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188759 articles

Research on the Application Strategy of Virtual Reality Technology in the Historic Building Protection Courses

Zhili Zhu, Kai Cao, Jiahao Yin
More and more attention is paid to the protection of historical buildings around the world, and more attention should be paid to the training of relevant professionals. Virtual reality technology currently has a good trend of development in various industries, and has obvious advantages that can be used...

Construction and Teaching Practice of Online Course of Basic Japanese in the Period of Epidemic Condition

Sun Hui, Wang Yue
A sudden epidemic in the year 2020 has made the entire education sector realize the necessity of popularizing “Internet + Education”. In this sense, constructing online courses has become an urgent task. Based on this need for exploration, this article takes Basic Japanese Course as an example to give...

LMX and OCB Civil Servants in Bandung, West Java

S.H. Senen, M. Masharyono, Sumiyati, S. Khotijah
The era of bureaucratic reform is now carried out in various government agencies. Therefore, the role of OCB is considered vital, especially in the government sector. Problems about the achievement of OCB that have not been optimal were experienced by National Civil Service Agency (BKN) at Regional III...

Change of Mother’s Experience in Digital Media

Shiyao Wu
Digital media is a good way for more people to express their opinions. This article uses the literature research method to explore how mothers and feminist mothers use digital media to empower themselves. It is found that the development of digital media allows feminist voices to be raised so that mothers...

Local History for Creative History Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Nuhiyah, Supriatna, Nana
This research in collaboration with AGSI Banten aims to explore History teachers’ attitudes toward Local History for Creative History Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic. This research was conducted with applying a qualitative method to 106 participants of History teachers in Banten, Indonesia. Data collection...

A Comparative Study on the Differences of Chinese and American Business Etiquette Between China and America from Cross-Cultural Aspect

Tingting Xiao
Good manners not only embellish the company image, but also play a major role in generating profit. Nowadays, it is also necessary to apply etiquette to business activities. International trade exchanges have become frequent. People pay more and more attention to good business etiquette quality. As an...
Proceedings Article

The Risk Factors of Fibroadenoma: Cross Sectional Study in Solok Selatan Hospital, Indonesia

Putri Dafriani, Siti Aisyah Nur, Riza Delfitri
Fibroadenoma is one of the most common benign tumors on young women. Some studies showed that healthy diet decrease risk factor for fibroadenoma on young women. This research aims to study the relationship between age and diet with fibroadenoma. This study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional...
Proceedings Article

Health in Digital Era 4.0: Analyzing Reader Engagement Rate on Instagram Account of Government Health Agencies

Adri Priadana, Andika Bayu Saputra, Puji Winar Cahyo, Muhammad Habibi
In recent years, social media has become an essential part of governance in the Digital Era 4.0. The government health agencies, which are an element of implementing government affairs in the health sector, have also utilized social media in disseminating information related to health. Instagram is one...

Multicultural Learning in The Subjects of Civic Education, History and Sociology

Case Study: SMA Negeri 1 Purwodadi

This study aims to examine the implementation of multicultural education in the subjects of Citizenship Education, History and Sociology at SMA N 1 Purwodadi. The subjects in the study were teachers and students at SMA N 1 Purwodadi. The method in this study used a qualitative approach. The results showed...

The Effect of Education Level and Poverty on Economic Growth in Serdang Bedagai Regency

Faishal Amri Siregar, Muhammad Fitri Rahmadana, Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi
Economic growth as a process of increasing output over time is an important indicator to measure the success of a country’s development. Economic growth is only influenced by the stock of capital, labor and technology which are exogenous in nature. Economic growth is one indicator of the success of development...

Role of Government in Keeping Price Stability Through Pure Market Operation From an Islamic Economic Perspective

Soya Sobaya, Zakka Hifzhan Hanifan Fadhlulloh, Yuli Andriansyah
This research analyzed the Pure Market Operation program carried out by the government in the light of Islamic economic perspective. Qualitative research was used as the main design of this research to obtain an over-view of the work of the Pure Market Operation implemented by the government and supported...

The Influence of Guided Inquiry-Based Learning Using Socio-Scientific Issues on Environmental Awareness of Pre-service Chemistry Teachers

Oktavia Sulistina, Sri Rahayu, I Wayan Dasna, Yahmin
The present study investigated the influence of guided inquiry-based learning using socio-scientific issues related to environment on the environmental awareness of pre-service chemistry teachers in the fundamental chemistry class. The study was designed according to the triangulated mixed-method design....

Exploring Factors Related to First Year College Students’ Academic Achievement in Indonesia

Airin Triwahyuni, Tiara R. Widiastuti, Whisnu Yudiana, Hery Susanto
Grade Point Average (GPA) was commonly used as a measure of college students’ academic achievement. There was no analysis yet regarding factors related to academic achievement for college students in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to predict factors related to first year academic achievement....

Creation of a Database on Failures of Recycled Household Appliances as a Way to Improve Product Reliability

Irina Reznikova
Improving product reliability is one of the main challenges for manufacturers. The capabilities of modern technology make it possible to create and analyze information about waste. Information on failures at various stages of the product life cycle, including at the disposal stage, allows the manufacturer...

Analysis of Parental Views on the Value of Children

Anisatul Khoiroh, Yeni Rachmawati, Vina Adriany
Previous research on the value of children often focuses on the economic values of children. This research adopts literature approaches which discuss children’s value from a parent’s perspectives. This paper adopts literature reviews to see how, children’s values are influenced by other factors. The...

The Effectiveness of Online Learning on the Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum

Cindy Yonafri, Erizal Gani
The most fundamental difference between the 2013 curriculum and the previous curriculum is the emphasis on the realm of learning. In the 2013 curriculum, the learning domain is emphasized on a holistic educational process, so that it covers a broader domain, namely the affective (social and spiritual),...

Policy Disparities in Response to COVID-19 between China and South Korea

Haiqian Chen, Leiyu Shi, Yuyao Zhang, Xiaohan Wang, Gang Sun
Pages: 246 - 252
Objectives: This study analyzed the effects of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical measures between China and South Korea to share experiences with other countries in the struggle against SARS-CoV-2. Methods: We used the generalized linear model to examine the associations between non-pharmaceutical measures...

The Characteristics and Dissemination Methods Innovation of Internet Celebrity with Online Video Live Broadcast

Based on the Perspective of Opinion Leaders

Chen Wenjun, Wang Lu
By analyzing the relevant literature of opinion leaders and online opinion leaders, combined with media analysis reports, we defined the identity of the opinion leaders of Internet celebrities with online video live broadcast. We believe that the Internet celebrities with online video live broadcast...
Proceedings Article

Species Test of Morus alba and Morus cathayana in Indonesia

Nanang Sasmita, Liris Lis Komara
Mulberry plants have been cultivated for a long time ago. It is being grown for the supply of silkworms. Mulberry cultivation as a silkworms feeds in Indonesia increases because mulberry plants have many benefits, including leaves and fruit as animal feed, tea production, and pharmaceuticals. This study...

Investigation on the Effectiveness of “Production-oriented Approach” in Senior High School English Writing Expression Strategies

Yumin Huang
Through a 16-week teaching experiment, this study examines the impact of production-oriented approach, which is based on the hypothesis of output-driven, input-enabled and teacher-student cooperative evaluation, on the senior high school English writing expression strategies from three dimensions of...

Electronic Customs as a Currency Control Authority

M.A. Yakovleva
The article discloses the functionality of the recently created electronic customs from the position of currency control. The author identifies the specific features of electronic customs and their capabilities for the most efficient performance of currency control functions, in particular, control of...

Exploration and Practice of Diversified Chemical Experiment Teaching Mode—Taking the Local Colleges as an Example

Feng Wang, Na Qiu, Wei Huang, Xuejing Liu
The comprehensive competence of chemistry majors requests the capacity of “thinking” and “doing”. There exists certain indivisible intrinsic relation between the “thinking” and “doing”. Considering the vital role of experiment in the coordination of “thinking” and “doing”, it is urgent to foster the...

Analysis on Implementation of Land Circulation in China’s Rural Area

Shifu Ni
At home and abroad with the development of social economy, the change of macro environment of agricultural modernization of production and business operation mode and the efficiency is put forward higher request, but the existing farmland property right structure is restricted by the separation of rights,...

Sociocultural Components in The Translation of Onomatopoeia from French into Indonesian

Fani Safitri, Riswanda Setiadi
This study discusses the influence of culture in the translation of onomatopoeia in comic, from French into Indonesian. The comic used in this study is the SMURF comic, entitled Schtroumpfette, which is the second comic published in the Smurf comic series. This comic was made by Peyo and published in...

Innovative Strategies of College English Education in the Era of Big Data

Fa-de Wang, Minglan Zhang
The era of big data provides opportunities and challenges for college English education. There are some deficiencies in current college English teaching which restrict the development of teaching activities. By analysing the problems in college English teaching, this paper points out teachers should...
Proceedings Article

Improved Concrete Durability Using Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag on Seawater Environment

Achmad Rusmanto
A study to improve the utilization of waste material as concrete construction material and the durability of concrete was carried out using a Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) material which is the residual material produced by a blast furnace process. This experimental study using 6 normal...
Proceedings Article

Zero Waste Concept in Fruit Waste Anaerobic Digester: Case Study of Biogas Plant Gamping, Yogyakarta

A Rahmada, F Marendra, H Rimbawan, C Wulandari, A E Putri, A Mustofa, D A Pramudito, R Millati, R B Cahyono, T Ariyanto
Gamping biogas plant was built in 2011 to solve waste problem from GemahRipah fruit market which generate 4-10 tons waste/day. The digester was design for 4 ton/day and produce biogas and electricity. The electricity is used for lighting the shops and the road. For eightyears along the installation,...
Proceedings Article

Hematological Analysis of Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias sp. Cultivated in Integrated Fish Farming

Dian Fita Lestari, Fatimatuzzahra
The demand for cultivated fish for public consumption has increased. One of the fish farming methods was a fish pond that is integrated with poultry, especially the types of fish that are easy to cultivate such as tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and catfish (Clarias sp.). The aim of this research was...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Businesses in South Sulawesi

Nur Arkam, Nuraeni Sayuti, Gina Lucita
The COVID-19 virus spreads massively and rapidly so that it is categorized as a pandemic. The Indonesia government then implemented several ways to limit mobility such as social distancing, quarantine, and Isolation (PSBB) as a way to overcome the spread of COVID-19. This limitation of mobility has subsequently...
Proceedings Article

Hypertension with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Does It Induce Atrial Fibrillation?

Prihati Pujowaskito, Nia Melinda Pardede, Evi Sovia, Pradiba Amadita
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an abnormal cardiac rhythm with rapid and irregular electrical activity. Atrial fibrillation can be caused by anatomical and/or non-anatomical abnormalities of the cardiac. One of the non-anatomical causes of atrial fibrillation is hypertension. Prolonged and uncontrolled...

Exploration and Practice of Curricular Ideology and Politics Education Reform in Biochemistry Course Ideological and Political Education

Yujing Hu, Yuncong Yao
Biochemistry is a specialized basic course of biology and agriculture majors. This paper takes “biochemistry course” as the object, analyzes the importance and necessity of curricular ideology and politics education reform of biochemistry course in colleges and universities; and deeply excavates the...

Discussion on the Innovation of Museum Cultural Communication Mode in the Post-digital Era

Chen Wang
In 2014, two scholars (Bowen and Giannini, 2014) discussed how digitalization will change every aspect of human life and fundamentally alter people’s behavior, knowledge, and even ways of being in the book “Digitalism: New Realism”. Combined with the reality, it is easy to see that digitalization is...
Proceedings Article

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Metastases and Clinical Considerations

Yussy Afriani Dewi, Era Yulian Ineka
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a challenging cancer due to its tendency for local recurrence and distant metastasis, with bone metastasis being the most common site of metastases. This review explores the etiological role of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection in NPC tumorigenesis and discusses the...
Proceedings Article

Mechanism Distress Tolerance Driven Smoking Addiction Behavior Among Indonesian Adults

Imma Yedida Ardi, Sri Tiatri, Mahlon Juma
In almost every year, Indonesia is experiencing higher burden of disease and an increase in the number of deaths due to smoking. To stop the increase in the number of smokers, the researchers look at the factors that play a role in smoking behavior. Previous research has shown that one of the factors...

Big Data for Indonesian Marine Fisheries

A Preliminary Research Plan

Ni Putu Novita Puspa Dewi, I Putu Budhi Darma Purwanta
As a maritime country, Indonesia has a wider water area than the land area, but the number of fishermen has decreased every year which indicates the welfare of fishermen has also decreased. On the other hand, the growth and development of marine data from various institutions in Indonesia have increased...
Proceedings Article

Demand Analysis of Science and Technology Talents Based on Time Series - BP Neural Network Model

Jing Luo, Jingwen Qu
Using Eviews7 and SPSS25, Granger causality test and stepwise regression analysis were carried out on the statistical data of China Statistical Yearbook, Shaanxi Statistical Yearbook and Xi'an Statistical Yearbook from 2010 to 2020. On this basis, a time series-BP neural network combined prediction...

The Utilization of Media Digital Literary Works in Online Lectures for English Education

Study Program Students

Nashruddin Nashruddin, Slamet Setiawan, Suhartono Suhartono
In higher education, online learning by utilizing information technology has now become a necessity because of the demand to create quality and competitive higher education institutions. One of the learning systems that carries the concept of information technology is electronic-based learning (e-learning)...

The Implementation of PISA Reading Literacy Assessment for the Tenth Grade Students: A Preliminary Study

Putri Laila Ramadhani, M. Zaim
The program for International Students Assessment (PISA) is one of the international reading assessments to measure students’ ability in reading. The result of the PISA reading literacy assessment followed by Indonesian students indicated that Indonesians are still weak in English reading skills. This...

The Influence of the Concept of Virtual-Actual Coexistence in Taoist Aesthetics on Traditional Chinese Painting and Landscape Art

Di Tian, Ji Xiao Zhang
With thousands of years of inheritance and development, Taoist aesthetics has become one of the core values carried by traditional Chinese painting art, and has greatly affected the formation and development of Chinese traditional aesthetic ideas, prompting the concept of Taoist aesthetics to run through...

The Creativity of Literary Translation

Yuxian Zhang
This paper utilises translation creativity as its research object. In order to examine the organic coherence between content and forms of literary translated work, it analyses the creativity qualities in Chinese-English translations of four genres, including fiction, prose, poetry and script, based on...

Exploring Cognitive and Language Acquisition Processes in Second Language Learning of English

Xuan Zhang
Language acquisition is a remarkable journey, especially when it involves learning a second language, such as English, during adolescence or adulthood. This article explores the intricate cognitive processes and linguistic mechanisms that underlie second language acquisition. It delves into the challenges...
Proceedings Article

Difference in Radiograph Image Between Prints Directly on CR Modality with Print Through PACS

Ike Ade Nur Liscyaningsih, Muhammad Fa’ik, Veni Vera Felleaningrum
The radiology quality control program often called the Quality Control of Radiology, is a program of activities aimed at monitoring and maintaining radiology equipment systems, especially in the diagnostic section to determine the performance of the equipment. Quality control is available in several...

Independence Smallholder Oil Palm Replanting: An Analysis of Income Inequality

Dompak M. T. Napitupulu, Mirawati Yanita, Karina Rahma
Data showed that both plantation area and productivity of oil palm in Jambi are consistently increase positively every year. Half of those area goes to smallholder who manage his farm on his own resources. Income is the purpose of palm oil smallholder in manging his farm. This research is aimed to study...

Influencing Factors for Consumer Behavior and Psychology under the Perspective of Embodied Cognition - Based on the Perspective of Mental Simulation

Moran Qi
The notion of embodied cognition has emerged as a significant area of focus in consumer behavior research, offering fresh insights into consumer psychology and product marketing. This research examines the role of mental simulation in the field of embodiment and explores the impact of individuals’ sensory...
Proceedings Article

Research on blockchain based data trading methods and platforms

Zihan Wang, Jiqun Zhang
The emergence of blockchain technology provides a more secure, transparent and efficient way for data transaction. In this paper, based on the analysis of the basic principles and application scenarios of blockchain technology, the design scheme of blockchain-based data transaction method and platform...
Proceedings Article

The Oral Health Status, Salivary Flow Rate and pH in Diabetic Patients

Nurvita Risdiana, Urfi Aidina
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder disease which should be giving an antidiabetic therapy. Antidiabetic therapy causes several side effects, one of which is in oral health status such as a decrease in salivary flow rate which affects the acid-base balance (pH) in the oral cavity. Acidic saliva...

The Logical Origins and Practical Analysis of Digital Transformation Applications in Aesthetic Education

— Including a Discussion on New Digital Teaching Strategies and Future Scenarios

Yihan Jin
In the rapidly evolving digital age, the necessity and urgency of integrating digital technology with art education, termed digital aesthetic education, is increasingly prominent. The deep application of generative artificial intelligence in education, transformation of educational subject relationships,...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Community Activities Restriction Enforcement Program in Handling COVID 19 Pandemic in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

Brain Novi Andri, Gea Sonia Amanda, Faris Ali Fauzi, Karmila Intansari, Endah Sri Puji Hastuti, Sani Rachman Soleman
Since the case, COVID 19 struck Indonesia on March 1st 2020. Some provincial governments have decided on micro policies based on national decisions, such as Community Activities Restriction Enforcement (PPKM). The aim of this study compared incidence COVID 19 in every regency in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta...

Research on Reforms in China’s Education Policy in Promoting Education Equalities since Economic Reforms in 1978

Xinyuan Tang
While China’s dynamic urban population thrives, but its rural population still suffer from poverty. According to the World Bank, 70 million people live on less $1 a day in the countryside [3]. Education is always the key to economic development in China with huge population as educated worker would be...
Proceedings Article

Numerical simulation of progressive failure of red clay slopes based on strength weakening

Jing Wu, Mingliang Wu, Fan Jiang, Chao Liu
At present, there are relatively few domestic and foreign studies on the weakening of shear strength of red clay, and the play of residual strength of red clay has not been considered in the study of slope stability. Based on finite element analysis software, this paper carries out the influence of different...