Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering 2024 (IJCSE 2024)
33 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Cicilia D. M. Putri, Yeni Anistyasari, Wendy Ivannal Hakim, Sri Abidah Suryaningsih, Lena Citra Manggalasari
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the IJCSE 2024 during August 10th – 11th, 2024 in Surabaya, Indonesia through hybrid mode. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this...
Proceedings Article
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Nike Fish Related to Oceanographic Parameters in Teluk Tomini, Gorontalo, Using Satellite Imagery
Faizal Kasim, Mohammad Fachry Hussein Noor, Nuralim Pasisingi, Femy M. Sahami
Goby larvae, locally known as Nike fish, are essential for coastal fisheries and the marine ecosystem in Teluk Tomini, Gorontalo. This study explored the relationship between oceanographic parameters and the spatial and temporal distribution of Nike fish using satellite imagery. Oceanographic data, including...
Proceedings Article
Exploration of Science Concept in Semanggi Batik Typical of the City of Surabaya
Suryanti, Wahono Widodo
This research explores integrating science concepts in the making of Semanggi Batik, a typical cultural icon of Surabaya, into science learning in elementary schools through an ethnoscience approach. The clover plant, used as the central motif of batik, maintains its preservation and introduces local...
Proceedings Article
Aplication of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus in Probiotic Juice as Functional Drink for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Eko Farida, Yanesti Nur Avianda Lestari
The number of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) increases every year so that low-sugar products are needed as an alternative to functional drinks for them. The aim of the study was to obtain a probiotic juice formula mixed with carrots, tomatoes and guava so that it could be used as a functional...
Proceedings Article
Production of Activated Charcoal from Natural Material Extraction Laboratory Waste Residue as an Effort for Laboratory Waste Utilization and Reduction, and Heavy Metal Absorption Activities
Rachmawati Rachmawati, Idah Dianah Wati, Ani Sa’adah
Organic waste is a waste with a high carbon content. This waste has a negative impact on the environment, so it can be utilized, one of which is to make activated charcoal as an absorbent agent for heavy metal waste (Pb, Cu, and Fe). This study aims to make activated charcoal from maceration residue...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Ecoenzymes and Probiotics in Hydrilla Culture as Practicum Support in Biology Study Program
Trisiswanti Trisiswanti, Anggi Maulia Arista, Eza Alfian Rizqita, Sugimin, Rizki Yulia Oxi
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ecoenzymes on the growth of Hydrilla Water Plants, to determine the effect of the addition of probiotics on Hydrilla Water Plant Growth, and to determine the water quality in terms of pH, Temperature, and DO Levels. This type of research is experimental....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Potential of Maritime Resources of The Yogyakarta Special Region to Support the Achievement of SDG’s
Suhadi Purwantara, Arif Ashari
Monitoring and evaluating maritime resource potential is required to support the realization of Indonesia’s vision as the world’s maritime axis while increasing people’s lives from maritime activities. This study aims to evaluate the potential of maritime resources and analyze the relationship between...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Photovoltaic Potential in On-Grid Solar Power Plants
Bintang Ramadhani, Putra Madhu Sudana, B. Nur Vidia Laksmi
Solar power plants are power plants that use solar radiation to convert photon energy from the sun’s light into electrical energy. The installation of solar power plants is very important because the majority of solar panel installations are carried out on the roof. In this paper discussed the installation...
Proceedings Article
Planning for Solar Power Plant Installation On-Grid Based
Putra Madhu Sudhana, Bintang Ramadhani, B. Nur Vidia Laksmi
The increasingly rapid development of science and technology has led to the emergence of new technologies in the industrial sector. Renewable energy was developed to meet the increasing energy needs in Indonesia, especially in the renewable energy sector. Renewable energy is used to meet these needs...
Proceedings Article
Zero-Crossing Module IoT-Based for Light Intensity Control with Nodemcu ESP8266
Muchammad Fardin Alifi, Addriyan Bagus Syahputra, Delia Riza Mayora, M. Ibrahim Nur Hidayatullah, B. Nur Vidia Laksmi
The progression of time is accompanied by advancements in technology, which is IoT (Internet of Things). The IoT offers innovative solutions across various fields, including lighting systems. IoT is a technology that connects devices to the internet, simplifying many tasks. This paper focuses on the...
Proceedings Article
Development of Electronic Portfolio Assessment Within a Chibernetic Approach Framework to Build Z's Generation Critical Thinking Skills in Chemistry Learning
Nahadi, Wiwi Siswaningsih, Dini Dwi Apriani, Lulu Ilkmanun
The aim of this study is to develop an electronic portfolio assessment within a cybernetic approach to enhance students’ critical thinking skills related to salt hydrolyzed materials. The method used consists of three 4-D phases. The participants of this study were 30 MIPA 11th grade. The developed portfolio...
Proceedings Article
Harnessing Technology and Sustainability: The Impact of Climate Smart Cities for Sustainable Future
Nadi Suprapto, Putri Lintang Utami, Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah
Climate change is the result of global warming which has a negative impact on people’s life activities. Although research related to smart cities has experienced rapid development in recent years, the relationship between smart cities and climate change has rarely been studied specifically. This research...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of the Chemistry Instrument Booking Website System for Digitizing Services at the Chemistry Research Laboratory
Vera Dessy Noevita, Raisza Tarida Savana, Moniqsa Purbo Syahrani, Fino Ardiansyah Prayudi
One way to improve the quality of laboratory services in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is by utilizing information and communication technology, referred to in this research as digitization. The use of this website will make it easier for students to quickly and easily access the necessary...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing Library Management: Development of Shelving and Weeding Applications for Performance Tracking at UNESA Library
Johan Wahyudi, Diana Widyati, Tusiana Skriptin, Pitri Binawati
Libraries with numerous activities strive to provide the most accurate information to both library management and users. Additionally, every library staff member’s work should be recorded accurately. This study is motivated by the need to facilitate librarians and library staff in creating activity reports,...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Participation in the Chronic Disease Management Program and Dietary Adherence of Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Case Study at Jemursari Empat Clinic Surabaya
Salma Mumtaz Almuntaha, Mardiana Mardiana, Safrina Oksidriyani
Dietary compliance is crucial for managing diabetes mellitus. Diabetes prevalence is rising yearly, especially in Surabaya. The Indonesia Social Insurance Administration Organization established the Chronic Disease Management Program, but participant visits to primary healthcare remain low. Program participation...
Proceedings Article
The Development of a Digitalization System for Electronic-Based Lettering Services at The Faculty of Social Sciences and Law Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Nurmika Simanullang, Priyo Widodo, Arinal Izza Yudhistira
Faculty-level services have not made the best use of technology. One of them is for creating the letters that kids require. This also occurred at Universitas Negeri Surabaya’s Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. Frequently, students must wait one to two days for the letter’s processing. This is caused...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Bos Cost Component in Improving the Quality of Education At Al. Fatah Junior High School
Syahnaz Apriliyana Putri Salsabila, Selly Eka Audina, Saniyah Rizky Amalia, Syunu Trihantoyo
One of the most important aspects in the management of educational institutions (schools) is the financial aspect. School financial management must be well orga-nized starting from planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and report-ing. In this article, school financial management is discussed,...
Proceedings Article
E-Module Development with Implementation of Cybergogy to Train Junior High School Students Self-Awareness in the Mixture Separation Sub-Material
Novitasari Ramadhani, Devira Cahaya Yunita, Wiwik Wulandari, Hasan Subekti, Martini Martini
The changes in the era of society 1.0 are transitioning into the era of society 5.0 where life can easily be accessed and reached at any time just in the palm of your hand, which has the impact of changing times where students must have the ability, one of which is initiative, awareness, and self-management...
Proceedings Article
Development of the Proposed Human Resource Formation Management Information System (SIM-UFS) Surabaya State University
Mohamad Sulton Arifin, Desrina Ariningrum, Joko Yoeliyanto, M. Iqbal Firdaus Nuzula, Nilam Ade Pangestu
This study seeks to create a proposed information system for managing human resources. This research is crucial for the State University of Surabaya, a PTN-BH, as it aims to meet the growing demands for efficiency, transparency, and quality in human resource management. The system is intended to streamline...
Proceedings Article
Design And Construction of Project Based Learning Media Using The Addie Method
Rindu Puspita Wibawa, Martini Dwi Endah Susanti
Education serves as the cornerstone for life’s foundation due to its significant role in fostering change. It is considered a crucial process for achieving balance and perfection in individual and societal development. This balance ensures high-quality education. Effective dissemination of teaching materials...
Proceedings Article
Design and Development of ‘SIASTRA’: a Letter Administration Services Application for Students of the Faculty of Medicine, State University of Surabaya
Puput Ayu Ramadhani, Eko Sugiharto, Muhaiyinatun Masturo, Anugrahani Sabillia Noor Pratama, Muhammad Zaki Jauhar Fanani, Supriyadi
Letter administration services in an institution are crucial activities that often require a significant amount of time due to the involvement of many stages and human resources. The rapid advancement of information technology increasingly facilitates human work. The existence of a web-based application...
Proceedings Article
Utilizing Data Analytics to Explore the Influence of Vocational Interests, Personality Traits, and Digital Literacy on Academic Performance
Yeni Anistyasari, Ekohariadi Ekohariadi, Subuh Isnur Haryudo, Shintami C. Hidayati
This study examines the relationship between vocational interests, personality traits, and digital literacy skills, and their impact on academic performance in technology-related fields. Data were collected from 500 undergraduate students using the O*NET Interest Profiler for vocational interests, the...
Proceedings Article
Toward Sustainable Biodiversity Conservation Integration Technology and Nature through the AkarJaga Application for Exploring Indonesian Flora
Nadia Larasati Khairunnisa, Hafizhuddin Zul Fahmi, Chejjah Chilmi Jadidah, Khofifah Wulandari, Dimas Novian Aditia Syahputra
Indonesia has a wide variety of unique flora that needs to be disseminated to the Indonesian people themselves. However, more than 80% of Indonesia’s forests have been razed to the ground. As a result, many endemic species whose habitats are endangered. This research aims to develop the AkarJaga application...
Proceedings Article
Development of “VoksConnect” as a Student Complaint Application with NLP Chatbot
Tegar Eka Pambudi El Akhsan, Hafizhuddin Zul Fahmi, Arfian Putra Pratama, Mohammad Avie Siena, Dodik Arwin Dermawan
This study aims to develop a web-based application for collecting complaints from the academic community at the Faculty of Vocational Studies. The Research and Development (R&D) method was employed, involving need analysis, application design, implementation, and evaluation. The application is designed...
Proceedings Article
Testing The Antimicrobial Activity of Nanosilver on Floor Cleaning Liquids Microscopically With Microscope Instruments Olympus CX-23
Titik Taufikurohmah, Sari Kusuma Dewi, Ulfi Faizah, Setyo Admoko, Muhimmatul Khoiro, Matruchan Matruchan
This basic research is to obtain data on the strength of nanosilver as an antimicrobial material in floor cleaning liquid products. This is very necessary for the creation of innovative floor cleaning liquid formulas that are more environmentally friendly and have anti-virus activity. Floor cleaners...
Proceedings Article
Investigation of Rice Husk Ash Substitution as An Alternative Material on Fly Ash-based Geopolymer Mortar
Arie Wardhono, Yogie Risdianto, Bambang Sabariman, Ninik Wahju Hidajati
Portland Cement (PC), as the primary construction materials, is a significant contributor to global warming. Thus, it is important to find alternative materials that are more environmentally friendly than PC. One alternative is to utilize fly ash and rice husk ash. This paper presents the effect of rice...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Use of Equipment and Chemical Materials in the Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Sugimin Sugimin, Rizki Yulia Oxi, Trisiwanti Trisiwanti, Eza Alfian Rizqita, Anggi Maulia Arista
Lectures, laboratory activities, and/or field practicums are essential activities in the learning process. Most courses in the Department of Biology require equipment and chemicals for their practicum activities. This research aims to identify the needs and evaluate the equipment and chemicals in the...
Proceedings Article
Calculating Of Carbon Emission Of Vehicles On Campus Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Krisna Dwi Handayani, Nurhayati Aritonang, Mas Suryanto, Muhammad Imaduddin, Sammy Alidrus
The use of fossil fuels in motorized vehicles to meet the needs of human movement, causes motorized vehicles become a producer of more than a quarter of the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) and a contributor to the formation of carbon gas emissions globally. Total population of Unesa campus consists of regular...
Proceedings Article
Experimental Study Performance of Elephant Grass Chopper Using Reel Type Blade
Eka Daryanto, Batu Mahadi Siregar, Geraldo Tanjung, Peter Sinaga, Pranli Gultom, Roihansyah Roihansyah, Surya Simangunsong, Octavianus Samosir, Andre P. Sibuea, Eswanto Eswanto
Indonesia is a country that has various types of livestock. Elephant grass is cattle food which needs to be cut into pieces (chopped) before being given so that the distribution of food to all cattle is even. The aim of this research is to determine the performance of an elephant grass chopper using...
Proceedings Article
Validity of Student Worksheet Based on Model Creative Problem-Solving in Mixture Separation Material to Train Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Nur Sholikhah, Hasan Subekti, Ilkhfa Rizqy Ananda, Anita Septi Amanda
This research aims to develop a student worksheet based on Model Creative Problem-Solving in a Mixture of Separation Material and to know the validity criteria. The type of this research is Research and Development with the development model of Plomp which consists of three stages, namely the preliminary...
Proceedings Article
A Literature Review on Container Yard Location Planning to Support Sustainable Shipping
Rina Cahyanti Ningrum, R. Endro Wibisono, Hanandita Veda Saphira
The shipping industry plays a vital role in global trade but also faces major challenges regarding its environmental impact. This research aims to explore solutions to reduce the shipping industry’s environmental impact, focusing on three main aspects: sustainable container stacking site planning, implementation...
Proceedings Article
A Literature Review on Optimizing Port Operations to Reduce Dwelling Time: Implications for Maritime Logistics Sustainability
Galuh Ari Wardana, R. Endro Wibisono, Hanandita Veda Saphira
The maritime industry plays a vital role in global trade, with ports serving as crucial hubs of activity. The operational efficiency of ports, particu- larly in terms of dwelling time, directly impacts the smooth flow of maritime logistics. Dwelling time, which refers to the duration cargo spends in...
Proceedings Article
Improvement on Street Safety using In-Street Pedestrian Crossing Sign: A Literature Review
Kusuma R. Haratama, Anita Susanti, Ari Widayanti, R. Endro Wibisono, Dadang Supriyatno, Purwo Mahardi, Amanda R. Pattisinai
This literature review examines the effectiveness of on-street pedestrian crossing signs in improving pedestrian safety in urban environments. The study synthesizes findings from research published between 2019–2024, focusing on the design, placement and impact of crossing signs. Results show that well-designed...