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189597 articles
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing Health Seeking Behavior Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Azka Fathiyatir Rizqillah, Atun Raudatul Ma’rifah
Non-communicable disease is an enormous challenge for both national and international health system due to its rapidly increasing incidents and prevalence during the last three decades. Moreover, there are still many undiagnosed diabetes mellitus cases in Indonesia. Both undiagnosed cases and diagnosed...

Management Challenges in the Age of Digital Disruption

George H. Stonehouse, Nataliya Yu. Konina
Accelerated global market shifts and digital economy have become a reality. Digital economy is growing and evolving fast. Digital technologies have made much easier access to global capital, talent and other resources. Emerging markets companies have become global competitors for established firms from...

Analysis of Benefits and Obstacles from E-Budgeting Implementation in Educational Organizations

Aan Yudha Nugraha, Udik Budi Wibowo
This paper reviews theoretically which aims to provide insight into how management information system (MIS) e-budgeting information systems are implemented, what are the benefits and obstacles in their implementation, and why is e-budgeting important for an educational organization? This is important...

What Company Can Learn From Employee Turnover Intention

Mochamad Rizki Sadikin, Junaedi Junaedi, Annis Raka Prianti
This research was conducted to analyze the Effect of Job Stress, Work Environment, and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention of Donut Company and Shops. The object of was permanent employees at Donut Company and Shop Jakarta area. It was conducted on 115 respondents using a causal method. Therefore,...

Beyond Neuroscience Cognitivism: Criticism of Substance and Structural Dualisms

Joni Fischer Gerson
The Cartesian dualism of body and soul no longer finds resonance in the means of scientific research. Recent discovery in the brain functioning have rekindled the debate. Neuroscientists and philosophers propose to overcome the puzzle that represents the person, in the midst of a culture in which it...

Features of Language Interference in the Process of Learning Chinese as a Second Foreign Language in Russia*

Tatiana M. Soloveva, Maia A. Egorova
The article deals with a problem of a language interference in the process of learning foreign languages with the stress on Chinese language by Russian-speaking students. The author is using his own experience in the course of studying this problem and makes an attempt to show the roots of the problem...

A Wearable Urinalysis Device Based on Inclusive Design Theory

Hao-Tian Zhang, Zhao-Chu Yang, Tao Dong
With the development of the social process, China has entered an age of aging, and the proportion of the disabled elderly is gradually increasing. Therefore, the demand for products of this vulnerable group will gradually increase in the future. This paper proposes the concept and principle of inclusive...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Digital Fabrication in Architecture, Case Study: Prototyping a Scale Model

Hendro Trieddiantoro Putro, Wiliarto Wirasmoyo
Technological developments in architecture continued such as parametric design methods with computational optimization process and digital fabrication to make a scale model. Digital fabrication defined as the process of manipulating objects using CNC router machines, 3D printers, and laser cutters through...

Learning Models Development Based on Biblical Christianity Worldview in World History Courses

Jossapat Hendra Prijanto, Budi Wibawanta
The learning model in the World History course that is in accordance with the Biblical perspective can have an impact, especially on students in perceiving topics in the course. The purpose of this study is finding student learning experiences in world history courses, and to develop a biblical Christian...
Proceedings Article

Moral Dilemma Stories in Football Games to Develop Moral Judgment in Elementary School Students

Kama Abdul Hakam, Ratna Fitriya, Siti Nurbayani, Risa Wismaliya
The moral dilemma story developed by Kohlberg is part of moral education in schools, one of which is in Sports Physical Education and Health subjects in Elementary Schools. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive description of the concepts and implementation of moral dilemma stories...

The Influence of Dulohupa Method on Community Empowerment

Abdul Rahmat
This study examines the effect of the dulohupa method on community empowerment in Gorontalo Province. The purpose of the study is to test the hypothesis of Dulohupa method on community empowerment. The method used is an experimental method one group pretest-posttest design. A sample of 36 people. Normality...

COVID-19 in the Shadows of MERS-CoV in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mazin Barry, Maha Al Amri, Ziad A. Memish
Pages: 1 - 3
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) has plagued the Middle East since it was first reported in 2012. Recently, at the end of December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases were reported from Wuhan city, Hubei Province, China, linked to a wet seafood market with a new coronavirus identified...

Analysis of Nutritional and Fatty Acid Composition of a Bowl of Meatball Soup in Malang, Indonesia

Rina Rifqie Mariana, Nony Aji Sunaryo
This study aimed at analysing the nutritional and fatty acid composition of a bowl of meatball soup sold by 5 bakso Malang restaurants in Malang, Indonesia. The analysis was performed according to the instructions for food and beverage testing outlined in the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 01-2891-1992....
Proceedings Article

Improving Multidrug-Resistance Tuberculosis Papua’s Management Using Whole Genome Sequencing

Yustinus Maladan, Hana Krismawati, Antonius Oktavian, C. S Whinie Lestari
One of the challenges in TB control of Papua is increasing number of multidrug-resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The aim of the study is to imply the WGS tools for predicting TB drugs resistance even MDR as well XDR in clinical samples as an initiation model of laboratory improvement for accurate treatment...
Research Article

A Note on Spirals and Curvature

Johan Gielis, Diego Caratelli, Peijian Shi, Paolo Emilio Ricci
Pages: 1 - 8
Starting from logarithmic, sinusoidal and power spirals, it is shown how these spirals are connected directly with Chebyshev polynomials, Lamé curves, with allometry and Antonelli-metrics in Finsler geometry. Curvature is a crucial concept in geometry both for closed curves and equiangular spirals, and...

Universe Created by Allah Equation of Hahslm 472319 as Big Bang Concept and Eid Pray Symbols

Roikhan Mochamad Aziz
This reflexivity research aims to find the consistency of the Theory of Hahslm derived from Quran 15.87 to other empirical studies about the creation of the universe such as the Big Bang concept and the Golden Ratio. In addition, fasting and the concept of creation in Islamic life are analogous to the...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Priority Scale in Handling National Road Maintenance in Banten

Novel Ridwan, Leksmono Suryo Putranto
National road should be maintained periodically to keep its performance in a serviceable condition. Banten is a province next to the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. Therefore, road maintenance in this area must be conducted properly. Banten is one of the areas in Indonesia, in which the national road...

Indonesia Tax Authority Measure on Facing the Challenge in Taxing Digital Economy

Maria R.U.D. Tambunan, Haula Rosdiana
Pages: 1 - 10
This article is intended to examine the challenges of taxing digital economy due to rapid development of technology in Indonesia. Those changes should be responded equally from the government perspective pertaining to the changes in tax regulation, structure/institutional of tax organization, human resources...

Cognitive Bias in a Disruptive Era: How Thinking Patterns Affects Academic Performance and Health

Ali Maksum, Fifuka D. Khory
In a disruptive era marked by rapid changes and an abundance of information, the occurrence of cognitive biases becomes difficult to avoid. Individuals are more confident in something perceived than the facts and actual data. Emotions are stronger than reason. In a neuropsychological perspective, people...

Dynamic Systems with Baseline Exponential Distribution Based on Sequential Order Statistics Under a Power Trend for Hazard Rates

Majid Hashempour, Mahdi Doostparast
Pages: 1 - 9
This paper deals with analyzing dynamic engineering systems consisting of independent components. The failure of a components causes more load on the surviving components. This property is modeled by a power trend conditionally proportional hazard rates. For modeling system lifetimes, the theory of sequential...

Micro Waqf Bank: New Sharia Financial Instruments in Indonesia

Siska Lis Sulistiani, Muhammad Yunus, Eva Misfah Bayuni
This research aims to study and improve the benefits of micro waqf banks as Islamic microfinance institutions that have only been pioneered since 2017 in Indonesia. The research method used was qualitative research using normative juridical through interview and literature study methods, and analyzed...

Existence of Institutions and Officials in Land Registration Activities in the Early Independence in Indonesia

Isdian Anggraeny, Nur Putri Hidayah, Isdiyana Kusuma Ayu
Land Registration is a very important issue because it is the beginning of the birth process of proof of ownership of land rights. It is important that the land registration issue so that the country needs to issue legislation governing land registration activities throughout Indonesia. Departing from...

YouTube Adoption: Promoting Local Government Transparency?

Zailani Surya Marpaung, Anang Dwi Santoso
Youtube is a social media platform for the exchange of videos where the public can demonstrate their engagement by watching, sharing and commenting. Local governments have gradually adopted it, in particular for transparency purposes. Unfortunately, there has been not much research explored the use of...

Mathematical Conjecturing Ability in Junior High School Students on the Material of Angles, Lines, and Two Dimensional Figure

Yani Supriani, Ria Noviana Agus, Usep Sholahudin
Mathematical cognitive ability, is an ability that supports students’ skills in learning mathematics. One of the cognitive abilities developed is the mathematical conjecturing ability in junior high school students. Conjecture is the reason why someone has a belief, an explanation of why a belief is...
Proceedings Article

Agility Side Step Test Development Test Device Motion Sensor Based

Wahyu Cahyo Baskoro, Imran Akhmad, Nurhayati Simatupang
Agility is a very important component in sports activities. Almost every sport requires agility as a differentiator for everyone’s physical skills. Various agility instruments have been created such as Side Step Test, Illinois Agility Run, Shuttle Run Test, Zig Zag Test, T-Test, Agility Cone Drill, Arrowhead...

The Role of the Subdistrict Head in Conflict Settlement (Study Case: The Conflict Between the Community and the Police in Tabir Subdistrict in 2016)

Navarin Karim, Nur Sukmawati, Musyaiyadah
This research aims to explore the factors that influence conflict, the resolution of disputes from subdistrict head, as well as the impact caused by the conflicts between the community and the Police in Tabir district. To collect data, this study used a descriptive qualitative method such as observation,...

Efficiency, Asset Quality and Stability: Comparative Study of Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks in Southeast Asia

Vanica Serly, Dian Fitria Handayani
This study aims to analyze the differences in efficiency, asset quality, and stability in Islamic banks (Ib) and conventional banks (Cb) in Southeast Asia. To measure the efficiency, it uses DEA analyzing of input and output of Ib and Cb, namely input (total deposits, personnel expense, and fixed assets)...

Exploring Textual Function Realization in Corruption Courtroom Discourse

T. Silvana Sinar, T. Thyrhaya Zein, Nurlela, Muhammad Yusuf
This study deals with exploring the use of textual function in corruption courtroom discourse realized by Theme-Rheme structure in a clause uttered by judge, prosecutors, witness, and defender. Qualitative method was employed as the research design. The data were in the form of clauses gained from corruption...

Research on the Development of Financial Industry Under the Background of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Fei Lin
With the development of modern information technology, the integration of high and new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence with traditional industries is getting closer and closer. In this context, big data finance and intelligent finance gradually become the focus of research and...

The Cultivation of Business Analysis Talents in the Background of Big Data

Kaixuan Liu
With the development of economic globalization, people have entered the era of big data, business analysis plays a vital role in the development of enterprises. It can be said that every industry needs relevant business analysis in order to get the most effective decision for the development of its industry....

The Effect of Accountant Professional Ethic’s Education and Religiosity on Student’s Perception of Accountant’s Ethical Behavior (Study on Indonesia College of Economics Bachelor of Accounting Students)

Rini Ratnaningsih, Al-Hadi, Apry Linda Diana
This study purposed to test, obtain empirical evidence whether there is an influence on the accounting professional ethics of accountants and religiosity on students’ perceptions of accountant’s unethical behaviour. This research was conducted to observe at the relationship between professional ethics...

An Assessment of the Objectives of Decentralization in Aceh Autonomous Region

Muhammad Razi, Khairil Azmin Mokhtar
After about two decades, decentralization gained momentum in Aceh, it is timely to assess to what extent the aims and objectives of the decentralization have been achieved. This research paper initially seeks to determine the underlying factors and causes of the decentralization in Aceh Special Region....

Changing Society’s Mind Set in Managing Rural Development: A Way of Educators in Balancing Prosperity of Cities and Rural Areas

Lince Sihombing
Living a prosperous life is a right of every nation. In order to have this prosperity, government’s assistance is badly needed. The assistance varies in various aspects of life for citizens and villagers. One of this is having skills in managing their way of life, which varies in done and involved with...

Examining the Firm Value Based on Signaling Theory

Acep Komara, Imam Ghozali, Indira Januarti
The value of the company is an important factor considered by the company to create increased prosperity of shareholders. With the increase in the value of the company reflected in the price book value, it will give a positive perception of the investor on the invested investment. Therefore, this article...

The Concept of the Historical Development of Geometric Knowledge in the Aspect of Synergetic Methodology

E Shangina
In this article the author explores the evolution of geometrical knowledge and gives a forecast of their further historical development. This is important from a practical point of view, because geometric knowledge and visually imaginative language of geometric modeling is used in many fields of professional...

Study on Severity and Influencing Factors of Injury at Intersections

Linlin Wang, Junyou Zhang, Yuan Feng
Intersections are the places where traffic accidents occur frequently. As the hub of urban transportation, ensuring the efficient and safe operation of vehicles has become a problem that needs to be solved. The research on the mechanism of the severity of traffic accident injury at intersections can...

An Analysis of Kinship Term Translation in Hong Lou Meng

Liqun Tsao
Hong Lou Meng is an outstanding masterpiece in Chinese Literature, ranking with Hamlet and War and Peace. In terms of language and culture, the novel is regarded as more an elegantly-conceived cultural encyclopedia than a story. There are two noted versions of translation of this book, namely, Yang Xianyi...

Delayed Posttraumatic Tension Pneumocephalus: A Rare Case Report and Review of the Literature

Tawfiq Abdulmohsen Almezeiny, Mody Abdulrahman Almarshad
Pages: 1 - 3
Pneumocephalus (PNC) is defined as a pathological air collection inside the skull in the epidural, subdural, subarachnoid, intraventricular, or intraparenchymal compartments. The rate at which the air accumulates inside the cranium could be acute (<72 h) or delayed (≥72 h). Tension PNC (TP) occurs...
Proceedings Article

Sociodemographic, Knowledge, and Attitude Determinants of Lymphatic Filariasis Medication Adherence in Subang, Indonesia

Mutiara Widawati, Endang Puji Astuti, Andri Ruliansyah, Yuneu Yuliasih
Background: Adherence to lymphatic filariasis (LF) medication during the mass drug administration (MDA) program is an important factor for the success of the LF elimination program. Low adherence rate will likely increase the risk of filariasis transmission in the community. This study was aimed to explore...

Strategies and Tactics of Evaluative Discourse

Ganna Prihodko, Oleksandra Prykhodchenko, Marina Zaluzhna, Galina Moroshkina
The investigation involves the analysis and description of communicative strategies and tactics within evaluative discourse. Evaluative discourse is understood as a complex communicative phenomenon that includes, in addition to linguistic, extralinguistic factors (knowledge about the world, sociocultural...

Recurse Model: Cognitive Learning on Online Purchase Decisions

Irwan Christanto Edy, Riyanto
Online purchasing decisions are online consumer behavior and are an interesting phenomenon in research. This study aims to prove the concept that online consumer purchasing decisions are influenced by cognitive learning behavior. The main theory underlying this research is consumer behavior and learning....

Approach to a Negotiated Criminal Justice System

Juan Carlos Ferré Olivé, Isabel Morón Pendás
This article discusses the system of compliance judgments in the United States and its influence of its application in Spanish law. Moreover, the article includes positive and negative arguments in relation to such application. As to positive arguments we can consider, for example, the reduction in the...

Designing Comic Book as a Medium for Learning Tenses and Aspect in English

Wildan Hanif, Irma Rachminingsih
English proficiency is absolutely necessary for Indonesian students to succeed in international competition. Some English lessons relatively difficult to be comprehended by Indonesian students are related to tenses and aspects. There must be creativity in teaching, such as incorporating the lessons in...

Boosting Teacher’s Perception and Deeds in Indonesian Schools for the Character Education to Thrive

Dasim Budimansyah, Nugraha Suharto, Iik Nurulpaik
The ministerial reform on character education in Indonesian schools and its effect on school practices remain a challenge as the roles of school leadership have been significantly unaddressed. This study aimed to examine the effect of school managerial practices on teachers’ beliefs and perceptions in...

Optimism in the Youth Mental Health Online Counselling Environment

Andi Thahir, Anisa Mawarni, Sulastri
Optimism is part of positive mental health that is very important for achieving prosperity. Teenagers who have high optimism have a tendency to believe in expecting the best in their lives. But in the social development of adolescents is still questionable. The purpose of this study is to try to find...

Tutorial Video as Learning Media in Art and Culture Extracurricular at SMA N 3 Boyolali

Aan Ardian, Adam Wahida, Edi Kurniadi
Has become quite close to students life either digital or printed. It has given them imagination and become visual language to express their ideas.Nevertheless, they seem to not do their best in creating the comic. The comic making tutorial video may be an ideal and efficient alternative media for those...

Consumer’s Legal Protection Due to the Cancelling of Condommonium Construction Whole Sale and Purchase Agreement Already Made Before the Notary (Case Study on Condommonium Units in Palembang City)

Farsia Nitama, Aad Rusyad Nurdin
Palembang City has already developed into one of metropolitan cities in Indonesia, so it has the strategic significance as the main point of growth and development in a region due to economies which are being concentrated therein. These make the development of storeyed housing (flat/apartment) units...

Prospects of Investment Activity of Industrial Corporations in the Conditions of the Transformational Stage of Economic Development and Cooperation

Petr A. Levchaev, Khezazna Badar, H.K. Al-Shaeli Mohammed
The study of the problems of investment activity of corporations in the conditions of the transformational stage of economic development and cooperation is currently quite relevant. This is due to the ongoing processes of globalization and the formation of the digital economic system in developed countries....
Proceedings Article

A Review of Challenge and Prospect of No-Tillage Practice to Sustain Spices Cropping Systems in North Maluku

Lily Ishak, Sarni, Erwin Ladjinga, Ramli Hadun
No-tillage or zero-tillage has been adopted for years by local farmers to sustain islands-based tropical spices cropping systems across the North Maluku region. Various studies in other parts of the world have proven a remarkable effect of this practice on soil health indicated by the enhancement of...