Proceedings of the Seminar Nasional Kimia - National Seminar on Chemistry (SNK 2018)

151 authors
Rocky Rafsanjani, Ega
The Potential of Yacon Root (Smalanthus sonchifolius ( Endl.) H.Robinson) as Prebiotics to Stimulate Growth of Lactobacillus plantarum B1765
Rohmawati, Dian
Steroid Isolated from the Dichlorometane Extract of Matoa’s Stem Bark (Pometia pinnata) and Toxicity Tests Against Artemia salina Leach
Rusijono, Rusijono
Extraction and Characterization of The Base Halal Gelatin Based on Bovine Bone
Rusijono, Rusijono
The Prouction and Characterization of Kaempferia Galanga L. –Based Herb Powder: Blanching and Drying Procedure Influence on Proximate, Metal, and Microbial Contamination
Rusmini, Rusmini
Utilization Activated Carbon from Bagasse in Processed of Laundry Waste
S, Liliasari
How are students’ ability and perception in using media through synthesis organic chemistry learning?
Sabarudin, Ahmad
Organic Polymer Monolith: Synthesis and Applications For bioanalytical
Samik, Samik
Development of Textile Natural Dyeing using Hybrid Dyes from Mango Leaves Turmeric
Samik, Samik
The Prouction and Characterization of Kaempferia Galanga L. –Based Herb Powder: Blanching and Drying Procedure Influence on Proximate, Metal, and Microbial Contamination
Savana, Raisza
Usage Of Chitosan-Silica with Crosslinking Agent As A Matrix For Slow Release Fertilizer
Setiarso, Pirim
The Development of New Composite Polymer Membrane : Polysulfone (PSf)/polyetherimide (PEI) coated membrane
Setiarso, Pirim
The Prouction and Characterization of Kaempferia Galanga L. –Based Herb Powder: Blanching and Drying Procedure Influence on Proximate, Metal, and Microbial Contamination
Setiarso, Pirim
The Validity Of The Guided Inquiry Learning Model Tool to Train Students' Scientific Literacy Skills
Setiarso, Setiarso
Synthesizing Graphene Oxide as a Working Electrode Using Cyclic Voltammetry
Setoarso, Pirim
Design and Validation of Teaching Instruments Oriented Problem Solving to Train Students’ Metacognitive Skills
Silvia Melyasari, Nindy
Scientific Literacy Skill Of Junior High School Student Using Ethnoscience Based Learning
Soeprijanto, Adi
Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
Soleka Listyaningrum, Pipit
Development of Student Activity Sheet Scientific Literacy Oriented in Acid-Base Matter
Suharti Suharti, Suharti
Degradation of Chicken Feathers by Indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Sukarmin, Sukarmin
The Use of interactive multimedia in balancing redox reactions for facilitating learning style differences
Sukarmin, Sukarmin
Development of Virtual Laboratory Inorganic Chemistry of Main Elements Based on Blended Learning Using Pogil Strategy
Sukarmin, Sukarmin
Effectivity of Interactive Multimedia and Student Activity Sheets with Writing-To-Learn (WTL) Strategy in Science Learning for Hearing Impairment Students
Sukarmin, Sukarmin
Development Of Anti Miskim Software To Reduce Misconception With Conceptual Change Text Strategy Students Of Class X In Chemical Bonding Material
Sukro, Sukro
The Influence of PDEODE Learning Model and 5M Scientific with High Order Thinking Skills against Students Chemical Literacy
Supangat, Dicky
Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite from Crab Shell (Scylla serrata) Waste With Different Methods Added Phosphate
Sutoyo, Suyatno
Toxicity Assay of Phenolic Compound Isolated from the Dichloromethane Extract of Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos)
Sutoyo, Suyatno
Immunostimulant Activity of Flavonoid Isolated from The Acetone Extract of Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos)
Sutoyo, Suyatno
Mechanical Properties Characterization of The Biodegradable Plastic Made from Composite of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and Gembolo (Dioscorea bulbifera L.) Starch
Sutoyo, Suyatno
Steroid Isolated from the Dichlorometane Extract of Matoa’s Stem Bark (Pometia pinnata) and Toxicity Tests Against Artemia salina Leach
Sutoyo, Suyatno
Characteristics Of Adhesive Firmness Of Tannin Resorcinol Formaldehyde From Johar Sawdust Extract As Adhesive On Lamina Wood
Sutoyo, Suyatno
Scientific Literacy Skill Of Junior High School Student Using Ethnoscience Based Learning
Sutoyo, Suyatno
The Validity of Teaching Materials used Guided Inquiry Model Integrated with STEM to Train Student’s Critical Thinking Skills On Thermochemistry Topic
Sutoyo, Suyatno
Application Sorogan-Bandongan Model in Lectures Reaction Mechanism
Sutrisno, Sutrisno
Profile of The Indonesian Essential Oil from Melaleuca cajuputi
Suyono, Suyono
The Use of interactive multimedia in balancing redox reactions for facilitating learning style differences
Suyono, Suyono
Misconception Analysis Based On Students Mental Model In Atom Structure Materials
Suyoto, Suyatno
The Development of Learning Model of Map Concept with Inquiry Strategy
Syahrani, Achmad
Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
Taufikurohmah, Titik
High Order Thinking Skills in Chemical Research to Develop Entrepreneurship and Campus Economic Power
Taufikurohmah, Titik
Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
Taufikurohmah, Titik
Phytochemical Properties of Skin Care Cream Containing Essential Oil of Galangal
Tjahjani, Siti
Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
Tjandrakira, Tjandrakira
Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
Tukiran, Tukiran
Isolation and Cytotoxicity Test of Dichloromethane Extract of Syzygium malaccense
Tukiran, Tukiran
Cytotoxicity Test of Isolated Compound from Syzygium malaccense Stem Bark on Fibroblast BHK 21 Cells
Wiana, Fenty
Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite from Crab Shell (Scylla serrata) Waste With Different Methods Added Phosphate
Widodo, Wahono
Scientific Literacy Skill Of Junior High School Student Using Ethnoscience Based Learning
Wijiastuti, Asri
Development of Textile Natural Dyeing using Hybrid Dyes from Mango Leaves Turmeric
Witdarko, Yus
Innovation of Chemical Learning through The Application of Chemical Supplement Book Based on Asmat Tribe Papua Local Wisdom
Yonata, Bertha
Alternative Lesson Design of Basic Chemistry Learning to Integrate Green Chemistry Principles as View of Scientific Character Values
Yonata, Bertha
Development of Student Activity Sheet Scientific Literacy Oriented in Acid-Base Matter