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189025 articles

Study on the Fiscal and Taxation Policies of Land Fallow in China

Lingling Qin, Jinyao Li
Cultivated land is the most valuable agricultural resource. Facing the "red light" of environmental resources, such as the irrational agricultural resources, the food supply pressure of the over-population and the super-intensive utilization of water, taking advantage of the abundant timing of domestic...

Quality Improvement Of Corn Husk As Raw Material For Textile Products *

Hasdiana Hasdiana, Ayuddin Ayuddin
Corn is a prominent commodity in Gorontalo, Indonesia. Its productivity in Gorontalo continues to increase. While the focus in corn production is the kernel, the husk is considered as a waste. In this research, corn husk was processed in order to meet the quality standard of raw materials used in making...

Improving Teachers' Competence and Students' Character Through Lesson Study

Suherman, Supriadi
Lesson study (LS) at senior and junior high schools (SMAN 1, SMPN 1 and SMPN 2 Palu) in Palu have been implementing since 2011 until 2016. It was supported by LS Grant of Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (PMIPA) FKIP Tadulako University, Fundamental Grant and Community Service...
Proceedings Article

Thermal Economy Analysis Model with Matrix Method for the Secondary Loop of PWR Nuclear Power Station

Yongling Li, Yu Huang, Jin Ma, Binshu Wang
According to characteristics of Pressurized Water Reactor PWR nuclear power station, the two-stage moisture separator reheater (MSR) model was proposed with thermal equilibrium equation and mass conservation equation, finally the thermo-economy analysis model with matrix equation for secondary loop was...
Proceedings Article

Public infrastructure investment, economic growth and policy choice: evidence from China

Yu Nannan, Mi Jianing
The relationship between public infrastructure investment and economic growth has always been an eye-catching issue for China since Chinese governments have devoted most of public funds to financing infrastructure after the economic reform. Taking the Chinese infrastructure investment policy as the background,...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Countermeasures of The Migrant Workers Becoming A Member of The City

Wenhua Kong
Migrant workers becoming a member of the city is a typical three rural issue, it is related to China's social transformation and changes in social structure as well as the construction of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Main Bearing’s Lubrication of Internal Combustion Engine Under the Impact

Zhao Jianhua, Zhu Debin, Sun Yunpeng
Studying for the crankshaft-bearing system of a diesel engine in this paper, using the software of AVL-EXCITE set up the coupled multi-body dynamics simulation system of the crankshaft and bearings, the characteristics of oil film on main bearing were analyzed when the crankshaft under different impact...
Proceedings Article

A Design for Water Surface Communication System of Ultra Short Base Line Positioning System

FuPeng Qiu, HongJie Wan, XueWei Wang
In order to satisfy the requirement of the underwater acoustic positioning system for offshore oil exploration, a design idea for water surface communication system of ultra short base line(USBL) positioning system. The main function of this design is to achieve high-quality communication with underwater...
Proceedings Article

Review of Classical Studies on the Welfare State--By Methodologies of Political Science

Guan Huang
This review aims to portray the real face of existing studies that use methodologies of political science to analyze the welfare state. By choosing three basic questions (First, how should different kinds of welfare states be categorized? Second, what are the factors that make up the character of each...

Financial Analysis of Enterprises under Harvard Framework: A Comparative Study of Three Real Estate Companies

Guantong Yin
As a new financial analysis method, Harvard Analysis Framework is quite different from the traditional financial analysis method. It mainly investigates enterprises from four aspects: strategic analysis, financial analysis, accounting analysis and Prospect analysis. Traditional financial analysis mostly...

The Connection and Practical Exploration of the Cultivation of International Civil Engineers Under the Background of Belt and Road Initiative

Yanli Wu, Suhua Yin, Chuangju Wu
At present, Belt and Road Initiative’s long-term strategic plan put forward by our country is being promoted and implemented methodically, and many countries along the route have also begun to enjoy the dividends brought about by Belt and Road Initiative’s strategy. Infrastructure engineering construction...

Integrated Library Information System in Managing School Library in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

Arifin Arifin Suking, Arifin Suking, Nelpiyanti Hulopi, Ikhfan Haris
This study aims to find out: the use of IBRA v.6 applications on the transaction system, print library systems, member systems, OPAC systems, and report systems in school libraries, the method used is quantitative. Techniques for collecting data using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Study of Land Wind and Sea Wind in Qinhuangdao Based on Large Data Analysis

Chengyu Yan, Guohua Zhang, Zhizheng Mao, Haoye Liu, Yang Li
Using the mobile weather station wind data installed on the "Prince" cruise ship on Qinhuangdao from August 2 to 10, 2016, the wind speed(sea wind) on the cruise ship route was obtained using the true wind observation algorithm. A comparative analysis of the meteorological observation station(near-shore...
Mini Review

The role of “semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase” in the arterial wall

N. Mercier
Pages: 141 - 147
“Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase” (SSAO) metabolizes primary amines into aldehydes, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia and is largely expressed in adipocytes, lymphatic endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). In vitro SSAO expression and activity increase during VSMC differentiation...

Model Orientation of Social Mobility and Communication Based on Problem-Based Learning Concepts for Environmental Understanding on Visually Impaired Students

Sri Joeda Andajani, Pamuji
This study aims to produce a prototype product of the model orientation of social mobility and communication based on problem-based learning for understanding environmental concepts on visually impaired students. This development research uses the Educational Research Development (R & D) design models...

The Form of Culture in Songkro Dance

Mega Swastika Junior, Drajat Tri Kartono, Ahmad Zuber
Songkro dance is a new dance that blends traditional and contemporary motion art which is arranged in interesting and unique gestures. Songkro itself is the name of the tool used by sand miners on the banks of the Brantas River, Kediri, and East Java. Songkro is made of woven bamboo that is shaped like...

Management of Regional Social and Economic Systems

L.A. Malakhova, V.P. Malakhov, G.S. Rakhimova, M.A. Korobkova
The article deals with the most important elements that make up the management system of social and economic systems of the region. The highest-level managers of medium and large economies pay special attention to long-term planning, setting certain goals, forming ways of action, highlighting the rules...

Research On Organizational Model Based On The Strategic Perspective Of Global Education Science

Chunming Xu, Can Wang, Nan Yang
The fourth industrial revolution has promoted the iterative updating of educational technology and the major transformation of educational research paradigm. Therefore, strengthening the basic research of educational science is becoming an important feature of global scientific and technological innovation....

Prospects of Using of Genetic Potential of Triticum timopheevii for Durable Defense of Common Wheat from Leaf Rust

Lyudmila Plotnikova, Violetta Pozherukova, Ekaterina Novikova, Olga Mitrofanova
Common wheat is the main grain crop in Russia. In the last decade, the development of leaf rust caused by the pathogenic fungus Puccinia triticina Erikss on the wheat was enhanced. To increase grain production and obtain environmentally friendly products, it is necessary to use varieties resistant to...

The Development of Teaching Materials Based on Bali Local Wisdom in Environment Conservation

Kadek Sera Harlistya Udayani, Siti Sriyati
Teaching material is a component that has an important role in learning in the classroom. Students need contextual teaching materials to make it easier for them to understand the material. The development of teaching materials based on local wisdom in Bali aims to create teaching materials that are appropriate...

SWOT Analysis in the Development Tourism of Kampung Topeng Malangan

M. Nurfahrul Lukmanul Khakim, Ulfatun Nafi’ah, Muhammad Bahtiar Syarifudin, Kiki Nur Azizah
The development of tourism in Indonesia can be said to increase rapidly. The majority of Indonesia’s population likes to travel. Therefore, many opening of new tourist sites in various places. One of them is the tourism village of Kampung Topeng Malangan (Malangan Mask Village) which is located in Baran...

Effect of Plyometric Training Front Cone Hops and Knee Tuck Jump on Improvement Muscle Explosion Power

Sulfiria Effendi, Sunarno Basuki, AR. Shadiqin
This research aims to know the influence of exercise of plyometric front cone hops and knee tuck jump towards to increase the explosive muscle power limbs (study on male students of extracurricular in SMAN 13 Banjarmasin. The research method was used is a method of pre-experiment design. The technique...

The Development of Village Entrepreneurship Through Digital Marketing Communication

Wulan Tri Gartanti, Ike Junita Triwardhani, Raditya Pratama Putra
Entrepreneurship has become the most promising field nowadays and it will run well if accompanied by an understanding of the importance of communication. The current rapid development of communication has had a positive impact on society in conducting the communication process, one of which is the use...

E-Learning Model Based on the Ability Test to Creating Community of Inquiry

Embun Fajar Wati, Agus Junaidi, Ade Surya Budiman
E-learning method have the advantages that are not limited to space and time. But this learning method also has weaknesses that are the students are difficult to understand the material because the same material is given to students without importance their abilities. Therefore, we need to create community...

On the Essence of Education of Chinese Dream: The Construction of National Identity

Liu baochan
It is of great theoretical and practical significance to accurately grasp the essence of Chinese dream education. From the perspective of Chinese social development since modern times, the process of Chinese people’s pursuit and practice of Chinese dream is also the process of building Chinese national...

Investments Evaluation Model Case in Indonesian Hospital

Daryono Setiadi, Samsul Anwar, Surianti Surianti
This study aims to evaluate the investment in purchasing CT Scan machines at Government Hospital, Government and corporate has a difference s to evaluate their investment Private Hospital, to assess whether the investment is feasible or not can be seen from the financial aspects without ignoring other...
Proceedings Article

Prevalence of Infection of Endoparasites and Its Intensity in Small Mammals’ Liver Captured from Irrigated Rice Crop Area and Villages

Nur ‘Aini Herawati, Sudarmaji
The research was conducted during November 2018 – January 2019 in two provinces namely West Java and Yogyakarta. The aim of the study was to study the prevalence of infection of endoparasites inhabiting the liver of small mammals and its intensity. Two different habitats, irrigated rice crop area and...

The Semi-Supine IT-Based Position of Alexander Technique to Overcome Adult Beginner Nervousness while Playing Piano

Auliya Ayu Annisa, Diah Latifah, Rita Milyartini, Juju Masunah
The Semi-supine position is a movement in primary control of Alexander technique which is a relaxation technique. This article aims to discuss how the way the semi-supine position of Alexander technique-based IT can overcome adult beginner nervous while playing piano. The research method used is the...

Cloud Collaborative Reflective Strategy and Its Effect Toward English Pronunciation of Pre-Service Teachers in Their Teaching Practice Program

Dedi Kurniawan, Lingga Agustina Suganda, Zuraida
The study aims at finding out the effect of the Cloud Collaborative Reflective Strategy (CCRS) on English Pronunciation. It was an experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design, and the forty samples of which were randomly taken from the population of seventy-nine pre-service teachers...

The Denotational Power of Speech in Ma’marakka Ritual

Sisilia Mangopo
This study aims to analyze the denotational power of the utterance in the ritual and secondly and to observe the features of the ritual. Using a qualitative method, the research took place in Sangalla’ District, Tana Toraja. The data were collected using participant observation in the place where the...

Entrepreneurship, Government Regulation and the Performance of Ecological Civilization Construction

Ying Pan, Yingxin Zhou, Shaozhen Han
Entrepreneurship is a key factor of ecological civilization construction, which is closely related to the government regulation. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2012 to 2016, this paper empirically examines relationship between entrepreneurship and performance of ecological civilization...

The Legal Politics of Irrigation Management in Developing Agroindustry in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Ujang Suratno
Water has a very important role in increasing agricultural productivity. Irrigation provides a significant contribution in providing water. The problems are (1) which regulations can be used as a basis for irrigation management in line with the Regional Government Law after Law No. 7 of 2004 concerning...

Online Transportation Technology and Women’s Driver Communication Skills

Pridson Mandiangan, Desloehal Djumrianti, Hanifati
This is a qualitative descriptive research. The aim of this study is to examine how communication technology - apps able to support communication skills of women drivers who work for online transportation companies in serving international guests. The study uses a saturation sampling technique where...
Proceedings Article

Text Steganography on Digital Video Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cryptographic Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm

Megah MULYA, Osvari ARSALAN, Latifah ALHAURA, Rendy WIJAYA, A.S. Syahrul Ramadhan, Christofer YEREMIA
The rapid development of the internet has increased the ease of sharing information to people around the world. However, this advancement also raises a distress about data manipulation when the data are sent by the sender to the recipient. Therefore, information security is a major problem in data communication....

Models and Mechanisms of Network Interaction Between Universities and the Real Sector of the Economy in the Field of Innovation

O.N. Kuкharev, A.V. Nosov, A.A. Tuskov, E.S. Grosheva
The scenario for the long-term development of the domestic economy as defined in Russia’s Innovative Development Strategy implies the growth of its competitiveness in both traditional and new high-tech sectors, a breakthrough in improving the quality of human capital and the dynamics of labor productivity,...

Organizational Learning Culture Through Job Satisfaction Based on Servant Leadership and Transcendental Leadership

Afriyadi Cahyadi, Agustina Hanafi, Yuliansyah M. Diah
This study is an investigation of the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between two leadership styles, servant leadership and transcendental leadership as independent variables, and organizational learning culture as the dependent variable. Hypotheses that were developed based on...

One Single Submission: Certainty or Uncertainty?

Rahmad Hendra, Firdaus Firdaus
One Single Submission (OSS) contained in PP 24/2018 was launched with a view to providing legal certainty in the investment licensing process in Indonesia, as an embodiment of the Economic Policy Package, one of which is the acceleration of licensing related to land. This OSS system is beneficial for...

Analysis of Mathematical Communication Ability in Learning Proportion Topic Using Scientific Approach

Risna Zulfa Musriroh, Abd. Qohar
Communication is an important aspect in learning mathematics. In the process of learning mathematical communication, there is a standard communication process that must be met. The purpose of this study was to describe mathematical communication ability on direct proportion topic and inverse proportion...

To Explore a New Way to Improve the Effectiveness of Ideological and Political Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges

Ting Liu
Under the guidance of Marxism, Mao Zedong thought, modern scientific development view and President Xi Jinping’s new thought, we have explored the teaching methods and achievements of ideological and political courses in higher vocational colleges. By analyzing the effectiveness of ideological and political...

The Roles of Spiritual Intelligence and Social Comparison Over Career Anxiety of Final Year Students

Yusuf Hamdani, Lisnawati, Fitriana Widyastuti
One of students experiences in adjustment problems is vocational adjustment. Failure in this adjustment causes career anxiety experience. This research focused on examining the role of spiritual intelligence and social comparison to the career anxiety in final year students. Quantitative method was used...

Factor Analysis of Social Aspects of Consumer Choice of Organic Products

A.A. Lezhebokov, E.E. Nesmeyanov, V.A. Ivashova, G.A. Narozhnaya, M.V. Ponomarenko
The article presents the results of research of social aspects of consumer choice of organic products. The issues of safe and proper nutrition are gaining importance in all regions of the world. The territories of the North Caucasus of Russia due to their natural and climatic peculiarities are represented...

Effect of Workload on Employee Performance Through Work Life Balance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang East Java

Syihabudhin Syihabudhin, Elfia Nora, Lohana Juariyah, Afwan Hariri, Ofan Dhika
The problem that often arises in Ollino Garden Hotel Malang is high workload due high season. Therefore, this study was conducted, where the purpose of this study was to find out. 1) the description of workload, work life balance and job performance at Ollino Garden Hotel Malang; 2) whether workload...

Method of Problem Based Learning of Learning in Course Theory on Soft Skills Competence of Students

Cecilia Lelly Kewo, Ventje Senduk
In dealing with the global era with rapid acceleration, it is necessary for workers who not only have the ability to work in their fields (hard competencies), but also very important to master the ability to face change and to use soft competence. Increased skills and skills for prospective workers are...

Civic Engagement on Global Issues: Participation and Attention in Indonesia’s KitaAgni Movement

Alia Azmi, Nora Eka Putri, Ike Sylvia
In order to describe Indonesians’ civic and political participation on global issues facilitated by the social media, particularly on anti-sexual harassment movements, this article analyzes students’ activism on KitaAgni, a movement to propose anti-sexual harassment policy on campus. The KitaAgni movement...

Media Construction of Social Reality and Communication Impact on an Individual

Denis Chistyakov
The author discusses the basic principles of constructing the world with modern digital media, as well as the ways and forms of media impact on people. The researcher considers the possibilities of professional communicators in creating artificial, simulative images of the world, perceived as real and...

Research on the Influencing Factors of Online Group-Buying Behavior Based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model

Mengyuan Liu
With the development of Internet technology, online group-buying of the emerging e-commerce model has become more and more popular with consumers. Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this paper explores the mechanism of individual perception and social influence on...

Friendship Among Roommates – First Year Students’ Experience in a Malaysia Public University

Azian binti Abd Aziz @Ahmad, Norhanim binti Abdul Samat, Muhammad Akmal bin Ayob, Syahrul Azwan bin Shaedid
This paper studies the role of college roommate relationships in students’ college adjustment during their first year study in a selected university campus. It used questionnaire to collect data from 105 respondents in a public university. Results suggest there are differences between male and female...

Transformation of Forms of Corruption Prevention in the Conditions of Covid-19 Pandemic in the Customs Sphere

N.A. Safonova
The spread of coronavirus infection in the territories of states in 2020 posed serious questions for governments, primarily concerning the life and health of citizens and ensuring the smooth functioning of medical organizations and state bodies. At the same time, the new conditions dictate specific forms...

Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Multinational Companies

Yuxin WANG
After the 811 exchange rate reform in China, for one thing, the exchange rate formation mechanism has caused the RMB exchange rate to break through the ten-year appreciation against the dollar. For another, RMB began to fluctuate significantly. As a result of this change, Chinese foreign-related companies...

Effectivity of Hand Sanitizer Cempaka Flower Extract (Michelia champaca L.) on the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus

Sri Jayanthi, Nuraini, Setyoko
Hand sanitizer is an antiseptic material that can reduce the contamination of normal flora bacteria on human hands. One of the plants that contain antiseptics that can sterilize human hands from bacteria is the cempaka flower plant (Michelia champaca L). This study aims to determine the effectivity of...