Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE 2023)

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19 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Habiddin Habiddin, Hadi Suwono, Nani Farida
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2023 during 14-15 August 2023 in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved...
Proceedings Article

Impacts of Creative-STEM Education integrated with TPACK on Grade 7 Students’ Academic Achievement, Problem-solving Skills, Creative Thinking Skills and Communication Skills in Ratio, Proportion and Percentage in Mathematics

Kanlaya Mankhong, Jiritthitikan Pimvichai
This article aims to: a) review the literature related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education, Creativity-based Learning (CBL) and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK); b) explore mathematics teachers’ and students’ perspectives on the current state, problems...
Proceedings Article

Development of Ecosystem E-Module Based on Socio-scientific Problems Assisted by Quick Response Code (Qr Code) to Enhance Scientific Literacy of Class X Students in SMAN 1 Kepanjen

Chyntia Eki Deamita, Umi Fitriyati, Herawati Susilo
Through the mastery of scientific literacy, students are expected to be able to participate in solving real problems through understanding science and technology based on a scientific approach. This study aims to develop an electronic module (e-module) based on socio-scientific problems with the help...
Proceedings Article

Application of Lesson Study Using PBL to Improve Information Literacy and Collaboration Skills of Prospective Biology Teacher

Iqbal Bilgrami Biruni, Muh. Wahyudi Jasman, Claresia Tsany Kusmayadi, Ajeng Fadhillah, Tri Agustina, Herawati Susilo
The 21st century is known as the century of knowledge or the century of information which is marked by the ease and abundance of scientific information from various sources such as the internet and social media. Students must have information literacy to determine available information based on reliable...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Conceptual Understanding Through Critical Pedagogical Approaches in Mathematics Education in Indonesia

Eliska Juliangkary, Yuntawati Yuntawati, Ita Chairun Nissa, Pujilestari Pujilestari, Masjudin Masjudin, Putu Kerti Nitiasih, Putu Nanci Riastini, I Gede Wawan Sudartha
This study explores the implementation and impact of Critical Pedagogy in the context of mathematics education in Indonesia, focusing on how this approach can enhance the authenticity of learning, students’ conceptual understanding, and active engagement in the learning process. Through literature analysis...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of The Ethno-STEM Integrated Inquiry-Based Project Learning Model (Ethno-STEM IBPjLM) for the Topic of Herbal Tea Aroma Compounds as Global Local Wisdom

Sudarmin Sudarmin, Harjono Harjono, S. Rahayu, H. R. Widiarti, B. Setiawan, F. D. Huatagalung
The aim of this research is to reconstruct an Ethno-STEM integrated inquiry-based project learning model (Ethno-STEM IBPjLM) on the topic of herbal tea aroma as global wisdom. This research includes qualitative descriptive research. The research focus includes (a) the process of reconstructing the community’s...
Proceedings Article

A Comprehensive Study: Assessing the Environmental Literacy Profile in Higher Education for Sustainable Development

Ariyatun Ariyatun, Sudarmin Sudarmin, Sri Wardani, Sigit Saptono, Ani Rusilowati, Triastuti Sulistyaningsih
The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the comprehension and engagement of higher education students with development issues, particularly focusing on environmental literacy. Environmental literacy encompasses an individual’s knowledge, awareness, and capacity to address concerns through practical...
Proceedings Article

Development of E-Modules Assisted by PjBL-Based AR on Angiosperms Topic

Azizah Nur Rochmah, Sulisetijono Sulisetijono, Balqis Balqis
Learning is inseparable from strategies, teaching materials and learning media so that there is maximum two-way interaction between students and lecturers. Teaching materials owned by students on the topic of angiosperms are still very general and simple without using the latest learning media. Furthermore,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of STEM-based 7E Learning Cycle Model with Formative Assessment on Concept Mastery in Work and Energy Topic

Maharani Karunia Putri, Parno Parno, Nuril Munfaridah, Khusaini Khusaini, Nuraini Fitri, Marlina Ali
Work and Energy are important physics concepts and considered difficult by students. In this regard, it is necessary to have good mastery of concepts. A solution is needed to overcome student’s difficulties by designing appropriate learning model to improve students’ concept mastery. One of the suitable...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave

Merlyn Yoan Trivosa Benu, Parno Parno, Supriyono Koes Handayanto, Lia Yuliati, Maharani Karunia Putri, Budi Jatmiko, Marlina Ali
Mechanical wave matter is abstract material so it is still difficult to understand and affect to students’ problem-solving abilities (PSA). PSA is needed to understand and solve physics problems using accurate methods. The solution in an effort to improve the PSA of mechanical wave materials is to apply...
Proceedings Article

Multiethnic Students Nowadays: How Project-Based Practicum Bridges the Collaboration Gap Among Four Ethnic Pre-Service Biology Teachers

Paramitha Cahyani, Aloysius Duran Corebima, Ermin Ermin
As a country with diverse cultures, Indonesia has many ethnicities that create multiethnic conditions. In an educational context, those conditions could cause a learning gap among the ethnicities involved. Educational development nowadays emphasizes not only the importance of improving various thinking...
Proceedings Article

Enhanching Student Performance in Science Learning Through The Implementation of Traditional Natural Pesticides Project

Yusran Khery, Marlince Inna, Sukainil Ahzan, Ismail Efendi, Baiq Asma Nufida, Yeti Kurniasih, I Wayan Dasna, Lilik Handayani
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of integrating a project focused on traditional natural pesticides into science learning and its impact on student performance. The investigation adopted a pre-experimental research design, utilizing a pretest-posttest non-control group approach. A total of...
Proceedings Article

Ethnoscience and Ethnomathematics Analysis of Kupatan Tradition in Durenan Trenggalek East Java

Tutik Sri Wahyuni, Nuril Huda
Kupatan tradition in Durenan District, Trenggalek Regency is celebrated on the 8th day of Shawwal in Hijri year. This tradition has conditions with positive values, including strengthening the relationship, realizing tolerance, preserving the teachings of charity, and honoring guests. This kupatan tradition...
Proceedings Article

Barrier in Mastering Knowledge of Genetic Concepts in College Students

Nindiana Choirunisa’, Hendra Susanto, Siti Zubaidah
Genetics is the essence of biology because it underlies various other fields of life sciences, so studying genetics is essential, especially for undergraduate students. However, undergraduate students often need help understanding several concepts in genetics. Thus, this study aimed to track the most...
Proceedings Article

The Contribution of Collaboration and Problem-Solving Skills on Cognitive Learning Outcome through Remap-TPS

Muhammad Ilham A’raafi, Hidayati Maghfiroh, Siti Zubaidah, Munzil Munzil
Collaboration and problem-solving skills can be critical to support students in achieving cognitive learning outcomes because much of the complex work is performed by collaboration. However, there is a dearth of research on the correlation between collaboration, problem-solving skills, on cognitive learning...
Proceedings Article

Does Remap GI-based Flipped Classroom Enhance Students Generic Science Skills?

Ikramina Yusti Amina, Siti Zubaidah, Abdul Gofur, Hidayati Maghfiroh, Zainap Hartati
The importance of generic science skills has rapidly expanded in senior high school. The research regarding how students enhance these skills or how they should be taught still needs to be discovered. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the Reading Concept Mapping-Group Investigation...
Proceedings Article

Development of Marker-Augmented Reality Integration (M-ARI) Based Teaching Module as a Support for Merdeka Belajar Curriculum in Physics Education

Mutahharah Hasyim, Imam Ramadhan, Nurlina Nurlina
Research has been conducted on developing a Marker-Augmented Reality Integration (M-ARI) based teaching module. This research includes a physics teaching module aligned with the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The expected information from this research pertains to; (1) The process of developing the M-ARI-based...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Elementary School Students’ Errors in Solving Mathematics Story Problems: Literature Review

Dewi Rahmawati Noer Jannah, Gunarhadi Gunarhadi, Riyadi Riyadi
This study describes elementary school students’ errors in solving mathematics story problems and the factors that cause elementary school students to experience these errors. This study design is a literature review with a qualitative approach. The data were obtained from the analysis of secondary data...
Proceedings Article

Assessing Chemistry Students’ Logical Thinking in Colligative Properties of Solutions

Wahyu Aji Bagus Arifianto, Tasyang Oktavia Rose, Anik Kosimatul Hidayah, Anisah Rachmawati, Dilla Elfiana Chusna, Farah Ainur Rasyidah, Insi Norma Jelita, Nur Fajar Ari Hadi Agus Setiawan, Reza Setyawan, Habiddin Habiddin
Understanding chemistry is a way to develop a solid comprehension of modern sciences. A lot of students are having a difficult time understanding chemistry. Students and teachers must have interactive and engaging learning experiences in this digitalisation era. We experimented with logical thinking...