Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Education for Sustainability (ICLLES 2019)
43 articles
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Dulohupa Method on Community Empowerment
Abdul Rahmat
This study examines the effect of the dulohupa method on community empowerment in Gorontalo Province. The purpose of the study is to test the hypothesis of Dulohupa method on community empowerment. The method used is an experimental method one group pretest-posttest design. A sample of 36 people. Normality...
Proceedings Article
Non Formal Education Educators and Education Staffs Competence in Indigenous Law Community in West Sumatra (Human Rights Review)
Akmal, Jamaris, Henni Muchtar, Zaky Farid Luthfi
The study aims to determine the conditions of education competency and Non Formal Education personnel Lawang Indigenous law community Agam district and Koto Berapak South Coastal District. The research method uses a qualitative approach with evaluative studies. The population and sample in this study...
Proceedings Article
Development of Educational Games to Improve the Six Aspects of the Development of Children Aged 5–6 Years
Aristia Dewi, Rakimahwati
The research aims to develop educational games that can improve the six aspects of the development of children aged 5–6 years. The method used is Research and Development (R & D) with a 4-D model. The results obtained are educational games that can be used in learning in kindergarten. Based on the results...
Proceedings Article
Design Character Education Learning Using the Holistic Approach in Kindergarten
Dia Safira
Early character education is the initial foundation in shaping the character of children. Through children’s character PAUD can be developed, therefore PAUD can carry out character education that is integrated with its management system. Character education with a holistic approach can be done by designing...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Learning to Read for Early Childhood at the Center of Preparation by Stimulating the Cultivation of Discipline Through an Integrated Thematic Approach in Kindergarten
Elmida, Rakimahwati
This study aims to describe how the implementation of learning to read early childhood at the center of preparation through an integrated thematic approach by stimulating the cultivation of discipline in kindergarten Adzkia III Padang. The study was conducted from April to July 2019. The method used...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Creativity Learning in Arts Center Through Integrated Thematic Approaches to Stimulate the Discipline Character in TK Kreatif Makkah
Ernawita, Rakimahwati
This study aims to describe how the implementation of creativity learning in art center through an integrated thematic approach to stimulate the discipline character in the Makkah Creative Kindergarten Padang. The study was conducted from April to July 2019. The method used in the study was descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Writing Music Through Parnumation 3.0 in the Musical Activities Learning Process
Emah Winangsit, Fajry Sub’haan Syah Sinaga
Based on research (Sinaga, Maestro, Winangsit, & Yensharti, 2019) a music teacher must be able to transcribe a note so that it can be learned by students in the process of learning music. Reading music notation for some people is a very complicated thing, especially in singing activities. According to...
Proceedings Article
A Need Analysis of English Learning for the Aircraft Maintenance Students
Fairistya Embryany, Ratmanida
This research aimed to find out the needs of English learning for the aircraft maintenance students at SMK Penerbangan Nusantara Ketaping. The information of the students’ needs were obtained through necessities, wants and lacks. The type of the research was descriptive research. The data were collected...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Social Assistance Training on the Improvement of Performance of Labor Social Community at Balai Besar Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, Indonesia
Gallex Simbolon, Yusuf Bayu Melani
This study was to determine the impact of training on the quality of the work social assistance Social Workers Society (TKSM) at the Center for Social Welfare Training Centre (BBPPKS) II regional Bandung. In addition to knowing the impact also to know the process of implementation of the training program...
Proceedings Article
An Ecological Based Multi-Sensory Science Model for Cognitive and Social Development in Early Childhood
Helena, Yaswinda
Science learning is important to early childhood so that they can understand the world and the environment around it through a variety of processes that are then known as scientific investigations. Science learning is able to create an engrossing learning atmosphere that is essentially close to the children...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of the Headmaster Leadership and the School Climate to the Teacher Performance in Elementary School at Batang Natal Disctrict of Mandailing Natal Regency
Ilham Sumihardi
This research was based on a case where the result of observation by researcher in Elementary School at Kecamatan Batang Natal Kabupaten Mandailing Natal that showed the low level of teacher performance. Many factors affected the teacher performances which are principal’s leadership and climate school....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation System of Kemuhammadiyahan in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat
Ilpi Zukdi, Sufyarma Marsidin, Dasman Lanin, Alizamar
Kemuhammadiyahan is compulsory education given to all Muhammadiyah environment. Here, the function of education is as tool to serve society, to educate leafrners amar makruf nahi munkar and to form caders. This function is always developed to reach the perspective of Muhammadiyah education. Like religious...
Proceedings Article
Developing Discipline Character and Preparing Integrated Thematic Approach for Early Childhood at TK Sabbihisma 1 Padang
Inawati, Rakimahwati
The research is aimed at seeing how the implementation of learning the discipline of children aged early in centers of art and preparation for the approach of the thematic integrated in kindergarten Sabbihisma 1 Padang. The research is aimed at knowing the extent to the implementation of learning the...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Models for Functional Literacy Education Based on Folk Stories in PKBM Kota Padang
Functional literacy education is one of non-formal education, which teaches citizens to learn literacy. The phenomenon that occurs is the low interest of learning citizens, and methods and learning strategies are still conventional. The approach and learning outcomes have not shown significant results...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Teacher’s Pedagogical Competence in the Implementation of Character Education in High School (SMA) Koto Tangah District
Irsyad, Rifma, Anisah
This study aims to determine the teacher’s pedagogical competence of high school in implementing character education on senior high school teachers of Koto Tangah District, Padang City, especially in aspects of understanding students’ characteristics, understanding learning theories and learning principles...
Proceedings Article
Home Environment Strategy in Stimulating Children’s Early Reading Skill Toward the Era of Information Technology
Acquiring knowledge and technology is a must for those who want to survive in the era of information technology. The process of acquiring knowledge and technology is highly associated with language skills, especially reading. The role of the family is needed in preparing children’s early reading skill...
Proceedings Article
Gender Implementation in Minangkabau Family
Lili Dasa Putri
This study aims to describe gender in Minangkabau customs. Husbands and wives in Minangkabau family have different roles. A wife has a domestic and public role, while the husband has a role as the head of the household and mamak. In Minangkabau families, the instillation of values and characters is given...
Proceedings Article
Friendly Inclusive Environment Toward Learning in Inclusive Education
Mega Iswari, Marlina, Nurhastuti, Irda Murni, Armaini
This study revealed that friendly schools are able to develop the potential of students with special needs as optimally as possible from a variety of students’ diversity. Therefore, “all children” of school age without exception should receive education services at the school that closed to their place...
Proceedings Article
Learning, Listening, and Reading Based on Child Worksheets Interactive Multimedia in Early Childhood of 5–6 Years
Megi Desfita
Interactive learning is a multimedia-based learning by combining and synergize all the media that consists of programmed text, photos, videos, animations, and music. Interactive multimedia-based learning in early childhood of 5-6 years will increase interest and motivation children in learning. The problem...
Proceedings Article
Higher Intermediate Students’ Discourse Competence in Presenting Final Project
Meriyan Elza, Hamzah
This research aims at describing the discourse competence as part of communicative competence of higher intermediate students in delivering final project presentation. Higher intermediate level was chosen as the subject of the research because it is the highest level in learning English for high school...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Back Translation on Students’ Translation Achievement
Musrida Yanti, Herwamati Syarif, Hamzah
This research is aimed at finding out the effect of back translation technique on students’ translation achievements at the sixth semester students of English Department of IAIN Bukittinggi. Design of the research is quasi experimental with 2x2 factorial design. The population of this research is the...
Proceedings Article
Local Resources Based Empowerment Through Non-Formal Education for Women Communities in Kampung Babakan Cianjur
This study will examine further the process of empowerment based on local resources through non-formal education for women around the Citarum River. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach because it is in accordance with the purpose of this study is to describe more in the process of community...
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Commitments to Teacher Performance
The teacher must have good performance so that educational goals can also be realized. However, several phenomena show that there are teachers who have low performance, one of the contributing factors is the lack of teacher commitment to the task. This study aims to analyze the teacher’s commitment to...
Proceedings Article
Digital Literacy in Compensating Children’s Learning Difficulties
Nia Hoerniasih, Cut Nuraini
Improving digital literacy can help compensate for children’s or student learning difficulties. Today’s students have become adults in the era of digital media. However, the ability of all social media in IT wealth does not necessarily mean that a child is declared digital literate. That way, children...
Proceedings Article
Inter Nagari Conflict (Case Study: Conflict of Nagari Bidar Alam and Lubuk Malako in Sangir Jujuan Subdistrict, South Solok Regency)
Nofri Alpules
The conflicts between Bidar Alam and Lubuk Malako village is happened every year, problems that occur in the southern Solok Regency, namely between Nagari Lubuk Malako and Bidar Alam, where the conflict occurred from around 1998 to 2016, and the it has not been resolved, This study uses the theory of...
Proceedings Article
Improving Children’s Emotional Intelligence Through Kinesthetic Learning Strategy at Al Hidayah Kindergarten Aia Tabik Kamang Magek Sub District Agam
Nur Hazizah, Prima Aulia
This research aims to undergo an experiment on kinesthetic learning strategy in developing children’s emotional intelligence. The subjects were children ranged from 4–5 years at Al Hidayah kindergarten Aia Tabik Kamang Magek Subdistrict Agam. The data collected using observation with checklist and documentation....
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Improve Life Skill Creativity of Children with Hearing Disability Through Training of Wedding Dowry From Paper Money
Nurhastuti, Mega Iswari, Kasiyati
Children with hearing disability need to be trained to increase the level of their creativity because creativity itself is something that is unique to each individual. One of the training that can be given is making wedding dowry from paper money. Increased creativity for children with hearing disability...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Mata Aksara Community Library Program in Increasing People’s Reading Interest in Yogyakarta
Nurul Hayati
The purpose of this research was to find out program of Community Library, implementation of program and result of implementation Community Library program in increasing reading interest at Mata Aksara Community Library. The type in this research was evaluation research. Evaluation model in this research...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Al-Quran Education and Minangkabau Culture on Subjects in Formal Schooling
Junaidi, Nora Susilawati, Reno Fernandes, Ike Sylvia, Eka Vidya Putra
This research is based on emerging Al-Quran and Minangkabau culture lesson as a character education in West Sumatra. This character education at the formal school was accommodated by local content subjects at the 1994 curriculum. In subsequent developments as the national curriculum changes, the character...
Proceedings Article
Preparation of Learning Materials for Basic Flute Instrument Based on Locality and ABRSM Curriculum
Robby Ferdian, Agung Dwi Putra, Fabio Yuda
The Major Instrument Practice course is a subject that has learning achievements in order to shape student skills in mastering the chosen musical instrument properly and responsibly. Thus, the State University of Padang Music Education Study Program must be able to facilitate it well so that the objectives...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Transformative Leadership Credibility on Management of Community Learning Centers
Safuri Musa, Akil, Ahmad Syahid
The background of this research problem is the issue of the credibility of transformative leadership towards the management of Community Learning Centers (CLC) in Karawang Regency. The research method used is a survey, data collection is done using questionnaires, documentation and interviews. The theoretical...
Proceedings Article
Al Qur’an Recitation Method in Early Childhood in Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Playgroup
Sasmi Nelwati, Adriantoni, Gusma Nelly
This thesis is motivated by the fact that children have the ability to memorize the Qur’an. When in memorizing the Qur’an the teachers uses an interesting method. The methods used include gefal method, talaqqi method, takriry method, and the fahim Qur’an method. In using this method can simplify and...
Proceedings Article
Family Role in Children’s Social Development
Current social behavior in the midst of society is very alarming, both in cities and in rural communities, carried out by adolescents, as well as adults, rulers, entrepreneurs and ordinary people. This happens because it has thinned the joints of social life among the people today. The low sense of fellow...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Achievement Motivation to Job Preparedness of Participant of Vocational Education Course in Learning Activity Center of Padang
Solfema, Syafruddin Wahid, Alim Harun Pamungkas
The era of globalization requires all parties to improve the quality of their competence through education, whether formal education, non-formal, or informal. Vocational Education (VE) is one form of non-formal education activities that can answer these demands. However, from the observed phenomenon,...
Proceedings Article
The Cognitive Reading Strategy in Learning English
Syafrida Maiwen, Jufri
The background of this research is the demanding of the students who should study more by themselves and the important of using strategy in comprehending reading text of EFL students in improving their ability in learning English. However, many of the students do not realize these cases and rarely often...
Proceedings Article
Design of “Parallel” Model of Character Education in Families Based on Character Education in Schools
Syuraini, Ilpi Zukdi
This study aims to determine the picture of character education models implemented by teachers in PAUD. The research method uses R&D with the ADDIE development model. The study population was all kindergarten teachers in Aisyiyah, Padang, who came from 30 kindergartens. Samples were taken using a multi-stage...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Collaborative Translation on Students’ Translation Ability
Trisno Adlan, Hamzah, Desvalini Anwar
This research was aimed at finding out the effect of collaborative translation and self-efficacy on students’ translation ability in fifth semester students of English Department of IAIN Batusangkar. The design of the research was quasi experimental with 2x2 factorial design. The population of this research...
Proceedings Article
Expectation About Education of Children in Early Age Parent Cooperation
Vevi Sunarti
Parent cooperation in early childhood education institutions is a determinant of the success of educational goals. Based on the first result of observation show that, parent collaboration with early childhood education institution at Kenagarian Pancung Taba is low, if this problem is not followed up,...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing Golden Age Through Parenting in Saqo Kindegarten
Wiwin Yulianingsih, Heryanto Susilo, Rivo Nugroho, Soedjarwo
The aim of the community service to optimize the golden age through parenting activities for parents in SAQO Early Childhood Education Institution Kraksaan, Probolinggo aims to improve education carried out by families by utilizing the resources available in the family and the environment in the form...
Proceedings Article
Child Education in Families in the Age of Technology Information and Communication
Wirdatul Aini
Today the development and progress in the field of science and technology (Science and Technology) are growing rapidly. Thanks to the development of advances in science and technology, humans can create tools and equipment that are more modern and great for various activities, so that in daily activities...
Proceedings Article
Direction of Sexual Interest in Students and the Existence of Families in Their Development
Yarmis Syukur, Isna Tani, Triave Nuzila Zahri, Khadijah Lubis
When the formation of self-identity reaches the peak of adolescence can experience sexual identity disorder. The development of cases of LGB perpetrators among students who are at the stage of late adolescent development is an indication of the disruption of the formation of adolescent self-identity....
Proceedings Article
Persuasive Communication of Parents to Establishment Social Intelligence for the Children
Zahratul Azizah
Now entering the digital era, human life tinged with many facilities, something difficult or even impossible to be approached in the past, has become clear. All of this can be the positive or negative impact for generation, especially for children. Progress in technology never beneficial for people often...
Proceedings Article
Humanistic Approaches in Learning Processes Package C Equity Program (Case Study of the Setia Mandiri Community Learning Center)
Zulkarnain, Moh. Umar
Learning in equality education is carried out using a humanistic approach, has a goal to humanize humanity, and it is hoped that there will be a better change in the implementation of equality education in package C in Setia Mandiri PKBM institutions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the humanistic...