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188523 articles
Proceedings Article

A Prioritization Algorithm for Crime Busting based on Centrality Analysis

Yundong Gu, Wentao Li, Liwen Zhang, Mingke Shen, Binglei Xie
Detecting conspirators, which often relates to organized crimes, represents a major problem for many investigation bureaus. A prioritization algorithm based on centrality analysis was introduced. The correlation between suspects was modeled as a social network, and the degree, betweeness and eigenvector...
Proceedings Article

A Methodology Based on Business Intelligence for the Development of Predictive Applications in Self-Adapting Environments

Marcelo Fabio Roldan, Joyati Debnath
Based on different methodologies, we have developed a new methodology that synthesizes, accelerates and optimizes the application of Adaptive Business Intelligence (ABI) in medicine, genomics, pharmaceuticals and other related sciences. This methodology -in its final phase- culminates in a stage called...
Proceedings Article

Homogeneity Analysis of Rainfall event by Using ROI Approach

Badreldin G. H. Hassan, Isameldin A. Atiem, Ping Feng
The main purpose of this paper is to present and apply one of the statistical methodologies - the region of influence (ROI) approach - and form homogenous region/regions for rainfall frequency analysis in order to extract rainfall information guidelines for the Sudan basin. 15 gauging stations are selected,...
Proceedings Article

Cbufferless: A Novel Congestion Control for Bufferless Networks On-Chip

Jili Yan, Xiaola Lin, Guoming Lai
In this paper, we propose a novel distributed source-throttling congestion control mechanism for bufferless NoC, called Cbufferless. Our strategy uses a novel congestion detection and control model, computing deflection rate of routing flit and throttling message injection. The congestion information...

Research on Hospital Cost Management based on Responsibility Cost Budget

Jing Cheng, Yang Liu
Because of the complexity of medical cost management itself, hospital cost management has the characteristics of short development time and weak foundation. Although budget and final accounts management play a role of planning adjustment and supervision and control of hospital expenditure to a certain...

Designing Syllabus for Higher Education: A Reflective Study of Novice Lecturer in Merauke; Papua

Lastika Prihandoko, Natalia Manuhutu, Marnina, Margaretha Narahawarin, Sri Winarsih
A good syllabus will guide lecturer and students to be successful in the subject course. Thus syllabus plays an essential role in learning activities. This paper aims to present a reflective study of novice lecturer who has difficulties in creating syllabus design for several subject courses during his...

Development of Instruments for Creative Thinking Skills Tests on Momentum and Impulse for High School Students

Mawarni Saputri, Eva Marlina Ginting, Togi Tampubolon, Rajo Hasim Lubis
The purpose of this study is to find out the steps for developing instruments and characteristics of creative thinking skills test on momentum material and impulses. The research subjects were students of class X IPA 1 Cut Nyak Superior High School Dhien Langsa who had received momentum and impulse material....

Transition to School Program and School Placement of Children with Autism

Hasnah, Nazmin, Hanani, Nil Farakh
Preparing children with autism to enter inclusive classes is an important goal in early intervention. As the Centre of Excellence in Early Intervention for children with autism, Genius Kurnia has developed a comprehensive school transition program. This program, which aims to ensure a successful transition...

The students’ conception track of low-perception-students trough the conceptual change (CCM) module based on mental models on electron configuration concept

Nurina Kusuma Ayu Pratiwi, Suyono Suyono, Yuanita Leny
Misconception has a close correlation with mental models. The aim of this study is to know the track of student conceptions trough the misconception (MC) remediation using Conceptual Change Module (CCM) based on mental model in electron configuration concept. The research using one group pretest and...

An Empirical Study on the Public Recognition of “First-Treatment in the Community Hospital” Based on the Hierarchical Diagnosis System in Tianjin

Yueying Liang, Jian Zhang
In recent years, more and more people in Tianjin will not consider the priority of disease and choose to go to large scale polyclinic for medical treatment, so there is a phenomenon that large scale polyclinic are overcrowded while community hospitals are empty. The aim of this study was to solve the...

Literary Appreciation in Digital Literation

Fenny Febrianty
This study aims to describe the stages of literary appreciation in digital literacy activities. This research used descriptive research with data collection techniques using the literature study. The output of this study is a description that literary appreciation activities can be applied in digital...

Education World Disruption: Digital Communication Impact on Quality of Vocational School Graduates

Isniar Budiarti
Along with technological development, especially in the field of education, vocational school is required to produce quality graduates. However, the lack of digital technology utilization in the education process becomes an obstacle. In this case, a comprehensive and good digital technology simulation...

Occupational Burnout of Educators Implementing Inclusive Education Programs in General Educational Institutions

N Vinogradova, M Syomina, S Kokhan
The purpose of this work is to provide empirical data on the study of burnout syndrome processes among educators (teachers) implementing inclusive education in various educational institutions of the Trans-Baikal Krai (Eastern Siberia, Russia). The burnout symptoms in educators are presented as a negative...

Innovation and Business Strategy at State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence From Indonesia

Muhammad Iqbal, Sucherly Sucherly, Yudi Azis, Umi Kaltum
This study scrutinize the business strategy at State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Indonesia that is affected by innovation. Formulation and implementation of SOEs business strategies are theoretically and empirically determined by innovation. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the...

Study on the Economic Security Evaluation of Healthy Life in Yangtze River Delta Cities

Wei Shi, Yufeng Shi, Huining Guo
Based on the impact of economic security on urban healthy life, the evaluation index system of economic security for healthy life is constructed. The degree of economic security for residents’ healthy life in 26 cities of the Yangtze River Delta is comprehensively analyzed by using expert scoring method...

Language Problem and Language Idealism on Social Media

Akmaluddin, Fathul Maujud
This article discusses the problem of language on social media as a development of communication media. The problem of language on social media is massive with various forms, for example, it raises a phenomenon that we are familiar with hate speech and hoax. The use of language in social media experiences...

A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Culture Teaching in College English Teaching

Shaojie Wu
In foreign language education, cultural teaching has always been regarded as the input of Western culture. Therefore, in foreign language teaching, it is almost all the content of Western culture, and there are very few parts about mother tongue culture. At this stage, in English teaching, The proportion...

Schoolgirls’ Resistance of Ryōsai Kenbo in Late Meiji Period

Jiatong Ying
This paper aims to investigate late Meiji high schoolgirls’ resistance to the good wife and wise mother norm by analyzing an individual case, fictional figures and research papers. This paper tries to show the resistance of girls and their reason from a different angle. Because more education opportunities...

The Role of Communities in Strengthening Environmental Care Characters: Case Study in the Indonesian Green Youth Coalition

Lensi Megah Retta, Rahmat
The technological advances make it easy for community activities and solve existing problems. However, the reality of advances in information technology has made citizens become individualists and have not been able to resolve existing environmental problems. People become accustomed to activities and...

The Effect of Front Cone Hops Exercise on Limb Muscle Power in Basketball Extracurricular

Silvi Aryanti, Hartati
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was the effect of front cone hops exercise on the limb muscle power of male students of Palembang State High School 1 extracurricular basketball. This research is experimental. The population in this study were all male basketball extracurricular...

Using Quizizz as a Formative Assessment Tool in German Classrooms

Pepen Permana, Irma Permatawati
The progress of ICT encourages the presence of various types of online test tools which can bring benefits in learning. One of them is Quizizz, a game-based online test that enables entertaining multiplayer teaching activity and allows learners to practice with their gadgets. By using a quasi-experimental...

Assessment of an Interactive Digital Book at a Vocational School in Indonesia

Patni Ninghardjanti, C. Dyah Sulistyaningrum, Andre N. Rahmanto, Chairul Huda Atma Dirgatama
Due to advancements in information technology, digital books (i.e., books published in digital form) are becoming increasingly used in the field of education, especially in Indonesia. Although previous studies have focused on the advantages of using digital books in educational activities, such as influencing...

An Inquiry Study on Teachers’ Beliefs and Knowledge of Critical Literacy Pedagogy in Indonesia Context

Raden Aulia Utami Hidayat
In Indonesia, alternative approaches to language and literature teaching that involve critical literacy tend to be regarded as something new. Teachers who want to apply critical literacy, mostly have limited knowledge or experience of what critical literacy is and how to apply it in their classrooms....

The Effect of Digital Literacy to Behavioral Intention With ICT Self-Efficacy as Variable Moderation (Studies in GoPay Users in Malang)

Maria Ulfatul Jamila, Kusuma Ratnawati, Ananda Sabil Hussein
This paper proposes that digital literacy affects behavioral intention with information communication technology self efficacy (ICT self efficacy) as a moderating variable. Population used in this research is GoPay user located in Malang. This research applies quantitative methods. Data was collected...
Proceedings Article

Performance Measuring Analysis of Customer Relationship Management MyXL Using CRM-Scorecard

The company is aware of the customers’ needs which are not fulfilled, and of its CRM’s work effectivity (MyXL Appllication). This research aims at analysing and determining MyXL app’s work, and giving solution to develop the programs or attributes which are not yet working well for the next period. Analysing...

Modeling the Interaction of Large and Small Industrial Entrepreneurship in Oil Refining

A.F. Andreev, D.V. Bunkovsky
The article describes an economic and mathematical multi-criteria model for the interaction of large and small (medium) industrial enterprises in oil refining and petrochemicals. The use of economic and mathematical modeling allows us to develop possible hypotheses in order to obtain additional information...

How the Profile of Student’s Views on the Nature of Science and Technology?

Atep Rian Nurhadi, Hernani Hernani, Iqbal Musthapa, Raden Devita Feliyanthi Somadipraja
This study aims to provide a profile of students’ views on the nature of Science and Technology or VNOST as a basis for the development of didactic designs that can teach aspects of technology in high school chemistry learning. This study involved 196 students who were randomly selected from grades XI...

Small Business Development Strategy: Leading Methods and Models

Aleksandr Vostroknutov, Tatyana Baranovskaya, Tatyana Kramarenko
Small business is one of the most important and leading segments of the economy of any country which forms competition in the market of goods and services, affects the improvement of their quality, and provides tax deductions to budgets of all levels. At the same time, small businesses are severely limited...
Proceedings Article

Antifertility Effect of N-hexane, Ethyl Acetate and Water Fractions from Carica papaya Leaves on Sperm Motility in Male Wistar Rats

Nur Laili Dwi Hidayati
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the antifertility effect of N-hexane, ethyl acetate, and water fractions from C. papaya leaves on sperm motility in male Wistar rats. Method: Twenty four rats used in this study. Rats were devided into 4 groups: normal group and Carica papaya fraction...
Proceedings Article

Ammonia Exposure Among Citizen Living Surrounding Fertilizer Factory

Achmad Fickry Faisyah, Yustini Ardillah, Dini Arista Putri
Air pollution remains problem around the world. One of dangerous chemical substance is ammonia. Fertilizer factory emission is ammonia that could affect to people health. The purpose of this study was to describe ammonia effect to health among citizen living surrounding fertilizer factory.Methods: This...
Proceedings Article

The Family Role of Patient with Pulmonary TB About Prevention of Household Contacts Transmission in the Work Area of Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak

Sitti Syabariyah, Dithya Enggal Pratiwi
Pulmonary TB cases at Puskesmas Perumnas II Pontianak in the last 2 years (2014 and 2015) was the cases highest in Pontianak. Based on interviews at health center officer Perumnas II Pontianak that the obstacles faced by the officer were the patients came to the health center without accompanying family...

The Creative Process of Indonesian Muslim Novelists

R Rachmy Diana, Fuad Nashori, H. Adam Anshori
The aim of this research is to explore the creative process of Indonesian Muslim novelists. The method used in this research is qualitative method; specifically, in this context is descriptive-explorative method. The questions asked to the research participants were conducted by using in-depth interview....

Digital Parenting Services: University Integrated With Society

Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Wagino, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Muhammad Syahidul Haq
This research aims to make advancement in the area of parenting by building a digital service. This service integrates parenting information in the surrounding society. Services in the form of websites that can be opened by the public and contain information. The method used in this research are research...

Policy Analysis and Practice Effect of “The Belt and Road Initiative” Education Action

Xueyuan Sun, Xi Zhang, Hongbo Wang
As the current Chinese government’s medium and long-term development strategy, “the Belt and Road Initiative” has attracted the attention of the world. As an important part of “the Belt and Road Initiative”, the Education Action plan issued by the Ministry of Education has achieved initial effect in...

Formation of Patriotism in Modern Russia

Marina Moiseenko
The article examines the problem of forming patriotism in modern Russia. Patriotism is considered as a priority value among the basic Russian values. The issue of patriotism value in the modern world is being updated, as opposed to nationalism, which excludes tolerant attitude to the traditions, customs,...

Analysis on Brand Development of Private Colleges and Universities in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Based on the Perspective of Sustainable Development

Mingchao Li
The special geographical location and political system of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the international background of coexistence of multiple cultures have strong basic strengths and international advantages in education and talents, and have the rigid conditions for the development...

Analysis of the Effect of Leadership, Job Motivation, and Organizational Culture Towards the Employee Performance of STT PLN

Susanto, Lannodaya Tommy Syahputra
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership, job motivation, and organizational culture on employee performance. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and a sample of 100 employees of the PLN Technical College. The analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis....

Mother’s Involvement in Nurturing Toddlers in School

Novenda Prahastiyani, Puji Yanti Fauziah
This research is qualitative. The study was conducted at Ali Maksum Street Melati Alley, Krapyak, Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta and SPS Kenanga Cutut RT 01 Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Bantul. The reason for the selection of the two institutions is because the agency has a parenting...

Online Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Key Competencies of the 21st Century During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A.V. Pesha, T.A. Kamarova
This paper presents the results of the study of the difficulties and opportunities of online education. COVID19 has accelerated technological advances in higher education and has opened up a number of challenges. The solution of these problems is necessary for the effective development of key competencies...
Proceedings Article

Application of Noise-Resistant Modular Codes to Increase the Fault Tolerance of Infocommunication Systems with OFDMD

Igor Kalmykov, Igor Provornov, Maksim Kalmykov, Ivan Efremenkov
The use of methods of intellectual decision support in modern infocommunication systems OFDM allows to ensure high reliability of data transmission due to their adaptation to various destructive influences. To make an optimal decision that allows to effectively counteract such impacts, it is necessary...

Criminological Profile of Persons Involved in Trafficking in Women for the Purpose of Prostitution

Oleksandr Kulyk, Taras Protsenko, Alina Riamzina
Trafficking in persons by transporting women abroad for the purpose of sexual exploitation by means of deception, fraud, blackmail, by taking advantage of the victim’s vulnerable state, through threat or use of violence, as well as by taking advantage of the victim’s financial or other dependence on...

Three Taiwanese Scholars on the Problem of the Human

Initial Notes

Valery Kiselev, Wei-Ding Tsai
The article examines the anthropological views of the three Taiwanese scholars: Hu Shih, Mou Zongsan and Xu Fuguan. They belong to different sectors of the ideological spectrum: Hu Shih was a representative of liberal thought, while Mou Zongsan and Xu Fuguan made a great contribution to the formation...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Local Application of Platelet Rich Fibrin versus Hyaluronic Acid on Postoperative Sequelae After Surgical Removal of Impacted Lower Third Molar

Imad Marouf, Atalla Rejab
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of local application of platelet rich fibrin and hyaluronic acid on postoperative sequelae after surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. Materials and Methods: The research included a total of 66 healthy patients, from both genders,...

Cooperative Model Type STAD and Its Effect on Student Learning Outcomes at Sustainability Accounting Courses

Asniati Bahari, Elvira Luthan, Winda Azmi, Alya Ledias Anshar
This study aims to determine the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning model’s effect on student learning outcomes in sustainability accounting courses. This research is a quasi-experimental study involving two groups of students at Andalas University with a total sample of 47...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of FDM 3D Printing Process Parameter for Improving Porosity Accuracy of PLA Scaffold

Zainal Abidin, M. Yanis, M. Zahri Kadir, Astuti, Akbar Teguh Prakoso, Edo Syahrizal, Ardiyansyah Syahrom, Hasan Basri
This study aims to obtain optimal porosity results from bone scaffolding printing using FDM type 3D printing machines using PLA material. In this study, the bone scaffold was modeled using Solid Works. This research’s main contribution is to obtain optimal settings in the molding of bone scaffolding...

The Use of Composite Quality of Life Indices for the Assessment of the Territorial Differentiation of Regions of the Russian Federation

T.V. Zhgun
Improving the quality of life of the population is a goal of Russia’s social policy. An effective tool of social policy can be a well-grounded assessment of territorial differentiation. The dynamics of the divergence in the quality of life between regions most accurately characterizes the change in regional...

Does English Teachers’ Intensification in the Modern Islamic Boarding School Affect Their Teaching Performance?

Mohammad Umar Fakhrudin, Erna Andriyanti
Teachers’ intensification has become a concern in these recent years. For English bilingual program teachers, there are duties besides teaching to complete by them such as becoming a coach, dormitory supervisor, and organization supervisor. These demands create an overloaded work for the teachers. Thus,...

Student Cognitive Activities in Biogeochemical Cycle Learning Using Modeling Example

Dewi Susanti, Adi Rahmat, Amprasto
The research aims to get information on student cognitive activities in biogeochemical cycle learning using modeling example. The research method uses a quasi-experiment. Cognitive activities are obtained by recording students’ verbal data during the biogeochemical cycle of learning. Students’ verbal...

Statistics and Countermeasures on the Risk of Poverty Alleviation of Farmers in the Poor Area

Xiaojun Pan, Chengyi Pu
The western ethnic regions are typical areas of deep poverty in our country. The main reasons for the high incidence of poverty are the loss or lack of income-increasing opportunities and ability of farmers due to multidimensional risks such as endemic diseases, disasters, and lack of education. Multi-dimensional...

Proximate of Pempek Instant Flour and Sensory Evaluation of Pempek from Mackerel Fish (Scomberomorus Commersonii)

Novidiyanto, Ori Pertami Enardi
Fish contains nutrients and functional compounds that are good for human health. Nutritional and chemical compounds that act as functional foods include protein, vitamin E, fats and minerals, which have good effects on health, such as preventing cardiovascular disease. Pempek is a traditional food from...