Proceedings of the International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC 2021)
162 authors
- Abdulloh, Awab
- The Effectiveness of Advance Organizer Learning Approach in Teaching Reading Narrative Text for First Year High School Students
- Aflahah, Sitti
- Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
- Ahmad
- WISE (Wondering-Investigating-Synthesizing-Expressing)
- Aisha, Sarah
- Virtual Teams’ Dynamics in an Online Learning Environment During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Andayani, Kusubakti
- Environmental Themes in BIPA Textbook: Ecolinguistics Perspective
- Anugerahwati, Mirjam
- Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View
- Anugerahwati, Mirjam
- BICOS: The Development of Character Building in CCU Course
- Arafah, Sitti
- Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
- Ardiyani, Dewi Kartika
- Learners’ German Speaking Difficulties: A Case Study in Indonesia
- Arifianto, Muhammad Lukman
- The Pocket Dictionary of Arabic Function Words: Design and Development
- Arini, Dini Noor
- Teachers’ Perception in Developing Wetlands-Based Materials for English for Young Learners Classrooms
- Astuti, Utari Praba
- Students’ Perception on the Utilization of for Self-Study Materials
- As’ari, Abdur Rahman
- WISE (Wondering-Investigating-Synthesizing-Expressing)
- Aulia, Rihlah Nur
- Disaster Mitigation Curriculum in Pesantren in Industry 4.0
- Bachrong, Faizal
- “Bilang Pilang Marajae” The Mortality Tradition of Buginese
- Basid, Abdul
- Transformation of Santri (Pious Individuals) Perception about Learning via Online Media
- Basman, Basman
- Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
- Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
- Independent Learning Method Based on Virtual Reality to Improve Foreign Language Skills
- Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
- An Experimental Approach in Implementation of Virtual Reality for Improving Psychomotor Skill in Listening Course
- Cahyono, Bambang Yudi
- The Effectiveness of Using Grammarly in Teaching Writing Among Indonesian Undergraduate EFL Students
- Darni
- Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
- Darni
- How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
- Dewi, Novia Anjani
- Conversational Implicature Based on Maxim Variation in EFL Teaching During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Diana, Pera
- Segata Buhaga Sasimbatan: An Oral Poetry of Lampungnese Youth in Tanjungan Village Tanggamus Regency
- Dudung, Agus
- Delphi: Exploring Online Teaching Key Essential Skills for 21st Century Teachers
- Ebner, Martin
- Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
- El Khoiri, Niamika
- Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View
- Fadilla, Raisa
- Teachers’ Perception in Developing Wetlands-Based Materials for English for Young Learners Classrooms
- Faizin, Nur
- Transformation of Santri (Pious Individuals) Perception about Learning via Online Media
- Firdaus, Saiyidinal
- Minangkabau’s Philosophy in Media Construction: Polemics of Minangkabau Language Gospel Application
- Fithriyah, Nur Lailatul
- Fostering Students’ Positive Attitude Towards Reading Comprehension Through ReadWorks
- Grandl, Maria
- Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
- Hadiputro, Dony D
- Merti Kali: River Conservation Based on Local Wisdom
- Hamsiati
- “Bilang Pilang Marajae” The Mortality Tradition of Buginese
- Handayani, Yuli
- Merti Kali: River Conservation Based on Local Wisdom
- Hannani, Iis
- Gordon Dryden’s Learning Revolution Theory on Arts Learning in the Covid-19 Era
- Hartono
- Application of Activity Oriented Design (AOD) in the Development of E-Learning Tari Daerah Malang
- Hastjaryo, Sri
- Local Online Media Framing Concerning Prospective Candidates of Regional Election in Pacitan 2020
- Hasyimy, Muhammad ‘Afaf
- Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
- Hendriyanto, Agoes
- Local Online Media Framing Concerning Prospective Candidates of Regional Election in Pacitan 2020
- Hermanto, Yon Ade Lose
- Design Elements on Wedding Planner Platforms as the Fundamental of User Interface Design
- Hermanto, Yon Ade Lose
- Creative Process in Creating Letters Design
- Hidajat, Robby
- Gordon Dryden’s Learning Revolution Theory on Arts Learning in the Covid-19 Era
- Hidajat, Robby
- Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
- Hidayat, Ima Kusumawati
- Self-Conducted Learning Experience for Homecoming Animation Students During Pandemic
- Hidayati, Laely
- Online Learning Readiness in English for Medical Purposes Setting: An Assessment on Department of Nutrition Science Students
- Isa, Norliza Bt. Mohd
- Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
- Iskandar, Syed Ahmad
- Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
- Ismail, Iziq Eafifi Bin
- Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
- Isnah, Encik Savira
- Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
- Iswahyuni
- Teachers’ Perception of Video-Mediated Extensive Listening Tasks
- Jasin, Faisal M.
- Disaster Mitigation Curriculum in Pesantren in Industry 4.0
- Jonathans, Peggy Magdalena
- Reflecting on EFL Digital Learning in Indonesia: Seeking for E-Learning Pedagogy
- Karim, Abd.
- “Bilang Pilang Marajae” The Mortality Tradition of Buginese
- Kharis, M.
- How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
- Khoo, Elaine
- Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
- Kisyani
- How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
- L.S, Karina Fefi
- Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
- Laksman-Huntley, Myrna
- The Efficacy of Memrise as a Supplementary Study Material in Understanding French as a Foreign Language
- Luciandika, Ariva
- Learning Materials of Indonesian for Foreign Speakers for Academic Purposes: What Do Students Need?
- Luciandika, Ariva
- Applying Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Learning Materials: Research and Development
- Lumbanbatu, Ira Maria Fran
- Digital Literacy Based on Multiple Intelligences Integrated with 4C (Critical, Creative, Collaborative and Communication) to Improve Students Learning Outcome
- M., Lukluk Ul
- Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
- M., Lukluk Ul
- Development of Learning Media for Chinese Language Based on Interactive Animation Videos on Directional Complement
- M., Octi Rjeky
- Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for 10th-Grade Topic Self-Introduction Based on Flipbook
- M., Octi Rjeky
- Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
- M., Octi Rjeky
- Development of Learning Media for Chinese Language Based on Interactive Animation Videos on Directional Complement
- Mafulah, Siti
- The Effect of Direct Corrective Feedback on Students’ Writing Performance
- Mahardhika, Trikora
- Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
- Mahardika, Trikora
- Development of Learning Media for Chinese Language Based on Interactive Animation Videos on Directional Complement
- Mahliatussikah, Hanik
- Development of Interactive Learning Media “Lectora Inspire” for Balaghah Learning
- Mardasari, Octi Rjeky
- Learning Materials of Indonesian for Foreign Speakers for Academic Purposes: What Do Students Need?
- Mardasari, Octi Rjeky
- Applying Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Learning Materials: Research and Development
- Maslikah, Khotim
- Perceptions of EFL Teachers, EFL Students, and Parents About Extensive Listening Materials for Online Learning
- Mayasari, Dian
- Digital Literacy Based on Multiple Intelligences Integrated with 4C (Critical, Creative, Collaborative and Communication) to Improve Students Learning Outcome
- Megawati, Fika
- Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View
- Mellania, Dyna
- Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for 10th-Grade Topic Self-Introduction Based on Flipbook
- Metboki, Yakob
- Reflecting on EFL Digital Learning in Indonesia: Seeking for E-Learning Pedagogy
- Miranty, Delsa
- The Effectiveness of Using Grammarly in Teaching Writing Among Indonesian Undergraduate EFL Students
- Mukminatien, Nur
- Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View
- Mukminatien, Nur
- Teachers’ Perception of Video-Mediated Extensive Listening Tasks
- Murtadho, Nurul
- Digital Resources and Their Use in Arabic Language Classroom: A Mini-narrative Review
- Mu’in, Fatchul
- The Development of E-Poetry as Indonesian Poetry Paraphrasing Media
- Nabila, Azza
- BICOS: The Development of Character Building in CCU Course
- Nagari, Primasa Minerva
- Applying Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Learning Materials: Research and Development
- Narr, Kristin
- Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
- Nasih, Ahmad Munjin
- Transformation of Santri (Pious Individuals) Perception about Learning via Online Media
- Nasih, Ahmad Munjin
- Women Right and Gender Equality in Islam: A Survey of Students Perception on Feministic Discourse
- Nensia
- Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
- Ningsih, Sri Wahyuni
- Code Switching in Speaking Classroom Conversation: A Focus on Lecturer-Student Interaction at University of Muhammadiyah Malang
- Ningtyas, Ayu Ratna
- Adaptation Studies on Barbie and the Three Musketeers (2009): Representation and Ideology
- Nisa, Khaerun
- Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
- Nisa, Luthfi Farihatun
- The Pocket Dictionary of Arabic Function Words: Design and Development
- Noortyani, Rusma
- The Development of E-Poetry as Indonesian Poetry Paraphrasing Media
- Novica, Dimas Rifqi
- Self-Conducted Learning Experience for Homecoming Animation Students During Pandemic
- Pairin, Udjang
- Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
- Pairin, Udjang
- How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
- Paradhina, Nyi Raden Hasbya Putri
- The Efficacy of Memrise as a Supplementary Study Material in Understanding French as a Foreign Language
- Prastio, Bambang
- Environmental Themes in BIPA Textbook: Ecolinguistics Perspective
- Pratiwi, Yuni
- Environmental Themes in BIPA Textbook: Ecolinguistics Perspective