Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities - Humanities and Social Sciences Track (ICOBEST-HSS 2024)

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22 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Lia Warlina, Senny Luckyardi
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICOBEST 2024 during May 16th. 2024 in Bandung, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Intensity of Access to @Explorebandung Instagram Content on the Decisions to Visit Tourist Destinations

Desayu Eka Surya, Salma Andeyani
The study aimed to determine the effect of Instagram content access intensity on the visiting decisions of @explorebandung account followers. Variable X (Instagram Content Access Intensity) is measured through Frequency and Duration, while variable Y (Visiting Decisions) includes Attention, Interest,...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Indonesia’s National Cyber and Crypton Agency in Dealing with the Increase in Cybercrime at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dewi Triwahyuni, Sylvia Octa Putri, Farhan Salim Nurjati
This research aims to create a sense of humanity to unite people to help each other deal with the COVID-19 disease outbreak, which has now developed into a pandemic. Amid the global fight against COVID-19, cybercriminals are exploiting the negligence of various parties for financial gain. In today’s...
Proceedings Article

Sustainable Land Management: Formulation of Policy for Forest and Land Fire Prevention in Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera

Sunarto, Kiagus Muhammad Sobri, Alfitri, Abdul Nadjib
Forest and land fires in Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, are a serious issue that endangers the environment and the well-being of the community. The main causes of forest and land fires are a lack of firefighting equipment, low public awareness, and the practice of land clearing by burning. This research...
Proceedings Article

The Vertical Video Phenomenon on Social Media in Digital Era

Adityo Baskoro Hardoyo, Irwan Tarmawan, Dini Amalia Lathifah
Amid the explosion of social media and changing user behavior, vertical video has emerged as one of the phenomena that is most influencing the way we share and consume content on digital media. This article explores the impact of vertical video on media platforms such as Tik-Tok, Instagram, and YouTube....
Proceedings Article

Designing an Animation Video for Children on Handling Leaf Waste by Turning It into Compost

Deni Albar, Muhammad Al-Fandy
Leaf waste is a trivial matter that can become a problem if leaf waste is not managed properly. Burning leaf waste will only throw the waste into the air, which if inhaled can have a bad impact on health. The goal of this research is to design an animated video that can provide information to families...
Proceedings Article

Governance Transformation: Juridical Analysis of Account Number Buying and Selling Practices

Musa Darwin Pane, Diah Pudjiastuti
The buying and selling of accounts—especially bank accounts—has grown to be a major problem as digital transactions become more commonplace. Nonetheless, the legal structure presents difficulties for law enforcement because it is unclear how account trading is regulated, notably with relation to Indonesia’s...
Proceedings Article

Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis on Interpersonal Meaning: Digital Video Campaign of World Health Organization

Muhammad Rayhan Bustam
The study aims to determine how World Health Organization (WHO) packaged the World Health Day 2023 digital video campaign. The interpersonal meaning represented in the campaign shared in either its official website or official Youtube channel is analyzed. The method used is qualitative descriptive since...
Proceedings Article

Digital Space of The Prophet’s Gallery Museum as a Representation of Revolution 5.0

Tiara Isfiaty, Ibnul Yasari Rahmat
This research aims to explain the use of technology as a new exhibition medium for museums as an effort to digitize public spaces. The shift towards the 5.0 revolution represents the development from the era of Industry 4.0, bringing forth new challenges and opportunities, especially in the utilization...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Indonesian Internship Students’ Cross-Cultural Adaptation In Japan

Pitri Haryanti
This study is to identify factors affecting Indonesian internship students in the process of cross-cultural adaptation during the programs in Japan. A qualitative method with case studies was used in order to further explore data related to factors influencing student adaptation. Data were collected...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Tiktok Shop Policy Dynamics to The Micro-Small-Medium-Sized Enterprises Sustainability

Melly Maulin Puwaningwulan, Tine Agustin Wulandari, Niluh Ayu Anggaswari
TikTok is a social media platform that offers a variety of video content for its users to enjoy. This video content serves as the foundation for business owners to create or present advertisements that they wish to disseminate. TikTok expanded the business industry through TikTok Shop to be an online...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of User Interface in Mobile Application for a Museum in Bandung

Ria Fathya Luqman, Irma Rochmawati, Mochammad Didan Rizky
As a case study, the Bandung Geological Museum holds a large collection of animal, plant, and rock fossils, but currently, no media can provide information about the collection, especially dinosaur fossils outside the museum. The lack of information limits the reach of the public. To overcome these problems,...
Proceedings Article

Law Transformation of Civil Liability in Digital Business

Hetty Hassanah, Astri Aprilianti
The transformation of civil accountability law in digital business is a complex and relevant topic digital era. Important aspect is the exoneration clause in digital business contracts. This study used a descriptive analytical approach using normative juridical methods. Research results show that many...
Proceedings Article

Assessing Indonesia's Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to The Paris Agreement: Identifying The Obstacles Indonesia has in Addressing Climate Change

Ika Sri Hastuti
This study explores Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) as a sort of national commitment that incorporates steps for both mitigating and adapting to climate change in order to lower carbon emissions that contribute to the phenomena of global warming. Indonesia, as a nation that has officially approved...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Social Media as Interactive Learning Media: Tiktok

Soni Mulyawan Setiana, Ananda Budi Rahayu
The current digital era's tendency has been followed in the creation of learning media through social media. Social media's popularity as a learning tool presents potential because of this, particularly for millennials who are very involved in the digital world. One of the most well-known social...
Proceedings Article

Digital Transformation in The Southeast Asian Region: A Study on ASEAN Cooperation in The Framework of ASEAN Smart Cities Network

Henike Primawanti, Windy Dermawan, Rizqi Magdawati Nur Izzizti, Yosephine Natania Pasha
This article aims to discuss how Southeast Asian countries cooperate in building the ASEAN Smart Cities Network (ASCN). The trend of smart city development is driven by the increasing population growth, accompanied by globalization in the field of information technology, especially in data management...
Proceedings Article

Gen Z Communication And Political Participation in Digital Media

Manap Solihat
This research aims to determine the role of conventional mass media and digital media as sources of political information for Generation Z and emphasizes the importance of political education in increasing political participation. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, with data collection...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Online Population Administration Services Policy at The Bandung City Population and Civil Registration Office

Poni Sukaesih Kurniati, Leni Cahyani
Customers must feel safe getting or receiving services from the ranks of services so that they are in accordance with the service policies upheld by the Department of Population and Civil Registry of Garut City. The purpose of this study was to assess how well the employees of the Population and Civil...
Proceedings Article

Social Campaign Wisely Choosing and Buying Food to Reduce Food Through Animated Videos

Arif Try Cahyadi, Muhammad Adhithyas Prasetyo
Food waste is a phenomenon that impacts the food that is thrown away because the food is no longer suitable for consumption. This is because people are not wise in choosing and using food well, one of which is buying too much food so that the remaining unused food is wasted. The method in this research...
Proceedings Article

Sociocultural Patterns of Manga Title Formation in Shuukan Shounen Janpu

Mohammad Ali, Muhammad Lazuardi Alfariz
This research aims to describe the pattern of manga title formation in manga. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data in this study were collected using the observation and note-taking technique. Object of this research is 20 manga titles contained...
Proceedings Article

Interactive Application Design for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Irma Rochmawati, Resa Okta Viana
Social campaign Say Pain is a social movement that aims to fight for the rights and interests of children with disabilities in society. The Say Pain campaign aims at people with developmental disabilities who find it difficult to communicate with people around them. Say Pain campaign is very useful for...
Proceedings Article

Organization Regarding Islamic Boarding Schools in Function Encouraging the Community in the Digital Era

Tatik Rohmawati, Nandang Alamsah Deliarnoor, Samugyo Ibnu Redjo, Mudiyati Rahmatunissa
The purpose of this study is to ascertain how Islamic boarding schools are implemented in the context of community empowerment in the digital age. This paper is the result of research applying a qualitative descriptive method. Data gathering through library studies and field studies, namely observing,...