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189328 articles
Proceedings Article

Learning Stages Issues Identification in Implementing of Learning Process by Physical Education Teachers in High School

Widhea Wahyu Anantha, H.W Lokananta Teguh
This study aimed to find out the problems faced by the physical education teacher at senior high and vocational high school and find out alternative solutions used by physical education teachers. This study uses descriptive qualitative research design. The data collection was done by using a closed questionnaire,...
Proceedings Article

Conceptual Analytics on Integration of Network Technologies with Crowdsourcing Infrastructure

S Sivachandiran, Mohan.K Jagan, Nazer.G Mohammed
Technology seeks a new dimension as collaboration of various methods and technologies in transmission of data. Crowdsourcing enables the availability of huge data over a variety of networks. It is important to understand the needs of the management and monitoring of such data over a long distance and...

How Parents Perceived the Tutoring Education-A Study in Taiwan

Gwo-Hau Ding, Chiou-Fong Wei, Chien-Cheng Lin
This study explores how parents perceive and accept the tutoring education by drawing on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). It proposed a model illustrating how parents of junior high school students are affected from attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control and perceived public education...

Resources Innovation Towards Industrialization and Downstream Policy in Tourism Products

An Analysis of Special Interest Tourism Development in Banyuwangi Regency, Indonesia

Yusri Abdillah
Most of tourism development model in Indonesia still adopt the comparative advantage approach. This has resulted in Indonesian tourism being less competitive than neighboring countries that have adopted a competitive advantage strategy. This study examines the development of special interest tourism...

US-China Relationship: Recommendations on US Outreach to China Through the Rhetoric of Soft Power

Shengyi Zhang
This paper proposes possible ways to improve the US outreach to China, given that the diplomatic relations between the two countries are experiencing an unprecedented downturn. The report contains two major parts. The first part reviews the current state of the relations with an exploration of the US...

Study on Bullying Status of Rural Boarding Students on Campus—Taking X Middle School as an Example

Xiaojie Gong, Qiao Sun, Jia Cong
This article is based on a cross-sectional survey and field interviews on the bullying status quo of the rural boarding school in S Province X Middle School, using the D. Olweus Child Bullying Questionnaire redesigned middle school student bullying questionnaire, and a descriptive analysis of the current...

Redesigning an Auditing Course to Develop Technology Competence

Diana Tien Irafahmi, P John Williams, Rosemary Kerr
Incorporating technology into an auditing curriculum is an ongoing challenge for accounting and auditing educators. This study examined the effect of an intervention to develop technology competence. The intervention involved redesigning a course on the basis of Constructive Alignment (CA). The primary...

Dynamic Hijaiyah Braille Display With Voice Features and Android Integrated as a Media for Introduction to Arabic Letters for Blind Children

Muhamad Rafi Anggara, Arief Khairi Irawan, Lukman Arif Purwanto, Dandhi Kuswardhana, Adhit Cahyo Prasetyo, Egawan
The provision of learning media for blind people is one of the things that must be considered for equality in educating the nation through inclusive education. One of the media that can be used by blind children in learning to recognize braille characters is Refreshable Braille Display media that can...
Proceedings Article

Real-Time Wireless Concept of Vehicle to Vehicle Charging System

Yurni Oktarina, Tresna Dewi, Pola Risma, Muhammad Nawawi
The electric vehicle is the automotive future that supports the program of utilizing renewable energy over depleting fossil fuel. The electric vehicle enables us to have a better environment free of CO2 emission. The issue of electric vehicle applications is charging points, not as many as the conventional...

Preliminary Study on COD Removal on the Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Using Birnessite-Type Manganese Oxide via a Solvent-Free Method

Amir Awaluddin, Okrida Sonia, Muhdarina, Amilia Linggawati, Siti Saidah Siregar
Palm oil mill effluent (POME) has an adverse effect on the environment due to its high toxicity, low pH, and high chemical and biological oxygen demand. The degradation using Fenton processes is considered as an attractive and sustainable way for the treatment of POME. In this study, as-synthesized birnessite-type...

Science Learning Strategies in Islamic Kindergarten

Noor Ishma, Ernawulan Syaodih
The 2013 Early Childhood Education Curriculum uses a scientific approach in the learning process. Through a scientific approach, early childhood is stimulated to develop the ability to think critically, creatively, communicatively and collaboratively. One of the implementations of a scientific approach...

Characterization of Uninorms on Bounded Lattices and Pre-order They Induce

Dana Hliněná, Martin Kalina
Pages: 148 - 158
In Hliněná et al., Pre-orders and orders generated by uninorms, in 15th International Conference IPMU 2014, Proceedings, Part III, Montpellier, France, 2014, pp. 307–316 the authors, inspired by Karaçal and Kesicioğlu, A t-partial order obtained from t-norms, Kybernetika. 47 (2011), 300–314, introduced...

Analysis on the Application and Challenge of Educational Big Data in University Teaching Management

Siyao Li
In the era of big data, due to the continuous improvement of university information construction, university databases have shown explosive growth, and the application environment of educational big data has initially formed. In today’s rapid development of science and technology, the rational and efficient...

Foreign Economic Relations Between China and Countries of Central Asia: Trends and Development Prospects

Nadezhda Sivtsova, Yulia Boltenkova, Jin Changhao
China’s economic presence in Central Asian countries is becoming more systematic and complex. The countries of Central Asia, which officially include such States as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan, are the closest neighbors of the people’s Republic of China. A special...

Public Art Dialogue

Kexin Liu
The construction of public art is not only to leave a work of art in the public space, but to make the work penetrate into the lives of the public and into their hearts, so as to arouse emotional interaction and communication, and interact and influence with people, society, and the environment. From...

The Application of System Thinking in Curriculum Design

Jianjun Liang, Shu Liu, Peili Zhang, Dong Wang, Yiqi Yang
As a part of scientific system, any course and any knowledge in a course are not isolated. Based on the principle of system thinking, this paper puts forward a method of teaching and curriculum design. In classroom teaching, teachers want to teach a new knowledge topic. They first build a connection...

The Digital Preservation and Communication of Traditional Chinese Tea Culture and Arts: A Case Study of China’s National Tea Museum

Muhammad Yousaf, Li Yi, Sahid Teguh Widodo
Digital platforms play a significant role in the preservation and communication of digital culture and arts in the contemporary digital age. The China National Tea Museum is using digital platforms actively and effectively to generate user-friendly content and communicate it to the diversified and geographically...

From The Painted Veil to Its Screen Version: The Changing Journey of Salvation and the Unchanging Spiritual Destination

Yitong Pan
In the film adaptation of Maugham’s novel The Painted Veil, the film and television presentation of the protagonist’s psychological activities and the change of the protagonist’s image are two issues worth exploring. Based on the theory of haptic visuality and narratology, this paper focuses on the redemption...

The Interaction Between External Factor and Financial Cycle in Indonesia

Yollit Permata Sari, Isra Yeni, Doni Satria, Joan Marta, Melti Roza Adry, Dewi Zaini Putri, Urmatul Uska Akbar
After the global financial crisis in 2008, economists believe that global economic conditions are a source of instability for the domestic economy in developing countries such as Indonesia. These external factors include fluctuations in global financial markets, volatility in commodity prices and capital...

Research on the Influence Mechanism of Meaning in Life on Subjective Well-being of Military College Students

Tian Yanhui, Wang Haishan, Bai Shengjun, Wei Ting
The purpose of this study was to explore the influence factors and mechanism of subjective well-being among military college students, and providing effective evidence for psychological intervention. A total of 413 military college students were investigated with meaning in life questionnaire, mindful...

An Analysis of the Path of “Double-line” Mixed Teaching in Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities

Mengyang Han
The “double-line” mixed teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities has profound practical value for expanding teaching channels, solving the imbalance of teaching development among schools and accelerating the dissemination and promotion of Marxism. At the present stage,...

On the Conflict and Convergence of Tibetan and English Cultures

Chun Dai
The conflict and convergence of Tibetan and English cultures are two inevitable phenomena in the process of heterogeneous cultural communication. This paper mainly discusses the conflicts of Tibetan and English cultural values, economic and cultural conflicts and thinking patterns. It is pointed out...

A Creative Communication of Overcoming Zoom Fatigue

Adellia Jane Pingkiany, Veronica Wong, Anny Valentina
The Coronavirus pandemic that happens nowadays is making people adapt, either for their works, education, or even in relation with people. For example, almost all students around the world have to adapt for their studying method. They have to study via online virtual meetings. People might think that...
Proceedings Article

Military Type III Anodizing: The Optimal Limit Within Hardening Process of Aluminium Alloy in a Near Zero Temperature

Ndaru Adyono, W D Lestari, Luluk Endahwati
Hard anodization was a method that can enhance aluminium alloy surface characteristics by growing an aluminum anodic oxide (AAO) film on it surface. This method was very applicable to obtain a thick and hard coating. This process was carried out at galvanostatic-potentiostatic mode at high current densities...
Proceedings Article

The Estimate Heritability Value of Eggs Quality Traits from Tegal Male and Magelang Female Crossed Duck (Gallang)

Dattadewi Purwantini, R. Singgih Sugeng Santosa, Setya Agus Santosa, Agus Susanto, Dewi Puspita Candrasari
This study aimed to estimate the heritability value of egg quality traits from Tegal male and Magelang female crossed duck, hereafter referred to as Gallang duck. One hundred female ducks consisted of 50 Magelang (F0), and 50 Gallang (F1) were used in this study. Heritability value (h2) was estimated...

EFL Students’ Writing Anxiety in Online Learning Environment during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Kurniasih Kurniasih, Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Utari Praba Astuti, Nunung Suryati
Research on writing anxiety has been widely done in an offline setting for many years. The results informed that students were at various levels of writing anxiety. Due to the global pandemic, language classrooms have been shifted into emergency remote learning. It is susceptible that students also experience...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Construction of Intelligent Power Production Operation and Maintenance Management and Control Platform for Safety Production Needs

Zhikang Pei, Zhiqin Qiu
In order to improve the safety management level of power production in power generation enterprises, this paper introduces the operation and maintenance management and control platform of intelligent power production, discusses the overall system architecture, system deployment, network security protection...
Proceedings Article

Development of Knowledge Management System for the Women Farmers Group “Migunani”

Muhammad Fairuzabadi, Wibawa, Margala Juang Bertorio
The development of a Knowledge Management System (KMS) for the Women Farmers Group (Kelompok Wanita Tani - KWT) "Migunani" represents a pivotal initiative in enhancing knowledge sharing and collaboration within the group. This KMS aims to address various challenges faced by the group, including...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of Helminth Infections on Smallholder Farming Beef Cattle at Palm-Cow Integration in East Kalimantan and Riau provinces, Indonesia

E Martindah, D H Sawitri, Y Sani, D Yulistiani, D A Kusumaningrum, Y Widiawati, D Sisriyeni, S Gloriana, K McCoascker
An integrated palm-cow management system has been introduced to increase population and production of beef cattle in Indonesia. The objective of the study was to assess the helminth infections on beef cattle in the palm-cow integration in East Kalimantan and Riau provinces under smallholder farming system....

How The Feminist Sweden Respond to COVID-19: Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis on Sweden’s Development Aid to Uganda

Sherley Adalia, Muhammad Rizki Akbar, Eryan Dwiki Effendi
As an initiator of Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP), Sweden has become an example of a country’s political transformation to Feminism Sweden has repeatedly emphasized their identity as a feminist country through FFP in five focuses: development, defense, aid, trade and diplomacy Their eccentric identity...

Creative Visualization of Wayang Combo for Counseling the Covid-19 Pandemic

Roro Wilis, Arum Kusumawati, Meita Melani, Danu Eko Agustinova
In a priority dialectics, culture often occupies an extra position when dealing with two sectors that are considered main by the layman, namely the economy and health. Therefore, it is not surprising that cultural forms are increasingly biased and their essence is not seen with precision in the midst...

Influence of Budgeting Transparency on Village Finance Management

(Study on the Government of Villages in Nganjuk)

Suwandi Suwandi, Istan Wighara Moelyono, Prasetya Tri Mahendra, Mamik Dewi Pamuji
This study aims to determine the positive influence/effect of budgeting transparency in the financial management of villages in Nganjuk district. The method used by researchers in this study is research of quantitative methods. The sampling technique used is Disproportionate stratified random sampling....

Connecting Students’ Critical Thinking Skills with Conceptual Knowledge in Learning the Organic Compounds Stability by Using Marvin Sketch as a Tools to Adjust the Era of Society 5.0

Lusia Narsia Amsad, Liliasari Liliasari, Asep Kadarohman, Ratnaningsih Eko Sardjono
In order to learning about organic compound stability in era of society 5.0, students have to integrate their conceptual knowledge and ability to work with technologies as a tools. It is also need plentiful skill, such as critical thinking. This research aimed to find the connection between students’...

An Analysis of Gogol’s Art of Satire

Yidi Wang, Liyun Huang
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was a pioneer of Russian critical realist literature and an important promoter of naturalism. Together with the works of Pushkin, his works laid the foundation of Russian critical realist literature in the nineteenth century. Gogol’s writing was sharp and humorous, exposing...

The Influence of TikTok and Destination Image on the Decision to Visit Taman Impian Jaya Ancol Post-Pandemic and Visitor Satisfaction

Reno Catelya Dira Oktavia, Nurbaeti, Heny Ratnaningtyas, Muhammad Ardya Rachmadhita
This study aims to investigate the influence of TikTok and destination image on post-pandemic visit decisions to Taman Impian Jaya Ancol through visitor satisfaction. This type of research uses a quantitative descriptive approach with a path analysis method. The research was conducted at the Taman Impian...

The Role of Fashion Design Education in Developing Ecoprint Technique Clothing to Support Final Projects and Increase Sustainability Awareness

Sri Endah Wahyuningsih, Widowati Widowati, Adhi Kusumastuti, Maria Krisnawati, Roudlotus Sholikhah, Nurul Azhar Ratna Putri, Risfani Rahmawati
Contemporary mode education requires multidimensional adjustments to curriculum, which reflects the complex nature of sustainability issues. This is a global challenge, compounded by inadequate and uncoordinated public support, problems related to the institutional context of private and public education,...

Co-Occurrence Use of Animals and Its Representation in Indonesian Proverbs

I Dewa Putu Wijana
This article aims at describing the co-occurrence use of animals and its representation found in Indonesian proverbs. By using Indonesian proverb collection book as the main source of data, it is found that the co-occurrence can be between or among animals of belonging to the same as well as different...

Emotion Recognition in Human Voice Speech Based on Machine Learning

Xiaorui Wang
Emotion recognition of speech is the basis of human-computer interaction interface, and has also made remarkable development in the past decade. This paper summarizes the preprocessing and feature extraction methods and different existing emotion models and database. The speech is collected and converted...
Proceedings Article

The Design of Intelligent Tourism System Based on Virtual Reality Technology

Qian Zeng, Huan Liu, Shufang Ding
Virtual reality technology is a rapidly developed technology in recent years, and has a wide range of applications. Virtual reality technology mainly generates a computer simulation environment, and uses relevant supporting facilities to help users to fully devote themselves to the environment, so as...

Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in the Pandemic Era on the Socio-Economic and Health of Scavengers in Medan Denai District, Medan City

Efendi Agus
The study entitled Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in the Pandemic Era on the socio-economic life and health of scavengers in the Medan Denai District, Medan City was carried out because the Corona Virus (Covid-19) is a new virus that has spread from 2020 to 2022 quickly resulted in social and economic...

Cognitive and Psychomotor on University Student Study Outcome in Apparel Basic Pattern Making Using CAD

Ernawati, Nabila Tasrif, Feri Ferdian, Fran Serano Andres
Education has a final goal which is classified taxonomically as the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. This study aims to see how the cognitive and psychomotor domains of students and their relation to student learning outcomes in making fashion patterns using Computer Aided Design (CAD)....
Proceedings Article

Junk Food Consumption Related to Female Adolescent Obesity

Faurina Risca Fauzia, Evi Wahyuntari
Research background. The prevalence of obesity status in female teenagers aged 13–15 in Bantul Regency in 2018 had seen an increase of 6.43%. The obesity status in teenagers can be caused by several factors, one of which is excessive consumption of junk food. Aim of research: This research seeks to understand...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence of Technology-Driven Supply Chain Finance Innovation on the Development of New Quality Productivity

Zhimin Zhan
This study deeply analyzes how the innovation and application of scientific and technological means, especially the alliance chain technology, in the field of supply chain finance can effectively promote the development of new quality productivity. The core of the research is to explore how to use these...

Optimizing Data Intelligence Empowerment and Industry-Education Integration in University Foreign Language Teaching

Jingjia Guo
In response to the challenges encountered in college English education, a novel approach to curriculum development and teaching has been proposed and implemented. This approach, emphasizing “ability prioritization, personalized instruction, data intelligence empowerment, and industry-education integration,”...

A Study on the Application of Human–Computer Combination Feedback in English Writing Teaching

Rui Wu
Feedback is an important part of process teaching of English writing. Feedback methods mainly include the traditional teacher feedback, peer feedback and the newly emerged automatic online feedback which is based on big data and artificial intelligence. In recent years, some researchers have combined...

A Method to Estimate the Economic Consequences of COVID-19

Wenrui Zhang
The study proposes an instructive economic consequences estimation method to calculate the economic losses of COVID-19 on the global economy and some countries in 2020 and 2021. The economic consequences do not refer to the impact, but to the result despite the efforts of governments to control it. There...
Proceedings Article

Director Incentive, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Corporate Performance

Canwen Li
Based on the sample of the data of A-share listed companies in China from 2017 to 2021, this paper discusses the relationship among director incentive, ESG and corporate performance. By employing the panel data regression model and using the generalized least square method to estimate panel data, the...
Proceedings Article

The Study Calorific Value of Organic Briquettes for Optimizing Healthy Food Drying as an Alternative to Rainy Weather

Joko Yunianto Prihatin, Ganang Wicaksono Pratama, Heri Kustanto, Slamet Pambudi, Lujeng Widodo
Briquettes are a form of renewable energy that can replace the decline in oil and gas production as a necessity for human life. Briquettes made from coconut waste have a very positive potential in environmental sustainability compared to plastic and metal waste. Improper composition of raw materials...
Proceedings Article

Estimation of HSP70 in SiHa Cell Lines During Chemoradiation and Radiation

B. Sai Lalitha, Mudigonda Malini, M. Venkateswar Rao, Mahendran Botlagunta
Cervical cancer remains a significant health problem worldwide, despite the advances in screening, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is an anti-apoptotic protein that inhibits the cancer cell death by interfering with apoptotic pathway activation. In chemoradiation, the...

The Relationship of Family Problems on The Development of Social and Emotional Attitudes of Primary Students

Rindi Mayrinda, Nurhasanah, Siti Maesaroh, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman, Fitria Nurulaeni
For a child, the family is the first non-formal educational institution so that they can live, develop, and gain experience. Every family has its own experience in living its life. Trigger factors in social relations usually occur due to a lack of interaction between family members. Problems in the family...