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188265 articles
Proceedings Article

Modeling of managerial processes in the conditions of innovative economy

Zhanna Yuryevna Dankova, Elena Sergeevna Muzyleva
The article examines the trends in the development of business processes regulation in Russian companies. At the present stage of the formation of a market economy in Russia, in the conditions of large-scale structural reorganization of the country's economy as a whole, the description and regulation...

A Summary of Metacognition Research on Second Language Learning in China

Xiaoting Zhang, Jing Xiao
Since the meta-cognitive theory was introduced to the field of language teaching and research in China, many meta-cognitive theory-based researches on English learning and teaching have been carried out. This paper reviews these researches and concludes the achievements as well as the shortcomings: (1)...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing a Public Health Centre Volunteers in Promoting Dengue Eradication Program

Lisa Elfiana Malik, Makhfudli Makhfudli, Setho Hadisuyatmana
Dengue eradication program in Surabaya was far from success. It is arguable that this is because the volunteers who are responsible for promoting the programs did not do their best. Anecdotally, they were lack of knowledge, attitude, and skills in empowering the community to support the program. The...

Muslim Community: the Living Fossils of the Chang'an Silk Road

Li Yinjin, Wang Jing
In the corner, the northwestern part of the ancient city, Xi'an in China, west of the West Street in Xi'an Qiao Zi Kou, Guang Ji Street East, there are about 300,000 Muslim compatriots living in the area, commonly referred to by locals as "Hui Fang(Muslim Community)". Muslim culture and atmosphere are...

Closing Price Manipulation in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Mahmudah Fatluchi, Rofikoh Rokhim
This study examined closing price manipulation in Indonesia Stock Exchange using return correlation, return volatility and volume shifting. The study utilized the data sample during September 2016 to February 2017. From 20 biggest market capitalizations, more than 50% of the sample were indicated having...
Proceedings Article

Medical Image Coding Using Le Gall Transform

Andrey Zemtsov
The problem of approximation of medical images using wavelets is considered in the article. We propose a technique for approximating medical images using the Le Gall transform. The results of numerical experiments showing the possibility of using the technique for solving medical image processing problems...

Study on Measures for Application-oriented Faculty Advancement in Private Universities during Professional Title System Reform

Xiaolin Qi, Yuhong Zhan
This aim of the study was to analysis the affection of new professional title policy on applied-style faculty advancement in private university, and give some advice for faculty advancement based on the adjustment policy. We reviewed the historical evolution of professional title policies, particularly...

Influence Research of Urban Poverty in Transition Period Market Process

Yan Yanyang, Liu Pengfei
Poverty is the key issue to be discovered in economy, sociology, anthropology and etc. In china, with the increasing developments in economy and the process of marketing, the poverty in urban has become more and more obviously. However, there are rare references concerns about the relationships between...

Compact Disc and Electron Diffraction

Monalizza Hervina Latununuwe, Andreas Setiawan, Suryasatria Trihandaru
A simple tool for explaining the electron diffraction pattern has been created. The tool consists of a pile of a few pieces of compact disc (CD) that has never been used and thrown away the outer layer and then it is irradiated with a laser beam. The experiment results show that the spot diffraction...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Thermal Treatment and Relative Humidity on The d-spacings of Poly(ethylene glycol) Montmorillonite Nanocomposites

Khairuddin Khairuddin
The effect of temperature and relative humidity on the d-spacing of montmorillonite (MMT) clay in Poly(ethylene glycol) Mw 600 (PEG600) nanocomposites prepared by solution casting has been investigated, since it can be significantly affected by any associated water. X-ray diffraction (XRD) traces were...
Proceedings Article

Research on View Incremental Calculation Method in Information Integration Services

Xufang Li, Wei Liang
Using incremental calculation methods on materialized views maintenance can be beneficial for quick access to views, query optimization and so on in the digital library. This paper presents a new method of view incremental calculation named PCA. And this method can efficiently compensate for the error...

The Motivation Model Design of Knowledge-intensive Enterprise Talents

Bo Zhang
The knowledge-intensive enterprises intend to motivate knowledge workers effectively through the limited enterprise resources. First of all, the knowledge-intensive enterprises must establish a correct incentive concept, which is based on the systematic knowledge workers incentive theory guidance; then...
Proceedings Article

Research on Welding Machine Control System

Jiandong Yang, Xin Qi
The characteristics and applications of the system for welding machines based on SCM , based on PLC control system and PC-based industrial control system was introduced. It has certain significance to the design of welding machine control system.

Information Technology and University General Education Reform

Yijing Xu
Nowadays in Mainland China, one of the difficult problems of curriculum reform of the Universities is how to improve the efficiency and effect of education availability. This paper takes the course of "The Piano Western Culture" as an example, tells about how to apply the modern information technology...
Proceedings Article

Some Methods of Evaluating Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrix

Yao Ding
This article introduces some methods to evaluate eigenvalues of the real symmetric matrix, especially for real symmetric triangle matrix. For these methods, we give concrete steps. Finally, by comparing these methods, we study advantages of various methods.

The Analysis on the Leisure Life of Farmers under the Different Human Capital Levels

Wen Shi, Xiaoyan Han
Leisure has become an important part of modern life. The leisure of the farmers directly influences the quality of farmers’ life, and has important significance to the realization of new socialist countryside construction in China. This paper studies the leisure life of farmers under the different human...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Laser Rapid Sintering on the Electrical Properties of Sr- and Mg-doped LaGaO3

Jie Zhang, Hairong Gao, Chenggang Li, Ya’Nan Tang, Chao Yuan
Materials La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3 and La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.83Mg0.17-xCoxO3 with x=0, 0.05, 0.085, 0.10 and 0.15 are synthesized by laser rapid sintering (LRS). It is found that the total conductivities of La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.83Mg0.17-xCoxO3 by LRS are obviously improved by Co doping, showing a general increase with...
Proceedings Article

Application of Peer Instruction in General Physics Experiment Course

Cheng Hu, Yanjun Gao, Xianming Liu
Peer Instruction; General Physics Experiment Course; Logical Thinking; Physical Literacy Abstract. With the social progress and development in China, market competition becomes increasingly fierce. In order to seek more long-term development, China has proposed higher requirements over the cause of education,...
Proceedings Article

Some Problems discussion on electro-osmotic consolidation of soil

Zi-Jian Ye
Although many laboratory tests study on electro-osmotic consolidation of soil, it is not widely used in practical engineering, since influenced by existing problems of electrode erosion, low effiency, uneven consolidation, the effect of electro-osmotic treatment is not perfect. In this paper, several...

Rural Tourism Development using Ecotourism as a Model of Community Empowerment in Cireundeu Indigenous Village, Cimahi, West Java

Deru Indika, Nike Vonika
Ecotourism, as a concept of sustainable tourism, is used in the development of rural tourism. Ecotourism concerns about the conservation of nature and culture, the participation of local residents, the transfer of knowledge to visitors, and the small scale of tourism to preserve the environment capability....

A Risk Analysis of the Customer for Deposit Products in Islamic and Conventional Banking

Badria Muntashofi, Faris Azka
There are currently two types of deposits in the banking world. Ie deposit products of two different banking systems; conventional banking and Islamic banking. From the years 2011-2013 phenomenon decline in deposits (deposits) on Islamic banking and conventional, as well as the fact there is a deposit...
Proceedings Article

Fine log interpretation model of reservoir in Huatugou oilfield

Shiyue Fang, Chao Niu, Zhen Liu, Changhong Gao, Shiyue Tang, Jukun Chen
Aiming at some problems exposed in Huatugou oilfield during the development process, such as the imperfect injection-production pattern in some area, the low corresponding rate between oil and injection wells, the low control and producing degree, the poor effect of the water flooding and so on. Starting...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Characteristics of Aviation AC Series Fault Arc

Feng Zhong, Junmin Zhang
The AC series fault arc tests are conducted by a self-design platform according to several common test standards for fault arc circuit breakers in this paper. Compared with the no-arc current waveform, the current of fault circuit has shoulders when the current passes zero, and the current of fault circuit...
Proceedings Article

Green design and manufacturing technology of the Rare earth permanent magnet electrical machines

Ji-Rong YANG, Shi-Wei HU, Gan ZHANG, Zhen-Jie GONG
Green design and manufacture is a kind of sustainable development model in modern manufacture. This paper focuses on green design concept, application and selection of green materials and product manufacturing of the Rare earth permanent magnet electrical machines.
Proceedings Article

Effect on Private College Student's Morality caused by Network Media

Yuntao Liu, Chunwei Wang
Network media is influencing private college students moral cognition, behavior and psychology from various perspectives. This paper is going to analyze the effect on their morality caused by network media from both positive and negative ways based on dialectical thinking, hoping to help private colleges...

Study on the Transformation and Upgrading of Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Jiangsu from the Perspective of Global Value Chain

Rong Wang
The equipment manufacturing industry, the "Master" of industry, is the strategic basic industry to provide various technical equipments for economic construction and national defense and security, the important symbol to measure the scientific and technological progress and comprehensive competitive...
Proceedings Article

Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Mixed Reactive Powder Concrete

Zhaopeng YANG, Lu LU
Steel fiber with high elastic modulus, have been added to the reactive powder concrete (RPC) in order to improve its mchanical properties. In this paper, it is studied the impact of the change in the steel fiber content on compressive strength and flexural strength of hybrid fiber reinforced PRC. The...
Proceedings Article

Minimal Neuronal Model for the Transmission Path of Acupuncture Signal

Yingmei Qin, Chunxiao Han, Bei Liu, Yanqiu Che
Acupuncture has been proved to be effective for treatment of diseases, but the underlying mechanisms about acupuncture are still unknown. We design the animal experiment and process the data. We focus on the firing patterns evoked by acupuncture and developed Izhikevich neuronal model to characterize...
Proceedings Article

A Review on the Adoption and Diffusion of Consumer Mobile Shopping in Mobile Networking Environment

Junhong He, Shangrong Du, Zhixuan Chen
Mobile shopping means that consumers use mobile terminals such as mobile phone to do shopping through mobile network. As a new way of shopping, mobile shopping has advantages in portability, networking anytime and anywhere, mobile shopping provides personalized services and so on. Understanding consumers’...

Adorno's Modern Music Attitudes in "Introduction to the Sociology of Music"

Qun Ma
In the eleventh chapter of "Introduction to the Sociology of Music", Adorno put forward his own views on the development of modern music. He believes that modern music is the most sensitive nerve of society, which shows the turbulence of social structure ahead of other arts. Adorno commends the composer...

Non-Anglo-Centrism in Indonesian ELT Textbooks

Satwika Nindya Kirana, Phongsakorn Methitham
Non-Anglo-centrism is a term coined in this study to refer to the superiority that non-Anglophone, developing western countries have upon non-western countries. The objective of the study is examining to what extent is non-Anglo-centrism embedded in ELT textbooks for senior high school students in Indonesia....

Development of Macromedia Flash Professional 8 on Exposition Text of Senior High School Class X

Ibta Sari Bulan, Kastam Syamsi
This study aims to develop learning Indonesian media class X of senior vocational high school (SMK) exposition text material by using Macromedia Flash 8 and determine the feasibility of the media developed. This research is a development which refers to the steps of the methods Research and Development...

The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District

Puspitawati, Ayu Febryani, Noviy Hasanah, Payerli Pasaribu, Sulian Ekomila, Dedi Andriansyah
The purpose of this study is to determine the ethnography of the lives of female fishermen on the coast of Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo Village, Percut Sei Tuan District. In general, it is done to find out the problems by female fishermen in the utilization of marine resources and the form of local wisdom...

Study of Academic Motivation of Gifted Students in the Context of the Phenomenon of Dyssynchrony

Irina F. Sibgatullina, Khamitova Landysh Mudarisova, Zakirova Leisan Mudarisovna, Komarova Luybov Yurievna
The relevance of the stated topic is due to the inter-scientific integration around the problems of development of gifted students with different levels of cognitive abilities. Formation of motivation of the teaching can be called one of the central problems of the modern world school. Updating the content...

Research on the Financing Mode and Problems of the New Agricultural Management Subjects in Neijiang City

Hua Guo, Yang Zhang, Junjie Wang
Now, the new agricultural management subject is growing into the most important force in China’s agricultural development. And this paper, taking the representative Neijiang City of Sichuan Province as an example, used literature research method, interview investigation method and case analysis method...

The innovation of Chinese variety show under the impact of Korean variety show—taking Chinese variety show “Kitchen in the Wild” as an example

Ruoning Sun
In recent year, China copying Korean’s original variety show has become a prevailing practice. The number of original works in China accounts for a small part in comparison with copied works. As an original variety show, Kitchen in the Wild is questioned to be a copy of Back to Field. Hence, Kitchen...

Recognizing Diverse Views: Controversial Narration of Kiai Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung’s Religious Humanism in a Historical Learning

Reni Dikawati, Sariyatun Sariyatun, Warto Warto
An epistemology is a theory of the nature of knowledge and a way of justifying knowledge claims. Humanism is a part of critical thinking which come from human changing form of dignity, role, the idea of enlighment, and the responsibility of humanity. In the javanese christianity context, Kiai Ibrahim...

Perception of Daily Stressors in Ambulance Personnel of Saint-Petersburg and Archangelsk

Marina Petrash, Elena Postnikova
The present research considers the structure of everyday stressors in Ambulance personnel of St. Petersburg and Archangelsk. The purpose of the study was to analyze severity of daily stressors in Ambulance personnel living in different regions. The sample included 192 first medical aid employees: 121...

The Utilization Of Historical Laboratory As A History Learning Media In University PGRI Yogyakarta

Nadhira Nikmatullah, Wasino
This research is a qualitative research with descriptive approach. Resource persons in this research were laboratory head, laboratory manager, lecturers and students. Data collection in this research used interview method, observation and documentation. Data validity used two triangulation techniques,...

New Situation and Problems in the Reform and Development of Adult Education in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Learning Society

Huarong Dong
At present, adult education in colleges and universities faces many problems, such as the lack of standardization and supervision of internal management. So, it’s necessary to improve the quality of education and teaching, school-running conditions, and increase the full-time and stable teaching staff....

The 3rd “Kongres Sungai Indonesia” As Hybrid Social Movements: The New Combination between Classic Social Movements and New Social Movements

Noviana Sari, Pathurrahman Pathurrahman, Siti Mauliana Hairini
Social movements studies has always divided with classic and new social movement concept. In the classic social movement has always affiliated with political and economic issues especially about social class for labor struggle. But in new social has more complex and plural issues which from grass root...

Estimation of the Effectiveness of Investment Strategies by Calculating the Integral Index

E. A. Dolbnya, N. S. Oshchepkova, Y. Y. Savina
The article is devoted to the problem of choice of method of efficiency estimation of the region’s investment strategy. The aim of this study is to improve the current method of assessing the region’s investment strategy by identifying the possibility of bringing the assessment of the regions to uniformity...
Proceedings Article

Assessing the Trade Policy of the U.S. Agro-Imports

Yu Hong, Zhengmei Yin, Yumeng Yang, Xiaowei Mu
This study compares the U.S. import trade patterns in primary agricultural products and agricultural manufactures from 1978 to 2017. We find that the U.S. imports of primary agro-products are subject to import restriction, while that of the agro-manufactures are characterized by import facilitation....

Research on the Supply of Rural Public Cultural Service Wisdom in China

Xiaoning Zhu, Shasha Huang
With the gradual improvement of China's national economic level, the attention and demand of the rural people for public cultural services has also increased significantly. Innovative intelligence supply plays an important role in the supply of rural public cultural services. This kind of innovation...

Al-Robithoh Al-Islamiyah Al-Muthi‘ah: Its Endeavors for Salafi in 2005-2010

The prominent objective of this study is to answer the question of how Pesantren Al-Robithoh al-Islamiyah al-Muthi‘ah transformed its religious orientation, from traditionalist to Salafi, led by its young generation, the alumnae of Lembaga Ilmu Pengethuan dan Arab (LPIA) or Islamic and Arabic College...

The Role of Islamic Management in Building Ethics in Organizations

Mohd Fuad Mohd Salleh
Business scandals and ethical misconduct caused millions of dollars in losses, left behind damaged organizations, forced them to close their business and left thousands employees jobless without any future guarantee or security. This incident has left scholars and managers asking what role they might...

Job Shadowing in Woodworking Engineering at Civil Engineering Department, Technical Faculty, Universitas Negeri Padang

Rijal Abdullah
This research was motivated by low of learning outcomes and lack of mastery of student life skills in Woodworking Engineering. The purpose of the study was to reveal the impact of Job Shadowing implementation in Woodworking Engineering subject to student learning outcomes and their life skills. The hypothesis...

The Analysis of Communication Management (A Case Study in Communication Sciences Study Program in Fajar University)

Rahmita Saleh, Nur Alim Djalil, Soraya Firdausy
The management of the study program has the same management principles and functions as the management in general, that is to provide guidance in order to act systematically in achieving what has been planned properly, effectively, and efficiently. Communication skill become the important factor in success...

Model Study "Moyeg" as Efforts to Increase the Ability to Read for Student Beginners (Study on the Disadvantaged Primary School in District Sukaresmi Garut Regency, West Java Province)

Junaidi Basri, Asep Suryana
This research is motivated by the high number of illiterates in the village Mekarjaya Sukaresmi District of Garut, from (1,471) of the respondents were carefully only (697) people, or approximately around (43.38%) were able to read. The high illiteracy rate is influenced by the ability of teachers to...

Discussion on the Strategies and Difficulties of Teaching and Learning in English News Listening

Pengwei Liu
English news listening, as a meaningful part in learning and teaching of the English language, has not received enough attention in higher education, which has brought a negative effect on English-majors’ learning and the development of subject education in listening. This thesis will introduce the importance...