Proceedings of the International Conference on Economic, Management and Accounting (ICEMAC 2023)
116 authors
- Abidin, Nova Miliyani
- The Effect Of NPM, ROA And ROE On Stock Prices at Pharmacy Companies Listed On The Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2018 – 2022
- Agustina, Tina
- The Effect of Return on Assets (Roa), Earnings Per Share (Eps), Current Ratio (Cr) and Rupiah Exchange Rate on Usd on Pt. Bank Central Asia Tbk for the Period 2013–2022
- Agustini, Fitria
- The Effect of Easeness and Security of Non-Cash Transactions on Student Purchase Intention (Case Study of Genusian Card Usage at Nusa Putra University)
- Al-Maulidya, Meisya
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Alamsyah, M. Wahyu
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)
- Alba, Fauzi
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Alfarizi, Denispa
- Human Resource Management Audit on Employee Performance at PT.XYZ
- Alvionita, Vina
- Evaluation of Production Risks Using The Six Sigma Method and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Quality Control at PT Busana Indah Global
- Amelia, Safrilla Dita
- Human Resource Management Audit on Employee Performance at PT.XYZ
- Amelia, Salsa
- Analysis of the Importance of Training and Development on the Performance of MSMEs in the Sukabumi Area
- Anggraeni, Chintya Dewi
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)
- Ansani, Azalia Firdausa
- The Influence of Profitability, Corporate Governance Structure, and Company Size on Sustainability Report Disclosure
- Aprilia, Violina
- Analysis of Financial Distress and its Impact on Stock Prices in the Consumer Cyclicals Sector Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
- Azahro, Safitri
- Analysis of the Importance of Training and Development on the Performance of MSMEs in the Sukabumi Area
- Danilyil, Muhammad Nazzar
- Analyzing Business Development Strategy, Using SWOT Analysis and QSPM (Case Study: UMKM Donut Yoga)
- Darully, Rully
- Analysis of Confidence Factors in Using E-Learning Applications for Nusa Putra University Students
- Debora, Rizky Indriani
- Potential Economic Study of Mentaraman as a Tourist Village of Malang District
- Djuanda, Gustian
- Analysis of Confidence Factors in Using E-Learning Applications for Nusa Putra University Students
- Elisa, Nanda
- Analysis of Confidence Factors in Using E-Learning Applications for Nusa Putra University Students
- Fadhilah, Nur Hidayah K.
- Management Audit on CV. X
- Fadhilah, Nur Hidayah K.
- The Influence of Profitability, Corporate Governance Structure, and Company Size on Sustainability Report Disclosure
- Fadillah, Nur Hidayah K.
- Human Resource Management Audit on Employee Performance at PT.XYZ
- Fathurrahman, Gian
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)
- Fauzia, Fauzia
- The Relationship Between Family Social Support and Entrepreneurial Interest
- Febriani, Hani
- The Influence of Profitability, Corporate Governance Structure, and Company Size on Sustainability Report Disclosure
- Febrianis, Meliana
- Accounting Information System Analysis (Ais) Credit Sales at Pt Astra International, Tbk Daihatsu Pajajaran Bogor
- Febriansyah, Reski
- Analyzing Business Development Strategy, Using SWOT Analysis and QSPM (Case Study: UMKM Donut Yoga)
- Fitriah
- The Effect of Contract Work System and Work Motivation on Employee Performance: A Case Study on Employees of Pt. X
- Gabriella, Jessica
- Management Audit on CV. X
- Gulo, Albertus Aguspianu
- Analysis of Confidence Factors in Using E-Learning Applications for Nusa Putra University Students
- Gulo, Victorius
- Decisions to Choose to study at Nusa Putra University Sukabumi
- Hafyuni, Irma
- The Effect Of NPM, ROA And ROE On Stock Prices at Pharmacy Companies Listed On The Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2018 – 2022
- Haikal, M. W. Cepdar
- Analysis of the Importance of Training and Development on the Performance of MSMEs in the Sukabumi Area
- Hartini, Putih
- The Effect of Easeness and Security of Non-Cash Transactions on Student Purchase Intention (Case Study of Genusian Card Usage at Nusa Putra University)
- Haslina, Noor
- Pagelaran Sustainable Rural Development: Strategy, Opportunities for Culture and Heritage Tourism
- Haslina, Noor
- Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy through Cultural and Heritage Tourism Attractions
- Heliani
- The Effect of Return on Assets (Roa), Earnings Per Share (Eps), Current Ratio (Cr) and Rupiah Exchange Rate on Usd on Pt. Bank Central Asia Tbk for the Period 2013–2022
- Heliani, Heliani
- Accounting Information System Analysis (Ais) Credit Sales at Pt Astra International, Tbk Daihatsu Pajajaran Bogor
- Herlinawati, Herlinawati
- Analysis of Education and Job Training on the Competence of Prospective Workers at Sukabumi District Job Training Centers (BLK)
- Hermawan, Feri
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Imam, Cep
- The Effect of Easeness and Security of Non-Cash Transactions on Student Purchase Intention (Case Study of Genusian Card Usage at Nusa Putra University)
- Janisa, Eka
- The Effect Of NPM, ROA And ROE On Stock Prices at Pharmacy Companies Listed On The Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2018 – 2022
- Jasuni, Ana Yuliana
- Decisions to Choose to study at Nusa Putra University Sukabumi
- Julaeha, Siti
- The Influence of Compensation and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. XYZ
- Khaeranis, Zahra
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Kurniawan, Kurniawan
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kusumaningrum, Nur Hidayah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Maherman, Dikri Razak
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)
- Maramis, Delima Afhiila
- The Influence of Physical Work Environment and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction in Bogor District (Study On Pt. X)
- Mariah, Yayu
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Marina, Marina
- Analysis of Confidence Factors in Using E-Learning Applications for Nusa Putra University Students
- Maulana, Agung
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)
- Maulana, Agung
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Maulana, Agung
- The Effect of Easeness and Security of Non-Cash Transactions on Student Purchase Intention (Case Study of Genusian Card Usage at Nusa Putra University)
- Mulyadi, Wahyu
- Evaluation of Production Risks Using The Six Sigma Method and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Quality Control at PT Busana Indah Global
- Mulyana, Eki
- Analysis of Education and Job Training on the Competence of Prospective Workers at Sukabumi District Job Training Centers (BLK)
- Nabila, Mutiara
- The Influence of Management Style on Service Quality at Fresh Hotel Sukabumi
- Nahrowi, Raisyadila Ahmad
- Human Resource Management Audit on Employee Performance at PT.XYZ
- Nainggolan, Lenni F.
- Evaluation of Production Risks Using The Six Sigma Method and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Quality Control at PT Busana Indah Global
- Nisa, Salya Khairun
- The Effect of Easeness and Security of Non-Cash Transactions on Student Purchase Intention (Case Study of Genusian Card Usage at Nusa Putra University)
- Nopiyanti, Winda
- The Effect of Easeness and Security of Non-Cash Transactions on Student Purchase Intention (Case Study of Genusian Card Usage at Nusa Putra University)
- Nugraha, Ardian Wildan
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)
- Nurazizah, Siti
- The Influence of Compensation and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. XYZ
- Nurcahyawati
- The Effect of Contract Work System and Work Motivation on Employee Performance: A Case Study on Employees of Pt. X
- Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah
- Analysis of Education and Job Training on the Competence of Prospective Workers at Sukabumi District Job Training Centers (BLK)
- Nurhayati, Nuri
- Analysis of Financial Distress and its Impact on Stock Prices in the Consumer Cyclicals Sector Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
- Nurhayati, Putri
- The Influence of Management Style on Service Quality at Fresh Hotel Sukabumi
- Nurhidayati, Anisa
- The Effect of Return on Assets (Roa), Earnings Per Share (Eps), Current Ratio (Cr) and Rupiah Exchange Rate on Usd on Pt. Bank Central Asia Tbk for the Period 2013–2022
- Nuroktavianis
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Oktaviansyah, Siska Siti Kurnia
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)
- Pratama, Andika Yudha
- Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy through Cultural and Heritage Tourism Attractions
- Priambodo, Magistyo Purboyo
- Potential Economic Study of Mentaraman as a Tourist Village of Malang District
- Puspasari, Emma Yunika
- Pagelaran Sustainable Rural Development: Strategy, Opportunities for Culture and Heritage Tourism
- Puspasari, Emma Yunika
- Potential Economic Study of Mentaraman as a Tourist Village of Malang District
- Puspasari, Emma Yunika
- Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy through Cultural and Heritage Tourism Attractions
- Puspitasari, Putri
- The Effect of Easeness and Security of Non-Cash Transactions on Student Purchase Intention (Case Study of Genusian Card Usage at Nusa Putra University)
- Putri, Tasya Auliya
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)
- Rachman, Devini Mahaputri Apriani
- The Influence of Physical Work Environment and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction in Bogor District (Study On Pt. X)
- Rahayu, Neng Melan
- The Influence of Promotion and Price on Make Over Purchasing Decisions (Case Study on Nusa Putra University Students)
- Rahayu, Putri
- Analysis of Financial Distress and its Impact on Stock Prices in the Consumer Cyclicals Sector Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
- Rahayu, Siti Sri
- The Effect of Contract Work System and Work Motivation on Employee Performance: A Case Study on Employees of Pt. X
- Rahmatullah, Neng
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Rahmawati, Rina
- External Factors Affecting the Cumulative Achievement Index (Case Study of Nusa Putra University)
- Ramadhani, Santica
- Pagelaran Sustainable Rural Development: Strategy, Opportunities for Culture and Heritage Tourism
- Ramadhani, Santica
- Potential Economic Study of Mentaraman as a Tourist Village of Malang District
- Ramadhani, Santica
- Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy through Cultural and Heritage Tourism Attractions
- Riyanti, Novita
- The Influence of Promotion and Price on Make Over Purchasing Decisions (Case Study on Nusa Putra University Students)
- Rohmah, Siti Lailatul
- Evaluation of Production Risks Using The Six Sigma Method and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in Quality Control at PT Busana Indah Global
- Ropik, Abdul
- Analyzing Business Development Strategy, Using SWOT Analysis and QSPM (Case Study: UMKM Donut Yoga)
- Rosasi, Intan Rahayu
- The Relationship Between Family Social Support and Entrepreneurial Interest
- Saputra, Aldi
- The Influence of Physical Work Environment and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction in Bogor District (Study On Pt. X)
- Saputri, Tamara Dewi
- Accounting Information System Analysis (Ais) Credit Sales at Pt Astra International, Tbk Daihatsu Pajajaran Bogor
- Sari, Novia Nirmala
- The Influence of Promotion and Price on Make Over Purchasing Decisions (Case Study on Nusa Putra University Students)
- Sayekti, Pranti
- Pagelaran Sustainable Rural Development: Strategy, Opportunities for Culture and Heritage Tourism
- Sayekti, Pranti
- Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy through Cultural and Heritage Tourism Attractions
- Sehab, Nurhayati
- The Effect of Return on Assets (Roa), Earnings Per Share (Eps), Current Ratio (Cr) and Rupiah Exchange Rate on Usd on Pt. Bank Central Asia Tbk for the Period 2013–2022
- Seliana, Sella
- The Influence of Compensation and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. XYZ
- Simamora, Rizky Indriani
- Pagelaran Sustainable Rural Development: Strategy, Opportunities for Culture and Heritage Tourism
- Simamora, Rizky Indriani Debora
- Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy through Cultural and Heritage Tourism Attractions
- Sintiyaningsih, Siska
- Analysis of Factors Influencing Interest in Student Entrepreneurship (Case Study on Students of Nusa Putra University)