Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018)
140 articles
Proceedings Article
Persuasive Da’wah Activities and the Socio-Demographic Factor
Bambang S. Ma’arif, Parihat Parihat, Umar Yusuf, Suliadi Suliadi
Da’wah (Islamic communication, preaching) nowadays tend to its verbalistic activities (Da’wah billisan), but it is rare to conduct Da’wah bil-Hal (by doing). The aims of the research is to understand how the Profile of Persuasive Da’wah base on citizens’ demographic factor. The method of the study is...
Proceedings Article
Marketing Communication in Housewife Entrepreneurship
Wulan Trigartanti, Ike Junita Triwardhani
Housewives are currently required to have an entrepreneurial spirit to help improve the household economy while increasing their development of thought and quality of life, not just for themselves but for their families too. Some housewives choose to do home business in the informal sector to have the...
Proceedings Article
Literation of Al-Quran for Early Age with Playing Techniques
Muhamad Imam Pamungkas, Dewi Mulyani, Dinar Nur Inten
Al-Quran literacy in early childhood is introduced through learning and experiences related to the child's world and according to its development. Good and pleasant experiences will have a positive impact on children's development. Playing is the main thing for early childhood learning. This study uses...
Proceedings Article
Parenting Program for Factory Working Mothers
Enoh Enoh, Erhamwilda Erhamwilda, Nurul Afrianti
This study aims is to develop a parenting program based on parenting style for factory workers' mothers. Quantitative methods are used to describe the tendency of parenting factory workers based on the Baumrind classification (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, or neglectful). Based on data processing,...
Proceedings Article
Effective Decision Making Influence on Nurse Performance in Al Islam Hospital Bandung
Caecielia Wagiono, Prathama Gilang
This study aimed to review the influence of effective decision making on nurse performance in Al Islam Hospital Bandung in 2017.This was a cross sectional quantitative verification analytical case study on a population of 212 nurses working at the Inpatient Unit. Sampling was performed using the proportional...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Quality of Management Accounting Information System on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and It Impacts on the Company Performance
Rini Lestari, Diamonalisa Sofianty, Ririn Sri Kuntorini
The decrease of sharia commercial banks performance in the several years (2014-2017) may be caused by the low of implementation of good corporate governance’s (GCG) principles. And the low of implementation can caused by the low of Quality of Management Accounting Information System (QMAIS). This study...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge Sharing as a Model in Building Sustainable Learning Organization
Muhardi Muhardi, Nurdin Nurdin, Aminuddin Irfani
This research aims to discover the efforts made by pesantren (Islamic boarding school) to be a sustainable learning organization that continuously adapts and innovates in an ever-changing environment. This research took two pesantrens in Sukabumi and Garut, Indonesia, as sample units. The research data...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Waqf Institution through Repairment Management and Insitutional Legalization
Rodliyah Khuza'i, Nia Kurniati, Hendi Suhendi, Muhammad Fauzi Arif
Foundation Waqf of Baitul Hidayah is a waqf institution under The Institution Baitul Hidayah. During three years of operation The Management of The Institution has been less than optimal. This research aims to find a solution for the development and management of The Foundation Waqf of Baitul Hidayah....
Proceedings Article
Promotional Optimization in Developing Creative Industrial Products of MSMEs
Yusuf Hamdan, Aning Sofyan, Anne Ratnasari, Dikdik Tandika
Entrepreneurs communicate with prospective customers through various forms of promotion, where prospective customers will get to know the product, and persuade them to like and buy products. The purpose of the study was to analyze the promotions carried out by Adorable projects covering the marketing...
Proceedings Article
Business Presentation to Increase Product Sales of Farm Group Members
Yusuf Hamdan, Aning Sofyan, Anne Ratnasari, Yenni Yuniati
The government and other institutions are trying to improve the competitiveness of entrepreneurs engaged in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by making an effort to conduct training for entrepreneurs, so that they proactively develop their businesses by implementing good business practices....
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Organizational Culture and Management Policy in the Utilization of Social and Economic Value of Zakat
Sri Fadilah, Rini Lestari, Yuni Rosdiana
The purpose of this research is to see the correlation of organizational culture and management policy in the utilization of social and economic value of zakat. The role of zakat intermediation will be related to management policy, especially in achieving the objectives of zakat distribution program,...
Proceedings Article
Social Interaction between Hinduism and Muslim Group
Wulan Purnama Sari
As a multicultural country, Indonesia is very vulnerable to any kind of conflicts. This can be seen from many cases of conflicts that have occurred in recent times, such as conflicts in Poso, Ambon, Lampung, etc. It is precisely, what makes the issue of harmony being discussed lately. Amid the enormous...
Proceedings Article
The Indonesian Law Perspective on the Authority of Beauty Practitioners in Performing Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Sri Ratna Suminar, H. M. Faiz Mufidi
In recent years, Indonesia has faced the impact of advances in medical technology, and one of them is the development of aesthetic plastic surgery. Currently, aesthetic plastic surgery can be easily carried out not only by doctors but also by beauticians at a salon. It is because there is no clear regulation...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Communication in Entrepreneurship Learning for Children at Schools
Ike Junita Triwardhani, Wulan Trigartanti, Alhamuddin Alhamuddin
The era of globalization in context of today's society makes entrepreneurship crucial since it concerns the development of a nation. Since this is something new, there are variety of unique ways to convey entrepreneurial values to children. Teacher communication is performed within the scope of interaction...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Parental Support on Student Engagement through Self-System Processes
Sulisworo Kusdiyati, Dwi Agustin Nuriani Sirodj, Yuli Aslamawati
Nowadays studies concerning student engagement, examine the aspects of self-system processes individually. However, little knowledge of how all aspects of self-system processes influence student engagement together. To fill this gap, researchers conducted a study aimed at analyzing the effects of parental...
Proceedings Article
The Holes in Structural Holes Theory (A Literature Review)
Agustinus Rusdianto Berto, Ilya Revianti Sudjono Sunarwinadi
Criticisms against structural holes theory have led to serious debates about the existence of the roles of tertius gaudens in managing various types of information. This research aims at mapping the fundamental debates of structural holes theory. Accordingly, the author has reviewed sixty (60) previous...
Proceedings Article
Sentics (Emotional Communication) Management on Islamic Review in Family Environment
Aziz Taufik Hirzi
Sentics is interpreted as emotional communication in Islam provides space for parties to maintain themselves, love others, respect others, and work together to build togetherness. This research aims to trace the sentics management (communication of emotion) than to the seven basic emotions relate to...
Proceedings Article
The Judgment of Judge Against Intention in Determining Criminal Responsibility of Corruption’s Perpetrators to Seek Material Truth
Dey Ravena, Hedi Wahyudi, Ade Mahmud
Understanding the intention factors in the perpetrators of corruption is an ability that should be possessed by judges to gain or at least approach to material truth. The lack of judges’ knowledge in digging intention influences the quality of judges' decisions. Purposes of research to determine the...
Proceedings Article
Factors that Influence Countries in Fully Adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Avincennia Vindy Fitriana
This research aims to examine the factors that influence a country in fully adopting IFRS. The factors being tested are Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment. The samples in this study are 65 countries consisting of 37 countries fully adopting IFRS and 28 countries not fully adopting/not adopting...
Proceedings Article
Early Childhood Education Management Workshop to Improve the Quality of Pos PAUD Service
Nan Rahminawati, Arif Hakim, Ayi Sobarna, Masnipal Masnipal
The education practice cannot be separated from education administration. At the level of early childhood education organized by mothers of Posyandu cadres who are in rural areas commonly called Pos PAUD there are still many weaknesses in carrying out the right education administration. The results of...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Work Ethics Implementation in Islamic Bank
Nurfahmiyati Nurfahmiyati, Allya Roosallyn A, Westi Riani
People’s believes that forms the aqidah relating to work may affects the optimal performance of individuals in the organization. Previous researches state that well-implemented Islamic work ethics has a direct and positive influence on various dimension of attitudes in organizational change and individual...
Proceedings Article
Total Communication Learning Model: Using pictures, writing and reading to increase language capacity for deaf children
Purwowibowo Purwowibowo, Kris Hendrijanto, Agus Trihartono
This research described the use of total communication learning model in enhancing the language capacity of deaf children. Conventionally, the learning model employed in teaching deaf children is based on sign language and this limit their ability to communicate with people that are not deaf. Furthermore,...
Proceedings Article
Criminal Liability of Sharia Banks in Financing Disbursement
Neni Sri Imaniyati, Ade Mahmud, Toto Tohir
This research aimed at finding the qualifications of banking crimes in financing disbursement to sharia banks and the application of corporate liability system in financing disbursement in sharia banks. This research by using a normative juridical approach, analytical descriptive, secondary data types,...
Proceedings Article
Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of ASEAN Economic Community in West Sumatera
Deswita Rosra
The purpose of this paper is to discover the challenge and opportunity in the implementation of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in West Sumatera region. The existence of AEC drives the countries in ASEAN region to improve their economy in order to face the global competition. This research uses normative...
Proceedings Article
Predicting Employee Engagement: A study among millennials
Ridwan Firdinata, Hendriyani Hendriyani
This research aims to confirm a model of factors than influencing employee engagement, that is the work itself, working environment, leadership, opportunity for personal growth, and opportunity to contribute. Using survey, the sample is taken from the list of millennial employees of one of the oldest...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Private University Service Quality and Image
Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati, Tresna Wiwitan, M. E. Fuady
One of the important college aspects is service, where colleges are expected to be able to provide the best service for the public. Private Universities must improve various qualities and academic and non-academic components. This aspect can be reflected in 'how private universities provide their services...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam (KPPSI) Organization for Development of Islamic Civil Society in the Bugis Community of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Muhammad Saleh Tajuddin, Musafir Musafir, Achmad Achmad, Andi Tenri Yeyeng, Ahmad Hasyim
This writing describes the role Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariah Islam (KPPSI) organization for development of civil society in Bugis community of South Sulawesi. The study used interviews as the data collection. Secondary data are collected from books, journals, and documents. This study used Antony...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) in Early Detection of Violence Against Children
Ninuk Permata Sari
Cases of violence against children in Indonesia are increasing year by year. In an effort to fulfill the mandate of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to the Child Protection Act, the Indonesian government has provided health care facilities at the basic level, namely the Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat...
Proceedings Article
Being Young and Interreligious: Makassar young muslim generation views toward interfaith dialogue
Muhammad Galib Mattola, Muhammad Saleh Tajuddin, Syamsul Arif Galib
This study examines the views of young Muslim generation in Makassar who are actively involved in interfaith programs. This study identified that most of students who are actively involved in interfaith dialogue are lack of theological foundation but keen to understand more about the ethic of interfaith...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Micro Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks in Undertaking Social Intermediary Function
Neneng Nurhasanah, Maman Surahman, Nunung Nurhayati
This research aimed at describing the implementation of microfinance in BUS and the application of intermediary social function of sharia bank. The method used descriptive qualitative approach about the implementation of microfinance in BUS in West Java with library research, documentation, and interviews....
Proceedings Article
Group Information Society (KIM) in Representing Information and Prosperous Village in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatera
Isnawijayani Isnawijayani, Siti Rahayu
This study aims to describe and analyze the Group Information Society (KIM) in Realizing the Information and Prosperous Village in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) South Sumatra, Baturaja which is not so well-known. This qualitative research makes informants as primary data sources besides researchers also observe...
Proceedings Article
Gratitude and Well-Being in Unfixed-salary Teacher
Ma’muliah Annida Nurul ‘Ilmi, Sulisworo Kusdiyati
The purpose of this research is to obtain empirical data regarding the closeness of the relationship between gratitude and well-being for unfixed-salary teachers in the "X" junior high school Bandung Regency. This research uses a correlation method with Pearson correlation test, and the measuring-instruments-used...
Proceedings Article
Reconstructing Clean Water Policy Based on the Perspective of Idea Law of Pancasila the Indonesia’s Principles
Arinto Nurcahyono, M. Husni Syam, Eka An Aqimuddin
The purposes of the research are to create a clean water policy formulation or model which is based on justice for future generations and to reconstruct the clean water management policy which is currently oriented to economic interests, not the public interest. Water is a basic human need and cannot...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Journalism in the Flood News: An advocacy model
Septiawan Santana, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges, Doddy Iskandar
The purpose of this study was to find out about mass media advocacy activities in flood reporting through environmental journalism activities. This study uses the Case Study Method. In conclusion, the media uses model advocacy: Evaluation and rehabilitation, and fostering and structuring the environment,...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosure, Environmental Performance, and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Report on Financial Performance
Dewi Murdiawati
This study aims to examine whether the disclosure of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions proxied by the GHG Emission index, environmental performance proxied by the PROPER rating, and CSR disclosures proxied by the CSR index affect the financial performance proxied by Tobin's Q. To test these three hypotheses,...
Proceedings Article
The Construction of Terrorism Issue in Indonesian Movie Entitled 3 (Alif Lam Mim) by Anggy Umbara
Muh. Bahruddin, Ibnu Hamad
This study aims to explore Peircean semiotic text analysis with mise en scene concept. Researcher use a counter hegemony approach to see the ideology of filmmaker. For This combination is used to identify terrorism issue constructed by an Indonesian movie entitled 3 (Alif Lam Mim) by film director Anggy...
Proceedings Article
The Ambiguity of Implementation of Full Protection and Security Principle in Indonesia Investment Law
Eka An Aqimuddin, Frency Siska
Regarding international investment law, protection against foreign investment is a fundamental principle. The principle of protection is meant to attract foreign investors to increase state revenues. Full Protection and Security or FPS is one of protection principle that cover physical and non-physical...
Proceedings Article
The Significance of Islamic Education in Building the Perfection of Moral
Muhammad Amri, La ode Ismail Ahmad
The purpose of. The research is a qualitative approach to literatures. The focus of research is the significance of Islamic education in building the moral perfection. Sources of primary data in this study in the form of words or theories that exist in the various references of data in forms of literature...
Proceedings Article
English Club Usage by Santri of Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School as an Act to Prevent Disruption Era (A Case Study of Pesantren Baitul Hidayah, Cimenyan, Bandung)
Yuristia Wira Cholifah, Erik Setiawan, Arbaiyah Satriani, Dian Widya P S
This recent paper tries to examine how santri take benefit from the existence of an English Club at their school in terms of increasing their understanding of having ability in mastering a foreign language. This research is performed at an Islamic boarding school Baitul Hidayah, Cimenyan, Bandung Regency....
Proceedings Article
Control of Foreign Labor in Indonesia
Rini Irianti Sundary, Deddy Effendy, Irawati Irawati
The presence of foreign investment income and capital investment in the country has allowed the inclusion or use of foreign citizen labor entrants. The influx of foreign labor beginning with Indonesia which became part of the community like the WTO (World Trade Organization), the AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Bakamla in Law Enforcement in Indonesian Waters and Indonesian Jurisdiction
Dwi Astuti Palupi
Indonesia is a "paradise" for international shipping, Indonesia is at the crossroads for ships from west to east and vice versa. Indonesia also has several strategic Choke Points (crossing points) for international shipping lines such as the Malacca Strait, the Makassar Strait, and the Lombok Strait....
Proceedings Article
Process of Translation of the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale in Indonesia
Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo, Erlan Gumilang, Ali Mubarak, Andhita Nurul Khasanah, Miki Amrilya Wardati, Fanni Putri Diantina, Isniati Permataputri, Ferran Casas
Indonesia has been participating in the Children’s Worlds international project on conducting a survey of children’s well-being. A new context-free multi-item scale named CW-SWBS (Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale) has been used on this survey. Since the original version of the scale was...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Migrant Family – Based Program
Nia Kurniati Syam
In family of an Indonesia migrant worker (PMI), the worker is experienced either by a husband or a wife. Children growth becomes an important attention of the PMI families This based research paper is aimed at analyzing a Program of Community based Parenting (PAMB) implemented by Family Welfare Empowerment...
Proceedings Article
Friendly Character of Civil Service Police (Descriptive Study on Civil Service Police in Bandung, West Java)
Susandari Susandari, Makmuroh Sri Rahayu, Ria Dewi Eryani
Purpose of this study is to find the dominant characters of Bandung Civil Police personnel’s. The instrument is Value in Action-Inventory Scale, based on the Peterson and Seligman theory, with 100 personnel of Bandung Civil Police located in Red Zone area as sample. Results showed five dominant characters:...
Proceedings Article
Information Resilience in Overcoming Vulnerability of Reproductive Health in Young Women
Nova Yuliati
Reproductive function is constructed by the community as the responsibility of women, with their given sex. In fact, they must bear the consequence of violations of sexual behavior. This paper reveals the sexual and social risks faced by young women related to reproductive health in Bandung City. Using...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Women in Politics through Women's Political Organization
Dede Lilis Chaerowati, Nova Yuliati, Mochamad Rochim
This paper examines the role of women in the political sphere through The Indonesian Political Women's Caucus or KPPI as a woman's organization of political activists who want to ensure that the democratic process in Indonesia will fulfill, protect and guarantee women's rights, including in the political...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Karang Taruna in Increasing the Economic Productivity of Peuyeum Industry in Bandung
Dudung Abdurrahman, Tia Yuliawati, Mochamad Malik Akbar Rohandi, Nadri Taja
This paper aimed to empower Karang Taruna to participate in Peuyeum Cimenyan business management in order to increase the economic productivity of peuyeum industry in Bandung. This paper uses participatory techniques through counseling and training methods. The participants in the counseling and training...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Framework in Mining Companies
Neni Yulianita, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati, Tresna Wiwitan
The research objective is to find out, analyze, and discuss the CSR model implemented in the three mining companies. Research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. The results showed that the three mining companies studied generally had similarities in implementing the framework of CSR,...
Proceedings Article
Internalization of Religious Values in Z Generation through 5 (T) Program
Nadri Taja, Abas Asyafah, Encep Syarief Nurdin
The purpose of this study is to describe the religious values developed by SMK IT (Islamic Vocational High School) Nurul Imam through the 5 (T) program, namely, orderly (tertib), organized (teratur), focused (terarah), diligent (tekun), and devoted (taqwa), which can be used as a source of Islamic education....
Proceedings Article
Types of Bullying in Junior High School Students
Andhita Nurul Khasanah, Dwi Agustin Nuriani Sirodj
According to the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), bullying in Indonesia ranks fourth in child abuse cases. In accordance with McManis, highest prevalence of abuse cases occurred in early adolescence stage that equivalent to the level of junior high school in Indonesia. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Waqf Land Legalization
Siska Lis Sulistiani, Amrullah Hayatudin, Nanik Eprianti
This study aims to determine the number and reasons for non-certified waqf assets in the city of Bandung and to find out the legal standing and legal consequences for land and buildings that are not certified. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a normative juridical approach...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Implementation of Fikkiyah Ad-Dhararu Yuzaal Principle for Investment of Indonesian Hajj Funds
Didi Mashudi, Mohamad Andri Ibrahim, Fadilah Ilahi
This research is motivated by the government's desire to reject the Hajj funds for investment in certain fields, the purpose of this study is to analyze the management of Hajj funds in accordance with sharia principles which are based on the Fikkiyah principles ad-dhararu yuzaal, namely avoidance of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Green Purchase Behavior and Housing Environment Preferences on Property Pricing Strategies
Ade Dikdik Isnandar, Pupung Purnamasari, Nugraha Saefudin
This research aims to examine the effect of green purchase behavior and housing environment preference on property pricing strategies. The type of research used in this study is verificative explanation research with the research method used is explanatory survey. The unit of analysis in this study is...
Proceedings Article
The Effectivity of Education Program of the Sharia Fund
Popon Sri Susilawati, Mohamad Andri Ibrahim, Panji Adam Agus Putra, Yayat Rahmat Hidayat
The retirement fund is currently a necessity for people in Indonesia, but public participation in that funds is still low. Based on research conducted by HSBC that 1 of 3 Indonesians are not ready to face the retirement age. This is due to the lack of preparation of some people in preparing for old age,...
Proceedings Article
Study on the Threat of Coastal Area Damage in Bancar District, Tuban Regency
Sri Musrifah, Munir Miftachul
Indonesia is a country with a majority of the population living in coastal areas. So that damage that occurs in coastal areas will have an impact on coastal life and the surrounding environment. Aiming to find out the causes of damage to coastal areas in the Bancar sub-district of Tuban and their impact...
Proceedings Article
How to Change MSME’s Paradigm in Applying Green Industry Principles?
Asni Mustika Rani, Tia Yuliawati, Dheka Dwi Agustiningsih
The application of green industry principles in MSMEs is one of the targets that must be addressed by the Indonesian government to achieve the goals of sustainable development. The application of green industry principles in Indonesian MSMEs, especially footwear processing industry sector in Bandung...
Proceedings Article
Development Model of Religious Consciousness in the Implementation of Islamic Boarding College
Agus Halimi, Ayi Sobarna, Arif Hakim
This research aims to develop a model of college students Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA) Islamic boarding school that can increase their religious consciousness through aqeedah and Akhlaq materials that can be easily understood and conceived by both lecturers and participated students. The research...
Proceedings Article
Teacher Training for Applicating Values and Increasing Inclusive Attitudes in Digital Age
Anna Rozana Syamsoul Rizal, Stephani Raihana Hamdan, Dewi Sartika, Temi Damayanti
The change in curriculum of elementary education in 2013 were forcing teachers develop and strengthening character education in students. Other than shift in curriculum, in Bandung every school must accept students with any condition. This matter caused regular school to have inclusive system. Generally,...
Proceedings Article
The Reception Audience of the Woman’s Beauty in Korean Drama
Endri Listiani, Deddy Mulyana, Edwin Rizal, Ahmad Mulyana
Standardization is conveyed through the media, which is often able to manipulate someone as a form that must be followed by the audience. Therefore, this research aims to explore the concepts of beauty in the minds of the Korean drama viewers. This study uses a qualitative method, with an audience reception...
Proceedings Article
Campaign Strategy for the Election of Regional Heads in the Political Communication Perspectives
Neni Yulianita, Kiki Zakiah
The campaign strategy was carried out to win the Regional Head Election simultaneously in 171 regions (17 Provinces, 39 Cities and 115 Regencies). this research is entitled Campaign Strategy for the Election of Regional Heads in the Political Communication Perspectives. Political campaign strategies...
Proceedings Article
Islamization of Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi's Knowledge (Study of Contemporary Epistemology)
Rodliyah Khuza’I, Irfan Safrudin, Hendi Suhendi
Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi is a scientist and philosopher who proposed the idea of the islamization of science discourse. this discourse of islamization of knowledge has become an important topic of discussion in response to the development of the philosophy of western product science which seen material-secular....
Proceedings Article
Application of the Ijarah Contract on Educational Financing through Empowerment of Laboratory of Mini Sharia Bank in Higher Education
Eva Fauziah, Ifa Hanifia Senjiati, Sandy Rizki, Asep Ramdan Hidayat
The focus of this study is aimed to find out the application of the educational funding Ijarah contract to student at Baytul Mal wat-Tamwil (BMT) as empowerment of Islamic mini bank laboratory in Higher Education. This research used descriptive qualitative methods by conducting interview, observation,...
Proceedings Article
Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
Babang Robandi, Arie Rakhmat Riyadi, Teguh Ibrahim, Ani Hendriani, Winda Marlina Juwita, Mamat Supriatna
The purpose of this paper is to uncover the construction and profile of the student's fundamental educational utopian critical attitude (SKFUP) at a university. The fundamentalist critical attitude of the educational utopia is an attitude that will build optimism and hope for a complete and ideal educational...
Proceedings Article
Reactualization of Inclusive Islam to Deal with Terrorism Issue in Indonesia
Muhammad Natsir
This research aims to explore the terrorism issue after the fall of Suharto regime in Indonesia in 1998. Sometimes, terrorism is considered part of Islam because of the misunderstanding of Western society that misidentifies terrorism as part of Islamic teachings. The study found that the concept of jihad...
Proceedings Article
Muru’ah and Self-presentation through Virtual Display of Affection in UNISBA Female Students
Eni Nuraeni Nugrahawati, Dinda Dwarawati, Anna Rozana Syamsoul Rizal
Virtual Display of Affection is an activity or activity showing off intimacy in the virtual world in the form of visual, audio visual, image, or intimate text posted to social media. Virtual Display of Affection are active in using social media including Instagram and often present themselves on social...
Proceedings Article
Elucidation and Criticism on the Hadith of Jihad
Ramdan Fawzi, Fahmi Fatwa Rosyadi Satria Hamdani, Ilham Mujahid
This study aims to understand and apply the hadith of jihad in accordance with the demands and objectives of the Sharia, both from the aspect of sharia and criticism of the hadith of jihad, up to its implementation now. The method of takhrij hadith is used by inventorying the hadith of jihad, then confirming...
Proceedings Article
Millennials Engagement: Work-Life Balance VS Work-Life Integration
Muhammad Rizky Afif
The Millennials has become the key that become the foundation of the company. The aim of this study is to see which is the most effective mechanism between work-life balance & work-life integration which will boost up the work & potential of them. First, we see the basic essence between that two variables....
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Aggressive driving, Negative emotions, and Risky driving to Dangerous driving in young motorcyclists at Bandung City, Indonesia
Milda Yanuvianti, Siti Qodariah, Farida Coralia
The purpose of this study is to identify contribution of aggressive driving, negative emotions while driving, and risky driving to dangerous driving behavior in young motorcyclists at Bandung city, Indonesia. Subjects of this research are young motorcyclists and data was collected by using The Dangerous...
Proceedings Article
The Characteristics of Muttaqin in the Qur`an and its Implication on the Aim of Islamic Education
Wildan Bin Yahya, Munawar Rahmat
The research aims to describe the characteristics of those who taqwa according to the Qur`an and their implications for Islamic Education. The study method uses thematic digital Qur`an. This method seeks to understand the meaning of religion (in this case taqwa) by understanding the messages of the verse...
Proceedings Article
Gratitude and Organizational Commitments in the Office Boy
Siti Qodariah, Ma'amuliah Annida Nurul Ilmi, Angga Yulio Saputra, Riska Amalia Pertiwi
The Office Boy is the lowest level employee, whose working hours are long and sometimes do tasks outside of his duties. His salary is generally below the standard of the UMR so that he does not meet his daily needs, but can always carry out every task optimally and effectively and be able to enjoy every...
Proceedings Article
The Controversy of Mu`min and Kāfir Meaning: How to Build Faith and Religious Tolerance?
Munawar Rahmat, Wildan Bin Yahya
The study aims to describe the meaning of mu`min and kāfir in the Qur’an and its implications for Islamic education. The study method uses the thematic digital Qur`an approach. The study found that, the meaning of mu`min and kāfir refers to the main character of a person. If he is characteristically...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing Active Citizenship and Political Literacy among Young Voters in High School
Santi Indra Astuti
This research is aimed to create a model of active citizenship in order to overcome the deficit of political literacy among first time voters in high school. Employing action research as method of study, this ongoing project is involving students whose range of ages are between 16-18 years old. Through...
Proceedings Article
Fraud Detection (From the public accountant perspective)
Devianti Yunita Harahap, Tiya Nurjanah, Pupung Purnamasari
Fraud cases and financial statements manipulation have been increasing in the past five years, and surprisingly, even well-known public accounting firms in the world had been involved in several cases. Public were starting to have doubt about the audit quality, whereas the auditor profession’s existence...
Proceedings Article
Representation of Indonesian Democratic Leaders by Jamā’ah Anṣāru Tawḥīd and Ḥizbut Taḥrīr as Radical Muslim Groups
Karman Karman, Ibnu Hamad
This study aims (1) to describe how radical-muslim groups representate Indonesian democratic leader in Indonesia; (2) to identify the implication from the way they representate system of democracy. To get these aims, we collected data, i.e., postings on the websites they managed. We focus on Jamā’ah...
Proceedings Article
Ethics in the Television Programme
Oji Kurniadi
Based on the Minister of Information Decree No. 190A/Kep/1987 in October 1987, the government officially allows the operation of private television. This makes it easier for the public to obtain various information, and no longer dependent on TVRI programs that have previously dominated broadcast rights....
Proceedings Article
Format, Design and Content of Curriculum Vitae in a Developing Country
Sri Hapsari Wijayanti, Endang Sulistyaningsih
One important factor needed to be considered by the applicant is how to package CV as a self-presentation. CV was used the recruiter as an initial selection in hiring employees. This study aims to describe how the format, design, and content of CVs in the Indonesian context as one of developing countries....
Proceedings Article
The Community Knowledge of Violence Against Children
Kiki Zakiah, Chairiawaty Chairiawaty, Rodliyah Khuzai
This study shows that people's knowledge on violence against children is limited to knowing and understanding toward the victims of violence against children. The knowledge of the community has not yet applied as a reference to assess and analyze the environmental behavior towards children as behaviors...
Proceedings Article
The Communication Process in the Empowerment of Female Headed Household Program
Chairiawaty Chairiawaty, Kiki Zakiah, Maman Suherman
In the interaction of empowerment program for female headed household (Pekka), these women of course took the communication process. The observation conducted by the researcher described that the communication process conducted by the female headed household occurred in the time of personal interaction...
Proceedings Article
The Concept of Allocation of Certain Risk and its Construction in the Formulation of National Legislation on Liability in Outer Space Activities
Neni Ruhaeni
The concept of Allocation of Certain Risk specifically has been regulated in the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects 1972 (hereinafter referred to the Liability Convention 1972). However, practically such allocation is very hard to be implemented. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
Effect of the Moderation of Economic Institution on Local Economic Development
Yoyok Hendarso, Zulfikri Suleman, Supriyanto Supriyanto, Maulana Ali
Local economic development is a process in which local governments and community organizations are involved to encourage, stimulate, maintain, business activities to create jobs through increasing human resource capacity to create better products and fostering industry and business activities on a local...
Proceedings Article
The Development Policy of Ruhul Islam and the Religiosity Improvement
Edi Setiadi, Muhammad Rahmat Effendi, Nandang H M Z, Riza Hernawati
This study examines the policies of UNISBA in the development of the Islamic teaching and the improvement of religiosity. The research focus on starting the management of foundation as well as the university leaders to the level of Head of Field. The aim is to explore and analyze the consistency of the...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Motivation, Transactional Leadership, Organizational Culture on Performance
Maulana Ali
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of motivation, transactional leadership style, and organizational culture toward employee performance at public service office in South Sumatera Province. Respondents of this study are 150 employees taken from 4 public service offices. The analytical...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Pedagogic and Professional Ability of the Teachers Competency Exam Results
Sugiyarto Sugiyarto, Maulana Ali
The research aims to describe and analyze in depth about testing and analyzing the influence of; (1) pedagogic competence, (2) professional competence, (3) pedagogic and professional competences on results of the teachers competency test in Senior High School number one Payaraman. This research used...
Proceedings Article
Corporate Social Responsibility Model of Mining Companies in the Environmental Communication Perspective
Neni Yulianita, Nurrahmawati Nurrahmawati, Tresna Wiwitan
One of the company's successes can be seen from how the company manages corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in the surrounding environment. The purpose of this study was to find out, analyze, and discuss CSR models in the environmental communication perspective in three Southeast Sulawesi...
Proceedings Article
Community Based Communication Model: Development of information and communication technology in the village
Dedeh Fardiah, Ferry Darmawan, Rini Rinawati
The presence of telecommunications and informatics infrastructure through the "Desa Pinter" program (Village has Internet) has the potential to accelerate the occurrence of social, economic and cultural changes in the community, especially in the villages. But in reality, people in the village are still...
Proceedings Article
Adherence and Quality of Life in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Suci Nugraha, Siti Kartika Putri
This article is a research report about the relationship between adherence to medical treatment procedures recommended by doctors with health quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Adherence to medical treatment regimes is often associated with the health related quality of life....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Rubber Price Difference in Regency Level and Integrated Market in West Sumatera Province
Zusmelia Zusmelia, Ansofino Ansofino, Yolamalinda Yolamalinda, Lovelly Dwinda Dahen
The purpose of this study is to analyze the price of rubber in each district and city in West Sumatra. Analysis of rubber prices is influenced by distance factors between cities and districts. The research approach method used is a multiple linear regression. If the quality of infrastructure does not...
Proceedings Article
Building Noble Akhlaq of Student through the Uswah hasanah Model of Patience of the Prophet Ayyub
M. Abdul Somad, Fahrudin Fahrudin
Living in the world always faces pleasure and difficulties. Humans usually complain when tested with distress. Instead, they rejoice when tested with pleasure, lots of wealth, have a high position, etc. Even though the Lord's test in the form of tribulation is most coveted by the Prophets and holy men....
Proceedings Article
The Empowerment of Economic Community After the Action of 212
Dani Rohmati, Imron Mawardi
This research purposes to know the efforts of community economic empowerment after the action of 212 that massively considered as the economic resurgence era. Case study was used as a methodology, which aims to describe the facts about community economic empowerment through 212 marts in the entire area...
Proceedings Article
Building the Character of Humility Through the Prophet Sulayman Model in Kindergarten
Udin Supriadi, Munawar Rahmat
Moral education needs to be instilled since early childhood. The problem core morals need to be implanted, and how do you teach them? An-Nahlawi, Egypt, introduced a variety of Quranic learning models. One of them is uswah hasanah as a moral model. Ideally, there are moral figures. However, it is difficult,...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning of Films for Acehnese
Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana, Lilis Puspitasari, Sri Seti Indriani
Films in Aceh didn’t seem to have any future ahead, especially after the armed conflict and the values and norms that were applied in Aceh. Most people in Aceh viewed films negatively because it was considered to have a negative influence towards the people and would also jeopardize the Islamic culture....
Proceedings Article
The Correlation between Educational Leadership and the Effectiveness of School Organization
Dedih Surana, Asep Dudi Suhardini, Fitroh Hayati, Laksmi Dewi
This study intends to find out the correlation between educational leadership and the effectiveness of school/madrasa organizations. The study used a quantitative approach with purpose to elaborate the information about educational leadership and its effectiveness in school/madrasa. The obtained data...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Poor Families through Conditional Cash Transfer in Papua
Albertina Nasri Lobo
The purpose of this research is to describe the empowerment of poor families in Jayapura city through conditional cash transfer program. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis method focusing on PKH or Family Hope Program beneficiary’s family. The results show that indicators of empowerment...
Proceedings Article
Green Innovation as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage in Creative Industry in Indonesia
Fisla Wirda, Herizon Herizon, Herri Herri, Elfindri Elfindri, Harif Amali Rivai
This research aims to analyze the effect of Green innovation on the competitive advantage of the West Sumatera-Indonesia creative industries. The sample is 213 creative industry business managers in West Sumatera-Indonesia. The sampling technique uses a sampling area, the samples obtained are allocated...
Proceedings Article
Leadership Communication: Three Model Approaches
Dedy Djamaluddin Malik
The objective of this article is to portray the close relationship between communication and leadership. Communication approaches to leadership mean the dynamics of leadership could be explained and understood by theories of communication. By using literature review, there were three model of communication...
Proceedings Article
Implications of Gay Dramaturgy in Self-disclosure Behavior
Novi Andayani Praptiningsih, Ami Kusuma Handayani, Dinda Agustina Putri, Aghitsna Putri Subhiat, Dwi Putri Handayani
Some Indonesian people consider that gay is not in accordance with religious, cultural, and deviant norms. Because sexual behavior like this has not been applied in general and can be accepted by society. Not all gays are brave and able to do self-disclosure (coming out). Individuals who realize themselves...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Trafficking as a Form of Human Rights Violations
Nandang Sambas
Human Trafficking is a form of exploitation of human dignity. Therefore, the trafficking can be categorized as a serious crime, a human rights disorder that develops in the world. Indonesia is a country that is vulnerable to Human Trafficking, because besides being a country of origin it is also a transit...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Advertising Value on Advertising Attitude and its Impact on Purchase Intention
Ganjar Mohamad Disastra, Fanni Husnul Hanifa, Astri Wulandari, Widya Sastika
This research seeks to investigate consumer perceptions of mobile advertising value that appears on their mobile devices, how their attitude towards these advertisements, and how consumers purchase intention in the advertised product. Furthermore, this study also tries to uncover the influence of advertising...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Sharia Principle in Bank Products as Corporate Identity of Sharia Bank
Neneng Nurhasanah, Neni Sri Imaniyati
This research aimed at describing the effect of implementing sharia principle in substance and structure of sharia banking legal system on sharia bank products in Indonesia and formulating the implementation model of sharia principles on sharia bank products associated with the corporate identity of...
Proceedings Article
Cigarette: The GATT non-discrimination clause
Sugiharto Kurniaputra, Halinda Saraswati, Firman Rosdjadi Joemadi, Aluisius Hery Pratono, Nabbilah Amir
This article seeks to understand how dispute occurs between Indonesia and other countries (i.e. Australia and the United States of America) concerning the clove cigarettes, which involves the cigarette company from Indonesia. Using an interpretive-inductive research method, we draw on cases studies from...