential Marketing
- Khrisnamurti
- Customer Satisfaction In Disruption Era at Universitas Negeri Jakarta Postgraduate Program
- Komariah, Kokom Siti
- Kampong Literacy as a Social Capital in Tourism to Realize Literated Cultural Communities
- Komariah, Siti
- Residents’ Attitudes on The Contribution of Cultural Tourism in Sasak Sade Village Lombok, Indonesia
- Komariah, Siti
- Local Wisdom as Educational Tourism: A Study from Kampong Dukuh West Java Indonesia
- Kristiana, Yustisia
- Sustainable Tourism Development (The Perspective of the Tourism Stakeholders in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia)
- Kusumah, A. H. Galih
- The Factor Analysis of Hotel Attributes between Business Travelers and Leisure Travelers in Choosing an Upscale Hotel in Bandung City
- Kusumah, A. H. Galih
- The Influence of Hotel Attributes on Three Star Hotels Guest Satisfaction in Bandung City
- Kusumah, A. H. Galih
- Internship Program: Does it Strengthen or Weaken Tourism Students’ motivation?
- Kusumah, A.H. Galih
- Analysis of Consumer Factor on Using Online Travel Agent Traveloka and in Bandung City
- Kusumah, A.H. Galih
- The Influence of Atmospheric Elements on The Overall Guest Impression: The Case of Lobbies in Three Star Hotels in Bandung City
- Kusumah, A.H. Galih
- Service Failure and Recovery at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung: An Evidence from Management Perspective
- Kusumah, A.H. Galih
- Interaction Between Homestay Host with Tourist
- Kusumah, A.H. Galih
- The Perception of Hotel Employees on the Benefits of Tourism Competency Certification in Hospitality in Bandung
- Kusumawardhana, Indra
- The Stability and Instability Condition of Tourism and Hospitality (T&H) Curriculum Model
- Kusumawardhani, Yuviani
- Mitigation Risk Based on ISO 31000:2009 on The Optimization Model for Developing Spiritual Tourism Destinations
- Kusumo, Elang
- National Currency as A Media for Tourism Destination Promotion
- Lagarense, Bet El Silisna
- Cultural Heritage Tourism Preservation in Kota Tua Jakarta Indonesia and Old Town Central Hong Kong: A Comparative Study
- Larasati, Ajeng Ramadhita
- Interaction Between Homestay Host with Tourist
- Lemy, Diena Mutiara
- Sustainable Tourism Development (The Perspective of the Tourism Stakeholders in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia)
- Lemy, Diena Mutiara
- National Currency as A Media for Tourism Destination Promotion
- Mananda, I.G.P.B Sasrawan
- Analysis of Tourism Supply Chain Management after The Eruption of Mount Agung, Bali
- Mareth, Andriani
- Tourists’ Perception on Gastronomic Heritage Restaurant as a Tourist Attraction in The Sukabumi, Indonesia
- Marhanah, Sri
- The Influence of Atmospheric Elements on The Overall Guest Impression: The Case of Lobbies in Three Star Hotels in Bandung City
- Marhanah, Sri
- Service Failure and Recovery at The Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung: An Evidence from Management Perspective
- Marhanah, Sri
- Comparative Research of Bandung Residents’ Recreation Behaviors from Gendered Perspective
- Marhanah, Sri
- The Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude of Visitors’ Interpretation Upon a Forest Park as a Conservation Area in Bandung, Indonesia
- Marzwan, Diana
- Halal Rural Tourism from the Viewpoint of Marine Destination Strategy through SWOT Analysis at Iboih Village, Sabang-Indonesia