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1582 articles

The Effect of Double Entry Journal (DEJ) Strategy and Self-Efficacy on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Grade X IPS Students at SMA Negeri 2 Padang

Putri Yulia Sari, Hermawati Syarif, Sitti Fatimah
Reading teaching strategy - Double Entry Journal (DEJ) and students’ self efficacy are the factors that influence students’ reading comprehension served in the background of this research. In accordance with the background, this research was aimed at testing the effect of DEJ and student’s self efficacy...

Developing Teacher's Handbook to Enhance Social Interaction of Children with Autism in an Inclusive Primary School

Sartinah Endang P, Andajani Sri J, Anggraini Lisdiana Dewi Putri
This study specifically aims 1) to produce a teacher's handbook in social personal guidance with role playing techniques to enhance social interaction of children with autism in Inclusive Primary Schools, 2) to examine the feasibility of the teacher's handbook in social personal guidance with role playing...

Empowerment of Fishermen Communities in Fish Processing Businesses in Pesisir Selatan District (Study: In Nagari Pasia Pelangai Ranah Pesisir District)

Rizka Amanda Putri, Fitri Eriyanti
Pesisir Selatan is an area located on the coast that has an abundance of marine products. Most of the residents’ livelihoods in the coastal areas are fishermen. The catches of fishermen or fish cultivation are processed and utilized by the fishing community into various kinds of processed fish that can...
Proceedings Article

The Relation Between Calcium Levels in Breast Milk on Exclusive Breast Milk History and Body Length of Infants Aged 12 Months in The Public Health Centre of Padang

Meldafia Idaman, Rahma Putri Idaman, Ika Yulia Darma, Silv Zaimy
Breast milk is a natural food for babies and contains rare nutrients. The growth of the child, especially the length of the child body is influenced by the calcium contained in exclusively breast milk. Calcium intake can affect the mineralization of the new bone deposit matrix and osteoblast function....

Mother’s Knowledge of Gluten and Casein Free Diet on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Its Application During COVID-19 Pandemic

Laeli Nur Hasanah, Dwi Putri Fatmawati, Luqman Hidayat, Raden Rara Lavidhea Aldefinna Thalia
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that includes the way a person communicates, relates, and behaves. During the COVID-19 pandemic, ASD is one of the groups that is vulnerable to being infected with COVID-19, so it requires special attention. ASD children have different...

Using Teaching Materials Outdoor Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

Wanti Asmara, Lia Waroka, Eka Novrianti Prana Putri, Detty Syefriyani, Tanti Novita, Saleh Haji
The purpose of this study is to determine the improvement of students' mathematical problem solving. The teaching materials consist of textbooks and LKPD. This type of research is quasi experiment (quasi-experimental) with the research population, namely grade VII students of Bengkulu City 19 Middle...

Economic Growth, Export, Debt, and FDI: The Agriculture Case of Indonesia

Alghifari Mahdi Igamo, Dwi Darma Puspita Sari, Sukanto, Syirod Shaleh, Putri Vialeta
This study discusses the effect of export in agriculture, FDI in agriculture, and debt in agriculture to economic growth in agriculture in Indonesia. Analysis of data using Vector Error CorrectionModelwith the help of an application program using the E-views 8.0. Based on the statistical data testing...
Proceedings Article

Husband’s Support for Pregnant Women Facing Childbirth at Kalasan Public Health Center, Sleman, Indonesia

Sartika Dwi Yolanda Putri, Nurul Kurniati
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia was 305 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2017. Prolonged labor is one of the causes of high MMR in Indonesia. Several factors contribute to long labor, including power, passage, passanger and psychological. Psychological mothers who are not ready to face childbirth...

Investigating Language Shift Among Minangnese Second Generations in North Bandung

Elsa Wahyuni Putri, Ruswan Dallyono, Ernie D. A. Imperiani
This study investigates the language shift phenomenon among the second generations of migrant minority groups, Minangnese, in the northern part of Bandung city, capital of West Java province. This study employs a descriptive qualitative method in which the data are collected through questionnaires, language...

The Effect of Dividend Policy on Stock Prices with Debt Policy as a Moderating Variable

M. Doni Permana Putra, Ni Luh Nyoman Sherina Devi, Luh Pande Eka Setiawati, Yura Karlinda Wiasa Putri
This research aims to investigate the effect of dividend policy on stock prices with debt policy as a moderating variable in the property and real estate sector. Historical data on property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2017-2022 period is used as a sample....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Patient Satisfaction and Interest of Patient on Doctor Servicing Health Care Provider in the Healthcare and Social Security Agency

Sandu Siyoto, Elya Irawan Putri
Health services as health facilities for health service of first strata who responsible to carries out individual health efforts and society health efforts still minim. Good quality service will give satisfaction and interest on patient. This reseach purposed to analyze of patient satisfaction and interest...

Aligning Tax Incentives and Purchasing Behavior for Consumers of Environment-Friendly Products

Wika Harisa Putri, Andreas Ronald Setianan, Dewi Puspitasari
The growth in purchasing environmentally friendly products has stagnated. It is thought to have been caused by the presence of a premium image attached to environmentally friendly products, thus creating a reluctance for consumers to have aggressive purchasing behavior towards these environmentally friendly...

The Influence of Online Trust, Sales Promotion and Electronic Word of Mouth on Repurchase Intention

Putri Adwi Ramadani, Resti Hardini
The level of competition for e-commerce trade is getting tougher. Studies to support the sustainability of e-commerce are still in demand. This sustainability is demonstrated by interest in repurchasing. Therefore, this research examines the determining factors in increasing repurchase interest among...

The Influence Of Quality Information Toward User Satisfaction of Enterprise Resource Planning With Top Management Support As Moderating Variable

Heri Wijayanto, Tulus Haryono, Hakas Putri Wikan Estu
This research aims to analyze the influence of ERP quality informations toward user satisfaction and to analyze the role of the top management support as a moderation variable toward the influence of information quality to the user satisfaction. The result of the previous researches about the influence...

The Development of Anxiety Sensitivity Interventions from Manual to Computerized

Aisyah Putri Rawe Mahardika, Ulwiyatul Hidayat
Excessive anxiety is something that could affect an individual’s behavior if it is not treated well. Excessive anxiety could develop into more serious anxiety disorders that affect attitudes and behavior in the social environment. The purpose of this literature study is to examine the effectiveness of...

Sinta and Social Criticism of the Wayang Tavip

Aditya Aditama Putri Hikmatyar, Nanang Ganda Prawira
This study aims to uncover the messages and social criticisms conveyed through the Wayang Tavip in Rahvayana’s play. Wayang Tavip is a contemporary wayang from Bandung that presents Rahvayana’s story based on Rahvayana’s novel by Sujewo Tejo. The appearance of the Wayang Tavip began when the creators...

Applying Hofstede’s National Cultural Dimensions and Theory of Planned Behavior on Individual Tax Compliance Intention in East Java

Dessanti Putri Sekti Ari, Latifah Hanum, Mirza Maulinarhadi R
Tax compliance is a global issue with companies all over the world. Tax compliance is a condition in which the taxpayer fulfills all of his tax obligations following applicable regulations. One of the indicators for measuring tax compliance is the tax ratio. Indonesia’s tax ratio reached its lowest point...
Proceedings Article

The Authority of Indonesian Leader in Urban Facility and Housing Design (Sign and Symbol)

Putri Suryandari
Nations’ leaders throughout history have left a record of that leadership in the form of architecture. That record can be a monument, building, or any other grand or not so grand gesture. This activity was designed to show the authority and power of an entire nation at a given moment in time. Indonesia...

Auditor Switching and Initial Audit Procedures: A Case Study

Erly Satya Graha Putri, Robert Porhas Tobing
This paper discusses the reasons behind auditor or accounting firm switching and studies initial audit procedures. Auditors need to analyze the real reason behind auditor switching in order to make an appropriate decision during the client acceptance stage (an auditee's willingness to share the real...
Proceedings Article

Readiness Of Community Participation On Household Waste Management at Cililitan, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta

Putri Winda Lestari, Widanarti Setyaningsih
Based on the primary survey, the knowledge, the attitude and the behavior on household waste management at Cililitan was well adequate but there are still residents who have not managed household waste properly. Infrastructure, community, and organization readiness are important in making sustainable...

Implementation of Law Number 6 of 2014 Concerning Village for Budgeting Plan in Sidoarjo Regency

Slamet Suhartono, Ahmad Mahyani, Wiwik Afifah, Dwi Putri Sartika, Risya Tatamara
Village recognition is needed for the village in an effort to the establishment of unity of the law that has authority and is autonomous. With the recognition of the village, the existence of the village will continue to be recognized and respected.In realizing the existence and recognition of villages,...

Representation of Music Learning

The Construction of Keroncong of Young Generation in the City of Bandung

Yudi Sukmayadi, Hery Supiarza
This study aims to map the construction of Keroncong of young generation in the city of Bandung from 2010 to 2019. The development of keroncong music in the city of Bandung has received less attention from the keroncong music community in Indonesia, even though since 2010 the young people of Bandung...

The Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication Tools to Create Brand Awareness of the Use of Telkomsel TCash Sticker in Jabotabek Jabar Area

Dwi Putri Handayani, Ulani Yunus, Dinda Agustina Putri
This study aims to explain about the implementation of integrated marketing communication tools for forming brand awareness of the use of Telkomsel Tcash sticker in Jabotabek Jabar area. This qualitative research was conducted from February to July 2017. Research data were collected using semi-structured...

The analysis of logistics at McDonald's Restaurant Denpasar Bali

Anna Putri Andari, Stefanus Budy Widjaja Subali, Juliani Dyah Trisnawati
This study aims to analyze the difference and effect of McDonald's' delivery order logistics service on customer satisfaction and loyalty based on individualist and collectivist perception. Customer satisfaction and loyalty is a fundamental element for a company to face competition in order to ensure...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Hydraulic System on Portable Electrical Hydraulic Jack

Rinasa Agistya Anugrah, Putri Rachmawati
Hydraulic systems have been widely used in several large industries, the use of hydraulics in industrial activities help the running of related industrial activities. A large number of maintenance requests for the workshop requires a modern jack that can increase work productivity in the workshop. Also,...

The Influence of Accounting Understanding and Use of Accounting Information Systems on the Quality of Financial Statements

(Case Study PT Glostar Indonesia I Sukabumi)

Amelia Fatmawati, Dhea Lestari Noor Putri, Pace Riansyah STH, Fitri Mareta
The purpose of this study is to ascertain the effect of concurrently comprehending accounting and accounting information systems on the financial quality reports produced by PT Glostar Indonesia I Sukabumi. This study employs quantitative methodologies. The saturation sampling method is used to collect...

Meta-analysis of IT-Based Learning Media for Elementary School Students

Kharisma Eka Putri
This meta-analysis is motivated by the fact that teachers still have not optimized the use of Information and Technology (IT)-based learning media, especially in elementary schools. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to identify 1) the effect size of IT-based learning media based on grade level at...

Mathematics Learning Tools Development Based on Guided Discovery Model to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Ability

Marta Siska Putri, Hendra Syarifuddin
The purpose of this study was to create a valid, practical and effective learning tools based on guided discovery to improve the mathematical problem-solving ability of grade VII students of SMP / MTs. The developed learning tools are Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) and Student Worksheets (LKPD)....

Female Homeworkers Alienation Under Putting Out System

Anggaunitakiranantika, Theola Zevana Putri
This research aimed to describe the working of POS house workers and the alienation and bias they suffer. The Putting Out System (POS) workers, also commonly known as home workers, is a type of occupation in the informal sector dominated by women in Indonesia. This research was conducted using qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Projection Pursuit Regression on Statistical Downscaling Using Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regression for Rainfall Forecasting in Jember

Chandrika Desyana Putri, Ema Fahma Farikha, Alfian Futuhul Hadi, Yuliani Setia Dewi, I Made Tirta, Firdaus Ubaidillah, Dian Anggraeni
Information about rainfall is very necessary for the country of Indonesia which bears the title of an agricultural country. This is because the agricultural sector is very vulnerable to climate change, where rainfall is one indicator of climate change-related to crops. Therefore, an accurate rainfall...

An Analysis of the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) for Developing Effective Parental Guidelines in Teaching Practical Solah at Home for 6-Year-Old Children

Aishah Razak, Khairizah Kamaruddin, Tengku Putri Norishah Tengku Sharima, Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil
In Malaysia, the practice of solah (prayer) is introduced to preschoolers as young as five to six years old, in accordance with the National Standard Pre- school Curriculum 2017 (KSPK) under the Spiritual Pillar: Attitude and Values, which focuses on fostering the basics of worship. While studies have...

Plan International and its Alliances’s Role in Overcoming Child Marriage Problem and Supporting Sustainable Development Goals Through The Yes I Do Program in Lombok, Indonesia

Kurnia Zulhandayani Rizki, Namira Risqi Putri Muquita, Khairur Rizki, Kinanti Rizsa Sabilla
This research exists to see the role of Plan International and its alliances in overcoming the problem of child marriage in Lombok, Indonesia through The Yes I Do program, to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Then, the author uses the Sustainable Development Goals and the Convention on...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of SAQ Exercises and Pliometric Exercises Against Smash in Princess Volleyball Games

Imran Akhmad, Bangun Setia Hasibuan
This research aims to determine the contribution of push-up training and Box Jump training to the accuracy of the results of the Putri Club Volleyball smash Dispapora Binjai. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sumpling. The number of female athletes as many as 8 people. This research was conducted...

Effect of Ration Fortification from Tofu Waste, Crabs and Curcuma Longa on Feed Intake, Feed Conversion and Organoleptic Properties of Broiler Chicken Meat

B A Fajar, K A Putri, A Y Persada
The ration is an important factor in determining the success of a business in raising broilers. The provision of appropriate rations will have an impact on feed use and meat quality. This study aims to determine the effect of ration fortification on feed consumption, feed conversion and organoleptic...

Law Enforcement of Cyber Crime Jurisdiction in Transnasional Law

Rahmatilla Aryani Putri, Huala Adolf, Jafar Sidik
The rapid development of information technology has made the world borderless and lead to social change which is significantly fast. These advances are accompanied by negative impacts which threaten and endanger the social and economic development of the Ummah involving more than one country. Law enforcement...

Developing 汉语的语义学 [Hanyǔ de yǔyì xué] of Chinese Semantics Digital Module

Karina Fefi Laksana Sakti, Amira Eza Febrian Putri, Octi Rjeky Mardasari, Sunarti, Muhamad Rajali, Arya Bima
The difficulty that is experienced by most Chinese language teachers is to determine which Chinese language textbooks are suitable to be applied to Indonesian learners. In Indonesia, most of the Chinese books, including the Chinese Semantic textbooks, are still in full Chinese or English. Learning Chinese...

Examining People’s Perceptions of Elephants in the Context of Human-Elephant Conflict in Aceh Selatan, Aceh, Indonesia

Cut Nurmaliah, Gina Yulia Putri, Abdullah Abdullah, Dewi Andayani, Aries Munandar, Samsul Muarrif
Elephants are animals with wide home ranges, so they need routes to move from one home range to another. The increase in population has reduced the home range for elephants, especially in Sumatra. This causes negative interactions between elephants and humans. Therefore, it is necessary to understand...

Lexicon Ke-biu-an in Balinese Language and Culture

Putri Ayu Julita, Aron Meko Mbete
Biu or banana is a plant that is easily found in the tropics, including Bali. Biu can be used from the roots to the flowers. In addition to being consumed, biu is also useful for health and religious facilities. Almost every day, the Hindu community in Bali needs biu in religious activities. The aim...

Support Group Therapy as an Alternative to Reduce Stress in Caregiver ODGJ Lombok Earthquake Victims

Syamsul Hadi, Dwi Widarna, Lita Putri, Dyah Luthfia Kirana
Psychological problems due to the earthquake in Lombok still leave various problems. One of them is increasing number of sufferers of mental disorders or is called people with mental disorders (Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa/ODGJ). Psychological problems experienced by ODGJ are quite severe, so that it causes...

The Dynamics of Religiosity Conversion from Followers of Instagram Accounts @beraniberhijrah

Putri Pamungkas Cahyaneng Tyas, Ismatul Izzah
This paper attempts to discuss the process and dynamics of religiosity conversion from followers of Instagram accounts @beraniberhijrah. Nowadays, many social media platform and accounts in Indonesia are currently using religious background as their attraction to get more followers. One of them is @beraniberhijrah...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Microbiology Textbook on the Microorganism Classification Subject for Biology Students of Universitas Negeri Padang Using Science Technology Society (STS) Approach

Putri Islamiah Suci, Dwi Hilda Putri
Initial investigations obtained reference data used by the students so far have been taken from a microbiology book with a long publication year. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the students felt the benefits of studying microbiology in daily life, but the students’ references did not support...

Development of Students’ Worksheet of Physics Practicum Based on Augmented Reality and Qur’an Integrated on Electricity in Senior High School

Hadiyati Idrus, Weri Oktavia, Venny Haris, Novia Lizelwati, Yupita Putri
Currently, there are many of the latest technological breakthroughs, the world of education is expected to be able to adapt and utilize technology as a support for learning activities. One of them is in the form of teaching materials or worksheet practicum. The lack of availability of worksheet practicum...

Innovation and Implementation of Boardgame Media to Develop Aspects of Early Childhood Development

Nenny Mahyuddin, Yaswinda Yaswinda, Rani Sofya, Vebionita Megi Putri
The massive technology developments results to the high dependent on technological aid. Learning activities are conducted by using media. Learning media is needed to attract children’s attention. In the learning process, the use of fun learning methods can be applied using educational learning media....

The Corporate University Landscape in Indonesia

Hani Gita Ayuningtias, Annisa Nurbaiti, Grisna Anggadwita, Mediany Kriseka Putri
Corporate university phenomenon are not new, General Motors began the GM institute in 1927. After that corporate university growth quickly until 1900s when number corporate universities increased to 1600. Today, it is reported the 2400 corporate universities exist. Some 80% of Fortune 500 companies either...
Proceedings Article

Pathotypic and Phylogenetic Analysis of Newcastle Disease Virus Isolated from Vaccinated Chicken in West Java, Indonesia

Dwi Desmiyeni Putri, Ekowati Handharyani, Retno Damajanti Soejoedono, Agus Setiyono, Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari, Okti Nadia Poetri
Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious disease of poultry worldwide, caused by Newcastle Disease virus (NDV), also kown as Avian Paramyxovirus Type1 (OIE. 2012). Despite vaccination, outbreaks of ND in vaccinated chicken flocks in Indonesia have been regularly reported. The emergence of new virulent...

Teacher’s Perspective on Implementation of Independent Curriculum in School of Activator

Ujang Syarip Hidayat, Septiana Putri Juariyah, Aulia Rahma
The goal of this research was to gather data, identify, and analyze the teacher’s perspective on implementing the Independent Curriculum of the school of activator where the presence of the Independent Curriculum led to various responses and responses from education stakeholders. The researcher uses...

Work Discipline and Work Motivation Influence on the Employee Performance of Siabu Mandailing Natal Health Centre

Ratna Komala Putri, Mahyari Lubis, Donni Junipriansa
The Mandailing Natal District Health Office oversees the Siabu health center, a Technical Service Unit in the health sector. The Siabu Mandailing Natal Health Centre must ensure great personnel performance to deliver effective and efficient community services. Work discipline programs and employee motivation...
Proceedings Article

The Orientation of Equipment Technology in Improving Production Performance in Batik SMEs

Chauliah Fatma Putri, Muhammad Agus Sahbana
Written batik is a work of art that is recognized worldwide as an original Indonesian cultural heritage. The production process of written batik is carried out traditionally and from generation to generation in Solo and Yogyakarta as the oldest batik development areas in Indonesia. Making written batik...

Development of Comic Books as Teaching Media for Japanese Language Learners in Indonesian High Schools

Dewi Kusrini, Via Luviana Dewanty, Amalia Putri, Renindra Atsilah Putri
The main reason why Indonesians learn Japanese is because of interest in Japanese comics. However, Japanese comic-based teaching media to meet the needs of these students are still not widely available. This study aims to produce a manga-style comic book (Japanese comics) that prioritizes stories followed...

Mathematical Reasoning in Complex Function Textbook Exercises

Senja Putri Merona, Erika Eka Santi
The aim of this paper is to study some strategies that are possible to use in solving the exercises in undergraduate complex function textbooks. Furthermore, it will be studied the indicators of mathematical reasoning ability that appear in the exercises. The results of this study indicate the type of...