Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology

150 authors
Wang, Xiaoqing
The Application of German Vocational Education Example Teaching Method
Wang, Xinlei
Chinese question answering system Based on the Chinese FAQ
Wang, Xinna
Analysis of the situation of Chinese middle school students in Physical Education
Wang, Ya-ting
Undergraduate Tutorial System: Cultivating Transferable Ability through Specialty Studies
Wang, Zhaohai
Specialization of Mathematic Teachers and Professional Development
Wei, Qi
Governance of Carbon Emissions of Electric Power Industry in China
Wu, Q.-Q.
Practice and Exploration on Constructing of Students’ Innovative Laboratory Based on the Cooperation between Enterprises and Universities
Wu, Tain.Fung
The Open Innovation of Café Chain Stores and Its Influence on the Business Model
Xiang, Tieyuan
Reactive Power Optimization Avoiding Over Compensation Based On Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
Xie, Guizhu
Research on Factors and Strategies of Knowledge Transfer within Scientific Research and Innovation Teams in Universities
Xie, Jing
Improving Thesis Quality of Graduate Majored in Computer Science
Xie, Ni
A Survey Study on Influencing Factors of Self-elective Course for Chinese College Students
Xu, Ling
VB.NET Programming Course Teaching Based on Computational Thinking
Xu, Longhua
European Call Options on the Extremum with Risky Asset
Xu, Yannan
The Literature Review and Research Design of Pre-service English Teachers' Practical Knowledge about Lexical Teaching uring the Teaching Practice ----A Case Study of Zhejiang Normal University
Yan, Daibiao
Apply Digital Simulations to Source Code Understanding in the Embedded System
Yang, Hao
Analysis of Classroom Practice in Engineering Graphics Teaching
Yang, Jianchao
Research on Factors and Strategies of Knowledge Transfer within Scientific Research and Innovation Teams in Universities
Yang, Shaochong
Reform and Exploration of Building Structure Experiment Teaching
Yao, J.-F.
A Survey Study on Influencing Factors of Self-elective Course for Chinese College Students
Yu, Shan
Analysis of the situation of Chinese middle school students in Physical Education
Yue, Shuxin
Governance of Carbon Emissions of Electric Power Industry in China
Zeng, W.-B.
Practice and Exploration on Constructing of Students’ Innovative Laboratory Based on the Cooperation between Enterprises and Universities
Zhan, GyouMing
Discussion about the Integration of Modern Information Technique and Athletics Teaching
Zhang, Guowang
The Study of the Model of Community Service for Home Care of the Elderly at New Period
Zhang, Jianhui
Reform and Exploration of Building Structure Experiment Teaching
Zhang, Lei
Design and Implementation of a Database for Special Agricultural Tracing System
Zhang, Lei
Research on Networked Individualism
Zhang, Ting
Research Design of Chinese Civil Morality Education
Zhang, Yize
Design and Implementation of Fast Entry System for Equipment Downtime Information Based on .NET MVC Framework
Zhang, Yuchen
Thoughts on the Construction of School Productive Training Base in the Higher Vocational Colleges
Zhang, Yue
A Survey Study on Influencing Factors of Self-elective Course for Chinese College Students
Zhao, Chen
Stressed by Multiple Roles, Should I Leave The Effects of Role Stressors on Turnover Intention
Zhao, Jia
Practice and Exploration on Constructing of Students’ Innovative Laboratory Based on the Cooperation between Enterprises and Universities
Zhao, Kang
Approaching on Supplying Models of Public Goods
Zhao, Xiaowan
The Collision of Tradition and Modernity,Application of Paper-cut art in Modern Design
Zhao, Yanhui
Enlightenment of Occupation education in Colleges to Educational transformation in NCO Academies
Zhao, Yanhui
Grasp Links about Enhancing the Effectiveness of Classroom Education
Zhou, Zhifeng
An Empirical Study on Regional Scientific Research Evaluation through Application of H-Index: A Case Study of 11 Regions of Zhejiang Province in China
Zhu, Bin
The Literature Review and Research Design of Pre-service English Teachers' Practical Knowledge about Lexical Teaching uring the Teaching Practice ----A Case Study of Zhejiang Normal University
Zhu, Bin
Application Educational Board Game in Senior High School English Class: A Case Study of Can Anne Go Upstairs
Zhu, Jinxia
A case study in strategic sustainability: British Petroleum (BP) Company
Zhu, Shanhong
Dynamic Webpage Design Based on CSS
Zhu, Shanhong
Risk and Prevention in E-Commerce Payment
Zhu, Shanhong
Design and Implementation of a Database for Special Agricultural Tracing System
Zhu, Shanhong
Research on Networked Individualism
Zhu, Songjuan
Approaching on Supplying Models of Public Goods
Zhu, Weidong
Using Gini-Index for Feature Selection in Text Categorization
Zhu, Xiaoning
Advanced Logistics Performance Measures of on E-commerce
Zou, Hang
Innovation in the Curriculum for English Major Students in Chinese Higher Education