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188759 articles

Tax and Business Issues on Asset-Backed Securitization in Indonesia

Wulandari Kartika Sari, Fatmah Sabrina, Milla Sepliana Setyawati
Asset securitization is an alternative source of innovative infrastructure funding to achieve large infrastructure financing targets in Indonesia. This asset securitization study aims to discuss regulatory issues in business categories and tax implications related to CIC-ABS in Indonesia. This research...

The Effectiveness of Using Substitute Mannequin in the Implementation of Medical Skills of the Samara Family Block

Farida Juliantina Rachmawaty, Yaltafit Abror Jeem
Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has caused students to be unable to learn medical skills directly using standard mannequins. This study intends to determine the effectiveness of using a substitute mannequin in implementing medical skills of the Samara Family elective block and other aspects that need...

A Design and Development of WebGIS Distribution System based on Smart Logistics

Hongbo Hao, Fengzhi Dai
Pages: 201 - 204
The vigorous development of the logistics industry provides a solid foundation for China’s economic prosperity. However, with the concept of “smart logistics” proposed, the transformation of the logistics industry to information technology presents great challenges. Aiming at the transportation problem...

Drug Shortage Crisis in US During the 21th Century: Causes, Effects, and Management Strategies

Lixuanyi Pan
During the 21th century, drug shortages, in rapidly increasing frequency, posed severe and numerous difficulties to the American health system. Drug shortages are caused by various factors: shortage of raw materials, quality issues, regulatory problems, business and economic issues, and so on. These...

Analysis of Alternative Solution for Improving Voltage Profile Due to Overloading Interconnection System 150 KV

Tasma Sucita, Yadi Mulyadi
Voltage profile has a very important role in the distribution of electricity from generation sources to consumers. This research was conducted at PT. PLN APB West Java with the subject of the power flow study conducted to determine the voltage profile, active power flow and loading on the subsystem....

Implementation of Pancasila in Developing National Insights During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ratu Aulia, Nuzon Sugito, Hasmika
National insight is an important thing that must be maintained continuously in the process of nationhood and statehood because national insight is the spirit of the spirit of national life that determines the existence of a country. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic spread to various parts of the...

Analysis on the Motivation of Internet Enterprise Strategic Mergers and Acquisitions and Financial Synergies

A Case Study of Tencent’s Merger and Acquisition of China Music Group

Yuguo Yang, Yaer Ba, Jiayu Huang
In recent years, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of Internet enterprises have gradually increased. The main strategic goal is to pursue the synergies of enterprises after M&A. Among them, financial synergy is the main concern and also an important indicator to measure the success or failure of...

Inquiry Learning Using Local Socio-Scientific Issues as Context to Improve Students’ Chemical Literacy

Rosiana Melia Sari, Antuni Wiyarsi
This study aimed to investigate applying inquiry learning using local Socio-scientific Issues (SSI) as a context on the students’ chemical literacy; in this study, using a Quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design. There are two classes in this study, the experimental class, and the control class....

Research on ZARA Strategy from the Perspective of SWOT Analysis Method

Hu Duoyan
Though a leader in the fast fashion industry, ZARA encounters, in its development process, a multitude of problems and bottlenecks. In this paper, SWOT analysis is applied to analyze this brand. The results show that: ZARA has lower product prices, unique and numerous designs, high production efficiency,...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Activity Against Propionibacterium acnes of n-Hexane Fractions from Siam Weed Leaves (Chromolaena odorata)

Irawan Wijaya Kusuma, Rahmini, Enih Rosamah, Supomo, Harlinda Kuspradini
The present study aims to separate the active fractions from the n-hexane extract of Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata (L) R.M. King & H. Rob) leaves with potential as the antiacne agent. The present work includes isolation of active fractions guided by antiacne assay against Propionibacterium acnes...

The Relation Between Labor Pain with Maternal Anxiety

Nurul Komariah, Sari Wahyuni
Anxiety associated with prolonged labor. A woman who was anxious at delivery can threaten her and her baby’s safety. This study was analyzed the relation between labor pain with maternal anxiety. Some studies focus more on primiparas in this study trying to assess without distinguishing parity status....

On the Judicial Review of the Minority Shareholders of Limited Liability Companies Exercising the Right of Veto

Huashan Lin
In order to avoid the oppression of large shareholdrs, the minority shareholders of limited liability companies often adopt the terms of one person, one vote, minimum attendance, super majority decision and even unanimous consent. Such clauses give the minority shareholders the right to veto the meeting...

School Performance Development: Measurement of Variables Affected by the Moral Debate Program

Ibrahim Bafadal, Imam Gunawan, Ahmad Nurabadi, Juharyanto
The moral debate program aims to improve the integrity of school principals. The integrity and performance of the principal affects all aspects of the school. This study aims to measure the variables influenced by the moral debate program. The research was conducted with a survey design. The research...

Developing an E-Book Based on the Murshid Model for Learning Al-Qur’an in UIN Imam Bonjol, Padang

Khadijah, Niswardi Jalinus, Jalius Jama
Islamic Religious Education (PAI) students in Islamic State University (UIN) of Imam Bonjol, Padang are prospective educators in Islamic religious education. To be qualified educators in that discipline, their ability in reading Al-Qur’an must be above average. However, based on the test conducted, only...

Development of a Model for Empowering Women Craftsmen Through a Partnership Pattern in Buleleng Regency, Bali

Ni Luh Wayan Sayang Telagawathi, Ni Nyoman Yulianthini, Ni Made Suci
This article aims to develop an empowerment model for the small cepuk woven cloth industry that involves the participation of the government, companies/private sector, and tourism industry players. The entrepreneurial potential of the weaving handicraft household business is actually very promising,...

Analysis on Popeyes in China’s Sustainable Growth

Yufan Yang
China is a huge rising economy, numbers of foreign companies saw this opportunity and entered Chinese market since 1978, after the Chinese economic reform. In this paper, the author talked about how Popeyes can receive sustainable growth in China. The author also analyzed the low rated review on the...

Disordered Ego and Deficient Self-Awareness—A Freudian Interpretation on Tung Zhen-Bao in Eileen Chang’s Red Rose White Rose

Cheng-Ping Ku
This paper aims to reveal a disordered selfness represented and reflected in the main character Tung Zhen-Bao in Eileen Chang’s Red Rose White Rose. Through a series of examinations and interpretations with Freudian human psyche theory—Id, ego and super-ego as well as the Freudian pleasure principle...

Hoaxes: Attacking all Netizen and Putting Women as the Most Vulnerable Group

Survey on Netizen’s Responses to Hoaxes in Gianyar Bali

Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, Kadek Dwita Apriani, Richard Togaranta Ginting
Hoaxes circulate in social media. The power of social media which penetrate times and spaces without borders make hoaxes penetrate all the internet users. Hoaxes build hatred and exaggerated fear. For that reason, it is crucial to identify the toughness of netizen in dealing with hoaxes. This paper describes...

New Normal at Islamic Boarding School During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumbawa Island

Satriya Pranata, Fadillah Ahmad Nur, Herlinda Wulandari, Muhammad Johar Zainuddin, Muhammad Hidayat
A number of Islamic boarding schools are growing rapidly. However, living in Islamic Boarding School give a high risk of Covid-19 transmission because of the intensive interraction of the students and teachers within the same isolated environment while doing activities together. There is no research...

Transmigration Regional Multicultural Society, Analysis of Reading Literacy in Sumbawa Districts

Syamsul Bahri, D Damayanti, S Syihabuddin, Yeti Mulyati
The transmigration community is a multicultural society; this is because those who occupy the territory come from various regions. The variety of multicultural societies can influence different understanding and attitudes under students in the school environment. Different students sometimes trigger...

Audio Content Curation in Digital Music Streaming Applications

Music Recommendations in Spotify Playlists

Reno Dalu Maharso, Irwansyah
Digital audio streaming services grant digital media users access to seemingly infinite music if they are connected to the Internet. But abundant music brings a problem: users facing too many songs from which to choose. This problem is solved by curating music to suit users, thus introducing a recommendation...

Fine Art Learning Through the Implementation of the Free Expression Method in Year 11 of State Junior High School SMPN 1 Tasikmadu

Nur Dayo Ivory
The Free Expression method is applied in the Fine Art subject at state junior high school SMPN 1 Tasikmadu to help teachers improve the students’ creativity in drawing. The subjects involved Year 11 students in the odd semester during the academic year 2019/2020. This study was conducted to help students...
Proceedings Article

Improving Fuel Quality of Rice Straw Through Soaking Using Wastewater from Tofu Industry

S Suharyatun, A Haryanto, W Rahmawati, S Triyono, U Zubaidah
Straw is agricultural waste that has enormous potential as an alternative energy source because of its abundant availability. However, straw has poor intrinsic properties as a fuel. Alkali metal content (especially K) is very high, causing problems in the combustion process at high temperatures. One...

Analysis of Community Participation on Sustainable Development Planning of Geopark Silokek Tourism at Sijunjung Regency

Zul Azhar, Ali Anis, Hari Setia Putra, Jemi Juneldi
This study aims to determine the level of community participation in sustainable development of the Silokek Geopark tourism in Sijunjung Regency. The data was obtained by conducting a survey to the local community, then giving a questionnaire and conducting interviews. This study also analyzes the effect...

Analysis of the Management of Non-Tax State Receivables in the Directorate General of Intellectual Property

Desta Herawaty Tarigan
The Directorate General of Intellectual Property has revised patent law number 14 of 2001 to number 13 of 2016 but there still have work to be completed by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property. Based on the audit of the Supreme Audit Agency, there are still annual patent maintenance fees...

About Framing Effect and Its Applications

Haohua Wen
Framing effects can be used in many fields. Business [1], media [2] and politics are three areas where this effect is often used. Later, I’ll show you how the framing effect can be used in each of these three fields. The simple definition of framing effect is that people respond differently to the same...

Research on Anti-monopoly Regulations of Internet Platforms in China and Comments on the “Anti-Monopoly Guidelines on the Platform Economy Field”

Rui Gao, Fan Zhang
Alibaba was subject to administrative penalties for implementing the “either-or” monopoly. The anti-monopoly regulation of the Internet platform once again attracted people’s attention and heated discussions. To understand the anti-monopoly regulatory goals of the Internet platform, it is necessary to...

Critical Success Factors for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia

Silvia Anggraeni, Frangky Selamat
This study aims to examine the predictive ability of Critical Success Factors (CSF) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. The MSMEs sector plays an important role in driving Indonesia’s economic growth. Thus far, a lot of research has been done on what contributes to the failure...
Proceedings Article

Remediation of Lead Contaminated Paddy Field Using Ramie Plants Combined with Bioremediation Agents and Inorganic Fertilizer

Sutami, R Rosariastuti, Purwanto
Industrial waste containing heavy metals which used for wetland irrigation will affect the heavy metals content in the soil. The accumulation of heavy metals in the soil may result in reducing microbial activity, soil fertility, soil quality and heavy metals compounds in agricultural products. Agricultural...

Recognition and Intensity Estimation of Facial Expression Using Ensemble Classifiers

Hiroki Nomiya, Shota Sakaue, Teruhisa Hochin
Pages: 203 - 211
Facial expression recognition (FER) has been widely studied since it can be used for various applications. However, most of FER techniques focus on discriminating typical facial expressions such as six basic facial expressions. Spontaneous facial expressions are not limited to such typical ones because...

Load Experiment of the vDACS Scheme in case of the 300 Clients

Kazuya Odagiri, Shogo Shimizu, Naohiro Ishii
Pages: 203 - 210
In the current Internet system, there are many problems using anonymity of the network communication such as personal information leaks and crimes using the Internet system. This is why TCP/IP protocol used in Internet system does not have the user identification information on the communication data,...

Homogeneous Systolic Pyramid Automata with n-Dimensional Layers

Makoto Sakamoto, Makoto Nagatomo, Tatsuma Kurogi, Satoshi Ikeda, Masahiro Yokomichi, Hiroshi Furutani, Takao Ito, Yasuo Uchida, Tsunehiro Yoshinaga
Pages: 203 - 206
Cellular automata were investigated not only in the viewpoint of formal language theory, but also in the viewpoint of pattern recognition. Cellular automata can be classified into some types. A systolic pyramid automata is also one parallel model of various cellular automata. A homogeneous systolic pyramid...

Individual, Community and Societal Effects of the Global Financial Crisis: a Bioecological Model

Francesca Eleuteri, Lisa S. Arduino
Pages: 203 - 213
Prior research suggests that the current economic crisis has negative impacts on population mental health, while some studies show that the recession also causes positive effects. This paper aims to understand the individual, community and societal effects of the global financial crisis by examining...

Research on the Occupational Noise Exposure Health Risk Management Standard

Minyan Li, Deyin Huang, Qian Zhang
Pages: 203 - 208
To prevent and control the occupational noise hazard, procedures and methods of risk assessment and management of occupational noise hazard in the workplaces have been proposed as technical guidelines in the new standard “Risk Management Guidelines for Noise Occupational Disease Hazard” based on the...

Filtration of a Visco-Elastic Liquid with Relaxation: a Note on Lie Point Symmetries and Reductions

Astri Sjoberg, Ozgul Kartal
Pages: 203 - 210
We present the Lie point symmetries admitted by third order partial differential equations (PDEs) which model the pressure of a visco-elastic liquid with relaxation which filtrates through a porous medium. The symmetries are used to construct reductions of the PDEs to ordinary differential equations...

The Effects of Covid-19 on the Online Food Delivery Industry

Rui Lin
The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the major worldwide crises in the 21st century. The pandemic has caused a significant impact on different parts of the world. This paper will focus on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the online food delivery industry. The effects are divided into several parts:...

The Existing Problems and the Possible Reformation of UK University Admission System

Lidi Fang
This paper shows the current situation and state of UK’s university admission about how it is run generally and points out a few problems related to such matching mechanism between students and universities such as the shortcomings in stability, strategy-proof and Pareto-efficiency. In 2015, the UK government...
Proceedings Article

The Formation and Characterization of Multicomponent Crystal Caffeic Acid-Tromethamine Using the Solvent Drop Grinding Technique

Adhitya Jessica, Amrizal, Uswatul Hasanah, Erizal Zaini, Lili Fitriani
Caffeic acid is a polyphenol compound with low solubility in water. This study aims to prepare and characterize multi-component crystals of caffeic acid, using tromethamine as a coformer, to enhance the dissolution rate without lessening its antioxidant effect. Multi-component crystals were prepared...

Visual Naration of Reyog Obyogan Ponorogo in Bantarangin version

Oki Cahyo Nugroho, Deny Wahyu Tricana, Eli Purwati
Ponorogo has special traditional mask dance performance, Reyog Ponorogo. There are two versions of Reyog, Reyog Ponorogo in Festival and Obyogan. In Obyogan performance, they’re starting to leave the origin of the stories, and myths that lie behind the origins of Reyog itself. This research is an answer...

Analysis of Trends in Education for Canada

Zhihuan Shao
The quality of education dramatically determines the quality of children’s lives and opportunities. Schools aim to provide students with skills, knowledge, and interpersonal capability, which are necessary to develop and benefit the economy and society. In a country like Canada, its education system...

Law Enforcement of Cyber Crime Jurisdiction in Transnasional Law

Rahmatilla Aryani Putri, Huala Adolf, Jafar Sidik
The rapid development of information technology has made the world borderless and lead to social change which is significantly fast. These advances are accompanied by negative impacts which threaten and endanger the social and economic development of the Ummah involving more than one country. Law enforcement...

A Case Study of Glass Art Marketization Under the Background of Creative Industry

Hui Tang
Through the interpretation of the marketization of glass art in some cases and the construction and analysis of the creative industry, this paper puts forward some thoughts on the marketization of glass art from the perspective of creative industry. There are mainly two tasks: the first one is to clarify...

Research on the Objection to the Jurisdiction of International Commercial Arbitration

Wei Wang
The jurisdiction of international commercial arbitration is the prerequisite of international commercial arbitration procedure and the foundation and condition for the smooth proceeding of arbitration procedure. The determination of arbitration jurisdiction is of great significance to the smooth proceeding...

The Smart Church, a New Normal Church in Digital Era

Jimmy Oentoro, Esther Idayanti
COVID-19 has become the trigger to speed up churches’ move to digital platform. While the world is gathering big data and operating in artificial intelligence, churches are limited in its approach to digital Sunday services. More than just an online church that airs services to replace indoor services,...
Proceedings Article

Selections and Egg Characteristics of Village Chicken Crossing with Pelung-Crossed Chickens

Takdir Saili, La Ode Nafiu, Rusli Badaruddin, Syamsuddin
Improving the productivity of village chickens (KP) can be done by crossbreeding using chicken that has high productivity, such as pelung chicken or pelung-crossed chicken (PS). In this study, three mating systems were applied, namely the mating between PS hens and PS roosters, KP hens and PS roosters,...
Proceedings Article

Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma Characteristics at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar 2011–2021

Nova Audrey Luetta Pieter, Yanneca Bamba Pirade, Rizky Amalia Wakano
Introduction: An uncommon benign tumor of the head and neck, known as juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, is more common in male adolescents. It is an aggressive, malignant tumor. Aim: to learn the characteristics of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar’s...

HOTS-Based English Learning Worksheet for Elementary School Students

Putu Kerti Nitiasih, Luh Gd Rahayu Budiarta, Ni Luh Putu Era Adnyayanti
The revised 2013 curriculum in Indonesia emphasizes HOTS-based learning. Therefore, the teacher’s skill, techniques, methods, media, and books must support the student’s critical thinking. In the learning process, the teacher usually uses the student’s worksheet. However, some educational practitioners...

Language Style Used in Deddy Corbuzier Podcast YouTube Channel

Togi Bertuah Silalahi, Rahmad Husein, Sumarsih
Language as one of significant thing for people to communicate has various style in its usage. People use language to share idea and feeling, to convey information and get entertainment. The variation of language is found from the style that people use when they talk. Language style is defined as the...

Comparison Participation of American and Indonesian Women Politicians in Creation of Sexual Violence Laws

Ayeshia Dinar Nurharisa, Laras Safa Azhara, Aulia Izzah Azmi
Indonesia and USA are democratic countries, where the public is given access to take part in the election of politicians who will represent the people in parliamentary policy making. Indonesia itself has experienced an increase in the number of female politicians due to the election obligation for political...

Education and Urbanization

An Analysis of the Differences in Education Between the Village and City

Jingchen Xue
With the development of the economy in China, the author found that though the urban and rural families hold similar ideologies in education, the urban students nearly monopolize all the educational resources, thus creating a large social gap between the urban and rural regions in terms of education....