Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Tourism (ISOT 2018)

235 authors
Triana, Dicky Angga
The Influence of Atmospheric Elements on The Overall Guest Impression: The Case of Lobbies in Three Star Hotels in Bandung City
Tridayanti, Rurry
Angleng as Gastronomic Heritage and Destination Attraction in Kampong Nihmat, Cigugur Village, Parongpong District, West Bandung Regency
Turgarini, Dewi
Angleng as Gastronomic Heritage and Destination Attraction in Kampong Nihmat, Cigugur Village, Parongpong District, West Bandung Regency
Turgarini, Dewi
Tourists’ Perception on Gastronomic Heritage Restaurant as a Tourist Attraction in The Sukabumi, Indonesia
Turgarini, Dewi
The Reinforcement of Women's Role in Baluwarti as Part of Gastronomic Tourism and Cultural Heritage Preservation
Tyas, Dyah Wahyuning
The Implementation of Sharia Principles Concept of Hotels: Unisi Hotel, Yogyakarta
Umadi, Muhammad Zaky
Internship Program: Does it Strengthen or Weaken Tourism Students’ motivation?
Utami, Heryanti
Visitor Activity Development at Satria Mandala Museum Through Experiential Marketing
Utami, Nindita Fajria
Residents’ Attitudes on The Contribution of Cultural Tourism in Sasak Sade Village Lombok, Indonesia
Linkage of Tourism Product Variable, Destination Image, and Word of Mouth to Visiting Decision at Rantih Tourism Village, West Sumatera
Waluya, Bagja
The influence of Memorable Experience to Revisit Intention in Baduy Traditional Village
Wibowo, Edi Wahyu
Effect of Tourism GDP to Human Development: Case Study of ASEAN Countries
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Volunteer Tourism Experience in Friends of The National Parks Foundation
Wibowo, Yoel
Stress Difference Analysis Based on Gender and Age at Surabaya Formal Restaurants
Widayat, Wahyu
Effect of Tourism GDP to Human Development: Case Study of ASEAN Countries
Widyaningsih, Heni
Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on The Concept of Halal Tourism
Wijayanti, Ani
Past, Present, and Future Perspectives on The Concept of Halal Tourism
Winarti, Murdiyah
Do the Cikondang Traditional Village’s Values and Local Wisdom Inheritance Need to be Developed for Tourism?
Winarti, Murdiyah
Islamic Tourism: A Form of Harmonization of Religion, Politics, Social, Culture and Economy
Wirakusuma, Reiza Miftah
Residents’ Perception Towards Tourism Impact and Community Participation
Wirakusuma, Reiza Miftah
Tourism Activities Development in Southern Coastal Province of West Java
Wirakusuma, Reiza Miftah
Tourism Carrying Capacity Analysis as a Basis for The Determination of The Spatial Tourism in Tidung Besar Island South Thousand Islands Subdistrct The Province of Jakarta
Wirakusuma, Reiza Miftah
Enhancing Students’ Creative Thinking Skill through Tourism Community Engagement
Wiranuta, Aniela Alda
Stress Difference Analysis Based on Gender and Age at Surabaya Formal Restaurants
Wirayang, Jennifer
Stress Difference Analysis Based on Gender and Age at Surabaya Formal Restaurants
Wulan, Dyah Nawang
Potential and Analysis of Tourist Trend of Visiting Tourism Destination in West Java
Wulung, Shandra Rama Panji
Geotourism Reinterpretation towards Natural Tourist Attractions in Bandung Basin, West Java, Indonesia
Wulung, Shandra Rama Panji
Geotourism Potential Analysis of North Kalimantan
Yulianti, Iing
Do the Cikondang Traditional Village’s Values and Local Wisdom Inheritance Need to be Developed for Tourism?
Yuliawati, Ayu Krishna
Geotourism Potential Analysis of North Kalimantan
Yuniawati, Yeni
How do You Believe Electronic Word of Mouth in Making Decision to Stay?
Yuniawati, Yeni
The Influence of Airport Service Quality toward Passenger Satisfaction
Yuniawati, Yeni
Factor Analysis of Tourist Experience in Active Sport Tourism
Yuniawati, Yeni
The Impact of Nature Experience Towards Revisit Intention
Zainudin, Riyan
Analysis of The Availability of Urban Green Open Space