Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing of Law: Business Law, Local Wisdom and Tourism Industry” (ICCLB 2023)

418 authors
Septianita, Hesti
Social Justice Education as an Innovative Model of Learning to Embrace the Disruptive Challenges
Septinawati, Sri Ayu
Reconstruction of Minerals and Coal Mining Management Policies in Indonesia
Serah, Yenny Aman
Evaluation of the Application of Mining Business License (Iup) Regulations - After the Enactment of Law Number 3 of 2020
Setiawati, Rini
Evaluation of the Application of Mining Business License (Iup) Regulations - After the Enactment of Law Number 3 of 2020
Setiyowati, Setiyowati
Cancellation of Deed of Grant of Parents to Adopted Children due to Refusal to Provide a Living (Case Study of Decision Number 38/Pdt.G/2021/PN Bla)
Setyaningsih, Ni Putu Ari
Digital Persecution in Financial Technology-based Online Loan Collection
Setyaningsih, Setyaningsih
A Comparison of Corporate Social Responsibility Arrangements in Indonesia and South Korea
Silvia, Dewi
The Role of Green Accounting and Share Ownership on Financial Performance
Sirait, Resmaya Agnesia Mutiara
Evaluation of the Application of Mining Business License (Iup) Regulations - After the Enactment of Law Number 3 of 2020
Siregar, Ahmad Munawir
Validity of Online Transaction Agreements in the Digital Era
Siregar, Hamdan Azhar
Validity of Online Transaction Agreements in the Digital Era
Siswadi, Siswadi
Reconstruction of Minerals and Coal Mining Management Policies in Indonesia
Sitorus, Angelia Pratiwi Mastiurlani Christina
Sustainable Mining Development Based on Local Wisdom in West Kalimantan: Progressive Legal Perspective
Situmorang, Ferdinand Joseph Paruhum
Asset Recovery of State Financial Losses in the Corruption of Tourism Grants
Soares, Cesaltina Angela
Peer-Review Statements
Solihah, Cucu
The Concept of Balanced Justice on the Distribution of Music Royalty
Stenly, Eric
Indonesian Consumer Behavior and Online Loan (Pinjaman Online): The Case Study of Jakarta, Manila and Bangkok
Styawati, Ni Komang Arini
Legal Protection for Banks in Cash Processing Cooperation Agreements with Cash Processing Service Providers
Styawati, Ni Komang Arini
The Function of Legal Theory in Forming of the Regional Regulation in the Investment Sector Based on Electronic Transactions
Suarsiningsih, Ni Kadek
The Legal Standing of Sole Proprietership As A Taxable Subject
Suastika, I Ketut
The Effectiveness of the Supervision Function of the Legislatives Council of Bangli Regency on Investment Growth Towards Good Governance in Bangli Regency
Subamia, I Nyoman
Legal Protection of Tourists in Providing a Source of Tax Revenue
Subandi, I. Wayan
Juridical Implications of Marriage Breakup Due to Death on The Rights of Girls in Angantaka in The Perspective of Balinese Customary Law
Sudibya, Diah Gayatri
The Role of the Pacalang in Keeping the Security of the Adat Villages in Bali (Implementation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy)
Sudira, I Made
Controlling Space Utilization in Tourism Areas Perspective of Law Number 6 of 2023 About Job Creation
Sudiro, Ahmad
Peer-Review Statements
Sugiartha, I Nyoman Gde
Reform of the Criminal Law Implementing the Double Track System Sanctions Against Terrorism Financing Persons to Prevent Illegal Investments
Sugiartha, I Nyoman Gede
Integrating Local Wisdom Values in Tourism Development at the West Bali National Park
Sugiartha, I Nyoman Gede
Community Participation in Development of Rural Tourism Area in Taro Village
Sujana, I Nyoman
Multiple Interpretations of Determining the Reasonable Price of Shares in the Process of Acquiring Rural Banks (BPR)
Sujana, I Nyoman
Control of Coastal Land by Foreigners Through the Land Mafia and Its Implications for Tourism Business in Bali
Sujayadi, Sujayadi
Virtual Arbitration Proceeding: Promising Efficiency, Reaping Risks
Sujayadi, Sujayadi
Establishing Jurisdiction of Indonesian Courts in Transnational Contract Case: A Respond to Global Economic Changes
Sukadana, I Ketut
Wisdom in the Implementation of Ngerampag Sanctions in Balinese Customary Law
Sukamto, Bambang
Legal Transformation in the Digital Era: Regulatory Adaptation and Innovation
Sukardi, Dina Haryati
Modernization of Agreement Legal Renewal in the Digital Convergence Dimension
Sukariati, Ni Nyoman
Legal Certainty for Investors in Condotel Ownership to Support Sustainable Tourism Accommodation
Sumanto, Listyowati
A Comparison of Corporate Social Responsibility Arrangements in Indonesia and South Korea
Sumertajaya, I Ketut Satria Wiradharma
Legal Protection for the Safety of Supporters in Sports Championships
Suparno, Suparno
Royalty Payment Mechanism on Music Works According to Law No. 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright
Surya, Andi
The Role of Green Accounting and Share Ownership on Financial Performance
Suryadi, Yohanes I. Wayan
A State of Breaking the Law Caused by Abration: A Research in Jembrana Regency
Suryani, Luh Putu
Development and Implementation Strategy of Quality Tourism in The Management of The Tourism Industry in Bali
Suryani, Luh Putu
Responsibility of Tourism Place Management for Tourist Safety
Suryani, Luh Putu
The Role of Dharma Abadi Village, Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) in Apuan Village to Increase Village Genuine Income Through Drinking Water Management
Suryawan, I Gusti Bagus
Sanctions Against People Who Do Not Carry Out Household Waste Management in Denpasar City
Susanto, Anthon F.
Social Justice Education as an Innovative Model of Learning to Embrace the Disruptive Challenges
Susanto, Anthon Freddy
Peer-Review Statements
Susetio, Wasis
Integrating Governance and Sustainability in Sports Tourism
Susetio, Wasis
Tourism and Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution: A Legal Case Study of India
Susilastuti, Darwati
Legal Protection of Consumers in Making Buying and Selling Transactions Electronically
Susilo, Adhi Budi
Assessment of Intellectual Property Rights as Credit Collateral
Susmiyati, Haris Retno
The Constitutionality of Indonesian Mining Law Reform
Sutama, I Nyoman
Sustainable Forest Resources Use Policy
Sutrisna, I Ketut
Involvement of Traditional Villages in Bali in Empowerment of Area and Land Indicated Abandoned for Sustainable Tourism Development
Suwitra, I Made
Management of Baga Utsaha Padruwen Traditional Village in the Sanur Tourist Destination Area, Denpasar City
Swetasoma, Cokorda Gde
Legal Protection for the Safety of Supporters in Sports Championships
Syah, Mudakir Iskandar
Copyright in the Digital Age in the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia
Tajriyani, Nur Syamsi
Asset Recovery of State Financial Losses in the Corruption of Tourism Grants
Tama, Renandi Eka
The Urgency of Legal Protection for Couriers in COD (Cash on Delivery) Transactions
Tedjabuwana, Rosa
Social Justice Education as an Innovative Model of Learning to Embrace the Disruptive Challenges
Trisista, Ratna Galuh Manika
Criminal Liability for Unlawful Actions in The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence
Tristania, Ni Luh Putu
Sanctions Against People Who Do Not Carry Out Household Waste Management in Denpasar City
Ujianti, Ni Made Puspasutari
Implementation of Supporting Development of The Tourism Sector in Bali Province
Ujianti, Ni Made Puspasutari
The Role of Dharma Abadi Village, Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) in Apuan Village to Increase Village Genuine Income Through Drinking Water Management
Ujianti, Ni Made Puspasutari
The Effectiveness of Using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris) in Buying and Sale Transactions in the Denpasar Traditional Market
Ulfah, St.
Environmental Law Enforcement of National Capital Relocation as an Effort to Preserve the Environment
Ulfah, St.
An Analysis of Environmental Law Regarding the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Natural Resource Management in Indonesia
Umiyati, Mirsa
Peer-Review Statements
Untoro, Untoro
Legal Transformation in the Digital Era: Regulatory Adaptation and Innovation
Utama, I. Wayan Kartika Jaya
Land Tenure in Indonesia By Citizens Foreigners in Dual Citizenship Status
Utami, Tanti Kirana
Digitising the Dissemination of Historical Legislation in Indonesia (Kitab Kutaramanawadharmasastra from Majapahit Kingdom)
Utomo, Setyo
Reconstruction of Minerals and Coal Mining Management Policies in Indonesia
Utoyo, Marsudi
Legal Aspects of Social Change in Cybercrime Relationships
Verhezen, Peter
Peer-Review Statements
Wardani, Dian Eka Kusuma
Asset Recovery in Corruption Crimes
Wardani, Widyarini Indriasti
Protection of Trade Secret Rights in Indonesia
Wengrum, Tyas Desita
Modernization of Agreement Legal Renewal in the Digital Convergence Dimension
Wesna, Made Bagoes Wiranegara
Development of Ecotourism Potential Through Strengthening New Marga, Tabanan-Bali Traditional Villages and The Existence of Tourism Law in Bali Culture
Wesna, Putu Ayu Sriasih
Increasing Intangible Assets Value for the Balinese Community Through the Protection of Communal Intellectual Property of Traditional Cultural Expressions and Geographical Indications
Wesna, Putu Ayu Sriasih
Application of First to File System Principles in Resolution of Trademark Disputes in Indonesia (Case Study Ms Glow Against Ps Glow)
Wibisana, Anak Agung Ngurah Adhi
Tri Hita Karana as a Concept of Local Wisdom in The Development of Sustainable Tourism in Bali
Wibowo, Aji
Surveying the Study on Non-International Armed Conflicts: Scopus Indexed Database Bibliometric Analysis during 2019-2023
Wibowo, I Made Gde Bamaxs Wira
Legal Renewal: The Relationship of Business Law, Local Wisdom and The Tourism Industry
Widiaswari, Ratna Ayu
Juridical Review of Football Regulation as Sports Tourism in Indonesia
Widiati, Ida Ayu Putu
Development and Implementation Strategy of Quality Tourism in The Management of The Tourism Industry in Bali
Widyantara, I Made Minggu
Restoration of Old Tourist Areas as A Legal Measure in Environmental Conservation
Widyantara, I Made Minggu
The Existence of Subak Teba Majalangu Ecotourism as a Protection Solution from Land Conversion
Widyantara, I Made Minggu
Imposing Criminal Sanctions on Perpetrators Who Obstruct the Investigation (Obstraction of Justice)
Widyantara, I Made Minggu
Integrating Local Wisdom Values in Tourism Development at the West Bali National Park
Widyorini, Sri Retno
Legal Protection of Consumers of Household Food Products and distribution license
Wijaya, Christian Ade
Legal Protection of Intellectual Property Rights for Bangelan Coffee Products in Bangelan Village
Wijaya, Darajatun Indra Kusuma
Legal Protection of Intellectual Property Rights for Bangelan Coffee Products in Bangelan Village
Wijaya, Dodik P.
The G20 Journey Dynamics: The Challenge of Labor Law for New Platform Workers
Wijaya, Dodik P.
The Challenges for Gig Workers: New Regulation for New Business Transition
Wijaya, Endra
The Dynamics of Green Fatwa in Indonesia
Wijaya, Endra
Hot Oil Money in Chilly Puncak: The Impact of Foreign Tourists’ Presence to Local Peoples’ Rights in Puncak, Bogor
Wijaya, Gde Yudistia Nugraha
Controlling Space Utilization in Tourism Areas Perspective of Law Number 6 of 2023 About Job Creation
Wijaya, I Ketut Kasta Arya
Controlling Space Utilization in Tourism Areas Perspective of Law Number 6 of 2023 About Job Creation
Wijaya, I Ketut Kasta Arya
Agrarian Reform in Regulation Future Land (Ius Constituendum)