Proceedings of the 3rd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST 2019)
134 authors
- Affandi, Muhammad Irfan
- Marketing Efficiency of Organic Rice in Lampung Province
- Afrizawati
- The Effect of Organization Climate on Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
- Akbar, Muhamad
- E-Government Policy, Leadership Commitment, Apparatus Resources Development, and Their Implications on Public Service Performance
- Aladin
- Industrial Clusterization to Improve the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Industries in the City of Palembang
- Alhadi, Esya
- Impact of Customer Orientation and Quality of Service on Trust and Customer Loyalty
- Alhamdari, Lailita
- Analysis Method Economic Value Added of Cosmetics Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Amalia, Rizki Fitri
- Political Connection, Profitability, and Capital Intensity Against Tax Avoidance in Coal Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Amran, Ali
- Relationship Between GPA, Length of Study, and Competency with the Length of Time to Get a Job
- Amri, Darul
- Determinant of Development Strategies and Leadership Styles on Organizational Commitment and Their Implications for MSMEs Performance in Palembang
- Andriani, Titi
- Impact of Customer Orientation and Quality of Service on Trust and Customer Loyalty
- Anshari, Muhammad
- Human Resource Role and Online Strategy
- Aprianti, Siska
- The Effect of Capital Readiness and E-Commerce Utilization on the Competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Woven, Palembang
- Ardiani, Susi
- The Effect of Hospital Image and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
- Arifin, Kiagus Zainal
- Determinants of Village Financial Management Accountability
- Armaini, Rosy
- The Impact of Village Fund Program Implementation Toward Society Welfare in Indonesia
- Aryani, Yuli Antina
- Industrial Clusterization to Improve the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Industries in the City of Palembang
- Badri, Markoni
- The Environmental Compliance Management of Palm Oil Plantation in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
- Bustan, Jusmawi
- The Effect of Culinary Knowledge and Culinary Experience on Local Culinary Attractiveness
- Bustan, Jusmawi
- Analysis Method Economic Value Added of Cosmetics Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Carlos, RS
- Criminal Law Policy on the Crime of Abuse to the Orang Rimba in the Bukit Duabelas National Park
- Choiruddin
- Determinants of Village Financial Management Accountability
- Darfin, Deri
- The Public Service Quality of Library Service at the Library Unit Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya
- Darlies, Meiyi
- Criminal Law Policy on the Crime of Abuse to the Orang Rimba in the Bukit Duabelas National Park
- Darmaliana
- The Development of Teaching Material Speaking 2 Based on Communicative Approach
- Desiani, Anita
- Relationship Between GPA, Length of Study, and Competency with the Length of Time to Get a Job
- Dewata, Evada
- Industrial Clusterization to Improve the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Industries in the City of Palembang
- Divianto
- The Effect of Organization Climate on Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
- Djumrianti, Desloehal
- Online Transportation Technology and Women’s Driver Communication Skills
- Dwitayanti, Yevi
- The Impact of Village Fund Program Implementation Toward Society Welfare in Indonesia
- Effendi, Ridwan
- The Public Service Quality of Library Service at the Library Unit Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya
- Elisa
- Evaluation of Sales Price Within Calculation Cost of Good Production SMEs Pempek Ilir Barat I and Bukit Kecil District, Palembang
- Ermatita
- The Clustering of Paddy Fields Using Machine Learning Algorithms in the Province of South Sumatera
- Erwin, Muhamad
- Criminal Law Policy on the Crime of Abuse to the Orang Rimba in the Bukit Duabelas National Park
- Evawati, Nian Masna
- Language Experience Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension to the Engineering Students
- Fadila, Dewi
- Impact of Learning, Socialization, and Financial Lifestyle of Students’ Intention to Invest in Capital Market
- Faridah
- The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness and Tax Sanctions on Compliance in Paying Land and Building Taxes
- Firdaus, Yusnizal
- The Environmental Compliance Management of Palm Oil Plantation in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
- Fithri, Eka Jumarni
- Determinants of the Quality Regional Financial Statement
- Frimansyah
- Determinant of Development Strategies and Leadership Styles on Organizational Commitment and Their Implications for MSMEs Performance in Palembang
- Gustiani, Sri
- The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Approach on Essay Writing Subject
- Hamid, Abd.
- The Effect of Culinary Knowledge and Culinary Experience on Local Culinary Attractiveness
- Handayani, Sri
- Marketing Efficiency of Organic Rice in Lampung Province
- Handayani, Sri
- Comparison Analysis of Added Value of Organic Rice and Inorganic Rice
- Hanifati
- Online Transportation Technology and Women’s Driver Communication Skills
- Hardiyansyah, Hardiyansyah
- E-Government Policy, Leadership Commitment, Apparatus Resources Development, and Their Implications on Public Service Performance
- Hartati, Sukmini
- Dimension of Village Expenditure in Development Sector
- Hartaty, Sri
- Determinants of the Quality Regional Financial Statement
- Herawati, Yusleli
- Evaluation of Sales Price Within Calculation Cost of Good Production SMEs Pempek Ilir Barat I and Bukit Kecil District, Palembang
- Herman
- The Effect of Directed Reading—Thinking Activity on Students’ Critical Thinking Abilities
- Husori, Al
- The Environmental Compliance Management of Palm Oil Plantation in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
- Indriasari, Desi
- Determinants of Village Financial Management Accountability
- Irmeilyana
- Relationship Between GPA, Length of Study, and Competency with the Length of Time to Get a Job
- Jauhari, Hadi
- Human Resource Role and Online Strategy
- Koesharijadi, Koesharijadi
- E-Government Policy, Leadership Commitment, Apparatus Resources Development, and Their Implications on Public Service Performance
- Koryati
- Language Experience Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension to the Engineering Students
- Kusmartini, Sri Endah
- The Development of Teaching Material Speaking 2 Based on Communicative Approach
- Lisnini
- Model of Empowerment as Strategies for Women SMEs Entrepreneurs Competitiveness in Palembang
- Lupikawaty, Marieska
- Analysis Method Economic Value Added of Cosmetics Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Lupikawaty, Marieska
- Evaluation of Sales Price Within Calculation Cost of Good Production SMEs Pempek Ilir Barat I and Bukit Kecil District, Palembang
- Mahendrati, Hermina Agustina
- Individual Readiness for Change and Affective Commitment to Change: The Mediation Effect of Technology Readiness on Public Sector
- Mandiangan, Pridson
- Online Transportation Technology and Women’s Driver Communication Skills
- Mangundjaya, Wustari
- Testing the Role of Charismatic Leadership, Psychological Climate, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Resilience
- Mangundjaya, Wustari
- Individual Readiness for Change and Affective Commitment to Change: The Mediation Effect of Technology Readiness on Public Sector
- Mangundjaya, Wustari
- Testing the Impact of Organizational Justice on Affective Commitment to Change with Work Engagement as Mediator
- Mangundjaya, Wustari L.
- Leader–Member Exchange and Affective Commitment to Change: Mediating Role of Change Self-Efficacy
- Mangundjaya, Wustari L.
- Testing Mediation of Psychological Empowerment, Work Engagement to Affective Commitment to Change
- Maretha, Fetty
- Model of Empowerment as Strategies for Women SMEs Entrepreneurs Competitiveness in Palembang
- Maria
- The Impact of Village Fund Program Implementation Toward Society Welfare in Indonesia
- Mariskha, Z
- Impact of Learning, Socialization, and Financial Lifestyle of Students’ Intention to Invest in Capital Market
- Martini, Rita
- Dimension of Village Expenditure in Development Sector
- Marwa, Taufiq
- Exploring Linkage Among Experiential Value, Image of Destination, and Intention to Revisit in Nature Tourism
- Masnila, Nelly
- The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness and Tax Sanctions on Compliance in Paying Land and Building Taxes
- Maulana, Riska
- Impact of Learning, Socialization, and Financial Lifestyle of Students’ Intention to Invest in Capital Market
- Miskiyah, Neneng
- Human Resource Role and Online Strategy
- Mubarok, Muhammad Husni
- The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness and Tax Sanctions on Compliance in Paying Land and Building Taxes
- Nadjmuddin, Muhammad
- The Effect of Directed Reading—Thinking Activity on Students’ Critical Thinking Abilities
- Natoen, Ardiyan
- The Influence of Commitment on State Civil Apparatus in the Governor Office of South Sumatera
- Nirmagustina, Dwi Eva
- Comparison Analysis of Added Value of Organic Rice and Inorganic Rice
- Nurhasanah
- The Impact of Village Fund Program Implementation Toward Society Welfare in Indonesia
- Oktarian, Rido Prawira
- Relationship Between GPA, Length of Study, and Competency with the Length of Time to Get a Job
- Oktarida, Anggeraini
- Determinants of the Quality Regional Financial Statement
- Paisal
- The Effect of Organization Climate on Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
- Pangestu, Bramntyo Muhamad
- The Effect of Capital Readiness and E-Commerce Utilization on the Competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Woven, Palembang
- Pebrianti, Yulia
- Model of Empowerment as Strategies for Women SMEs Entrepreneurs Competitiveness in Palembang
- Periansya
- The Influence of Commitment on State Civil Apparatus in the Governor Office of South Sumatera
- Purwati
- Evaluation of Sales Price Within Calculation Cost of Good Production SMEs Pempek Ilir Barat I and Bukit Kecil District, Palembang
- Puspitasari, Dwi Andriani
- Leader–Member Exchange and Affective Commitment to Change: Mediating Role of Change Self-Efficacy
- Rahma, Munaja
- Students’ Perception of English Blended-Learning in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
- Riama, Lambok Vera
- Determinants of the Quality Regional Financial Statement
- Ridho, Sari Lestari Zainal
- Human Resource Role and Online Strategy
- Ridhwan, Moehammad
- Students’ Perception of English Blended-Learning in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
- Rini
- Model of Empowerment as Strategies for Women SMEs Entrepreneurs Competitiveness in Palembang
- Risa
- The Development of Teaching Material Speaking 2 Based on Communicative Approach
- Risnawati
- The Development of Teaching Material Speaking 2 Based on Communicative Approach
- Robinson
- The Public Service Quality of Library Service at the Library Unit Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya
- Rusnadi, Irawan
- Criminal Law Policy on the Crime of Abuse to the Orang Rimba in the Bukit Duabelas National Park
- Sandrayati
- The Effect of Hospital Image and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
- Sanmorino, Ahmad
- The Clustering of Paddy Fields Using Machine Learning Algorithms in the Province of South Sumatera
- Sari, Evi Agustina
- The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Approach on Essay Writing Subject
- Sari, Kartika Rachma
- Determinants of Village Financial Management Accountability