Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing of Law: Business Law, Local Wisdom and Tourism Industry” (ICCLB 2023)

418 authors
Fikri, Herman
Legal Problems of Digital Assets Through a Legislative Approach
Finady, Andreas Sapta
Indonesian Consumer Behavior and Online Loan (Pinjaman Online): The Case Study of Jakarta, Manila and Bangkok
Finady, Andreas Sapta
The Implementation of the Marriage Abuse License of Foreign Citizens with Indonesian Citizens in Business Transaction
Fitrian, Yuko
Sustainable Mining Development Based on Local Wisdom in West Kalimantan: Progressive Legal Perspective
Gea, Gita Venolita Valentina
State Responsibility on the Securitization and Protection of Refugees Under the Immigration Legal System in Indonesia
Gianyar, I Made
Management of Baga Utsaha Padruwen Traditional Village in the Sanur Tourist Destination Area, Denpasar City
Girsang, Rebecca Mariana Angelina
Asset Recovery of State Financial Losses in the Corruption of Tourism Grants
Gunarto, H.
Assessment of Intellectual Property Rights as Credit Collateral
Gunawan, Gunawan
Asset Recovery of State Financial Losses in the Corruption of Tourism Grants
Guterres, Mirela Maria Ribeiro
Regulation and Implementation of Punishment for Perpetrators of Domestic Vilence (Case Study at the Dili District Court)
Hairudin, Hairudin
Legal Protection in the Application of Fintech in the Digital Age for MSMEs Modernization
Hambali, Azwad
Transformation of Consumer Legal Protection Policy on Power Outages in the Era of Industry 4.0 in Makassar City
Handayani, Dwi
Environmental Law Enforcement of National Capital Relocation as an Effort to Preserve the Environment
Hapsari, Dwi Ratna Indri
Light-Touch Regulation to Optimize the Startup and MSME Ecosystem in Indonesia
Hardiant, Agtrina
The Role of Green Accounting and Share Ownership on Financial Performance
Hartati S, Sawitri Yuli
Legal Aspects in the Investment Opportunity Map for the Development of Soybean Cultivation in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Hassim, Jady Zaidi
Integrating Governance and Sustainability in Sports Tourism
Hastian, Temmy
Reconstruction of Minerals and Coal Mining Management Policies in Indonesia
Hasyim, Satrih
Environmental Law Enforcement of National Capital Relocation as an Effort to Preserve the Environment
Hasyim, Satrih
An Analysis of Environmental Law Regarding the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Natural Resource Management in Indonesia
Hazdan, M. Fahmi
Environmental Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Mining Practices in Ngabang, West Kalimantan
Herlambang, Dian
The Urgency of Legal Protection for Couriers in COD (Cash on Delivery) Transactions
Herliana, Herliana
Virtual Arbitration Proceeding: Promising Efficiency, Reaping Risks
Herliana, Herliana
Establishing Jurisdiction of Indonesian Courts in Transnational Contract Case: A Respond to Global Economic Changes
Hidayah, Nur Putri
Light-Touch Regulation to Optimize the Startup and MSME Ecosystem in Indonesia
Hidayah, Rahmawati
The Constitutionality of Indonesian Mining Law Reform
Hidayati, Hidayati
Harmonizing Consumer Protection Laws: E-commerce as Challenges and Opportunities for Global Businesses
Idris, Siti Hafsyah
Peer-Review Statements
Idrus, Wahyuni
A Legal Analysis of Mining Industry Licence and Mining Impact for the Community in Bungku Pesisir Subdistrict, Morowali Regency
IhSan, Muhammad
The Law of Partnership in Oil Palm Plantation: Historical, Regulatory, and Tourism Industry Perspectives
Ikmayadi, Eri Ramanda
Saving Indonesia’s Forests Through the Vicarious Liability Doctrine Against the Corporate Crimes of Illegal Logging
Inayah, D. P. Andi Istiana
Responsibility of the Regional Government of South Sulawesi Province in Granting Rock Mining License and Controlling Illegal Mining in Gowa District
Indradewi, Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah
Security Legal Provisions for the Use of Electronic Wallets as Transaction Media Based on Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 18 of 2016 Concerning Implementation of Transaction Processing
Indrawan, Ida Ayu Kartika
The Effectiveness of Using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris) in Buying and Sale Transactions in the Denpasar Traditional Market
Indriyani, Susi
The Urgency of Legal Protection for Couriers in COD (Cash on Delivery) Transactions
Irianto, Sigit
Protection of Trade Secret Rights in Indonesia
Irwanda, Nurfi
Driving Digital Business Growth: Pursuing Harmonization Between Technological Advancements and Tax Regulations
Ishardi, Evita Isretno
Harmonizing Consumer Protection Laws: E-commerce as Challenges and Opportunities for Global Businesses
Ismiyanto, Ismiyanto
Affirmation of BUMN Losses as State Losses in an Effort to Transform Them into Objects of Responsibility for Corruption Crimes
Jamila, Fadilla
Bankruptcy Application by Prosecutor on The Basis of Public Interest as Result of Environmental Destruction Sanction
Jandra, Janetty
Legal Protection for Aesthetic Doctors in Therapeutic Agreement at Beauty
Functions of the State in the Implementation of Social Responsibility by State-Owned Enterprises
Jayadi, Suparman
Customary Law “Merariq” Marriage in the Sasak Ethnic Society in Lombok Eastern Indonesia
Jibi, Muhani
Digital Proofing as a Legal Reform in the Court
Jiow, Hee Jhee
A Review of Regulating Cybercrime in Singapore
Judhariksawan, Judhariksawan
Legal Regulation of Hate Speech Offences with a Restorative Justice Approach
Kamilah, Anita
Utilization of Information Technology in Accelerating Agrarian Conflict Resolution through the Application of the Land-Use Conflict Identification Model Strategy (LUCIS)
Karma, Ni Made Sukaryati
Legal Consequences of Defaults in Hotel Booking Transactions in Bali Through Online
Karma, Ni Made Sukaryati
Law Enforcement Against Perpetrators of Human Trafficking Crimes
Kasih, Desak Putu Dewi
Digital Management of Traditional Cultural Expressions: Why It is Needed in the Context of Gaining the Benefit-Sharing
Kayuan, Putu Chandra Kinandana
Digital Persecution in Financial Technology-based Online Loan Collection
Khaeruddin, Ariy
Affirmation of BUMN Losses as State Losses in an Effort to Transform Them into Objects of Responsibility for Corruption Crimes
Khairo, Fatria
Business Disputes Settlement through Electronic Mediation
Kosasih, Johanes Ibrahim
Multiple Interpretations of Determining the Reasonable Price of Shares in the Process of Acquiring Rural Banks (BPR)
Kosasih, Johannes Ibrahim
Bank’s Legal Responsibility for Creating Term Deposits That Are not Recorded in the Bookkeeping System
Krisnawati, Ni Kadek Wiwin
The Contribution of Levy Rates in Tourism in the Increase Regional Revenue in Bali (Tourism Law Perspective)
Krustiyati, Atik
State Responsibility on the Securitization and Protection of Refugees Under the Immigration Legal System in Indonesia
Kurnianta, I Komang Bintang
Legal Analysis of the Protection of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Art Content in the Perspective of Law in Indonesia
Kurniawan, Kurniawan
Legal Regulation of Hate Speech Offences with a Restorative Justice Approach
Kusumaningrum, Anggraeni Endah
Legal Protection for Doctors Against Medical Actions in Emergency Situation for Reasons of Informed Consent
Kusumaningrum, Anggraeni Endah
Legal Protection for Aesthetic Doctors in Therapeutic Agreement at Beauty
Kuswandi, Kuswandi
Saving Indonesia’s Forests Through the Vicarious Liability Doctrine Against the Corporate Crimes of Illegal Logging
Lestari, Aniek Tyaswati Wiji
Implementation of Law Number 6 Of 2023 Concerning the Stipulation of PERPPU Number 2 of 2022 Concerning Job Creation into Law in Encouraging the Improvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in The Field of E-Commerce
Lestari, Iur Hesty Diah
Legal Aspects in the Investment Opportunity Map for the Development of Soybean Cultivation in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Lisdiyono, Eddy
Peer-Review Statements
Loin, Raymundus
Moving Forward: Regulatory Revolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Energy and Mining Sector in West Kalimantan
Mahaputra, I B. Gede Agustya
Legal Analysis of the Protection of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Art Content in the Perspective of Law in Indonesia
Maharani, Ni Putu Laksmi Krisnina
The Effectiveness of Using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris) in Buying and Sale Transactions in the Denpasar Traditional Market
Maharani, Novira
Legal Certainty in Tourism: How Does Judicial Review of Job Creation Omnibus Law Change Legislative-Judiciary Relation?
Maharani, Novira
Job Creation Omnibus Law and Tourism Industry in Indonesia
Mahayuni, Cok. Istri Agung
Wisdom in the Implementation of Ngerampag Sanctions in Balinese Customary Law
Maisa, Maisa
Legal Consequences of Takeover of Authority in Mineral and Coal Mining by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
Malagano, Tahura
Protection of Children’s Rights Related to the Phenomenon of Endorse Against Children on Social Media Instagram
Malintang, Lulus Purna
Indonesian Local Wisdom Based Entrepreneurship to Improve the Tourism Industry in Indonesia
Marif, Marif
Functions of the State in the Implementation of Social Responsibility by State-Owned Enterprises
Marpaung, Samuel
Evaluation of the Application of Mining Business License (Iup) Regulations - After the Enactment of Law Number 3 of 2020
Marpi, Yapiter
Legal Consequences of Takeover of Authority in Mineral and Coal Mining by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
Marpi, Yapiter
The Role of Special Bankruptcy Civil Law in the Global Business Legal System
Marsalena, Weni Sentia
Moving Forward: Regulatory Revolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Energy and Mining Sector in West Kalimantan
Maruf, Irma Rachmawati
Water Pollution Caused by Collision and Its Impact on The Marine Environment
Mashdurohatun, Anis
Assessment of Intellectual Property Rights as Credit Collateral
Masidin, Masidin
The Influence of Information Technology Development on Implementation of Employment Relations
Maskun, Maskun
Legal Regulation of Hate Speech Offences with a Restorative Justice Approach
Masriani, Yulies Tiena
Cancellation of Deed of Grant of Parents to Adopted Children due to Refusal to Provide a Living (Case Study of Decision Number 38/Pdt.G/2021/PN Bla)
Maulana, Arif
A Legal Analysis of Mining Industry Licence and Mining Impact for the Community in Bungku Pesisir Subdistrict, Morowali Regency
Mgeladze, Mariam
Human Rights Perspective in Guaranteeing Community Opinion Rights Against Mining Crimes (Illegal Mining)
Mintarsih, Mimin
Criminal Liability for Unlawful Actions in The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence
Miskiah, Siti
Validity of Online Transaction Agreements in the Digital Era
Muhadi, Muhadi
Legal Protection in the Application of Fintech in the Digital Age for MSMEs Modernization
Mulyadi, Dedi
The Potential of Money Politics in Convenient Village Head Elections Perspective Law Number 6 Of 2014
Mulyana, Aji
Digitising the Dissemination of Historical Legislation in Indonesia (Kitab Kutaramanawadharmasastra from Majapahit Kingdom)
Mulyawati, Kade Richa
Application of Gijzeling (Hostage) in Efforts to Increase Taxpayer Compliance Based on Legislation
Mulyawati, Kade Richa
Law Enforcement Against Perpetrators of Human Trafficking Crimes
Mulyawati, Kade Richa
Franchise Dispute Resolution Through International Arbitration
Mursyid, Fatimah
Digital Proofing as a Legal Reform in the Court
Muryatini, Ni Nyoman
Franchise Dispute Resolution Through International Arbitration
Mustakim, Mustakim
The Influence of Information Technology Development on Implementation of Employment Relations
Mustakim, Mustakim
The Idea of Requiring Mediation Outside of Court in Realizing Simple Principles, Fast and Low Cost
Mustomi, Otom
Copyright in the Digital Age in the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia
Muyassar, Ya Rakha
Environmental Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Mining Practices in Ngabang, West Kalimantan