Proceedings of the International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Technology (ICTLT 2023)
34 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Medita Ayu Wulandari, Duhita Savira Wardani, Agus Hendriyanto, Cucun Sutinah, Galih Dani Septiyan Rahayu, Sukma Murni, Dilham Fardian, Sani Sahara, Lukman Hakim Muhaimin, Ikbal Pauji
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at The International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Technology or ICTLT during 15 November 2023 in IKIP Siliwangi, Cimahi, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewers and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article
Conceptual Knowledge of Civic Education: In-depth Interviews at Primary School
Susilawati, Medita Ayu Wulandari, Siti Ruqoyah
This study investigates challenges primary school teachers encounter in civic education by focusing on students’ difficulties understanding the subject matter. Descriptive qualitative was used in this research to get a complete and in-depth view of students’ conceptual understanding and teachers’ difficulties...
Proceedings Article
Critical Thinking Skill: Primary School Teachers’ Knowledge and Its Learning Strategy
Medita Ayu Wulandari, Anwar Senen, Susilawati, Aenullael Mukarromah, T. Heru Nurdiansah, D. Fadly Pratama
Critical thinking is a vital piece of learning in the 21st century. Critical thinking skills cannot be grasped instantly; to be able to think critically, someone requires a protracted process. Therefore, teaching critical thinking skills in primary schools is essential. Thus, the teacher as the one who...
Proceedings Article
Development of Teaching Materials for Writing Description Text Using A Contextual Approach to Improve Writing Ability in Junior High School Students: Photography as A Media
Wikanengsih, Siti Habibah Noor Saadah, Enung Nurhayati, Ryan Dwi Puspita
The aim of this research is to develop teaching materials for writing descriptive texts using a contextual approach assisted by photographic image media to increase interest in learning for class VII middle school students. This research method is Research and Development (R n D). Data was collected...
Proceedings Article
Exploration Speaking Skills through Drama Creation: Enhancing Communication through Theathrical Development
Agni Muftianti
In today’s era of effective communication, the ability to speak eloquently stands out as a key factor for life’s success. This skill, however, is not developed overnight; rather, it requires cultivation in various learning contexts. The objective of this research is to refine students’ speaking skills...
Proceedings Article
How is the Development of Peaceable School Program in Primary School’ Conflict Resolution? Analysis of Bibliometric using Vosviewer
Yona Wahyuningsih, Bunyamin Maftuh
The research aims to analyze publications on peaceable school programs for conflict resolution in primary schools using VOSviewer with the publish or perish application. This research has been published in various publications over ten years (2018 to 2023). Based on these criteria, 993 articles were...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perspective on E-Modules Based on The RADEC Model and Contains Ethnoscience in Social-Science Learning
Ida Fiteriani, Wahyu Sopandi, Baharudin
In reality, when preparing lecture teaching materials to support the implementation of MBKM, they often do not refer to the criteria for writing teaching modules. Therefore, students’ perceptions need to be studied clearly, measurably, and the results analyzed as reflection material for lecturers in...
Proceedings Article
Survey of Teachers’ Learning Resource Needs for “Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5)” in Elementary School
Ryan Dwi Puspita, Trisna Nugraha, Faridillah Fahmi Nurfurqon, Sofyan Nur Mahardika
The implementation of the independent curriculum must be supported by the provision of teacher learning materials and innovative teaching tools both in intra-learning and Pancasila student profile project learning. The aim of this research is to determine the need for teacher learning resources in the...
Proceedings Article
Validation of Learning Resources for Teacher in Implementing “Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila” (P5) in Elementary School
Sylvia Rabbani, Medita Ayu Wulandari, Muhammad Rizal Fauzi, Ryan Dwi Puspita
The aim of this research is to determine the results of innovative learning resources in the form of examples of project videos in increasing the readiness of elementary school teachers in implementing Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) (Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles)...
Proceedings Article
Developing Speech Sounds In The Montessori Environment In Children With Disorders Language Development
Via Anggraeni, Romadona Nur Faizah
The challenge of being able to actively involve children with language disorders in the classroom so that they can play and learn together with other typical children prompted this literature study to be conducted. Some related problems are phonological awareness (PA) disorders, which make it difficult...
Proceedings Article
Ecological Intelligence: Analysis of Elementary School Teacher Education Students’ Understanding of the Concept of Ecoliteracy in Social Studies Learning
Faridillah Fahmi Nurfurqon, Muhamad Ghiyats Ristiana, Rayan Vigiana, Feby Fajar Nugraha
The background to this research is the low level of understanding of the concept of Ecoliteracy among Elementary School Teacher Education students in understanding the environment as a learning material for elementary school social studies. The aim of this research is to analyze the understanding of...
Proceedings Article
Message from Ella Without Consent to Children’s Privacy via Sharenting
Ansori, Ririn Hunafa Lestari, Faridillah Fahmi Nurfurqon, Muhammad Rizal Fauzi
The practice of sharenting in the digital era is currently popular because parents can show their existence by uploading information, photos, and videos about their children’s activities on social networking sites (SNS) or social media. However, sharenting has received various kinds of criticism, especially...
Proceedings Article
Sustainable Lifestyle Project: An Empirical Study
Hana Sakura Putu Arga, Sapriya
The era of globalization needs to be balanced with sustainable changes in people’s lifestyles to create a balance between the environment and the quality of human life. Sustainable living habits need to be implemented from an early age and involve education to provide understanding, habituation and environmental...
Proceedings Article
Assessing Basic Numeracy Skills in The Community of Renzo Edupark UBJ Cibadak Sukabumi: A Case Study
Dian Anggraeni Maharbid, Awiria, Markum
This case study delves into the fundamental numeracy skills of the community residing in the Renzo Edupark UBJ Cibadak Sukabumi area, focusing on the critical role numeracy abilities play in achieving sustainable development. The research examines the numeracy competencies of community members and identifies...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Rational Decision-Making Learning Model Based on Socioscientific Issues for Students’ Information Literacy. Is It Effective?
Galih Dani Septiyan Rahayu, Bunyamin Maftuh, Sapriya, Wahyu Sopandi
Challenges on a global, national and local scale regarding social and environmental problems caused by developments in science and technology are becoming more complex day by day. Therefore, this research aims to develop a learning model for rational decision making based on socioscientific issues to...
Proceedings Article
Elementary School Students’ Obstacles in Understanding the Concept of Area and Perimeter
Asep Samsudin, Trisna Nugraha
Area and perimeter are one of the geometry and measurement concepts that are interconnected and have begun to be studied at the elementary school level. However, in the learning process, students often find difficulties in understanding the concept. This study aims to analyse students’ difficulties in...
Proceedings Article
RADEC Model in Increasing Student Scientific Literacy Primary School Teacher Education Study Program
Y. Nurhayati, W. Sopandi, Riandi
This research is motivated by the scientific literacy abilities of students in the Primary School/PGSD Teacher Education Study Program which are closely related to the scientific literacy learning process, where the reality in science learning shows that the scientific literacy abilities of PGSD students...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Study of The Need for Development of Lift The Flap Book Media as an Effort to Introduction to Entrepreneurial Values in Early Childhood
Rizki Surya Amanda, Uswatul Hasni, Asih Nur Ismiatun, Nyimas Muazzomi
This research aims to analyze the needs for developing the lift the flap book media as an effort to introduce entrepreneurship values to early childhood. Needs analysis is used to identify the materials or things needed to develop a product. This research uses a qualitative approach by conducting literature...
Proceedings Article
Application of Discovery Learning Strategies in Natural Materials Centers in Early Childhood Education
Ema Aprianti, Heni Nafiqoh, Arima Nur Annisa, Ajeng Cahyati
Early childhood is a unique and has a great curiosity. Therefore, children must be given the opportunity to explore their environment. Discovery learning strategies in this natural materials center are here to provide opportunities for children to explore, build their own thinking concepts and stimulate...
Proceedings Article
Edutainment Storytelling Method: Can the Folding Puppet Stage Improve Children’s Social Emotional Development?
Sharina Munggaraning Westhisi, Siti Nur Hasanah, Ansori
This study aims to unpack the using of folding puppet stage in enhancing children’s social emotional development through edutainment storytelling method. It uses the qualitative method which engaged seven children (aged 4-5 years old) and two teachers. The data were obtained through observations on children’s...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Flood Mitigation Experiment-Based Learning to Increase Safety Awareness in Early Childhood
Rita Nurunnisa, Agus Sumitra, Andrisyah, Nurul Fitriani, Tini Sekartini
This research was conducted aiming to find out how the application of direct learning strategies based on flood mitigation experiments that teachers do in learning in an effort to increase awareness of self-safety in early childhood. Group B consisting of 10 children consisting of 5 boys and 5 girls...
Proceedings Article
Need Analysis: Development of the Learning Cycle 5E Model to Improve HOTS in Early Childhood Student
Uswatul Hasni, Rizki Surya Amanda, Tumewa Pangaribuan
This research aims to analyze the needs for developing a learning cycle 5e model to stimulate higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in early childhood. Needs analysis is used to identify the materials or things needed to develop a product. This research uses a qualitative approach by conducting literature...
Proceedings Article
Pratical Life Skill Based E-Book: Developing Fine Motor Skill Stimulation Book for Children
Asih Nur Ismiatun, Masyunita Siregar, Tumewa Pangaribuan
Implementation of fine motor activities in early childhood must be in accordance with the task requirements and stages of the child’s development. However, in reality teachers still have difficulty finding the right references. The aim of this research is to develop a teacher’s guidebook based on practical...
Proceedings Article
Styles of Learning in Elementary Schools Learning the Indonesian Language: Application of Content Differentiation
Evi Susanti
The distinctiveness of students contributes to the diversity inside the classroom. The purpose of differentiated learning is to cater to the diverse needs of pupils, thereby providing them with the best possible learning experiences. Forty grade 5 pupils from a primary school in Bandung City were selected...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of Multiple Intelligences in Preschool: Prototyping a Development
Rita Mariyana, Aan Listiana, Zaenudin Ramli, Novi Anggraeni
In the 20th century, we witnessed notable progress in the domain of computing technology, ultimately leading to the creation of artificial intelligence (AI) and expert systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) and expert systems (ES) are discrete disciplines within computer science. The inclusion of this...
Proceedings Article
Climate Change: STEM Project and Systems Thinking for Holistic Solutions
Cucun Sutinah, Ari Widodo, Muslim, Ernawulan Syaodih, Salbihana Binti Samsudin
Climate change is an important issue in sustainable development goals. The complexity of climate change requires an understanding of the underlying system as a basis for solutions to overcome it. The main focus of this research is to improve students’ systems thinking abilities in facing environmental...
Proceedings Article
STEM Learning: How Can Environmental Issues Stimulate Elementary School Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities?
Jajang Bayu Kelana, Ari Widodo, Irma Rahma Suwarma
The environment is a crucial issue that requires a holistic and innovative approach in solving every existing problem. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning has emerged as an effective framework for integrating scientific concepts in understanding and overcoming environmental...
Proceedings Article
Application of Learning Material with a Gamification Model Approach as an Innovation in Learning Japanese Kanji Letters
Iwan Sonjaya, Noorlela Marcheta, Muhamad Rifqi Pratama
Language is a tool for interaction in the form of sounds that come out of the mouth. Unlike Indonesian which uses the alphabet, Japanese has three types of letters, namely: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Because of the letters in Japanese kanji very numerous and different from what people who live in...
Proceedings Article
Applications of Augmented Reality in Mathematics Learning: A Bibliometric and Content Analysis
Luki Luqmanul Hakim, Hamdan Hidayat, Ahmad Salmun, Yayu Laila Sulastri
This study aims to comprehensively investigate the current application of augmented reality (AR) in mathematics education through meticulous bibliometric and content analysis of existing academic literature. The primary objectives involve providing an overview of the current landscape and categorizing...
Proceedings Article
ChatGPT and Education: A Scopus Bibliometric Analysis
Arie Rakhmat Riyadi, Tatang Syaripudin, Kurniasih, Ani Hendriani, Cucun Sutinah, Muhammad Aceng Sirojudin
The birth of ChatGPT has caused controversy, especially in the world of education. Various studies have been conducted looking at the positive and negative impacts. This research is a Scopus-based bibliometric analysis to examine trends in the relationship between ChatGPT and education. The articles...
Proceedings Article
Saguru Application Development (Teacher Administration System) Based On An Independent Curriculum To Increase The Teachers Pedagogical Competence Of Early Childhood Education
Ghina Wulansuci, Rita Nurunnisa, Dian Surya Aprilyanti, Susanti Trisniarti
Pedagogical competency is a teacher’s ability to understand students, design and implement learning, develop students, and evaluate student learning outcomes to actualize their potential. The purpose of this research is to find solutions to improve the pedagogic competence of special teachers in their...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Teaching Material: To What Extent are Students’ Argumentation Learning
Linda Hania Fasha, Wahyu Sopandi
Argumentation ability is a fundamental skill that underlies 21st-century skills. This article explores the importance of argumentation skills in the field of science education, emphasizing its critical role in students’ scientific concept-building and learning. Scientific argumentation involves the construction...
Proceedings Article
Elementary School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning in A Virtual Laboratory Activity
Fransiska Astri Kusumastuti, Ari Widodo, Ernawulan Syaodih, Muslim
Self-Regulated Learning is an ability students must have to restructure their learning activities. Through restructuring, students can internalize their learning goals to be more focused and optimal. Students who are not able to evaluate and monitor their own learning, in order to compensate, allow others...
Proceedings Article
Investigating Indonesian Students’ Meta-Affective of Positive and Negative Affect in Science Learning
Pipih Nurhayati, Ari Widodo, Achmad Samsudin
This study aims to assess students’ meta-affective ability of positive and negative affect during learning science. This study adopted a quantitative approach through a survey of 90 junior high school students aged 12-14 years in Indonesia. The instrument used was a meta-affective scale consisting of...