Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing of Law: Business Law, Local Wisdom and Tourism Industry” (ICCLB 2023)
418 authors
- Fikri, Herman
- Legal Problems of Digital Assets Through a Legislative Approach
- Finady, Andreas Sapta
- Indonesian Consumer Behavior and Online Loan (Pinjaman Online): The Case Study of Jakarta, Manila and Bangkok
- Finady, Andreas Sapta
- The Implementation of the Marriage Abuse License of Foreign Citizens with Indonesian Citizens in Business Transaction
- Fitrian, Yuko
- Sustainable Mining Development Based on Local Wisdom in West Kalimantan: Progressive Legal Perspective
- Gea, Gita Venolita Valentina
- State Responsibility on the Securitization and Protection of Refugees Under the Immigration Legal System in Indonesia
- Gianyar, I Made
- Management of Baga Utsaha Padruwen Traditional Village in the Sanur Tourist Destination Area, Denpasar City
- Girsang, Rebecca Mariana Angelina
- Asset Recovery of State Financial Losses in the Corruption of Tourism Grants
- Gunarto, H.
- Assessment of Intellectual Property Rights as Credit Collateral
- Gunawan, Gunawan
- Asset Recovery of State Financial Losses in the Corruption of Tourism Grants
- Guterres, Mirela Maria Ribeiro
- Regulation and Implementation of Punishment for Perpetrators of Domestic Vilence (Case Study at the Dili District Court)
- Hairudin, Hairudin
- Legal Protection in the Application of Fintech in the Digital Age for MSMEs Modernization
- Hambali, Azwad
- Transformation of Consumer Legal Protection Policy on Power Outages in the Era of Industry 4.0 in Makassar City
- Handayani, Dwi
- Environmental Law Enforcement of National Capital Relocation as an Effort to Preserve the Environment
- Hapsari, Dwi Ratna Indri
- Light-Touch Regulation to Optimize the Startup and MSME Ecosystem in Indonesia
- Hardiant, Agtrina
- The Role of Green Accounting and Share Ownership on Financial Performance
- Hartati S, Sawitri Yuli
- Legal Aspects in the Investment Opportunity Map for the Development of Soybean Cultivation in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
- Hassim, Jady Zaidi
- Integrating Governance and Sustainability in Sports Tourism
- Hastian, Temmy
- Reconstruction of Minerals and Coal Mining Management Policies in Indonesia
- Hasyim, Satrih
- Environmental Law Enforcement of National Capital Relocation as an Effort to Preserve the Environment
- Hasyim, Satrih
- An Analysis of Environmental Law Regarding the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Natural Resource Management in Indonesia
- Hazdan, M. Fahmi
- Environmental Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Mining Practices in Ngabang, West Kalimantan
- Herlambang, Dian
- The Urgency of Legal Protection for Couriers in COD (Cash on Delivery) Transactions
- Herliana, Herliana
- Virtual Arbitration Proceeding: Promising Efficiency, Reaping Risks
- Herliana, Herliana
- Establishing Jurisdiction of Indonesian Courts in Transnational Contract Case: A Respond to Global Economic Changes
- Hidayah, Nur Putri
- Light-Touch Regulation to Optimize the Startup and MSME Ecosystem in Indonesia
- Hidayah, Rahmawati
- The Constitutionality of Indonesian Mining Law Reform
- Hidayati, Hidayati
- Harmonizing Consumer Protection Laws: E-commerce as Challenges and Opportunities for Global Businesses
- Idris, Siti Hafsyah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Idrus, Wahyuni
- A Legal Analysis of Mining Industry Licence and Mining Impact for the Community in Bungku Pesisir Subdistrict, Morowali Regency
- IhSan, Muhammad
- The Law of Partnership in Oil Palm Plantation: Historical, Regulatory, and Tourism Industry Perspectives
- Ikmayadi, Eri Ramanda
- Saving Indonesia’s Forests Through the Vicarious Liability Doctrine Against the Corporate Crimes of Illegal Logging
- Inayah, D. P. Andi Istiana
- Responsibility of the Regional Government of South Sulawesi Province in Granting Rock Mining License and Controlling Illegal Mining in Gowa District
- Indradewi, Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah
- Security Legal Provisions for the Use of Electronic Wallets as Transaction Media Based on Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 18 of 2016 Concerning Implementation of Transaction Processing
- Indrawan, Ida Ayu Kartika
- The Effectiveness of Using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris) in Buying and Sale Transactions in the Denpasar Traditional Market
- Indriyani, Susi
- The Urgency of Legal Protection for Couriers in COD (Cash on Delivery) Transactions
- Irianto, Sigit
- Protection of Trade Secret Rights in Indonesia
- Irwanda, Nurfi
- Driving Digital Business Growth: Pursuing Harmonization Between Technological Advancements and Tax Regulations
- Ishardi, Evita Isretno
- Harmonizing Consumer Protection Laws: E-commerce as Challenges and Opportunities for Global Businesses
- Ismiyanto, Ismiyanto
- Affirmation of BUMN Losses as State Losses in an Effort to Transform Them into Objects of Responsibility for Corruption Crimes
- Jamila, Fadilla
- Bankruptcy Application by Prosecutor on The Basis of Public Interest as Result of Environmental Destruction Sanction
- Jandra, Janetty
- Legal Protection for Aesthetic Doctors in Therapeutic Agreement at Beauty
- Jasmariar
- Functions of the State in the Implementation of Social Responsibility by State-Owned Enterprises
- Jayadi, Suparman
- Customary Law “Merariq” Marriage in the Sasak Ethnic Society in Lombok Eastern Indonesia
- Jibi, Muhani
- Digital Proofing as a Legal Reform in the Court
- Jiow, Hee Jhee
- A Review of Regulating Cybercrime in Singapore
- Judhariksawan, Judhariksawan
- Legal Regulation of Hate Speech Offences with a Restorative Justice Approach
- Kamilah, Anita
- Utilization of Information Technology in Accelerating Agrarian Conflict Resolution through the Application of the Land-Use Conflict Identification Model Strategy (LUCIS)
- Karma, Ni Made Sukaryati
- Legal Consequences of Defaults in Hotel Booking Transactions in Bali Through Online
- Karma, Ni Made Sukaryati
- Law Enforcement Against Perpetrators of Human Trafficking Crimes
- Kasih, Desak Putu Dewi
- Digital Management of Traditional Cultural Expressions: Why It is Needed in the Context of Gaining the Benefit-Sharing
- Kayuan, Putu Chandra Kinandana
- Digital Persecution in Financial Technology-based Online Loan Collection
- Khaeruddin, Ariy
- Affirmation of BUMN Losses as State Losses in an Effort to Transform Them into Objects of Responsibility for Corruption Crimes
- Khairo, Fatria
- Business Disputes Settlement through Electronic Mediation
- Kosasih, Johanes Ibrahim
- Multiple Interpretations of Determining the Reasonable Price of Shares in the Process of Acquiring Rural Banks (BPR)
- Kosasih, Johannes Ibrahim
- Bank’s Legal Responsibility for Creating Term Deposits That Are not Recorded in the Bookkeeping System
- Krisnawati, Ni Kadek Wiwin
- The Contribution of Levy Rates in Tourism in the Increase Regional Revenue in Bali (Tourism Law Perspective)
- Krustiyati, Atik
- State Responsibility on the Securitization and Protection of Refugees Under the Immigration Legal System in Indonesia
- Kurnianta, I Komang Bintang
- Legal Analysis of the Protection of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Art Content in the Perspective of Law in Indonesia
- Kurniawan, Kurniawan
- Legal Regulation of Hate Speech Offences with a Restorative Justice Approach
- Kusumaningrum, Anggraeni Endah
- Legal Protection for Doctors Against Medical Actions in Emergency Situation for Reasons of Informed Consent
- Kusumaningrum, Anggraeni Endah
- Legal Protection for Aesthetic Doctors in Therapeutic Agreement at Beauty
- Kuswandi, Kuswandi
- Saving Indonesia’s Forests Through the Vicarious Liability Doctrine Against the Corporate Crimes of Illegal Logging
- Lestari, Aniek Tyaswati Wiji
- Implementation of Law Number 6 Of 2023 Concerning the Stipulation of PERPPU Number 2 of 2022 Concerning Job Creation into Law in Encouraging the Improvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in The Field of E-Commerce
- Lestari, Iur Hesty Diah
- Legal Aspects in the Investment Opportunity Map for the Development of Soybean Cultivation in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
- Lisdiyono, Eddy
- Peer-Review Statements
- Loin, Raymundus
- Moving Forward: Regulatory Revolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Energy and Mining Sector in West Kalimantan
- Mahaputra, I B. Gede Agustya
- Legal Analysis of the Protection of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Art Content in the Perspective of Law in Indonesia
- Maharani, Ni Putu Laksmi Krisnina
- The Effectiveness of Using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris) in Buying and Sale Transactions in the Denpasar Traditional Market
- Maharani, Novira
- Legal Certainty in Tourism: How Does Judicial Review of Job Creation Omnibus Law Change Legislative-Judiciary Relation?
- Maharani, Novira
- Job Creation Omnibus Law and Tourism Industry in Indonesia
- Mahayuni, Cok. Istri Agung
- Wisdom in the Implementation of Ngerampag Sanctions in Balinese Customary Law
- Maisa, Maisa
- Legal Consequences of Takeover of Authority in Mineral and Coal Mining by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
- Malagano, Tahura
- Protection of Children’s Rights Related to the Phenomenon of Endorse Against Children on Social Media Instagram
- Malintang, Lulus Purna
- Indonesian Local Wisdom Based Entrepreneurship to Improve the Tourism Industry in Indonesia
- Marif, Marif
- Functions of the State in the Implementation of Social Responsibility by State-Owned Enterprises
- Marpaung, Samuel
- Evaluation of the Application of Mining Business License (Iup) Regulations - After the Enactment of Law Number 3 of 2020
- Marpi, Yapiter
- Legal Consequences of Takeover of Authority in Mineral and Coal Mining by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
- Marpi, Yapiter
- The Role of Special Bankruptcy Civil Law in the Global Business Legal System
- Marsalena, Weni Sentia
- Moving Forward: Regulatory Revolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Energy and Mining Sector in West Kalimantan
- Maruf, Irma Rachmawati
- Water Pollution Caused by Collision and Its Impact on The Marine Environment
- Mashdurohatun, Anis
- Assessment of Intellectual Property Rights as Credit Collateral
- Masidin, Masidin
- The Influence of Information Technology Development on Implementation of Employment Relations
- Maskun, Maskun
- Legal Regulation of Hate Speech Offences with a Restorative Justice Approach
- Masriani, Yulies Tiena
- Cancellation of Deed of Grant of Parents to Adopted Children due to Refusal to Provide a Living (Case Study of Decision Number 38/Pdt.G/2021/PN Bla)
- Maulana, Arif
- A Legal Analysis of Mining Industry Licence and Mining Impact for the Community in Bungku Pesisir Subdistrict, Morowali Regency
- Mgeladze, Mariam
- Human Rights Perspective in Guaranteeing Community Opinion Rights Against Mining Crimes (Illegal Mining)
- Mintarsih, Mimin
- Criminal Liability for Unlawful Actions in The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence
- Miskiah, Siti
- Validity of Online Transaction Agreements in the Digital Era
- Muhadi, Muhadi
- Legal Protection in the Application of Fintech in the Digital Age for MSMEs Modernization
- Mulyadi, Dedi
- The Potential of Money Politics in Convenient Village Head Elections Perspective Law Number 6 Of 2014
- Mulyana, Aji
- Digitising the Dissemination of Historical Legislation in Indonesia (Kitab Kutaramanawadharmasastra from Majapahit Kingdom)
- Mulyawati, Kade Richa
- Application of Gijzeling (Hostage) in Efforts to Increase Taxpayer Compliance Based on Legislation
- Mulyawati, Kade Richa
- Law Enforcement Against Perpetrators of Human Trafficking Crimes
- Mulyawati, Kade Richa
- Franchise Dispute Resolution Through International Arbitration
- Mursyid, Fatimah
- Digital Proofing as a Legal Reform in the Court
- Muryatini, Ni Nyoman
- Franchise Dispute Resolution Through International Arbitration
- Mustakim, Mustakim
- The Influence of Information Technology Development on Implementation of Employment Relations
- Mustakim, Mustakim
- The Idea of Requiring Mediation Outside of Court in Realizing Simple Principles, Fast and Low Cost
- Mustomi, Otom
- Copyright in the Digital Age in the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia
- Muyassar, Ya Rakha
- Environmental Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Mining Practices in Ngabang, West Kalimantan