Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research

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25603 articles
Proceedings Article

Current Status and Trends of the Research on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools — A Statistical Analysis Based on CSSCI Papers Between 2008 and 2017

Jing Wang, Xinzhi Xi, Qian Zeng
This study is carried out based on 186 papers published between 2008 and 2017. The sample papers are all titled with “Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools (CCRS)”, and published in journal listed in Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI). A quantitative analysis of the distribution of...
Proceedings Article

A Systematical Method to Evaluate Omnipork’s Market Competitiveness Ability

Suye Zhang, Junchao Xia, Ming Yang, Xiaoxiao Shi, Kejie Zhu
Traditional livestock farming generates a huge amount of greenhouse gas that will harm our environment. With the improvement of the technology, plant-based meat has become a reality. Plant-based meat is considered a perfect substitute for traditional meat since it will not generate greenhouse gas during...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Heterogeneity in China and the Information Disclosure Quality of the Enterprises

Shu Li, Wei Wei, Qing Jin
This paper studies the impact of cultural differences in different regions of China on the information disclosure quality of the enterprises. Using 5315 enterprises’ annual data from different regions of China from 2016 to 2018, the researchers empirically tested the impact of different cultural dimensions...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Badak LNG Inventory Planning Management Based on Forecasted Demand

Zora Yuliardi
In the process of producing LNG, Badak LNG performs Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) activities to ensure the reliability, safety, and productivity of the facilities equipment. Currently, the equipment required to produce LNG products is less in numbers due to the decreasing upstream feed gas...
Proceedings Article

Process Standard in Curriculum 2013: An Analysis of Implementation

Dian Suciana Amri, Marwan
Education has an important role to increasing human resources, because quality of human resources is needed to face the increasing flow of globalization. One way to improve the quality of human resources is to improve the quality of education. One of the efforts made to improve the quality of education...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Option Pricing Based on Black-Scholes and Binomial Tree: Evidence from Moutai’s Share Price

Jiale Li
As a matter of fact, option pricing is a vital area in mathematical finance, and various academic pricing methods has shed light on specific option types’ pricing, among which Black-Scholes model and Binomial Tree model are the most widely-used measures. However, recent debates have been concentrated...
Proceedings Article

Bitcoin Price Prediction Based on Machine Learning and Granger Causality Test

Mengyu Hao, Feiyang Su, Kaifei Wang, Xiaoqi Zheng
Recently, more and more investors have seen the huge profits that the digital currency market can bring, and Bitcoin price predictions are becoming more valuable both academically and in terms of business value. In this paper, we use the daily price of bitcoin from September 12, 2016, to September 10,...
Proceedings Article

Deconstruction of Global Science and Technology Governance Path

Yanying Fei, Xufan Zhang
The global science and technology governance path is composed of governance philosophy, governance rules and synergistic governance. Governance philosophy is based on the concept of “community with a shared future for mankind”, adheres to the value orientation of “technology for good”, practices the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Profitability, Liquidity and Leverage on Company Value with Dividend Policy as Moderating Variables on Consumer Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2018-2020

Nindi Isra Sholatika, Triyono
Company value is a measure of the success of a company’s management in managing its operational activities to increase shareholder confidence. This study aims to analyze the effect of profitability, liquidity, and leverage as factors affecting the value of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange...
Proceedings Article

Mapping the Public-Private Partnership in Digitalization of PT. Pertamina Gas Station in Indonesia

Shintya Sandra Kusuma, Sri Suryoko, Ari Pradhanawati
This study aims for mapping the digitalization of PT. Pertamina gas station’s public-private partnership in Indonesia. The digitalization of gas stations initiated by PT. Pertamina plays a material role in developing a partnership between the government and private sector. How does PT. Pertamina adopt...
Proceedings Article

Educational Tourism as an Engine in Learning Foreign Languages

Oksana Poletaeva, Narkiza Moroz, Oksana Lazareva
The article explores educational tourism and identifies its role in learning foreign languages. The authors look into the language policy of universities through the academic mobility of students and teachers. Based on the research subject, the authors analyse relevant literature and use the empiric...
Proceedings Article

The Impacts of Work-Life Balance in Airline Industry: A Proposed Conceptual Framework

Tsara Alanna Amiruddin, Muzalifah Monil
The study examines the factors affecting work-life balance (WLB) in Malaysia's Airline industry, focusing on airline employees with the data collected using the quantitative research method. Besides, the study proposes a framework on WLB based on previous studies and the underpinning theories. The...
Proceedings Article

Blockchain Technology Usage in Applications of Productivity and Performance

R. Magesh, M. Rajeswari
Definition of Blockchain is a block possess information. Techniques leads to an intended to time framed documents of digital surely not possible to backdate or tamper. From this study it aims to investigate the security threats and attacks of existing in blockchain and to provide the list of outstanding...
Proceedings Article

OpenStack vs Kubernetes on System Architecture: Benchmarking from the Perspective of DevOps and Cloud Networks Connections

I. Putu Agus Eka Pratama, I. Nyoman Didik Ariadi, Mahmud Dwi Sulistiyo
In the field of industrial information technology, especially in system architecture, system management can be done based on DevOps and Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing offers three types of services and four deployment models, while DevOps helps produce stable software products while increasing their...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Ips (Economy) Thematic Texts on the Economic Behavior of Students in Junior High School in Garut Regency

Alni Dahlena, Tetep, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Odang Hermanto, Maskur, Slamet Noprihaldi Rohman
Economic behavior leads to the formation of an entrepreneurial spirit. In junior high school, economics is taught which is integrated with Social Sciences, so that it is thematic and can be the basis for the formation of the entrepreneurial spirit of a student. This study wants to describe whether thematic...
Proceedings Article

Seizing Opportunities: The Race Toward Digital Banking in ASEAN

Yudha Pradipta, Asaduddin Abdullah, Suhendi
The Southeast Asia (ASEAN) stands as one of the compelling markets for digital banks to grow due to its large population and fact that financial inclusion still be an issue for the region. Within the region, Commercial banking is still the backbone of the region’s financial system, but Regulators in...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Renewable Energy Governance from the Perspective of Public Trust Doctrine

Sihabuddin, Indah Dwi Qurbani, Muhammad Lukman Hakim, Herlindah, Jessica Theodora Phang, Maharani Tina Amalia
Energy governance in Indonesia is currently progressing towards two directions, namely the use and utilization of fossil energy and renewable energy. This is because Indonesia is still in the phase of energy transition, which is currently dominated by fossil energy. For this reason, energy management...
Proceedings Article

Research on Bin Packing Problem Based on Supply Chain Economic Efficiency

Junjie Zhu
The study of the bin packing problem is of great academic significance and plays an extremely important role in the economy and society. By studying the bin packing problem, find the optimal packing layout to achieve resource conservation and economic benefits. This paper summarizes, analyzes and concludes...
Proceedings Article

Research on Government Function Allocation and Role Positioning in Low-carbon Construction --A Case Study of Baoding, Hebei

Xiaozheng Chen
Low-carbon construction has become a major theme in government management innovation, and Baoding's experience has great demonstrative value for low-carbon construction in China. In the discourse framework of the social governance system, the idea of building a "guidance-oriented government mode" is...
Proceedings Article

The Study on Education Equalization in Chinese Ethnic Regions Along the Border; Taking Dehong Prefecture of Yunnan as an Example

Wang Zhi-hui, Ni Lin-lin
The equalization of education opportunity is the most basic requirements of education equality. It plays an important role in promoting national economic and social development. To achieve education equalization is the common objective of all developed countries and developing countries, but for developing...
Proceedings Article

The Basic Principle Of Green Supply Chain Management

Jinsong Zhang
In the 21st century human society has been developing rapidly which also brings the threat of resource depletion, serious environmental pollution and ecological imbalance. As a pillar industry of the national economy, manufacturing industry has created much material wealth for the society, while at the...
Proceedings Article

The Founder of Post-modern Public Administration Thoughts A Review of Farmer's Thoughts

Jun Zhang, Yanhua Kuang
Post-modern public administration is a wonderful work in its development history. It is known for its frenzied anti-modernity; it was in full flourish but also was criticized greatly while many of the crosscurrents are misunderstandings to post-modern public administration. By carding the text, starting...
Proceedings Article

Proposed Model for Social Capital Relationship with Online Purchase Decision in Social Network

Adhi Prasetio, Vanessa Gaffar
This study aims to propose a model for online consumer behavior within social networking site. Previous studies have tried to offer models to explain social network user's behavior regarding to purchase decision and eWOM. But so far none has tried to relate what could triggered eWOM and their relationship...
Proceedings Article

Research of Tianjin Port Explosion under the Lack of Power List

Dongyang He
Along with the pace of the reform of the political system in China, the operation of the government's public power is gradually rising to the policy level. Although in recent years, the power list system has been launched in the country, but there are still a lot of loopholes in the public safety issues,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of The Marketing Mix of Wildlife Park Attractions and The Culture Of The Kinantan of Bukittinggi City To The Loyalty of Tourist Visits

Ade Gusri, Yasri Yasri, Idris Idris
This paper examines the influence of the marketing mix of the wildlife park attractions and the culture of the kinantan of Bukittinggi city to the loyalty of tourist visits. This research is descriptive causative research aims to find the influence of an independent variable that is in this research...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Entertainment Tax and Advertising Tax toward Local Original Income in Bandung

Reza Kurniawan, Nonon Dherian Rizki
This study aims to find out the influence of tax entertainment and advertising tax toward local original income in Bandung, using quantitative and descriptive methods and using hypothesis in determining the results. Partially there is influence while advertising tax has no influence. Simultaneously there...
Proceedings Article

Introduction of digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex as a tool for ensuring sustainable development of rural areas

A.Yu. Pavlov, V.N. Batova, V.V. Popov
Growing demand for agricultural products and solving the problems of food security of the countries of the world require the introduction of new technologies in the agro-industrial complex, contributing to improved productivity and food quality. According to a worldwide survey of PwC Digital IQ for 2017,...
Proceedings Article

Performance Evaluation of Scientific Research in China's First-class Universities from the Perspective of Multi-agent Based on Malmquist index, SE-DEA and SFA Respectively

Xueqian Zhang, Yalin Qian, Qiangqiang Zhao
The research performance of 42 universities is measured based on the perspectives of society, universities and the country. From the perspective of society, the productivity of scientific research in first-class universities is declining, mainly due to the decline of technology; the universities with...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Personal Competitiveness of Graduates in Conditions of Development of Polytechnic Education: Self-Competitive Model

T. Korsakova
In this study the formation of competitiveness of the future employee for modern economy by means of education is discussed. The concept of competitiveness as a fundamental indicator of the qualitative characteristics of a modern employee in the labor market is considered. Different approaches to the...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Study on the Effects of Board Characteristics on Enterprise Value Based on Life Cycle Theory

Rui-Feng Bai, Xiao-Xu Wang
Board structure is a vital part of corporate governance. Efficient board structure will contribute to the long-term development of the enterprises. Recent years, many researchers have studied the correlation between board characteristics and corporate value, but still haven’t got consensus. In this article,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Teaching Objectives Adjustment of Interpreting Course at University of Applied Sciences under Competence-Based Language Teaching (CBLT)

Chen Liu, Ning Jin
This thesis focused on the teaching objectives of interpreting course at university of applied sciences, discussed with qualitative and quantitative research methods, finally determined the adjustment scheme based on the competence-based language teaching (CBLT). It was found that 1) The existing interpreting...
Proceedings Article

Modeling the impact of innovation policy on the level of development and economic security of the country

Mykhaylo Voynarenko, Viktoriya Нurochkina, Olena Kovalenko, Olena Menchynska
Article deals with results of implementation innovation policy of Ukraine, which are reflected in global ratings. Today, key innovation indices are characterized by development of inclusive development, formation digital and innovative economy, conditions of doing business and creation of innovative...
Proceedings Article

Computer-network approaches in the occupational guidance of modern teenagers

V.G. Kamenskaya, L.V. Tomanov
The work is devoted to the analysis of the problems of occupational guidance of teenagers as the most important task of school education. The technology of a computer-network approach for determining professional preferences of schoolchildren and the possibilities of mastering preferred professions is...
Proceedings Article

Internationalization of Higher Vocational Education in Yunnan Province under the Belt and Road Initiative

Ying Zhao, Fan Yu
There is an important developmental opportunity for internationalization of higher vocational education in Yunnan Province under the B&R Initiative. Rationales for internationalization and the present condition of it are presented. According to the analytical framework for internationalization, internationalization...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Locus of Control and Financial Knowledge to Employee Investing Decision PT. Pertamina (Persero) Branch of Padang

Halkadri Fitra, Rosyeni Rasyid, Yuliza Susanti
This study aims to determine the effect of Locus of Control and Financial Knowledge on Investment Decisions. The research population is all employees of PT. Pertamina (Persero) Branch of Padang and using Purposive technical Sampling so that obtained sample 43 people. The data used are primary data, obtained...
Proceedings Article

Semiotics in Advertising As A Way to Play Effective Communications

Sri Hesti Heriwati
Advertising can be regarded as a marketing activity in addition to its function for the means of communicating. Advertising in principle is a product of mass culture and cultural products of industrial society characterized by mass production and consumption. That is, the mass is seen no more as a consumer...
Proceedings Article

Employment as a Factor of Stable Social and Economic Development of a Region

V.S. Revazov, D.E. Piliyeva, L.V. Kasayeva, A.A. Gasparyan
The article examines the problem of employment in Russia during the transition period from the economy of socialism to the economy of capitalism. The author reveals the specifics of the socio-economic development of the region of the Republic of North Ossetia, Alania, which is reflected in the following...
Proceedings Article

Investigation on internationalization of tourism personnel training mode: A case study

Yue Sun
A need for proficient international tourism personnel has been growing for the burgeon-ing tourism economy all around the world, where as there is a lack of corresponding employees in the global tourism market. Accordingly, this study intends to investigate internationalization of tour-ism personnel...
Proceedings Article

National Integration Models Among Ethnics Groups (A Study Among Various Ethnics in Indonesia)

Hendra Naldi, Henni Muchtar, Zaky Farid Luthfi
The research objectives are 1. Finding a model of cultural integration among ethnic groups 2. finding a process of cultural integration among ethnic groups, 3. finding a function of integration in culture, education and economic among ethnic groups for the nation. The research methodology uses R & D,...
Proceedings Article

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach Module with Group Settings to Reduce Youth Consumptive Behavior

Agus Irianto, Anggi fitria, Mudjiran
Consumptive behavior among adolescents is one of the phenomena that occur, in urban and rural areas. The tendency of adolescents to spend more money on their needs without thinking about the benefits of these goods. Teenagers often buy goods not because of the main needs in life, but lifestyle needs...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Free-Cash-Flow (FCF) with Dividend Policy as a Mediating Variable

Nia Widyanti, Widyasari Widyasari
The purpose of research was to obtain empirical evidence about the impact of board structure, board independence, and leverage on Free-Cash-Flow (FCF) with dividend policy as a mediating variable among manufacturing companies during the period of 2016-2018. This study used 29 manufacturing companies...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Transformational Leadership to Organizational Innovation and Explorative Learning Mediated by Generalist Human Capital at Oil Company

Putri Marina Sijabat, Deasy Aseanty
This study aims to analyse the effect of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Innovation and Exploration Learning mediated by the General Capital Human Oil Company. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 150 respondents and the respondents were employees. Hypothesis testing...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Upgrading Strategies of Huaiyuan Rattan-plaiting Industry

Lingyun Yang
Through the field investigations in the early stage, this paper analyzes the practitioners of Huaiyuan rattan-plaiting industry and the design and production of rattan-plaiting products, and summarizes the problems existing in Huaiyuan rattan-plaiting industry. Also, the upgrading strategies of Huaiyuan...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Compensation Towards Turnover Intention with Work Satisfaction as Intervening Variables a Study at PT. Madya Karya Putra

Dzulfiqar Mudhoffar Siregar, Tri Maryati
This study aims to examine job satisfaction as a variable that mediates the relationship between compensation and turnover intention at PT. Madya Karya Putra. Compensation is something that must be considered by companies to increase the level of employee job satisfaction and reduce the desire to move...
Proceedings Article

Some Problems of Quality Training of Future Teachers

Tetiana Shcherban, Volodymyr Hoblyk
The study examines individual problems of training future teachers - the formation of an integral ability to solve educational problems at the stage of training at a higher education institution. An important psychological condition for this skill is the formation of a reflexive attitude of the individual...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Problems in Online Shopping Under Prisoners Dilemma

He Sun
This paper analyzes the dispute between e-commerce sellers, the managers of e-commerce platform and the buyers according to game theory in 4 different online trading situation. This paper concludes that there is a motivation for each group of people mentioned above to cheat, however, we can improve the...
Proceedings Article

Angola’s Economic Potential: Problems and Development Prospects Under the Current Conditions of the Global Crisis

Herinelto da Fonseca Josefa Casimiro, Antonio Manuel Dias Domingos, Benvindo Vemba Gomes
the present article is dedicated to the study of the main internal and external factors, which influences the economic development of Angola. In this work are presents in detail the structural problems and significant advantages of the Angolan economy, taking into account the main changes occurring in...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Use of an Airline's Voluntary Reporting System Based on RFV Model

Junjie Liu, Liying Dong
Voluntary report information analysis is one of the key work in the field of civil aviation security. Voluntary report information is characterized by large quantity, miscellaneous content and unstandardized expression. In order to solve the problem that it is difficult for airlines to evaluate the voluntary...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of the Environmental, Social, and Governance Program to Support the Business Sustainability: A Case Study of Indonesian Companies

Handi Risza, Iin Mayasari, Hendrawan Krisna Adi, Iyus Wiadi, Retno Sri Handini, Ritzka Yauma Putri Driarkoro
This study analyzes the implementation of environmental, social, and governance in Indonesia to support long-term business continuity. This research anticipates government policies to support sustainable programs, activities, and performance. This research method applied a qualitative approach through...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Digital Marketing System on Weaving Crafts Sales Growth in Buleleng Regency

Ida Bagus Koman Suarmaja, I Wayan Cipta, Ni Nyoman Yulianthini, Fridayana Yudiaatmaja
The purpose of this study was to (1) see the application of digital marketing to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), especially weaving fabric in Kalianget Village, Buleleng Regency, and (2) to know the impact of digital marketing on the sales volume of woven handicraft products in Kalianget...
Proceedings Article

Difference Between Virtual Idols and Traditional Entertainment from Technical Perspectives

Ruolin Kong, Ziheng Qi, Sicheng Zhao
The concept of “virtual idols” has a history of over 30 years, and it has become a popular word in many fields in recent years. Virtual idols are productions of technology and society. They meet people’s needs and dreams through technology, such as singing, dancing, and creating more daily life possibilities....
Proceedings Article

Exploration of the Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Traditional Villages: A Case of Shaanxi Province

Ting Li, Yan Liang, Wei Luo, Jin Zhang, Wenchao Dong
Rural revitalization is an important strategy in the opening year of the 14th Five-Year Plan in China. There exists a special category of villages - traditional villages, which are carriers of regional culture and customs; and have strong historical and cultural values. This study uses ArcGIS 10 to conduct...
Proceedings Article

The Moderation of Corporate Governance in the Effect of Surplus Free-Cash-Flow on Earnings Predictability

Henny Wirianata, Elsa Imelda, Yetty Yetty
This research aimed to reveal the effect of surplus free-cash-flow on earnings predictability as well as the moderation effect of board independence, board size, dan independent chairman in that relationship. The subject of this research is manufacturing firms that were listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange...
Proceedings Article

The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) In Malaysia SME: A Case Study of Vitrox

Luen Peng Tan, Kum Lung Choe, Yin Kuan Ng, Ka Fei Lai, Hooi Ching Khor
Despite the Malaysian government’s effort in educating businesses on the importance of ESG, there is still a lack of awareness among businesses regarding the vitality of ESG. A recent survey conducted by Alliance Bank reveals that 86% of the surveyed SMEs had no idea what ESG exactly was. Furthermore,...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Institutional Pressure, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Organizational Performance on the Livestock Industry in Indonesia: Role of Collaboration as a Mediator

Febroni Wanda Purba, Yasmine Nasution
This study aims to determine the impact of institutional pressure on the performance of industrial organizations in Indonesia. This research yields empirical findings that institutional pressure impacts livestock performance. This research was carried out using a quantitative method using structural...
Proceedings Article

Study on the impact of carbon quota trading on the motivation of low-carbon transformation of construction enterprises

Chunli Wang, Zhijiao Chu, An Wang
Under the background of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, construction enterprises, as the main responsibility of energy saving and emission reduction in our country's construction market, how to effectively promote their choice of low-carbon transition has become an urgent practical problem...
Proceedings Article

A Comprehensive Analysis of Tesla

Yuxin Liu, Yu Shen, Lanxin Zhang, Yixin Zhang
Tesla is an American electric vehicle and resource company, which was set up in 2003. Its main products are electric vehicles and lithium-ion battery. Tesla launched the first product called Roadster in 2008, then some famous products such as Model S and Model X came out in succession. With the development...
Proceedings Article

Study of the Impact of Chinese Policies and Regulations on Bitcoin

Zihan Wu, Dan Wang
Bitcoin is an emerging digital virtual currency with both decentralization, high degree of freedom and high bookkeeping efficiency, and the transaction scale of its market has developed rapidly in recent years. This paper selects the closing price of Bitcoin from May 2015 to August 2022, divides the...
Proceedings Article

Institutional Change and Strategic Alignment: The Complete Mediating Effect of Firm Performance

Xiaofeng Liu
This paper selects all the “three public consumption” sensitive listed companies from 2010 to 2015, and theoretically and empirically studies the action path and mechanism of institutional change on strategic consistency. Based on the theory of strategic coherence, from the perspective of institutional...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Shaanxi Province Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions

Juan-Ru Shi
In recent years, with rapid economic growth, the economic pillar of the energy industry has been concerned by all circles of society, while energy consumption and a large number of exhaust gas emissions to the environment had a bad impact, especially the carbon dioxide emission. The article used the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Zhejiang Shuren University’s Running Pattern

Jinbiao Jin, Huayue Liao
How to make the most of the mechanism of private colleges and universities, to keep education benefit for the public, to improve educational quality, and to move in the direction of connotative development, will be the major issue in a long run after nationwide university expansion. This paper analyzes...
Proceedings Article

Macroeconomic Determinants of Internal Migration to West Sumatra

Riska Febrina, Chotib Chotib
This study examines the determinants of migration to the Indonesian province of West Sumatra. Employing a modified gravity model and using data from Statistics Indonesia, this study explores the extent to which macroeconomic variables (GDP per capita, unemployment rate, education attainment) affect migration...
Proceedings Article

Modeling the impact of social transfers on the inequality of income distribution in society

Oksana Bashutska, Lesia Buiak, Mykola Shynkaryk, Oksana Bodnar
The impact of social transfers on income inequality in society is analyzed. The role of social transfers in redistributing income and reducing the level of differentiation of society is revealed. The choice of the total income components for all types of social transfers is substantiated. An algorithm...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the Board of Commissioners in Improving the Financial Performance of Sharia Insurance Industries in Indonesia

Irman Firmansyah, Adil Ridlo Fadillah
This study analyzed the factors that influence financial performance and further analyzed the role of the board of commissioners in improving the financial performance of Sharia insurance companies in Indonesia. Financial performance is measured by the surplus related to its contributions, while the...
Proceedings Article

Labor Resources of Republic of Tatarstan and Their Spatial Differences

N.K. Gabdrakhmanov, D.V. Ulesov, L.N. Safiullin, D.F. Islamutdinova, E.M. Maratkanova
The process of effective decision-making in the framework of integrated regional development programs is based on the rational use of resources. However, in the situation of international competition, socio-economic development of the region becomes less dependent on the amount of natural resources....
Proceedings Article

The Exploration of Transparency on Efficiency Among Non-profit Organizations (NPO) in China

Quanren Jiang, Jinghua Zhang, Lin Yue
This study examines if higher level of transparency is associated with higher level of efficiency with the efficiency among NPOs measured by the percentage of the donation from public used for charity program purposes or for the mission of an NPO in China. Using 14,183 observations from the year of 2010...
Proceedings Article

Integrating Project-Based Learning in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

A.A. Katekina, G.I. Zaynullina, I.V. Basenko
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of project-based learning (PBL) in the formation of intercultural foreign language competence of future specialists in social and cultural services and tourism. The author has proved PBL to be effective in helping students acquire a wide...
Proceedings Article

Study on Tourism Development Mode of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Xiaomei Zhou, Li Yan
The protection of Intangible cultural heritage, cannot just stay in the levels of collection, restoration and display, but need to combine their respective characteristics and to create a realistic way of life. As an important tourism resource, its value mining and scientific and appropriate tourism...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Technology Integration Monitoring System

A.E. Miller, M.A. Miller
The article is dedicated to the development of analytical tools for tracking the parameters of technology integration in the production sector. A technology integration monitoring system is developed, which consists of 3 main stages and includes an object, subject, entities, methods and means of the...
Proceedings Article

Methodological Approach to Analysis of Business-organization Development Factors at Life Cycle Stages

N.N. Krivtsova, Y.A. Salikov, G.N. Strukov, I.A. Sukhareva
The subject of the study is the factors of business-organization development. The purpose was to form a methodological approach to the analysis of business-organization development factors at various stages of its life cycle. The article systematizes the problem of business-organization development at...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis on the Current Situation of Secondary Circulation in Rural Land Contracting: Taking H Village of A City in Southwest China as an Example

Hang Liu, Yi Liu
This article mainly conducts on-the-spot investigations on the current situation of the second transfer of rural land management rights in Village H of City A in the southwestern region, including rural land management rights transfer contracts signed by both parties, farmers’ satisfaction, and land...
Proceedings Article

Construction Service Competence Test and Training Center (CSCTTC): Small Business Unit Based on the Potential and Intellectual Creativity of the University

Edy Sriyono, Sardi, Wika H. Putri
The purpose of this study is to initiate a campus-based business unit are a necessity to support higher education, especially to meet the competency goals of graduates and to be closer to the world of work. However, during the initiation process, the necessity to be in a capital-intensive environment...
Proceedings Article

The Resilience of SMEs Facing Pandemic: A Case Study of Processed Seafood Products in Pekalongan City, Indonesia

Berta Bekti Retnawati, Ch. Retnaningsih
The difficult time caused by the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak proves that SMEs can survive even with serious problems that directly impact them. This research is a qualitative descriptive study by conducting interviews to 30 respondents of seafood-processing entrepreneurs in the city of Pekalongan. The...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Application of Facility Reliability Evaluation Indicators in the Development of Distribution Network Industry

Jingjing Huang, Zhesheng Hu, Chao Zhu, Ling Lin, Manying Zhang, Nian Jiang, Qian Wu
The application effect evaluation of reliability indicators for distribution network facilities should be in line with national conditions, especially considering the current situation of enterprise facility reliability management, personnel quality, facility type, and advanced level of facilities. The...
Proceedings Article

An In-depth Comparative Analysis of Adidas’ Marketing Strategies and Market Comparison in the Chinese Market

Jiawei Chen
This comprehensive and meticulous examination dives deep into the core of Adidas's marketing strategies, majorly concentrating on its operations within the expansive Chinese market. The discourse breaks down and scrutinizes the multi-faceted components of Adidas's marketing paradigm, namely...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Differential Cash Dividend Policy on Corporate Cash Dividends - An Analysis Based on Corporate Life Cycle

Qu Mengyu
At present, China’s capital market is developing rapidly, and the dividend policy issued by the SFC has also undergone a series of changes, but the mandatory and semi-compulsory dividend policy introduced in the previous period has great limitations and the implementation effect has been subject to many...
Proceedings Article

Automobility-as-a-Service for Sustainable Cities

Yuri Saginov, Olga Saginova
New technologies development and proliferation have been changing urban mobility patterns and preferences for more sustainable models minimizing negative ecological effects and providing more social space. Automobility as a service being part of Mobility-as-a-Service concept includes car-sharing services...
Proceedings Article

House Price Forecast Model: Case of Vietnam Housing Market

Nguyen Tai Quang Dinh, Dang Bich Ngoc, Ngo Thu Giang
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to build up a comprehensive model for house price forecast in Vietnam Housing market. Design/methodology/approach – The data related to house price; macro economic indicators and housing industry were gathered from which is source...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Income Inequality Based on Cross-Section Analysis

Bingyue Bai
Almost all countries in the world are experiencing economic growth and technological progress, but the gap between rich and poor is also steadily widening. As a result, the income inequality has become an important issue that every country must face. Using cross-sectional data from 54 different countries...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Improvement of Public Participation for Public Works in China

Yiyue Cao, Qifa Jiang
With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the improvement of people's consciousness of democracy, greater participant demands are being placed on public works related to individual interests. In order to deal with the challenges of strengthening the investment performance and quality of public...
Proceedings Article

Understanding of the Information Economics Discipline

Lan Luan, Xu-Kun Wang
Emerging in the years of 60’s of 20 century, information economics started to be known in China in the years of 80s and led to a research upsurge and study trend, with dramatic growing numbers in information economics related documents (like essays and reports). Economic production, social lives and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Digital Marketing Strategies of Overseas Universities in China with University of the West of Scotland as An Example

Caiyong Zhuang, You Zhou, Fu Lin
The study abroad market in China has been made a great deal with the development of China's reform and opening-up, and more and more overseas universities have been joining the market. In the age of digital, how overseas universities interact with Chinese audiences effectively through the digital marketing...
Proceedings Article

The Enhancement of Teaching-Learning Process Effectiveness through The Development of Instructional Media Based on E-learning of Surabaya's Vocational Student

Puput Wanarti, Euis Ismayanti, Hapsari Peni, Yuni Yamasari
In the context of e-learning, many learning theories used in the physical classroom situation, including learning in a community adaptive, collaborative, scaffolding, and scenario learning, have been adopted and validated, The development of instructional
Proceedings Article

Need for convergence of interests of the regional economic system and economic entities in the process of neo-industrialization

Galina Merzlikina, Oksana Minaeva, Tatyana Agievich
The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and practical aspects of the need for convergence of economic interests of the regional economic system and economic entities in the process of neo-industrialization. The main characteristics and parameters of the neo-industrialization are summarized;...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Potential of Import and Export Trade between China and the Countries along the Belt and Road

Peizhi Wang, Gang Li, Shuqing Pang
Based on the trade data of China's import and export with the countries along the line, the paper calculates and analyzes the proportion and change characteristics of China's total import and export volume with the countries around the world, uses the dominant comparative advantage index , and explores...
Proceedings Article

Blended English Teaching Based on Content

Di Yan
College English, as an important link in the cultivation of College Students' comprehensive quality, has received wide attention in the field of modern education.The comprehensive exploration of the practice of College English teaching reform requires a breakthrough and innovation in the teaching model...
Proceedings Article

Competitiveness Strategy Formulation for Peoples Bank of Crediting In Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Ni Putu Nursiani, I Komang Arthana, Sarinah Joyce Margaret Rafael
The Peoples Bank of Crediting (PBC) is a formal financial institution that served as a financial intermediary institution, especially in the national microfinance system. To anticipate the increasingly fierce competition conditions a PBC must operate the right business strategy.This study aimed to find...
Proceedings Article

The Performances of Chinese Peasants' new life -- In Propaganda Poster of China 1949--1976

Yuzhu Fu, Cheng Yan
As a special kind of art in the history of Chinese art, propaganda posters have been the most important form of art in the 1950s to the late 1970s, and have been developed in an unprecedented way. As with other forms of painting, the image of peasants and the expression of peasant life have been important...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Social Network Mechanism of Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry Clusters: Based on the Data from Jinjiang of Fujian

Ze Zhang
Sporting goods manufacturing industry clusters are the Network which the space agglomerating companies and relevant organizations structured. The network is intrinsic nature of industrial clusters. The formation of network means that industry clusters takes shape. Used field research and interview method,...
Proceedings Article

Intention the Role of Halal Awareness, Religious Orientation and Consumer Motive Toward Purchase Intentions, Case: Muslim Consumer in Indonesia

Hanny Nurlatifah, Shohibul Imam, Firsan Nova
in this study, examining Halal Awareness, Religious Orientation, and Consumer motive purchase Intention in Indonesia. Design/methodology/approach – Data are collected through self-administered questionnaires. This paper SEM-PLS analysis is to identify the relationship of halal awareness, religious orientation,...
Proceedings Article

State Financing of Environmental Investment Projects

L. Sotnikova, E. Bichyova
The article considers the state financing features of investments. The changes trends in the volume of investments in fixed assets aimed at environmental protection and rational natural resources use, as well as the structure of sources of their financing for 2010–2019 are revealed. The authors assess...
Proceedings Article

The Alun-Alun Karimunjawa as Economic Space in the Coastal City as Alun-Alun in the City Center in Java

R Siti Rukayah, Endang Sri Susilo, Dileanis Pringgenies, W Agus Tri Setyo
Karimunjawa Island has the main activities of the population on the utilization of coral reef ecosystems, fisheries, and marine tourism activities. 60% of Karimunjawa people work as fishermen. The great support from the government makes Karimunjawa as one of the tourist destinations of the four-priority...
Proceedings Article

Project-Based Psychomotor Assessment Instruments to Increase Student Competencies in the 21st Century

Wening Patmi Rahayu, Siti Munadhiroh
This research and development aim to produce a project-based psychomotor assessment instrument that was valid and appropriate according to the demands of student competence in the 21st century. The project was given in the form of creating social media accounts and online marketing using social media...
Proceedings Article

How to Evaluate the Sustainability of Rural Tourism? A Case of Xiaozhuang Tu Ethnic Village in Qinghai Province

Huaju Xue, Wen Li, Bo Li
Rural tourism is one of the most direct, realistic, and effective green industries andit can increase residents’ income in ethnic areas. Based on the theory of sustainable development, this paper takes Xiaozhuang Tu Nationality Folk Culture Villageas an example, which is a typical ethnic village in Qinghai...
Proceedings Article

Methodological Basis for Forming the Investment Attractiveness of a Resource-Deficient Region: Russian and International Aspects

S.G. Pyankova, E.A. Sorokina
The article defines the following concepts: “resource-deficient”, “resources”, “resource-deficient region”, “economic resources”, “economic resources of a region”, “deficit”, “investment attractiveness of a region”. The methodological basis for forming the investment attractiveness of a region in the...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Economic Development of Premier League Under SWOT Analysis-Taking Manchester City Football Club as an Example

Yanwen Chen, Zhuoxing Li
In recent years, Premier League has become more and more popular and has become one of the most influential football leagues in the world. This study will use the SWOT analytical method to analyze the economic development of the Premier League from both internal and external aspects. Manchester City...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Impact of Outgoing Audit of Natural Resource Assets of Leading Cadres on ESG Performance of Enterprises

Siqi Yang
In recent years, due to the increasing national attention to environmental problems, the impact of environmental regulation on micro-enterprises has become the research focus of academic circles. The outgoing audit system of leading cadres’ natural resource assets is one of the most popular management...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Entrepreneurial Spirit and Parenting Patterns Toward Entrepreneurship Interest in Vocational High School Students

Eldi Mulyana, Lili Dianah, Siti Sunduz, Andre Jaenal Mutaqin, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Galih Abdul Fatah
The primary objective of this research is to gauge the level of entrepreneurship interest among students of vocational high schools (SMK) in Garut. The results of this study will provide valuable insights into the post-graduation aspirations of vocational students and their inclination towards starting...
Proceedings Article

Transformation of the Management of Industrial Companies in the Context of Digitalization

Alla V. Nikonorova, Vera G. Aleksakhina, Olga P. Ivanova
Management of industrial enterprises is changing significantly in the context of the development of digital technologies. The article examines the directions of management development in modern conditions of digital transformation, explores the possibilities of using new technologies to improve the organization’s...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Utilitarian and Hedonic Value to Traveler Purchase Intention at Singapore Changi Airport International

Herry Yanson, Agus Rahayu, Lili A Wibowo
This study aimed at determining and analyzing the effect of utilitarian and hedonic values on the purchase intention of travelers at Changi International Airport, Singapore. This study employed quantitative research methods. The number of samples in this study was 100 people who were travelers at Changi...