Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE 2023)

91 authors
Agustina, Tri
Application of Lesson Study Using PBL to Improve Information Literacy and Collaboration Skills of Prospective Biology Teacher
Ahzan, Sukainil
Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project
Ali, Marlina
The Effect of STEM-based 7E Learning Cycle Model with Formative Assessment on Concept Mastery in Work and Energy Topic
Ali, Marlina
The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave
Amina, Ikramina Yusti
Does Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom Enhance Students Generic Science Skills?
Arifianto, Wahyu Aji Bagus
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Ariyatun, Ariyatun
A Comprehensive Study: Assessing the Environmental Literacy Profile in Higher Education for Sustainable Development
A’raafi, Muhammad Ilham
The Contribution of Collaboration and Problem-Solving Skills on Cognitive Learning Outcome through Remap-TPS
Balqis, Balqis
Development of E-Modules Assisted by PjBL-Based AR on Angiosperms Topic
Benu, Merlyn Yoan Trivosa
The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave
Biruni, Iqbal Bilgrami
Application of Lesson Study Using PBL to Improve Information Literacy and Collaboration Skills of Prospective Biology Teacher
Cahyani, Paramitha
Multiethnic Students Nowadays: How Project-Based Practicum Bridges the Collaboration Gap Among Four Ethnic Pre-Service Biology Teachers
Choirunisa’, Nindiana
Barrier in Mastering Knowledge of Genetic Concepts in College Students
Chusna, Dilla Elfiana
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Corebima, Aloysius Duran
Multiethnic Students Nowadays: How Project-Based Practicum Bridges the Collaboration Gap Among Four Ethnic Pre-Service Biology Teachers
Dasna, I Wayan
Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project
Deamita, Chyntia Eki
Development of Ecosystem E-Module Based on Socio-scientific Problems Assisted by Quick Response Code (Qr Code) to Enhance Scientific Literacy of Class X Students in SMAN 1 Kepanjen
Efendi, Ismail
Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project
Ermin, Ermin
Multiethnic Students Nowadays: How Project-Based Practicum Bridges the Collaboration Gap Among Four Ethnic Pre-Service Biology Teachers
Fadhillah, Ajeng
Application of Lesson Study Using PBL to Improve Information Literacy and Collaboration Skills of Prospective Biology Teacher
Farida, Nani
Peer-Review Statements
Fitri, Nuraini
The Effect of STEM-based 7E Learning Cycle Model with Formative Assessment on Concept Mastery in Work and Energy Topic
Fitriyati, Umi
Development of Ecosystem E-Module Based on Socio-scientific Problems Assisted by Quick Response Code (Qr Code) to Enhance Scientific Literacy of Class X Students in SMAN 1 Kepanjen
Gofur, Abdul
Does Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom Enhance Students Generic Science Skills?
Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi
Profile of Elementary School Students’ Errors in Solving Mathematics Story Problems: Literature Review
Habiddin, Habiddin
Peer-Review Statements
Habiddin, Habiddin
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Handayani, Lilik
Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project
Handayanto, Supriyono Koes
The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave
Harjono, Harjono
Reconstruction of The Ethno-STEM Integrated Inquiry-Based Project Learning Model (Ethno-STEM IBPjLM) for the Topic of Herbal Tea Aroma Compounds as Global Local Wisdom
Hartati, Zainap
Does Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom Enhance Students Generic Science Skills?
Hasyim, Mutahharah
Development of Marker-Augmented Reality Integration (M-ARI) Based Teaching Module as a Support for Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in Physics Education
Hidayah, Anik Kosimatul
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Huatagalung, F. D.
Reconstruction of The Ethno-STEM Integrated Inquiry-Based Project Learning Model (Ethno-STEM IBPjLM) for the Topic of Herbal Tea Aroma Compounds as Global Local Wisdom
Huda, Nuril
Ethnoscience and Ethnomathematics Analysis of Kupatan Tradition in Durenan Trenggalek East Java
Inna, Marlince
Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project
Jannah, Dewi Rahmawati Noer
Profile of Elementary School Students’ Errors in Solving Mathematics Story Problems: Literature Review
Jasman, Muh. Wahyudi
Application of Lesson Study Using PBL to Improve Information Literacy and Collaboration Skills of Prospective Biology Teacher
Jatmiko, Budi
The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave
Jelita, Insi Norma
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Juliangkary, Eliska
Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia
Khery, Yusran
Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project
Khusaini, Khusaini
The Effect of STEM-based 7E Learning Cycle Model with Formative Assessment on Concept Mastery in Work and Energy Topic
Kurniasih, Yeti
Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project
Kusmayadi, Claresia Tsany
Application of Lesson Study Using PBL to Improve Information Literacy and Collaboration Skills of Prospective Biology Teacher
Maghfiroh, Hidayati
The Contribution of Collaboration and Problem-Solving Skills on Cognitive Learning Outcome through Remap-TPS
Maghfiroh, Hidayati
Does Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom Enhance Students Generic Science Skills?
Mankhong, Kanlaya
Impacts of Creative-STEM Education integrated with TPACK on Grade 7 Students’ Academic Achievement, Problem-solving Skills, Creative Thinking Skills and Communication Skills in Ratio, Proportion and Percentage in Mathematics
Masjudin, Masjudin
Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia
Munfaridah, Nuril
The Effect of STEM-based 7E Learning Cycle Model with Formative Assessment on Concept Mastery in Work and Energy Topic
Munzil, Munzil
The Contribution of Collaboration and Problem-Solving Skills on Cognitive Learning Outcome through Remap-TPS
Nissa, Ita Chairun
Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia
Nitiasih, Putu Kerti
Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia
Nufida, Baiq Asma
Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project
Nurlina, Nurlina
Development of Marker-Augmented Reality Integration (M-ARI) Based Teaching Module as a Support for Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in Physics Education
Parno, Parno
The Effect of STEM-based 7E Learning Cycle Model with Formative Assessment on Concept Mastery in Work and Energy Topic
Parno, Parno
The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave
Pimvichai, Jiritthitikan
Impacts of Creative-STEM Education integrated with TPACK on Grade 7 Students’ Academic Achievement, Problem-solving Skills, Creative Thinking Skills and Communication Skills in Ratio, Proportion and Percentage in Mathematics
Pujilestari, Pujilestari
Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia
Putri, Maharani Karunia
The Effect of STEM-based 7E Learning Cycle Model with Formative Assessment on Concept Mastery in Work and Energy Topic
Putri, Maharani Karunia
The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave
Rachmawati, Anisah
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Rahayu, S.
Reconstruction of The Ethno-STEM Integrated Inquiry-Based Project Learning Model (Ethno-STEM IBPjLM) for the Topic of Herbal Tea Aroma Compounds as Global Local Wisdom
Ramadhan, Imam
Development of Marker-Augmented Reality Integration (M-ARI) Based Teaching Module as a Support for Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in Physics Education
Rasyidah, Farah Ainur
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Riastini, Putu Nanci
Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia
Riyadi, Riyadi
Profile of Elementary School Students’ Errors in Solving Mathematics Story Problems: Literature Review
Rochmah, Azizah Nur
Development of E-Modules Assisted by PjBL-Based AR on Angiosperms Topic
Rose, Tasyang Oktavia
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Rusilowati, Ani
A Comprehensive Study: Assessing the Environmental Literacy Profile in Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Saptono, Sigit
A Comprehensive Study: Assessing the Environmental Literacy Profile in Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Setiawan, B.
Reconstruction of The Ethno-STEM Integrated Inquiry-Based Project Learning Model (Ethno-STEM IBPjLM) for the Topic of Herbal Tea Aroma Compounds as Global Local Wisdom
Setiawan, Nur Fajar Ari Hadi Agus
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Setyawan, Reza
Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions
Sudarmin, Sudarmin
Reconstruction of The Ethno-STEM Integrated Inquiry-Based Project Learning Model (Ethno-STEM IBPjLM) for the Topic of Herbal Tea Aroma Compounds as Global Local Wisdom
Sudarmin, Sudarmin
A Comprehensive Study: Assessing the Environmental Literacy Profile in Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Sudartha, I Gede Wawan
Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia
Sulisetijono, Sulisetijono
Development of E-Modules Assisted by PjBL-Based AR on Angiosperms Topic
Sulistyaningsih, Triastuti
A Comprehensive Study: Assessing the Environmental Literacy Profile in Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Susanto, Hendra
Barrier in Mastering Knowledge of Genetic Concepts in College Students
Susilo, Herawati
Development of Ecosystem E-Module Based on Socio-scientific Problems Assisted by Quick Response Code (Qr Code) to Enhance Scientific Literacy of Class X Students in SMAN 1 Kepanjen
Susilo, Herawati
Application of Lesson Study Using PBL to Improve Information Literacy and Collaboration Skills of Prospective Biology Teacher
Suwono, Hadi
Peer-Review Statements
Wahyuni, Tutik Sri
Ethnoscience and Ethnomathematics Analysis of Kupatan Tradition in Durenan Trenggalek East Java
Wardani, Sri
A Comprehensive Study: Assessing the Environmental Literacy Profile in Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Widiarti, H. R.
Reconstruction of The Ethno-STEM Integrated Inquiry-Based Project Learning Model (Ethno-STEM IBPjLM) for the Topic of Herbal Tea Aroma Compounds as Global Local Wisdom
Yuliati, Lia
The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave
Yuntawati, Yuntawati
Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia
Zubaidah, Siti
Barrier in Mastering Knowledge of Genetic Concepts in College Students
Zubaidah, Siti
The Contribution of Collaboration and Problem-Solving Skills on Cognitive Learning Outcome through Remap-TPS
Zubaidah, Siti
Does Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom Enhance Students Generic Science Skills?