Proceedings of the International Workshop on Navigating the Digital Business Frontier for Sustainable Financial Innovation (ICDEBA 2024)

99 authors
An, Qi
Research on the Credit Risk of Hydrogen Energy Industry Based on KMV Model
Bian, Jingxuan
Optimizing Investment Strategies: A Random Forest Approach to Stock Return Prediction and Portfolio Management
Cai, Huize
Impacts, Challenges, and Strategies of Digital Transformation in Investment Banking
Cai, Kongzhe
The Investigation of Pandemic Impact on Global Gaming Market
Chen, Anyi
Optimising HVAC Operations in Hospitals with AI and IoT: An Economic Analysis
Chen, Feng
AI-based Customer Churn Prediction for Financial Institutions: Algorithms, Applications and Challenges
Chen, Lexin
Risk and Return: Using Portfolio Theory in Practical Situations
Chen, Rundong
Stock Price Prediction and Portfolio Optimization Based on Mean Variance Model and Random Forest Model
Chen, Xi
Impact of Cultural Background on Decision Styles, Risk Preference and Investment Interests: Macro and Micro-Level Comparative of The US and Japan
Chen, Xiaoman
A Literature Study on the Potential Risks of Financial Technology
Chen, Yudong
The Impact of Executives’ Overseas Backgrounds on Corporate Performance
Chen, Yunuo
Corporate Competition and Financial Analysis - Based on Marriott’s Analysis
Chen, Zhaoyan
The Role of Alternative Data in Credit Risk Prediction
Chen, Zhuo
Methods and examples of company valuation: Using DDM and FCFF to value a company
Deng, Rundong
Analysis of Corporate Financing Strategies Under the Integration of Data Finance, Technology and the Internet
Fang, Zhuoyu
Impact of Interest Rate Liberalization on the Financing of SMEs in China: Taking the LPR Reform as an Example
Gu, Duanduan
A Study on the Application of Data Science in Consumer Finance
Gu, Yichen
In-Depth Understanding of the Fisher Model in the Financial Market
Guo, Xinrui
Using Risk and Return Guidance for Portfolio Building
Han, Qianyu
Using the Dividend Discount Model to calculate the stock price in the American stock market
He, Xingchen
The Impact of Individual and Organizational Biases on Risk Resistance and Management Styles in Multi-Shareholder Corporations: A Case Study of the Challenger Disaster
Hu, Junyi
An Evaluation of the DDM Model and FCFF Model Using in valuing the Large Listed State-owned company——Taking China Mobile as An Example
Hu, Yingli
Factor-based Stock Selection and Portfolio Construction Utilizing Machine Learning Methods
Huang, Ao
The Impact of Investor Sentiment on Stock Returns
Huang, Chicheng
Research on the Correlation Between Cryptocurrencies and Stock Index Returns
Huang, Ruiqi
The Impact of Investor Sentiment on Stock Returns
Huang, Siya
Research on the Correlation Between ESG Performance and Corporate Development
Jin, Yinan
Unlocking Stock Return Predictions: Using Financial Statements with Random Forest and PCA
Li, Jiansheng
Hedging with Different Financial Risks by Constructing Investment Portfolios
Li, Jiayu
The Profit Impact of Internet Finance on Commercial Bank in China
Li, Kezhen
An Empirical Study on the Industry-Specific Impact of Covid-19 on U.S. Stock Market—Based on the Fama-French Five Factor Model
Li, Siqi
Optimizing Long Short -Term Memory (LSTM) Model Hyperparameters for Enhanced Stock Price Forecasting and Portfolio Allocation
Li, Wei
The Study on the Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for Stock Prices Prediction During Special Periods
Li, Yifei
Financial Analysis of the Company Tesla
Li, Zerui
A Study on Impact of Registration System Reform on IPO Pricing Efficiency
Lin, Chuanhui
A Study on the Impact of Investor Sentiment on Initial Public Offering Underpricing
Lin, Jiaxin
Optimizing Investment Strategies: A Random Forest Approach to Stock Return Prediction and Portfolio Management
Ling, Baihe
Economic Crisis Early Warning Signs and Response Strategies for Corporate Bankruptcy Prevention
Ling, Baihui
Exploring the Impact of Social Comparison on Consumer Decision-Making
Liu, Bingtong
Studying the Economic Implications of Population Aging and Negative Growth in China: Challenges and Countermeasures
Liu, Fengyi
An Analysis Based on Profit Model of Luxury Giants —— LVMH as the Example
Liu, Haotian
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Approach for Effective Stock Price Prediction in Optimizing Investment Strategies
Liu, Jianting
The Impact of Financing Constraints and Firm Performance
Liu, Ruoyang
The Social Effects of Corporate ESG on Digital Financial Inclusion
Liu, Yanyi
Why Did Evergrand Go Bankrupt: Financial Statement Analysis
Liu, Yifan
Predicting Stock Returns and Optimizing Portfolios: An Analysis of 15 Technology Companies Based on ARIMA, GARCH and Monte Carlo Simulation
Liu, Yupeng
Advancing Stock Return Prediction: A Comprehensive Study of Traditional Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models
Liu, Zefang
Impact of Fintech on the Development of Carbon Finance
Lu, Han
Research on the Impact of Central Bank digital Currency Issuance on Macroeconomics
Lu, Junfeng
Peer-Review Statements
Lu, Tianyi
The Application of Ridge Regression, Random Forest and Mean-Variance Model in Portfolio Optimization
Lyu, Jingyi
The Impact of Urban Policy on Economic Inequality and Economic Growth
Ma, Shuaihui
The Impact of Digital Finance on the Profitability of Commercial Banks: Based on the EVA Methodology
Ming, P. U. N. Ho
The Impact of Mobile Payments on Traditional Banks and the Countermeasures Adopted by Traditional Banks
Qian, Junxiao
Portfolio Theory in real life practice: Building Optimal Portfolio
Qin, Yingwen
Relationship between Inflation Rate, Unemployment Rate and Wage Level in China Based on Multiple Linear Regression Model
San, Jingyuan
Stock Forecasting and Portfolio Optimization Based on ARIMA-GARCH, Random Forest and Monte Carlo Models
Shen, Kaifeng
Research on the Impact of Central Bank digital Currency Issuance on Macroeconomics
Shen, Pengyu
The Role of Online Media in Shaping Investor Sentiment and Market Prices
Sheng, Jiali
Digital Financial Inclusion Enables Rural Revitalization
Shi, Guixing
The Impact of Financial Technology on Corporate Development
Sun, Zijun
Green Finance’s Effect on Urban Carbon Emissions
Wang, Lilybell
Impacts of Emerging Transportation Technologies on Urban Mobility and Public Transportation Systems
Wang, Yaqi
Stock Selection Strategy and Application of Portfolio Theory
Wang, Yuze
Discussion of the Factors Influencing the Beta Coefficient in the CAPM Model----Based on an Empirical Study of the China A-shares
Wang, Zeyu
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Real and Digital Economy: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions
Wang, Zhenyao
Impacts of The Macroeconomic Environment on Financial Markets--Empirical Study Based on VAR Modeling
Wang, Zixin
Comparison of CAPM and APT
Wei, Zitao
The Impact of Fintech on the Digital Transformation of Commercial Banks: Perspective from Risk-taking
Wu, Kaixun
Analysis of the Impact of Macroeconomics on the Cryptocurrency Market and Market Linkage
Wu, Siyu
Enhancing Cities’ Resilience to Floods through Urban Planning and Policy Measures: Case Studies of Zhengzhou and Mumbai
Wu, Yue
The Impact of US Economic Indicators on the International Gold Market
Xia, Shaoyuan
A Comparative Study of Financing in China and the US Based on ESG Concepts
Xiang, Yiming
Optimizing Stock Trend Prediction in the Chinese Market: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Models with Bayesian Hyperparameter Tuning
Xie, Jerry
The Impact of Globalization on Hong Kong’s Economic Development: Challenges and Opportunities
Yan, Xinrong
Predicting Stock Returns Using Machine Learning: A Hybrid Approach with LightGBM, XGBoost, and Portfolio Optimization
Yang, Congrui
Strategic Pathways and Challenges in Global Expansion: A Case Study of Mixue
Yang, Yihao
Challenges Faced by Technology Companies: A summarize of risk and mitigation methods
Ye, Zhiqian
An Examination of the Socio-Economic and Cultural Implications of Gentrification on Global Superstar Cities Using Case Studies from New York and San Francisco
Yu, Ruijie
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Live Streaming Commerce: Opportunities and Challenges
Zeng, Baodie
Research on the Impact of Central Bank digital Currency Issuance on Macroeconomics
Zhang, Chen Eric
Business Valuation Limitation: Dividend Discount Model and Free Cash Flow model
Zhang, Ruotai
Optimizing Investment in the Automotive Industry: A Modern Portfolio Theory Approach with Tesla, GM, and Hyundai
Zhang, Xuanrui
The Application of Alternative Data in Credit Scoring
Zhang, Yiyun
The Impact of ESG Disclosures on Corporate Financial Performance
Zhang, Yuanqi
A Business Mode and Market Value Analysis of NetEase
Zhang, Yueyu
Financial Statement Analysis as a Tool for Company Operation
Zhang, Zihan
Impact of Managerial Ownership on Firm Performance: Evidence from China’s A-Share Market in difference of private enterprises and SOEs
Zhao, Chengyang
Assessing the Effectiveness of Risk Management Strategies in Enhancing Stress Resilience: A Study of China’s Big Four Banks
Zhao, Hanyi
Predicting Stock Prices and Optimizing Portfolios: A Random Forest and Monte Carlo-Based Approach Using NASDAQ-100
Zhao, Mingzhe
Taxation and Prosperity: The Role of Tax Policies in Economic Equity and Development
Zheng, A.
Effects of Fluctuations in the RMB Exchange Rate on Trade Between Belt and Road Initiative Nations
Zheng, Zhi
The Comprehensive Impact of COVID-19 on the Catering Industry and Recommendations for Recovery
Zhong, Zixuan
An Analysis and Comparison of Business Model and Profitability of Yili and Mengniu
Zhou, Hangzhi
The Motivations and Performance Analysis of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case Study of Tencent’s Acquisition of Sumo Group
Zhou, Kemeng
A Valuation Study of McDonald’s —— Based on Price-Earnings Ratio and Price-Sales Ratio
Zhou, Weijun
Hedge Risk with Two Asset Allocation Strategies: Constant Weight Investment Strategy and Modern Portfolio Theory
Zhu, Wanqi
The Impact of the Herd Effect on Individual Investment Decisions
Zi, Jianing
A Literature Study on The Impact of Investment Banking on M&A