Proceedings of 5th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2023

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132 articles
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Electability of Islamic Parties in the 2024 Presidential Election

Mohammad Taufik, Etika Khairina, I Ketut Gunawan, Enos Paselle
The study of Islamic Parties is often connected to the framework of political Islam and sectarian politics. These two theories have dominated studies of Islamic political parties from the beginning of independence until now. Phenomenon and problems: Obtaining votes in the election of Islamic parties...
Proceedings Article

Navigating Online Success: Innovation, Interaction, and Customer Engagement in E-commerce Performance

Aflit Nuryulia Praswati, I Made Sukresna, Siti Aisyah
In the era of globalization, companies, exemplified by Indonesia's significant progress in the World Intellectual Property Organization's Global Innovation Index (GII) 2022, face the imperative to adapt to dynamic economic and technological shifts. The growing importance of innovation is underscored...
Proceedings Article

A Bibliometric Mapping of Good Corporate Governance Research: Past, Present, and The Future

Widaryanti Widaryanti, Wan Amalina Wan Abdullah
A thorough literature review and bibliometric analysis are undertaken in this work to give a general overview of Good Corporate Governance research. This work does a bibliometric analysis of global research on good corporate governance. Between 2018 and 2022, 216 pertinent studies from the Scopus Collection...
Proceedings Article

Differentiated Learning with an Islamic Values ​​Approach: Alternative Path to the Third Supra-rational Dimension

Imam Mawardi, Minzani Aufa, Hijrah Eko Putro
Uniformizing learning models for students with different abilities is a complicated problem in the world of education. The aim of this research is to examine paradigmatically the supra-rational dimension based on Islamic values as an approach to differentiated learning, the obstacles that arise and their...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Customary Law in Public Life in Indonesia at the Modern Era

Ulya Shafa Firdausi, Ferry Irawan Febriansyah, Alfalachu Indiantoro, Hasto Prianggoro, Iqbal Nafi Nur Ikhram
This article explains the importance of customary law in the lives of Indonesian people in the modern era and the role of law in people's lives. This research aims to understand the importance of customary law in the lives of Indonesian people in the modern era. The research method used is normative....
Proceedings Article

The Real Village Leader in Indonesia: A Unique Demonstration of Citizens Demanding That the Incumbent Re-Run

Suswanta Suswanta, Cici Sundari, Novy Setia Yunas
This research examines the causes of demonstrations by residents demanding that the incumbent be nominated again and the dynamics of village residents’ protests regarding Mr Gaguk’s rejection. It also evaluates the social and political impact of Mr Gaguk’s rejection of the village government. Mr Gaguk...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Reporting Quality with Hofstede’s Six Dimension of National Culture: Case Studies from Indonesia

Asri Pangestika Lutfiani, Yohani Yohani, Sobrotul Imtikhanah
Integrated Reporting (IR) has gained significant interest in both academic and professional circles. However, ensuring high-quality reports remains crucial. While research on IR is abundant, few studies explore factors influencing its quality. This paper examines the impact of national culture, an external...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Perceptions and Practices of Prospective Teachers: Unpacking Creativity Beliefs

Nurratri Kunia Sari, Siswandari Siswandari, Sadjidan Sadjidan, Sukarmin Sukarmin
A teacher's optimistic belief in creativity can encourage and motivate students to be more creative. This study aims to analyze the perception of prospective elementary school teachers on the confidence of teacher creativity in teaching practice. This research design uses a mixed method to thoroughly...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Active Participation of Men in Family Planning Program in Central Java

Rohmayanti Rohmayanti, Soetrisno Soetrisno, Agung Wibowo, Haryani Saptaningtyas
This study investigated the percentage of men actively involved in family planning programs across Central Java from 2018 to 2020. It relied on secondary data obtained from the Central Java Provincial Statistics Agency for those years. The data, including the number of male family planning participants...
Proceedings Article

Investment in Entrepreneurial Equipment for Correctional Facility Inmates

Ratna Wulaningrum, Dwi Cahyadi, Muhammad Kadafi, H. Rony
While serving their sentences in correctional institutions, inmates receive various business skills training and increase their understanding of various sciences. One of the goals is for them to be economically independent after completing their sentence/development period in a correctional institution....
Proceedings Article

Literature Review on the Prevalence of Vision Impairment and Age-Related Eye Diseases

Raudhatuzzahra Kesuma, Andjar Prasetyo
This article presents a literature review addressing the prevalence of vision impairment and age-related eye diseases in Indonesia. While not specifying a particular year, the primary focus of this research is to provide a comprehensive understanding of ophthalmic epidemiology in Indonesia. The analysis...
Proceedings Article

Leadership and School Culture

Syahrul Syahrul, Akib Akib, Badarwan Badarwan, Samrin Samrin, Jalaluddin Rum, Sandra Hasba
This research aims to analyze the principal leadership and school culture at SDIT Al-Qalam Kendari. This research was conducted qualitatively with a narrative approach, where data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research show that the principal^s leadership...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Self-Care Behaviors in the Ponorogo Diabetic Community: The Effectiveness of Islamic Spiritual Classes

Sulistyo Andarmoyo, Saiful Nurhidayat, Rika Maya Sari
The incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in Indonesia is increasing, one of the causes is associated with inadequate self-care. One effort that can be made to improve diabetes self-care is a diabetes class which is expected to provide adequate information on controlling diabetes. This research aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Parents in Child Development: Literature Review

Reni Mareta, Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, Retno Setyowati, Dwiningtyas Padmaningrum
Introduction A child is someone aged 0–18 years. Children are assets for the family and the country which will later become human capital whose needs must be met in order to grow into quality human beings. Meeting the child's needs is entirely the responsibility of the parents. Parents...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of diabetes mellitus foot sensitivity disorders in Magelang Regency

Sigit Priyanto, Agus Kristiyanto, Kusnandar Kusnandar, Anik Lestari
The increasing population of diabetes mellitus (DM) sufferers has an impact on increasing the incidence of diabetic ulcers as a chronic complication of DM, as many as 15–25% of DM sufferers will experience diabetic ulcers in their lives. Diabetic foot exercises are activities or exercises carried out...
Proceedings Article

Do Board and Audit Committee Characteristics Improve External Auditor Choice?

Siti Noor Khikmah, Muji Mranani, Indira Januarti
The conflict of interest between management and owners can be resolved by an independent auditor, a crucial entity that verifies and assures the accuracy of financial statements issued by a company's management to both internal and external stakeholders. Research on auditor selection has primarily...
Proceedings Article

A Review of the Literature on the Effects of Lost Pregnancies on the Mental Health of Women and Childfree

Retna Tri Astuti, Rohmayanti Rohmayanti
In wealthy nations, miscarriage affects 10–25% of clinically recognized pregnancies, making it a common problem for expectant mothers. This may result in trauma, melancholy, grief, and depression, which may cause involuntary childlessness. The psychological effects of miscarriage and childlessness have...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of HOTS content in the science process skills Students’ and Teachers’ Handbook of the Merdeka Curriculum

Irham Nugroho, Insih Wilujeng, Pujaningsih Pujaningsih, Muis Sad Iman, Witanti Witanti, Ani Arifah
This research aims to analyze science process skills (SPS) and higher order thinking skills (HOTS) questions in Natural Science textbooks for elementary school students in Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, data was collected from independent curriculum student and teacher handbooks for grade IV...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Arts in YouTube Live Streaming Media

(Case Study of Jaran Thek’s on YouTube Live Streaming)

Oki Cahyo Nugroho, Deny Wahyu Tricana, Niken Lestarini, Pinaryo, Krisna Megantari, Eli Purwati, Ayub Dwi Anggoro
Within the past five years, or since the end of COVID-19, traditional performances have resurfaced in a variety of formats and forms. One such performance is the Jaran Thek, which is one of the Reyog Ponorogo arts that is most well-known to us and is practiced in the southern and eastern parts of the...
Proceedings Article

Soursop Leaf Extract Gel: A Promising Solution for Skin Bacterial Infections

Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah, Urmatul Waznah, Eko Mugiyanto, Kusnul Khotimah, Eka Jamilatur Rosyidah, Khusnul Khotimah, Ahmad Samsudin, Nurul Hidayati
Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli are mainly two commensal and pathogenic human bacteria that cause skin infections in tropical regions. Flavonoids found in Soursop leaf’s have been shown to have antibacterial effects. The aim of this research was to assess the antibacterial effectiveness of...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Business Process Re-engineering in Improving Local Government Performance: A Literature Review Using Bibliometric Analysis

Muhamad Sayuti, Bambang Syairudin, I Ketut Gunarta
Companies often use business process management as a discipline to improve process stages and achieve company goals and objectives. One widely recognized technique for improving processes is business process reengineering, which is sometimes known as BPR. Despite the inherent risks, companies often use...
Proceedings Article

The Experience of Being a Victim of Bullying as a Predisposing Factor for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Descriptive Study

Eka Budiarto, Nur Intan Kusuma, Nurul Aktifah, Rita Rahayu
An unpleasant encounter can act as a trigger for the development of psychological issues. Bullying among adolescents is on the rise, which increases the risk of psychosocial issues developing in those who are bullied. Bullying victims may experience long-lasting psychosocial issues, such as post-traumatic...
Proceedings Article

Pregnant Women’s Perception of Psychoeducation Services by Midwives: “I Feel Stronger and Accept My Pregnancy”

Leila Nisya Ayuanda, Nur Intan Kusuma, Nur Izzah, Nur Chabibah
During the Covid-19 pandemic, pregnant women became a vulnerable group, so pregnant women were worried about their pregnancy. Pregnant women required special attention and services related to preventing anxiety so that it did not manifest in more severe psychological disorders. In this case, midwives...
Proceedings Article

Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Extract in Jelly Candy

Mentari, Neni Sri Gunarti, Eko Sri Wahyuningsih, Ainun Mar’atus Putri Warsito, Dyah Kharisma Ariyanti, Dinda Dinanti, Dhavid Twua Mangunsong
Purple sweet potato is a plant that having a purple pigment which is an anthocyanin pigment that functions as antioxidant. Antioxidants themselves are compounds that can inhibit free radicals. With the inhibiting oxidation reactions in easily oxidizable materials and resisting substrate oxidation due...
Proceedings Article

Formulation of Tomato Fruit (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) Kombucha Patch with Erosivity Test and Teeth Brightness Level

Tia Laelasari, Neni Sri Gunarti, Eko Sri Wahyuningsih, Aliffia Dwi Rahma, Dinda Revalina Putri, Tiurdia Pandiangan, Zahra Adisty Rahma
Kombucha is a probiotic fermented drink produced through a consortium of bacteria and yeast known as Scoby (Symbiotic Culture/Colony Bacteria & Yeast), serving as an initial culture that aids in the fermentation process. Kombucha also contains organic acids, including ascorbic acid, which is also...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Prenatal Yoga on Discomfort in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Nur Chabibah, Rini Kristiyanti, Wahyu Ersila, Lia Dwi Prafitri, Siti Rofiqoh
Pregnancy is a period where pregnant women experience physiological and psychological changes. There are several factors that influence the emergence of discomfort in pregnant women, for example gestational age, hormones, and the mother’s condition during pregnancy. The discomfort of pregnant women in...
Proceedings Article

Numeracy in Elementary School

Ayu Fitri, Tatang Herman
Numeracy is an essential skill for elementary school students to have as a preparation for solving questions in the national assessment, which is carried out every year. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method on class V students at SDIT NU Karawang. This research showed that students needed...
Proceedings Article

Peak Experience: The Phenomenon of Spirituality in Religions and Psychological Problems (Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism)

Dwi Estiningsih, Wahyudi Setiawan, Afitria Rizkiana, Usaid Al Banna, Masitoh, Fiyanna Muahhadah
Every religion has guidelines for overcoming psychological problems, including by reaching the peak of spirituality (peak experience). Islam, Buddhism and Catholicism have different guidelines for achieving “peak experience”, Islam with the path of Sufism, Buddhism with Hasta Ariya Magha or the eight...
Proceedings Article

District Minimum Wages, Relocation of Unemployed Companies and Its Impact on Poverty

Puji Isyanto, Dedi Mulyadi, Uus M. D. Fadli
Determining district minimum wages often becomes a problem every year even though there are clear regulations. The district minimum wage always becomes a dilemma if it is determined that the increase is too large and too small even if there is no increase. High and low wages will affect the supply and...
Proceedings Article

The Aspect of Spirituality in Teacher Performance as Viewed Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Imron Imron, Subur Subur
It is widely acknowledged that teacher performance significantly influences the productivity of educational institutions; high performance boosts productivity, while low performance diminishes it. Teacher performance is affected by a range of direct and indirect factors. Among these, spirituality and...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Medical Record Data Utilization for Marketing Information Systems at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung

Min Adadiyah, Isnaini Qoriatul Fadhilah
National health development in Indonesia encourages the use of data in health services. The patient's electronic medical record becomes a big data source. Well-managed data can provide the information needed in marketing management, especially for private hospitals. RS PKU Muhammadiyah Temanggung...
Proceedings Article

Correlations of Expression of KLF5, FHIT and DLG2 with Cervical Cancer

Alvionita Kogoya, Monica Dwi Hartanti
The fourth most common type of cancer in women, cervical cancer is brought on by the Hu-man Papillomavirus. Numerous genes, including KLF5, FHIT, and DLG2, have been linked to the advancement of cervical cancer, according to earlier research. The link between the KLF5, FHIT, and DLG2 genes in cervical...