Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Management, Accounting and Sustainable Economy (ICBMASE 2023)
56 authors
- Ardani, Putri Aulia
- Factors Influencing Career Interest in the Tourism Industry (Case Study on Students of the National University Tourism Study Program)
- As’ad, Muhammad
- Analysis of Implementing the Sakti Application Successfully Based on The User’s Net Benefit View
- Ayuniyyah, Qurroh
- Peer-Review Statements
- Azimah, Ariana
- Designing a CRM Application: Enhancing Promotional Strategies Efficiency to Increase the Number of New Students at the University of National
- Bestari, Nurkhalis
- The Influence of Intellectual Capital, Social Capital, Customer Capital, and Liquidity on The Firm’s Value, Study of Companies Listed in the Bumn20 Index with Company Growth as Intervening Variable
- Dewi, Liliana
- Customer Satisfaction at an Upscale Restaurant in Indonesia Post-Covid-19: Personal Hygiene and Service Quality
- Digdowiseso, Kumba
- The Influence of brand image, service quality, and perceived security on stakeholder loyalty: The moderating effect of stakeholder satisfaction
- Dwiadityo, M. Agung
- The Effect of E-Filing, Tax Socialization, and Taxpayer Awareness on MSME Taxpayer Compliance with Tax Sanctions as Variable Moderation
- Elwisam, Elwisam
- NCT Dreams Fanbase Purchase decision on Somethinc: Korean Wave, Brand Image, and Brand Ambassador
- Erwanto, Rachmad
- The Influence of brand image, service quality, and perceived security on stakeholder loyalty: The moderating effect of stakeholder satisfaction
- Fakihuddin, Muhammad
- Customer Satisfaction at an Upscale Restaurant in Indonesia Post-Covid-19: Personal Hygiene and Service Quality
- Farabi, Ahmad
- Peer-Review Statements
- Farida, Farida
- Strategies Management of The Production Loss Risk Control In The Food Crop Cultivation System
- Fauziah, Fauziah
- Designing a CRM Application: Enhancing Promotional Strategies Efficiency to Increase the Number of New Students at the University of National
- Ginting, Henndy
- Future of Work: Lesson from COVID-19 and Future Implication
- Hardini, Resti
- The Influence of Online Trust, Sales Promotion and Electronic Word of Mouth on Repurchase Intention
- Hasanudin, Hasanudin
- The Role of Dividend Policy in Mediating the Influence of Marketing Activities, Asset Growth, and Business Risk on Firm Value
- Hermawan, Ibnu Rizky
- The Role of Sustainability Reporting, Green Accounting, and Growth In Increasing the Company’s Share Price
- Iklima, Novia
- The Moderating Role of Audit Quality on Financial Statement Integrity
- Indrianti, Nabila Indira
- Maximizing Customer Satisfaction in B2B and Its Impact on Cooperating Decision
- Indriyanto, Erwin
- Analysis of the Effect of Diversification and Transfer Pricing Strategies on Tax Burden
- Istiqomah, Istiqomah
- MSME Performance in FinTech Era: Financial Literacy, Peer to Peer Lending, and Financial Attitudes
- Karina, Arni
- Analysis of Implementing the Sakti Application Successfully Based on The User’s Net Benefit View
- Karyatun, Subur
- Netflix Subscription Interest in Generation Z: Mobile Advertising, Service Quality, and Price Perception
- Khairunnisa, Safira
- Analysis of Implementing the Sakti Application Successfully Based on The User’s Net Benefit View
- Kusumaningrum, Anisa Putri
- Just click away: Building the feature of the “Umice” travel app for more excellent Indonesian tourist promotion
- Lantana, Dhieka Avrilia
- Designing a CRM Application: Enhancing Promotional Strategies Efficiency to Increase the Number of New Students at the University of National
- Lestari, Rahayu
- Maximizing Customer Satisfaction in B2B and Its Impact on Cooperating Decision
- Maranatha, Yulinasari Gabriela
- Netflix Subscription Interest in Generation Z: Mobile Advertising, Service Quality, and Price Perception
- Marsudi, Marsudi
- Designing a CRM Application: Enhancing Promotional Strategies Efficiency to Increase the Number of New Students at the University of National
- Masruri, Aan Fauzan
- The Effects of Work Environment and Work Motivation on Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at PT. XYZ
- Meini, Zumratul
- The Role of Sustainability Reporting, Green Accounting, and Growth In Increasing the Company’s Share Price
- Melati, Melati
- IPO Performance: Does It Improve Post-COVID-19?
- Molina, Molina
- The Moderating Role of Audit Quality on Financial Statement Integrity
- Nazah, Nawalin
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nuraeni, Shimaditya
- Future of Work: Lesson from COVID-19 and Future Implication
- Nurkholik, Adam
- A Systematic Literature Review on Trends in Financial Behavior Research among the Indonesian Millennial Generation
- Nurwulandari, Andini
- The Effects of Price Perception, Promotion, and Service Quality on Stay Decision at Warga Villa Umalas, Bali, through Brand Image
- Nurwulandari, Andini
- The Influence of Intellectual Capital, Social Capital, Customer Capital, and Liquidity on The Firm’s Value, Study of Companies Listed in the Bumn20 Index with Company Growth as Intervening Variable
- Nurwulandari, Andini
- MSME Performance in FinTech Era: Financial Literacy, Peer to Peer Lending, and Financial Attitudes
- Oksyania, Werry
- The Effects of Price Perception, Promotion, and Service Quality on Stay Decision at Warga Villa Umalas, Bali, through Brand Image
- Permananingrum, Adilah
- Governance and Financial Constraints as Moderating the Relationship Between Cash Holdings and Firm Value
- Pradini, Gagih
- Factors Influencing Career Interest in the Tourism Industry (Case Study on Students of the National University Tourism Study Program)
- Putri, Novika Amalia Setia
- Analysis of the Effect of Diversification and Transfer Pricing Strategies on Tax Burden
- Putri, Nurwulandari Mutiara Adzani
- Just click away: Building the feature of the “Umice” travel app for more excellent Indonesian tourist promotion
- Putro, Utomo Sarjono
- Future of Work: Lesson from COVID-19 and Future Implication
- Ramadani, Putri Adwi
- The Influence of Online Trust, Sales Promotion and Electronic Word of Mouth on Repurchase Intention
- Salleh, Sharifah Nabilah Syed
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sari, Fetty Poerwaty
- The Influence of Digital Leadership on the Performance of Millennial Employee through Coaching at Digital Technology-Based Companies of Samsung Research and Development Indonesia (SRIN)
- Sari, Santi Retno
- Employee Idea Generation: Does Religiosity Matter? Three-Way Interaction Between Religiosity, Servant Leadership, And Talent Management
- Sary, S. S. Fetty Poerwita
- The Effects of Work Environment and Work Motivation on Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at PT. XYZ
- Suanta, Aufa Ashri Dhamayanti
- NCT Dreams Fanbase Purchase decision on Somethinc: Korean Wave, Brand Image, and Brand Ambassador
- Subiyanto, Bambang
- The Effect of E-Filing, Tax Socialization, and Taxpayer Awareness on MSME Taxpayer Compliance with Tax Sanctions as Variable Moderation
- Waluyo, Tri
- Designing a CRM Application: Enhancing Promotional Strategies Efficiency to Increase the Number of New Students at the University of National
- Yulianto, Tri
- The Role of Dividend Policy in Mediating the Influence of Marketing Activities, Asset Growth, and Business Risk on Firm Value
- Zulfitri, Fauziah
- The Influence of Digital Leadership on the Performance of Millennial Employee through Coaching at Digital Technology-Based Companies of Samsung Research and Development Indonesia (SRIN)