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194175 articles

Maharadia Lawana: The Indigenous Filipino “Ramayana” by Way of Diaspora and Hybridity-Heteroginity

Lukas Henggara Nandamai Herujiyanto
This paper discusses the diasporic and heteroginity-hybridity interplay of a Filipino epic namely the Maharadia lawana. Maharadia Lawana is indigenous with the locality of the Philippines though resembling the tale of a folklore epic in India as its original counterpart—The Ramayana. It is also highly...
Proceedings Article

Effect of crop proportion within cassava-soyabean double cropping on harvest seed of soyabean (Glycine max [L.]) and its viability

Eko Pramono, Tumiar Katarina B. Manik, M. Syamsoel Hadi, Masita Fitria
To increase the productivity of a land in producing cassava tubers and soyabean seeds can be done by intercropping both of them. The objective of this experiment was to assess the harvest and viability of soyabean seeds collected from various crop proportion of cassava-soyabean intercropping as compared...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Media and Educational Technology in Enriching Student Literacy

R. Dicky Agus Purnama, Maesaroh Lubis
The purpose of writing this article is to elaborate on the application of media and tech nology in literacy enrichment for students as learners. Adapted and specially developed media and technology can make a huge contribution to the effective teaching of all students and help them reach their highest...
Proceedings Article

Study on the flow plasticity and permeability of mixed and improved shield residue in water-rich sand layer

Jinlong Wang, Haijun Han, Chaojun Mao, Guobo Liu, Angang Yang
Shield tunneling in water-rich sand layer is prone to problems such as high cutter torque and severe wear, and spiral transporter gushing. Based on this, this paper takes the shield project of Xi’an Metro Line 10 interval as the basis, and carries out the experimental research on the improvement of slag...

An Anti-Fragile Personality in The Relationship of Transformational Leadership to Innovation Performance in Black Swan Events to Overcome Cynicism About Organizational Change

M. Trihudiyatmanto, Ari Pranaditya, Heri Purwanto, Alfian Yuda Prasetiyo
In order to sustain organizational growth amidst a volatile environment, organizations need to establish robust systems for innovation and adaptation to withstand threats and stressors, such as anti-fragility. The COVID-19 pandemic, often referred to as a “Black Swan Event” by some scientists, has upended...

Research on the global development trend of biological breeding

Xu Zhenyan
[Objective] Through the study of the global development trend of bio-breeding, we can find global research hotspots, major research institutions, collaborations, etc., and provide decision-making support for organizations in the field of bio-breeding. [Methods] International high-level papers are an...

The Influence of Competence and Work Environment on Employee Productivity in PT. Inko Java Semarang

F. A. Musfirah
The study has the objective of analyzing the impact on competence and work environment on employee productivity at PT. Inko Java Semarang. Using an associative quantitative approach with a survey method, the total population of this study were all 128 employees of the production division at PT. Inko...
Proceedings Article

Plastic Waste Shredder

Jan Galík, Robert Kohár, Rudolf Madaj, Peter Stevko
Used plastics are all around us. Their production is excessive and presents a big problem today and an even bigger problem for the future. They are used very often for their positive qualities. Just as the pros also have their negatives. One of the biggest drawbacks is the decomposition time of this...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Chitosan on the Formation of Odontoblast-Like Cells in Reversible Pulpitis (in Vivo Study on Sprague Dawley Rats)

Amara Syifa Tifani, Noor Hafida Widyastuti, Nur Ariska Nugrahani, Cahyani Cahyani
Reversible pulpitis is inflammation of the pulp that can change back to the normal pulp. The medicament is critical to the success of direct pulp capping treatment, as evidenced by the formation of odontoblast-like cells. Calcium hydroxide has begun to be abandoned because of its deficiency. This study...
Proceedings Article

Physical Activity of Indonesian Students Decreased Significantly During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Cindy Dwi Agustine, Anna Suraya
Introduction: The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic that entered Indonesia had an impact on the physical activity of students. Activities that were usually carried out on campus and outside campus were hampered. The pandemic required students to perform activities mostly at home to reduce the transmission...

Utilization of Technology Enhanced, Research-Based Instruction, Assessment and Development (TRIAD) Scale-Up Model in the Teaching of Senior High School Mathematics

Jaydeen L. Lopez
Mathematics is a motivational gateway to success which moves the society inexorably into its modern notion. This study determined the utilization of TRIAD Scale-Up Model in the teaching of senior high school mathematics as well as the problems met in using the model. The descriptive method of research...

Forming Alliance for Greener Palm Oil: Example from Japan

Intan Sartika Eris Maghfiroh, Katsuhiko Kokubu
Sustainability has been the current main focus for the global development. With the Sustainability Development Goals declared in 2015, all countries under United Nations are putting their best effort to achieve the goals. The natural resource that gained much attention for the past decade is palm oil...
Proceedings Article

Status of Phthalate Ester Pollution in Danjiangkou Reservoir and Ecological Risk Assessment

Yueqi Cao, Xumin Wu, Li Lin, Lei Dong
Phthalate esters (PAEs) are one of the new pollutants widely used by human beings, which are widely present and not easy to be degraded, and have received much attention. In order to understand the concentration and pollution characteristics of PAEs in the water body of Danjiangkou Reservoir during the...
Proceedings Article

The Performance of Decision Tree and Ensemble Algorithms for Classifying the Graduation Status of Undergraduate Students at Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Dian Handayani, Abdurrahman Malik Karim, Dania Siregar, Faroh Ladayya
A bachelor’s degree in Indonesia typically takes around four years to complete. This research aims to examine the data patterns related to the graduation status of a bachelor’s degree from Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). The data pattern is used to determine if an undergraduate student from UNJ will...

“Keep it Interesting for Generation Z.”: Evaluating Immersive Factors in Recreational Reading Activity

Lalitya Talitha Pinasthika
This research explores the influence of Generation Z’s on the expansion of media varieties and its impact on their recreational reading habits. With the proliferation of digital media, the younger generation has been exposed to a wider range of media choices, resulting in shorter attention spans and...

Valuing Diverse Styles of Communication between Male and Female in Translation Class: A Sociolinguistics Perspective

Iin Rachmawati
Teaching translation in the modern era of technology 4.0 needs to be fully enhanced into something that is not only fun, but also useful and easier to practice. Therefore, this study is conducted by combining translation and sociolinguistics study. The basic premise of sociolinguistics study is about...
Proceedings Article

Physicochemical Characteristics of Local Cocoa Powder

Dewi Amrih, Atika Nur Syarifah, Adi Sutakwa, Nuril Khairunisa Izzati
Gunungkidul is one of the cocoa-producing areas in DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In addition to being marketed in the form of cocoa beans, farmer groups in the Gunungkidul area also process cocoa beans into cocoa powder. From the selected cocoa beans, the fermentation, drying, roasting, and pressing process...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of a School Calendar Adjustment System Webpage Based on React

Yuxuan Chen
In the rapidly evolving landscape of front-end development, frameworks like React have become indispensable tools that enable developers to build complex, responsive web applications. However, during the process of development with React, developers need to address the steep learning curve associated...

Comparative Figures of Speech in the Collection of Reality Club’s Songs: A Semantic Study

Puspita Sari, Muhammad Ilman Nashrullah Nurdin
This study aims to identify the types of figures of comparison in the collection of Reality Club’s Songs and the meanings contained. This study used the theory of types of figures of comparison by Kennedy (1983) and the theory of meaning according to (Lyons, 1968). The method used in this study is descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Ultrasonic Phased-Array Three-Dimensional Imaging Detection for Insulation Component Positions in Ultra-High Voltage Transformers

Junli Du, Chao Li, Chaohua Wang, Yongfeng Zhao, Hua Zhu, Rui Qiu, Guanhua Wu, Xi Chen
To accurately detect the position of the paper insulating component inside the UHV (ultra-high voltage) transformers and prevent the discharge fault, the research on ultrasonic phased array three-dimensional imaging detection technology of the insulating cardboard position was carried out. Firstly, a...

Strategic Planning Model for the Digitalization of Subak Cultural Heritage: An Integrated SWOT-PESTEL Approach

Ni Kadek Dessy Hariyanti, Linawati Linawati, I Made Oka Widyantara, I Gede Sukadarmika, Ni Ketut Suciani, Ida Bagus Gde Widiantara
Many countries currently face problems related to the loss of cultural heritage due to inadequate documentation. Several collective actions must be taken to document, preserve, and protect ancestral cultural practices and knowledge, one of which is through digitalization. Subak is an irrigation and agriculture...

A Comparison Between an Indonesian and an English Journal Published in Indonesia

Endro Dwi Hatmanto
One of the challenges faced by Indonesian writers in writing the research paper is writing the introduction section. Different from other forms of writing, the Research Article Introduction (RAI) section in the academic research articles have specific structure, formats and convention. The previous studies...
Conference Abstract


Xiaoqing Peng*, Martin Schultz, Justin Davies, Dean Picone, Andrew Black, Nathan Dwyer, Phil Roberts-Thomson, James Sharman
Pages: 33 - 34
Background: Aortic reservoir pressure (RP) and excess pressure (XSP) predict cardiovascular events independent of clinic blood pressure (BP). It is unknown whether RP and XSP change in magnitude from the central to peripheral large arteries where conventional BP is measured. This information has implications...

Factors that influence the intention to use E-wallet among Generation Z in Malaysia

Jayanty Kuppusamy, Eward Li Jing Xiang
The emergence of e-wallet is gaining momentum around the world. People are switching to e-wallet to pay for their purchases. The Malaysian gov- ernment is also promoting the usage of e-wallet through several initiatives. Nev- ertheless, the e-wallet usage is considered still low. Therefore, the current...

Experiences and Perceptions of Extended Curriculum Programme Students Transitioning from High School to a University Offering Blended Learning Courses

Palesa Makhetha-Kosi, Ellen Chenesai Rungani, Lunga Xolisa Mantashe, Sibongile Dayimani, Zizo Makala
The department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) introduced the Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP) as one of the vehicles for addressing the access and success agenda. This study focused on the experiences and perceptions of ECP students who were transitioning from high school to a university...
Proceedings Article

Assessing the Relationship between Dietary Macronutrient Intake and Nutritional Status of Toddlers in the Lepo-Lepo Primary Health Care Work Area

A. D. Ulhaq, N. I. Nasruddin, W. S. A. Udu
Nutrient intake is a direct factor influencing the nutritional status of toddlers. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020, about 45.4 million children worldwide experienced wasting (low weight-for-height) and 38.9 million children were overweight. This study aimed to investigate the...

Generation Z’s Behavioural Intention to Use E-Wallet During the Pandemic of COVID-19

Nor Azimah Yusof Suwandi, Ermiza Azman, Syasya Nurfarhana Mazni, Noreha Mohamed Yusof
An e-wallet is a type of payment system that transfers physical wallet functions to a virtual setting to carry out electronic transactions using a range of payment options, including bank accounts, debit cards, credit cards, loyalty cards, and mobile phones. This study aims to examine Generation Z’s...
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy C-Means Approach Optimized using Raindrop Algorithm for Image Segmentation

Bindu Puthentharayil Vikraman, Jabeena Afthab
Medical image segmentation is critical in advancing healthcare systems, notably disease finding and medication scheduling. Because of its simplicity and efficacy, fuzzy c-means-based clustering emerged as an efficient algorithm for lesion extraction. The downsides of FCM include its sensitivity to beginning...

Stress-free Collaborative Evaluations Through the Mural Digital Platform in University Students

Guillermo Mayuri-Aguilar, Pilar Pedraza-Armenteras, María Chávez-Chuquimango
This study addresses academic stress among university students and the effectiveness of collaborative assessments, highlighting the use of digital tools such as Mural. The methodology employs a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews with students at the School of Communications in the Graphic...

Influence of Digital Marketing Capabilities on the Performance of Textile Industry SMEs

Preeti Sangwan, Pardeep Kumar
The purpose of this study is to examine Indian textile industry small medium enterprises (SMEs) performance by considering the direct influence of “digital marketing capabilities” and role of “customer relationship management” (CRM). A survey was used to collect the data from the respondents (n=252)....

The Causal Relationship Between Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Technological Innovation: A Conceptual Framework

Woon Leong Lin, Siong Choy Chong, Chuen Khee Pek, Jing Yi Yong, Kelvin Lee Yong Ming, Nelvin Leow XeChung
Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) and technological innovation are increasingly integral to the strategic frameworks of modern businesses, yet their mutual relationship remains under-explored in existing literature. This paper introduces a conceptual framework that investigates how these two...

Towards Machine Learning based Activities Recommendation for Children Cerebral Palsy Treatment

Mariam Gorchene, Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi, Saoussen Layouni
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that necessitates precise diagnosis and personalized treatment to enhance patient outcomes. This paper examines the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in CP diagnosis and treatment, focusing on current advancements...
Conference Abstract


Martin Schultz*, Ahmad Qasem, Xiaoqing Peng, Dean Picone, J. Andrew Black, Nathan Dwyer, Phillip Roberts-Thomson, James Sharman
Pages: 33 - 33
Background: There is interest in measuring central blood pressure (BP) from non-invasive upper-arm cuff devices, the accuracy of which may be influenced by different calibration modes. The aim of this study was to determine the validity of an upper-arm cuff oscillometric device to estimate central BP...
Conference Abstract


Lorenzo Ghiadoni*, Rosa Maria Bruno, Francesco Regoli, Giuseppe Penno, Stefano Taddei
Pages: 33 - 33
Objective: Methodological issues are major reasons preventing the use of endothelial function testing in clinical practice This study aimed to address the relationship between two non-invasive techniques, brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and as reactive hyperemia index (RHI), comparing also...

Tiktok and Online Selective Self-Presentation

Thomas Putro STH, Palupi Palupi
Communication on social media is classified as Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) since the interaction does not occur directly. Tiktok is one of the social media that is widely used for many purposes. By utilizing video share feature, users can post everything they want. The purpose of this study...
Conference Abstract


Marie Fisk*, Divya Mohan, Joseph Cheriyan, Julia Forman, Carmel M. McEniery, John R. Cockcroft, Ruth Tal-Singer, Michael I. Polkey, Ian B. Wilkinson
Pages: 33 - 33
Background: COPD is independently associated with increased cardiovascular events. Arterial stiffening and systemic inflammation are postulated aetiological factors. We hypothesised that vascular inflammation links systemic inflammation with vascular stiffening and sought to test this in a cohort of...

ALife for Real and Virtual Audio-Video Performances

Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund
Pages: 33 - 38
MAG (an Italian acronym which stands for Musical Genetic Algorithms) is an electronic art piece in which a multifaceted software attempts to “translate” musical expression into a corresponding static or animated graphical expressions. The mechanism at the base of such “translation” consists in a quite...

Clinical Evaluation of UR-System 2 for Recovery of Motor Function of Plegic Upper Limb after Stroke

Hirofumi Tanabe, Masahiro Mitsukane, Norihiro Toya, Ryosuke Takeichi, Hitomi Hattori, Yoshifumi Morita, Yoshiaki Takagi, Norio Hasegawa
Pages: 33 - 36
We developed a new training system UR-System 2 for restoring motor function of the upper limb after stroke in patients with hemiplegia. And then, we conducted clinical evaluation of the therapeutic effect of training with the UR-System 2 in six patients. The UR-System uses Proprioceptive Neuromuscular...

E-Governance Implementation in Metropolitan and Rural Areas of Bangladesh: An Illustrative Prototype

Gazi Zahirul Islam
Pages: 33 - 49
The goal of this paper is to implement e-governance in a flexible and cost effective manner to suit with current ICT infrastructure in Bangladesh to provide better information and service delivery of the government to the public; and hence promote democratic practices through public participation and...

The Progress of Cryptocurrency Assets Investment from Financial Perspectives: Risks, Comparisons and Impacts

Yiheng Bian, Xi Lin, Yinhao Xiong
Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular in recent years. As cryptocurrency prices have soared a lot since 2008, plenty of investors choose to invest in cryptocurrencies driven by speculative motives. With the development of cryptocurrencies, the feasibility to act as a medium of exchange them...

COVID-19 Pandemic Bayanihan Initiatives: The CapSU Experience and Future Education Directions

Ian B. Arcega, Elmer M. Albaladejo, Arnel Van Aleligay, Wennie F. Legario, Ma. Dorothee J. Villarruz
The COVID-19 pandemic shifted the world’s life, drastically changing humanity’s economies, health, education, and futures. The pandemic united private and public organizations and individuals to work as one in the spirit of ‘Bayanihan.’ Bayanihan is the Filipino indigenous governance involving volunteerism...

The Existence of Children in Difficult Living Conditions and Its Legal Protection

Mutia Cherawaty Thalib, Zamroni Abdussamad, Mellisa Towadi
This study was carried out using an empirical juridical approach. Juridically, this study was conducted by identifying societal norms, legal rules, or policies related to child protection in private and public life. On the other hand, empirically, this study was conducted by observing social phenomena...

The Lǐ yì 禮義 (Rites and Morality) Aspects in Wángzhì王制 (The Rules of a True King) by Xun Zi 荀子

A Contemporary Interpretation in Xi Jinping’s Policy

Anthea Rinata, Adrianus Laurens Gerung Waworuntu
Xun Zi was a Confucian philosopher who lived during the Warring States Period and contributed to the Hundred Schools of Thought. The famous classical “Xunzi” book was traditionally attributed to Xun Zi. This book consists of thirty two chapters philosophical essays on specific topics ranging from economic...

The Impact of Investor Types on the Stock Return Volatility During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Wening Naraswari, Viverita
This study investigates the impact of foreign and domestic investors on the stock return volatility during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Indonesian capital market. Using a panel data regression method, we find that foreign institutional and individual investors cannot be proven to affect stock return...

Investigating the Impact of Financial Inflows and Logistics Performance on Economic Growth Under the Shadow of Pandemic Crises: Empirical Analysis Using Dynamic Panel Estimation

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan, Zhang Yu, Laeeq Razzak Janjua, Adeel Shah
COVID-19 pandemic has severed the rate of economic growth almost in every country around the globe. The magnitude has been different due to the precondition of economic activities and severity for the speed of communicable disease spread. The developed, developing, and under developing countries by regulation...

“An Act of (Digital) Kindness Goes a Long Way”: An Overview of the Involvement of Digital Devices in the Enactment of Space and Places

Aji Noor Muhammad, Andhika Riyadi, Wulan Sari
Lefebvre’s view on space is explained as three modes of existence: Spatial Practices, Representation of Space, and Representational Space. These modes leave the question about how we can observe these different space modes when conducting empirical studies? Drawing from works of John Law on material...

Exact Travelling Wave Solutions of a Beam Equation

J. C. Camacho, M. S. Bruzón, J. Ramírez, M. L. Gandarias
Pages: 33 - 49
In this paper we make a full analysis of the symmetry reductions of a beam equation by using the classical Lie method of infinitesimals and the nonclassical method. We consider travelling wave reductions depending on the form of an arbitrary function. We have found several new classes of solutions that...

Improvement of LPKA Class 1 Palembang Electronic Dashboard with Field Performance Monitoring

Hendra Hadiwijaya, Febrianty Febrianty, Rezania Agramanisti Azdy
LPKA Class 1 Palembang was included in the Top 45 2019 Public Service Innovations in the Public Service Innovation Competition organized by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform. LPKA Class 1 Palembang continues to strive to improve its performance, especially in the field of...
Proceedings Article

Electric Power System of a Hybrid All-terrain Vehicle

Albert Kim, Andrey Lukichev, Sofia Grinishena, Danil Mikhailov
The work is devoted to the electric power system of a hybrid ATV. Currently, electric cars are popular, however, they have a small power reserve compared to cars powered by an internal combustion engine. Consideration of the electric power system of a hybrid vehicle is an urgent task to this day. The...

Actualization of Mediation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Court

Riska Fitriani
The emergence of various problems occurs with the new virus that is infecting the world today, namely Corona viruses (Covid-19). The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia stated that the Covid-19 pandemic was first detected in Wuhan, China on December 13, 2019. COVID-19 is considered a deadly...