Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT 2018)
235 authors
- Triana, Dicky Angga
- The Influence of Atmospheric Elements on The Overall Guest Impression: The Case of Lobbies in Three Star Hotels in Bandung City
- Tridayanti, Rurry
- Angleng as Gastronomic Heritage and Destination Attraction in Kampong Nihmat, Cigugur Village, Parongpong District, West Bandung Regency
- Turgarini, Dewi
- Angleng as Gastronomic Heritage and Destination Attraction in Kampong Nihmat, Cigugur Village, Parongpong District, West Bandung Regency
- Turgarini, Dewi
- Tourists’ Perception on Gastronomic Heritage Restaurant as a Tourist Attraction in The Sukabumi, Indonesia
- Turgarini, Dewi
- The Reinforcement of Women's Role in Baluwarti as Part of Gastronomic Tourism and Cultural Heritage Preservation
- Tyas, Dyah Wahyuning
- The Implementation of Sharia Principles Concept of Hotels: Unisi Hotel, Yogyakarta
- Umadi, Muhammad Zaky
- Internship Program: Does it Strengthen or Weaken Tourism Students’ motivation?
- Utami, Heryanti
- Visitor Activity Development at Satria Mandala Museum Through Experiential Marketing
- Utami, Nindita Fajria
- Residents’ Attitudes on The Contribution of Cultural Tourism in Sasak Sade Village Lombok, Indonesia
- Verinita
- Linkage of Tourism Product Variable, Destination Image, and Word of Mouth to Visiting Decision at Rantih Tourism Village, West Sumatera
- Waluya, Bagja
- The influence of Memorable Experience to Revisit Intention in Baduy Traditional Village
- Wibowo, Edi Wahyu
- Effect of Tourism GDP to Human Development: Case Study of ASEAN Countries
- Wibowo, Lili Adi
- Volunteer Tourism Experience in Friends of The National Parks Foundation
- Wibowo, Yoel
- Stress Difference Analysis Based on Gender and Age at Surabaya Formal Restaurants
- Widayat, Wahyu
- Effect of Tourism GDP to Human Development: Case Study of ASEAN Countries
- Widyaningsih, Heni
- Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on The Concept of Halal Tourism
- Wijayanti, Ani
- Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on The Concept of Halal Tourism
- Winarti, Murdiyah
- Do the Cikondang Traditional Village’s Values and Local Wisdom Inheritance Need to be Developed for Tourism?
- Winarti, Murdiyah
- Islamic Tourism: A Form of Harmonization of Religion, Politics, Social, Culture and Economy
- Wirakusuma, Reiza Miftah
- Residents’ Perception Towards Tourism Impact and Community Participation
- Wirakusuma, Reiza Miftah
- Tourism Activities Development in Southern Coastal Province of West Java
- Wirakusuma, Reiza Miftah
- Tourism Carrying Capacity Analysis as a Basis for The Determination of The Spatial Tourism in Tidung Besar Island South Thousand Islands Subdistrct The Province of Jakarta
- Wirakusuma, Reiza Miftah
- Enhancing Students’ Creative Thinking Skill through Tourism Community Engagement
- Wiranuta, Aniela Alda
- Stress Difference Analysis Based on Gender and Age at Surabaya Formal Restaurants
- Wirayang, Jennifer
- Stress Difference Analysis Based on Gender and Age at Surabaya Formal Restaurants
- Wulan, Dyah Nawang
- Potential and Analysis of Tourist Trend of Visiting Tourism Destination in West Java
- Wulung, Shandra Rama Panji
- Geotourism Reinterpretation towards Natural Tourist Attractions in Bandung Basin, West Java, Indonesia
- Wulung, Shandra Rama Panji
- Geotourism Potential Analysis of North Kalimantan
- Yulianti, Iing
- Do the Cikondang Traditional Village’s Values and Local Wisdom Inheritance Need to be Developed for Tourism?
- Yuliawati, Ayu Krishna
- Geotourism Potential Analysis of North Kalimantan
- Yuniawati, Yeni
- How do You Believe Electronic Word of Mouth in Making Decision to Stay?
- Yuniawati, Yeni
- The Influence of Airport Service Quality toward Passenger Satisfaction
- Yuniawati, Yeni
- Factor Analysis of Tourist Experience in Active Sport Tourism
- Yuniawati, Yeni
- The Impact of Nature Experience Towards Revisit Intention
- Zainudin, Riyan
- Analysis of The Availability of Urban Green Open Space