Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2020)
145 articles
Proceedings Article
Customer Relationship Management in Business-to-Business Marketing: The Impact on Corporate Performance
Moh. Hasymi Quzwen, Ratih Hurriyati, Mokh. Adib Sultan
The main purpose of this study is to examine the theoretical and empirical evidence on the causal relationship between the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) and corporate performance. A research conceptual model was developed to depict the impact of three - organizational, strategic,...
Proceedings Article
Consumer Behavior Analysis in Using the Digital Payment Application
Radhi Aditya, Fandis Ekyawan
This study analyzes the relationship between perception and preferences on satisfaction and the usage rate of the digital payment system and the comparison of test differences between gender and age groups. To conclude the research, the relationship between usage rate and habit of using the digital payment...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Nostalgic Advertising on Viral Intention and Purchase Intention
Ryan Dharmasaputro, Adrian Achyar
Nowadays, many companies attempt to combine a unique theme into their advertisement through social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. One of their purposes to attempt this strategy is to expecting become viral and increasing the purchase intention of their products from their targeted...
Proceedings Article
UTAUT2 Analysis on the Use of On-Demand Services Application with Perceived Privacy as Moderating Effect
Dewi Noraga Lumban Batu, Yeshika Alversia
Indonesia has a large population and the growth of smartphone users in recent years defines a potential market for digital products. Establishment of the internet and technology advances creates innovations in various industry that allow consumers to access product and services easily and seamlessly....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Store Attributes Towards Store Format Choice for Beauty Products on Y Generation
Audy Daniaguitrianda Mutiarani, Rifelly Dewi Astuti
There is a growth potential for beauty products in Indonesia. Jakarta as a capital city and the surrounding areas, which have many malls opening with beauty stores inside, comes with various store formats. This study aims to investigate the influence of store attributes toward patronage intention on...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Brand Relationship Quality on Post Purchase Loyalty on Premium Online Learning and Tutoring
Iven Ganesja, Daniel Tumpan Aruan
In 2018, Indonesia Digital Education and E-Learning Market Outlook issued a report entitled “Rising Trend of Blended to Drive The Future Growth”, the shown result was quite surprising because Indonesia was predicted to be the Top 5 Buyers of mobile learning products and services, competing with superpower...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Marketing for B2B Indihome Consumer Loyalty
Dwi Fitrizal Salim, Ratih Hurriyati, Mokh. Adib Sultan
Today’s era of globalization must change marketing management from traditional marketing to relationship marketing by maintaining good relationships with customers so that customers will be loyal to the products/services that have been made. Many studies discuss relationship marketing in Business to...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Marketing Strategy and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty of BJB Bank in Bekasi
Waseso Segoro, Lela Elvira
This research is shown to test the influence of marketing strategy, service quality, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty for his desire to add more savings in tandamata. The data used in this study comes from the questionnaire that has been distributed to customers who have made the product...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Product Placement on Interest in Using Grab as An Online Transportation Services
Girang Razati, Nur Gupita Safitri, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
This research aims to obtain the influence of product placement on interest in using services. The type of the study is using descriptive and verification. The method used is an explanatory survey with a quota sampling technique of 146 respondents. The data analysis technique is using a simple linear...
Proceedings Article
Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Customer Purchase Intention for Cluster House Residence
Annisa Tulus Warasanti, Sonny Rustiadi
Marketing strategy is a necessary business process to generate value and gain profitable relationships for customers. Some of the tools that guide the marketing strategy are the marketing mix and AI-DA model. The marketing mix helps the business to engage customers; satisfy customer needs, and build...
Proceedings Article
Understanding CRM Implementation in SMEs
Vanessa Gaffar, Arief Budiman, Benny Tjahjono
This study aims to analyze the implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) by Small Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in West Java Province, Indonesia. This research is qualitative research using in-depth interviews for the data collection. Five small enterprises participated in this study....
Proceedings Article
Word of Mouth Marketing in Increasing the Repurchase Intention of Private Label Products in Minimarkets
Irma Ambasari, Heny Hendrayati
The development of private label products for products sold by retailers is increasing. This condition is an opportunity to increase sales. Retailers can reduce fixed costs with private label sales and require a strategy to encourage consumers to repurchase the product. Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM)...
Proceedings Article
Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Literature Review
Lisnawati, Ratih Hurriyati, Disman, Vanessa Gaffar
Omnichannel customer experience is the experience felt by customers when interacting in each of the integrated communication channels (channels) provided by the company. Customer experience in Omnichannel holds a different perspective from conventional customer experience, two aspects online and offline...
Proceedings Article
Cross-Functional Team Effectiveness Factors in Technological-Based Service Company: NSIAPAY
Muhammad Guntur Sulis Dwi Cahyo, Riani Rachmawati
Due to the increase in market competition, companies in various industries are expected to be responsive to their dynamic environment. This paper aims to identify a cross-functional team’s effective internal factors in a technological-based service company: NSIAPay to keep the value among employees while...
Proceedings Article
The Formulation of Employee Selection Format, Compilation of Job Description, and Compilation of Performance Appraisal on JEE Ballroom Group & Exhibitor
Lukmanul Hakim
This study is in the form of business coaching carried out in the SMEs JEE Ballroom Group & Exhibitor. There are some disadvantages to the management of human resources that currently exist. The objective of implementing this business coaching is to develop the process of human resources, which causes...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Factors That Affect Intention to Use on E-learning Users Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach
Dila Fitriza Rulevy, Ayu Aprilianti
New form of learning that combines technology, called an e-learning revolution, has increased in recent years and is projected to increase more in the coming years. However, some research proved that most e-learning programs showed a higher failure rate than traditional learning methods. Technology addiction...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Paternalistic Leadership on Employee Innovative Behavior in Indonesia’s Digital-Based Companies
Ryana Andari Purba, Yanki Hartijasti
Studies have suggested that the most common factor forming an employee’s innovative behavior is leadership style. However, studies examining leadership styles’ influence on employee’s innovative behavior in diverse cultural contexts are rarely discussed. Paternalistic leadership is believed to be the...
Proceedings Article
Employer Branding Strategy to Increase Employee Engagement
Study at Private State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia
Suci Fika Widyana, Tjutju Yuniarsih, Eeng Ahman, Disman
Indonesia has begun to apply the concept of employee engagement in every organization, including State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). Research shows that the higher employee engagement drives organizational performance. The company’s growth depends on how the ability of human assets are able to adapt the...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Workload and Job Stress on Employees’ Job Performance
Masharyono, Bambang Widjajanta, Sumiyati, Sabila Nur Izzati, Tanuadmodjo
The research aimed to find out the influence of workload through job stress and the influence of job stress through employee performance. The object of the research used was an analysis unit employee at Clinic X. The research method used was verificative method which used explanatory survey with 63 respondents...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Hydro-Oceanographic Specialization Education Program in the Sea Naval Education-Oceanography Education Center
Harris Djoko Nugroho, Muchlis R. Luddin, Maruf Akbar
This study aimed to evaluate the Hydro-Oceanographic Officer Specialization in Education Program at the Indonesian Navy’s Hydro-Oceanographic Education Center. The method used was the evaluation study method with Kirkpatrick’s model. The results of the study showed; (1) Reaction, DikspespaHidros program...
Proceedings Article
Authentic Leadership and Employee Performance
Zafira Yasmin, Budi Santoso, Yana Setiawan
The problem of the research is that there is a low employees performance in the finance work. It was found in the implementation of activities and use of the budget which still face the obstacles such as the employee performance in submitting the SPJ / SPTB to the directorate of finance. The purposes...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Work Stress on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as A Mediator at Anti-Corruption Institution in Indonesia
Febria Angelina Lebang, Niken Ardiyanti
The number of corruption cases in Indonesia that have been revealed from every year has given to the workload of employees to take action on the cases to completion in restoring financial state losses that is caused from corruption. The job characteristic that requires employees to be available at all...
Proceedings Article
The Value-Driven Strategy Models in Improving Higher Education Institutions’ Performance
Pupung Purnamasari, Ratih Hurriyati, Disman, Lili Adi Wibowo
Since the advancement of higher education is inextricably linked to the passing of time, each college should focus on adapting to the evolving times of the modern age while continuing to improve their results. This study measures the effect of the value-driven strategy model in improving tertiary institution...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Values in the Sociopreneurship Course in Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirits in Social Science Education Students
Tetep, Jamilah, Ade Suherman, Yuyun Susanti
The research aims to foster the entrepreneurial spirit of the students majoring in social science education at Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut using the Lecture Program Unit (SAP) developed for a sociopreneurship course. A classroom action research was carried out in two cycles consisting of the...
Proceedings Article
Business Intelligence & Analytics and Its Effect on Indonesia’s Startup Performance
Sunu Puguh Hayu Triono, Rama Chandra Jaya
Business intelligence is the most developed subject in strategic management research; however the connection to startup performance has not been much conducted in research. This research examines the model for startups in Indonesia, considering that investment for startups in Indonesia is one of the...
Proceedings Article
What to Do After Covid-19? The Market Intermediary Model to Indonesian Social Entrepreneurs
Tika Koeswandi, Agus Rahayu, Arif Budiman
This study aims to figure out the model of Market Intermediary for Indonesia social entrepreneurs Covid-19 as an effort to re-build the economic situation after pandemic. This explorative qualitative study includes 5 social enterprise SMEs in West Java focusing on agriculture and handicraft as the sample....
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of the Environment as A Source of Social Science: Resilience of SMEs Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
Tetep, Triani Widyanti
The resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a growing socio-economic issue associated with a weakening economy. The research method used was descriptive. It aimed to see the extent to which SMEs in Garut in surviving the Covid-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia. The results of data analysis...
Proceedings Article
The Implications of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (ESE) and Social Capital on Product Innovation Capability of SME’s Performance in Jatinangor Higher Education Area, West Java, Indonesia
Komarudin, Suryana
The presence of reliable SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) is a great necessity, especially in the ef-fort to absorb labour and its contribution to the growth of the gross domestic product. Through micro and small enterprises (MSME) that continue to develop, the country’s economy will be strengthened...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis Debt to Equity Ratio and Price to Book Value in State-Owned Enterprises and Private Companies
Literature Study on Construction and Building Sub Sector Emitents
Dudi Hendra Fachrudin, Ratih Huriyati, Ikin Solikin, Cahyat Rohyana
This research was conducted to determine the comparison of Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Price to Book Value (PBV) between State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and private companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the category of Building Construction Sub Sector. The problem that...
Proceedings Article
The Design of the Xiaomi Smartphone Marketing Model Based on an Innovative Strategy of Blue Ocean Shift
Mohammad Kurniadi Rasyid, R. Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari, Disman
This paper aims to analyze to what extend the Xiaomi smartphone manufacture has implemented the blue ocean shift in product marketing. It used a comparative approach by comparing Xiaomi smartphone to the other six different smartphones. The manufacturers of mobile phones that have the high sales in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
A Feasibility Study of Site Selection Through GE-Matrix Mapping with Market Attractiveness Parameters and Financial Projection Parameters in Small and Medium Enterprises
M. Iqbal Alamsyah
Commencing a new business network is a challenging task because it may have an effect on the company’s long-term viability. This is a significant financial investment because, in addition to the market share and growing a company, establishing a business network carries the risk of failure. It also depends...
Proceedings Article
Are Non-Muslim Consumers Interested in Foods with the Halal Label?
Fitranty Adirestuty, Mochammad Reza Ramdiana, Agus Rahayu, Hilda Monoarfa, Azlin Zanariah binti Bahtar, Zamzuri bin Ahmad, Nurazree bin Mahmud
This study measures attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral control influence the intention to buy halal-labelled by non-Muslims. The method used in this research is causality with a quantitive approach. The population in this field were non-Muslim students at Parahyangan Catholic University, and...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Leadership of Young Independent Entrepreneurs in the Disruptive Era
Sadikun Citra Rusmana, Hari Mulyadi
Entrepreneurial leadership have four characteristics are lead the vision, encourage, arrange, and direction. The whole set of characteristics should be observed in relation to company success and creativity. This paper presents the results of study in entrepreneurship issue in uncertainty business of...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurship Behavior and Business Competitiveness of Creative Industries
Hari Mulyadi, Dian Herdiana Utama, Jayadi, Sulastri
The competitiveness factor is one of the economic indicators that is rapidly gaining attention in the global economy. Consequently, some improvement efforts are required to be the primary government’s focus in managing the economy. This research aims to find out the description of entrepreneurial behavior,...
Proceedings Article
Gap Analysis E-Procurement Satisfaction Service Quality Index Through Internal and External Survey Using E-Service Quality Model
Rahadian Agus Hamdani
The smooth running of bank business activities is closely related to the process of procuring goods / services. Good and quality service will improve the image of the goods / services procurement department in carrying out its duties and responsibilities. Therefore, it is need the Measurement of the...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Customer-based Brand Equity Strategy and Integrated Marketing Communication in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Tedi Setiawan
The majority of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) do not have a brand to get customers as a means of marketing. A good product without the power of an effective brand and marketing strategy will end and be unsustainable. MSMEs will run stagnant and may experience setbacks if the Customer-Based...
Proceedings Article
The Development and Effectiveness of Business Strategy Model with A Partnership Approach for Growing Entrepreneurship
Munir, Asep Wahyudin, Herbert
Nowadays, the development of information and communication technology (ICT) for business purposes is very encouraging, and it has received tremendous responses in the business setting. This is not only due to the influence of ICT in the development of the business world in general, but also the influence...
Proceedings Article
SMEs Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia
Sulastri, Hari Mulyadi, Disman, Heny Hendrayati
The purpose of this study is to describe the resilience of MSME businesses in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. MSMEs are one of the affected industries by the COVID-19 pandemic. The existence of lockdown policies in several countries has suddenly stopped economic activity which resulted in a drop...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Personal Value on Entrepreneurship Intention
Dian Herdiana Utama, Hari Mulyadi, Disman, Silmi
This study aims to determine the dimension of personal value towards a student at Kiansantang Vocational High School towards their intention in entrepreneurship. A cross-sectional through an explanatory survey method was used as the research design of this study. A questionnaire was used to collect data...
Proceedings Article
Improvement of Financial Records and Production of Financial Statements at the Grand Galaxy Convention Hall
Dwi Taria Rindani, Ir. Hasnul Suhaimi
The contribution of MSMEs to economic growth is undeniable. One of the most sought-after services is hall rental service for various events and activities both for personal and corporate purposes. This kind of service is starting to be widely used as an important additional need for the community. The...
Proceedings Article
Determinant Factors Influencing Firm’s Entry in Halal Business – A Case Study in Taiwan
Yuliani Dwi Lestari, G. Yudoko, T.M. Simatupang, F.A. Amalia
This study probes the factors that potentially influence the entrepreneur’s decision to address the global Halal market. It explores the direct effects of Halal perceived usefulness (HPU) towards firm’s practice in Halal business as well as its prerequisite factors (i.e. internal and external drivers)....
Proceedings Article
A Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Family Business’s Succession from the Perspective of Re-creation
Li Qi, Ratih Hurriyati, Disman, Mohammad Ali
Family business plays an essential role in the world economy, which exists widely both in developed countries and developing countries. For the family business, the successor means the future development direction and growth trend of the business. The inter-generational succession of the family business...
Proceedings Article
Designing A Performance Measurement Tools at SMASH.ID Digital Startup with Balanced Scorecard Method
Gilang Mangestika, Sari Wulandari, Rio Aurachman, Putra Fajar Alam
SMASH.ID is one of the digital startups that provides applications to connect garbage banks, customers and the government. SMASH.ID in 2018 was not maximal in achieving its targets. This is because the strategy used is considered to be less effective. The purpose of this study is to find out how the...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurship Competence and Motivation to Improve Business Performance
Hari Mulyadi, Eded Tarmedi, P. Purnamasari, H Yusuf Murtadlo
This study aims to examine the effect of entrepreneurship competence and motivation to improve business performance.
Proceedings Article
Skill Mismatch and Industry Involvement in Improving the Job Readiness of Vocational School Graduates
Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Sulastri
This research aims to measure the level of involvement of the industrial world in improving the Link and Match program of vocational high school with the industrial world promoted by the Indonesian government as a strategy to reduce the movement of vocational graduates. The variables of the research...