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188542 articles
Proceedings Article

Program Representation for General Intelligence

Moshe Looks, Ben Goertzel
Traditional machine learning systems work with relatively flat, uniform data representations, such as feature vectors, time-series, and context-free grammars. However, reality often presents us with data which are best understood in terms of relations, types, hierarchies, and complex functional forms....
Proceedings Article

Fuzzy logics with truth hedges revisited

Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo, Carles Noguera
In this paper we build upon previous works of Hájek and Vychodil on the axiomatization of truthstressing and depressing hedges as expansions of BL logic by new unary connectives. They show that their logics are chain-complete, but standard completeness is only proved for the expansions over Gödel logic....
Proceedings Article

Research of Virtual Test Platform for Marine Instrument

Yi Zheng, Zhongqiu Wang, Juncheng Wang, Hongru Wang
Virtual test Platform for marine instrument could provide visualized and interactive simulation solution for the development process. It could be used for virtual test or virtual experiment of mechanical or electro characters of marine instrument. The marine virtual instrument test environment is established...
Proceedings Article

Design and realization of CNG intelligent monitoring system

Zhen-hua Wang, Ge-fei Yu, Chun-ming Chen, Yin-ting Wang
One CNG remote intelligent monitoring system is designed and realized in this article. The monitoring system can receive real time monitoring information and monitor environment of CNG filling station by using GSM short message platform , terminal PC and cell phone based on ARM microprocessor, PTM100GSM...
Proceedings Article

Selection of Optimal Third-party Logistics Recycler Based on Fuzzy DEA

Haiyun Zhou, Gang Du, Tong An
Selection of appropriate third-party logistics recycler in closed loop supply chain management strategy (CLSCMS) is a challenging issue because it requires a lot of evaluation criteria/attributes, which are characterized with complexity, elusiveness, and uncertainty in nature. This paper proposes a fuzzy...

Representation of Language Awareness in Jokowi’s Terms

Tatik Muflihah
The era of information and communication technology has many challenges faced by many people, including the language awareness of Indonesian users. Lack of awareness of respecting the language of the nation itself is a big problem. It should be noted, the use of the Indonesian language now does not govern...

Analysis of Challenges and Needs of Generation Behavior in 21st Century

Putri Mahanani
The purpose of this paper is to describe the results of thinking about the challenges and behavioral needs of the 21st century generation. Today the whole world is entering into the life of the 21st century, including Indonesia. There are various challenges and behavioral needs for the next generation...

Research on the Development of Dalian Tourism Market Under the Background of Free Trade Zone

Yan Li
Establishment of China’s Pilot Free Trade Zone had an impact on local trade and tourism. On the basis of drawing lessons from the experience of the four major trade zones, on the basis of the experience of the four major trade zones, combined with the development characteristics of Liaoning Free Trade...

The Use of Social Media as Candidate Campaign Tool in elections in Indonesia Post-New Order

Arfianto Purbolaksono
This study discusses the use of social media as a campaign tool in elections in Indonesia held after the New Order, both at the national level and general election of regional heads (Pilkada). The use of social media as a campaign tool has consequences for the shift in media campaign use carried out...

Synthesis and Characterization of Nanogold-Nanosilver Cluster Diameter Using UV-Visible Instruments and TEM Electron Microscope Transform Instruments

Titik Taufikurohmah, Djodjok Soepardjo, Rusmini, Hari Armadianto
Cluster diameter analysis of the results of nanomaterial synthesis can be done using UV-Visible instruments with complex mathematical calculations. Another way is to use the Transform Electron Microscope (TEM) instrument directly. Both have advantages and disadvantages of each. This research compares...

The Modernization of the Multifunctional Agrarian Sector and Development Outlooks in the Region

Olga Kosenchuk, Oksana Shumakova
Nowadays, issues related to the revivification of rural areas, the increase in the level and quality of life of local population and the insurance of food safety in the whole country are of crucial importance. The main aim of the research was to identify the relation between modernization in agriculture...

On the Coordination between International Trade and International Logistics under the Strategy of "Belt and Road Initiative"

Peng Ye
The "One Belt and One Road" strategy is an overall strategic implementation by the collection of information technology, international trade cooperation, transportation industry and so on. The cooperative relationship between international trade and logistics brings vitality to the "One Belt and One...

Expressions of Curiosity and Academic Achievement of the Students from Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds

Laesti Nurishlah, Nandang Budiman, Hani Yulindrasari
Curiosity plays important role in encouraging students from low social economic status to achieve high achievement in school. For students with lack of access to learning facilities, curiosity becomes a source of intrinsic motivation to study. Through literature research, this article identifies key...

Research on Dynamic Business Process Modeling of E-Government System Based on Extended ECA Rules

Xin Wang, Guang Yu, You Peng
In order to solve the problem that current e-government system business process modeling can’t adapt to changes of requirement and environment, this paper extends original ECA (Event-Condition-Action) rules and puts forward the corresponding ECATRTE (Event-Condition-Action-Temporal constraint- times...
Proceedings Article

Classification and Identification of Urban Forest Soundscapes (Study of the Reached Green Open Space Standard)

Lailatul Inayah, Suyatno, Susilo Indrawati
An urban forest is part of green open space, which has aesthetic and social functions in an urban area. Urban forests cannot be separated from the problem of noise caused by diverse urban activities. Of course, this causes a shift in the function of urban forests as a whole. A sound composition that...

The Effect of Leadership Style and Integrity on Performance at West Sumatera Sar Office

Putri Ramadhani, Syamsir
This study aimed to reveal The Effect 0f Leadership Style and Integrity Employee on Employee Performance at West Sumatera SAR Office. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in the study was the whole of the set of all members in an object of research as many as 75. The sample was obtained...

Innovative Thinking on Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities Under the New Media Environment

Zhang jie
The extensive use of new media provides a new carrier and new means for the ideological and political education of college students, and also puts forward new requirements for the current ideological and political education of college students. In order to enhance the effectiveness of college students’...

Tunneling Incentive, Mechanism Bonus Againts Transfer Pricing Decision (Study on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2012–2018)

Merliyana Merliyana, Enung Siti Saodah
This study aims to examine whether tunneling incentives and bonus mechanisms affect the company’s decision to transfer pricing. This study uses a qualitative approach and the research sample used in this study is manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2012 until 2018,...

Research on the Prospects of Introducing Mediation in the Criminal Process of Russia

A.V. Spirin, V.E. Gradsky
Mediation is a fundamentally new institute for criminal proceedings of the Russian Federation. Despite a number of scientific works on mediation it should be admitted that Russian researchers have just begun to create a theoretical model of this institution. Are there objective prerequisites for the...

“Penyadapan” as Local Cultural Values in Citizenship Education Learning

Iwan Kurniawan, Dadang Sundawa
Penyadapan program is a program at Rancakalong senior High School. The purpose of the program is to bequeath art and cultural value in formal education. This research uses qualitative approaches and case study methods. Result show is many local cultural values contained in the art that exists in n Rancakalong,...

Examining the Effectiveness of Reading Comprehension Practice via the Brain-Based Learning Model at SMPN Unggulan Indramayu

Dadun Kohar
Text structure has a pivotal role in reading comprehension. It can be visualized in the form of different diagrams. By recognizing the text structure, the students are expected to be able to improve their reading comprehension on exposition text. Brain-based learning model is a learning model that corresponds...

Language Experience Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension to the Engineering Students

Zulkifli, Nian Masna Evawati, Koryati
The main purpose of this study is to find out whether or not the students who were taught by using the Language Experience Approach (LEA) gained better achievement in reading comprehension that those who were taught by using the traditional approach. The method used in this study was experimental method....

Methodical Aspects of Sustainable Development Assessment of Krasnoyarsk Region

Irina Sergeevna Ferova, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Tanenkova, Elena Valerevna Lobkova, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kozlova
The problems of sustainable development are becoming currently more and more important. In this context, the determining factor for making effective management decisions by governing institutions depends on the choice of assessment methods, particular indicators for analyzing stability conditions, as...

Under the Background of the New Era, the Research of Improvement Path on Young Teachers’ Class Teaching Level of Colleges

Junhu WANG
Young people have become the main force of teachers in colleges. In order to help them pass the barrier in teaching, the paper indicates the advantages, disadvantages and common problems of young teachers in classroom teaching, based on the practice of teaching supervision and management. Some suggestions...

Loss and Rebuilding of Local Government’s Credibility in Public Emergencies — Take the COVID-19 Epidemic as an Example

Xiaoning Zhu, Haimei Zhou
Public emergencies and the credibility of local governments promote and restrict each other. Local government will gain greater credibility if it handles emergencies well, and local government credibility is the main barrier when facing public emergencies. Good credibility can enable local governments...
Proceedings Article

Information Security: Credit Service Application Analysis at Bank Indonesia

FATHONI, Pacu PUTRA, Yunika H Dinna
This research aims to analyze the procedures and attributes of information system security from the implementation of credit service applications at Bank XYZ using a combination of COBIT Framework 5.0 and ISO 27001:13. The assessment focused on the security element of the information system consisting...

Analysis of Co-Branding Strategy to Improve Company’s Competitive Power (Case Study on Walls Selection Oreo)

Saefudin Zuhdi, Bambang Hengky Rainanto, Dewi Apriyani
The Co-Branding Strategy has been a choice since the 1980s. Co-Branding is a strategy chosen by at least 2 companies or 2 products to increase sales by combining 2 brands or more that were previously known by consumers. The purpose of this study is to find the effect of co-branding strategies that have...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Allium Sativum and Olive Oil in Overcoming Pruritus in Kidney Failure Patients at Hemodialysis Unit of Dr. Soekardjo Hospital, Tasikmalaya City

Hana Ariyani, Rikky Gita Hilmawan, Lutfi S Baharudin
Objective: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Allium Sativum and Olive Oil in overcoming pruritus in kidney failure patients at Hemodialysis Unit of dr. Soekardjo Hospital Tasikmalaya City. Method: This study was a pre-experimental study “one group pre-test post-test” design. The sample...

The Effect of Servant Leadership and Work Engagement on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Mediated by Organizational Commitment on Volunteers in Abbalove Ministries Church

Fidela Sadikin, Melitina Tecualu, Eka Desy
This research aimed to examine the effect of Servant Leadership and Work Engagement on Organizational Citizenship Behavior mediated by Organizational Commitment on Volunteers in Abbalove Ministries Church. This research utilized the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as data analysis technique by using...

Overviewing Hardiness Toward Self-Employed People With Diffabilities in Yogyakarta

Abdu Alifah, Mayreyna Nurwardani
Hardiness is a character that influences on how self-employed diffables view their stress and determine an effective response. This study aimed to explore the hardiness of self-employed diffables in Yogyakarta with phenomenological method that used an interview, observation and documentation in collecting...

Children Growth Awareness: An Important Role for Reaching the Optimal First 1000 Days in Life

Jeslyn Tengkawan, Ayu Anandhika, Ristania Ellya John, Zulfikar Ihyauddin, Kezia Jessica, Titi Pambudi Karuniawaty
Background and Aims: Monitoring child growth, including measurement of weight, height or length, and head circumference, plays an important role in detecting a child’s growth abnormalities and monitoring a child’s nutritional adequacy. This study aimed to measure the completeness of growth chart in maternal...

Identification and Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses as Internal Factors for Coconut Furniture SMEs in Tomohon City, North Celebes, Indonesia

Ivoletti Merlina Walukow, Roosje Awuy, Maryke Alelo, Shane Anneke Pangemanan
North Sulawesi, one of the provinces in northern part of Indonesia has an abundant coconut plantation which covers the area of more than 2.5 hundred thousand hectares. In this region, the coconut timber has a hard and high density and people opine that it is the best among its kind throughout Indonesia....

Problem Solving Ability and Communication Skill Through Problem-Based Learning Approach

Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which complex real-world problems are used as the vehicle to promote student learning of concepts and principles as opposed to direct presentation of facts and concepts. In addition to course-content, problem-based learning can promote the development...

Information Literacy Level of Students of Universitas Negeri Padang Using the Big 6 Model

Marlini, Elva Rahmah
This research discusses the level of information literacy of student of Universitas Negeri Padang using The Big 6 Model. This research uses explanative method which aimed to explain why events occur, and to build and develop theories or concepts. The data obtained by directly distributing questionnaires....

Research on the Construction of Smart City Emergency Management System Under Digital Twin Technology: Taking the Practice of New Coronary Pneumonia Joint Prevention and Control as an Example

Tang Zhihong, Peng Shirui, Zhou Xianyong
Under the great tide of smart city construction, digital twin technology combined with modern information means such as big data and cloud computing provides new ideas and methods for urban governance at this stage. In order to explore the solutions to the problems suc3h as information asymmetry, chaotic...

Pre-service Mathematics Teacher’s Ability to Diagnose Mathematics Learning Difficulties

Mohammad Zahri, Azhar Syarifuddin, Mohamad Imam Fitroh
This article describes the ability of preservice teachers mathematics in diagnosing mathematical learning difficulties using the Newman’s Error Analysis (NEA) model. The results indicated that the subject could make a complete and detailed diagnosis of mathematics learning difficulties. Meanwhile, in...

The Influence of Green Apples on the Lactic Acid Level After Physical Activity

Mutmainnah, Rachmat Kasmad, Maulana
This study aims to determine the effect of eating green apples to lactic acid levels after taking physical activity. This study used an experimental research method, with several samples of 15 sport science faculty students selected by random sampling. The data analysis technique used is descriptive,...

Book Trailer as an Innovative Technology for the Formation of Students’ Educational Independence During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

L.I. Ponomareva, I. Yu. Blyasova, K.A. Novikov, T.M. Dubskich, K. S. Achmetova
The article analyzes the relevance of using one of the most interesting innovative technologies - the book trailer in the educational process of the university. The analysis of research in the field of booktrailer application shows that its correct application contributes to the formation of educational...

Research on the “Instantaneity” of Documentary Photography from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics

Liu Fan, Zhang Yansong
Documentary photography mainly focuses on the photographer and the subject. However, in the contemporary all-media “image reading era” and “national photography era”, the level of image readers is more complex and extensive, which means that the audience will be more engaged in the process of completing...

Research on Legal Risks of Legal Digital Currency

Zhuoer Zhang
The rapid development of financial technology has accelerated the process of currency digitization. Legal digital currency, endorsed by national credit, has inherent advantages such as low circulation costs and high transaction efficiency. The issuance and circulation of legal digital currency will surely...

Analysis of COVID-19’s Investment in Corporate Value

Taking Walmart as an example

Yuxin Jin, Wenlin Xu, Nan Zheng
In 2020, COVLD-19 became a global health problem, which significantly affected the world economy, especially the retailed industry. Walmart is one of the most considerable retailed Corporate globally, which ranked first among the Fortune Global 500 in 2020. This article will analyse the value investment...

Inhibiting Factors Inventorying and Mapping Potential Geographical Indications in Riau Province

Rian Saputra, Pujiyono, Sunny Ummul Firdaus
This study aims to obtain information on the factors that hinder the inventory and mapping of potential Geographical Indications as mandated by Article 70 Paragraph (2) letter e of Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications. This research is a non-doctrinal legal research...

In the Loop of Meaning Making: Exploring the Impacts of Drama Strategies to Students’ Reading Comprehension

I Rifai, A A T Kariko, U P Dewi
This article presents a case of two students who worked individually and collaboratively by using two drama strategies for providing in depth meaning making after reading. The case study was part of a one-year study that investigated the integration of educational drama strategies in an Islamic school...

Students’ Perceptions on Online Learning: A Study on EFL University Students in Pandemic Era

Nur Aini Ulfah, Noor Eka Chandra, Fahmi Hidayat
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused almost all activities to be carried out remotely, including learning and teaching activities. This is one way to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the school environment. Therefore, online learning is used to make learning and teaching activities possible even...

COVID-19: Nothing is Normal in this Pandemic

Luzia Gonçalves, Maria Antónia Amaral Turkman, Carlos Geraldes, Tiago A. Marques, Lisete Sousa
Pages: 146 - 149
This manuscript brings attention to inaccurate epidemiological concepts that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. In social media and scientific journals, some wrong references were given to a “normal epidemic curve” and also to a “log-normal curve/distribution”. For many years, textbooks and courses...

Cross-Cultural Concepts in Cultural Product Design

Case Study of Shoe Design with Old Javanese Script

Peter Ardhianto, Wei-Her Hsieh, Soteria Adia Mahanaim, Chi-Hsiung Chen
Cultural product design with a cross-cultural approach is currently in high demand by the younger generation. This positive thing increases the respect for local culture. However, the lack of industry player’s knowledge of cross-culture principles makes less cultural ideology conveyed. This study aims...

Cultivating Character Education Based on Values Culturalin Students in the Globalization Era

Muhammad Alhadika, Hassan Suryono, Muhammad Hendri Nuryadi
In this article, it describes that culture is a form of social structure that exists in society. In essence, culture has values that are always inherited, interpreted, and implemented in line with the process of social change. Character education in students can not only be obtained through a curriculum...

Ecological Literation of Rawapening Communities in Asinan Village, Semarang District

Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto, Chlorella Werdhiningsih
Rawapening is a natural lake located in Semarang Regency, Central Java. Currently, Rawapening is encountering some environmental problems such as sedimentation, and massive growth of Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes), conflict of interest in utilizing Rawapening and illegal buildings around Rawapening....

Public Relations of Tangerang City Government to Realize the City Branding Through Tangerang Live Program

Aghitsna Putri Subhiat, Muhamad Aras, Siswantini
This qualitative case study aims to examine the public relations activities of Tangerang City Government to realize the city brand through Tangerang “LIVE” program. The research data were obtained through open interviews, non-participant observations, and internal documentation of Tangerang City Government....

Ruling on Enforcement of Compulsory Measures of Educational Character: Cases, Grounds of Adoption and Standard of Proof

Lyudmila Gurtieva, Andriy Stepanenko
The article deals with the a) cases of passing a ruling to enforce compulsory measure of educational character (CMEC) by the court of first instance from the standpoint of their interconnection with final decisions of the pre-trial investigation stage; b) grounds for adoption of a ruling to impose CMEC...