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1582 articles

The Analysis of Target Achievement in Bank Indonesia 2015 Regulation on Lending for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Kenny Putri Lisa, Dewi Ratna Sjari Martokoesoemo
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) are important sectors in the economy, especially for developing countries. One of the biggest obstacles towards developing the sector is related to financing. Bank Indonesia has launched the regulation called Bank Indonesia's Policy/Peraturan Bank Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

Production of Biodiesel From Nyamplung Oil (Calophyllum inophyllum) Using Immobilized Lipase Enzyme Catalyst with Variation of Temperature and Number of Cycles in A Packed Bed Reactor

Martha Aznury, Mareta Putri, Desti Nur Wahyunita, Siske Alfatiya, Idha Silviyati, Ira Gusti Riani, Marta Tika Handayani, Robert Junaidi, Ahmad Zikri
Biodiesel, Minyak Nyamplung, Enzim Lipase Amobil, Packed Bed Biodiesel is a type of fuel made from a mixture of mono-alkyl esters of long-chain fatty acids. It is used as an alternative to diesel fuel and is produced from renewable sources such as vegetable oil or animal fat. The biodiesel production...

Money Attitudes, Mental Accounting, and Compulsive Buying Behavior Among Football Supporters

Wika Harisa Putri, Sungkono, Angelia Pribadi, Wulan Fitri Annisa, Clara Wuri Vitaningsih
Financial behavior, especially among the specific community, is the researcher's concern, which is related to how psychological responses in the form of money attitudes and mental accounting can influence compulsive buying behavior in members of the football supporter community. Some exciting things...

The Effect of STEM Approach with Assessment Formative in PBL on the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Physics Teacher on Mechanical Wave

Merlyn Yoan Trivosa Benu, Parno Parno, Supriyono Koes Handayanto, Lia Yuliati, Maharani Karunia Putri, Budi Jatmiko, Marlina Ali
Mechanical wave matter is abstract material so it is still difficult to understand and affect to students’ problem-solving abilities (PSA). PSA is needed to understand and solve physics problems using accurate methods. The solution in an effort to improve the PSA of mechanical wave materials is to apply...

Ngasuh Anauk Song: A Form of Love Representation between Mother and Children

Evi Dianti Putri, Indrayuda
This article aims to reveal and explain Ngasuh Anauk song in the Hamparan Rawang area of Sungai Penuh city. This song, traditionally cultivated by the Hamparan Rawang community, aims to express the love of a mother to her child. The research method is descriptive, with the intention of describing the...

The Effects of Macroeconomics on Probability of Default for the Micro Business Segment

Putri Nur Aprilia Mulyana, Maria Ulpah
This research explains the influences of macroeconomics on the Probability of Default (PD) for the micro business segment in Indonesia. The model used to measure credit risk indicators is based on Days Past Due (DPD) and collectability to calculate the PD in accordance with the company’s internal historical...

Web-Based Excellent Internship System (EIS) as Interconnected Media to Maintain Student Capabilities During Pandemic Era

Dhika Maha Putri, Sheila Febriani Putri, Dwi Narullia, Fitri Purnamasari, Mohd. Rizal Palil
The use of technology to facilitate educational activities amid the Covid-19 pandemic era is becoming an urgency in the academic world today. This is intended so that the teaching and learning process remains conducive, including the process of internship activities that must be followed by students....

Development of Audio Visual Learning Media Based on Canva Application on Students Learning Interest in Geography Learning in Class X IPS SMAN 2 Dayun, Kabupaten Siak

Dea Irwanita, Nefilinda, Rozana Eka Putri
This study aims to find out and analyze the development, feasibility and practicality of Canva based learning media in geography learning in class X IPS SMAN 2 Dayun, Siak Regency. The method used in this research and development 4D (Four-D Models) includes 4 stages, namely: Define, Design, Development....

Online Treveler Reviews: How to Build the Intention of Generation Z Travelers

Farah Putri Wenang Lusianingrum, Widya Nur Bhakti Pertiwi, Dearin Zelliana
Tourism is one of the sectors that has been seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of tourist visits has decreased drastically due to the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions. When visitors’ trust in advertisements decreases, online reviews are an effective strategy to gain...

Development of Educational Video to Improve Sleep Hygiene and Sleep Quality among the Elderly

Herqutanto, Yoan Utami Putri
Sleep is an undiscovered problem in elderly. It is estimated that 50-70% of global elderly experience chronic sleep disturbance, with the most affected domains are sleep latency, fragmentation, and decreased efficiency. Poor sleep quality is strongly associated with cognitive decline, dependency, and...

Embarking the Republic of Indonesia National Police (POLRI) Investment on Overseas Postgraduate Education Eminence

Bilqis Oktaviani Putri, Vegyta Tresya Putri Sukmana, Nadila Pradana Fahyan
The Republic of Indonesia National Police (Polri) is infested with a prominent function for maintaining public order and safety for Indonesian livelihood. Yet during the swift flux of world order and development challenges evolving in the technological and industrial revolution, Polri postures a prevailing...
Proceedings Article

Estimation of Rumen Microbial Nitrogen Supply Based on Purine Derivatives Excreted in The Urine of Male and Female Garut Sheep Fed Ad Libitum

Mutiara Mustika Putri Mahanani, Chusnul Hanim, Kustantinah Kustantinah, Zaenal Bachruddin, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, Lies Mira Yusiati
This experiment aimed to compare the rumen microbial nitrogen supply in male and female Garut Sheep. Six male and female Garut sheep were put in the metabolism cages, fed ad libitum with Pennisetum purpureum and bran pollard with a ratio 60: 40. This study begins with an adaptation period of 14 days....

Ethnomathematics: Traveling Trade on The Musi River

Malalina Malalina, Ratu I. I. Putri, Zulkardi Zulkardi, Yusuf Hartono
The culture around students can be used to understand mathematical concepts even though there is not much linking the culture in students in the learning process. This study aims to discover the mathematical concepts in traveling trading activities on the Musi River. The research subject is a traveling...

The Effect of Current Ratio, Cash Ratio, Earning Per Share, and Return on Equity on Stock Prices

Reika Happy Sugiastuti, Mellenia Rizky Ananda Putri Harianto, Achmad Husaini
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of financial ratios on stock prices. This research was made for doubts about making investment decisions in the capital market by analyzing financial ratios to stock prices. The results showed that the Current ratio, Cash ratio, Earning Per Share,...
Proceedings Article

Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on Natural Tourism in West Bandung Using Multinomial Logistic Regression Algorithm

Tammara Audina Putri, Faqih Hamami, Ekky Novriza Alam
Now is the moment for the tourism market to recover after being hit by the Covid disaster. This recovery is accompanied by improvements in various aspects related to the tourism sector by the government, including the Tourism and Culture Office of West Java Province. Given the immense potential of the...

The Effect of Population Development and Gross Domestic Product on Covid-19 Prevalence in East Java Province

Dian Ayu Larasati, Nuansa Bayu Segara, Elisabet Septin Puspoayu, Adis Aditya Nuzulia Rohmah, Laily Wahyuningtyas Putri Hariono
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a family of coronaviridae. The government has taken various countermeasures to reduce the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in various sectors. Covid-19 pandemic affected not only health sector, but almost all...

Organizational Behavior After Pandemic COVID-19

(Study Case McDonald’s)

Martina Martina, Jovie Palos, Fadhya Putri, Khairiyah Kamilah
Organizational behavior is one of the key points to running a business that can make the operation more effective because it studies human behavior and how people interact with the organization itself. The massive spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced all business industries, and it’s also impacting...
Proceedings Article

Improvement of Defense Scheme Operation by Considering Load Profile of Interbus Transformer for Sub Java Electrical System

Alfia Putri Wulandari, Mochammad Facta, Susatyo Handoko
The electrical blackout on August 4, 2019, in several areas of Jakarta and surrounding areas took a long time to recover and the vital loads lose electrical supply. This power outage indicates that there is a weakness in the electrical defense scheme. Based on the conventional standard, when the frequency...

Analysis of the Monitoring Implementation of Public Road Parking Retribution toward the Target Achievement of Regional Expenditure Malang in 2017 (A study in technical implementary unit of kepanjen transportations department)

Kartika Putri Kumalasari, Rency Novia, Rosalita Rachma Agusti, Astri Warih Anjarwi
Malang Regency as an Implementer regency of regional autonomy is comprehensively authorized along with the provision of rights and obligations to administer its autonomy. One of the tangible authorization forms of the aforementioned regional autonomy is the regional financial administration as well as...
Proceedings Article

Physical Education Students’ Psychological Skills in Facing Sport Competition

Wulandari Putri, Mesa Rahmi Stephani
Psychological skills have important roles in the performance of sport. Unfortunately, research related to psychological skills of Physical Education college students, who often interact with sport competition, is scarce. Therefore, this study was aimed at exploring the Physical Education college students’...
Proceedings Article

Fast Food Consumption and Snacking in Female Adolescents and Their Correlation With Hemoglobin Levels

Dinar Putri Rahmawati, Dono Indarto, Diffah Hanim
Female adolescents are at high risk of anemia due to nutrient deficiencies and unhealthy lifestyle. Fast food consumption and snacking with high calories, carbohydrates and fat are very common in adolescent daily life that can cause inflammation by which macrophage infiltration into adipose tissues leading...
Proceedings Article

Nutrients Distribution and Trophic Status Classification in Coastal Waters of Pulau Pasaran, Lampung

B Putri, M R Nur Huda, H Yulianto, I G Yudha, N M Noor, M Ali
Research on the characteristics of distribution of phosphate, nitrate and Chlorophyll-a have been carried out in Pulau Pasaran waters Lampung from May to July 2017. The aim of this research was to determine the nutrient distribution and tropic status of Pulau Pasaran waters by chlorophyll-a, nitrate,...

Political Connections, Financing and Dividend Policy

Leonita Putri, Sulaeman Rahman Nidar, Rachmat Sudarsono, Josep Ginting
The purpose of this study is to see the political connections DER, EPS, SIZE, growth and ROA influence on the company’s dividend distribution policy. The sample in the study SOE listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010-2018 period. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique and...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Refractive Errors in Elementary School Students in Maros District

Dewi Nugrahwati Putri, Ahmad Ashraf Amalius, Andi Akhmad Faisal, Nursyamsi Nursyamsi, Muhammad Irfan Kamaruddin
Refractive errors are the leading cause of visual impairment in children. Therefore, determining the severity of the problem in every region is necessary for management strategy. However, there is a lack of data on the prevalence of refractive errors in children in Indonesia. This study aims to determine...

A Morphological Study of Sign Language: Reduplication in Kata Kolok

Dian Rahmani Putri
Reduplication is part of a morphological process carried out by repetition of basic or affixed words, both in the form of full repetition and partial repetition. Reduplication is found in spoken language, namely the language spoken. This research is an experimental development in which researchers try...

Javanese Language Politeness in Novel Prasetyane Wanita by Tulus Setiyadi

Nur Fateah, Riska Putri Mardiyani
Language politeness is a person's attitude or way of respecting others when communicating, politeness can be seen through literary works, namely novels. This study aims to (1) describe the principles of language politeness contained in the dialogue between characters in the novel Prasetyane Wanita,...

Why Does He Choose Home Schooling?

Evi Winingsih, Frida Putri Wardhani
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that encourage individuals to choose homeschooling. The emergence of homeschooling helps many students in completing primary to secondary school education. There are many things that encourage students to prefer the informal school. This research...
Proceedings Article

Growth and Yield Responses of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) to Salinity Stress

Catur Herison, Yunirza Eka Putri, Hasanudin Hasanudin, Rustikawati Rustikawati
Hot pepper productivity in coastal areas tends to be lower than that of in common arable areas. The main problem is salinity stress which hampers growth and suppresses yield. The use of tolerant genotypes is one of the most prospective approaches to overcome the low productivity of coastal areas. This...

The Effect of Instructional Communication Based on BCCT (Beyond Center and Circle Time) to Character Development of Playgroup-Kindergarten Students at Sekolah Alam Bosowa in Makassar

Farannisa Ramil Putri, Jeanny Maria Fatimah, Arianto Arianto
This study aims to analyze the effect of instructional communication based on BCCT (Beyond Center and Circle Time) on the character development of playgroup-kindergarten students at Sekolah Alam Bosowa in Makassar. This research used a quantitative method with a population and a sample of 30 students...

Exercise for College Students: Effects of Yoga Dan Zumba as a Stress Management Technique

Suri Mutia Siregar, Rani Queen Manurung, Raymondo Elieser Purba, Sarah Hafiza, Ivana Putri, Yohanna Rekhatalia Debataraja, Muhammad Suriya Pratama
Stress faced by college students creates challenges and tensions that can affect their health. Students who experience long-term stress are prone to have trouble sleeping at night, feeling mood swings, decreasing well-being, anxiety, and depression. Methods used by individuals to reduce the stress they...
Proceedings Article

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for ‘Happy’ Hypoxia in COVID-19 Patient, Why is it Better?

Sofia Wardhani, M Guritno Suryokusumo, Naura Rahma Andhika Putri
Background: Lately, there has been many discussions regarding happy / silent hypoxia, whereas the patient does not sense or show symptoms of breathlessness yet the patient has been experiencing hypoxia due to Covid-19 infection. This has caused death to many Covid-19 patients without comorbidities. The...

Students' Background Diversity, Their VAK Learning Style and Lectures Teaching Strategies

As it is seen everywhere, many learners are interested in studying English-whether it is because they want to or because they need to. Those learners come from different countries with different races, cultures, occupations, and economic levels. Therefore, the researcher is interested to analyze about...

Relationship of Assertive Behaviors and Social Media Addiction among Adolescents

Hani Khairunnisa, Ade Ayu Harisdiane Putri
Social media addiction is increasingly prevalent, especially among adolescents. There are many factors that make adolescents addicted to social media. Adolescents who are less assertive are more susceptible to using social media as an alternative to express their feelings or just communicate with others....
Proceedings Article

Association Between Food Handlers Hygiene and Food Sanitation to the Contamination of Salmonella Sp. on Sempol

Putri Mustika Nopriani, Hartati Eko Wardani, Supriyadi, Agung Kurniawan
Food contamination could become the cause of high incidence of typhoid fever in Malang. Sempol is a well known traditional food in Malang, Indonesia, made from chicken meat and egg. Bad hygiene and sanitation in processing and selling will impact to contamination of Salmonella sp on Sempol. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Ethyl Acetate Fraction From Uncaria Gambir Leaves Through the Inhibition of Edema, COX-2 and iNOS Expression

Nanang Yunarto, Putri Reno Intan, Arifayu Addiena Kurniatri, Indah Sulistyowati, Nurul Aini
Inflammatory is a body defense mechanism due to respond of tissue on undermine influences, either local or the one that go into the body. Inflammatory can cause various physical dysfunctions. Uncaria gambir Roxb, a high catechin content in ethyl acetate fraction, is widely used as wound healing in Indonesian...

On the Application of the Open Jackson Queuing Network in Hospital

Arum Helmi Manggala Putri, Irwan Endrayanto
The open Jackson queuing network is the open queuing network consisting of several service stations. On the open Jackson queueing networks, patients arrive from outside the network to get service and then leave the network. The open Jackson theory is used to determine the queue network model and the...

UNNES Prigel Analysis Study: Application of Nail art Design Techniques in Liekuang & Co Mini Salon Project

Eny Widhia Agustin, Ade Novi Nurul Ihsani, Natasha Shella Putri, Allif Rizkia Amelita, Gema Victoriana, Lenita Eka Mayasari
UNNES Prigel activity is one of the activity programs that UNNES students can participate in for (one) semester in the form of an accelerated internship program with well-designed learning experiences in providing challenges and opportunities to develop students’ creativity, capacity, personality and...

Influence of Leadership Style and Motivation to Teachers’ Performance in BPI 1 Bandung Senior High School

Sedarmayanti Sedarmayanti, Sabar Gunawan, Dea Putri Perceka
Education must adapt to change by improving the performance of its human resources. Especially schools, which have an important role in improving the resources of students are teachers as educators and principals as leaders. In this regard, researchers try to identify variables that mostly affect their...
Proceedings Article

Making Herbal Tea from a Mixture of Butterfly Pea Flower (Clitoria Ternatea) and Ginger Powder (Zingiber Officinale) by using Drying Method According to Indonesian National Standards (SNI)

Sofiah Sofiah, Arizal Aswan, Isnandar Yunanto, Cindi Ramayanti, Putri Desty Amelia, Aliyah Nahda Utami
Herbal tea is a term for herb flowers, leaves, seeds, roots or dried fruit that is not derived from the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). One of the plants that can be used as herbal teas are butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) and ginger (Zingiber officinale). Butterfly pea is known traditionally as an eye...

A Cloning Issue of Human, Animal, and Plant in Science Teachers’ Argumentation: A study in Islamic Organization-Based Schools

Afridha Laily Alindra, Ari Widodo, Fitri Nuraeni, Nenden Permas Hikmatunisa, Hafiziani Eka Putri
Cloning is a fascinating topic in the socio-scientific question. This is a contentious question in both religion and science. Science teachers must be able to deliver this topic proportionally in the practice of science learning in class. The purpose of this study is to investigate how science teachers...

The Effect of Knowledge Sharing on Affective Commitment: The Mediation Role of Competency Development of Gen Y Employees at PT PP (Persero), Tbk Head Office

Nara Pangestika Vidyani, Putri Mega Desiana
Discussion related to affective commitment becomes one of the problems in human resource management. This study aims to explore the mediation role of competency development on the effect of knowledge sharing on affective commitment. The research uses a cross-sectional survey to collect primary data....

Improvement of Public Speaking Skill Through Ice Breaking Method Ira Arini

Ira Arini, Dede Kurnia Adiputra, Ade Eka Anggraini, Iman Sampurna, Putri Yuniar Fatmawati, Ajeng Ginanjar, Yuyun Yuningsih, Habib Cahyono
The purpose of this study is to improve public speaking skills through ice breaking methods for students of Penjaskes at STKIP Setiabudhi Rangkasbitung. This research method uses two cycles of action research methods. The population in this study amounted to 300 students and the sample in this study...

Ornament Exploration Based on the Beliefs of Sangihe

Alifia Putri Anindita, Sabrina Ilma Sakina
Sangihe is located at the tip of North Sulawesi, Indonesia, that borders Philippines maritime territory. Sangihe is rich with traditional culture and in the past, had its own local belief in guardian spirits. The Sundeng religion, or to be exact the Sundeng community, worshipped the spirit of nature....

Bamboo Handicrafts in the Village of Brajan, Sendangagung, Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta: An Analysis of Their Forms and Meanings

Sinta Widiana Putri, Bambang Prihadi
As one of the potential tourist villages in the Sleman district, Brajan has contributed to its community, one of which is in the form of the emergence of human potential. The main human potential that develops in the tourist village of Brajan is that many citizens become bamboo craftsmen. At present,...

Economic Potential Development Based on Google Earth Engine Land Value Map

Dania Hellin Amrina, Lysa Dora Ayu Nugraini, Kinanthi Sekar Nareswari, Fadhilla Ajeng Putri Maharani, Maulana Yudi Nugroho
The research aims to analyze the economic potential in Panggang and Saptosari Districts, Gunungkidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Using information from land value mapping from Google Earth Engine technology, the results showed that there were three main classes, namely yards, explosions, and...

The Effect of STEM-based 7E Learning Cycle Model with Formative Assessment on Concept Mastery in Work and Energy Topic

Maharani Karunia Putri, Parno Parno, Nuril Munfaridah, Khusaini Khusaini, Nuraini Fitri, Marlina Ali
Work and Energy are important physics concepts and considered difficult by students. In this regard, it is necessary to have good mastery of concepts. A solution is needed to overcome student’s difficulties by designing appropriate learning model to improve students’ concept mastery. One of the suitable...

Effectiveness of Virtual Reality versus Conventional Exercise on Gait Training in Parkinson’s Disease: a literature review

Faizah Abdullah Djawas, Putri Maharani Anindita, Aditya Denny Pratama, Iman Santoso
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a degenerative process involving neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra with reduced dopamine production in the brain. Parkinson’s patients often experience gait disturbances that require physiotherapy intervention. Studies suggested that conventional exercises such as...

Workaholic or Work Life Balance? Understanding the Y Generation Traits as Young Labor: A Literature Review

Sekar Widyasari Putri, Ratih Nur Setyaningsih, H. Yulika Nourmalasari
The current workforce is dominated by a young work force called Y generation. These generations are those born from 1980 - 2000. They came from different periods from the previous generation, generating distinct ideologies, ethics and work expectations. They are workers or future leaders with unique...

Study of The Malangan Batik through Motifs Composition with Shape Grammar Technique and Color Composition Selection (Case Study: The Druju Batik)

Titi Ayu Pawestri, Debri Haryndia Putri
The Malangan Batik is a batik art with unique motif of Malang. There are some central of batik producer in Malang, one of them is The Druju Batik. This batik was produced since 1996 in The Druju Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency. The Druju motif inspired by natural environment around...

Developing Task Based Language Teaching Worksheet as the Solution in Teaching and Learning English

Suci Azani Putri, Refnaldi
Worksheet is common used as supplementary teaching materials in teaching and learning English. It provides interesting tasks which cannot be found in text book. Worksheet facilitates teacher to make an existing classroom activity through completing the tasks. This paper tries to explore the use of task...