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188542 articles

Study on Network Structure Characteristics of Boxers’ Physical Fitness System From the Perspective of Complex Network

Hui Zhang, Qingmin Fan
This paper analyses the complex relationship and structural characteristics of the indicators of male boxers’ strength and conditioning system from the perspective of network science. The paper also explores the core indicators of the system under different dimensions. In it, a test index system was...

Financial Sharing Framework System Based on Block Chain Technology

Qingquan Huang
In order to explore the application of blockchain technology in financial sharing, this paper takes block chain as the underlying data technology platform, by abiding by the requirements of decentralization, intellectualization, intensification and adaptability, we propose a five-level financial sharing...

The Impact of Information Technology on the Sustainable Development of an Organization

X. Zhang, E.A. Repina, A.D. Murzin
Education is the awakening of the soul, and data is the record of reality. The amount of data accumulated by human beings is growing exponentially, as the maturity of network technology and database technology and the popularization of data application. At present, data is everywhere and big data is...

Listening Class Distance Learning for German BIPA Students

The pandemic situation had an impact on the program of sending foreign students to Indonesia for learning Bahasa Indonesia (BIPA). One of them is the students of HTWG from Konstanz, Germany. This situation, consequently, makes BIPA learning process should be carried out online. The listening class of...

Research on the Chaos, Causes and Countermeasures of Information Dissemination in WeChat Moments

Pengfei Xu, Zeju Li
Moments is one of the functional units of WeChat, which has many functions such as sharing information, forwarding information, spreading information, commenting information and interactive communication, etc. The privacy nature of WeChat Moments and the lag of audit cause netizens’ communication chaos...

Digital Transformation of the Prosecutor’s Office and Its Impact on Criminal Proceedings

Kseniia Tabolina, Vladislav Tabolin
This article is devoted to the digital transformation of the Prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation, which is planned in three priority areas: high-tech surveillance, digital infrastructure, the environment of trust. Digital transformation of Prosecutor’s offices will significantly affect the...

Analysis on the Cross-Border E-Commerce Under COVID-19

Yichen Li
Based on the characteristics of China’s cross-border e-commerce, This article analyzes the impact of COVID-19 on cross-border e-commerce of China from three dimensions: foreign trade situation, international logistics and global supply chain. Taking TMALL GLOBAL as a case to analyze. This article outlines...
Proceedings Article

Diversity of Fern Species (Pteridophyta) in the Karst Sangkulirang – Mangkalihat

Febrian Jeka Risky, Matius Paulus, Sutedjo, Rita Diana
This study aims to determine the diversity of fern vegetation in the Sangkulirang- Mangkalihat karst area of Berau and East Kutai Regency. The research was carried out for two months in six locations. The plotting method used the purposive sampling method, with a plot size of 10 m x 10 m as many as 15...

Improving Entrepreneurial Ability Through Knowledge-Sharing Intention in Millennial Generation

Anissa Lestari Kadiyono, Rizal Judawinata
Knowledge-sharing is a way to improve entrepreneurial readiness in millennial generation. One key feature of the industrial revolution 4.0 is the need for capability in data literacy, technological literacy, and human literacy. Building community as a place to share can improve readiness of millennial...

Building A Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Model Based on Harmonic Cosmological Philosophy and Priest Heliocentric Al Ghazali

Ade Manggala Hardianto, Basuki, Bonnie Soeherman
This research aims to build a conceptual model of Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility (BCSR) based on Imam Al Ghazali’s philosophy of cosmology, particularly on the concepts of harmony and heliocentric. Finally, this research seeks to restore CSR to the level of efforts to create harmony in life,...

Different Tests on 4 Types of Hospitals Related to QWL, Self Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

Study of Nurse Hospitals in Malang Raya

Ika Ruhana, Hamidah Nayati Utami, Tiwulida Afrianty, Endang Siti Astuti
This research is motivated by problems that arise in hospitals, especially those felt by nurses. The problem that often arises in hospitals is related to job satisfaction. With this research whether the nurse’s job satisfaction is influenced by organizational factors (QWL) or is influenced by personal...

Development of Green Chemistry Practicum Guidelines Based on Discovery Learning

Erlina, Ramlan Silaban, Nurfajriani
This study aims to analysis the practicum guide of the school under study, to find out the feasibility of the chemistry practicum guide based on Discovery Learning in class eleven second semester which was developed based on the results of standardization and expert validator opinions, and to determine...

Analysis of the Failure of Ofo Sharing Bicycle Company and Possible Solutions

Jiajun Ma
Society is developing at an unprecedented rate. Air pollution and environmental problems are causing detrimental effects on people’s health, both mentally and physically. The emergence of the sharing bicycles makes environment and citizen’s health condition better. Companies of the sharing bicycles in...

Evaluation of Climate Change Risk Perception in Baoji City Based on AHP-Bayesian Network

Siwen Xue, Qi Zhou, Shuo lin Geng
Pages: 147 - 159
To analyze the gap between the Baoji population’s climate change risk perception and the scientifically measured intensity, danger degree, vulnerability, and exposure of climate change risk based on the basic elements of risk assessment, this paper combines analytic hierarchy process and the Bayesian...

Analysis Utilization of Forest Area for Palm Oil Plantation for Companies That Do Not Have a Decision Letter for Disclosure of Forest Areas Viewed From Law Regulation (Case Study: PT Kharisma Riau Sentosa)

Ahmad Redi, Astrid Fahmadina
Indonesia is a state law (Rechstaat), that’s why the idea of law must be made commander in chief in the spirit of statehood. The government as a state operator has an important role in the utilization of forest areas for oil palm plantation companies, namely by conducting supervision and control of licensing...

Research on the Essential Features of the Legal Relationships That Arise in the Realization of the Fundamental Right to Education

Rodica Nichita
The fundamental right to education in the Republic of Moldova has a high importance in the context of reforming the economic and political system, modernization of all spheres of social life. In order to meet the challenges facing our country, there is a need of new approaches regarding the content of...

The Patterns of China Learning from PISA in Education Monitoring: A Literature Analysis of China “Compulsory Education Quality Monitoring Programme” (CEQMP)

Sitian Chen
PISA has a strong influence on education policymaking all over the world. In 2015, based on the experience of PISA, China conducted its first education quality monitoring programme, the “Compulsory Education Quality Monitoring Programme” (CEQMP). In this paper, the central questions are “What is the...

Analysis of the Human Nature in Modern China Based on Lu Xun’s Works

Zilu Deng
Modern China is a critical period of China because during this period, plentiful literature and artistic works were produced by various writers and artists. Along with the political movements, people’s minds and thoughts had changed dramatically with the influence of these works. The purpose of this...

Color Metaphor and Children’s Psychological Trauma in Morrison’s Novels

Liting Wang
“Trauma” is one of the important themes in Morrison’s novels. In recent years, some critics use trauma theory to interpret Morrison’s works, and combine her identity as a black female writer with feminist critical theory to analyze the black women’s trauma in her works. This paper breaks through the...

Local Wisdom in PERCIK Advocacy, Public Communication Strategy

Christina Arief TH Mumpuni
This research wants to find out how the “Kearifan Lokal (local wisdom)” used by PERCIK, as an independent public organization, upholds humanitarian and democratic values in carrying out every activity in one of the pillars, namely advocacy on the basis of locality. Qualitative research is able to understand...

The Primary School Teachers’ Competency Profile in Utilization of Thematic Learning Media

Mulyo Prabowo, Sungkono, Isniatun Munawaroh
Teacher’s competence in the use of instructional media is important in learning component. These competencies include how the teacher’s ability in designing, developing and using instructional media. This research study aims to describe Elementary School teacher competence profile in Yogyakarta in utilization...

Time-independent Hamiltonians describing systems with friction: the “cyclotron with friction”

Francesco Calogero, François Leyvraz
Pages: 147 - 154
As is well-known, any ordinary differential equation in one dimension can be cast as the Euler–Lagrange equation of an appropriate Lagrangian. Additionally, if the initial equation is autonomous, the Lagrangian can always be chosen to be time-independent. In two dimensions, however, the situation is...

Design and Limited Trial of Financial Planning Web-Based Application Development for Indigenous Communities at Village Credit Institution in Badung Regency, Bali

I Made Wijana, I Ketut Suwintana, Anak Agung Putri Suardani, I Gusti Putu Fajar Pranadi Sudhana
This research aims to carry out the second stage of the research “Developing Financial Web-based application for Indigenous Village Communities at Village Credit Institution or Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) in Badung Regency, Bali”. This stage includes: design and coding as well as limited trial of...

Prisons and Detention Facilities Preparedness in Indonesia for Preventing and Control of Covid-19

Padmono Wibowo, Maki Zaenudin Subarkah, Mulyani Rahayu, Pramono, Naniek Pangestuti
The outbreak of a pandemic or the massive spread of Corona Virus Disease throughout the world and Indonesia since the end of 2019 has been concern to occur in prison and detention centers. Correctional Institution (prisons) and State Detention Center are institutions considered to be very vulnerable...

What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review

Ananda Fortunisa, Ernie Tisnawati Sule, Mery Citra Sondari, Imas Soemaryani
Employee brand consistent behavior (EBCB) as the outcome of employee branding (EB) is a determining factor in the projection of employee attitudes towards consumers in the service industry. This study aims to map all previous research results related to employee brand consistent behavior. The method...

Two-Level Games Theory in Panama–Taiwan Diplomatic Relations

Hafiyer Al Halim THA
On June 13, 2017, Taiwan faced shocking news. Panama announced abandoning diplomatic ties with Taiwan. On the same day, Panama also announced that it had officially established diplomatic relations with China. Taiwan responded with their disappointment in Panama for ending their long-time good relations....

The Influence of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Customer Trust and Loyalty in PT Amartha Sejahtera

Finny Redjeki
This analysis aims to examine the impact of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on PT Amartha Sejahtera customers’ trust and loyalty both simultaneously and partially. PT Amartha Sejahtera is a company that provides and manages clean water for the area around Bandung Regency, especially in Cileunyi...

Analysis of Student Playing Activity Based on Education Domain in Public Schools of Padang City

Gusril, Willadi Rasyid, M. Sazeli Rifki, Anton Khomaini, Tjung Hauw Sin
This study aims to reveal the playing activities of Padang City Elementary School students and analyze the playing activities of students based on the educational domain. The population of this study was students of the Padang City Elementary Schools. There were 200 students as a sample taken by using...

Accounting Treatment for Cryptocurrency

Indonesian Standard

Anton Prawira Manullang, Nur Indah Riwajanti, Kurnia Ekasari
This research aims to identify and explore Indonesia’s crypto currency accounting treatment based on standard and crypto currency development. This research was conducted using a literature review and an interview with three informants as a data source. This study uses the technique of data analysis...
Journal: eFood
Research Article

Analysis Method of Lactoferrin Based on Uncoated Capillary Electrophoresis

Hui Chen, Zhenyu Wang, Fengjiao Fan, Pujie Shi, Xianbing Xu, Ming Du, Cong Wang
Pages: 147 - 153
The analysis of lactoferrin separation will be an important application in prospect. To develop a new strategy for the detection of lactoferrin, this work adopted the method of uncoated Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), through optimizing the parameters of background electrolyte, pH, surfactant, buffers...

The Hidden Self in Self-portrait

Liping Mao
Self-portrait is a special portrait subject matter. In the process of painting, in addition to depicting his own image, the painter also needs to explore and shape his spiritual self. From the perspective of mental activity, self-portrait is the embodiment of the artist’s self-recognition, and this kind...

The Utilizing of E-learning Moodle for Learning Process of Intensive Reading at College Students in Riau, Indonesia

Estika Satriani, M. Zaim, Ermanto
Utilizing e-learning with Moodle application has affected the learning process of higher education. To find out whether Moodle application is effective for Intensive Reading Course and to know the contention of students who go into Intensive Reading with Moodle. It is the great significance to know facts...

Business Process Analysis of MSMEs to Support Digital Accounting System

Hedy Desiree Rumambi, Revleen Mariana Kaparang, Arief Perdana Kumaat, Andreuw Kristian Pantow, Sintia Nurani Korompis
This study aimed to identify the business process of furniture MSMEs to support a digital accounting system. In general, furniture MSMEs in Leilem Village do not keep financial records. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The objects were furniture MSMEs in Leilem Village,...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Health Promotion Media on Adolescents’ Willingness to Use Electronic Cigarettes: A Literature Review

Anis Yunita, Shofiyatul Masyiyah, Nazira Dyah Maharani, Dian Mawarni
Electronic cigarettes are rapidly emerging into a new trend among adolescents. There are concerns about the impact of electronic cigarettes at both individual and public health levels. Health promotion efforts with various media have been conducted but are not optimal to reduce adolescent electronic...
Proceedings Article

Autistic Children Parenting Stress

A Study on Parents Taking Caring of Children with Autism during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Inke Ayu Pertiwi, Samsunuwiyati Mar’at, Naomi Soetikno
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of brain development disorders characterized by stereotyped behavior and deficits in communication as well as social interaction. This usually appears before the age of three. Handling children with autism in the COVID-19 pandemic situation can be challenging...

The Role of Transferability Skills in the Religious Field

Setya Chendra Wibawa, Purnomo, Hakkun Elmunsyah, Eddy Sutadji
This document will explore the importance of transferability skills in the religious field, the impact of technology on those skills, and the challenges that come with acquiring and utilizing them. Methodology to reach the goal using mixed method research, literate the information from several articles...

NPA, the New Paradigm of Public Service Overview of Public Policy Implementation

Yacob Noho Nani, Zuchri Abdussamad, Elyta Elyta, Rustam Tohopi
Policy success is often linked to public support in the implementation process. This theoretical relevance will be tested in the implementation of PAPM and BSPS policies in Gorontalo Regency. In order to describe more broadly about the driving and inhibiting factors, a test is carried out on the application...
Proceedings Article

Improing Growth and Yield of Pakcoy Plants (Brassica Rapa L.) gworing under Hydroponic systim

Baharrudin, Tri Putra Jaya, Ramal Yusuf
Technological developments in agriculture are increasingly rapid, one of which is an appropriate technological innovation called hydroponics. Pakcoy plants can grow both in hot and cold places, so they can be cultivated from the lowlands and highland. This study aims to determine the effect of the type...

The Opportunities and Challenges of Reforming the Surrogate Heir Provisions in the Islamic Law Compilation

Zuhrah Zuhrah, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rahmi Handayani, Burhanuddin Harahap
This study thoroughly analyzes the Inheritance law in the Islamic Law Compilation, specifically concentrating on the rule concerning succession heirs. The author conducts a comprehensive legal study to examine the potential opportunities and challenges in changing the provisions for future generations...
Proceedings Article

Spirituality Analysis in Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: Phenomenology Study

Natar Fitri Napitupulu, Adi Antoni, Siti Isma Sari Lubis, Asnil Adli Simomora, Mastiur Napitupulu
Spiritual connects between intrapersonal (relationship with self), interpersonal (relationship between self and others), and transpersonal (relationship between self and god/occult power). The purpose of the study were expected to be developed through research by exploring more deeply the spiritual experience...

Necessities for English Majors to Take Multiple Courses

Heming Zhang
With the change of people’s concept towards English over the past few decades, English majors are confronted with some huge challenges. Considerable non-English major students are good at English and even demonstrate higher achievements in a few English related activities than English majors. This special...

Urban-Rural Disparities Influence Educational Equity in China

Jiajun Li, Huilian Wu
In the past decades, China has experienced explosive economic growth; however, unbalanced urban-rural development also brings serious educational inequality. Educational inequality does not only have negative impacts on the economy, such as leading to fewer educated workers, but also has bad social impacts,...

Increasing Speaking Skills Through the Drama Method in Class IV Students of SD Unggulan Putra Kaili Permata Bangsa

Iriyanti Iriyanti, Muhammad Darwis
That aims to improve speaking skills through the drama method in fifth-grade students of SD Unggulan Putra Kaili Permata Bangsa. This research is a classroom. The subjects of this study were class IV students in the 2020/2021 academic year as many as 16 students consisting of 9 boys and 7 girls. Preliminary...

Analysing Forensic Speaker Verification by Utilizing Artificial Neural Network

Susanto Susanto, Deri Sis Nanda
In this paper, we describe the use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to compute the acoustic features in analysing forensic speaker verification. In the computation, there are two datasets derived from speech recording of a simulated human trafficking crime, namely Forensic Evidence Data (FED) and Comparative...
Proceedings Article

Morphometric Indices of Multilocular Adipose Tissue Cells When Adapting to Cold

Elena D. Kolodeznikova, Elena V. Pshennikova, Irina V. Nikolaeva, Tuyaara P. Sivtseva
The article presents the results of experimental studies of interscapular and peri-adrenal brown adipose tissue of rats kept at low temperatures. Experimental animals were kept at a temperature of + 50 °C for 1.3, 7, 15, 30, 90 days. The skin temperature of the lateral surfaces of the body, ears, paws,...

Mathematical Connection Analysis of High School Students with Accommodator and Diverger Learning Style

Kusnul Itasari, Ikrar Pramudya, Isnandar Slamet
The objectives of this paper is to look at how high school students with accommodator and diverger learning styles solve math problems. This type of research is exploratory descriptive research. The research subjects were students of SMA N Kebakkramat with accommodator and diverger learning styles. Data...
Proceedings Article

Legume and Methane Emission Reduction in Livestock

Bambang Suwignyo, Asih Kurniawati, Medino Gedeun N. Yebron, Amado A. Angeles
Legume is one of the types of high quality forages. It is available in some types of trees and shrubs. The specific thing that connotes with legume is protein content since legume can do nitrogen fixation. In regard, legumes can also be known as leaf protein sources. Legume usually also has tannin content...

Visual Analysis of Research Status of College Students' Mental Health

Zhang Liping, Wang Miaomiao
This paper sorts out the present situation of college students' mental health research through visual presentation. This paper analyzes 1724 papers on mental health research collected of China National Knowledge Infrastructure in recent ten years, sorts out the literature characteristics of mental...

Teaching Innovation of College Teachers Based on Self-determination Theory

Yukun Yin, Dandan Tian
With the development of the 5G network and artificial intelligence technology, the way for people to acquire knowledge has changed from a single traditional classroom to a combination of classroom, Internet, and multi-terminal mobile devices. The construction of online course resources in different port...

To What End do Online and Offline Buddhist Communities Engage with Visual Practice in China?

Honglin Chen
The purpose of this article is to discuss the popularity and recognition of Buddhism in China, as well as its characteristics and visual practices, both offline and online. Initially, the essay provides an overview of Buddhism's characteristics to share a brief introduction to the overall features...