Proceedings of the International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC 2021)

162 authors
Abdulloh, Awab
The Effectiveness of Advance Organizer Learning Approach in Teaching Reading Narrative Text for First Year High School Students
Aflahah, Sitti
Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
WISE (Wondering-Investigating-Synthesizing-Expressing)
Aisha, Sarah
Virtual Teams’ Dynamics in an Online Learning Environment During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Andayani, Kusubakti
Environmental Themes in BIPA Textbook: Ecolinguistics Perspective
Anugerahwati, Mirjam
Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View
Anugerahwati, Mirjam
BICOS: The Development of Character Building in CCU Course
Arafah, Sitti
Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
Ardiyani, Dewi Kartika
Learners’ German Speaking Difficulties: A Case Study in Indonesia
Arifianto, Muhammad Lukman
The Pocket Dictionary of Arabic Function Words: Design and Development
Arini, Dini Noor
Teachers’ Perception in Developing Wetlands-Based Materials for English for Young Learners Classrooms
Astuti, Utari Praba
Students’ Perception on the Utilization of for Self-Study Materials
As’ari, Abdur Rahman
WISE (Wondering-Investigating-Synthesizing-Expressing)
Aulia, Rihlah Nur
Disaster Mitigation Curriculum in Pesantren in Industry 4.0
Bachrong, Faizal
“Bilang Pilang Marajae” The Mortality Tradition of Buginese
Basid, Abdul
Transformation of Santri (Pious Individuals) Perception about Learning via Online Media
Basman, Basman
Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
Independent Learning Method Based on Virtual Reality to Improve Foreign Language Skills
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
An Experimental Approach in Implementation of Virtual Reality for Improving Psychomotor Skill in Listening Course
Cahyono, Bambang Yudi
The Effectiveness of Using Grammarly in Teaching Writing Among Indonesian Undergraduate EFL Students
Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
Dewi, Novia Anjani
Conversational Implicature Based on Maxim Variation in EFL Teaching During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Diana, Pera
Segata Buhaga Sasimbatan: An Oral Poetry of Lampungnese Youth in Tanjungan Village Tanggamus Regency
Dudung, Agus
Delphi: Exploring Online Teaching Key Essential Skills for 21st Century Teachers
Ebner, Martin
Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
El Khoiri, Niamika
Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View
Fadilla, Raisa
Teachers’ Perception in Developing Wetlands-Based Materials for English for Young Learners Classrooms
Faizin, Nur
Transformation of Santri (Pious Individuals) Perception about Learning via Online Media
Firdaus, Saiyidinal
Minangkabau’s Philosophy in Media Construction: Polemics of Minangkabau Language Gospel Application
Fithriyah, Nur Lailatul
Fostering Students’ Positive Attitude Towards Reading Comprehension Through ReadWorks
Grandl, Maria
Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
Hadiputro, Dony D
Merti Kali: River Conservation Based on Local Wisdom
“Bilang Pilang Marajae” The Mortality Tradition of Buginese
Handayani, Yuli
Merti Kali: River Conservation Based on Local Wisdom
Hannani, Iis
Gordon Dryden’s Learning Revolution Theory on Arts Learning in the Covid-19 Era
Application of Activity Oriented Design (AOD) in the Development of E-Learning Tari Daerah Malang
Hastjaryo, Sri
Local Online Media Framing Concerning Prospective Candidates of Regional Election in Pacitan 2020
Hasyimy, Muhammad ‘Afaf
Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
Hendriyanto, Agoes
Local Online Media Framing Concerning Prospective Candidates of Regional Election in Pacitan 2020
Hermanto, Yon Ade Lose
Design Elements on Wedding Planner Platforms as the Fundamental of User Interface Design
Hermanto, Yon Ade Lose
Creative Process in Creating Letters Design
Hidajat, Robby
Gordon Dryden’s Learning Revolution Theory on Arts Learning in the Covid-19 Era
Hidajat, Robby
Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
Hidayat, Ima Kusumawati
Self-Conducted Learning Experience for Homecoming Animation Students During Pandemic
Hidayati, Laely
Online Learning Readiness in English for Medical Purposes Setting: An Assessment on Department of Nutrition Science Students
Isa, Norliza Bt. Mohd
Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
Iskandar, Syed Ahmad
Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
Ismail, Iziq Eafifi Bin
Meaning of Symbolical Space of Zapin Dance to Malay People
Isnah, Encik Savira
Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
Teachers’ Perception of Video-Mediated Extensive Listening Tasks
Jasin, Faisal M.
Disaster Mitigation Curriculum in Pesantren in Industry 4.0
Jonathans, Peggy Magdalena
Reflecting on EFL Digital Learning in Indonesia: Seeking for E-Learning Pedagogy
Karim, Abd.
“Bilang Pilang Marajae” The Mortality Tradition of Buginese
Kharis, M.
How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
Khoo, Elaine
Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
L.S, Karina Fefi
Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
Laksman-Huntley, Myrna
The Efficacy of Memrise as a Supplementary Study Material in Understanding French as a Foreign Language
Luciandika, Ariva
Learning Materials of Indonesian for Foreign Speakers for Academic Purposes: What Do Students Need?
Luciandika, Ariva
Applying Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Learning Materials: Research and Development
Lumbanbatu, Ira Maria Fran
Digital Literacy Based on Multiple Intelligences Integrated with 4C (Critical, Creative, Collaborative and Communication) to Improve Students Learning Outcome
M., Lukluk Ul
Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
M., Lukluk Ul
Development of Learning Media for Chinese Language Based on Interactive Animation Videos on Directional Complement
M., Octi Rjeky
Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for 10th-Grade Topic Self-Introduction Based on Flipbook
M., Octi Rjeky
Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
M., Octi Rjeky
Development of Learning Media for Chinese Language Based on Interactive Animation Videos on Directional Complement
Mafulah, Siti
The Effect of Direct Corrective Feedback on Students’ Writing Performance
Mahardhika, Trikora
Development of Digital Animation Media for Learning Chinese Consonants Pronunciation
Mahardika, Trikora
Development of Learning Media for Chinese Language Based on Interactive Animation Videos on Directional Complement
Mahliatussikah, Hanik
Development of Interactive Learning Media “Lectora Inspire” for Balaghah Learning
Mardasari, Octi Rjeky
Learning Materials of Indonesian for Foreign Speakers for Academic Purposes: What Do Students Need?
Mardasari, Octi Rjeky
Applying Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Learning Materials: Research and Development
Maslikah, Khotim
Perceptions of EFL Teachers, EFL Students, and Parents About Extensive Listening Materials for Online Learning
Mayasari, Dian
Digital Literacy Based on Multiple Intelligences Integrated with 4C (Critical, Creative, Collaborative and Communication) to Improve Students Learning Outcome
Megawati, Fika
Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View
Mellania, Dyna
Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for 10th-Grade Topic Self-Introduction Based on Flipbook
Metboki, Yakob
Reflecting on EFL Digital Learning in Indonesia: Seeking for E-Learning Pedagogy
Miranty, Delsa
The Effectiveness of Using Grammarly in Teaching Writing Among Indonesian Undergraduate EFL Students
Mukminatien, Nur
Barriers to Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Pre-Service Teachers’ View
Mukminatien, Nur
Teachers’ Perception of Video-Mediated Extensive Listening Tasks
Murtadho, Nurul
Digital Resources and Their Use in Arabic Language Classroom: A Mini-narrative Review
Mu’in, Fatchul
The Development of E-Poetry as Indonesian Poetry Paraphrasing Media
Nabila, Azza
BICOS: The Development of Character Building in CCU Course
Nagari, Primasa Minerva
Applying Augmented Reality in Foreign Language Learning Materials: Research and Development
Narr, Kristin
Learning Design for Children and Youth in Makerspaces: Methodical-Didactical Variations of Maker Education Activities Concerning Learner’s Interest, Learning with Others and Task Description
Nasih, Ahmad Munjin
Transformation of Santri (Pious Individuals) Perception about Learning via Online Media
Nasih, Ahmad Munjin
Women Right and Gender Equality in Islam: A Survey of Students Perception on Feministic Discourse
Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
Ningsih, Sri Wahyuni
Code Switching in Speaking Classroom Conversation: A Focus on Lecturer-Student Interaction at University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Ningtyas, Ayu Ratna
Adaptation Studies on Barbie and the Three Musketeers (2009): Representation and Ideology
Nisa, Khaerun
Best Practice in Building Houses of Worship Based on Local Wisdom: A Study in the Indonesian Christian Church the Congregation of Bongo IV
Nisa, Luthfi Farihatun
The Pocket Dictionary of Arabic Function Words: Design and Development
Noortyani, Rusma
The Development of E-Poetry as Indonesian Poetry Paraphrasing Media
Novica, Dimas Rifqi
Self-Conducted Learning Experience for Homecoming Animation Students During Pandemic
Pairin, Udjang
Cross-Cultural Narratives in Literature for Children: A Cyber Semiotics Analysis
Pairin, Udjang
How to Lemmatize German Words with NLP-Spacy Lemmatizer?
Paradhina, Nyi Raden Hasbya Putri
The Efficacy of Memrise as a Supplementary Study Material in Understanding French as a Foreign Language
Prastio, Bambang
Environmental Themes in BIPA Textbook: Ecolinguistics Perspective
Pratiwi, Yuni
Environmental Themes in BIPA Textbook: Ecolinguistics Perspective