Proceedings of the Tegal International Conference on Applied Social Science & Humanities (TICASSH 2022)
178 authors
- Abrifiana, Frischa
- Strategy to Improve the Quality of E-KTP Manufacturing Services Through the Use of Integrated Service Information System at Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil of Nganjuk Regency
- Adhayanti, Hajar
- Development of Religious Tourism Attraction of the Tomb of Ki Gede Sebayu into a Tourism Village in Tegal Regency
- Adita, M. Dini
- Partnership Model in Balancing Risks of Jabres Cattle Agribusiness
- Afriasih, Maria Ulfah Catur
- Habituating Ecotourism as an Effort to Accelerate the Recovery of Indonesian Tourism
- Afriasih, Maria Ulfah Catur
- Needs Analysis on English Language Use for Students of Hospitality Department
- Agnesia, Atota
- Education About Stock Prices to the Public Through Earnings Per Share and Current Ratio Information on Meal and Drink Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Akmalia, N.
- The Branding Strategies of Green Packaging in the Future
- Albattat, Ahmad
- Guest Perspective of Management Performance on Budget Hotel at Shah Alam Malaysia
- Alfian, Mohammad
- Determinants of the Use of Fintech by Students as a Media for Payment of Tuition Fees
- Alfian, Mohammad
- Moderate Effect of Religiosity on the Influence of Money Ethics and the Use of SISKEUDes on Fraud in Fund Management
- Alyasa-Gan, Siti Sarah
- Disclosure of IPO Proceeds and Survival of Malaysian Listed Companies
- Ambarwati, Ambarwati
- The Effect of Technology Innovation, Production Strategy, and Ownership Structure on Disclosure of Sustainability Reports on Companies in Indonesia
- Ambarwati, Ambarwati
- Analysis of Effect Return on Share Price on Banking Company
- Ananda, Febrian Valentiano
- Development of Religious Tourism Attraction of the Tomb of Ki Gede Sebayu into a Tourism Village in Tegal Regency
- Andelia, Siti Ramadani
- The Utilization of a Briquette Making Machine to Process Gambier Leaf and Twig Waste as Fuel for Gambier Sap Processing so as to Reduce Gambier Sap Production Costs in Toman Village, Babat Toman Sub District, Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatera Province
- Andini, Rita
- Literature Review: Dividend Policy, Agency Theory and Corporate Governance
- Anggraeni, Puput Dewi
- The Analysis of Knowledge Towards Dine in Standard Operating Procedure at Restaurant During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Anggraeni, Puput Dewi
- Readiness for Re-opening of Homestay During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Ansari, Ansari
- Analysis of Economic Growth, Regional Minimum Wage, and Inflation on the Unemployment Rate in Brebes Regency
- Ardani, Anwar
- Cooperative Learning Uses E-Learning Materials to Improve Students’ Math Problem-Solving Ability
- Ardi, Nurseha
- Analysis of the Application of Android Based Financial Applications in the Preparation of Financial Statements of Batik MSMEs in Talang, Tegal District
- Ardiani, S.
- The Branding Strategies of Green Packaging in the Future
- Arifah, Siti
- Company Performance Review During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Aryanto, Aryanto
- Digitalization of Accounting for MSMEs in Tegal City
- Astuti, Herni Justiana
- Improving the Marketing Performance of Communities Affected by Covid-19 Through Digital Marketing
- Atmoko, Dwi
- Semantic Error Analysis on Fieldwork Report by the Students of SMK Semesta Bumiayu
- Azir, Ince Dian Aprilyani
- The Use of Virtual Reality in Improving Vocational Students’ English Writing Skills
- Batubara, Rehita Hasian
- Ellipsis in Michael Jackson’s Song Lyrics
- Bawono, Muhammad
- Strategy to Improve the Quality of E-KTP Manufacturing Services Through the Use of Integrated Service Information System at Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil of Nganjuk Regency
- Budiman, Arif
- Democratic Political Articulation
- Budiman, Arif
- The Logic of Clientelism
- Budiono, Budiono
- The Effect of Technology Innovation, Production Strategy, and Ownership Structure on Disclosure of Sustainability Reports on Companies in Indonesia
- Che-Yahya, Norliza
- Disclosure of IPO Proceeds and Survival of Malaysian Listed Companies
- Danuri, Danuri
- The Influence of SAVI Problem Based and Mathematical Disposition on the Student Achievement of SMK Dinamika Tegal City
- Dekrijanti, Indra
- Education About Stock Prices to the Public Through Earnings Per Share and Current Ratio Information on Meal and Drink Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Desi, Revita
- Guest Perspective of Management Performance on Budget Hotel at Shah Alam Malaysia
- Dewi, Rahmatika
- University Graduates’ Career Trajectories Amidst COVID-19
- Diansyah, Vembri Rian
- Android Based Bookkeeping Application Development for Business Post Covid 19 Solution
- Elviana, Elviana
- Level of Understanding of the Small and Medium Enterprises Traditional Medicine to Regulations Labelling Packaging
- Faidah, Yusri Anis
- Transparency and Accountability in Village Income and Expenditure Budget Management (APBDes)
- Farida, Ida
- Digitalization of Accounting for MSMEs in Tegal City
- Ferida, Arifani
- Analysis of the Application of Android Based Financial Applications in the Preparation of Financial Statements of Batik MSMEs in Talang, Tegal District
- Habibi, Muhammad
- Democratic Political Articulation
- Habibi, Muhammad
- The Logic of Clientelism
- Hadiyati, Siti Nur
- Moderate Effect of Religiosity on the Influence of Money Ethics and the Use of SISKEUDes on Fraud in Fund Management
- Hamka, Muhammad
- Improving the Marketing Performance of Communities Affected by Covid-19 Through Digital Marketing
- Handayani, Tri
- Literature Review: Dividend Policy, Agency Theory and Corporate Governance
- Hanum, Naila
- Analysis of Factors Affecting the Implementation of Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Entities (SAK EMKM) on Batik MSMEs in Pekalongan Regency
- Harjanti, Ririh Sri
- Financial Feasibility Analysis on SMEs of Tegal Laying-Duck Breeding Farm
- Hartoko, Sri
- Information Gap Disclosure of Hazardous Toxic Waste in Indonesia
- Hasan, Imam
- Online Learning
- Hetika, Hetika
- Android Based Bookkeeping Application Development for Business Post Covid 19 Solution
- Hetika, Hetika
- Financial Feasibility Analysis on SMEs of Tegal Laying-Duck Breeding Farm
- Hetika, Hetika
- The Analysis of Survival Strategies for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Food and Beverages in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Honggowati, Setianingtyas
- Information Gap Disclosure of Hazardous Toxic Waste in Indonesia
- Huda, Nuril
- Cooperative Learning Uses E-Learning Materials to Improve Students’ Math Problem-Solving Ability
- Hutagalung, Shinta Arida
- Ellipsis in Michael Jackson’s Song Lyrics
- Indrayanti, Iin
- Peer-Review Statements
- Indrayanti, Iin
- The Effect of Using Descriptive Movie Strategy Towards Students’ Writing Skill
- Indrayanti, Iin
- Story Circle
- Indriyani, Azizah
- Analysis of Economic Growth, Regional Minimum Wage, and Inflation on the Unemployment Rate in Brebes Regency
- Indriyani, Azizah
- Partnership Model in Balancing Risks of Jabres Cattle Agribusiness
- Kamal, Bahri
- Remote Audit for Internal Audit as a Form of Technology Optimization Towards Indonesia 5.0
- Kamal, Bahri
- Financial Feasibility Analysis on SMEs of Tegal Laying-Duck Breeding Farm
- Kartika, Dewi
- Determinants of the Use of Fintech by Students as a Media for Payment of Tuition Fees
- Kartika, Dewi
- Analysis of the Application of Android Based Financial Applications in the Preparation of Financial Statements of Batik MSMEs in Talang, Tegal District
- Kartika, Dewi
- Implementation of E-Commerce During Pandemic and Its Influence in Increasing Revenue of Small Medium Enterprises in Tegal City
- Karunia, Anita
- Study on the Impact of Mining Excavation Type C on Income and the Environment in Tegal District
- Kawiana, I. Gede Putu
- Economic Classification and Prediction of Southeast Asian Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Khasanah, Robiyatul Ayu
- The Analysis of Survival Strategies for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Food and Beverages in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Krisdiyawati, Krisdiyawati
- Implementation of E-Commerce During Pandemic and Its Influence in Increasing Revenue of Small Medium Enterprises in Tegal City
- Kurniasari, Zenita
- Strengthening Sanitation During Pandemic
- Kusuma, Adi Candra
- Cooperative Learning Uses E-Learning Materials to Improve Students’ Math Problem-Solving Ability
- Laksmi, Ike Meisye
- Democratic Political Articulation
- Lutfi, Muhammad Ali
- Education About Stock Prices to the Public Through Earnings Per Share and Current Ratio Information on Meal and Drink Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Maghfiroh, Laelatul
- Transparency and Accountability in Village Income and Expenditure Budget Management (APBDes)
- Mahendra, Prasetya Tri
- Education About Stock Prices to the Public Through Earnings Per Share and Current Ratio Information on Meal and Drink Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Mahendra, Prasetya Tri
- Strategy to Improve the Quality of E-KTP Manufacturing Services Through the Use of Integrated Service Information System at Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil of Nganjuk Regency
- Mahendra, Prasetya Tri
- Influence of Budgeting Transparency on Village Finance Management
- Mahmudah, Nurul
- The Analysis of Marketing, Strategy Planning, Enterprise Orientation, Technology, and Capital on Indonesian MSMEs Performance
- Mahmuhdah, Nurul
- Transparency and Accountability in Village Income and Expenditure Budget Management (APBDes)
- Mardhatilla, Eva Arwina
- The Effect of Technology Innovation, Production Strategy, and Ownership Structure on Disclosure of Sustainability Reports on Companies in Indonesia
- Maulida, Asyifa
- Implementation of E-Commerce During Pandemic and Its Influence in Increasing Revenue of Small Medium Enterprises in Tegal City
- Mirati, Elly
- The e-Relationship Marketing Effects on Repurchase
- Moelyono, Istan Wighara
- Influence of Budgeting Transparency on Village Finance Management
- Mubarokah, Anisa
- Values of Islamic Character in the Story of Punakawan
- Muchtar, Ali Masjono
- The e-Relationship Marketing Effects on Repurchase
- Murti, Fiqih Kartika
- Semantic Error Analysis on Fieldwork Report by the Students of SMK Semesta Bumiayu
- Muthoifin, Muthoifin
- Values of Islamic Character in the Story of Punakawan
- Narimo, Sabar
- Values of Islamic Character in the Story of Punakawan
- Nugraha, Prasetya Putra
- Social Analysis of Gie Films to Increase the Critical Power of Student Organization Activists Politeknik Harapan Bersama
- Nugroho, Rosihan Widi
- Collaborative Process Among Stakeholders in the Management of Call Center 112 Service in Semarang City
- Nurhasanah, Yeni
- Expert’s Evaluation Results of Android Based Food Safety Virtual Laboratory
- Nuryadi, Nuryadi
- The Influence of SAVI Problem Based and Mathematical Disposition on the Student Achievement of SMK Dinamika Tegal City
- Nuryatin, Agus
- Deradicalization in Novel Naksir Anak Teroris by Ditta Arieska
- Pamuji, Mamik Dewi
- Influence of Budgeting Transparency on Village Finance Management
- Pinandoyo, Dimas Bayu
- Level of Understanding of the Small and Medium Enterprises Traditional Medicine to Regulations Labelling Packaging
- Pinandoyo, Dimas Bayu
- Expert’s Evaluation Results of Android Based Food Safety Virtual Laboratory
- Pitra, Ahmad
- Guest Perspective of Management Performance on Budget Hotel at Shah Alam Malaysia
- Prabowo, Heri
- Repurchase Intention in Terms of Service Quality Through e-Wom and Hotel Image