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1582 articles

Business Disputes Settlement through Electronic Mediation

Firman Freaddy Busroh, Fatria Khairo, Putri Difa Zhafirah
In Indonesia, mediation is a kind of alternative dispute settlement. Indonesian law regulates the use of mediation under Law Number 30 of 1999. And Rule 1 of the Supreme Court of 2008 and refined by Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016. Dispute resolution through mediation needs to be strengthened,...

Incumbent Performance Analysis: Comparison of Regional Government Financial Management Before vs. After Regional Head Elections

Putri Lindra Kartiningsih, Andi Chairil Furqan, Betty, Megawati
This research aims to analyze differences in financial management performance of Regional Governments led by re-elected regional heads between before and after Regional Head Election (PILKADA). Financial management performance is measured based on LHPS Financial Audit Agency (BPK), namely Audit Findings,...

Learning Physics with Worksheet Assisted Augmented Reality: The Impacts on Student’s Verbal Representation

Azizah Ainun Nuha, Heru Kuswanto, Ernita Apriani, Wilis Putri Hapsari
This study aims to describe the effect of worksheets assisted by Augmented Reality on students’ verbal representation abilities. This type of research is a pre-experimental study with a comparative design of all groups. This research was conducted in class XI MIA 1 as the experiment class and class XI...

Headmaster Strategies in Improving Teacher Competencies in the Digital Age

Hersigovina Putri, Happy Fitria, Yessi Fitriani
In an educational institution, the Principal has a very significant role to play in the back and forth of an educational institution, since the Principal plays a very important role in the growth of an educational institution. The role of school principals in enhancing teacher competence is very critical,...

Good Governance in International Relations: Integrity Management and Locality in Nasrafa Painting Fabric, Jebres, Solo

Hermini Susiatiningsih, Satwika Paramasatya, Muhammad Faizal Alfian, Safriska Desna Putri, Khairunnisa Andini Damayanti
This study discusses the correlation between local values in international relations, especially in applying the concept of Good Governance. An optimal and collaborative system can help establish the right conditions for industries to build domestic and international cooperation. This system is reflected...

The Role of Schools to Improve Entrepreneur Spirit in Kumbe Village, Papua

Dewi Putri Anjar Wulan, Nurwijayanti, Aldisa Arifudin
The purpose of this article is to find out the role of schools in improving the entrepreneurial spirit of the Kampung Kumbe community. While entrepreneurship itself is one of the supporters that determines the economic ups and downs in an area and even the State. This study uses qualitative methods that...

The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

A Study on XYZ Manufacturing Company

Narti Eka Putri, Umar Nimran, Kusdi Rahardjo, Wilopo Wilopo
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is defined as positive behavior that goes beyond the formal role as defined even though it is not mentioned in the job description. It can be influenced by employee engagement and Organizational culture. Meanwhile, according to Gallup Survey, 80% of workers in...

Validity of Vertebrate Taxonomic Practicum Guide Based on Science Process Skills Equipped by Identification Key for Students

Holyza Handika, Abdul Razak, Dwi Hilda Putri
The development of a practicum guide based on science process skills that is equipped with the identification key is expected to increase the students’ reasoning power and the ability to identify. Science process skill is learning strategies that can improve students’ skills which is not only focused...

Euphemism and Dysphemism on Deddy Corbuzier’s Podcast as Teaching Material for Discussion Text

Ermira Nilansari Putri, Laili Etika Rahmawati, Harun Joko Prayitno, Miftakhul Huda
Each person’s language variety has its characteristics or uniqueness. Language implementation can give positive and negative connotations (euphemisms and dysphemisms). This study aims to (1) describe the forms of euphemism and dysphemism in Deddy Corbuzier’s podcast and (2) explain the relevance of euphemism...

Development of Media Applications Based on Cellular Difficulty Element Mandatory Junior Aerobic Gymnastics Persani Jambi

Sukendro, Putri Ayu Lestari
This study aims to complete the author’s undergraduate study at the Faculty of Sports Science, Jambi University and hopes that the author’s product can be accepted and used by Persani Jambi athletes. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) research which has 11 stages until it finally...

Implementation of the Parenting Program in Early Childhood Education in Bandung

Enoh Enoh, Nurul Afrianti, Masnipal Masnipal, Putty Meuraxa, Putri Nurtsani
The harmony of education carried out in kindergarten and at home is one of the determining factors for the success of children’s education as whole, comprehensive and integrated. This parenting program aims to improve the knowledge and skills of families in improving nutrition and health, care, care,...

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Reducing Stress Among Informal Caregivers Of Schizophrenia

Utami Nurhafsari Putri, Dini Rahma Bintari
Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention is proven to reduce distress and improve the well-being of individuals, including caregivers. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of MBSR in reducing stress levels in informal caregivers of schizophrenia outpatients. The research method was...

Relationship Breakfast Habits with Anemia Based on Hemoglobin Test Using Sianmethemoglobin Method on Adolescent Girls

Nasriyah, Tyas Putri
Background Anemia is a condition that shows hemoglobin levels less than normal. At present anemia is still a health problem in Indonesia. The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia on adolescent girls is relatively high (23.90%) compared to adolescent men (18.4%). One of the cases of anemia in Indonesia is...

Revitalizing Disaster Communication: Improving Regional Management Websites for Effective Information Sharing

Puji Lestari, Lita Yulita Fitriyani, Sri Isworo Ediningsih, Hanifah Putri Indrasmara, Priyahita Garmadyuti Suryawijaya
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of public information management on the Sleman Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) website in 2021, as the website received the lowest rating for not uploading news that the community needed. The study used mixed methods research,...

Burden Sharing as the Effort in Bridging Locality and Internationalization: The Penetration of Kampung Batik Laweyan into Global Market

Hermini Susiatiningsih, Nurdien Harry Kistanto, Muhammad Faizal Alfian, Khairunnisa Andini Damayanti, Safriska Desna Putri
Globalization of information, culture, products, and services move faster and easier, influencing the firm adjusts to uncertain conditions. Adapting to globalization is critical for the firm to sustain a business environment.Kampung Batik Laweyan is a community engaged in the garment industry sector....

The Influence of Cash Flow, Leverage and Profitability on Investment Decisions in Financial Distress Companies (All Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange of 2017-2019)

Sonia Nanda Aprilia Putri, Siti Puryandani
This study aims to analyze the effect of cash flow, leverage, and profitability on investment decisions in companies experiencing financial distress. The independent variable (X) of this study is cash flow, leverage, and research profitability. The investment decision is the dependent variable (Y). The...

Employee Performance Model in the Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning Office in West Sumatra Province

Marta Widian Sari, Vivi Nila Sari, Sitti Rizki Mulyani, Yosi Aifa Putri, Andry Novrianto
This research aimed to reveal the effects of work accuracy, experience, work involvement, and motivation on employee performance, partially and simultaneously. Data was collected through survey and questionnaire distribution, with 81 respondents of the Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning...
Proceedings Article

Petukangan Hospital’s Strategy for Utilization of Obstetric Services During Covid-19 Pandemic

Heka Widya Putri, Ascobat Gani
Background: This research aims to analyze the strategy of Petukangan hospital in the utilization of obstetric services during the covid-19 pandemic period the effect on the cash flow of Petukangan Hospital. Method: This research with case study design using secondary data of polyclinic patients and obstetric...
Proceedings Article

In Vitro Study of Kaempferia galanga L. Compound, δ- 3-Carene, Against 5-Lipoxygenase

Lusi Putri Dwita, Supandi, Yeni
Kaempferia galanga has anti-inflammatory activity and worth developing as lipoxygenase inhibitors. The aim of this study was to determined δ-3-carene, one of the potential compounds of K. galanga, as a lipoxygenase inhibitor. The LOX-inhibitor activity was tested in-vitro. The result showed that the...
Proceedings Article

Exploration of Phyllosphere Bacteria From Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.)

Debie Rizqoh, Sipriyadi, Shella Sharon, Indah Dwi Rachmawati, Wulan Okta Kumala, Cintya Nabilla Putri
Phyllosphere bacteria were bacteria that inhabit around the leaf surface. Several studies showed the potential of phyllosphere bacteria in producing bioactive compounds, one of which is antimicrobial compounds. Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) was a plant from the Rutaceae family that was commonly...

Analysis of Literacy Skills in Solving PISA Questions Based on Gender

Della Ayu Anisa Suparno Putri, Sumardi
This study uses PISA questions to examine literacy skills from a gender perspective. Eighth-grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Kontakmacan, both males and females, participated in this study. Written tests, interviews, and data collection methods were used with a qualitative descriptive research methodology....

The Influence of Teacher’s Teaching Style on the Studies Science Lesson Result of Elementary School in Cibadak District

Joko Suprapmanto, Cantikka Silvana Putri
The influence of teachers’ teaching methods on science learning outcomes in elementary schools in the Cibadak District is the topic of this study. This study’s goal was to ascertain how the teacher’s methods of instruction affected students’ learning of science. Ex-post facto quantitative research is...

Validity of Guided Discovery Models-Based Learning Devices to Improve Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability

Suci Putri M, Edwin Musdi, Yuni Ahda
This study aims to produce a valid learning device based on guided discovery models to improve mathematical problem-solving ability. Learning tools developed in the form of Lesson Plan (RPP) and Students’ Work Sheet (LKPD) of mathematics subject for the class VII of junior high school. The learning model...

The Effects of Profitability, Growth, and Size on Company Value With Capital Structure as Control Variable

Robby Dharma, Letnan Dalimunthe, Arbiuddin Syahputra Hakim Harahap, Susriyanti, Sartika Putri Rahayu
This study intended to reveal the effects of profitability, growth, and company size on company value, with capital structure as control variable, among manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This study used 165 manufacturing companies listed on IDX from 2013 to 2017 as...

Use of Social Media to Support Marketing of MSME Cagcag Weaving During Covid-19 Pandemic

Agus Maman Abadi, Ni Putu Sinta Yanti, Putri Julia
Covid-19 pandemic has affected Indonesian in economic. This effect is not only felt by large industries, but also by MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium-size Enterprises) users in Indonesia, one of them is Cagcag weaving MSMEs located in Kebon Padangan Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. During...

Social Anxiety and Internet Addiction: CBT Intervention Module Development Based on Self-Reflection

Ayu Pradani Sugiyanto Putri, Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari, Erida Rusli
This study presents an intervention module development based on the self-reflection of the first author, who has been experiencing social anxiety and Internet addiction. Said author has also been experiencing fear of negative evaluation and has negative beliefs about her ability to perform appropriately...

Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia Period 2015–2018

Putri Wulandari Atur Rejeki, Rosita Novi Andari
Poverty remains a severe problem in many countries around the world. Poverty is not only seen from the economic dimension but can be seen in a multidimensional manner, such as education, health, and living standards. This study aims to analyze the dynamics of multidimensional poverty in all provinces...

Light-Touch Regulation to Optimize the Startup and MSME Ecosystem in Indonesia

Dwi Ratna Indri Hapsari, Nur Putri Hidayah
Startup is a newly business entity based on digital technology which is currently a novel development to provide alternative solutions to problems and ease the burden of modern life. Almost the same as Micro, small, and emerging businesses (MSME) in Indonesia experience problems in terms of access to...

The Portraits of Digital Literacy Awareness Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Titis Angga Rini, Bagus Cahyanto, Febrianita Putri Sholihah
Digital literacy is a familiar topic in this millennial era with various digital media with open access that can be used anytime and anywhere. Based on this, this study aims to describe the digital literacy awareness of a family during the Covid-19 pandemic as a phenomenon that is currently being discussed....
Proceedings Article

Solar Panel Analysis for Human Activity Monitoring System

Nyayu Latifah Husni, Putri Adelia Rahma Sari, Ade Silvia Handayani, Yeni Irdayanti, A. Rakhman, Hairul Hairul, Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno, Wahyu Caesarendra
The infrastructure development is not equal to the consciousness of keeping it. In many areas, the destruction occurs before the development has been finished. One of them can be seen in Sekanak River restoration. Some parts have been damaged although the development has still be in progress. Therefore,...

The Influence of Demographic Factors and Financial Planning on Financial Management Behavior with Financial Self-efficacy as an Intervening Variable in Pandemic Covid-19

Putri Dwi Kurniasari, Yanuar Rachmansyah, Himawan Arif Sutanto
The study aimed to determine the effect of demographic factors and financial planning on financial management behavior with financial self-efficacy as an intervening variable. As many as 95 students in the city of Semarang used the accidental sampling technique. The analysis technique is Partial least...

The Development of Jumputan Cloth in Palembang: An Analysis of Consumer Characteristics

Dian Eka, Yulia Hamdaini Putri, Islahuddin Daud
Cultural products are an exciting element in supporting tourism. When tourists are visiting an area, tourists looking for local souvenirs is a habit that cannot be avoided. Jumputan cloth, including cultural products in Indonesia, especially South Sumatra. The aim of this research to understanding the...

Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer’s Purchase Intention Impact on Customer Behavior Outcomes

R.A. Marlien, CindyNoviani Putri, R. Basiya, Bambang Suteja
Private Label is a merchandise that uses the brand name of the distributor or retailer or the brand name created for the distributor or retailer. The purpose of retailers to make private label products to meet consumer needs and the existence of private label products has become a trend among retailers....

Principal Competency Correlation, Work Motivation, and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance

Sari Nusantara Putri, Yatim Riyanto, Karwanto Karwanto
This study aimed to examine the correlation of 1) principals’ competence on teacher performance; 2) work motivation on teacher performance; 3) job satisfaction on teacher performance; and 4) headmaster competence, work motivation, and job satisfaction along with teacher performance. This research used...

The Protection of Rights to Education for the Refugee Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Fithriatus Shalihah, Uni Tsulasi Putri
Child as the smalles member in family is the main vulnarable actor. Internationally speaking, the protection of children’s rights is granted under the Convention on the Rights of the Children. One of the most crucial children righs to be concerned is the right to education in a non-discriminatory manner....

The Safety Awareness of Construction Workers Regarding Workplace Health and Safety Standard

Pasha Nur Fauzania, Tutin Aryanti, Nanang Dalil Herman, Amalia Cahaya Putri
Construction work is one of the professions which has a high risk of accidents. Therefore, construction work has to be carried out properly in terms of occupational health and safety standards. The high rate of workplace accidents shows workers’ lack of understanding of occupational health and safety...

The Effect of Authentic Listening Materials and Self-Regulation toward Students’ Listening Ability at Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak

Kartika Harda Putri, Kurnia Ningsih, Refnaldi Refnaldi
This research aimed to find out the effect of using authentic listening materials and self-regulation toward students’ listening ability. The design of this research was an experimental research with factorial design 2x2. The population of the research was the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 VII Koto...

The Relationship between Boredom Proneness and Sensation Seeking among Adolescent and Adult Former Drug Users

Safira Putri Nabilla, Mellia Christia, Cantyo Attindriyo Dannisworo
Boredom has been shown to be associated with a variety of untoward individual subjective feelings including worthlessness, having nothing to do, feeling that time is going slowly, dissatisfaction, hopelessness, fretfulness, stress and feeling trapped. These feelings can be caused by situations outside...

Elementary School Teachers’ Challenges to Implementing Differentiated Instruction in Kurikulum Merdeka

Ria Alfian Rizkya Putri, Nur Aeni Ariyanti, Sugito, Rahayu Condro Murti
Each individual has different characteristics and needs, especially in learning. Teachers have a very important role in facilitating the learning needs of each student. This study aims to explain the implementation and challenges experienced by teachers in implementing Differentiated Instruction in elementary...

The Implementation of the Revaluation State Property Assets at Politeknik Negeri Bali

Anak Agung Putri Suardani, Ida Bagus Anom Yasa, I Made Wijana
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the revaluation of State Property (BMN) assets at Politeknik Negeri Bali (PNB) in accordance with the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number. 75 of 2017. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling, with a total of 23 respondents....

Student Perceptions Related to Physical Education Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic

Mochamad Ridwan, Agidia Dwi Veronika Saputri, Ira Pratiwi, Veranda Putri Cahyaningtias
Online learning has many views from all students, so it is necessary to know how students perceive it. This study aims to see the perception of students related to online learning of physical education. The author uses non-experimentation with a quantitative descriptive approach—subjects who have sampled...

Implications of Gay Dramaturgy in Self-disclosure Behavior

Novi Andayani Praptiningsih, Ami Kusuma Handayani, Dinda Agustina Putri, Aghitsna Putri Subhiat, Dwi Putri Handayani
Some Indonesian people consider that gay is not in accordance with religious, cultural, and deviant norms. Because sexual behavior like this has not been applied in general and can be accepted by society. Not all gays are brave and able to do self-disclosure (coming out). Individuals who realize themselves...

Family Problems and Perceptions of Family Welfare Among Students at Universitas Negeri Semarang

Asih Kuswardinah, Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Pudji Astuti, Sita Nurmasitah, Meddiati Fajri Putri
Each family has problems that are not the same from one family to another, as well as each member in the family will also perceive the condition of family welfare which is certainly different. The long-term goal of this research is to provide a service agent that is helpful in solving the students’ problems....

Regional Financial Performance Before and After Covid-19 Vaccine Policy

Hasna Atiya Putri, Rindu Rika Gamayuni, Fitra Dharma
The purpose of this research is to compare the provincial governments’ financial performance in Indonesia before and after the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine program. This study's regional financial performance measures the ratio of independence, effectiveness, efficiency, activity, and...
Proceedings Article

Behavioral Examination of Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels in Survivors of Non-communicable Diseases in Monitoring Health in the Early Period of the Covid 19 Pandemic: A Study in Bogor in 2021

Lely Indrawati, Dwi H. Tjandarini, Sulistyowati Tuminah, Alifa S. Putri, Woro Riyadina
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has greatly affected the lives of People Living with Non-Communicable Diseases (PLWNCDs), which in Indonesia are known as Orang yang Hidup dengan Penyakit Tidak Menular. Cardiovascular disease and other major NCDs share similar modifiable risk factors, namely lifestyle...

Family-Friendly HRM Policy in Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

Mirza Ayunda Pratiwi, Eka Kurnia Saputra, Muhammad Rizki, Dwi Septi Haryani, Anggia Sekar Putri
UNICEF suggested implementing a Family Friendly Policy (FFP) to save future generations, promote gender equality, longer life expectancy, reduce poverty, and sustainable growth. FFP can promote work-life balance, healthier, happier families, and better job performance. Therefore, the human resource department...
Proceedings Article

Association Between Lifestyle with Hypertension in Communities in Healthy at Working Area of Merdeka Health Center, Palembang City

Dini Arista Putri, Amrina Rosyada, Yeni
The case of hypertension is a problem that is often not realized by the public, this disease usually begins to be detected when complications begin with other diseases. Many factors affect the emergence of this case, one of them is an unhealthy lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyle includes smoking habit, coffee...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Kinesio Taping on Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients: Meta-analysis

Luthfiyyah Putri, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah
Osteoarthritis is a musculoskeletal rheumatic disease, affecting 303 million people globally in 2017. One of the physiotherapy modalities commonly utilized to overcome pain in osteoarthritis is Kinesio taping. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Kinesio taping in reducing pain in knee osteoarthritis...

Teacher Talk: A Pragmatic Analysis of Presupposition in English Teaching Classroom

Merliyani Putri Anggraini, Ratih Novita Sari
The main focus of this study is a pragmatic analysis of presuppositions. It investigates the English instructor of university students at one of Indonesia’s universities. In this qualitative study, the teacher’s statements throughout two sessions of teaching-learning activity served as the source of...

Effect of Income Rate, Education, Religiosity to Muzakki Interest to Pay Zakat; Case Study of National Amil Zakat Board Central Java

Budiyono, Serly Andini Restu Putri, Muhammad Tho’in
The purpose of this research is to prove the influence of each independent variable consisting of income, education, religiosity to the dependent variable that is the interest of muzakki to pay zakat at the National Amil Zakat board Central Java namely the National Amil Zakat Board Surakarta. The research...