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188542 articles

The Influence of Information Quality and Information System Quality of Regional Assets on User Satisfaction at the Provincial Government of South Sumatera

Kartika Rachma Sari, Zainal Arifin, Desi Indriasari, Choiruddin
The Regional Assets Information System application program is used to carry out the process of managing Regional Assets in a computerized manner which aims to harmonize the implementation of Regional Assets Management policies in accordance with applicable regulations. In this study, the influence of...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing Nurse Compliance in Applying the Six Principles of Drug Administration at RSUD Wates

Deby Zulkarnain Rahadian Syah, Ade Kurniawan
Giving the wrong medication to the patient can cause problems such as the trauma of taking the drug, the patient’s disability, and even death. The provision of nursing services by standard operating procedures (SOP) greatly helps nurses to achieve quality nursing care. Nurses are required to be able...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Performance of Unsignalized Intersection and the Impact of Vehicle Exhaust Emissions at Selokan Mataram Street

Wahyu Widodo, Emil Adly, Ryandika Adi Kumara
In transportation, Sleman Regency faces quite prevalent traffic issues, particularly traffic congestion and pollution that are caused by a surge in population mobility without being offset by sufficient development of traffic facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, a traffic management approach is...

Practical Countermeasures for the Development of Characteristic Agriculture in the Context of Rural Revitalization Strategy

Fengxiang Jiang, Moutao Du, Yanbing Li, Ling Wang, Xinru Lian, Qing Liu, Jinhui Lin, Junjie Lin
This paper aims to explore the practical countermeasures of characteristic agriculture in Shaanxi in the context of rural revitalization strategy. Firstly it analyzes its feasibility in Shaanxi based on SWOT analysis methods, and then establishes its industry system, production system and management...

Ethno Science Module: A New Direction of Environmental Education on Student Problem Solving

Edi Ansyah, Ahmad Walid
Indonesia is one of the countries with the greatest diversity of plants in the world. Most of the plants in Indonesia can be used as medicinal ingredients. This researcher aims to develop ethnics-based science learning modules that have the feasibility to be used after validation. Identify the types...

Marketing Public Relations Program (MPR) for Creating the Brand Image of PELNI Jakarta Hospital

Tri Puspito Sari, Muhamad Aras
This study aims to determine the Marketing Public Relations program of PELNI Jakarta Hospital for creating the brand image of the hospital. The research approach used was descriptive qualitative. Research data were collected through direct observations and in-depth interviews with the Marketing Public...

Analysis of Financial Theory and Financial Governance Under the Background of New Network Economy and Epidemic Situation

Yuchao Guo
Financial governance as an important factor in China’s governance system, financial theory plays a leading role in financial governance. In the development of financial activities, financial theory and financial governance are coordinated and can jointly maintain the order of financial market. However,...

Research and Analysis on the Current Situation of Land Transfer

Liu Ziyi
Since the founding of The People’s Republic of China, land transfer has been an important part of China’s economic development, land reform, farmers’ rights and interests, the construction of a well-off society throughout the year, and poverty alleviation. Since the 19th National Congress of the COMMUNIST...
Proceedings Article

Modeling Land Cover Change Using Markov Chain-Cellular Automata in Sorong, West Papua Province

Francina F. Kesaulija, Marlon Ivanhoe Aipassa, Muhammad Sumaryono, Ali Suhardiman
Land cover change is a complex interaction of environmental and socioeconomic factors. The purpose of this article is to determine changes in land cover using satellite imagery data, predict land cover in the next ten years and determine the factors that affect land cover change. The Markov Chain and...

Improving Understanding Abilities Through Contextual Teaching and Learning in Lesson Study Activities

Ika Meviana, Nelya Eka Susanti
Bloom classifies comprehension (Comprehension) into a second cognitive level that describes an understanding, so that students are expected to be able to understand geological material if they can use some relevant rules. In understanding not only understanding an information but also the objectivity,...

Media Literacy of E-Learning System in State Universities

Aulia Puspaning Galih, Anita Tri Widiyawati, Lestari Eko Wahyudi
Media literacy of OU and UB e-learning users is very important because in the learning process through e-learning system demands independency from the students who are fostered directly by the lecturers or tutors. E-learning system of OU and UB both use Moodle application. In using of Moodle application,...

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Burnout Among Professional Caregivers at the Elderly Social Institution, a Residential Care Facility

Ni Putu Mayda Anggarini Artana, Dini Rahma Bintari
Professional caregivers can experience burnout. According to personal interviews, these caregivers experience stress that leads to burnout because of their high workload. Burnout is a condition of physical, emotional, and mental fatigue caused by stress over long periods of time because of work. Burnout...

The Enterprise in the Emerging Market Influenced by Coronavirus: Experience From IHG

Jiayi Gong
During the coronavirus, the economy is experiencing the downtown of the business cycle, which is also the recession in the market. The GDP grows negatively and both business producers and customers do not have the confidence about the future in various industries. IHG, one of the giants of the travel...

Typography Usage in Multimedia Teaching Aid Interface Design

Shahrunizam Sulaiman, Mohamad Quzami An-Nuur Ahmad Radzi, Norfadilah Kamaruddin, Wan Ahmad Farhan Wan Ali
Technology advancement has reshaped the digital lifestyle among the millennial education environment. The interactive digital multimedia teaching aid is applied extensively, as it can enhance and further sustain effective teaching and learning process. Significantly, lecturers became the interface designers...
Proceedings Article

Research and Implementation of Organic Cucumber Intelligent Greenhouse Monitoring System Based on NB-IoT and Raspberry Pi

Yanyan Cao, Ligong Cui, Qian Lv
With the development and popularization of computer technology, Internet of Things technology and artificial intelligence technology, the application of machine learning, especially deep learning is receiving increasing attention. In deep learning, CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) have demonstrated...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Plyometric Standing Jump Exercise Towards High Jump of Volleyball Players UABV Universitas Negeri Malang

Achmad Muzayyin Dwi Fernanda, Mahmud Yunus, Saichudin
Volleyball Players State University of Malang focus more on the exercises and no physical improvement exercises. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of plyometric standing jump exercise on the height of UABV volleyball players jumping State University of Malang. This research uses pre-experimental...

The Effect of Spiritual Leadership and Academic Supervision on Teacher Performance

Erika Mei Budiarti, Imam Gunawan, Bahtiar Agung Pambudi
Teacher performance is a measure of the quality teaching and learning process in schools. Efforts to support teacher performance are continuously carried out, such as strategies by applying spiritual leadership and supervision to improve teacher performance or performance. This study aims to determine:...

Responsibilities of Substitute Sale Deed Official in Deed Cancellation of Not Registered Land (Study of Supreme Court Decision Number 681 K / PDT / 2017)

Benny Djaja, Christian Wahyu Putra
Cancellation according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is a process, method, act of canceling, invalidation statement. Derived from the word cancel which means invalid. The cancellation was carried out by LDO. LDO must be responsible for canceling sale deed. Sale deed cancellations performed must be...

The Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation--Evidence From U.S. Economy

Yizhuo Qin
In this paper, we apply the Vector Autoregression (VAR) method to check the robustness of Phillips Curve in U.S. economy from Q2 1962 to Q4 2019. Using the cyclical unemployment rate and inflation, the data is described by VAR (4) with a cointegrating rank as 2. To analyse the relation between unemployment...

Peculiarities of Intellectual Development of Human Capital at the Regional Level in the Context of Digital Transformation

Natalya Gerasimova, Alessio Zuppelo, Anna Kulik, Dmitry Solovjev
At the current stage of development, the digital economy encourages the use of innovative technologies to be used for training, create various webinars, conduct video conferences, implement online learning platforms and practice distance learning. The article examines the intellectual development of...
Proceedings Article

Single Phase Active Filter Performance Study For Electrical Loads In Residential Home

Hasan Surya, Sarjono Wahyujadmiko
Along with the development of electronics technology, electrical loads are also developing. Originally, electrical loads are linear. However, as a result of the development of electronics technology, a non-linear electrical loads appear. Non-linear loads installed in a single phase power system such...

Post-Certification Teacher Performance Management

Nurdin Munthe, Lantip Diat Prasojo
Post-certification teacher performance management is a strategy for improving the quality of teachers in the learning process. The professional allowance needed by the teacher must be a good facilitator in developing teaching materials so that educational goals can be achieved. The purpose of this study...

The Association between Halal Assurance System and Risk of Product Material on Financial Performance

Herwindo Hadi Wibowo, Evony Silvino Violita
The purpose of this study is to see the association between Halal Assurance Systems (HAS) and risk of product material on a company’s financial performance. The focus of this research is on the level of HAS implementation and product risk categories which is audited by The Assessment Institute of Food,...

The Effectiveness of the Use of Contextual-Based Textbook on Civic Education Course

Puspa Dianti, Husnul Fatihah, Camellia
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of contextual-based textbooks in Civic Education courses. The research method used was quantitative descriptive research. The data were collected through tests and observations. The observation method was used to observe student...

Conservation Laws and optimal system of extended quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation

Yao-Lin Jiang, Yi Lu, Cheng Chen
Pages: 157 - 166
In this paper, the (2+1)-dimensional extended quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation is further explored. The equation is shown to be self-adjoint and conserved vector is constructed according to the related theorem. Then the corresponding optimal system of one-dimensional subgroups is determined. Similarity...

Using Quality Cycle in Maintaining the Quality and Performance of Small-Scale Herbal Enterprises

Kartika Nuringsih, Rodhiah Rodhiah, Khairina Natsir
This research explored the distinction in perception toward the activities of managing quality and achieving performance among small-scale herbal enterprises in the suburbs of Jakarta. Based on prior literatures, the model of quality is constructed by five dimensions, while the performance is elaborated...

An Analysis Conceptual Understanding and Student’s Learning Self-Reliance in the New Normal Era Assisted by Photomath on SLETV Material

Nurhayati, Rofiroh, Desi Riski
This study is purposed to determine the student’s conceptual understanding and learning self-reliance in New Normal era assisted by Photomath on SLETV materials. This study implements quantitative approach of quasi-experimental design and One Group Pre test-Post test Design. The population of this study...

Research and Practice on the Teaching Performance Evaluation System of University Teachers

Chao Wan, Feng Jin
General Secretary Xi stressed that the fundamental task of colleges and universities is personnel training, The Ministry of education pointed out that higher education should adhere to the principle of “Based on Undergraduate Education” and promote “Four Regressions”. As the basic work of talent cultivation...

Disposition and Practice of Bi-culture Input in Teaching Integrated Course of New College English

Ling He, Xiaobo Zhang
The western culture has been attached much importance in textbook-compiling whereas Chinese culture as well as the comparison between Chinese and western culture has been neglected to some extent in college English teaching for a long time. As one of the most popular textbooks, the Integrated Course...

Evaluating the Policy of Child-Friendly School in a Junior High School in Ternate

Safrudin Amin, Badrun Kartowagiran
Some recent reports publish an alarming condition of child abuse at home and schools. This condition is unfortunate since children should be supported to grow in a healthy atmosphere. To meet this need, the Indonesian government issued a child-friendly school policy in 2014. The present study aims to...
Proceedings Article

The Potential Side Product of the Oil Palm Plant as Animal Feed in Aceh Tamiang District, the Province of Aceh

Y. Yusriani, F. F. Rahmah, S. Ratnawaty, N. Hilmiati, S. Tirajoh, A. R. Hasyim
The province of Aceh is one of the provinces that prioritizes the development of palm oil commodities for the plantation sector. In the development of oil palm, the secondary products that can be produced are in the form of oil palm fronds. One of the problems faced in the development of cattle is the...

Islamic Education Curriculum in the Concept of the Koran

Mursal Aziz, Darliana Sormin, Jailani Syahputra Siregar, Dedi Sahputra Napitupulu, Rosmaimuna
The curriculum is the most important part of the educational process which serves as the direction of educational goals. Al-Qur’an as a holy book and a source of reference for life has actually given a signal that the importance of curriculum development, especially for Islamic educational institutions,...

Development Instructional Design with TPACK Integrated Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Student Problem Solving Skills

Edy Waluyo, Nuraini
Instructional Design with TPACK integrated Inquiry Learning is an instructional design developed by integrating technology, pedagogical knowledge and subject matter knowledge about what and how the subject matter is taught. This study aims to develop a instructional design using the discovery learning...

The Role of Youtubers on Covid-19 Prevention Products’ Purchase Intention in the New Normal Era

Prita Ayu Kusumawardhany
Everyone must own personal protective equipment to prevent the Covid-19 transmission. Consumers can buy Covid-19 prevention products at low to high prices. This study examines how YouTube video (vlog) affects millennial consumer perceptions and intention in purchasing Covid-19 prevention products. The...

The Role of the German State in the Emerging Biogas Industry

Lessons for China

Suning Jin, Jingwei Xu
Germany is an undisputed leader in promoting biogas industry und biogas utilization in the country, using advanced policies. It has gone through 30 years of development in this sector, since the German state first introduced the Electricity Feed-in Act in 1991. This article focuses on the role of the...

Sustainable Livelihoods of Indigenous Community: A Bibliometric Study

Muh. Syukron
Literature has shown the significance of sustainable livelihoods for community development to reduce poverty, address sustainable development goals, and increase well-being. However, indigenous people face threats to their identity, livelihoods, and sustainability. Nevertheless, little attention has...

Revealing Gender Bias on ELT Textbook: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Fitri Wijayanti, Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati, Ihwan Huda Al Mujib
There would be long efforts done by the government to eliminate gender inequality in education. These efforts emphasize on building positive images on female and male representations, particularly on the textbook. However, this paper examined that in the ELT textbooks are still inculcated with the representation...

Students’ Perception of the Use of Google Classroom in Flipped English Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Liya Astarilla Dede Warman
This research aimed to investigate the students’ perception of the use of Google Classroom in flipped English learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was descriptive quantitative and qualitative research. The data were collected through the questionnaire and interview. The participants of this...
Proceedings Article

Petanque Sports E-Module Development, Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Malang

Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Taufik, Ari Mei Wulandari
This study aims to develop a petanque sports e-module, Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Malang. The research method used is Research & Development (R&D) from Borg & Gall. In this study using three methods, namely analysis, validation and group test. Data collection is done by...

Enhancing HR Capacity to Sustain in the New Normal

Devi Rachmasari, Edith Primadiana Tedjokusumo
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted businesses, making us realize that humans have limitations in life’s activities, including work. Most businesses that used to run their operations offline can no longer do it since the government limits face-to-face activities. This leads to issues in business sustainability...

Preservation of Minangkabau Local Wisdom as Media for Cultural Literacy

Malta Nelisa, Ardoni, Yulianti Rasyid
Information on local wisdom is important to be preserved for the sustainability of people’s lives and the natural environment. This study aims to identify and describe Minangkabau local wisdom, describe forms of Minangkabau local wisdom, and describe efforts to preserve information on Minangkabau local...

Pedagogical Skills Exercise as an Alternative to Increase The Teaching Ability of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers at Field Experience Practice

Mohan T. Mashuri, Suyatno Suyatno, Utiya Azizah
This study aims to determine the effect of providing Pedagogical Skills Excercise (PSE) on the teaching ability of pre-service chemistry teachers in the Field Experience Practice (FEP). The PSE used in this study consist of three different aspects, namely the skill of developing teaching materials, the...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Standardization on Industrial Innovation Performance—Empirical Study based on Data from High Technology Industry

Gang Li, Xiaohui Li
Theories suggest that standards promote industrial innovation through compatibility features, variety of simplification functions, and accelerated knowledge dissemination mechanisms, but there is a lack of robust empirical evidence. Given this, this paper selects the data of 13 industries in China's...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Promotion Effect of Additive Manufacturing Technology on Mechanical Drawing Course of Vocational Education

Meiqin Liang, Shang Wang, Meiyun Liang, Han Qin, Yajuan Zhang, Haonan Xu, Xinyu Wei
The long-standing problem in the teaching of Mechanical Drawing is the low level of learning motivation. In order to solve this problem, the research group deeply analyzed the examination results of the previous students and put forward a teaching reform method of integrating additive manufacturing technology...
Proceedings Article

Same Gender De’ Clerambault in a Man: Case Report

S. Beby Puteri Utami, Mustafa M. Amin
Currently, Gender De ‘Clerambault or erotomania is a very rare case, especially in men. This disorder is related to a person’s culture and socioeconomic, with the most prominent symptom being delusional disorder, and the best treatment is antipsychotics. Mr. H, age 40, complained of sleeping difficulty...

The Impact of Internet Economy on Economic Growth

Xinyue Liu, Jiayu Feng
In the information society, it is necessary to constantly advocate “internet plus” thinking, transform and upgrade traditional industries, and promote the creative development of more industries in the Internet field. The Internet economy has disrupted traditional industries, promoted the combination...
Proceedings Article

The Learning Model of Volleyball Overhead Pass for 9th-grade High School Students

Ruslan Ruslan, Rusli Rusli, Sarifin Sarifin
The research objective is to develop a new product used in school physical education learning activities. This study uses the development of research methods Research and development (R&D) from Borg and Gall. Subjects in this study were 75 students at three high schools, SMA 15 Makassar, SMA 6 Makassar,...

Interactive Learning of Rejang Pakuluh Dance Using Google Sites at the Bali Asmarandana Dance Sample, Bandung City

Sang Ayu Made Diah Sri Anjani, Juju Masunah, Yuliawan Kasmahidayat
This article discusses about results from learning interactive using google sites media on participants educate level intermediate at the Bali Asmarandana dance studio, Bandung. Rejang Pakulu Dance created in 2016 by Ni Komang Sri Wahyuni. This dance is danced by women as a form of devotion and gratitude...

Research on the Cultivation Path of Craftsmanship Spirit of Skilled Talents Based on Professional Post Group

Hui Li, Zhenjing Pang
Influenced by the transformation of production mode, the shackles of traditional concepts and the lack of top-level design, various vocational colleges have not achieved good results in the cultivation of craftsmanship spirit of skilled talents. The specific connotation of craftsmanship spirit is closely...

Implementation of Environmental Education in Universities: Impact on Student Knowledge and Attitudes

Ahmad Rifqi Asrib, Helda Ibrahim
To improve people’s knowledge, skills, and understanding of environmental values and issues for the benefit of both the present and future generations, environmental education aims to alter people’s behavior and attitudes. This research aims to examine the correlation between environmental knowledge...