Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing of Law: Business Law, Local Wisdom and Tourism Industry” (ICCLB 2023)

418 authors
Wijaya, I. Ketut Kasta Arya
The Impact of Environmental Permitting with a Risk-Based Approach on Investments Based on the Job Creation Law
Wiraputra, Anak Agung Ngurah Alit
Investment in the Tourism Field in Indonesia
Wirawan, I Wayan Suka
The Province of New York Convention Determined
Wirawan, Ketut Adi
Legal Principles in Legal System
Wirawan, Ketut Adi
Imposing Criminal Sanctions on Perpetrators Who Obstruct the Investigation (Obstraction of Justice)
Wiryani, Made
Analysis of the Impact of the Work Create Regulation on Natural Resource Law Dimentions of Tourism Business
Wiryani, Made
The Function of Legal Theory in Forming of the Regional Regulation in the Investment Sector Based on Electronic Transactions
Yamani, M.
Tourism Village Management by Village Owned Enterprises in Business Legal Perspective
Yogaswara, Yogi
Enhancing the Digitalization in Port Activities Toward Appropriate Legal Framework
Yogiswara, I W. Gede Mahatma
Legal Protection for the Safety of Supporters in Sports Championships
Yudhinanto, C. N.
The Role of Green Accounting and Share Ownership on Financial Performance
Yuliana, Yuliana
Responsibility of the Regional Government of South Sulawesi Province in Granting Rock Mining License and Controlling Illegal Mining in Gowa District
Yulianah, Yuyun
Utilization of Information Technology in Accelerating Agrarian Conflict Resolution through the Application of the Land-Use Conflict Identification Model Strategy (LUCIS)
Yuliastini, Anita
Environmental Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Mining Practices in Ngabang, West Kalimantan
Yunari, Sri Bakti
A Comparison of Corporate Social Responsibility Arrangements in Indonesia and South Korea
Zainuddin, Zainuddin
The Constitutionality of Indonesian Mining Law Reform
Zakaria, Fahmi Arif
Legal Protection of Intellectual Property Rights for Bangelan Coffee Products in Bangelan Village
Zhafirah, Putri Difa
Business Disputes Settlement through Electronic Mediation