Proceedings of the Seminar Nasional Kimia - National Seminar on Chemistry (SNK 2018)
151 authors
- Rocky Rafsanjani, Ega
- The Potential of Yacon Root (Smalanthus sonchifolius ( Endl.) H.Robinson) as Prebiotics to Stimulate Growth of Lactobacillus plantarum B1765
- Rohmawati, Dian
- Steroid Isolated from the Dichlorometane Extract of Matoa’s Stem Bark (Pometia pinnata) and Toxicity Tests Against Artemia salina Leach
- Rusijono, Rusijono
- Extraction and Characterization of The Base Halal Gelatin Based on Bovine Bone
- Rusijono, Rusijono
- The Prouction and Characterization of Kaempferia Galanga L. –Based Herb Powder: Blanching and Drying Procedure Influence on Proximate, Metal, and Microbial Contamination
- Rusmini, Rusmini
- Utilization Activated Carbon from Bagasse in Processed of Laundry Waste
- S, Liliasari
- How are students’ ability and perception in using media through synthesis organic chemistry learning?
- Sabarudin, Ahmad
- Organic Polymer Monolith: Synthesis and Applications For bioanalytical
- Samik, Samik
- Development of Textile Natural Dyeing using Hybrid Dyes from Mango Leaves Turmeric
- Samik, Samik
- The Prouction and Characterization of Kaempferia Galanga L. –Based Herb Powder: Blanching and Drying Procedure Influence on Proximate, Metal, and Microbial Contamination
- Savana, Raisza
- Usage Of Chitosan-Silica with Crosslinking Agent As A Matrix For Slow Release Fertilizer
- Setiarso, Pirim
- The Development of New Composite Polymer Membrane : Polysulfone (PSf)/polyetherimide (PEI) coated membrane
- Setiarso, Pirim
- The Prouction and Characterization of Kaempferia Galanga L. –Based Herb Powder: Blanching and Drying Procedure Influence on Proximate, Metal, and Microbial Contamination
- Setiarso, Pirim
- The Validity Of The Guided Inquiry Learning Model Tool to Train Students' Scientific Literacy Skills
- Setiarso, Setiarso
- Synthesizing Graphene Oxide as a Working Electrode Using Cyclic Voltammetry
- Setoarso, Pirim
- Design and Validation of Teaching Instruments Oriented Problem Solving to Train Students’ Metacognitive Skills
- Silvia Melyasari, Nindy
- Scientific Literacy Skill Of Junior High School Student Using Ethnoscience Based Learning
- Soeprijanto, Adi
- Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
- Soleka Listyaningrum, Pipit
- Development of Student Activity Sheet Scientific Literacy Oriented in Acid-Base Matter
- Suharti Suharti, Suharti
- Degradation of Chicken Feathers by Indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Sukarmin, Sukarmin
- The Use of interactive multimedia in balancing redox reactions for facilitating learning style differences
- Sukarmin, Sukarmin
- Development of Virtual Laboratory Inorganic Chemistry of Main Elements Based on Blended Learning Using Pogil Strategy
- Sukarmin, Sukarmin
- Effectivity of Interactive Multimedia and Student Activity Sheets with Writing-To-Learn (WTL) Strategy in Science Learning for Hearing Impairment Students
- Sukarmin, Sukarmin
- Development Of Anti Miskim Software To Reduce Misconception With Conceptual Change Text Strategy Students Of Class X In Chemical Bonding Material
- Sukro, Sukro
- The Influence of PDEODE Learning Model and 5M Scientific with High Order Thinking Skills against Students Chemical Literacy
- Supangat, Dicky
- Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite from Crab Shell (Scylla serrata) Waste With Different Methods Added Phosphate
- Sutoyo, Suyatno
- Toxicity Assay of Phenolic Compound Isolated from the Dichloromethane Extract of Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos)
- Sutoyo, Suyatno
- Immunostimulant Activity of Flavonoid Isolated from The Acetone Extract of Silver Fern (Pityrogramma calomelanos)
- Sutoyo, Suyatno
- Mechanical Properties Characterization of The Biodegradable Plastic Made from Composite of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and Gembolo (Dioscorea bulbifera L.) Starch
- Sutoyo, Suyatno
- Steroid Isolated from the Dichlorometane Extract of Matoa’s Stem Bark (Pometia pinnata) and Toxicity Tests Against Artemia salina Leach
- Sutoyo, Suyatno
- Characteristics Of Adhesive Firmness Of Tannin Resorcinol Formaldehyde From Johar Sawdust Extract As Adhesive On Lamina Wood
- Sutoyo, Suyatno
- Scientific Literacy Skill Of Junior High School Student Using Ethnoscience Based Learning
- Sutoyo, Suyatno
- The Validity of Teaching Materials used Guided Inquiry Model Integrated with STEM to Train Student’s Critical Thinking Skills On Thermochemistry Topic
- Sutoyo, Suyatno
- Application Sorogan-Bandongan Model in Lectures Reaction Mechanism
- Sutrisno, Sutrisno
- Profile of The Indonesian Essential Oil from Melaleuca cajuputi
- Suyono, Suyono
- The Use of interactive multimedia in balancing redox reactions for facilitating learning style differences
- Suyono, Suyono
- Misconception Analysis Based On Students Mental Model In Atom Structure Materials
- Suyoto, Suyatno
- The Development of Learning Model of Map Concept with Inquiry Strategy
- Syahrani, Achmad
- Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
- Taufikurohmah, Titik
- High Order Thinking Skills in Chemical Research to Develop Entrepreneurship and Campus Economic Power
- Taufikurohmah, Titik
- Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
- Taufikurohmah, Titik
- Phytochemical Properties of Skin Care Cream Containing Essential Oil of Galangal
- Tjahjani, Siti
- Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
- Tjandrakira, Tjandrakira
- Analysis of the Clinical Volunteer Complaint Relation with Dangerous Substances in Cosmetic Formula Used)
- Tukiran, Tukiran
- Isolation and Cytotoxicity Test of Dichloromethane Extract of Syzygium malaccense
- Tukiran, Tukiran
- Cytotoxicity Test of Isolated Compound from Syzygium malaccense Stem Bark on Fibroblast BHK 21 Cells
- Wiana, Fenty
- Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite from Crab Shell (Scylla serrata) Waste With Different Methods Added Phosphate
- Widodo, Wahono
- Scientific Literacy Skill Of Junior High School Student Using Ethnoscience Based Learning
- Wijiastuti, Asri
- Development of Textile Natural Dyeing using Hybrid Dyes from Mango Leaves Turmeric
- Witdarko, Yus
- Innovation of Chemical Learning through The Application of Chemical Supplement Book Based on Asmat Tribe Papua Local Wisdom
- Yonata, Bertha
- Alternative Lesson Design of Basic Chemistry Learning to Integrate Green Chemistry Principles as View of Scientific Character Values
- Yonata, Bertha
- Development of Student Activity Sheet Scientific Literacy Oriented in Acid-Base Matter