Advances in Health Sciences Research

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4136 articles
Proceedings Article

Forecasting the Risk of X-Ray Radiation Exposure to Radiation Workers in the Radiology Department RSUP X. Jakarta

Agus Riyanto, Arni Widyastuti
Radiographers in general have a duty and responsibility to audit includes examining patients for radiodiagnostic including nuclear medicine and ultrasonography (USG), radiation exposure techniques in radiotherapy and perform accuracy and security measures radiation protection in radiology and operating...
Proceedings Article

Developing Premarital Education Application for Midwives at Puskesmas Around Semarang.

Dewi Puspitaningrum, Nuke Devi Indrawati, Indri Astuti Purwanti
A family contributes a significant role in the family's health status. In a family, mother and children are considered to be susceptive. It relates to women and their prenatal, antenatal, postnatal, and the development of children. There are six programs of EMAS program, from the government's program...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Resistance and the Alternative of Using Probiotics as Growth Promoter

I Wayan Teguh Wibawan
The countries in the Asia-Pacific region, namely, Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Viet Nam, have come together on the occasion of the Tokyo Meeting of Health Ministers on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) held in Japan;...
Proceedings Article

Cost and Benefit Analysis: Two Scenarios in the Treatment of Worm Disease (Coccidiosis) as a Cause of Calf Death in the District of Mukomuko City, Mukomuko District, Bengkulu

Tri Guntoro, Elwaldrus Wera, Ferro
Losses due to parasitic infections, especially worms in livestock in Indonesia are very large. Helminthiasis is a disease in beef cattle which is common in traditional farms. This study aims to use a cost-benefit analysis for two scenarios in handling helminthiasis (coccidiosis), namely Program A (controlling...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Dietary Pattern and Health Status Among Elderly Patients with Diabetes

Ema Wahyu Ningrum, Amin Susanto
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus increases as someone grows older. This increase is related to changes in lifestyle, including smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, eating patterns that lacks of vegetables and fruits, obesity, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

The Traditional Game Learning Model for the Elementary School Student Character Building

Septian Fajri Masyhuri, Wawan S Suherman
The purpose of the research was to produce a learning method based on traditional games which suits to primary school student characteristics, easy and safe for primary school students to play with, and also an effective development method to develop honesty, disciplinary, and responsibility. The research...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Soymilk Consumption Toward Reduction Levels of Total Cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol on Menopause Women

Meti Kusmiati, Rianti Nurpalah, Amalia Putri Elganita, Arna Rohimatunnaj
Objectives: The increasing of blood cholesterol levels is one factor of atherosclerosis risk. Estrogen hormone secretion decreases in postmenopausal women as a result of atrophy of the ovaries so that tends to increase in total cholesterol levels, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol, triglycerides...
Proceedings Article

Review of the Antidepressants Effectiveness for Reducing the Quality and Quantity Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Syahrun El Mubaraq, Zaid Ziyaadatulhuda Ashshddiq, Erna Herawati
Background: IBS or irritable bowel syndrome was one of the functional gastrointestinal disorder in lower gastrointestinal system. The exact pathogenesis mechanisms were still not well studied, however there were several strong evidences that shown there were signalling problems link between ENS (enteric...
Proceedings Article

Cardiovascular Side Effects of Neuraminidase Inhibitors: A Review

Salsabila Zannuba Kurniawan, Riana Rahmawati, Fathiyatul Mudzkiroh, Muhammad Ariq Naufal Arofiq, Raden Muhammad Bagus Muliawan
Neuraminidase inhibitors are antiviral drugs prescribed especially for influenza types A and B. They inhibit the release of the viral neuraminidase protein, which facilitates viral release from the infected cell to the other host’s cells. There has been an increasing use of these drugs during the COVID-19...
Proceedings Article

Aerobic Endurance Level (VO2Max) of Physical Education students of Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences of Universitas Negeri Makassar

Hasbunallah As, Ramli Ramli, Akbar Sudirman
The study aimed to determine the aerobic endurance (Vo2Max) of PJKR Department students at SD FIKK UNM, with a sample size of 25 male students. The survey method was employed, and the “Bleep Test” over a 20-m distance was used as the instrument. The results showed a total Vo2Max value of 879.60 ml/kg/min,...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Applying the Information and Electronic Technology Law in the Case of the Spread of the Covid-19 Pandemic Hoax in Indonesia

Florisya Luqyana Rencan, M. Herzegovin Laxamana
The industrial revolution 4.0 has an impact on legal, governance, and social justice events. The era of digitalization 4.0 has caused changes in most sectors of human life, especially the economic and technology sectors. The Data and Electronic Transaction Law, abbreviated as the ITE Law, must be able...
Proceedings Article

Video Based Learning for Basketball Referee

Raditya Pratama, Oni Bagus Januarto
The material of mechanic court is a material that must be mastered by a basketball umpire. The research and development of this Basketball scoresheet refers to the Research & Development (R & D) development model of Borg & Gall Outcomes but uses only seven steps. The result of this research and development...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Rinsing Black Tea Compared to Green Tea in Decreasing Oral Bacterial Counts as an Alternative of Caries Prevention

Gema Nazri Yanti, Ranu Putra Armidin
Herbal mouthwash is considered as an alternative regimen in maintaining oral hygiene. Tea contains compounds such as catechin and tannin which possess bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect which helps to prevent dental caries. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness between rinsing with...
Proceedings Article

Sweet Orange Juice : Blood Glucose Level After Having Anaerobic Activity

Indra Himawan Susanto, Ananda Perwira Bakti, Yetty Septiani Mustar
The influence of blood glucose during exercise is a factor that affects the performance of the athlete. Blood glucose levels can be affected by things like activity or exercise, food and stress. If blood glucose levels decline, the function of brain cells is disrupted because nerve cells do not store...
Proceedings Article

Effect of 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine on Spleen Immunomorpholog

O.M. Arlashkina, G.Yu. Struchko, L.M. Merkulova, M.N. Mikhailova, O.Yu. Kostrova
The article presents the main morphological and immunohistochemical changes of the spleen in rats in 1 and 4 months after the course injection of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. The increase in the number of CD68+-cells in the red pulp and S100+-cells in the germinal centers of lymphoid nodules was registered...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Elderly Women's Needs in Slum Area of Medan City

Asfriyati Asfriyati, Lita Sri Andayani
Life expectancy of women is higher compared to men, this affects the number of elderly women more than men. However, if the number of elderly women are not qualified, it will be burden for development. In order to maximize the role of service to elderly, it is needed to know first the needs of elderly...
Proceedings Article

Nanoparticle of Silver Nitrate (Ag2NO3) and Organophosphate (C10H19O6PS2) for Vector Control of Anopheles Larvae

Mursid Raharjo, Agus Subagyo, Sulistiyi
The climate change has an impact on various lives, including in the vector breeding. The Anopheles resistance as an infectious agent of Plasmodium is harmful for life, especially to non-target organisms and the environment. Nano-silver (Ag2NO3), is a new form of engineering in vector control. The aim...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning With Basic Skills Ability Towards Conventional Gymnastic

Ari Wibowo Kurniawan
The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data on the effectiveness and efficiency of the development of learning outcomes floor exercise techniques to students majoring in Physical Education and Health. This research is experimental pretest-posttest shaped Design Control Group. value gain score...
Proceedings Article

Clarity of Anatomic Information: Comparison of Variations in Combination of Time Repetition (TR) and Echo Train Length (ETL) MRI Lumbar Sequence T2W Turbo Spin Echo in the Diagnosis of Low Back Pain

Rini Indrati, Lies Mardiyana, Ainul Amarudin, Emi Murniati, Siti Daryati, Sri Mulyati, Dwi Rochmayanti
Time Repetition (TR) and Echo Train Length (ETL) are the parameters in MRI that can be adjusted by a radiographer to affect image quality, anatomic information, and scan time. There are various TR and ETL adjustments used for lumbar MR imaging. This study is to determine the differences in the combination...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics, Nutritional Status, and Lipid Profile of Dyslipidemia Patients with Mediterranean Diet

Dewi Ratih Handayani, Iis Inayati Rakhmat, Endry Septiadi, M. Arasy Faradina, Reza Fadhil Nugraha, Achmad Hero Prawira, Rifal Aldi Anugrah
Dyslipidemia is a lipid metabolism disorder with an imbalance of lipid fraction in plasma, including increase in total cholesterol, LDL, TGA, and decrease in HDL. Changes in lipid profile levels can be influenced by several factors, namely diet, physical activity, lifestyle, age, sex, and genetics. Poor...
Proceedings Article

Association Between Physical Activity and Sleep Quality in Students of Tarumanagara Medical University

David Christian, Susy Olivia Lontoh
The Sleep is a physiological process so that living things can perform optimally in their daily activities. The high prevalence of lack of physical activity in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic also coincided with the high prevalence of poor sleep quality. This study aims to determine the relationship...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Bougainvillea Spectabilis Flower Extract and Red Ashoka Extract as Formaline and Boraxs Teskit

Youstiana Dwi Rusita, Rini Tri Hastuti
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd) and red ashoka (Ixora cocinea) flowers contains natural color pigment, namely anthocyanins. Anthocyanin levels in these two flowers are high enough so that can be used as natural color pigment. Anthocyanins can be used as an indicator for detection of borax...
Proceedings Article

The Nutritional Status of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated in the Stroke Corner of General Hospital Haji Adam Malik in 2021

Alfansuri Kadri, Siti Alimah
Background: Stroke may result in the decline of a patient’s nutritional status, which has a detrimental impact on functional recovery and mortality rate. Studies showed that 6–31% of nutritional deficiency is found before stroke, and tends to worsen during hospital admission. The objective of this study...
Proceedings Article

Immunotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer

Erick Maulana Yusup, Yussy Afriani Dewi
Introduction Head and neck cancer is the 8th with the highest mortality rate and a low 5-year survival rate of 40-50%. In patients who experience recurrence or metastases, especially in nasopharyngeal cancer and are HPV-positive, first-line immunotherapy can be performed through immune...
Proceedings Article

Distribution of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Regards to Age and Sex in Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Tri Kesetyaningsih
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease that has a rapid geographical spread and the number of occurrences is increasing. The disease is transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus which sucks human blood during the day, so that the tramission might be related to human activities....
Proceedings Article

Effect of Xerostomia on Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy at RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan

Aida Fadhilla Darwis, Sayuti Hasibuan, Hana Nuradinda Tarigan
Xerostomia is one of the most common complications caused by head and neck cancer radiotherapy. Radiation caused the structure of the salivary glands change thus the saliva production was reduced. This can significantly affect the quality of life of the patients by changing physical, psychological and...
Proceedings Article

Development of Game Learning Media E-Learning Basketball Based on Students Class X of SMA Negeri 3 Medan

Hadi Sopy, Sanusi Hasibuan, Hariadi
This research aims to determine learning media products based on e-learning in basketball game material. Development of e-learning based learning media uses a website-based electronic circuit. Through e-learning students can simplify the learning process with digital concepts that make it easy for students...
Proceedings Article

The Difference of One-Third Apical Root Canal Cleanliness After Instrumentation Between Single File System and Multiple File With Continuous Rotation Motion

Cahyani, W Hadriyanto, Dayinah
Cleanliness of a root canal treatment is measured by the level of cleanliness of the root canal covering the apical third, middle third, and coronal third. The area that is most difficult to clear by the instrument file is the apical third root canal wall because it has a complex root canal shape, there...
Proceedings Article

Leg Muscle Strength, Eye-Foot Coordination and Balance Associated With Soccer Shooting Skill

M. Ridwan, Ded Putra
The problem in this study is the lack of ability to shoot soccer players in the Cendana Vocational School in Padang Panjang. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between leg muscle strength, eye-foot coordination, and balance to soccer shooting abilities. This type of research...
Proceedings Article

Development of Interactive Media for the Basic Techniques of Multimedia-Based Badminton Games

Luh Putu Tuti Ariani, Ni Wayan Marti
This study focused to produce interactive media for the basic techniques of multimedia-based badminton games. This research is a development research using the PPE development method. Design and Development research can be on front-end analysis Planning, Production, and Evaluation. The initial stage...
Proceedings Article

The Prevalence of Cardiovascular Comorbidity in COVID-19 at West Nusa Tenggara General Hospital from March to December 2020

Yusra Pintaningrum, Imam Fadhullah Pratama
The SARS-CoV-2 virus as the cause of COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic since March 2020. The clinical signs of COVID-19 are heterogeneous, such as 20–51% of patients were accounted have at least one comorbidity, with diabetes melitus (10–20%), hypertension (10–15%) and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Apple Guava Juice on Macrophages Level in Mice Wound on Fifth Day

Agustika Antoni, Nicen Suherlin, Sri Oktarina
The body’s immune system can affect the wound healing process. In improving the body’s immune system, anti- oxidants as pro-anti-inflammatory is important. Delay wound healing may be due to the length of the inflammatory phase. Guava juice contains a lot of chemical compositions such as lycopene, ascorbic...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge and Attitudes of Mothers on the Behavior of Wearing Masks to Children Towards COVID -19 Prevention in Meri Mojokerto East Java

Asih Media Yuniarti, Dwi Helynarti Syurandhari, Mukhammad Himawan Saputra, Rian Fitroh Huda
Coronaviruses are part of the virus family that causes illnesses ranging from the flu to more severe illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. COVID-19 is a new type of disease that was discovered in 2019 and has never been identified as affecting humans...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Fasting Blood Sugar Levels and Waist Circumference with Cognitive Function in Diabetes Mellitus Patients

‘Ulayya Azzah Nadiroh, Sulistyani Sulistyani, Rizky Febrian, Oxa Aqilla Putri Suharyono
Diabetes mellitus is currently a major public health problem in the world. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) stated that in 2021 around 537 million people will suffer from diabetes, it is estimated that this will increase to 643 million in 2030 and 783 million in 2045. Impaired cognitive function...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Secondary Metabolites from Indonesian Weeds in Asthma Management

Lathifah Yuliana Hastuti, Dias Setyawan
Managing asthma with clinical drugs commonly has some adverse events and drug tolerance. Asthma management with minimal drug side effects is suitable for reducing asthma prevalence. Herbal medicine could apply to mild asthma or as an adjunct to standard asthma management. This study compares the chemical...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of BM3D Denoising Techniques to Improvement of Thoracal MRI Image: Study on Low Field MRI

Fisnandya Meita Astari, Donny Kristanto Mulyantoro, Rini Indrati
MRI examination is one of the medical supports to assess the structure and anatomy of vertebrae thoracal. The modality that can be used is low field MRI. The disadvantages are produces low signals and noise. If the signal is low and the noise is high then the SNR value is low. The denoising technique...
Proceedings Article

Muscle Quadriceps Femoris Strength with Postural Balance Level in Elderly

Safun Rahmanto
This study aims to determine the relationship between quadriceps femoris muscle strength with postural level of balance in the elderly. The researchers used a manual muscle testing (MMT) tool for the quadriceps femoris muscle strength component, and on the postural equilibrium component using a tinetti...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between The Type Of Childbirth With Neonatal Asphyxia At Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh General Hospital Of Banjarmasin

Dhita Ayu Permatasari, Dede Mahdiyah, Erni Yuliastuti
that the risk of labor actions have 2, 36 or 2 times greater than its Neonatorum gave birth asphyxia normal delivery with 95% CI 1.50 to 6,92 LL and UL. Conclusion: The results of this study stated that there is a significant relationship between the type of delivery with neonatal asphyxia, where the...
Proceedings Article

Wudu Improving Sleep Quality In Elderly With Insomnia

Hamdan Hariawan, Joni Haryanto, Elida Ulfiana
Changes in sleep quality on elderly can lead to sleep disturbances such as insomnia. It needs proper interventions, one of them is to get wudu before going to sleep. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of wudu in improving sleep quality in elderly with insomnia. Method: This study was...
Proceedings Article

The Complience of Hypertensive Patients in Health Center Pengasih I Kulon Progo

Andriana Sari, Muhammad Adjie Cakrawardana
Hypertension is a condition where blood vessels have persistent high blood pressure. Compliance is a behavior to adhere to doctor's advice about using medicine. The purpose of this study is to determine the compliance, the use of antihypertensive and the relationship between characteristics of patients...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Nursing Workforce on the Era of ASEAN Economic Community

Masdalina Pane, Lukman Prayitno
The goal of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Cooperation is directed at the economic integration of the member states in to a single highly competitive and equitable production base market in the global economy. Therefore, free trade agreement related to the services sector,...
Proceedings Article

Lotion of Rind Durian (Durio Zibethinus Murr) as Natural Repellent to Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes

Tanendri Arrizqiyani, Rudy Hidana, Fia Fermata Agesti
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate protective power of rind durian lotion to Aedes aegypti mosquitoes by observing for 6 hours. Method: objects in this research were 75 number of Aedes aegypti mosquitos. Volunteer were use rind durian lotion and lotion X (positive control) and then...
Proceedings Article

Infrared Spectroscopy of Cosmetic Gels Based on Medicinal Plants

V.V. Mosyagin, G.F. Ryzhkova, A.G. Bialyaev, N.A. Minenkov, T.V. Kanunnikova, N.V. Lebedeva
Medicinal plants used in cosmetology are subject to mandatory quality control. For this purpose, various physical and chemical methods of study are most widely used. Infrared spectroscopy for the first time conducted a comparative study of cosmetic gels based on mint infusions (Mentha piperita), thyme...
Proceedings Article

Overview of HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, and Total Cholesterol in Obese Patients

Rina Setyawati, Martua Lasroha
Obesity occurs because of the accumulation of fat in the body and can occur due to high cholesterol so that it can interfere with health. This study aims to provide an overview of HDL, LDL, triglycerides, and total cholesterol in obese patients. This method is by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI)...
Proceedings Article

Expression of MicroRNA-155 in Hepatitis B Virus-Related to Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Dede Renovaldi, Juwita Radityaningsih, Puji Lestari, Nanda Qoriansas, Didik Setyo Heriyanto, Neneng Ratnasari, Sofia Mubarika Haryana
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is still a global health problem and a major precipitation factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) consist of small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, thus involving in primary biological processes,...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis of M-Learning for Basketball Class

Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Rama Kurniawan, Prisca Widiati
This study aims to develop BL-based learning applications using a mobile application, produce learning models with the aim of improving student performance in practical lecture learning, examine the learning model process for wider use. Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE). The results show...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Behavioral Predispositive Factors of Adolescent Women Towards Vaginal Discharge Phenomenon: A Case Study of Senior High School 1 Karangan, Trenggalek Regency

Ema Novita Deniati, Veronica Yora Sakti, Annisaa Annissa
Adolescence as a period of transition from childhood to adulthood is closely related to physical, hormonal, and psychological changes. Adolescence or puberty in girls is marked by menstruation, so it is important for adolescents to maintain and care for their reproductive health, especially the external...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Medical Compliance Factors Following MMAS-8 Score in Patients with Type-2 Militus Diabetes

Asnil Adli Simamora, Nanda Suryani Sagala, Natar Fitri Napitupulu
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristics of hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. insulin produced by pancreatic cells. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors of medication adherence in patients with...
Proceedings Article

Type 1 Cardio-Renal Syndrome: A Case Report

Annisa Maloveny
The Cardio-Renal Syndrome (CRS) has been de-fined by Ronco et al. as a pathophysiologic disorder of the heart and kidneys whereby acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction of the other. A 55-year old woman was brought to the emergency room presented with acute...
Proceedings Article

Application Of SDA-03 ( Software Detection Autism -03) To Detect Autism Children Disabilities In The Early Ag

Ricko Irawan
The background from this study is that most of parents know their children had autism since in elementary school even junior high school, whereas autism can be detected early, delayed in identificating autism children cause difficult and complicated disease to be cured. The result of this study is software...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Kaempferia galanga L. Rhizome Extract in Carrageenan-Induced Female Rats

Galih Samodra, Dina Febrina
Kencur (Kaempferiae galanga L.) is a plant that is traditionally used for the treatment of various diseases including inflammation. This study aimed to know the comparison of the effectiveness of kencur extracts with diclofenac sodium as an antiinflammatory agent. Fifteen female rats aged 2-3 months...
Proceedings Article

Lymphatic Filariasis Situation After Mass Drug Administration in Kamundu and Tanah Miring Village in Merauke Regency, Papua, in 2017

Semuel Sandy, Anorital, Raflizar
Background: The mass drug administration program (MDA) has been implemented since 2007 and the evaluation of the assessment survey (TAS) was carried out in elementary school children in 2014 and 2016 with negative results. The activity was to assess whether there was any transmission of lymphatic filariasis...
Proceedings Article

In Vivo Cytotoxic Activity and Acute Toxicity Test of Ethanol Extract from Voacanga foetida (Blume) Rolfe Leaves

Adriani Susanty, Emrizal, Emma Susanti, Alfionita BR Saragih, Husni Muchtar, Dachriyanus
In vivo cytotoxic activity and acute toxicity test of ethanolic extract Voacanga foetida leave against male white mice was done. The in vivo cytotoxic activity used Micronucleus Assay Method while the acute toxicity used LD50 Test and Delay Toxicity Method. The micronucleus assay of V. foetida ethanol...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Spirituality, Coping, and Quality of Family Life in Caring for a Schizophrenic Patient at Menur Psychiatric Hospital

Ari Susanti, Dya Sustrami, Aura Natasya, Setiadi, Astrida Budiarti
Background: All changes in roles, responsibilities and nursing processes can cause stress to family members who live with patients so that it can reduce the family’s ability to carry out care, if families with schizophrenia patients are not able to use effective coping to cope with these stressors, their...
Proceedings Article

Supervision Improves Research Performance in Midwifery Departement Poltekkes Semarang

Budi Astyandini, Suwito Eko Pramono, R. R. Sri Endang Pujiastuti, Arief Yulianto
Lecturers as one of the resources in higher education carry out research to fulfill the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The main task of lecturers is to conduct research. In carrying out research, it is necessary to supervise to get maximum results Supervision is part of management. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Analysis of D-Dimer and Interleukin-6 Levels in COVID-19 Survivors: Implications for Long-term Outcomes

Anik Handayati, Jusak Nugraha, Rahajoe Imam Santosa
Several studies have investigated the association between D-Dimer and Interleukin-6 levels in COVID-19 patients. Nikkhoo et al. conducted a longitudinal prospective cohort study to investigate the association between IL-6 levels and disease severity among COVID-19 patients. They found that elevated IL-6...
Proceedings Article

Ischemic Cerebellar Stroke During Embolization Procedure on Hemoptysis Patient

Tika Wahyu Winarni, Yuyun Yueniwati
Hemoptysis represents one of the most challenging conditions that are potentially life-threatening. Bronchial artery embolization (BAE) is effective method for controlling hemoptysis, but it also has complication risk like nontarget embolization in 0,6–5,5% cases. The Purpose of this case report is to...
Proceedings Article

Age Is A High Risk Of Low Birth Weight In The Working Area Of Seluma District

Linda, Lela Hartini, Meylani Novita Salam
High mortality rate one of the babies is caused by LBW. Based on data in the Seluma District Health Office in 2016 there was an increase in LBW rate of 94.2%, in 2015 1.5% to 3.2% in 2016. So the nutritional status, maternal age, pregnancy distance, parity, and normal Hb levels became very important...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Teaching Styles on the Skill of Badminton Reviewed from Motor Educability

Ashadi Cahyadi, Herman Subarjah, Yunyun Yudiana, Yusuf Hidayat
Introduction: teaching style is considered to have an influence on badminton skills by looking at the aspects of motor educability. Purpose: This study aims to see the influence of teaching style on badminton skills in terms of high motor educability. In this study also pay attention to the influence...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation and Comparison of Patient Feedback on Chlorhexidine Vs Anti-Calculus Mouthrinse After 6 Months of Compliance

An Thi Khanh Nguyen, Thuy Anh Vu Pham
Chronic inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth is associated with the bacterial biofilm (plaque) that covers the teeth and gums. Gingivitis was once seen as the first stage in a chronic degenerative process which resulted in the loss of both gum and bone tissue surrounding the teeth. It...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Knowledge Towards Prevention of Malaria in Relapse Patients in Sawang Subdistrict, Aceh Selatan Regency

Sri Rosita, Ida Yustina, Irna Irnawati Marsaulina
Malaria is one of a contagious infectious disease that has been a public health problem. Sawang Subdistrict which is located in Aceh Selatan district is an endemic malaria area. The objective of this research is to analyse the influence of knowledge toward prevention of malaria in relapse patients at...
Proceedings Article

A comparative analysis of the dynamics of carbohydrate metabolism in ski-racers during training with alternating middle altitude hypoxia/normoxia and normoxia

Anastasia Bakhareva, Alexander Isaev, Albert Aminov, Artem Reiter
The purpose of the article is to analyze the dynamics of indicators of carbohydrate metabolism at rest in ski-racers with different training programs. Materials and methods: 17 male ski-racers aged 18–23 years participated in the study. The first group (1) consisted of cross-country skiers with training...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Oocyte and Sperm Cryopreservation of Indonesian Genetic Resources of Local Sheep and Goat

Gatot Ciptadi, Muh. Nur Ihsan, Sri Rahayu
Animal breeding, genetic and reproduction are facing challenges with more powerful and useful methods for creating new breeds, genetic change and improvement. In the near future, the frozen cells of sperms and oocyte of local breed and animals have a potential to trade at a national, regional and international...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Invasion Games on the Students’ Self-Efficacy in Physical Education

Dedi Supriadi, Vicki Ahmad Karisman
This study was aimed at exploring the contribution and the use of physical education in elementary school through invasion games learning to improve the students’ efficacy. The researcher used experimental method with pre-test and post-test control group design. This study involved 87 4th grade students...
Proceedings Article

Development of Study Assessment Instruments Large Ball Games on Basketball Materials in Lessons PJOK in Junior High School Students

Muhammad Indra Bayu, Amir Supriadi, Sabaruddin Yunis Bangun
In 2045, Indonesia will get a demographic bonus of 70% of Indonesia’s population. It is expected that with the population at that time Indonesians will be superior, advanced and able to compete with other countries, and mature enough to overcome classic national problems, such as corruption, poverty...
Proceedings Article

The Muyu Women and Their Birthing Culture: How to Move Labor to Health Facilities

Desi Ariwinanti, Nurnaningsih Herya Ulfah, JennyVeronika Samosir, Aan Kurniawan
The research was a part of participatory action research aimed to descriptively explore the issue and to suggest the possible solution to the high risk childbirth tradition. It was conducted in Mindiptana District, Boven Digoel Regency, Papua. The data was collected using in-depth interviews to Muyu...
Proceedings Article

COVID-19 Infection Among Hemodialysis Patients in Tikrit City

Israa Hashim Saadoon, Kamal Lateef Hussein
It has been widely documented that hemodialysis patients get a blocked secure response, that might result in a greater prevalence rate of viral diseases, according to Coronavirus epidemic 2019. (Covid -19). The point of this consider was to assess the recurrence of Covid -19 Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies...
Proceedings Article

Developing Early Detection Questionnaire for Diabetes Mellitus Disease Type 2 Based on the Diet

Septa Katmawanti, Novita Dwi Mugiarti, Hartati Eko Wardani
Diabetes Mellitus disease is one of the Non- Transmissible Diseases (NTD) with rising amount of sufferer. The lifestyle in food consumption or diet, the lifestyle in selecting the place to eat, and the type of food consumed are some of the triggers of diabetes mellitus. This development research aims...
Proceedings Article

Difference in Malocclusion Knowledge between Mothers in Urban and Rural Area: A Cross-sectional Study

Ervina Sofyanti, Darmayanti Siregar, Yane Indira Pasaribu, Magie Vania Halim
Some studies have reported about adequate relationship between mothers’ knowledge and children’s oral health status. Malocclusion is one of the major health issues after dental caries and periodontal disease which can worsen the oral health-related quality of life. Promoting dental health among mothers...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Colorectal Cancer Patients in General Hospital of West Nusa Tenggara Province

Arif Zuhan
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a malignant tumor found in the epithelium of colon and rectum. The incidence of CRC was in third ranks worldwide with 1,849,518 cases, which is 10.2% of all cancer diagnoses and second ranks as the cause of death due to cancer (881,000 deaths in 2018). This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Development of ACIK (Cheerful and Creative Children) Gymnastics Model Through Non-Locomotor Movement for Early Childhood

Noviria Sukmawati, Selvi Melianty, I Bagus Endrawan, Dewi Septaliza, Oktariana Oktariana
The purpose of this research is to develop a product in the form of an ACIK (Cheerful & Creative Children) gymnastics model to improve the basic non-locomotor movement skills of early childhood. That research is based on Borg and Gall's R&D model. This research involved early childhood (5–6 years)...
Proceedings Article

Evaluating Generalizability of Deep Learning Models Using Indian-COVID-19 CT Dataset

S. Suba, Nita Parekh, Ramesh Loganathan, Vikram Pudi, Chinnababu Sunkavalli
Computer tomography (CT) have been routinely used for the diagnosis of lung diseases and recently, during the pandemic, for detecting the infectivity and severity of COVID-19 disease. One of the major concerns in using machine learning (ML) approaches for automatic processing of CT scan images in clinical...
Proceedings Article

Differences in the Prevalence of Adults with Allergic Rhinitis by Gender

Asti Widuri, Vicha Az-zahra Nabila Hidayat
In many countries in the world, the prevalence of allergic rhinitis (AR) in adults varies greatly between and within countries. Although it does not cause fatal effects, AR can affect the quality of life both socially and financially. Aims of this research was to determine the differences in the prevalence...
Proceedings Article

COVID-19 Incidence and Severity in Pregnant Women at Cimahi Referral Hospital

Ifa Siti Fasihah, Jeffry Iman Gurnadi, Asti Kristianti, Raissa Anandhianya Dikna
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a highly infectious and pathogenic disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which is causing a worldwide pandemic. The severity of COVID-19 consists of asymptomatic, mild, moderate, severe, and critical. COVID-19 can attack anyone,...
Proceedings Article

The Perception of Fourth Year Pharmacy Student of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Towards the Pharmacy Profession

Yardi Yardi, Nelly Suryani
Pharmacy profession (pharmacist) is one of the health profession which has high responsibility for the patient health and safety. In doing this responsibility, a pharmacist should serve their patient directly. Anybody who choose the profession should aware and run it with all their heart and sincerely....
Proceedings Article

Mathematical Modeling of Dynamics of Gene Expression Levels Circadian Rhythm

Darna Badgaeva
The present study focuses on mathematical modeling of the dynamics of gene expression levels of circadian rhythm. All living organisms exhibit daily (circadian) rhythms. At first glance, there is a feeling that circadian rhythms caused by external reasons, but they exist offline: these processes are...
Proceedings Article

A Qualitative Analysis of Tannin Type and Tannin Content in Meniran Tea (Phyllanthus Niruri Linn.) with Permanganometry Method

Ai Sri Kosnayani, Liah Badriah, R.Reza El Akbar, Asep Kurnia Hidayat
Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) extract is known to be a source of antioxidants and non-toxic. The content of antioxidants in meniran is donated by tannin. The use of meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) extract as an herbal medicine has been widely used. Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) can be brewed...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of e-readiness on fish disease diagnosis applications and e-commerce applications to improve the competitiveness of the aquaculture sector in Indonesia

Stevia Septiani, Dikky Indrawan, Wita Ermawati
As a maritime country, Indonesia's fisheries and marine sector is the focus of the government to be developed. This sector has enormous potential. This can be seen from the GDP growth in the fisheries sector which is always above the national GDP and agriculture sector GDP, with a growth value of 6.79%...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between the Leukocyte Count with Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio in Hyperuricemia

Meri, Rianti Nurpalah
Hyperuricemia is a condition characterized by an increase in uric acid levels in the blood. It can cause inflammation. The sign of inflammation is to check the count of leukocyte and the parameter neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR). The condition of the number of leukocytes with NLR in hyperuricemia needs...
Proceedings Article

High Dividend Shares Investment Decision in Indonesia Stock Exchange: Bottom-Up Approach

Eddy Sutjipto, Wawan Setiawan, Dyah N.A. Janie
Investing in the capital market is high risk and return. Hence, investors need to use the right strategy by using the bottom line, primarily to determine the intrinsic value of shares. The problem is currently around 85–90% of capital market players in Indonesia experiencing failure because of using...
Proceedings Article

The Differences of Sleepping Quality of the Elderly People Between Progressive Muscle Relaxation Interventions and Spiritual Therapy (Zikir)

Suhaimi, Delima
Sleeping quality of the oldest people is often disturbed, 60.1% of the old people experience insomnia. The aim of this research is to analyze the quality difference of sleeping for the oldest people between the progressive muscle relaxation intervention and spiritual therapy (zikir) at Public Health...
Proceedings Article

The Benefits of Prenatal Aromatherapy Massage and Prenatal Yoga in Improving Beta Endorphin and Alleviating Back Pain for Pregnant Women

Sylvi Wafda Nur Amellia, Riadini Wahyu Utami
Aggravating back pain during pregnancy can cause stress for pregnant women and hinder the growth of fetus. Yoga and aromatherapy back massage can help alleviate physiological back pain during pregnancy. The research determines the effectiveness of combined methods of aromatherapy back massage and prenatal...
Proceedings Article

Examination of Salmonella Typhi Bacteria in Thai Tea Beverages Sold in Poasia and Baruga District, Kendari City

Asnia Zainuddin, Irma Irma, Jafriati Jafriati, Yasnani Yasnani
Nowadays, the public consumes a lot of Thai tea drinks, which are among the most well-liked drink varieties. Alcohol serves as both a suitable substrate for the development of microorganisms and a good mediator in the spread of illness. The application of sanita-tion hygiene that does not meet the requirements...
Proceedings Article

Culture of Diet and Utilization of Health Services on Stunting Cases in Children Aged 2-5 Years in Bangkalan East Java

Novita Eka Kusuma Wardani, Ani Media Harumi, Asih Media Yuniarti
Stunting is the most common problem in developing countries, including Indonesia. The problem of stunting is a new issue that harms nutritional problems in Indonesia because it affects the physical and functional aspects of the child’s body and increases the child’s morbidity, even the stunting incident...
Proceedings Article

Yoga Pranayama Increase Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) in Patient with Asthma

Made Mahaguna Putra, Sriyono Sriyono, Deni Yasmara
Patients with asthma will experience a decrease in pulmonary function due to airway obstruction. Yoga Pranayama is a practice of meditation, self-hypnosis with positive suggestions and breathing exercise for patients with asthma that can cause optimal ventilation. This study was to explain the effect...
Proceedings Article

Different Effects of Testosterone to the Expression of Endothelial COX-2 in Normal and High Glucose Environment

Ikhlas Jenie, Budi mulyono, Soedjono Aswin, Sri Soedjono
Male is one of the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. It is suggested that testosterone (T) may contribute to cardiovascular events, which is initiated by platelet adhesion, activation, and aggregation. Endothelial cells (EC) prevent platelet activation by synthesizing and releasing...
Proceedings Article

Technical Efficiency of Maternal and Child Health Program at Public Health Center in Indonesia

Dedik Sulistiawan, Insan Rekso Adiwibowo, Muhammad Faozi Kurniawan, Laksono Trisnantoro, Wasis Budiarto
The limited availability of health resources in the high public demand requires the health programs and service providers, especially in Public Health Center (Puskesmas) to make efficiency. This study aims to provide information about the level of technical efficiency of Puskesmas in Indonesia in organizing...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Estradiol Serum Level in Determining Bone Density in Menopausal Women

Muhammad Rusda
Postmenopausal osteoporosis is one of the world's concern with high morbidity and mortality which is marked by low bone density which makes the bone fragile and increases the risk of fracture. It had be known that estrogen plays a role in women's bone health, that is to maintain the activity of osteoblasts...
Proceedings Article

Differences of Salivary Total Protein Levels in Plaque Induced Gingivitis and Healthy Patients in Periodontology Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry USU Medan

Aini Hariyani Nasution, Anushkaa Ravi Balaan
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gingiva due to an accumulation of bacterial plaque that can cause periodontal structural damage. In general, to diagnose gingivitis involves clinical measurements and radiographic assessment which are often poorly tolerated by the patients and are also subjected to...
Proceedings Article

The Sensitivity of the Determination of Inhibitory Substances Using a Test Culture of Thermophilic Streptococcus and Indicator Resazurin to Various Antimicrobial Agents

V.S. Babunova, P.A. Popov, I.S. Osipova
The presence of inhibitory substances in the dairy industry is an urgent problem. The article presents data from experiments on expanding the spectrum of determination of various groups of antibiotics and the sensitivity of the method for determining inhibitory substances using a test culture of thermophilic...
Proceedings Article

Effective Communication Improvement in Chemotherapy Services in Hospitals Through the Development of the ChemoCarePlan Application Prototype

Putri Yuliani, Wahyu Sulistiadi
The flow process of chemotherapy services involves multidisciplinary and multidepartmental processes, so it needs to be well designed to prevent patient safety incidents that can cause injury to patients. Based on the aggregate root cause analysis conducted by the Quality and Patient Safety Committee,...
Proceedings Article

Petanque: Mental Imagery and Shooting Accuracy

M R Rony, M Asmawi, Johansyah Lubis
Research aims to look at the effect of mental imagery on the accuracy of shooting at sport petanque. The research method used is pre-test - post-test one group, with the precision shooting test instrument from FIPJP. The population of this study were all petanque associations in the Greater Bandung area...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics, Nutritional Status, and Blood Sugar Levels of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Mediteranian Diet

Endry Septiadi, Iis Inayati Rakhmat, Dewi Ratih Handayani, Reza Fadhil Nugraha, M. Arasy Faradina, Nur Muhamad Rohman, Muhammad Akmal Rais
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (Type 2 DM) is a metabolic disease due to disorders of the pancreas in producing insulin. Poor diet can cause abnormal blood sugar levels. The Mediterranean diet is a diet that is recommended for people with type 2 DM because it contains unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA),...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Head and Neck Neuroendocrine Carcinoma at Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung from 2016 to 2020

Yussy Afriani Dewi, Amanda Carissa Wardhani, Agung Dinasti Permana
Neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) is a type of malignancy that affects the nerve and endocrine systems and secrete neuropeptides into the bloodstream. Because there are significant treatment differences between primary NEC of the head and neck and typical squamous cell carcinoma, it is critical to distinguish...
Proceedings Article

Supportive Care Needs of Jordanian Women Undergoing Breast Cancer Treatments

Raya Yousef Al-Husban, Rogia Salaam Maabreh
Living with breast cancer and experiencing a wide range of issues necessitates supportive care (SC). SC provides the necessary services for those affected by cancer to meet their physical, psychological, informational, practical, and spiritual needs. Therefore, this study’s objectives were to identify...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude with Hypertension Control Behavior at Muara Bungo Subdistrict in Jambi

Audy Nurfadila, Marisa
Background: According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2019, the number of people with hypertension in the world continues to increase every year. The number of people with hypertension in the world continues to grow every year and it is predicted that by 2025 there will be 1.5 billion people...
Proceedings Article

Psychological Problems and Coping Strategies of Health Workers in Caring for Covid-19 Patients: A Qualitative Study

Ayu Pratiwi, Meynur Rohmah, Yunike Edmaningsih
Individual coping includes psychological and life adjustments, altruistic actions, team support, and rational cognition. Health workers need coping strategies as a way to control themselves against stressors. Coping strategies can help health workers in reducing anxiety and psychological impact. The...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Sitting Duration and Low Back Pain on Office Workers in DKI Jakarta 2021

Andy Yuwono, Octavia Dwi Wahyuni
Low back pain is the main cause of activity limitation and can cause socio-economic losses to a person, society, and country. Low back pain is pain that is localized between the 12th rib and the lower part of the gluteal folds with or without pain radiating to the legs. The risk factors for low back...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Nimotuzumab and an Anti-Egfr Mab, in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Scchn

Nur Akbar Aroeman, Andrio Raymos
SCCHN is a group of neoplasms that develop in the epithelium of the upper gastrointestinal and airway, and it is a diverse disease. Approximately 65,000 individuals were estimated to be affected by SCCHN in the US in 2019, while a significant number of new cancer diagnoses in the oral cavity, pharynx,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Biomechanics Slap Hit and Push in The Field Hockey

Erwan Prasetyo Utomo, Nining Widyah Kusnanik, Fuad Y
In the study will describe about the variables that provide support in the implementation of the slap hit and push to be used as a curriculum in the basic techniques of coaching at an early age in schools and clubs. Data retrieval is done by using two Sony Handycam HDX 450 on six athletes PELATNAS as...