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1582 articles

Improvement of Chemistry Learning Outcomes of Class XI Students High School Through Peer Tutors on Colloid Material

Wiwik Kastria Putri, Elferida Sormin, Leony Sanga Lamsari Purba
This research was conducted to find out whether there was an increase in student chemistry learning outcomes that were taught using the peer tutoring method, research was conducted on high school students in class XI with colloidal properties. This research is a quantitative study with statistical data...

Model of Social Security for Informal Sector Workers (Social Protection Study on Leather Artisan at The Sukaregang Leather Center of Garut District)

Teta Riasih, Rajendra Panggita Vasthu, Ghaitsa Putri Afisabrin
According to 2022 data, in Indonesia the workforce is dominated by the informal sector with a figure of 59.31%. In 2022, the coverage of informal workers will only be 14% of all employment social security program participants. Since 1920, Sukaregang Leather Industrial has been the breadwinner of the...

Efektiveness Jamuran Game to Increase the Children's Gross Skill at Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Terpadu Tunas Bangsa Bukittinggi

Rakimahwati,, Ridha Fadila Putri
This research because of gross motor that is deficient. The purpose The aim of this study is to determine how effective the jamuran game to increase the children's gross motor skill at PAUD Terpadu Tunas Bangsa. The method used is quantitative approach, this study is an experiment with quasi experiment...

Spatial Analysis of the Effect of Urbanization on Changes in Land Cover and Distribution of Surface Temperature in Madiun City in 2015 and 2020

Sika Putri Noor Fitriyani, Jumadi, Dewi Novita Sari
Changes in land cover affect the increasing surface temperatures. Built-up land ensued by regional development is the cause of increasing surface temperatures in urban and triggering climate change. One of the reasons is urbanization which leads land cover to change, thus the population density in Madiun...

Adherence and Quality of Life in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Suci Nugraha, Siti Kartika Putri
This article is a research report about the relationship between adherence to medical treatment procedures recommended by doctors with health quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Adherence to medical treatment regimes is often associated with the health related quality of life....

Increasing Knowledge and Skill in Preventing Children Sexual Abuse

Indri Utami Sumaryanti, Fanni Putri Diantina, Rizka Hadian Permana, Miki Amrilya Wardati
The absence of Children Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention in school and community in Indonesia, were encourage researcher to acknowledge the effectiveness of CSA prevention called Body safety training (BST). BST provided children the information and skill in preventing CSA by introduced them the safety of...

Interactive Power Point for Basic Level Traditional Vocals Learning

Catur Putri N. Utami, Yudi Sukmayadi
This article contains an explanation of how interactive Power Point media becomes a medium that can be designed in such a way as to stimulate the acceleration of students’ understanding of the material being taught as well as allowing students to practice and understand the material anywhere at any time...
Proceedings Article

The Estimation of NI, NRR, and Output of Garut sheep at Breeding Center in Garut-West Java

Putri Kusuma Astuti, Hamdani Maulana, Aprilianna Zahara Nafsina Luvita Sari, Panjono, Yudi Guntara Noor, Nuryanto, Rahmat Hidayat, Dyah Maharani
Sheep is one of Indonesia’s most important germplasms, whose prolific capability enables it to meet the meat consumption needs of small ruminants. PT Agro Investama is a private company that operates as the largest Sheep breeding center located in Malangbong District, Garut Regency, West Java. This research...

Japanese Adverbs Zenzen and Mattaku: Pragmatic and sociolinguistic analysis

Nuria Haristiani, Anggia Septiani Putri
Zenzen and Mattaku are Japanese adverbs that are synonyms and used as complete negation expressions meaning “not at all”. However, recently many younger people also use these adverbs to express positive response. This change is important to be studied further to prevent misuse in communication, especially...

Students’ Error Analysis in Completing English Math Story Problems

Bambang Perkasa Alam, Ukti Lutvaidah, Prima Pantau Putri Santosa
Students will feel more difficult in dealing with story problems as they not only must determine the formula but also must be more aware in reading the questions to gain information as well as to identify what is asked in the questions. Language is a medium for communication or interaction, in other...

Tendency of Using Google Translate during Online English Class: Students’ Concern

Rohfin Andria Gestanti, Elok Putri Nimasari, Krisna Megantari, Ahmad Ridho Rojabi, Fita Faridah, Dian Luthfiyati, Riryn Fatmawaty
In English as foreign language (EFL) classroom, using all-English materials is considered effortful due to the circumstances in which English is not basically used in student's daily inquiries. Yet the obligation to accomplish online tasks and practices during online class due to Covid-19 pandemic...

Appropriating Technology to Facilitate Mobility: An Exploratory Study of the Use of the “Tune Map” Mobile Application by Visually Impaired Pedestrians in Bandung City, Indonesia

Nur Rafiza Putri
This exploratory study investigates the way people with disabilities use digital technology in context specific ways. The authors examine the ways in which modern societal structure and organization have systematically disadvantaged citizens with minority attributes. The scope of our study is confined...

The Influence of Time Scarcity on Buying Intention Level

Nadia Aldini Putri, M.Fiqdawan Recomartaga, Margareta Manalu, Sebastian Imanuel Gt Hutabarat, Sayyidah Aisyah Humairah
Widespread use of features time scarcity on online shopping platforms appeared to have an impact on sales. One way that can be used is to apply time limits on several products that are experiencing price discounts. However, there is very little previous research that addresses influence time scarcity...
Proceedings Article

Effect Of Baby Care On Mother's Ability To Take Care Of Newborn In Bengkulu City

Yulia Putri Utami, Demsa Simbolon, Daisy Novira
Postpartum depression is a mood disorder after childbirth that occurs due to unpreparedness to give birth to a baby and become a mother. This will have an impact on the mother's ability to care for newborns. It is important to educate newborn care management so that mothers are able to care for their...

Implementation of the Green Interior Concept in Residential at Alegria Park BSD

Anna Diana Taka Putri, Fivanda Fivanda
Rapid population growth in urban areas has resulted in increased land requirements. Green land is converted into residential area. The function of land conversion has the potential to cause environmental degradation. This happens because the rate of population growth is not balanced with good environmental...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Response Surface Methods for Process Parameters Optimization in Laminated Wood Manufacturing

Farizi Rachman, Bayu Wiro Karuniawan, Oktaviana Vara Ika Putri
Wood is one of the main ingredients in making furniture. However, the faster the furniture industry in Indonesia cannot improve. Therefore, applying fast-growing wood and starting to be small diameter is applied. But the weakness of this wood will decrease and its size is relatively small. Innovation...
Proceedings Article

The Roles of Nutritional Knowledge on Culinary Students in Pandemic Covid-19

Mahdiyah, Mutiara Dahlia, S A Hakim, Kasyifaturrahmah, Fildzah Rudyah, Putri
The world was shocked by the outbreak of the Covid-19 Virus, with the spread of almost all countries in the world starting in early 2020, followed by the announcement of the status of a Global Pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The role of nutritional knowledge possessed further contributes...

Deductive or Inductive Technique: An Experimental Study on the Academic Writing of the Sixth Semester Students of Semarang State University

Diajeng Putri Maharani, Dwi Rukmini, Abdurrachman Faridi, Puji Astuti
Most scholars tend to say that teaching is an art meaning that there is artistry in the way lecturers associate with students in order to foster their understanding. However, teaching is also considered to be science since based on certain research, there are some strategies or techniques to be effective...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability Status and Factor Analyses to Improve Post-mining Land Use Sustainability Level with Pepper and Rice Plants

Ansahar, S. R. P. Sitorus, H. Hardjomidjojo, E. I. K. Putri, Y. H. Lawing, D. Wahyudi
This study aimed to: (1) Determine the sustainability status and factors that can be used to improve the post-mining land use with the Multidimensional-Scaling (MDS) method based on the ecological, economical, social, law, infrastructure, and technological dimensions, (2) Calculate the business investment...

Teacher’s Perception of Multiple Intelligence Based on English Teaching for Young Learners

Lidya Ayuni Putri, Rafista Deviyanti, Sri Suningsih
The multiple Intelligence principle believes that measuring human intelligence using standard IQ assessments on verbal and mathematical skills is not the only way. On the other hand, the theory of multiple intelligence suggests that each individual possesses nine different types of intelligence. Recognizing...

The Influence of Social Media Marketing to Gen-Z’s Purchase Intention to Stay in a Hotel

Nyoman Indah Kusuma Dewi, I. Wayan Wirga, Upayana Wiguna Eka Putra, Gede Pradiva Adinigrat, Ida Ayu Putri Widiasuari Riyasa
Social media is getting attention as a new marketing strategy in the digitalize business. Hotels are making benefits of this trend to reach and influence their customers to purchase. The purpose of this research was to find out the influence of social media marketing towards intention to stay in a hotel,...

The Effect of Gamification on User Satisfaction on Online Travel Agent

Yulia Hamdaini Putri, Suhartini Karim
Technology-based companies use many strategies such as gamification in online travel business companies that play a role in increasing tourism. Gamification is a strategy to attract consumers in the form of rewards, points, levels, reviews (story). Gamification is applied in online shops, salons, and...

The Influence of Work Culture and Work Quality on Service Quality in 50 Kota Regency, West Sumatra

Aldri Frinaldi, Nora Eka Putri, Jumiati
Human resource development aims to improve the work culture and work quality of employees so that the public can experience a good service quality with the government as a service provider. This study aims to analyze the influence of work culture and work quality on service quality in 50 Kota Regency....

Social Capital in the Activities of Rite Manuba Ba Adat

Nina Putri Hayam Dey, Brian L. Djumaty
This research was conducted in the village of Batu Tunggal where activities the rite Manuba Ba Adat always done every year routinely, still executed properly and managed properly by custom. The article aims of the role of social capital in the activities of Rite Manuba Ba Adat Dayak Tomun Lamandau in...

The Role of Teachers in Growing Human Security Character Through Learning Activities in Elementary Schools

Husna Farhana, Fara Diba Catur Putri, A Awiria
The purpose of this research is to measure the teachers’ role is in cultivating the character of Human Security in the elementary school environment, to find out whether there is the cultivation of human security in learning activities in elementary schools. This research was conducted in an elementary...

The Position Power of Headmasters of Vocational High Schools

Nathanael Sitanggang, Putri Lynna Adelinna Luthan, K Abdul Hamid
This research aimed to examine the position power of headmasters of Vocational High Schools (SMK), the correlation of every indicator towards latent construct variable of the position power, and the indicators that significantly affected the formation of the latent construct variable of the position...

The Effectiveness of Multiple Representation Oriented Learning Material with Project Based Learning to Improve Students' Chemistry Learning Outcomes

Endang Susilaningsih, Supartono Supartono, Tan Kristanto, Elisa Sariana, Putri Azizah, Masya Natasukma
Learning material is one of components in learning that its existence can improve students’ learning outcomes. The Existence of learning material that has low quality, so making learning material needs consideration. The formulation of research problem is how the effectiveness learning material multiple...

Disruptive Technology: The Effectiveness of Implementation Game Based Learning to Learning Performance

Perception Based Analysis Between Teacher’s and Student’s Senior High School in East Java

Cipto Wardoyo, Slamet Fauzan, Yogi Dwi Satrio, Putri Nuril Wulan Asih
Rapid technological developments in 21st century have an impact on advances in education. This is evidenced by the existence of a game-based learning model using smartphones. However, if teachers or students don’t have technological skills, this can be an obstacle. So it is important for both teachers...

Needs Analysis on Digital Smart Books for Indonesian Language Education General Courses in the Era of Independent Learning

Ayu Setiyo Putri, Heru Prasetyo, Munaris, Bambang Riadi
The results of this study indicate that the development of digital smart books for general Indonesian language education courses is essential to increase student motivation to learn at the University of Lampung. The needs analysis illustrated the results that digital smart books for general Indonesian...

Developing Employee’s Competency through the Implementation of an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for Isra Presisi

Dini Dwi Rahmatillah, Putri Mega Desiana
The purpose of this paper is to apply the Individual Development Plan (IDP) that had been created by earlier researches in the same company (Isra Presisi Indonesia) and to conduct a training plan for the employees based on the IDP result. Design/methodology/approach—Business coaching methods, through...

Opportunities and Challenges of Reopening Tourism for International Markets Amidst Pandemic: Evidence from Bintan Resorts

Addin Maulana, Rakhman Priyatmoko, Dini Oktaviyanti, Chamma Fitri Putri Pradjwalita, I Dewa Gede Richard Alan Amory
The reopening of tourism to international markets during the pandemic requires caution while prioritizing the safety and health of the public and visiting tourists. Using a qualitative descriptive method with documentation study and interviews to collect the data, this study aims to identify the opportunities...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Positive Thinking and Body Image in Youth in Yogyakarta

Ratna Yunita Setiyani Subardjo, Tia Indriana Putri, AbRahman Roseliza-Murni, Salina binti Nen, Nur Saadah binti Mohamad Aun
Background Physical appearance is one type of body image that is the main concern of a woman. If a woman has a positive mind on her body, she will not feel disturbed by her physical condition. On the other hand, a woman who fails to think positively, tends to be dissatisfied with her body...

Learners’ Attitude Toward the Implementation of Standardized Test of Academic English Proficiency Test

Elok Putri Nimasari, Restu Mufanti, Rohfin Andria Gestanti
English language competence plays an importance role for social and economic sectors. As one of required skill for the market demands, English test is often conducted to measure one’s ability for both active and passive English language skills. Recent studies have found that the commonest international...

Building the Value of Mining Company Through a Financial Fundamental Theory Approach: Experience in Indonesia

Sriyono, Dany Putri Ekawati
Previous researchers have researched mining quite a lot, but the study has a lot of theorizing on production, optimization, and risk. Research on the condition of the Company’s economic micro has not done much before. This study aims to know and analyze Net Profit Margin, Earnings Per Share, and Growth...

Speech Act Politeness in Asking and Answering Questions in Discussion of Students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri

Dwima Jupriadi Putri, Ermanto Ermanto, Ngusman Abdul Manaf, Abdurahman Abdurahman
This research was encouraged by the lack of an explanation about the language politeness of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) students in Bariang Rao-rao. This study was aimed to describe the form and strategy of politeness in speech acts in asking and answering questions in classroom discussions. The...

Perceptions of the Mahir Mahar Housing Complex Community about the Weekly Market During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Jalan Tangkalasa Palangka Raya

Windy Utami Putri, Rinto Alexandro
This study aims to determine the community’s perception of the Mahir Mahar housing complex about the Weekly Market during the COVID-19 pandemic on Jalan Tangkalasa Palangka Raya. In this study using qualitative research which reveals the phenomena in society using descriptive methods. The result of this...
Proceedings Article

Microsatellite Marker LEI0258 Variability in Six Indonesian Local Chicken Populations

Fatmawati Mustofa, Aprilianna Putri Zahara N L Sari, Akhmad Fathoni, Heru Sasongko, Dwi Nur Happy Hariyono, Prabuddha Manjula, Jun Heon Lee, Dyah Maharani
The microsatellite LEI0258 is a genetic marker for chicken MHC haplotypes and can be used to study the influence of population genetics on immune responses. In this study, we investigated the variability of the LEI0258 locus in 173 chickens from six Indonesian local chicken populations (Black Kedu Pelung,...

Study on the Effectiveness of Bank Indonesia’s QRIS Payment System Policy Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province in Supporting MSME Economic Growth

Puteri Ayu Pratiwi, Rosdiana Mata, Putri Ariyani Anwar
This study aims to provide information on the Effectiveness of Bank Indonesia's QRIS Payment System Policy at the Representative Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province in Supporting MSME Economic Growth. The problems faced by Bank Indonesia ENT in the payment system policy mix through QRIS are that...

Building a New Future of Transforming Jakarta into Green and Sustainable Model Smart City

Danielle Kai Ying, Alysha Samantha Antonius, Yossy Fauziah, Virgie Alyka Putri, Fuad Wahdan Muhibuddin
Studies have shown that the earth has taken massive damages due to unsustainable living methods humans have applied over the last decades. Hence, this study attempted to review various methods in supporting the SDGs and the possibilities in conducting them. Such modification is ought to be implemented...

Analysis of Cohesive Devices in Teaching Dialogues

Sri Suningsih, Lidya Ayuni Putri, Winia Waziana
This study aimed to identify the types of cohesive devices used by the teacher during the teaching-learning process. The data were analyzed using Halliday and Hasan’s theory (1976) taken from the transcript of the English teaching video recorded in the private high school in Lampung. The method applied...

Religious Learning on Students Believe in Sapta Dharma at School

Rochayani, Handika Mukti, Eka Putri, Rini Iswari, Asma Luthfi
Religious education is a right that must be given to every citizen according to their religion and. However, access to religious learning for students who believe in Sapta Dharma at school is still limited and not maximized like other religious studies such as Islamic, Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist,...

Using Group Therapy to Resolve Social Adjustment Problems of Sojourner Students at Universitas Indonesia

Fadhilah Amalia, Lathifah Hanum, Augustine Dwi Putri Sukarlan
This research was conducted to study the effect of group therapy using a cognitive behavioral approach to improve social adjustment of sojourner students at Universitas Indonesia. Social self-efficacy is known as a trait that can affect social adjustment. Some student's problems with social interaction...
Proceedings Article

Development of Teacher Modules for Learning Manipulative Movement for Autistic Students

Rama Kurniawan, Dwi Putri Noviardah, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Cahyo Nugroho Sigit
The problem for Special School teachers today is that they have difficulty delivering manipulative motion material to students with different child conditions. This research and development aim is to develop a teacher module in learning manipulative motion material for class IV SDLB with autism with...
Proceedings Article

Sensory Properties Characterization of Freeze-Dried Strawberries

W. Yuliani, R. M. Putri, D. Ismoyowati, M. A. F. Falah
Strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa var. Mencir) are sub-tropical herbaceous fruits that are in great demand by the world community and have promising business opportunities, including perishable commodities, which are quickly damaged so they have a short shelf life. Therefore, it is necessary to use post-harvest...
Proceedings Article

Genetic Diversity of the Prolactin Gene in Three Indonesian Ducks

Aprilianna Putri Zahara Nafsina Luvita Sari, Akhmad Fathoni, Heru Sasongko, Dwi Nur Happy Hariyono, Dewi Sari Kumalawati, Dyah Maharani
The Prolactin gene is a candidate gene associated with egg production due to its crucial role in the production and reproduction of poultry. This study aimed to identify the polymorphisms of the prolactin gene in Indonesian local duck breeds. For that purpose, three duck breeds, namely Bayang (n= 25),...

The Efforts of School Principal in Improving Quality of Learning Through Non-Thematic Learning Supervision in Elementary School

Selvi Ayuseva Anggraeni, Indah Amelia, Putri Wulandari, Risa Oktavianingrum, Maulana Amirul Adha, Roby Muhammad Gunawan, Juharyanto
This study aimed to describe: (1) the implementation of non-thematic learning; (2) the implementation of non-thematic supervision; (3) the techniques / methods used in supervising non-thematic learning; and (4) the follow-up of non-thematic learning supervision. This study uses a qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Activities of Staphylococcus sciuri APD7 Isolate Sponge-Associated Aplysina sp. Against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus

Delfiani Anggias Putri, Risky Hadi Wibowo, Sipriyadi, Welly Darwis, Choirul Muslim, Salprima Yudha, Hizkia Puspa Pertiwi
Sponges including multicellular animals, do not have actual tissues and organs, and are the simplest animals structurally. Sponges are also a group of marine life that is symbiotic with the microbial community. Microbes that have formed a symbiotic relationship with a sponge will produce secondary metabolites...

The Use of Virtual Media to Improve Teaching Abilities for Pre-Service Teachers

Rahmawati, Suroto, Rahmah Dianti Putri, Fanni Rahmawati
Students in implementing school field introduction (PLP) often face teaching practice problems. Teaching practice skills are speaking skills in front of the class that is absolutely a need for students, especially FKIP students who will mainly become teachers in schools. This study aims to determine...

Strategic Communication and Performance Management For Research and Development: A Review of Literature Proposed Research Agenda

Yuliani Rachma Putri, A.K. Siti Nabiha, Zubir Azhar
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a review on the normative and empirical literature and on the role of strategic communication in conducting, implementing and institutionalising the performance management system for R&D activities. The nature of manager’s role in communicating the key performance...

Indonesia Mass Media Are Males: The news coverage of "Bakmi Janda" noodle eatery

Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, Ms Mutiah
This research focuses on how male gazing are practiced by Indonesia mass media when they report the opening of “Bakmi janda”, a noodle eatery that is identically with separated women or widows. The author observed, it should be culinary genre that is supposed to discuss a lot of culinary products and...