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188759 articles

Is It Crucial to Use Information-Based Theory in Explaining Attitude towards Change?

Tulus Winarsunu
The purpose of this article is to describe the various theories used in research on attitudes to change. Theoretical framework that has been used could be grouped into three perspectives, which are based on social influence, individual differences, and information. Based on literature review in that...

Risk Analysis of Occupational Diseases in Harbor Community

Martiana Tri
Harbor workers have risk of being affected by hazards that possibly develop into occupational diseases. The objective of this research was to describe hazards that could possibly develop into occupational diseases in harbor community. This research used cross sectional approach and descriptive method....

The Contribution Of Sculptor Artist (Edhi Sunarso) To The Development Of Indonesia

Donny Trihanondo, Didit Endriawan, Teddy Ageng Maulana, Tri Haryotedjo
Edhi Sunarso is one of the well-known sculptors in Indonesia. There are a lot of monumental works had been created by Edhi Sunarso in strategic places in Indonesia. Edhi Sunarso had produced works that would become a symbol of a historic memorial in Indonesia. There are works such as the West Irian Liberation...

Innovative Training Based on Dance Consciousness in College Dance Teaching

Yanhua Xiang
The dance teaching in college is mainly composed of the teaching of music and the teaching of education. The dance awareness of dance students is relatively weak. However, the dance awareness in dance teaching is very important. For example, in dance teaching, Dance awareness to enable students to better...
Proceedings Article

Heat Simulation of High-speed Train’s Brake Disc Considering the Wind Speed of Disc Surface Influence on Convection Coefficient

Xiaobiao Wu, Jianyong Zuo, Mengling Wu
With the continuous improvement of train speed, disc braking are widely applied due to its high-power of braking, reliable working, etc. In this paper, relative wind speed of different locations on the brake disc surface during braking has been calculated, and the equivalent wind speed coefficient is...
Proceedings Article

Preparation of Ultrafine Magnesium Hydroxide with Two Kinds of Dispersing Agent

Hu Na, Wu Zhi Ping, Wang Gui Wu, Wen Peng, Qian Wei
In this study, Super fine magnesium hydroxide was synthesized by direct precipitation method. The influence of factors, such as reaction time, reaction temperature, solution concentration and the additive amount of dispersing agent on the particle size of MH were investigated. The properties of prepared...
Proceedings Article

Non-uniform Cluster-Based Mobile Data Collector Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Xinlian Zhou, Sheng Chen
One fundamental task of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is to save sensor power, and try to prolong the lifetime of WSNs. Traditional routing protocols are almost based on homogeneous WSNs, all sensors are use single hop or multi-hop to transmit data to base station, which lead to overload sensors next...
Proceedings Article

A Hybrid Algorithm Of Gabor Filter and Gaussian Distribution Feature Extraction Techniques for Facial Expression Recognition

Aruna Bhadu, Hardyal Singh Shekhawat, Vijay Kumar, Tarun Kumar
Facial expression recognition is necessary for designing any human-machine interfaces. Facial expression plays an important role in the recognition of human emotions and non verbal communication. Human face is a rich and powerful source of communicative information about human behavior. In this dissertation...
Proceedings Article

Research and Analysis of the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor Situation in Shaodong, Hunan

Meixia Chen, Wei Shen
This paper takes Shaodong in Hunan province as an example, utilizing documentation researching method, quantitative and qualitative models, data analysis and various other methods, aims at analyzing existing problems on rural surplus labor transfer, such as the supply of labor force exceeding the demand,...

Management of Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

Arifin Arifin
This article discusses teachers’ emotional intelligence management in realization of schools with characters and in preparing themselves to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The current study was designed as a phenomenology study. The subject of the study consisted of a group of principals and teachers....
Proceedings Article

Design of Broadband Transition Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide

Qinghua Han, Mingdeng Shi
A broadband transition device based on substrate integrated waveguide structureis proposed in this letter. With the novel guide wave structure, electromagnetic waves could be limited in the rectangular cavity formed by two rows of metal hole and the upper and lower metal border to achieve low losseffect....

Tour Guiding as a Factor of Tourism Development Along the Route of the Great Silk Road in Kazakhstan

Alexandr Artemyev, Sholpan Abdreyeva, Zayakhuu Batbaatar
International tourism is a major branch of the global economy and one of the leading directions of globalization. Under these conditions, the international program “The Economic Belt of the Great Silk Road” proposed by China became an important and timely initiative, bringing together the capabilities...

Planning and Accounting as a Factor of Economic Growth of Railway Industry Enterprises

A.G. Dykusova, E. Yu. Golovina
Over the past few years the system of economic relations in Russia had been in a very difficult situation which was due to the foreign economic and political situation of the state on the world stage and had a negative impact on the development of various spheres and sectors of the economy. The impact...

Determining the Effectiveness of Corporate Controlling Based on the Use of Effective Algorithms

Ivan Nepomnyashchikh, Alexey Artemyev
Currently, the trend of globalization of the world economy is intensifying, therefore corporate entities seek to expand their economic power and influence, which encourages them to constantly search for ways to increase the efficiency of their activities both in the domestic and foreign markets. These...

Methodology of Forming of Economical and Geographical Competence of a Modern Education System

I. G. Morozova, I. I. Abdullin, A.D. Khayaleeva, O.A. Rocheva
The methodology of forming of economical and geographical competence of a modern education system is considered. Implementation of the federal state educational standards (FSES) in the organizations of the secondary (complete) general education caused need of realization of competence approach and became...

Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Level of Anxiety to Menstrual Cycle for Young Female Students in the Department of Midwifery

Luh Ari Arini, Ketut Espana Giri, Anjar Tri Astuti
Menstruation is the initial sign in which the function of a woman’s reproductive organs has matured. This situation happens every month in a periodic cycle. The menstrual cycle of young women tends to be irregular or disorders because it is influenced by the balance of the estrogen and progesterone hormone...

Diagnosing the Results of Educator's Didactic Culture Development in the Conditions of Innovative Education

М Tyrina, L Kulikova
The article reviews the problem of diagnosing the results of the didactic culture development of the pedagogical personnel in the context of innovative education. The comparative method systematizes the approaches of scientists to the analysis of the criteria and indicators of the educator’s innovative...

On the Construction of College English Course Based on the Cloud Platform of

Mengtao Duan
At present, with the continuous deepening of higher education reform, more and more universities and teachers have recognized the necessity and positive effect of applying online forms of learning into the traditional ways, and begin to explore more concerning course-construction on the platforms of...

School Management Based on Culture in Public Junior High School 1 Jetis and Public Junior High School 3 Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Budi Indrianto, Mami Hajaroh
This study aims to describe: Cultural-based school management, planning, implementation, supervision, evaluation, and supporting factors and obstacles to the implementation of culture-based school management in Public Junior High School 1 Jetis and Junior High School 3 Banguntapan Bantul, Yogyakarta....

Does Working Environment and Working Motivation has Big Impact on Employee Performance?

Lisnatiawati Lisnatiawati, Lukertina Lukertina
Human Resources (HR) is the main component of an organization that becomes a planning and active actor in every activity of the organization. This has triggered the company to improve the performance of its employees. This research aims to identify the influence of working environment and working motivation...

Parenting Education: Building Characters and Holding in Millennial Mental Problems

Agung Wiradimadja
This research was conducted to see parents effort in improving their parenting skills, especially in building children’s character education. Parental education is very important and crucial for children. During 2007 to 2009 there were cases of juvenile delinquency which involves teenagers aged ≤18 years...

Preparation of Learning Materials for Basic Flute Instrument Based on Locality and ABRSM Curriculum

Robby Ferdian, Agung Dwi Putra, Fabio Yuda
The Major Instrument Practice course is a subject that has learning achievements in order to shape student skills in mastering the chosen musical instrument properly and responsibly. Thus, the State University of Padang Music Education Study Program must be able to facilitate it well so that the objectives...

Teacher Professionalism, Learning Facilities, and Student Interest in Improving the Intellectual Intelligence of Elementary Students in Pandeglang Regency

E. Nita Prianti, Khristina Sri Prihatin
Educational outcomes should be felt directly by every individual in social life. The basic problems in the scope of our education are the level of professionalism, facilities, and the willingness of students to learn themselves. These three factors, are very supportive of the learning outcomes to be...

The Impact of Capital Structure, Debt Policy, and Dividend Policy on Firm Value of Companies Listed on the LQ-45 Index

Tri Kurniawati, Abul Khair
This study aims to analyze: 1) the influence of managerial ownership on firm value, 2) the influence of institutional ownership on firm value, 3) the influence of debt policy on firm value, and) the influence of dividend policy on firm value. This study used quantitative research. The population in this...

Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Comprehending Simple Sentence in English at First Grade of SMA Adabiah Padang

Polmusvita Rezi, Muhd. Al Hafizh
The bad scores gotten in English subject still become a problem for senior high school students. The aim of this study was to find out students’ ability and difficulties in comprehending English simple sentence. The total sample members were 20 students, and they were chosen by cluster random sampling...

Legal Certainty in the Land Registration Process Originating from Inheritance

Okto Berlin Gultom, Budiman Ginting, M. Yamin Lubis, T. Keizerina Devi Azwar, Muldri Pudamo James Pasaribu
To guarantee legal certainty by the Government, land registration is carried out for the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia according to the provisions regulated by Government Regulations. The problem formulation in this study is how the land registration originating from inheritance in Indonesia...

Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Interest Among Students in Higher Education

Siska Ernawati Fatimah, Ario Purdianto
College graduates who wish to become entrepreneurial are still very low. Entrepreneurial knowledge can be obtained through experience or gained academically. This research object is a student who has taken entrepreneurship lectures at the Faculty of Economics. The sampling technique used is Cluster Random...

Analysis of Female Characters in a Dream of Red Mansions—Taking Xue Baochai as an Example

Ziyu Lu
A dream of Red Mansions is a classic Chinese classical novel, in which the characters are always discussed by the fans of Red Mansions. Xue Baochai, as one of the main characters, is a typical feudal woman. In Xue Baochai’s character image, she has the qualities of the feudal lady’s virtuous, as well...

Measuring Human Rights Legal Resilience in the Context of Ethnic Anti-Discrimination: Study of Universalism or Cultural Relativism?

Adriana Grahani Firdausy
The enforcement of human rights norms in Indonesia is a form of legal transplantation, even though human rights are universal. Legal transplantation is partly caused by globalization, which breaks down the boundaries of the nation-state, thus integrating the law in a network of global value systems and...

Communication Strategy of Dinas Komunikasi Dan Informatika Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta in Socializing Jogja Smart Province Program Amongst the Jogjakarta Society

Fitrah Fasyanabilla Lotan, Choirul Fajri
This study seeks to analyze communication strategy Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta in socializing Jogja Smart Province Program amongst the Jogjakarta Society. The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of the strategy of Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Daerah Istimewa...

Violence, Science, and World Hegemony in Semilyar Ikan Memakan Anjing-anjing by Absurditas Malka

Siti Masitoh, Athifah Chairunnisah, Faizul Munir
Within the revolutionary strategy for power domination, ideology has become a convention that unites subordinate class society in achieving hegemonic leadership. The said issue is also found in literary works which becomes the media for the author to deliver the ideology he wants to convey, as contained...

The Digital Role in Environmental Sustainability: Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Performance and Quality of Earnings

This research explores several studies on the role of digital technology in environmental sustainability, corporate social responsibility performance (CSRP), and earnings quality. CSRP is expected to strengthen the quality of earnings in the financial statements of the company. This literature review...

Modeling the Optimal Range of Dairy Products

Yu.D. Bahteev, M.R. Bahteeva, G.Yu. Kuryaeva, A.A. Tuskov
The use of economic and mathematical models for planning the activities of organizations is a core area of scientific research. One solution to this problem is to use linear economic and mathematical models that take into account a complex of different factors and limitations. This article implements...

Implementation of Science Writing Heuristic Approach to Develop Chemistry Students’ Argumentation Skill

Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Galuh Yuliani, Siti Aisyah
The important challenge in science education is improving students’ scientific literacy, including argumentation skill. Argumentation skill was crucial to address the problem related to scientific issues that occurs in every aspect of lives. The Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach has been used...

Legal, Tactical and Forensic Support of the Judicial Investigation of Crimes

Vladimir Yuryevich Golubovsky, Igor Yurievich Nikodimov, Elena Anatolyevna Mironova
The article is devoted to legal issues related to criminal justice and is focused on corrupt practices. Both general legal and private law aspects, namely criminal, criminally-remedial, forensic and criminological aspects have been considered resulting in practical recommendations that can be applied...
Proceedings Article

Does Sexual Behavior Cause Complaints on Sexually Transmitted Infections in Female Sex Workers in the Work Area of the Community Health Center of Pedan?

Lilik Hartati, Sri Wahyuni, Anna Uswatun Qoyyimah, Dina Erfiana
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are various infections that can be transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. It can inhibit the meeting of the egg and sperm, resulting in infertility. This scarring also increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy in the fallopian...

Discussion on the Teaching Reform of Computer Network Security Course

Xueyong Wan, Liang Zhang
The network security problem is becoming more and more serious with the popularization of the internet, but the current threat to the computer network is not only a technical threat, but also a physical threat. If we do not solve these problems, it will bring more potential harm to the computer network.

Sustainable Development of Educational Organizations in a Rural Region: Socio-Cultural Determinants

L.L. Redko, M.G. Kuleshin, V.N. Goncharov, O.Yu. Kolosova, V.A. Ivashova
The article outlines theoretical approaches to the determination of the socio-cultural determinants of the sustainable development of educational organizations in the rural region. On the example of a successful agrarian region of Russia (Stavropol Krai) we conducted a study of opinions in the regional...

Transformation Features of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation

A.V. Skrypnikov, V.G. Kozlov, V.V. Denisenko, R.S. Sapelkin, A.Y. Bunina, M.A. Zayceva
This scientific article is devoted to the analysis of the processes of formation of the conditions for the development of the digital economy in Russia, which are actively undertaken by the state and are obviously necessary for the digital transformation of business. The relevance of scientific research...

Investigating the Foundation of Child Development Policies: A Case Study in Sumbawa Regency, Indonesia

Fahrunnisa Fahrunnisa, Apriadi Apriadi, Ayuning Atmasari, Ofi Hidayat, Abbyzar Aggasi
Protecting children, women and marginal groups is one of the national development priorities and in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the pillars of social development. Through Presidential Decree No.57 of 2017 concerning Implementation of SDGs Achievement, each region synergizes...

The New Focus of Global Media Ethics — Information Access

Ran Gao
In the global context of profound changes in the international situation and media ecology, media ethics are facing great challenges. It is urgent for media ethics to adapt to the changes of the times. In order to understand the current trends in the development of global media ethics, the author conducts...

Civilization and City Images in the Films of Georges Méliès

Ekaterina Salnikova
The very first images of civilization and city in Georges Méliès fiction films are described in the article. His vision of “islands” of a civilization in the middle of a stony landscape and active aircraft traffic were adopted by science-fiction cinema later. In his travel films, the director creates...

Working Capital Management Effect in Indonesia and Thailand Manufacturing Sector

Amalina Syaharani, Dony Abdul Chalid
This research aims to analyze working capital management in selected manufacturing firms in Indonesia and Thailand. Database of 216 companies is selected for the ten years from 2008-2017. The cash conversion cycle is the measuring tool to calculate the efficiency of working capital management. Tobin’s...

Tulak Bala as an Outbreak Prevention Within Sharia-based Community

The Practice and Views

Abdul Manan, Kamarullah, Rahmad Syah Putra, Saprizal, Cut Intan Salasiyah, Muhammad Arif Fadhilah
The ritual of Tulak Bala (warding off calamities) has been carried out by Acehnese people from generation to generation to prevent bad lucks or disasters upon their life. The objective of this qualitative study is to discover the practice as the existence of COVID-19 considered one of the disasters....

Pricing Strategy of Dual-Channel Garment Supply Chain Considering Consumer Fairness Preference

Dan Liu, Dongxue Zuo, Haitao Wen, Chun Wang
Due to the inconsistency of the main body in dual channels, direct conflicts between online manufacturers and traditional retailers exist. In this paper, the demand function and the profit function of online manufacturers and traditional retailers are constructed according to master-slave game theory,...

Lecturers’ Perception on English Ability Towards the Lecturers’ Professionalism

Rini Afriani
Lecturers need English to develop their professionalism. English can be a bridge in helping their professional career. In this situation, lecturers should have a good English ability to reach their target. This descriptive study aims to describe the perceptions of lecturers about their English ability....

Career Satisfaction Survey of Young German Teachers in China

Weihua Du, Jiahao Wang, Zhongli Hu
Young German teachers in China have a huge teaching load and are also under great pressure for personal development. How to analyse the opportunities and challenges they face and to investigate their job stress and satisfaction has become an issue that must be faced in the development of the German profession...

Profiles of Inflated Surfaces

Igor Pak, Jean-Marc Schlenker
Pages: 145 - 157
We study the shape of inflated surfaces introduced in [3] and [12]. More precisely, we analyze profiles of surfaces obtained by inflating a convex polyhedron, or more generally an almost everywhere flat surface, with a symmetry plane. We show that such profiles are in a one-parameter family of curves...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Age, Duration of Diabetes Mellitus, HbA1c Levels, and Erectile Dysfunctions in Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Niken Widyaningsih, Dwi Nur Ahsani
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM) can cause erectile dysfunctions. A number of studies show that erectile dysfunctions (ED) are more common in a longer period of DM. Age and HbA1c levels are related to type II DM. This study aimed to reveal the correlation between age, duration of DM, HbA1c levels,...
Proceedings Article

Progressive Concept Towards the Long Passing Result of Woman Football Players of Jambi FC

Adhe Saputra, Ahmad Muzaffar, Iwan Budi Setiawan, Tubagus Zam Zam Al Arif
Before the progress of the attack ahead of the opponent’s goal area, a player must get a long-distance ball or long pass from a teammate behind him, so that he gets a way to progressively attack to the opponent’s goal area. In the game, a player’s movement pattern is needed when controlling the ball...