Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018)
1097 authors
- Badriyah, Fatin Lailatul
- Correlation Between Family Support and Quality of Life: People Living With Tuberculosis in Surabaya
- Badriyah, Lailatul
- Pak RT is Our Hero
- Bagiada, I Made
- User Satisfaction on Technical and Operational Performance of Spreadsheet-Based Financial Accounting Application
- Bagiastuti, Ni Ketut
- The Model of Management Policy In The Application of Hygiene Sanitation Based on Green Hotel: Case Study In Ayodya Resort Bali
- Bagiastuti, Ni Ketut
- Effectiveness of The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility By Star Hotels in Nusa Dua Area to Improve the Environmental Quality and Community Welfare
- Baharuddin, Mr
- Competitive Advantages of Lecturers
- Bahri, Mr
- Democracy Values on Local History Learning South Sulawesi
- Bahri, Mr
- Democracy in The Kingdom of Bugis (Noble Value Study in The Kingdom of Bone Century XVI)
- Basi Arjana, I Wayan
- Food and Beverage Supporting Geotourism at Batur Geotourism Site in Bali Indonsesia
- Basri, Muhammad
- Implementation Of Waste Policy In Makassar City
- Bastiana, Mrs
- Social Interaction Of Local Communities With Migrants And Changes In The Structure Of Local Communities (Study On Plural Society In Makassar Industrial Area)
- Batlajery, Samuel
- The Influence of Leadership, Communication and Competence on Performance of Employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) Branch of Jayapura
- Bawawa, Marni
- A Significance Study of Finding Difficult Words Technique
- Bawawa, Marni
- Portrait of Environmental Conditions in Urban and Rural Areas in Abdur Arsyad’s Stand-up Comedy
- Bawawa, Marni
- Great Archetypal Contents in A Short Literary Work: The Old Man and The Sea
- Betaubun, Apolus
- Local Communities On The Frontier: Impact of Environment, Population and Socio-Economic Changes in Sota District
- Betaubun, Mertha
- A Significance Study of Finding Difficult Words Technique
- Biringan, Julien
- Kartini and The Feminism Thinking in Javanese Nobles Women (Women Priyayi)
- Biringan, Julien
- The Application Of Integrated Quality Management In Education To Create Good Governance
- Biringan, Julien
- Cultural tourism policy in Manado
- Biringan, Julien
- The Utilization Of Women Resource In The Development At Political District Of West Kombos Singkil Subdistrict Manado City
- Biringan, Julien
- The effect of leadership effectiveness, organizational culture and work motivation toward job satisfaction
- Borman, M. Syahrul
- Corruption As Serious Human Right Violation (Impact To State Administration Construct)
- Bringen, Julien
- Teacher Competence in the Application of Social Science Learning Models
- Budiarta, I Putu
- Strategy of Developing Marine Tourism Based on Tri Hita Karana in the Village of Serangan, Denpasar
- Budiasa, I Made
- Analysis of Use of Global Distribution System In Tourism Industry In Indonesia Using Technology Acceptance Model: a pilot survey in Bali.
- Budiharto, Sutoyo
- I Treat My Body For My Customer Satisfaction
- Budiyanto, Eko
- The Effect of Farmer's Behavior on Land Degradation Level in Upper Sumber Brantas River Basin
- Bundu, Patta
- Educational Management Study On College For Islamic Instruction
- Burdam, Yohanes
- The Using of Agriculture Technology and Cultural Change in Rural Community
- Burdam, Yohanes
- Pamaru Muka Pamaru Belakang: Tanimbar in the Shipping Network in Eastern Indonesia in the XIX Century
- Burdam, Yohanes
- Field agriculture system in Tanebar Evav society in Key Island Southeast Moluccas
- Burdam, Yohanes
- Teacher Creativity and School Climate
- Burdam, Yohanes
- The Dutch East Indies Policy For the Plantation in Java
- Burdam, Yohanes
- Mangurre Tarimbawo: An Exploration of Local Wisdom of Talaud Islands’ Society in the Development of Character Education
- Burdam, Yohanes
- Church Autonomous Conflict Between GMIM and KGPM in Minahasa (1933–1982)
- Bustan, Mr
- Democracy Values on Local History Learning South Sulawesi
- Bustan, Mr
- Democracy in The Kingdom of Bugis (Noble Value Study in The Kingdom of Bone Century XVI)
- Butarbutar, Ranta
- A Significance Study of Finding Difficult Words Technique
- Buyang, Yorinda
- Role of Indigenous People Institutions in Efforts to Reduce Mining Actions of C-Class Quarry Sand
- Chomariyah, Ms.
- Marine Quarantine And Illegal Fishing Boat Sinking In Indonesian Water
- Chomariyah, Nor
- Anti-Corruption Education (PAK) Teaching Materials Based on Local Character in Social Science Subjects (IPS) to Build Anti-Corruption Culture for Young Generation in Surabaya
- Cullin, James Christopher
- Best Practices for Social Media Governance and Strategy at the Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
- Dadi, Oswaldus
- Analysis of Teachers’ Difficulties on Developing Curriculum 2013 Lesson Plans
- Dadi, Oswaldus
- The Implementation Of Think Pair Share Model With Interactive Cd Assistance To Improve The Learning Outcomes Of Natural Science Subject Of Elementary School Students
- Damayanti, I.A. Kade Werdika
- The Model of Management Policy In The Application of Hygiene Sanitation Based on Green Hotel: Case Study In Ayodya Resort Bali
- Damayanti, Ida Ayu Kade Werdika
- Effectiveness of The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility By Star Hotels in Nusa Dua Area to Improve the Environmental Quality and Community Welfare
- Daraba, Dahyar
- Utilization of Learning Media In Motivating Student Learning
- Darlina, Lien
- Dolan Desoboro Educational Tourism as a Choice of the Lexicon Preservation Strategies of ‘Rice Field’ in Banjarasri Village, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta
- Darwis, Muh
- Leadership Characteristic in the County Decentralization Era
- Darwis, Muh.
- Effectiveness of Situational Leadership Director of Fajar TV Makassar, Indonesia
- Daryono, Mr
- Model of Determining The Location of a Junior High School Building
- Daryono, Mr
- The Study of Male Reproductive Health in Surabaya City
- Daryono, Mr
- The Effect of Teachingbooks and Prior Knowledge on Learning Outcome of Geography
- Daryono, Mr
- The Spread of Lindi (Liquid Garbage) of Benowo Garbage Landfill on Fish pond Water Quality In Surabaya
- Dasfordate, Aksilas
- The Using of Agriculture Technology and Cultural Change in Rural Community
- Dasfordate, Aksilas
- Pamaru Muka Pamaru Belakang: Tanimbar in the Shipping Network in Eastern Indonesia in the XIX Century
- Dasfordate, Aksilas
- Field agriculture system in Tanebar Evav society in Key Island Southeast Moluccas
- Dasfordate, Aksilas
- Teacher Creativity and School Climate
- Dasfordate, Aksilas
- Study of The Development of Affective Domain Evaluation Instrument
- Dasfordate, Aksilas
- Church Autonomous Conflict Between GMIM and KGPM in Minahasa (1933–1982)
- Dewi, Damajanti Kusuma
- A Street Children Dilemma: Between a Student and a Breadwinner
- Dewi, Hapsari Shinta Citra Puspita
- Product Quality and Advertisement Effects on Purchasing Decision Considering to Brand Image
- Dewi, Nyoman Indah Kusuma
- Business to Business Relationship in Tourism Supply Chain of Rural Green Tourism Destination: Case of Pinge Village and Nyambu Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia
- Dewi, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma
- A Street Children Dilemma: Between a Student and a Breadwinner
- Dewi, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma
- Indonesia Mass Media Are Males: The news coverage of "Bakmi Janda" noodle eatery
- Dharmawan, Awang
- E-Government to Improve Public Service in Village Difussion of Smart Kampung Innovation in Banyuwang
- Dianda, Feri
- Price Analysis of Broiler Carcass in Traditional Market of Jember Regency
- Dicriyani, N L G M
- Effectiveness of Supervision Model as the Key to Increase the Performance of Supervision of the Village Financial Institution
- Dilapanga, Abdul Rahman
- Effectiveness of The Implementation of Compulsory Primary Education Policy in Bolaang Mongondow District North Sulawesi Province
- Dilapanga, Abdul Rahman
- Moral Conduct Dimension In The Making Of The Manado DPRD Regional Regulations
- Djafar, Rusni
- An analysis of determinant factors of empowerment-based poverty reduction
- Djalal, Djen
- The Contribution Of Supporter Community In Maximizing Their Role For The Advancement Of Makassar Football Club (PSM)
- Djalal, Nur
- Role of Indigenous People Institutions in Efforts to Reduce Mining Actions of C-Class Quarry Sand
- Djanggo, Romualdus Turu Putra Maro
- Effects of Investment (PMTB) on Economic Growth and Employment In Papua Province
- Djarkasi, Agnes
- The Using of Agriculture Technology and Cultural Change in Rural Community
- Djarkasi, Agnes
- Pamaru Muka Pamaru Belakang: Tanimbar in the Shipping Network in Eastern Indonesia in the XIX Century
- Djarkasi, Agnes
- Role of elite religions toward the development of society in Kawangkoan subdistrict Minahasa regency
- Djulaeka, Ms.
- Local Goverment and Traditional cultural Expression Protection
- Dukut, Ekawati M.
- Children’s Story Books: Introducing Cultural Hybridity, Shaping Intercultural Sensitivity for Foreign Language Young Learners (An Observation to Gramedia Books in 2017)
- Dwi Wahyono, Nanang
- The Analysis of Capital Factor, Time Experienced, and Level of Education on Income of Broiler Farmers in Jember Regency
- Eprilianto, Deby Febriyan
- Innovation in the Public Sector in the Digital Era (A Study of the Process Diffusion of SIMPUS in Yogyakarta)
- Erick, Korompis
- The Efforts to Increase Work Productivity of Workers in The Center of Furniture Industry in Leilem Village Minahasa Regency
- Ernawati, Ni Made
- Food and Beverage Supporting Geotourism at Batur Geotourism Site in Bali Indonsesia
- Erta, Ms
- Analysis of Green Supply Chain Management Implementation on Competitiveness, Environmental Performance, and SMEs Performance
- Estevanus Vidi, Andaria
- The Efforts to Increase Work Productivity of Workers in The Center of Furniture Industry in Leilem Village Minahasa Regency
- Fahmi, Agung Ali
- Does Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Spying People Violate International Human Rights Laws to Protect the Right to Privacy?
- Fakhri, Kahar
- Review Acts Of Corruption Through The Perspectives Of The Ethics Of Public Administration Theory
- Fakhruddin, Mr
- Historical Consciousness Among Millennial Generation
- Fanida, Eva Hany
- Electronic Voting (E-Voting) in Indonesia: Reflection On E-Voting Practices in Some Countries
- Fanida, Eva Hany
- Strategy Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste Processing by PT Artama Sentosa Indonesia (Study of Transporting and Collecting Hazardous and Toxic Waste)
- Fanida, Eva Hany
- Revitalization of Pedestrian: Fulfillment Accessibility Rights for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in Surabaya
- Fatayati, Ririn
- Integration of Moral Didactic Values and Patriotism of Hikayat Hang Tuah in Social Studies Learning to Build the Soul of Nationalism in Middle School Students in Surabaya
- Fatmasari, Rhini
- Competitive Advantages of Lecturers
- Fatoni, Syamsul
- Handling Net For Commercial Sexual Exploitation Victim Children In Surabaya
- Fauzi, Agus M
- Unofficial Dialogue as a Prevention of Social Conflict in Rural Multi-religious Communities
- Fauzi, Agus M
- Voters Participation Target Vs Democracy Election organizer program on the use of voting rights in East Java 2018
- Fauzi, Latifatul
- Survival Strategies of Young Widows to Strive in Their Social Environment
- Fenanlampir, Casimirus Andi
- Portrait of Environmental Conditions in Urban and Rural Areas in Abdur Arsyad’s Stand-up Comedy
- Fitriani, Ajeng Sukma Wardani Dyah
- Controlling the Rate of Planning Generation Population through Counseling by Using Simulation Game Model