Proceedings of the International Conference on Banking, Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICOBAME 2018)
180 authors
- Oktaviani, Rachmawati Meita
- Determinants of Going Concern Audit Opinion
- Permatasari, Fitri Bintang
- The Role of Technological Acceptance and E-Service Quality in Predicting Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
- Pitangga, Shela
- The Influence of Growth Profitability, Leverage and Opportunity on Hedging Activities in State-Owned Enterprises Companies 2012-2016
- Prabowo, Rokh Eddy
- A Model of Increasing the Service Quality of Public Transportation Based on Quality Function Deployment
- Prabowo, Tri Jatmiko Wahyu
- How do Government Financial Statement Preparers Adapt to Accrual Accounting?
- Pradita, Nungki
- The Influence of Attitude and Herding on the Credit Decision-Making of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
- Pramudya, Wisnu Haryo
- Does the Audit Committee Moderate Tax Planning’s Effect on the Firm’s Solvability?
- Prasaja, Mahendra Galih
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Firm Value: The role of investor sentiment in green companies listed on the IDX
- Priantinah, Denies
- The Analysis of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) For Personal Financial Management On Mobile Application Technology
- Priyanto, Sony Heru
- Co-synergy and Co-creation Value on Customer Behavioural Outcomes
- Priyono, Bambang Suko
- The Influence of Empowerment and Quality of Work Life to Career Plateau with Work Satisfaction as Intervening Variable
- Puryandani, Siti
- The Influence of Growth Profitability, Leverage and Opportunity on Hedging Activities in State-Owned Enterprises Companies 2012-2016
- Puspitasari, Dewi
- The Economic and Social Externalities of the Existence of the Cigarette Industry
- Puspitasari, Elen
- An Empirical Study of Commercial Banks Performance: The Indonesian context
- Puspitasari, Intan
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Firm Value: The role of investor sentiment in green companies listed on the IDX
- Puspitasari, Intan
- Liquidity Risk of Islamic Banks in Indonesia
- Puteri, Isaura Tribuana
- Earning Quality, Information Asymmetry and Cost of Equity Capital in Manufacturing Companies
- Putra, Hendrawan Santosa
- How do Government Financial Statement Preparers Adapt to Accrual Accounting?
- Putri, Alvianita Gunawan
- The Influence of Attitude and Herding on the Credit Decision-Making of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
- R.R, Alimuddin
- Co-synergy and Co-creation Value on Customer Behavioural Outcomes
- Rakhman, Zulkifli Aulia
- A Model of Increasing the Service Quality of Public Transportation Based on Quality Function Deployment
- Razzaq, Abdur
- Wages, Life Expectancy and Working Population in Indonesia: The implications of demographic bonus
- Ridho, Sari Lestari Zainal
- Wages, Life Expectancy and Working Population in Indonesia: The implications of demographic bonus
- Ridwan, Ridwan
- The Economic and Social Externalities of the Existence of the Cigarette Industry
- Ridwan, Ridwan
- The Competitiveness of Regions in the Eastern Indonesia
- Rifai, Alimudin Rizal
- Study of Perspective and Prospective Aspects on Indonesia Balance of Payment in 1980-2017
- Rijanti, Tristiana
- The Influence of Empowerment and Quality of Work Life to Career Plateau with Work Satisfaction as Intervening Variable
- Rijanti, Tristiana
- The Influence of Competency and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with Servant Leadership as a Moderating Variable
- Riptiono, Sulis
- Examining Islamic Religiosity on Consumer Muslim Fashion Trend Purchase Intention
- Rochmani, Rochmani
- Rationalism and Antropocentrism in Human Behaviour in Exploiting Natural Resources and Industrial Activities
- Saksono, Yanuar
- The Competitiveness of Regions in the Eastern Indonesia
- Santosa, Agus Budi
- The Portofolio Model of Exchange Rate Determination: The case of Rupiah exchange rate
- Santoso, Budi
- The Effect of Team Work and Motivation of Nurses’ Work on the Quality of Health Services at a Military Hospital in Indonesia
- Santoso, Ignatius Hari
- The Role of Work Environment on Bank Employees’ Performance
- Saragih, Hondor
- The Effect of Leader Member Exchange (LMX), Perceived Overqualification, and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention in the Indonesian Ministry of Defense
- Sarnowo, Henry
- Provincial Capital Expenditure Analysis in Eastern Indonesia and Indonesian West Area with Dummy Variable
- Sarosa, Bambang
- Can Prostitution in Indonesia be Eliminated?
- Sarwoko, Sarwoko
- The Competitiveness of Regions in the Eastern Indonesia
- Setianan, Andreas Ronald
- Provincial Capital Expenditure Analysis in Eastern Indonesia and Indonesian West Area with Dummy Variable
- Setiawan, Mulyo Budi
- The Effect of Motive, Product Quality, Price Perception and Brand Image toward Buying Decision Process
- Setyanta, Budi
- Can Prostitution in Indonesia be Eliminated?
- Setyanta, Budi
- The Role of Prices Fairness on Intention to Online Transactions on Students in Yogyakarta
- Soegiarto, Ita
- The Changing Academy (AMG) to the College (STMKG) in Order to Improve BMKG Organization Performance
- Soliha, Euis
- Service Quality and Location towards Customer Value and the Effect on Customer Satisfaction
- Solovida, Grace T.
- Supervision of Midwife Coordinator to Antenatal Care Service Quality with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable
- Srimindarti, Ceacilia
- Determinants of Going Concern Audit Opinion
- Sudarsi, Sri
- Earning Quality, Information Asymmetry and Cost of Equity Capital in Manufacturing Companies
- Sudiyana, Sudiyana
- Legal Enforcement Model in Indonesia Capital Market Disputes to Make Substantive Justice
- Sudiyatno, Bambang
- Determinants of Capital Structure
- Sudiyatno, Bambang
- An Empirical Study of Commercial Banks Performance: The Indonesian context
- Sugiarto, Try
- The Effect of Motive, Product Quality, Price Perception and Brand Image toward Buying Decision Process
- Suharmanto, Toto
- The Influence of Competency and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with Servant Leadership as a Moderating Variable
- Suliantoro, Adi
- Rationalism and Antropocentrism in Human Behaviour in Exploiting Natural Resources and Industrial Activities
- Sumbodo, B. Tresno
- Joint Selling and Packaging as Innovation for Food and Beverage SMEs
- Sunarto, Sunarto
- Corporate Social Responsibility Moderated the Effect of Liquidity and Profitability on the Firm Value
- Sunaryo, Kunti
- Characteristics of Sustainability Report Disclosure in Indonesia
- Supriyati, Yetti
- The Effect of Leader Member Exchange (LMX), Perceived Overqualification, and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention in the Indonesian Ministry of Defense
- Supriyati, Yetti
- The Effect of Team Work and Motivation of Nurses’ Work on the Quality of Health Services at a Military Hospital in Indonesia
- Susilawati, Yeye
- Determinants of Capital Structure
- Suwarti, Titiek
- Determinants of Going Concern Audit Opinion
- Suwarti, Titiek
- The Effects of Profitability, Debt Policy and Dividend Policy on Company Value: An empirical study on the manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange in the period of 2014-2016
- Syadly, Ghoval Mohammad
- The Role of Work Environment on Bank Employees’ Performance
- Tjahjaningsih, Endang
- The Role of Work Environment on Bank Employees’ Performance
- Tunas, Billy
- Work Motivation of Prison Officer Post Organizational Change
- Tunas, Billy
- The Changing Academy (AMG) to the College (STMKG) in Order to Improve BMKG Organization Performance
- Ulfah, Uly Maria
- The Influence of Competence and Independence toward Performance of the Government Internal Auditors with Auditor Ethics as a Moderating Variable
- Utami, Suci Budi
- The Influence of Competency and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with Servant Leadership as a Moderating Variable
- Wahyudi, Danang
- The Role of Prices Fairness on Intention to Online Transactions on Students in Yogyakarta
- Waruwu, Penunjang
- Service Quality and Location towards Customer Value and the Effect on Customer Satisfaction
- Waryati, Sri Yuli
- The Determinants of the Value of the Firm
- Waryati, Sri Yuli
- The Role of Prices Fairness on Intention to Online Transactions on Students in Yogyakarta
- Widati, Listyorini Wahyu
- The Effects of Profitability, Debt Policy and Dividend Policy on Company Value: An empirical study on the manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange in the period of 2014-2016
- Widiatmoko, Jacobus
- Antecedents and Consequence of Good Corporate Governance
- Widiyanti, Nining
- The Determinants of the Value of the Firm
- Widyasari, Suzy
- The Effect of Motive, Product Quality, Price Perception and Brand Image toward Buying Decision Process
- Wiwoho, Gunarso
- Examining Islamic Religiosity on Consumer Muslim Fashion Trend Purchase Intention
- Wulandari, Sartika
- Improving the Business Performance of Lumpia Micro Business Entities
- Yasin, Mahmudin
- The Changing Academy (AMG) to the College (STMKG) in Order to Improve BMKG Organization Performance
- Zainudin, Ahmad
- Effect of Competence and Independence on Audit Quality with Auditor Ethics as Moderation Variable
- Zuhrohtun, Zuhrohtun
- Characteristics of Sustainability Report Disclosure in Indonesia