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Proceedings Article
#Localpride in Online Media: The Rise of Indonesia Local Brand
Heidy Arviani, Ratih Pandu Mustikasari, Safrie Anas Priambodo, Putri Nada Camilia Lubna
In 2014 there was an invitation to love products and love the capabilities of the Indonesian nation. Many Influencers and other celebrities joined in enlivening the hashtags #BanggaBuatanIndonesia and #Localpride through their accounts. The Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged local brands to use social...
Proceedings Article
Juridical Review of Trade Secrets of the Traditional Food Burayot
Hermansyah Hermansyah, Tetep Tetep, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Hilmy Nurfaizan
This research intends to protect the protection of trade secrets for protection and home industry businesses such as traditional Burayot food in Garut Regency so that this will maintain the protection of Burayot as a local Garut product that can help maintain local and national and international economic...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of E-Commerce for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) in Covid 19 Pandemic Era
Ihwana As’ad, Muhammad Alwi, Bestfy Anitasari, Alfry Aristo J Sinlae, Fresy Nugroho, Khairul Anwar
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on all sectors of people’s lives. One of the sectors that greatly affected was the economic sector. Micro, small, and medium enterprises are one part of the community’s economic activities that are trying to stay afloat, although not infrequently some are forced...
Proceedings Article
A Machine Learning Analysis of Groundwater Heavy Metals Contamination
K. Sankari, R. Subhashini, P. Mohana
This project’s objective is to classify as safe and unsafe levels of heavy metals using machine learning. In the southern state of Tamil Nadu, samples of groundwater collected from the Arani Taluk were used to generate these levels. An integrated machine-learning framework was developed during this study...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Perception on an ICT-Based Lesson Plan Workshop: Does It Improve Their Pedagogical Competence?
Yati Aisya Rani, Dadi Satria, Dinovia Fannil Kher, Carbiriena Solusia
In this digital era, it is proper for all parts of education providers to have skills in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which are continuously honed and developed. ICT is the right choice as a tool to move the face-to-face learning process to an online platform when the government takes...
Proceedings Article
Practice Rehearsal Pairs Strategy in Learning Reading News
Ai Sylvia Nurpiansari, Rahman, Haris Santosa Nugraha
Practicing news anchor using reading aloud skill is important to increase student’s ability in understanding the contents of the news and how they deliver information to the audience. This research was done in the teaching and learning of the Sundanese news items through 4 aspects in news anchor: understanding...
Proceedings Article
Research on Virtual Music Teaching Guidance System
Jie Ding
With the rapid development of scientific and technological information, information technology has been widely used in the teaching of various disciplines. The rapid development and popularization of Internet technology has brought great convenience to people's work, life and study, and also brought...
Proceedings Article
Research on Two-Way Hedging Strategy of Baosteel
Peihong Chen, Chenghang Jiang
The iron and steel industry is the core industry of the ferrous metal industry and its development is related to the steady state and growth of the economy. As a world-class iron and steel conglomerate, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. Imports, produces, and consumes large amounts of iron and steel...
Proceedings Article
Audit Committee Characteristics and Sustainability Reporting in Indonesia
Siska Aprianti, Didik Susetyo, Inten Meutia, Luk Luk Fuadah
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of audit committee characteristics such as size, independence, committee meetings, and audit committee expertise on the sustainability report by using secondary data from annual reports of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020. The sample consists of...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Education in the Digitalization of the Home Industry as a Solution to Unemployment in the Era of Society 5.0
Mohammad Zaini, Machfudz, Hilda Yulianti
Unemployment is one of the main challenges faced by Indonesia in facing the Society 5.0 era which is characterized by digitalization and advanced technology. To overcome this problem, digitalization of the home industry has been identified as one of the promising solutions. This article aims to examine...
Proceedings Article
Poso Terrorism Network System
Muhammad Nur Ali, Rahmat Bakri, Muthia Aryuni
The social conflict between community groups in Poso City that broke out at the end of 1998 immediately spread to all corners of the village in the Poso Regency area. Furthermore, conflicts between community groups that were held were given a segregative content and label between religions, ethnicities,...
Series: Advances in Physics Research
Proceedings Article
Wave Energy Attenuation Levels Based On Various Coastal Building Scenarios
Sabhan Sabhan, Abd. Rahman, Magdalena Gloria Botilangi, Hosiana M. D. Labania, Sitti Rugayya, Muhammad Rusli, Muhammad Rusydi
The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150-250 words. The research aims to determine the level of wave energy attenuation in various coastal building scenarios. Data collection was carried out at wave frequencies of 1Hz, 2Hz and 3Hz. The variables measured involve...
Proceedings Article
The Interests and the Conflict Vortex in Wadas Village: A Karl Marx Perspective
Abdul Kadir Jaelani, Reza Octavia Kusumaningtyas
The influence of Karl Marx’s theories on legal philosophy and jurisprudence is the subject of an ongoing debate. Conflict theory acknowledges that disagreements and discord arise within social structures. Furthermore, this theory examines various forms of authority that give rise to disputes that culminate...
Proceedings Article
Perceptions and Willingness of Young Citizens for Covid-19 Vaccination in Indonesia
Meidi Saputra, Jauhari Oka Reuwpassa
The purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions and willingness of young citizens to be vaccinated against Covid 19. This study uses an online survey from Google Form with 376 respondents. The results of this study found that the average age of the respondents was 19 years, and the majority...
Proceedings Article
Habituating Ecotourism as an Effort to Accelerate the Recovery of Indonesian Tourism
Maria Ulfah Catur Afriasih, Rina Watye
The development of ecotourism in Indonesia is increasingly in demand by the public. Ecotourism is a concept that combines ecological and environmental protection, as well as sustainable economic growth. This research looked at how environmental awareness, perceived environmental value, consumer effectiveness,...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Product Quality, Attitude, and Price Perception on Souvenir T-Shirt Purchase Behavior in Yogyakarta
Fikri Farhan, Rifqotun Nafiah, Guruh Ghifar Zalzalah, Latifah Putranti
Yogyakarta is one of the provinces in Indonesia most visited by tourists. Apart from traveling, visitors also buy lots of souvenirs. One of the souvenirs that many tourists buy is souvenir t-shirts. In Yogyakarta, there are many souvenir t-shirt manufacturers. Therefore, this study aims to examine the...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) for students in Jayapura City
Mina Blandina Ayomi
Indonesia now has a higher rate of NCDs. Increases were seen in the prevalence of cancer (1.4%), stroke (10.9%), diabetes mellitus (6.9% to 8.5%), chronic renal disease (2% to 3.8%), and hypertension (25.8% to 34.1%). Lifestyle and society have a role in the rising incidence of NCDs (Riskedas, 2018)....
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Big Data Analysis on Urban Planning Governance: How is Big Data Used to Plan Urban Management?
Eny Boedi Orbawati, Retno Dewi Pramodia Ahsani
Big data is a collection of structured and unstructured data in large volumes and stored in one unit from the internet of things (IoT). In the government planning sector, big data is a supportive instrument to find gaps and weaknesses in governance. This study aims to analyze the use of big data in urban...
Proceedings Article
Integrated Teaching Reform of LRSPW Curriculum Based on Informatization Technology
Yang Zhao, Xiangrong Jiang, Yongling Wang, Jianfeng Li
“Internet+ mobile terminal” has been a major development trend in teaching informatization in the universities with the emergence of Web 3.0 technology. This paper provides an informatization teaching mode that aims to improve the innovative course of Literature Retrieval and Scientific Paper Writing...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Corporate Governance and MD&A on Agency Costs
Masthuroh, Lindrianasari, Usep Syaipudin
Agency cost is an economic concept that refers to the costs associated with the relationship between the “principal”, and the “agent”. There are many things that can affect agency cost. This article aims to discuss several corporate governance factors that can affect agency costs, these factors include:...
Proceedings Article
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder Triggered by Childhood Trauma: A Case Report
Dewi Gita Maharani, Vita Camellia
Extensive research has established a strong association between adverse childhood experiences, such as abuse and neglect, and the onset of schizophrenia. Childhood trauma significantly impacts psychological development, increasing the risk for various mental health disorders later in life. This case...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Sustainability Reports, Enterprise Risk Management and Profitability on Stock Performance in the Indonesian Coal & Mineral Mining Sector
Dody Sukoco, Risqi Hermansyah, Rahmattullah Maulana, Devi Valeriani, Abu Nizarudin
The goal of this study is to look at the impact of three elements on stock performance. Sustainability Report, Enterprise Risk Management, and Profitability. Purposive sampling was utilized. The study’s sample consisted of Mining and Coal Industry Companies listed on the IDX from 2019 to 2023, with 82...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Reflective Thinking Ability Based on Their Prior Knowledge in Solving Geometry Problems
Ayun Siwi Damastuti, Triyanto, Farida Nurhasanah
Mathematics is an important subject in education. Mathematics learning in schools focused on problem-solving ability. One of thinking skills necessary for solving the math problem is reflective thinking. Reflective thinking is one component of higher-order thinking skills. The purpose of this study was...
Proceedings Article
Implications of Financial Management on Family Economic Welfare Moderated by Household Financial Literacy
Rizky Firmansyah, Vera Tri Julianti, Dediek Tri Kurniawan, Ahmad Arif Widianto, Mohd Rizal Palil
The purpose of this study is to reveal the implications of the strength of household financial literacy on the effect of financial management on family economic welfare. Economic problems can occur due to the lack of household ability to plan their finances and the low interest in household financial...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Public Debt to Economic Development - The Case of Vietnamese Economic Development in the Next Decade (2023–2033)
Anh Duc Tran, Hanh Thi Le, Khong Sin Tan, Long Duc Bao Nguyen, Ai Tran, Van Thi Nguyen
In the context of international and regional integration, Vietnam is encountering enormous challenges, especially in economic development. The most favoured cross-cutting principle for capital-related solutions is that domestic capital plays the central role and borrowings are also very important. This...
Proceedings Article
Empirical Research on Innovation of Internet Financial Regulatory System Based on Big Data Technology
Yingyun Zhang, Cheng Huang
Big data technology has great application value in Internet finance, which can well solve the problem of supervision failure caused by the rapid development of Internet finance in China. Based on the panel data of 31 provinces and cities in China from 2013 to 2019, this paper constructed a panel regression...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Environmental Ethics in Ecopedagogy-Based Geography Learning by Teachers on Environmental Sustainability
Puspita Indra Wardhani, Hastari Setyo Palupi, Wahyu Widyatmoko, Muhammad Musiyam, Siti Hadiyati Nur Hafida, Elok Surya Pratiwi
School teachers’ application of environmental ethics needs to be comprehensively studied because it plays a vital role in shaping students’ character who cares about the environment from an early age. However, research on environmental ethics in schools rarely gets attention, especially in Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article
The Grades and Educational Attitude: An Investigation on Cognition Status of Puppy Love Between Teachers and Students—Taking a High School in Sichuan as an Example
Junying Lu
In China, studies about puppy love have been getting more attention, especially in high schools. In the past, it was believed that puppy love had a negative impact on students’ academic performance. However, many research on puppy love lack data support. Therefore, the paper combines qualitative and...
Proceedings Article
Important for Early Literacy Intervention Children with Dyslexia
Nurul Shofiah, Zulmy Faqihuddin Putera
This study exposes initial screening, assessment diagnostics, monitoring progress for a child with dyslexia, and intervention for a child with dyslexia. This method used systematic literature review approaches (SLR). The database or dataset used for literature research is Google Scholar in Perish or...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of Project Based Learning (PjBL) Teaching Materials on Engineering Materials and Evaluation Procedures
Kurnisar, Sri Artati Waluyati, Sulkipani, Ana Dwi Kusuma, Cindy Aisyah Pragista
This study aims to determine the analysis of the needs for teaching materials based on Project based Learning (PjBL) on technical materials and learning evaluation procedures, in the Civics Study Program. The concept of Project Based Learning is a learning method that uses project design, development,...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Annealing Temperatures on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 22MnB5 Hot Stamping Steel
B. Yang, H. L. Liu, T. Jing, Y. Chen
In this paper, the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of 22MnB5 hot stamping steel at different annealing temperatures was studied by optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and universal tensile test machine. The results showed that the tensile strength and yield...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Different Types of Biochar Sources and Organic Fertilizers on Soybean Growth in Kayu Putih Agroforestry Systems
Aprilia Ike Nurmalasari, Maria Theresia Sri Budiastuti, Muji Rahayu, Ariya Mahmud Tahannantha Agung
Dry land based on agroforestry has the potential to be utilized, but there are limiting factors such as low soil fertility. The use of organic fertilizers and biochar can increase soil fertility. The purpose of this study was to examine the response of soybean growth to the application of types of organic...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Notary in Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement (PPJB) System in Law Number 11 Year 2020 Regarding Job Creation
Winoto Joyokusumo
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the role of Notary in Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement System in Law Number 11 Year 2020 regarding Job Creation. The method used in this legal research normative method, where most of the literature mentions normative research in principle as...
Proceedings Article
Ethnomathematic Exploration on Cassava Leaf Painting Batik
Ni Ketut Wedastuti
Ethnomathematics is the relationship between culture and mathematics that is found in the habits of society where people have unconsciously applied mathematical concepts in their culture or habits. The habits referred to in this study are what the batik makers do in making one sheet of finished batik...
Proceedings Article
The Principle of Cooperation and the Principle of Student Manners in Learning Indonesian at SMA Negeri 5 Pinggir
Isna Nur Jannah, Ermanto
This study aims to describe the form of the principle of cooperation and the principle of student manners in learning Indonesian at SMA Negeri 5 Pinggir. The data collection technique used in this research is the recording technique and the free-talk listening technique. The data analysis technique consisted...
Proceedings Article
Stability and deformation control of deep foundation pits of half covered excavation subway in soft soil
Jianpeng Qin, Jie Yuan, Xiang Xiao, Yiheng Pan
A three-dimensional analysis model was established by finite element simulation to study the deformation and internal force changes of the cover plate, enclosure structure, support system, and surrounding soil during the excavation process of deep foundation pit at the Tatou Station of Fuzhou Metro Line...
Proceedings Article
Experimental Study on Sound Absorption Performance of a New Inorganic Sound-absorbing Material
Maowei Chen, Zhiyan Lin, Weigang Bai, Junwu Xia
A new inorganic sound-absorbing material is proposed with the background of the subways reduce the noise pollution by grouting behind the track wall. By using the standing wave tube method, we investigate the sound absorption coefficients of this new inorganic sound-absorbing material with water cement...
Proceedings Article
Reform of the Teaching Paradigm of Ideological and Political Education of Consumer Behaviour in Tourism by Big Data Analysis with Information Technology Change
Ranran Guo, Xuebing Zhang
The 19th National Congress of the CPC and the 2nd and 3rd Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC pointed out that we should deepen the comprehensive reform in the field of education, adhere to the core concept of deep integration of information technology with education and teaching,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Liquidity, Efficiency, and Overhead on Bank Profitability
Nanik Linawati, Moeljadi, Djumahir, Siti Aisjah
The bank’s top management’s efforts to manage the bank operations increase sustainable profitability. This study examines the effect of liquidity, efficiency, and bank overhead on the profitability of banks in Indonesia that implement digital banking. Bank profitability has an essential role as a measure...
Proceedings Article
Attributes Influencing Consumer Perception Towards Online Food Ordering in Rajasthan, India
David Campbell, Mohit Totuka, Chandra Kant Upadhyay
The number of customers who choose to buy food through a digital platform has increased significantly in recent years. The present study aims to find attributes of Online Food Ordering (OFO) company offerings that are important for customers to decide which company to select. The primary survey for data...
Proceedings Article
Shadow Banking: The Emergence, Development, and Regulation
Longsheng Chen
Since the 1980s, shadow banking has emerged and rapidly developed due to the rapid progress in financial liberalization and innovation in financial instruments, thereby fostering the prosperity of the global financial market. This study begins by examining the emergence and development of the shadow...
Proceedings Article
Some Notes of Iteration Double Sequences and Double Series on Real Number
Sahlan Sidjara, Muhammad Abdy, Rahmat Syam, Muhammad Harun Nur Rasyid, Farhan Dakhil Shyaa
A development of single sequences and single series (with domain
) is double sequences and double series (with domain
). The discussion in this research focuses...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Governance of One Data Indonesia (SDI) at the Communication and Information Office of Sukabumi City
Dicky Faizal Rachmat, Deddy Mulyadi, Sait Abdullah, Septiana Dwi Putrianti, Rita Nurliawati
Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia (SDI) mandates the openness and transparency of government data that is accurate, up-to-date, integrated, easily accessible and accountable. However, currently SDI management is not running optimally. This can be seen from sectoral...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Fama-French Five-Factor Model Applicability in Chinese A-Share Market
Zeyu Zhu
As it known that Fama and French proposed the five-factor model in 2015 and has been widely discussed by scholars and public. Being an emerging market, studying the Chinese stock market is of crucial importance, and Fama-French 5-factor model can be a very typical and effective tool for stock market...
Proceedings Article
Dynamic Scheduling Study of Flexible Job Shop Considering Machine Failure Rate
Wenmin Han, Zhuoya Feng, Jiahui Cai
For the flexible job shop dynamic scheduling problem, set machine priorities based on machine failure rates, a scheduling model with the objective of minimizing the maximum completion time and machine load balance ratio is established, and an improved ABC algorithm is designed to solve it. An external...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Share Waqf on Economic Resilience in Indonesia
Ridwan Fauzi, Nia Kurniasih, M. Anton Athoillah, Ilham Maulana
Waqf has become a form of Islamic philanthropy which has two aspects, namely worship, and social aspects. In addition, waqf has also become an instrument to be able to distribute wealth to those in need. Coupled with the development of waqf which is not only in the form of immovable objects, but movable...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Functional Hazard Assessment Aircraft Electrical System
Cyrilus Sukaca Budiono, Riski Kurniawan, Indro Lukito, Wahyudi Sumarwoto
The Aircraft electrical system used to supply electrical power for any systems such as navigation, communication, flight control, and others. The failure in the electrical system results in disruption of the supply of electrical energy which results in accidents and fatal accidents. For this reason,...
Proceedings Article
Exposing the Spectrum of Care An Alternative Way of Looking at Art and Neoliberalism
Muhammad Althaf Nandiati Yusfid, Muhamad Dilshad, Loga Priti Dewi, Annisa Shava Azzahra, Gadis Azalia Tiara Kasih
The term care has received attention lately, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the term, while indeed important, must be examined more closely, especially if it’s to be used to solve social problems. Care is usually seen as an opposition to neoliberalism. But this view is somewhat misleading...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Innovation, Risk-Taking, and Proactiveness on Business Performance Among MSMEs in Jakarta
Ivy Theresa, Nur Hidayah
The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the effect of innovation, risk taking, and proactiveness towards business performance. The sample used in this study were owners of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in North Jakarta. The sampling technique used is probability sampling with...
Proceedings Article
Beliefs about the Nature of Mathematics and Its Effects on Teaching and Assessment of Learning
Mutia Fariha, Rahmah Johar, Rini Oktavia, Mailizar Mailizar
Mathematics teacher beliefs are one of the mental models that are important for teachers to have in teaching mathematics. Three important aspects of mathematics teacher beliefs are beliefs about the nature of mathematics (BNM), beliefs about the teaching of mathematics (BTM), and beliefs about assessment...