Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing of Law: Business Law, Local Wisdom and Tourism Industry” (ICCLB 2023)

418 authors
Nadia, Rara
Artificial Intelligence: Legal Status and Development in the Establishment of Regulatory
Naim, Sokhib
Legal Consequences of Takeover of Authority in Mineral and Coal Mining by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
Netha, I Gede Padikka Ridanta
Law No. 11 of 2020 Concerning Job Creations for the Tourism Sector Industry Regarding Tourism Licensing Services through OSS (Online Single Submission) at the Department of Capital Investment and One-Door Integrated Services in Denpasar City
Novalita, Novalita
Protection of Children’s Rights Related to the Phenomenon of Endorse Against Children on Social Media Instagram
Novriansyah, Novriansyah
Driving Digital Business Growth: Pursuing Harmonization Between Technological Advancements and Tax Regulations
Nugraha, Adhytia
Reconstruction of Minerals and Coal Mining Management Policies in Indonesia
Nugraha, Inka Verandera
Legal Aspects of Social Change in Cybercrime Relationships
Nugrahani, Rr.Aline Gratika
Inconsistency in Acceptance of Trademarks with Generic Words
Nur, Alqadri
Material Delic For Mining Without Business License in Mamuju Regency
Nur, Hilman
The Concept of Balanced Justice on the Distribution of Music Royalty
Nurahman, Dwi
The Urgency of Indonesian Collaboration with International Organizations in Terms of Cooperation and Exchange of Information on Economic Crime and Money Laundering
Nurbaiti, Siti
The Legal Status of Information Technology Application Based Transport in Indonesia: Legal or Not?
Nurdin, Boy
Royalty Payment Mechanism on Music Works According to Law No. 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright
Nurhaedah, Nurhaedah
Functions of the State in the Implementation of Social Responsibility by State-Owned Enterprises
Nurhidayah, Nurhidayah
A Legal Analysis of Mining Industry Licence and Mining Impact for the Community in Bungku Pesisir Subdistrict, Morowali Regency
Octavia, Nanda
The Need of New Curriculum Policy to Develop Students’ Self-Efficacy
Oktaria, Intan
Legal Protection in the Application of Fintech in the Digital Age for MSMEs Modernization
Omara, Andy
Legal Certainty in Tourism: How Does Judicial Review of Job Creation Omnibus Law Change Legislative-Judiciary Relation?
Omara, Andy
Job Creation Omnibus Law and Tourism Industry in Indonesia
Paputungan, Merdiansa
Legal Aspects in the Investment Opportunity Map for the Development of Soybean Cultivation in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Paratama, Faradillah
Material Delic For Mining Without Business License in Mamuju Regency
Patioran, Ayub Christo Carens
Surveying the Study on Non-International Armed Conflicts: Scopus Indexed Database Bibliometric Analysis during 2019-2023
Perdana, Nino Agung
Validity of Online Transaction Agreements in the Digital Era
Permanasari, Arlina
Surveying the Study on Non-International Armed Conflicts: Scopus Indexed Database Bibliometric Analysis during 2019-2023
Permatasari, Anak Agung Suci
Legal Protection for Banks in Cash Processing Cooperation Agreements with Cash Processing Service Providers
Permatasari, Indah
Development and Implementation Strategy of Quality Tourism in The Management of The Tourism Industry in Bali
Pidada, Ida Bagus Indra Wiratma
The Impact of Environmental Permitting with a Risk-Based Approach on Investments Based on the Job Creation Law
Poernomo, Sri Lestari
Transformation of Consumer Legal Protection Policy on Power Outages in the Era of Industry 4.0 in Makassar City
Pradhan, David
Tourism and Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution: A Legal Case Study of India
Prasetyo, Mas Subagyo Eko
The Idea of Requiring Mediation Outside of Court in Realizing Simple Principles, Fast and Low Cost
Pratama, Gede Aditya
Cross Border Insolvency for Economic Recovery Amongst Southeast Asia Countries
Pratama, I. Putu Andika
Protection of Tattoo Artworks in the Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights
Prathama, Anak Agung Gede Agung Indra
Protection of Tattoo Artworks in the Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights
Pratomo, Eddy
Peer-Review Statements
Purnamawati, Ida Ayu Putu Santi
Implementation of the Indonesian Tourism Economic Development Strategy through the Job Creation Law
Purwanto, Purwanto
Environmental Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Mining Practices in Ngabang, West Kalimantan
Puspa, Ida Ayu Tary
Local Community Involvement in Bayung Gede Kintamani Bangli Tourism Village in the Ngantung Ari-Ari Tradition
Puspa, Kartika
Protection of Children’s Rights Related to the Phenomenon of Endorse Against Children on Social Media Instagram
Puspadewi, Ni Nyoman Sri
Control of Coastal Land by Foreigners Through the Land Mafia and Its Implications for Tourism Business in Bali
Puspasari, Anisa
The Influence of Information Technology Development on Implementation of Employment Relations
Putra, Andri Trisna Eka
The Urgency of Appropriate Legal Regulations on Financial and Tax Aspects in Cryptocurrency Transactions in Indonesia
Putra, Gede Indra Winata
The Existence of Subak Teba Majalangu Ecotourism as a Protection Solution from Land Conversion
Putra, I Made Aditya Mantara
The Urgency of Legal Protection for Consumers in Case of House Selling Developer Breach Through Bank Credit Agreements
Putra, I Made Aditya Mantara
Actualization of Know Your Customer Principles by the Bank in Providing Credit Card (Credit Card) Against Customers
Putra, I Wayan Partama
Security Legal Provisions for the Use of Electronic Wallets as Transaction Media Based on Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 18 of 2016 Concerning Implementation of Transaction Processing
Putri, Conie Pania
The Urgency of Appropriate Legal Regulations on Financial and Tax Aspects in Cryptocurrency Transactions in Indonesia
Putri, Elfirda Ade
Cross Border Insolvency for Economic Recovery Amongst Southeast Asia Countries
Putri, Rizani
The Urgency of Legal Protection for Couriers in COD (Cash on Delivery) Transactions
Putriyanti, Erma Defiana
Artificial Intelligence: Legal Status and Development in the Establishment of Regulatory
Rachmawati, Evie
The Challenges for Gig Workers: New Regulation for New Business Transition
Rachmawati, Irma
Enhancing the Digitalization in Port Activities Toward Appropriate Legal Framework
Rahayu, Ni Wayan Eka
Local Community Involvement in Bayung Gede Kintamani Bangli Tourism Village in the Ngantung Ari-Ari Tradition
Rahman, Ali
Material Delic For Mining Without Business License in Mamuju Regency
Rahmawati, Ratih
Customary Law “Merariq” Marriage in the Sasak Ethnic Society in Lombok Eastern Indonesia
Raihan, Raihan
Legal Transformation in the Digital Era: Regulatory Adaptation and Innovation
Raihan, Raihan
Copyright in the Digital Age in the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia
Rais, Muslihin
Asset Recovery in Corruption Crimes
Ramadhan, Muh. Fauzi
Human Rights Perspective in Guaranteeing Community Opinion Rights Against Mining Crimes (Illegal Mining)
Ramadhani, Rizki
Functions of the State in the Implementation of Social Responsibility by State-Owned Enterprises
Ramos, Ivan
State Responsibility on the Securitization and Protection of Refugees Under the Immigration Legal System in Indonesia
Raodiah, Raodiah
Asset Recovery in Corruption Crimes
Rastuti, Tuti
Enhancing the Digitalization in Port Activities Toward Appropriate Legal Framework
Ratih, I. Gusti Ayu Mas Krisiana
Land Tenure in Indonesia By Citizens Foreigners in Dual Citizenship Status
Reny, W. A. Armalia
The Urgency of Indonesian Collaboration with International Organizations in Terms of Cooperation and Exchange of Information on Economic Crime and Money Laundering
Repinta, Ni Kadek Arisya Citra
Land Tenure in Indonesia By Citizens Foreigners in Dual Citizenship Status
Reza, Jamil
Material Delic For Mining Without Business License in Mamuju Regency
Rideng, I Wayan
Management of Baga Utsaha Padruwen Traditional Village in the Sanur Tourist Destination Area, Denpasar City
Rideng, I Wayan
Management Approaches for Indigenous Peoples-Based Tourism Destination
Rideng, Wayan
Law Enforcement Against Villa Licensing in Badung Regency
Ridho, Abdul Rasyid
Customary Law “Merariq” Marriage in the Sasak Ethnic Society in Lombok Eastern Indonesia
Rido, Ali
Surveying the Study on Non-International Armed Conflicts: Scopus Indexed Database Bibliometric Analysis during 2019-2023
Risadi, Md Yudyantara
Local Community Involvement in Bayung Gede Kintamani Bangli Tourism Village in the Ngantung Ari-Ari Tradition
Risma, A.
Environmental Law Enforcement of National Capital Relocation as an Effort to Preserve the Environment
Risma, A.
An Analysis of Environmental Law Regarding the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Natural Resource Management in Indonesia
Ritawati, Ritawati
Copyright in the Digital Age in the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia
Riyanti, Indah
The Effectiveness of Regional Government Authority on Mining Business Permits Post Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2022 Concerning Delegation of Authority in the Management of Mineral and Coal Mining
Rompegading, Melantik
Bankruptcy Application by Prosecutor on The Basis of Public Interest as Result of Environmental Destruction Sanction
The Constitutionality of Indonesian Mining Law Reform
Rumadan, Ismail
Legal Status of Indigenous Land Rights in Indonesia’s Mining Investment Policy
Rumainur, Rumainur
Artificial Intelligence: Legal Status and Development in the Establishment of Regulatory
Rusman, Rusman
Digitising the Dissemination of Historical Legislation in Indonesia (Kitab Kutaramanawadharmasastra from Majapahit Kingdom)
Said, Muh. Fachri
Human Rights Perspective in Guaranteeing Community Opinion Rights Against Mining Crimes (Illegal Mining)
Saitya, Ida Bagus Subrahmaniam
Local Community Involvement in Bayung Gede Kintamani Bangli Tourism Village in the Ngantung Ari-Ari Tradition
Salamah, Ummu
Legal Status of Indigenous Land Rights in Indonesia’s Mining Investment Policy
Salsabila, Alma Rifana
The Idea of Requiring Mediation Outside of Court in Realizing Simple Principles, Fast and Low Cost
Sampurno, Slamet
Legal Regulation of Hate Speech Offences with a Restorative Justice Approach
Samsithawrati, Putu Aras
Digital Management of Traditional Cultural Expressions: Why It is Needed in the Context of Gaining the Benefit-Sharing
Sancaya, I. Wayan Werasmana
Juridical Review of Football Regulation as Sports Tourism in Indonesia
Santiago, Faisal
Peer-Review Statements
Saptomo, Ade
Peer-Review Statements
Saptomo, Ade
Indonesian Local Wisdom Based Entrepreneurship to Improve the Tourism Industry in Indonesia
Saputra, I Kadek Andika
Multiple Interpretations of Determining the Reasonable Price of Shares in the Process of Acquiring Rural Banks (BPR)
Sastradi, I Ketut Suliwa Catur
The Effectiveness of Using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris) in Buying and Sale Transactions in the Denpasar Traditional Market
Satria, Rahmad
Environmental Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Mining Practices in Ngabang, West Kalimantan
Sebayang, Aleksander
Moving Forward: Regulatory Revolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Energy and Mining Sector in West Kalimantan
Senastri, Ni Made Jaya
Legal Protection of Consumers in Online Transactions (E-Commerce)
Senastri, Ni Made Jaya
The Effectiveness of the Supervision Function of the Legislatives Council of Bangli Regency on Investment Growth Towards Good Governance in Bangli Regency
Senastri, Ni Made Jaya
Juridical Implications of Marriage Breakup Due to Death on The Rights of Girls in Angantaka in The Perspective of Balinese Customary Law
Senastri, Ni Made Jaya
The Function of Legal Theory in Forming of the Regional Regulation in the Investment Sector Based on Electronic Transactions
Septaria, Ema
Tourism Village Management by Village Owned Enterprises in Business Legal Perspective