Proceedings of the 3rd Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST 2019)
39 articles
Proceedings Article
Marketing Efficiency of Organic Rice in Lampung Province
Muhammad Irfan Affandi, Sri Handayani
The problems that often occur in marketing organic rice is marketing channels have not been efficient. The purpose in this research was to identify the marketing channels of organic rice and analyze marketing efficiency of organic rice in Lampung Province. The location of the study was conducted purposive...
Proceedings Article
Dimension of Village Expenditure in Development Sector
Rita Martini, Zulkifli Zulkifli, Sukmini Hartati, Endah Widyastuti
A study of village revenue and village expenditure in the development sector is needed to analyze the effect on villages in Lahat District. Secondary data are in the form of APBDes Realization Reports from the Community and Village Empowerment Service. Village revenue affects village expenditure in development....
Proceedings Article
Comparison Analysis of Added Value of Organic Rice and Inorganic Rice
Dwi Eva Nirmagustina, Sri Handayani
Domestic rice consumption increases every year. The demand for organic rice by community has increased as well. In this case, whether organic rice provides added value to farmer compared to inorganic rice, and whether organic rice varieties (Mentik susu and Sintanur) provides different added values as...
Proceedings Article
Political Connection, Profitability, and Capital Intensity Against Tax Avoidance in Coal Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Rizki Fitri Amalia
Tax avoidance is an aggressive tax strategy carried out by companies in minimizing taxes, so that these activities will pose risks for companies, including fines and bad reputation of the company in the eyes of the public. This study aims to determine the analysis of political connections, profitability...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between GPA, Length of Study, and Competency with the Length of Time to Get a Job
Ali Amran, Irmeilyana, Anita Desiani, Rido Prawira Oktarian
This paper discusses the relationship between the GPA, the length of study, and the competency with the length of time to get a first job at the alumni of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Sriwijaya University (Unsri). The data source used from the FMIPA Academic Sub Division and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Culinary Knowledge and Culinary Experience on Local Culinary Attractiveness
Heri Setiawan, Abd. Hamid, Ummasyroh, Jusmawi Bustan
This study aimed to explore culinary knowledge and tourist culinary experiences in its relation to the local culinary attractiveness. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a sample of 297 respondents. Research data were analyzed using AMOS 22.0. Based on the overall research hypothesis...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Customer Orientation and Quality of Service on Trust and Customer Loyalty
Gst Ayu Oka Windarti, Esya Alhadi, Elvia Zahara, Titi Andriani
Improving the quality of the interrelation among banks and customers can encourage customer loyalty. The study aims to explore the relationship between customer orientation, service quality, customer trust and loyalty. This study used causality research which explained the causal relationship between...
Proceedings Article
Model of Empowerment as Strategies for Women SMEs Entrepreneurs Competitiveness in Palembang
Fetty Maretha, Yulia Pebrianti, Rini, Lisnini
This research is aimed to find out how empowerment through targeted programs in increasing the competitiveness of women SMEs entrepreneurs in Palembang. This study uses data consisted of 325 Woman SME population units in Palembang. The sample used in this study was 179 respondents. The model used for...
Proceedings Article
Testing the Role of Charismatic Leadership, Psychological Climate, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Resilience
Wustari Mangundjaya
Nowadays, in the era of VUCA, one of the characters that need to own by the employees is being resilience. With resilience, people will be able to face uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, and challenges. As a result, there is a need to identify which variables may develop resilience in people. Meanwhile,...
Proceedings Article
Individual Readiness for Change and Affective Commitment to Change: The Mediation Effect of Technology Readiness on Public Sector
Hermina Agustina Mahendrati, Wustari Mangundjaya
Today, changes in the era industry 4.0 can not be separated from the rapid development and application of information systems and sophisticated technology. This study investigates Technology Readiness’s role as a mediator in the relationship between Individual Readiness for Change and Affective Commitment...
Proceedings Article
Leader–Member Exchange and Affective Commitment to Change: Mediating Role of Change Self-Efficacy
Dwi Andriani Puspitasari, Wustari L. Mangundjaya
Rapid changes in the business environment require organizations to have the ability to adjust to the changes and maintain their competitive advantage. Success in dealing with change must be supported by organizational members’ commitment to change. Organizational members’ commitment to change is effected...
Proceedings Article
Testing Mediation of Psychological Empowerment, Work Engagement to Affective Commitment to Change
Susilo, Wustari L. Mangundjaya
One of the causes of failure in the change process is the lack of commitment from individuals in the organization. This study proposes to explore the relation of the two variables, namely psychological empowerment, work engagement on affective commitment to change. We also tested the mediation effect...
Proceedings Article
E-Government Policy, Leadership Commitment, Apparatus Resources Development, and Their Implications on Public Service Performance
Hardiyansyah Hardiyansyah, Koesharijadi Koesharijadi, Muhamad Akbar
This study aims to examine the implementation of e-government policies, leadership commitment, and the development of state apparatus as human resources and their implications on the performance of public services in the City Government of Lubuklinggau. Data were collected through questionnaires of 249...
Proceedings Article
Industrial Clusterization to Improve the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Industries in the City of Palembang
Evada Dewata, Yuli Antina Aryani, Yuliana Sari, Aladin
The existence of Small and Medium Industries (SMEs) has received attention from the government, but it is felt that it has not been able to contribute maximally to productive economic activities. Palembang City is one of the many regions in Indonesia that has great potential in the development of SMEs....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Hospital Image and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
Susi Ardiani, Sarikadarwati, Henny Yulsiati, Sandrayati
The purpose of the research is to improve the Human Resources that build character as a concept of thought towards technology that is increasingly sophisticated. Where this also develops the hospital payment stage easily namely BPJS and the specific target to be achieved from this research is to analyze...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Commitment on State Civil Apparatus in the Governor Office of South Sumatera
A.R Sopian, Ardiyan Natoen, Indra Satriawan, Periansya
This research is conducted to know how competence, work motivation, leadership and commitment from civil apparatus to the responsibilities he carries in carrying out the task. The research itself was conducted with an explorative discourse approach using a sample of the state civil apparatus on the Office...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Method Economic Value Added of Cosmetics Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
Lailita Alhamdari, Marieska Lupikawaty, Jusmawi Bustan
Analysis using the EVA method can be used as an assessment of company performance that focuses on creating value and identifying an investment that maximizes returns and minimizes capital costs. This study aims to analyze the company’s financial performance using the economic value added (EVA) method,...
Proceedings Article
Testing the Impact of Organizational Justice on Affective Commitment to Change with Work Engagement as Mediator
Yurnalis, Wustari Mangundjaya
This study aims to examine the effect of four dimensions of organizational justice (distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice, and informational justice) on affective commitment to change. We also explore the role of work engagement as a mediator in the relationship between organizational...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Directed Reading—Thinking Activity on Students’ Critical Thinking Abilities
Eli Yeny, Muhammad Nadjmuddin, Sunani, Herman
The objective of the study is to know the effect of directed reading - thinking activity on students’ critical thinking abilities at English Department Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya Palembang in the academic year 2018–2019. This research applied a quantitative approach of quasi-experimental research. The...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Village Fund Program Implementation Toward Society Welfare in Indonesia
Yevi Dwitayanti, Maria, Nurhasanah, Rosy Armaini
This study aims to prove empirically the impact of village fund program implementation towards society welfare in indonesia. The independent variable in this study is the amount of village funds in all provinces in Indonesia. While the dependent variable in this study is the level of welfare of the people...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Teaching Material Speaking 2 Based on Communicative Approach
Darmaliana, Risnawati, Risa, Sri Endah Kusmartini
The aim of this research is to develop speaking 2 teaching materials based on the communicative approach. This study was carried out at the English Department State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, the sample of this study are semesters 2,4,6 and English lecturers with a total 100 respondents, in the acedemic...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Linkage Among Experiential Value, Image of Destination, and Intention to Revisit in Nature Tourism
Heri Setiawan, Muchsin Sagaf Shihab, Taufiq Marwa, Zakaria Wahab
Natural based tourism is one of the tourist activities offered by tourism destination managers and it is increasingly in demand by tourists. The study of tourist visits to natural tourism destinations is still limited. Exploration of experiential value, image of destination and intention to revisit natural...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perception of English Blended-Learning in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya
Munaja Rahma, Zakaria, Moehammad Ridhwan
This study was aimed at finding out the students’ perceptions of English Blended-Learning in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. Around 183 students from English Department, Electronica Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Department and Management of Informatics Department were taken as the writers’...
Proceedings Article
Online Transportation Technology and Women’s Driver Communication Skills
Pridson Mandiangan, Desloehal Djumrianti, Hanifati
This is a qualitative descriptive research. The aim of this study is to examine how communication technology - apps able to support communication skills of women drivers who work for online transportation companies in serving international guests. The study uses a saturation sampling technique where...
Proceedings Article
Language Experience Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension to the Engineering Students
Zulkifli, Nian Masna Evawati, Koryati
The main purpose of this study is to find out whether or not the students who were taught by using the Language Experience Approach (LEA) gained better achievement in reading comprehension that those who were taught by using the traditional approach. The method used in this study was experimental method....
Proceedings Article
Determinants of the Quality Regional Financial Statement
Anggeraini Oktarida, Eka Jumarni Fithri, Lambok Vera Riama, Sri Hartaty
This study aims to determinante the Quality Regional Financial Statements on the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Palembang City. This data was obtained from a questionnaire in the form of questions distributed to employees at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Palembang...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Organization Climate on Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
Paisal, Afrizawati, Divianto, Yahya
This study aims to determine how the influence of organization climate on performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. This study uses primary data taken through a questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 126 respondents who were permanent education staff in Sriwijaya State Polytechnic....
Proceedings Article
The Environmental Compliance Management of Palm Oil Plantation in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
M. Yusuf, Yusnizal Firdaus, Markoni Badri, Al Husori
This research is determined to know the palm oil factory controlling that have done by the Ogan Komering Ilir Regency enviromental agency. It is can be worried about the violation of compliance with regulations resulted the environmental damage. There are 10 palm oil companies in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency....
Proceedings Article
The Clustering of Paddy Fields Using Machine Learning Algorithms in the Province of South Sumatera
Suryati, Ahmad Sanmorino, Ermatita
In this paper, we were clustering paddy fields in the province of South Sumatera using machine learning algorithms. We chose machine learning algorithms because this algorithm is very relevant to the problem to be studied. The contribution of this study is in the form of result from the clustering of...
Proceedings Article
The Public Service Quality of Library Service at the Library Unit Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya
Deri Darfin, Robinson, Zulkarnaini, Ridwan Effendi
Satisfaction is the level of feeling in which someone expresses the results of comparisons of the performance of products or services received and expected by that person. One unit in charge of serving all Polsri students is the Polsri Library Unit. Thus students’ satisfaction need to be continually...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness and Tax Sanctions on Compliance in Paying Land and Building Taxes
Muhammad Husni Mubarok, Faridah, Nelly Masnila
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of taxpayer awareness and tax sanctions on taxpayer compliance in paying land and building taxes in Bukit Kecil sub-district of Palembang. The population in this study is the land and building tax (PBB) that have been registered in Bukit Kecil...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of Village Financial Management Accountability
Desi Indriasari, Kartika Rachma Sari, Kiagus Zainal Arifin, Choiruddin
This study aims to determine the determinants that influence the village financial management accountability in Pampangan Sub-District, OKI Regency and Rambutan Sub-District, Banyuasin Regency. Determinants thought to influence Village Financial Management Accountability are Village Government Competence,...
Proceedings Article
Criminal Law Policy on the Crime of Abuse to the Orang Rimba in the Bukit Duabelas National Park
Muhamad Erwin, Ahmad Zamheri, Meiyi Darlies, RS Carlos, Dicky Seprianto, Irawan Rusnadi, Alan Novi Tompunu
The phenomenon of the persecution of the Orang Rimba by people from outside the Orang Rimba tribe which suggests that legal justice cannot be upheld as it should be in an environment of isolated tribal communities. This study aims to determine the legal understanding of the Orang Rimba community around...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Capital Readiness and E-Commerce Utilization on the Competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Woven, Palembang
Sulaiman, Bramntyo Muhamad Pangestu, Bainil Yulina, Siska Aprianti
This research is about the relationship and the effect of capital readiness, E-commerce Utilization on the competitiveness of tajung weaving small businesses in Palembang. The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis using primary data obtained directly from the studied...
Proceedings Article
Human Resource Role and Online Strategy
Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho, Neneng Miskiyah, Muhammad Anshari, Hadi Jauhari
The era of industrial revolution 4.0 had force the implementation of technology in all aspect of life, including in the organization operational. While previous studies investigated the effect of human resource role on performance, this study examined the role of human resource presented the organization...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Sales Price Within Calculation Cost of Good Production SMEs Pempek Ilir Barat I and Bukit Kecil District, Palembang
Elisa, Marieska Lupikawaty, Yusleli Herawati, Purwati
The study focused on analyzing of the Cost of Good Production. Calculation the cost of production for setting the selling price and profit, so it can help management to make decisions about a product that is produced both on the selling price as well as other decisions. The study used as sample of 50...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Approach on Essay Writing Subject
Sri Gustiani, Evi Agustina Sari, Yusri, Tiur Simanjuntak
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a blended learning approach in learning essay writing subject to the students at English Department, Sriwijaya Polytechnics. It expected to answers the question: is a blended learning approach effective in improving students’ essay writings compared...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Learning, Socialization, and Financial Lifestyle of Students’ Intention to Invest in Capital Market
Dewi Fadila, Hendra Sastrawinata, Riska Maulana, Z Mariskha
This research aimed to explain about the Impact of Learning, Socialization and Financial Lifestyle on Student’ Intention to Invest in Capital Market. Research held on Business Management Program at Business Administration State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. All of student that invest at capital market conduct...
Proceedings Article
Determinant of Development Strategies and Leadership Styles on Organizational Commitment and Their Implications for MSMEs Performance in Palembang
Darul Amri, M. Thoyib, Frimansyah, Riza Wahyudi
This study aims to analyse the determinants of the development strategy and leadership style on organizational commitment and its implications on the performance of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Palembang. The samples were taken using non-random sampling technique, namely purposive sampling...