Advances in Health Sciences Research

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4234 articles
Proceedings Article

The Role of Blended Learning on Cognitive Step in Education of Sport Teaching by Adjusting the Learning Style of the Students

Abi Fajar Fathoni
Education of sport teaching is often done by using face to face teaching where the teaching model is only effective for the students with kinesthetic learning style. However, for the students that have visual and auditorial learning style, it is less effective to use only face to face teaching. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

The Changes of Position and Angulation of Condyle Mandible Before and After Orthodontic Treatment in Class II Malocclusion by Using Cephalometric Radiograph

Nurmuhayannah, Erna Sulistyawati, Nazruddin
The condyle position is important for the balance of the stomatognathic system. The changes of the condyle position from the normal position can cause Temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Malocclusions may cause condyle position changes at the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Treatment of skeletal class...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Obesity and Hypertension with Gout Arthritis: A Cross-Sectional Study

Feti Kumala Dewi, Susilo Rini
Gout is also associated with various diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and other types of metabolic diseases. The mechanism of the occurrence of Arthritis Gout in metabolic diseases is due to increased kidney workload. Gout Arthritis is also related to hypertension...
Proceedings Article

Log Book Development in Football Learning with Tactical Approaches

Mesnan, Irwansyah Panjaitan, Amir Supriadi
The study aims to produce a log book product model of the logging Book of football Learning with a tactical approach. This research is an advanced study of previous research. Based on the analysis of the material expert validator, media and football learning that the teaching book developed has been...
Proceedings Article

Potential of Autotrophic Microalgae (Spirulina plantensis) in Decreased Coliform Bacteria

Anindita Tri Kusuma Pratita, Mochamad Fathurohman
Objectives: Dense settlements spend the distance between the well and the toilet. So, many sources of clean water are contaminated by coliform bacteria. Microalgae is an important micro-plant which is a bioindicator of clean water. Besides that microalgae can also decrease the number of coliform bacteria....
Proceedings Article

Injection Drug Abuse Risky HIV Infection Among Indonesian Prisoners (Data Analysis IBBS 2015)

Sri Utami, Rico Januar Sitorus
Prisoners are one of the community groups that are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. Prison put people in high-risk situations for the spread of HIV, because of the risky practice behavior. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of injection drug abuse with HIV infection among Indonesian prisoners....
Proceedings Article

Husband’s Support for Pregnant Women Facing Childbirth at Kalasan Public Health Center, Sleman, Indonesia

Sartika Dwi Yolanda Putri, Nurul Kurniati
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia was 305 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2017. Prolonged labor is one of the causes of high MMR in Indonesia. Several factors contribute to long labor, including power, passage, passanger and psychological. Psychological mothers who are not ready to face childbirth...
Proceedings Article

Neonatal Mortality Rate and Causes of Death in Sukabumi District, West Java Province

Elly Noer Rochmah, Maria Ulfah, Wahyu Harihardjaja, Laila Azra Pratesya
United Nations member agreed on a new framework, namely the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), one of the SDG’s goal is to reduce neonatal deaths to 12 deaths per 1,000 births. The most common causes of neonatal deaths according to WHO are prematurity, asphyxia, and infection. Neonatal mortality rate...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Health Capacity Index for a Semi-Quantitative Earthquake Hazards Risk Analysis with a Special Reference to the Lombok Earthquake Disaster 2018

Wilya Isnaeni, Suryani Asa’ad, Mochammad Hatta, Saidah Syamsuddin, Fahrin R. Andiwijaya, Didi S. Agustawijaya
Earthquakes often caused severe fatalities to human beings, as the case of Aceh earthquake 2004, and Lombok earthquake 2018. For the case of Lombok shallow earthquakes 2018, the earthquakes of a magnitude 7.0 have destroyed almost 800 thousand homes, and caused the death of more than 500 people. The...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Indonesian Royal Jelly Supplementation on the Growth of Hybridoma and Its Monoclonal Antibody Production

Febby N. Ningsih, Tika Widayanti, Muhamad Sahlan, Andri P. Pramono, Sabar Pambudi
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) is the material that is used widely for biological experiments, therapeutic, and diagnosis. The production of monoclonal antibodies by in vitro method is still challenging, and it takes a high cost due to the use of animal-derived serum as the main growth-promoting factor. The...
Proceedings Article

Literature Review: Effectivity of Complementary Therapies in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Dera Alfiyanti, Alfin Ni’mah Rosyada, Mariyam, Vivi Yosafianti Pohan, Amin Samiasih, Yuni Sufyanti Arief
Leukemia is a chronic disease that affects children's physiology, psychology, also their growth, and development. It also impacts children life quality. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) disease and its chemotherapy give some effects on children. The effects can be reduced by the nurse through...
Proceedings Article

Definition, Importance, and Formulation of Health Policy and Financing

Salma Azzuhri Rozaqi
Health policy is the implementation of public policies, namely policies that are established to improve the health status of the community. Health finance refers to how financial resources are used to ensure that the health system can adequately meet the collective health needs of all a vast amount of...
Proceedings Article

Humanization of Humans Through Altruism:

A Study of Professional Psychology Graduate Students

Hanna Christina Uranus, Rismiyati E. Koesma, Naomi Soetikno
During COVID-19 pandemic, many adjustments were executed by universities for online learning, including on graduate programs. Learning objectives stayed identical, but learning methods changed quickly and drastically. Even with the learning changes and limitations, altruism is still considered as indicator...
Proceedings Article

Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity of Senduduk Leaves (Melastoma malabathricum L.)

Sri Hainil, Henny Rachdiati, Dwi Prawita
Melastoma malabathricum L. leaves is a traditional plant native to tropical Asia, subtropical, and Pacific islands. This study aimed to investigate the antibacterial activity of senduduk leaves (Melastoma malabathricum L.) against bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes,and Klebsiella pneumonia. Method of extraction...
Proceedings Article

Buk Edi (Education Book) Increases Attitude Of Pre-Diabetes Prevention And Its Complications In Bangsal District Of Kediri

Erva Elli Kristanti, Vitria Wahyu Astuti
Pre-diabetes can be experienced by any- one with several risk factors including age more than/equal to 25 years with an increase in fasting blood sugar by 1-2 mg per year and blood sugar two hours after eating 5.6-13 mg per year. Prevention strategies for both the pro- gression of pre-diabetes and diabetes...
Proceedings Article

The Nutritional Status Based on Anthropometry and Interest in Learning Physical Education to the Level of Physical Fitness

Henry Asmara, Syahid Nur Yasin
The purpose of the research was to design comfortable tables and chairs for learning and gathering students in campus. The method used were anthropometry and percentiles to design tables and chairs. Statistical tests were used to process anthropometric data, including data adequacy tests, data uniformity...
Proceedings Article

The Relation Between Calcium Levels in Breast Milk on Exclusive Breast Milk History and Body Length of Infants Aged 12 Months in The Public Health Centre of Padang

Meldafia Idaman, Rahma Putri Idaman, Ika Yulia Darma, Silv Zaimy
Breast milk is a natural food for babies and contains rare nutrients. The growth of the child, especially the length of the child body is influenced by the calcium contained in exclusively breast milk. Calcium intake can affect the mineralization of the new bone deposit matrix and osteoblast function....
Proceedings Article

Hemisection as an Alternative Management for Mandibular First Molar With Bifurcation Lesion and Root Fracture: A Case Report

Fauziah Karimah, Eva Rizki Hutami, Tunjung Nugraheni, Ema Mulyawati
Modern advances in dentistry have provided the opportunity for patients to maintain a functional dentition for lifetime. Hemisection is a conservative way of preserving tooth. This procedure is an endodontic treatment performed by removing of the one or more roots and existing crown structure to increase...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Practical Experince and Knowledge With Implementing Health Protocol During Pandemic Covid-19 Among Midwives in Bekasi District

Herlina Simanjuntak, Hajar Nur Fathur Rohmah
COVID-19 has been declared as the world pandemic and also as an outbreak of non-natural disasters in Indonesia. The government has made health service policies and protocols, especially maternal and child health services. Midwives are at the forefront and health workers that most often encountered by...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Parental Readiness and Family Social Support With Parenting Self-Efficacy (Pse) in Early Marriage Mother at the Village of Warung Menteng Bogor, West Java

Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Junaida Rahmi
Parenting self-efficacy refers to a mother’s ability to carry out her role in acting more as a caregiver than the father. In, addition it also states that high parenting self-efficacy is strongly associated with the capacity of parents to provide an adaptive, stimulating, and nurturing environment for...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness on Students’ Mental Health at Pot Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Indonesia

Maryatun, Rifka Aprilia Nur Ekawati, Endang Sri Wahyuni, Indarwati, Furqan Mawardi
Purpose: The aim of this study is to apply the Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness intervention towards the final year students with post-covid-19 pandemic anxiety. Methodology: Quasi Experiment pretest-posttest without control. The sample is 30 respondents of undergraduate students in nursing...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Compliance with the Use of PPE with the Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) at PT. Alba Unggul Metal

Nugraheni Puji Lestari, Moch. Yunus, Anita Sulistyorini, Anindya Hapsari
The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 2.78 million workers die each year. The causes of death of 2.4 million are caused by occupational diseases, one of which comes from the manufacturing industry, where air pollution is one of the impacts of work activities. Diseases from air pollution,...
Proceedings Article

Development of a Web-Based Integrated Service Management System to Improve Service Quality and Income Generating at UNY Sports Hall

Sumarjo Sumarjo, Sumaryanto Sumaryanto, Sigit Nugroho, Ahmad Nasrulloh
This study aims to develop a web-based integrated service management system to improve service quality and income generation at the UNY Sports Hall. This study uses research and development methods using the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The research procedure...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Quality of Life and Quality of Sleep in Patients Advanced Stage (3 and 4) Breast Cancer at RSUP Haji Adam Malik

Vera El Sammah Siagian, Elmeida Effendy, Mustafa M. Amin
Background: Breast cancer is The most frequent cancer among women worldwide. According to the American Psychiatric Association, diagnosed patients will develop traumatic stressors that could interfere with performance, such as work and social function. History of treatment such as radiotherapy, surgery,...
Proceedings Article

The Coach Profile and the Implementation Program of the Training Period Between the Age Group < 19 Years (Yunior) at Volleyball Clubs in Yogyakarta Special Region

Fatkurahman Arjuna, M. Furqon Hidayatullah, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Muchsin Doewes
The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of the Coach consisting of [age, training experience, formal education and trainer license] and the implementation of the training periodization program consisting of reference to the physical exercise book owned, the application of physical exercise...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Gross Motor Skills and Body Mass Index of Children with Intellectual Disability

Kuston Sulton, Jajat Jajat
Previous studies of typically developing children have reported significant negative relationships between gross motor skills (GMS) and body mass index (BMI). The purpose of this study was to determine if this relationship exists among children with mild intellectual disability (ID). Thirty (30) children(10.2±3.1yrs)...
Proceedings Article

Researching the sports nutrition segment to develop a high-protein product

L Prokhasko, N Zhuravleva, G Khamraeva, R Fazlitdinov
The aim of the study was to determine the demand for foods enriched with a protein component in the consumer market as a whole and, in particular, in the sports nutrition sector, with the aim of further developing protein biscuit recipes with a high protein content. To accomplish this goal, online testing...
Proceedings Article

Fluid Management Correlation with the Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients in Medan

Cholina Trisa Siregar, Yusnaini Siagian
Purpose. Patients with chronic kidney failure who undergo hemodialysis therapy experience changes in all aspects of their lives, particularly in the limitation of fluid in order to be able to adapt so that they can improve their life qualities. Methods. This study aims to identify and explain the relationship...
Proceedings Article

Establishing Ligands for Tuberculosis Gene Receptor Using In-Silico Methods

Shraddha Lavhale, Rehan Khan, Preenon Bagchi
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a species of pathogenic bacteria of the family Mycobacteriaceae and the causative agent of tuberculosis. First discovered in 1882 by Robert Koch, M. tuberculosis has an unusual, waxy coating on its cell surface primarily due to the presence of mycolic acid. There are two...
Proceedings Article

The Barriers of Interprofessional Collaborative Practices of Healthcare Professionals in the Management of Hypertension in Pregnancy at Sewon Health Center 1 Bantul

Rahmatiar, Sulistyaningsih, Asri Hidayat
Background. Globally, hypertension in pregnancy accounts for 10–22% of maternal deaths. Puskesmas Sewon 1 is a health center with the highest incidence of hypertension in pregnancy in Bantul Regency. Objective: This study aimed to explore the obstacles of interprofessional collaborative practices of...
Proceedings Article

The Related Factors with Occurrences of Hypertension Disease in Work Area of Puskesmas Pertiwi Makassar

Rabiul Marzuki Siregar, Haslinah Ahmad, Indra Maulana Dongoran
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition when blood vessels continue to experience increased pressure. The higher pressure, the strong heart pumps blood (WHO 2015). The gretaer the prevalence of hypertension patients the more one is exposed to large risk of cardiovascular diseases. While the...
Proceedings Article

Epidemiology of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Understanding the Interplay of Genetic and Environmental Factors

Andrio Raymos, Shinta Firti Boesoirie, Yussy Afriani Dewi
Background: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a cancer that occurs in the nasopharyngeal area and has a unique epidemiology with varying incidence rates around the world. The epidemiological characteristics of NPC show the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Purpose: The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Long Hemodialysis And Nutritional Status Of Chronic Renal Failure In Hemodialysis Unit At Rsud Ulin Banjarmasin

Putri Vidiasari D, Bagus Rahmat S, Rizka Fitriana
Objective: In order to know the correlation between long hemodialysis and nutritional status of chronic renal failure at hemodialysis unit of Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin. Technology or Method: This research was an analytic survey research with Cross-Sectional approach. The sampling technique used Purposive...
Proceedings Article

Early Detection Of Existence Of Ova In Nail Of Primary School Children Viewed From Personal Hygiene State Elementary School Sentul 2 In The City Blitar

Yenny Puspitasari, Maulina Nurikasari 
The general purpose of this research is to know the correlation among personal hygiene and the ova on the nails of primary school students at State Elementary School Sentul 2 of Blitar. This research is kind of analytic observation by using cross sectional methods. The population of this research is...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Nostril Symmetry Post-Cronin Labioplasty and Tajima Rhinoplasty in Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Cases

Teuku Nolly Iskandar, Muhammad Syafrudin Hak, Lilies Dwi Sulistyani, Pradono Suhardi
Nasal deformity in cleft lip patients is caused by nasal septum deviation, alar car-tilage distortion, and unparalleled maxillar and alveolar bones due to a widening of the palate. Additional rhinoplasty when using the labioplasty method is a solu-tion to achieving nostril symmetry in unilateral cleft...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Laughter Therapy to Decrease Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension Patients at Welahan 1 Primary Health Care

Rizka Himawan, Meisella Aryatu, Rusnoto, Indanah
Hypertension is a disease experienced by the world's population. However, only one of three people who suffers from hypertension are aware of the circumstances and 61% of the samples is treatment. There are Concerns that emergence of new problems in hypertension will cause mental emotional disorder....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Citrus Limon and Whitening Toothpaste to Teeth Color Changes ( Study on the Right Maxillary Central Incisor of 18 Year Old Female)

Octarina, Elfira Aprilianti
The acids of Citrus limon is believed to be able to brighten teeth, meanwhile whitening toothpaste is able to remove stain of the teeth. The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of Citrus limon water and whitening toothpaste to teeth color changes. Fifteen female students of Dentistry Faculty...
Proceedings Article

The potency of Binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) to recovery process of wound in the livestock

Rita Purwasih, Fika Ayu Safitri
Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis, in Indonesian is binahong, is a creeping plant with a length can reach 6 meters. Binahong originated from the United Stated and be classified in Family Basellaceae. In Indonesia, binahong often be used for traditional medicines to treat diabetes, relieve shortness...
Proceedings Article

Baby-Friendly Facilities to Support Healthy Tourism

Lina Handayani, Rini Puji Astuti, Arzani, Della Noviyanti, Mahayu Agustia Jayanti, Maya Kusuma Dewi
Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of acute infections such as diarrhea, haemophilus influenza, meningitis, and urinary tract infections. WHO and UNICEF recommend exclusive breastfeeding for six months. The motivation to provide exclusive breastfeeding can come from within the individual or from outside...
Proceedings Article

Skin Moisture on Chronic Kidney Disease Patients at the Hemodialysis Unit of Dr. Soekardjo Hospital Tasikmalaya

Asep Robby, Teti Agustin, Rifki Fauzi
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a failure of kidney function to maintain metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance due to progressive damage of kidney structure with manifestations of accumulation of metabolites. The impact of CKD on the integumentary system includes itching almost all over the body,...
Proceedings Article

Validity and Reliability of the Dollyo Chagi Taekwondo Kick Instrument

Fitra Febrioni Sukma, Anton Komaini
Results of research observations So far, the dollyo chagi taekwondo kick instrument available is an instrument for measuring a test of kick ability skills by counting the number of kicks in a certain time interval. When an athlete kicks several times, the athlete may have an injury to the knee and fall,...
Proceedings Article

Post Placental Iud Expulsion And Side Effects In Denpasar City

Ni Nyoman Suindri, Ni Luh Putu Sri Erawati, Ni Ketut Somoyani, Ni Gusti Kompiang Sriasih, Made Widhi Gunapria Darmapatni, Ni Wayan Suarniti
Post-placental IUD implantation is one of many strategies the government has put in place to reduce the rate of population growth. In Indonesia, this program's implementation has not yet been fully adopted, however in Denpasar City, it has been done so at hospitals, healthcare centers, and independent...
Proceedings Article

Anticancer and Antioxidant Activity of Asam Kandis (Garcinia cowa Roxb) Leaf Extract and Fraction

Medlyn Jhofi, Elidahannum Husni, Dachriyanus Hamidi
Breast cancer is the second-highest cancer case in the world. One of the causes of cancer is oxidative stress by free radicals. Antioxidants are free radical neutralizing compounds that can prevent cancer. Leaves extract of asam kandis (Garcinia cowa Roxb) has been shown to have breast cancer and antioxidant...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Playing Approach (Permainan Bebentengan Dan Hitam Hijau) to the Students Learning Outcomes in Sprinting Ability

Sri Sundari, Ranni Rahmawati Kurnia, Joen Parningotan Purba
The learning of playing approach is a model of phsycal learning activity as one of the appropriate method in which the active involemen of students in learning while playing. The purpose of this study is to determine how the influence of playing learning approach on student result in sprint learning....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Different Doses of Molybdenum on the Functional State of the Digestive System

Z.Kh. Sherkhov, T.Kh. Khandokhov, V.B. Voynov, А.А. Molov, L.K. Sherkhova, F.V. Shavaeva, К.Yu. Shkhagumov
The effect of molybdenum production wastes on the structure and functions of the digestive organs of forest mice (Apodemus silvaticus) was studied. The small intestine, liver, and pancreas were studied. In intestines, the signs of chronic enteritis are predominant, adhesions of the apical portions of...
Proceedings Article

Parents Supportive Care Needs: One Day Service for Thalassemia Patients

Murniati, Roro Lintang Suryani
Indonesia is one of the countries included in the thalassemia belt. A total of 4,710 people with thalassemia are individuals in the age group of less than 15 years. Thalassemia that occurs to children will affect the parents because children with thalassemia need regular blood transfusions throughout...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Postpartum Gymnastics on the Size of Abdominal Diastasis Rectus in Normal Postpartum

Noor Hidayah, Alif Kiky Listiyani
Factors causing diastasis recti during pregnancy such as increased levels of relaxant, progesterone, and estrogen hormones that cause softening of the tissue and weakening of the fragile alba line that tends to flow from the xiphoid process to the symphysis pubis and under the influence of hormonal changes....
Proceedings Article

Neurohumoral Regulation of Emotions through the Eyes of a Russian Provincial Doctor

Maria Klavdieva
This paper describes in detail Vladimir N. Speranskii’s theory of emotional hormones in the historical context of endocrinology, neuroscience and nascent neuroendocrinology of the first decades of the 20th century. The main idea of Speranskii’s theory, expounded in his four theoretical publications in...
Proceedings Article

The Characteristics of Undernutrition in Toddlers

Sudiyah, Luluk Rosida
Toddlerhood is an important period in the process of human growth and development. The period of growth and development at this age takes place quickly and will never be repeated, that’s why it is often called the golden age or golden period. Lack of nutrients absorbed by the body results in disease,...
Proceedings Article

The Consequences of Employing Electronic Health Records in Daily Nursing Practice: An Integrative Literature Review

Moath Abedrabbu, Alhasan Almahrouq, Rami Ibrahim Najjar, Tariq Mkhaimer, Belal Alblowe, Nidal F. Eshah, Mohammad Alsadi
Background: Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems are digital versions of patient health records that are stored and managed in a computerized format. EHR systems have transformed the way healthcare professionals manage patient data and deliver care. The implementation of EHRs has become increasingly...
Proceedings Article

Complications After Esophageal Anastomosis in Newborns

V. A. Savvina, Yu. P. Pavlyukova, A. Yu. Tarasov
Esophageal atresia is a congenital anomaly in which the oral end of the esophagus ends in a pouch. Its frequency is 1 in 2500–4500 newborns. Esophageal atresia is considered a complex malformation; the results of its treatment are used to judge the level of surgical care provided by the medical institution....
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Analysis of Physical Education Learning Motivation Based on the Provided Feedback Through Technical Approaches in a Middle School

Lutfi Nur, Adang Suherman, Herman Subarjah, Dian Budiana, Arief Abdul Malik
Learning motivation is an important element in the learning process, so that it can run optimally. In this study, researchers analyzed the student motivation when attending physical education learning by providing positive feedback and neutral feedback through a technical approach. This research was...
Proceedings Article

Burden of Cervical Cancer in Indonesia: Findings From the Global Burden of Disease Study 1990–2017

Mugi Wahidin, Rini Febrianti, Frides Susanty
Cervical cancer is the second commonest cancer among females in Indonesia. The Global Burden of Disease 2017 study provides the comprehensive estimates of all diseases, including cervical cancer. This study was aimed to give overview of burden of cervical cancer at national and provincial level in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Small Side Games Training Toward Improvement of Basic Soccer Techniques at Perfect Unimed School Students

Fadly Reza Siregar, Nurhayati Simatupang, Budi Valianto
Small sided games is a game that played a smaller court and fewer players than the real game. The research aimed to know about effect of small sided games toward improvement of basic soccer techniques to perfect unimed soccer school student at the age 14 to 16 years old. The research is an experimental...
Proceedings Article

Non-Surgical Management of Iatrogenic Perforation in Mandibular Molar Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Followed by Composite Onlay: A Case Report

Henytaria Fajrianti, H.K. Adi Nugroho, Yulita Kristanti, Diatri Nari Ratih
One of the most common iatrogenic during endodontic is a perforation, especially furcation perforation on the molar. Perforation creates an artificial communication between a root canal and periodontal tissue, which could lead to pulpal inflammation extends to the periodontium. Management of perforation...
Proceedings Article

Satisfaction of Medical Staff in Using Electronic Medical Records at Ujung Batu Awal Bros Hospital

Lanisa Nauli Sitorus, Wahyu Sulistiadi
Development of technology and information systems at this time must also be quickly adopted by the hospital as a public facility services. Electronic Medical Record is a system that implemented as an innovation to accelerate services at Ujung Batu Awal Bros Hospital. This study aims to see level of satisfaction...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Fat Composition to Liver Enzymes, Cholesterol, Triglyceride and Liver MDA Levels in Wistar Strain Rats Which is Induced by High Fat Diet

Fransiska Ambarukmi Pontjosudargo, Hendri Priyadi, Evi Sovia, Lia Siti Halima, Endry Septiadi
Research to assess liver damage has been widely studied, but intervention models of liver damage still use hepatotoxic substances. The important thing in research on Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, is that it is difficult to compare the results of the studies, because the variety of studies is very...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Health Services in improving the Health Status of Children Under Five in Way Kanan District, Lampung Province

Sutarto Sutarto, Ratna Dewi Puspitasari, Winda Trijayanthi Utama, Reni Indriyani
Introduction Health services are an important factor in improving children's health status. Children's health is a pillar of sustainable community development, but in various regions of Indonesia, it is still a serious problem and challenge. This research aims to examine and...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Population Growth Rate in Kedungkandang Sub-District, Malang City

Luluatul Mahsunah, Siti Nurrochmach, Lucky Radita Alma
The high rate of population growth in Kedungkandang District can result in a rapid increase in population which can lead to food shortages and poverty. This study aims to determine and examine whether there is a significant relationship between the number of births, the number of deaths, the number of...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge About Hypertension and Its Treatment Among Patients and Lay Health Workers in the Posyandu Lansia

Nida Zahrotun Nazihah, Riana Rahmawati
The size of the elderly population continues to increase. In Indonesia, hypertension often occurs in the elderly. Knowledge about hypertension plays a vital role in hypertension control. Posyandu lansia (Integrated Health Service Post for the Elderly) is a community program involving the active participation...
Proceedings Article

Completeness of MCCD and Accuracy of Underlying Cause of Death

Titin Wahyuni, Dyah Rachmadani
Medical certification of cause of death (MCCD) is being issued on every death occasion in every hospital of Indonesia. MCCD consists of two part; part 1 would record with those conditions in the causal link that leading to death and part 2 would fill with other condition that significant in contributing...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Theory of Reasoned Action Implementation on Dietary and Physical Activity Adherence in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Kusnanto Kusnanto, Iqlima Dwi Kurnia, Jatmiko Jatmiko Andi Rama
Most of patients with type 2 diabetes failed to follow the dietary recommendation due to lack of motivation, memory and intention. Thus, level of obedience still low. Being physically active requires a combination of difficult tasks such huge expenditure of effort, and continued persistence (McAuley...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Behavior on Short-Term Memory Capabilities

Unun Umaran, A Suhermana, H Subarjah, M Zaky
The study was conducted because several theories say physical activity can provide a positive influence on cognitive function. The research method uses Ex Post Facto with an intact-group comparison approach. The research sample is a member of the bike to work community, which is between 20 and 35 years...
Proceedings Article

The Perceptions of Undergraduate (S1) Students of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation on Non-Formal Education Course in Regular Class of Odd Semester 2017/2018

Soegiyanto Soegiyanto, Ipang Setiawan, Dhimas Bagus Dharmawan
The present research is aimed to analyze and study students’ perceptions on Non-formal Education course. This research was survey research with quantitative descriptive approach. The instrument of the research used questionnaire and the indicators were knowledge, proficiency and learning process. Sample...
Proceedings Article

Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera L.) as an Alternative Resource of Isoflavone for Postmenopausal Women

Rehuel Christian, Theresia P.E. Sanubari, Kristiawan P.A. Nugroho
Post menopausal women experience physiology and dietary pattern changes which impact their health status. Hormonal changes, especially the decreased of estrogen, considered as a main trigger of health issue like osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. While, hormon replacement therapy has many side effects,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Noise Factors in Increasing Blood Pressure of Railway Employees in Semarang Poncol Train Station

Dwi Sutiningsih, Prafista Filaely, Ari Udiyono, Emi Puji Nur Wijayanti
Noise is one of the negative impacts of the rapid development of transportation facilities in Indonesia. One of the potential means of transportation is train. Noise can affect human health, among others, can cause hearing loss, communication disorders, psychological disorders, and increased blood pressure....
Proceedings Article

Determinant Factors of Psychological Well Being Nurses on the Frontline Against the Covid-19 Pandemic

Helena Patricia, Emira Apriyeni
Covid-19 pandemic hurts the physical and psychological health of health workers, especially nurses. Problems experienced during work are anxiety, fear of being infected for themselves and their families, mood disorders, and disruption of psychological well-being. Many factors affect psychological well-being...
Proceedings Article

Rhythmic Activities Based on Traditional West Kalimantan Culture

Fitriana Puspa Hidasari, Muhammad Fachrurrozi Bafadal, Andika Triansyah
Screen based technology leaves homework for parents and educational institutions. If this perpetual behavior continues, the child will lose a period in which all aspects of his development rapidly, one of which is that physically activity becomes limited, physical activity is generally formed in childhood...
Proceedings Article

Cystic Adenomatoid Thyroid Nodule

Guntur Bayu Bima Pratama, Denny Satria Utama
Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem. The prevalence of palpable thyroid nodules approximately 5% in women and 1% in men. In contrast, high-resolution ultrasound (US) can detect thyroid nodules in 19-68%. The clinical importance of thyroid nodules is to exclude thyroid cancer, which occurs in...
Proceedings Article

Mechanism of Health Financing in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Adji Suwandono, Falarasika Anida Paulina
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019) pandemic has significantly impacted all corners of the world, one of which is Indonesia. In this situation, many aspects of life are affected, especially in the health sector. Referred to as a deadly virus, Covid-19 has caused many deaths, which makes people feel...
Proceedings Article

Psychomotor Learning and the Achievement of Physical and Motor Development of Kindergarten Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yudanto Yudanto, Sujarwo Sujarwo, R. Sumardianta, Ridho Gata Wijaya
The Covid-19 pandemic has given a huge impact in the education world including the early childhood education level. In this level of education, the learning process is done to encourage the development students’ motoric. Psychomotor learning includes activities which focus on gross and fine motion. The...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Social Support And Strees Level on The Elderly Patients of Diabetes Melitus Type 2

Yualita Putri Pamungkas, Rara Warih Gayatri
This study aims to know the correlation between social suppot and stress level in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Janti’s Public Health Center. This research uses the method correlational quantitative approach, with cross sectional design, and sample in this study were patients with type...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Online OSCE Prototype for OSCE in School of Nursing: Lesson Learned

Yanuar Primanda, Resti Sutrisno, Fahni Haris
Conventionally, paper is used for scoring Objectives Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). This paper-based system is not only time consuming, but also high in possibility of error, subjective, and not effective. The objective of this paper was to discuss the development of Online OSCE (ON-OSCE) application...
Proceedings Article

Labour of professional female athletes

Elena Protchenko
The aim is to study the peculiarities of legal regulation of the work of women athletes. To answer the question to what extent the current labour legislation can effectively influence the relations between the parties of labour legal relations with the participation of female athletes. To disclose the...
Proceedings Article


Raras Sutatminingsih
This research examines the relationship between the practice of suluk and psychological well-being among the saliks practicing suluk at Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah and among those who are non-saliks. This research uses method of quantitative method. The subjects of the study are the Muslim population in the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Upper Incisor Anteroposterior Position Changes on the Lip Profile in Class I Malocclusion

Okky Windyasari, Muslim Yusuf
Soft tissue analysis has always been an integral part of the diagnosis and planning of orthodontic treatment. Treatment plans in Class I malocclusions, with or without the extraction of the first four premolars are still debated, since the perceived premolar extraction effect will be "flattening face"....
Proceedings Article

Risk Factors of Hypertension in the Elderly

Wilis Sukmaningtyas, Tin Utami
Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that gets the nickname “The Silent Killer”, because of its characteristics that cause death without any previous symptoms. The number of elderly population in Indonesia according to 2016 Susenas data is 22.4 million people or 8.69% of the population, and hypertension...
Proceedings Article

Low Vision Assessment and Management of a Congenital Aniridia and Associated Cataract

Mariah Joan F. Chiong, Ian Emmanuel T. Gasolasco
The case discusses the low vision assessment and management given appropriate for the 18-year-old male student with congenital aniridia and associated cataract and high myopia. Congenital aniridia is a rare, usually bilateral, panocular condition that mainly affects the iris and other ocular structures,...
Proceedings Article

Stigmas and Discrimination by Nurse Towards Patient With HIV/AIDS: A Qualitative Study

Hilda Eka Dewi, Angga Wilandika, Sajodin
The high numbers of HIV / AIDS cases in Bandung cause the necessity to optimize the quality of health services as a form of HIV / AIDS treatment and prevention. It is assumed that stigma and discrimination toward patients with HIV / AIDS among nurses affect the health care process to patients with HIV...
Proceedings Article

Anxiety Influenced Sleep Quality Among Cancer Patients at the First Time of Chemotherapy

Suyanto Suyanto, Aulia Irma Ardiani, Moh. Arifin Noor
Chemotherapy is one of the main treatments for cancer patients. The impact of chemotherapy is sleeping disturbance. However, there has not been much research regarding the factors that cause sleep disorders in patients undergoing chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between...
Proceedings Article

Contribution to Power Explosive Leg Muscles, Eye Hand Coordination, Confidence and Shoot Skills Underring Basketball in High School Student

Hendri Neldi, Riffo Satria Hendri, Despita Antoni, Ibnu Andli Marta, Alim Harun Pamungkas, Sherlyane Hendri
The problem of this study was to determine whether or not the contribution between the contribution of leg muscle explosive power, eye-hand coordination skills and confidence to shoot underring basketball high school students Development Laboratory Padang. Therefore, this study aims to look at the contribution...
Proceedings Article

Peripartum Psychosis in Eclamptic Mothers: A Case Report

Yosephine Simanjuntak, Vita Camellia
Background: Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia are hypertension in pregnancy that affect multiple organ systems, including the central nervous system. Seizures or loss of consciousness are the most common complications that change the diagnosis of preeclampsia to Eclampsia. The neuropsychiatric complications...
Proceedings Article

Problematic Smartphone Use and Problematic Internet Use: The Two Faces of Technological Addiction

Jordain R. Taufik, Sri Tiatri, Vencie B. Allida
This study aims to determine the relationship between the problematic smartphone use (PSU) and the problematic internet use (PIU). It was hypothesized that there was a positive relationship between the problematic smartphone use with the problematic internet use. This non-experimental quantitative study...
Proceedings Article

Neurosteroids and their neuroprotective actions

Kinga Borowicz-Reutt
From biochemical point of view neurosteroids are steroid hormone derivatives that devoid hormonal action but affect neuronal excitability through ionotropic receptors. Neurosteroids are further subdivided into natural (produced in the brain) and synthetic. Nevertheless, some authors subdivide also natural...
Proceedings Article


Haidina Ali
Medical and non-medical solid waste Puskesmas can be one of the causes of the spread of diseases and can disrupt the environment if not managed properly. The research objective was to find out the description of medical and non medical waste management in the Bengkulu City Health Center. This study uses...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Obesity And Periodontitis In Vietnamese Patients

Thao Phuong Thi Tran, Trung Huynh Tran, Thuy Anh Vu Pham
The objective of this study is to determine the correlation between periodontitis and obesity in patients reporting at the Tradi-tional Medicine Institute in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This cross-sectional study sample consisted of 679 adult patients aged between 18 and 83 years who visited examination...
Proceedings Article

Morphofunctional Changes in the Kidneys Affected by Increased Concentration of Molybdenum in the Environment

L.K. Sherkhova, T.Kh. Goguzokov, Z.Kh. Sherkhov, F.V. Shavaeva, T.Kh. Khandokhov, Z.I. Bogotova, А.Z. Sherkhova
The morphological and physiological state of the kidneys in experimental rats treated with molybdenum in the amounts of 0.0255 mg/kg, 0.425 mg/kg and 1.125 mg/kg was studied. Experiments were conducted on white laboratory rats of the Wistar line. The studies were conducted using histological, polarographic...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial activity of Muntingia Calabura Lam. against some selected bacteria cousing mastistis

Puguh Sujarwodojo, Thohari Imam, Tri Saputtra Firmansyah, Ridhowi Aswah
The use of herbal plants are widely knows to be used in the treatment of various infectious diseases throughout the history of mankind. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of extract Muntingia Calabura L at different storage (refrigerator vs. room temperature) and time duration (0,2,4,6,8...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of an 8-Week High-Intensity Interval Training Toward VO2Max

Mia Kusumawati, Dindin Abidin, Arief Darmawan, Septian Ruswadi
This research wants to know; 1) an effect of 8 weeks HIIT on VO2Max of student as extracurricular participant futsal in Junior High School Budi Mulia Jakarta, 2) an increasing of VO2Max of student as extracurricular participant futsal in Junior High School Budi Mulia Jakarta through HIIT during 8 weeks....
Proceedings Article

Development of Teaching Practice Manual Book Based on Muska Mosston Model in Physical Education Skills Course

Nono Hadinoto, Rahma Dewi, Imran Akhmad, Budi Kurniawan Melayu
This study aims to produce the product design development handbook valid, practical and effective so that the handbook was developed to improve the ability to teach physical education to students. The desired target in this research is students have physical education teacing skill with a variety of...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Linda Suwarni, Putri Ramasari, Abduh Ridha, Ismael Saleh
The case finding of pulmonary TB and health care-seeking become a significant public health concern. Health care-seeking delay is the most important negative risk factor for the spread of TB. This study aims to identify the determinants of health care-seeking behaviour in pulmonary TB patients in Perumnas...
Proceedings Article

The Anxiety of Children’s Future in Parents Who Have Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Tri Winarsih, Zahro Varisna Rohmadan
This study aims to determine whether parents have anxiety about the children’s future diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. Children with autism spectrum disorder have more complex characteristics than the children with special need, so that parenting has its own challenges. This research was conducted...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Obesity and Level of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Literature Review

Ai Sita Nurain, Sri Wahyu Basuki, Yuni Prastyo Kurniati, Retno Sintowati
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition related with genetics, obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperandrogen causes menstrual irregularities, oligo-ovulation or anovulation, infertility, metabolic disorders and others. Obesity has a negative impact on reproductive organs make functional changes...
Proceedings Article

Long Courtship's Impact on Dating Violence and Sexual Behavior in Private Junior High School, Semarang City

Nis Syifa’ur Rahma, Aprianti
Data from 2022 from the Central Bureau of Statistics Semarang City, as many as 15.38% of the population of Semarang City are teenagers in the age category of 10–19 years. According to Legal Resources Center-Gender Justice and Human Rights, in 2023, most violence cases were dating violence, with 18 cases...
Proceedings Article

Predictors and Assessment of Head and Neck Malignancy-Related Pain

Venny Tiursani Sarumpaet, Yussy Afriani Dewi, Sally Mahdiani
Introduction: Head and neck malignancy is reported to be increasing in countries and have a much higher pain perception. The pain prevalence in head and neck malignancy patients is approximately 70% and is often reported to be inadequately treated. Objective: identify predictor factors to determine patients...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Self-Regulated Learning towards Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Control of Physical Education Students on Table Tennis Learning

Yusuf Hidayat, Dian Budiana, Andi Suntoda, Burhan Hambali, Cep Ubad Abdullah
This study aims to examine the effect of the Self-Regulated Learning Model (SRL) on self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-control of students of the Faculty of Sport and Health Education (to be later referred as FPOK), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, in learning table tennis games. The study was carried...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Analysis of Atmospheric Air Quality and its Impact on Public Health

S.V. Kleyn, N.V. Zaitseva, A.M. Andrishunas, S.A. Vekovshinina, N.V. Nikiforova
The article presents the results of the dynamic analysis of the atmospheric air quality in the Russian Federation over the past 20 years and the assessment of additional associated morbidity of the population. The results indicate that air pollution levels capable of forming health disorders are systematically...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of A Healthy and Hygienic Lifestyle Towards Patients With Leprosy in Sukatani Bekasi District 2020

Anwar H Syaefunnuril, Suanda Saputra, M. Nur Iqbal
Background: Leprosy is a contagious disease that can cause several very complex problems for sufferers and the environment. The problems that occur are not only problems from a medical perspective, but will also extend to problems in the social, economic, cultural, security, and even national resilience...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Knowledge and Clean Behavior and Healthy Lifestyle on the Incidence of Scabies at Boarding School Students

Lina Damayanti, Meiliza Zailani, Alex Siagian, Aditya Yudha Pratama
Scabies is a contagious skin infection caused by infestation and sensitization of female mites Sarcoptes scabiei varieta hominis and its products. Scabies is also known as The Itch, Sky-Bees, Scabies, and Itchy Agogo. The prevalence of scabies in developing countries, including Indonesia is 4.6% - 12.95%...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Anthropogenic Chemical Factors on Immune Regulation in Petrochemical Production Workers with Cardiovascular System Pathology

A.S. Shirinkina, I.N. Alikina, O.V. Dolgikh
171 employees exposed to industrial anthropogenic chemical factors were examined. The sample was divided according to the principle of the presence of the cardiovascular diseases (CVD) (study group – 115 people) and their absence (comparison group – 56 people). For all employees, a chemical-analytical...