Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2018)
285 authors
- Hakim, Ramalis
- Development of Archipelago Art-Based Appreciation Learning Models on Culture Arts Learning for Increasing Estetical Experiences in Class VIII Students Junior High School
- Hakim, Ramalis
- Development of Nusantara Arts-Based Fine Arts Appreciation Learning Model in Cultural Art Learning for Improving the Aesthetic Experience of 8th Grade Students of Junior High School
- Halawa, Noibe
- The Differences of the Ability of The Leant Reading Aloud between Explicit Instruction and Conventional Methods
- Hamrin, Hamrin
- Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Art and Design as a Creative Economy Subsector
- Hamzah, Hamzah
- Verbal Interaction between Male and Female Teachers and Their Students in the English Classes
- Hamzah, Hamzah
- The Perception Of Students With Different Learning Styles To The Teachers’ Response Styles At Smkn 3 Padang
- Handayani, Witri
- Recent Technology For Translation Study
- Hasanah, Iradatul
- The Quality of Students’ Mind Mapping at IAIN Bukittinggi
- Hasanah, Nurrahmania
- The Symbolic Meaning of The Bridal Attire on Alek Gulai Manih Marriage in Solok
- Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin
- The Effect of POW+TREE Strategy by Using Learning Video towards Students’ Writing Ability in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
- Hasanuddin Ws, Hasanuddin WS
- Cultural Values Legends Folktale of Minangkabau People’s in West Sumatra
- Hasanuddin Ws, Hasanuddin WS
- Drama Appreciation Learning Using Multimedia To Develop Student Literation
- Hasda, Liza
- Developing Instruments for Evaluation the Implementation of Authentic Assessment on Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Hasibuan, Fauziah
- The Ability to Use Repeated Words in the Sentences by the Sixth Grade of Elementary School Students
- Hendri, Zulfi
- Strengthening the Technology Awareness on Art Learning to Improve Creativity of Students of Prospective 21st Century Teachers
- Hidayat, Muhammad Fajar
- The Changes and Sustainability of Alek Batonjong Tradition in Customary Marriages in Nagari Solok Kubuang Tigo Baleh
- Hidayatullah, Panakajaya
- Contestation of Global-Local Culture in Islamic Art of Pondok Pesantren Walisanga Situbondo
- Idawati, Idawati
- Development of Learning Model for Appreciation of Music Art Based on Archipelago Art in the Subject of Cultural Art for Improvement of Aesthetic Experience of Grade VIII Students of Junior High School
- Idrus, Yeni
- The Changes and Sustainability of Alek Batonjong Tradition in Customary Marriages in Nagari Solok Kubuang Tigo Baleh
- Indrayuda, Indrayuda
- Traditional Spirit in Contemporary Dance
- Indrayuda, Indrayuda
- Representation of Fanaticism against Local Culture through the Use of Tari Manyang in Sikakap Community Life
- Indrayuda, Indrayuda
- The Representation of Women in Galombang Creations Dance Produced by Syofiani Studio Padang City
- Indrayuda, Indrayuda
- Revitalization of Dance and Values Contained in Dance Balota in Kenagarian Sungai Bukik Baiah District 9 Lasi
- Indrayuda, Indrayuda
- Dance Punawo Satay as the Treatment of Media in Society Siulakkerinci: Learn the Meanings and Functions
- Indrayuda, Indrayuda
- Form of Presentation and Role of Accompaniment Music Galombang Dance by Lindang Urek Art Studio Payakumbuh
- Indriyani, Vivi
- Design of Reading Materials based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
- Iraqi, Hana Shilfia
- Representation of Fanaticism against Local Culture through the Use of Tari Manyang in Sikakap Community Life
- Irawan, Stefanny
- Overhead Project Play: Filling the Creativity Gap of 21st Century Learners
- Irfan, Irfan
- Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Art and Design as a Creative Economy Subsector
- Jalil, Jalil
- Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Art and Design as a Creative Economy Subsector
- Jaya, ErzacZafan
- Teaching Listening through Islamic Storytelling in Indonesian Junior Secondary School Context
- Jufri, Jufri
- The Effectiveness of Scaffolding Model in Teaching Reading at Senior High Schools in Padang City
- Jufrizal, Jufrizal
- The Effect of Semantic Mapping in Teaching Writing Skill on Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 3 Batusangkar
- Jufrizal, Jufrizal
- Improving Students’ Ability in Conducting Autonomous Learning by Using Information Communication Technology
- Juita, Novia
- Nuances of Meaning Synonyms for Affixed Ke-An Abstract Noun in Indonesian
- Juita, Novia
- The Nuance of Meaning Synonyms of Female Greeting Nouns in Indonesian
- Juita, Novia
- Language Politeness of Executive Leader in Facebook
- Jupriani, Jupriani
- Value Clarification Technique based on Open Ended Approach to Increase Pre-Service Teachers’ Art Appreciation
- Khalid, Ilham
- Form of Presentation and Role of Accompaniment Music Galombang Dance by Lindang Urek Art Studio Payakumbuh
- Kusmana, Suherli
- Developing Biography Text Teaching Materials Based On Author’s Experience
- Kusuma, Ade Tya
- The Implementation of K-13 on Art and Culture Subject at SMP Negeri 12 Padang
- Lovenia, Lova
- Grammatical Cohesion of Conjunctions in Short Story Collection Kompas March 2014 Edition
- Lumbantoruan, Jagar
- Using Solfeggio Learning Model in Teaching University Students in West Sumatera, Indonesia
- Maestro, Esy
- Learning and Singing: Thematic Children Songs in Kindergarten
- Mahyudin, Ritawati
- Problems in Oral Language Teaching in Primary School
- Maiwen, Syafrida
- English Teachers’ Difficulties in Implementing Authentic Assessment in Speaking Skill
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Critical Speech Act in the Indonesia Lawak Klub (ILK) Event in Trans 7
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Nuances of Meaning Synonyms for Affixed Ke-An Abstract Noun in Indonesian
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The Nuance of Meaning Synonyms of Female Greeting Nouns in Indonesian
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Speech Act Politeness in Asking and Answering Questions in Discussion of Students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The Type and Meaning Nuances of Limitation Adverb Synonym in Indonesian
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Representation of Terrorist News In Kompas.Com Online Newspaper
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The Politeness of the Acts of Speech in the Indonesian Language Learning Group Discussion
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Language Politeness of Executive Leader in Facebook
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Realization of Negative Politeness Strategy on Speech Act of Questions and Answers in the Learning Processes
- Mansyur, Herlinda
- Tourist Art Packaging Randai Performance in Seribu Rumah Gadang Area Jorong Lubuk Jayanagari Koto Baru, Solok Selatan Regency,West Sumatra
- Marhamah, Marhamah
- The Effect of POW+TREE Strategy by Using Learning Video towards Students’ Writing Ability in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
- Mariasa, I Nengah
- Pendet ‘Berbaju’ A Subjective Aesthetic Image
- Marzam, Marzam
- Tourist Art Packaging Randai Performance in Seribu Rumah Gadang Area Jorong Lubuk Jayanagari Koto Baru, Solok Selatan Regency,West Sumatra
- Masykur, Fifi Ferdila
- Representation of Indonesian Imperative Speech Acts Teacher at MTSN 4 Padang
- Meilinda, Meilinda
- Overhead Project Play: Filling the Creativity Gap of 21st Century Learners
- Miranda, Risa
- Designing A Website-Based User Interface In Merangin Regency Tourism Promotion In Jambi Province
- Mukaiyar, Mukaiyar
- Challenges In Assessing Students’ Writing For Future Instruction
- Mukhaiyar, Mukhaiyar
- The Effect of Using Youtube as A Teaching Media on the Students’ Listening Skill (The Case of 2nd Semester Students of English Education Study Program of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak)
- Mursida, Mursida
- Exclusion in Online News about "Terrorism" the Study Theory of Theo Van Leeuween
- Mustika, Repa
- The Effect of Method Discovery Learning and Learning Motivation on Text Writing Skill Report on Observation Results
- Najma, Eva
- The Sequences of Expression of Minangkabau Young Generation: Request Study From ABS-SBK Philosophy
- Nanda, Elsa Dwi
- Suntiang as the Culture Identity on the Marapulai Basuntiang Wedding Ceremony at Nagari Indrapura Pancung Soal District Pesisir Selatan
- Ningsih, Kurnia
- The Effect of Direct Corrective Feedback on Students’ Writing of Recount Text
- Ningsih, Kurnia
- The Effect of Authentic Listening Materials and Self-Regulation toward Students’ Listening Ability at Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak
- Nobellia, Berru
- The Traditional Marriage of Pekal Ethnic in North Bengkulu Regency
- Nomarlinda, Petri
- The Politeness of the Acts of Speech in the Indonesian Language Learning Group Discussion
- Novalinda, Novalinda
- The Sequences of Expression of Minangkabau Young Generation: Request Study From ABS-SBK Philosophy
- Novarita, Novarita
- The Correlation Study: Student's Mastery of Simple Present and Their Ability in Writing Descriptive
- Nurhayati, Endang
- Strengthening the Technology Awareness on Art Learning to Improve Creativity of Students of Prospective 21st Century Teachers
- Oktarina, Reri
- The Effectiveness Sentence in Instagram Caption of Political Figure Ridwan Kamil
- Oktavani, Rina
- Contribution of Social Field Vocabulary Mastery and Humor Reading Interest to Skill of Producing Anecdote Text of Students
- Pranowo, Dwiyanto Djoko
- The Ysu French Student Ability of Explaining Tourism Objects
- Pujiati, Hanip
- English Teaching and Learning Strategies on Genre Based Approach in Indonesian EFL Class : A Case Study
- Putra, Eka Wira
- The Impact Of Instructional Leadership And Followership Styles To The Teachers’ Performance
- Putra, Julius Hade
- Development of Nusantara Arts-Based Fine Arts Appreciation Learning Model in Cultural Art Learning for Improving the Aesthetic Experience of 8th Grade Students of Junior High School
- Putri, Dwima Jupriadi
- Speech Act Politeness in Asking and Answering Questions in Discussion of Students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri
- Putri, Kartika Harda
- The Effect of Authentic Listening Materials and Self-Regulation toward Students’ Listening Ability at Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak
- Rahayu, Siti Perdi
- Greetings and Politeness Used in French and Indonesian Language Communication
- Rahayu, Tri
- The Achievement of the First Grade Students based on Their Learning Experience in Elementary School at SMP Negeri 5 Kota Jambi: A Comparative Study
- Rahmadona, Rahmadona
- Dance Punawo Satay as the Treatment of Media in Society Siulakkerinci: Learn the Meanings and Functions
- Rahmatina, Rahmatina
- Problems in Oral Language Teaching in Primary School
- Rama, Linda Destri
- The Existence of Music in the Ba Arak Program in the Traditional Culture of Marriage of the Koto Tangah Community
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Representation of Indonesian Imperative Speech Acts Teacher at MTSN 4 Padang
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- The Effect of POW+TREE Strategy by Using Learning Video towards Students’ Writing Ability in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- The Ability to Use Repeated Words in the Sentences by the Sixth Grade of Elementary School Students
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Drama Appreciation Learning Using Multimedia To Develop Student Literation
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Technology-Based Google Classroom In English Business Writing Class
- Ramadhan, Syahrul
- Recent Technology For Translation Study
- Ramadhanti, Khadijah
- The Type and Meaning Nuances of Limitation Adverb Synonym in Indonesian
- Ratmanida, Ratmanida
- The Quality of Students’ Mind Mapping at IAIN Bukittinggi
- Ratmanida, Ratmanida
- Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching to Teach Reading Comprehension in Senior High School
- Refnaldi, Refnaldi
- Developing Instruments for Evaluating the Authentic Assessment for Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Refnaldi, Refnaldi
- Developing Instruments for Evaluating Validity, Practicality, Effectiveness of the Authentic Assessment For Writing Skill at Junior High School
- Refnaldi, Refnaldi
- The Effect of Using Youtube as A Teaching Media on the Students’ Listening Skill (The Case of 2nd Semester Students of English Education Study Program of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak)