Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research

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25603 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on the Correlation of Green Bond Market

Junru Wang, Weiyi Zhang, Wenye Zhao
Green bonds are of great help to promoting the growth of a sustainable economy. This paper critically reviews the burgeoning literature relevant to the linkage between the green bond market and other financial markets. This paper’s review introduces the linkage between the green bond market and ordinary...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Social Problems Caused by Meituan and the Feasibility of Adjusting the Business Model

Xiaoyu Ge
Recently, Meituan is trapped in political and social disapproval. As a dominant character among e-commerce platforms, its future development affects the direction of the whole industry. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to investigate the threats and opportunities that political constrains...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of the Valuation Model and Asset Allocation Based on Duration

Yuchen Liu
Valuation is an important part of asset estimation and allocation, which are utilized in previous studies to evaluate the value of investment based on different models. In this paper, the duration is investigated as a valuation model in order to access the efficiency in asset allocation and is compared...
Proceedings Article

Psychological and Pedagogical Methods for Development of Assertive Behavior in High School Students

L V Mamedova, Yu V Kobazova, I J Shakhmalova
Studies into how the younger generation grows up and develops as part of the society are increasingly relevant today. The society influences human beings and their mental conditioning; it defines the point of origin for tracking the changes at this or that developmental stage. Therefore, assertive behavior,...
Proceedings Article

The Dilemma of Chinese Women’s Employment and Parenting and Its Solutions

Xiaoya Kang
In the labor market, women often suffer from gender discrimination. This paper discusses the dilemma of female parenting and employment, analyzes the gain and loss of women under the traditional family structure, and explores the reasons and solutions for women’s reluctance to have children in China....
Proceedings Article

The Causes and Solutions of Capitalist Economic Crisis

Chenfu Chu
The capitalist economic crisis has brought great damage to the operation of the world economy. The essence of the capitalist economic crisis lies in the inherent contradiction of the capitalist system. Based on the performance of the American subprime crisis in 2008, this paper deeply analyzes the causes...
Proceedings Article

Learning from the Past Ten-Year Effects of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)

Kemo Chen, Linfeng Jiang, Haohong Liang, Weixi Su, Yuyuan Wang
This paper aims to study the impact of ECFA on the import and export of goods between the mainland in China and Taiwan, which is of great significance to explore its improvement measures and future development trend. To figure out the problem, this paper focused on the two stages of the development of...
Proceedings Article

The High-end Development Process of the Cosmetics Industry in China

Shenyini Li, Ziyue Pan, Xiyao Yu
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the wave of mergers and acquisitions in China’s domestic beauty industry has been surging. M&A is a complex high-risk investment activity, and its core is financial activities. From many successful and failed cases of M&A, it can be found that the failure...
Proceedings Article

Research on Marketing Strategy of Short Video based on the Rapid Development of Internet Era -- Taking TikTok as an Example

Xinyue Zhang
Based on the rapid development of society, the pace of people’s lives is getting faster and faster. Furthermore, it creates much fragmented time each day—for example, every day on the way to work or school. There may be 20 to 30 minutes of travel time, and if this time is not enough to accomplish something,...
Proceedings Article

Legal Guarantees for Local Self-Government in Today’s Russia

N V Vinnik, E V Kolesnikov
This paper analyzes the legal guarantees for local self-government in Russia as well as specific proposals made to tacked the related issues. The Russian Federation is currently trying to create a new and efficient model of public administration. Local self-government is an integral power of public authority....
Proceedings Article

The Cause and Enlightenment of Evergrande’s Debt Crisis

Jiaxin Li
As a representative of China’s real estate industry, Evergrande Group has been living under a highly leveraged operating condition for many years, and has expanded its assets at a speed of several times based on this. But recently, China’s leading real estate company Evergrande has attracted widespread...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Realization Dilemma and Guarantee System of Workers’ Right to Rest from the Perspective of “996” Working System

Zedong Ding, Yihao Sun, Xiaoyue Zhang, Xiwen Zhang
This study is used to research the unreasonable working system “996”, which work at 9 a.m., get off at 9 p.m., rest for 1 hour (or less) at noon and evening, work more than 10 hours in total, and work 6 days a week, as this work system generally appears in China’s labor market. This work system is illegal...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Digital Finance and Digital Inclusive Finance

Discussion on Impact, Problems and Suggestions

Wenge Zuo
In recent years, digital finance has developed very rapidly. With the development of social economy, the society should strengthen the understanding of Inclusive Finance and further promote the practice of modern Inclusive Finance. The development of traditional inclusive finance faces the problems of...
Proceedings Article

How Does Live Stream Promote Current Economic Development in China?

Yang Zheng
Since live stream has been increasingly popular in China, especially among young people. It has become a famous industry and played an important role in our economy in recent years. Besides, it promotes economic prosperity. However, there are also some issues that people haven’t noticed. For instance,...
Proceedings Article

Mechanism of the Innovation Development in the University

I N Krasovskiy, V P Pilyavski, S P Shendrikova, M V Nazrieva
Emergence of the new education as a global phenomenon rather than a local or national one has been prompted by the awareness of the planetary scale of the environmental, economic and political challenges of the 21st century as well as by the ongoing trend toward the globalization of the economic, political...
Proceedings Article

The Influential Factors on Consumer Purchase Intention for Organic Food in China

A Case Study on Bei Da Huang Organic Food Company

Haichuan Ding, Haiyun Li, Xinyi Liu
The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a great impact and change on people’s lives. It has also caused people to pay attention to food health. As a new industry in the era of environmental protection, organic food has gained the favor of consumers. This study investigated the factors that influence consumers’...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Dynamic Correlation Between COVID-19 Pandemic and Boeing Stock

Ziang Shi, Jinyan Wang, Shuwen Yang
Over the past two years, the COVID-19 outbreak has affected industries and changed People’s Daily lives. Due to social distancing and airlines ‘ shutdown, businesses sensitive to the Covid-19 pandemic, such as aerospace industry players, have been devastated. This leads us to be interested in how the...
Proceedings Article

Market Analysis of Five Guys

Cankun Sun
The background of this paper was the impact of COVID-19 on the United States fast food industry before, during and after the pandemic, and used Five Guys, a well-known American-based fast-food brand, as an example to analyze the current development and future trends of the industry. This report used...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Digital Age: The Carrying Capacity of Virtual Reality Technology for Historical and Cultural Heritage

Sizhe Li
This paper discusses the role and influence of virtual reality (VR) technology on historical and cultural inheritance under the background of the digital age. The essential feature of VR is to enhance users’ perceptions and experiences by immersing users in the virtual world. It greatly promotes the...
Proceedings Article

Management of Verbal Communications as an Innovative Approach to the Formation of Image Policy of the Organization

N A Turanina, O A Kireeva, Yu N Sushkova, S N Glamazda
The article deals with the important problem of effective management of other branding communications in the organization. An innovative approach to the construction of this process is an important component of the image policy of the organization and the highest level of its functioning. Services provided...
Proceedings Article

Returning Farmland to Lakes in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Area: Practices, Challenges and Recommendations

Ziqiang Xing, Huojian Huang, Yong Yuan, Shanshan Liu, Zhongnan Zhao, Ding Wang
Lake degradation with shrunken water body and reduced water connectivity is currently serious in China. It is very significant to return farmland to lakes to improve lake related ecosystems and ecological service functions, from which the national ecological security could be enhanced. This article first...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Tourism Development of Traditional Villages in Leizhou Peninsula from H-I-S Perspective

A Case Study of Chaoxi Village in Leizhou City

Jinfeng Zhong, Wan Wu, Meiling Liu, Yuchen Zhang
Moderate development of the tourism industry is an effective way to revitalize traditional villages. However, most of the traditional villages in the Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong are facing difficulties in their development, represented by the Chaoxi Village in Longmen Town. Although the village boasts...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Google’s Monopoly in The Search Engine Industry

Mengjie Si, Zhuo Si, Yuxin Ye
The main purpose of this paper is to discuss whether Google has a monopoly in the search engine industry and whether it will maintain a monopoly in the future. Firstly, using the five-force model to analyse the industry where Google is located explain Google’s position in the industry. Then through the...
Proceedings Article

Specific Features of Japanese Economy

S N Sokolov, E A Kuznetsova, E A Rzhepka
The article covers the specifics of social and economic relations of Japan that is one of the leading world economies. The deficit of material and financial resources made Japan develop competitive export-oriented economy by using its main advantage, namely the highly qualified resources. The article...
Proceedings Article

New Path of Media-based International Communication in Mobile APP under Computer Background

Zhengzhi Jia
Under the background of world economic integration, China’s economic exchanges with other countries in the world are becoming closely. As China’s strength on the world stage to enhance, China’s stain is becoming strong. In order to establish China’s image and transmit China’s voice, the construction...
Proceedings Article

Tesla’s Dilemma and Future Development Trends

Peijie Lin, Yi Lu, Zitong Xu
This paper’s main objective looked into Tesla’s dilemma and future development trends in the business organisation. The paper methods and materials used are Tesla’s financial and corporate strategy to analyze. The results demonstrated that the association faces hardships at the current phase of its activities....
Proceedings Article

Influencer Marketing for Start-ups: The Rise of Micro-influencers

Qianhui Wei, Qinshao Dai, Yudong Liang
Social media influencers have been utilized by many companies as a marketing method for the past decade. The benefits of micro-influencers, the group of influencers that have a relatively smaller following size, are often underestimated. In this paper, we will explore the effect of micro-influencers...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of the Image of the World and Individual-Psychological Features of Adolescents

E I Shuleva
The author presents the results of an empirical study of individual psychological characteristics and image of the world of adolescents. The study used the following methods: multi-Factor personality questionnaire 14PF (Sixteen Personaflity Factor Questionnaire, 14pf) Cattell (teen version), projective...
Proceedings Article

The Marketing and Management Strategies of “Genki Forest” and Its Investment Potential

Haohui Sun
The goal of this paper is to analyze the marketing and management strategies of Genki Forest, a soft drink company that specializes in health drinks, and to excavate the reasons as to why the company was able to become a unicorn with a history of only five years. This paper will also discuss the characters...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of COVID-19 on Resource-related Industries

Based on Fama and French Five-Factor Model

Jinhan Meng, Shuwen Wang, Jingliang Wu, Baoqing Zheng
CAPM model and Fama-French model are frequently used in the field of the portfolio. This paper will discuss the application of the Fama-French five-factor model in the impact of COVID-19 on four industries dominated by commodities and give possible reasons. To study the outbreak’s impact on the gold,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Professional Skills of Students–Philologists (In the Context of “Extensive Reading”)

E A Karpuhina, N V Barahanova, L A Yakovleva
The article is devoted to the study of one of the aspects, focused on teaching of the English language. The aspect is “Extensive reading”, which is a discipline, taught at universities in Russia. The authors of the article look into the essence of the discipline and define its integrated nature, expressed...
Proceedings Article

American Airline Industry Under COVID-19 Pandemic--using Delta as a Typical Case

Tongxin Cai, Yuxuan Hu, Xiangyu Li
This article intended to find out and summarize the changes that American airline companies (Delta as a target) have to undertake in this unprecedented pandemic. Based on accurate statistics of 2020, this paper studies the industry overview mainly from three aspects—cost, revenue, and other issues. The...
Proceedings Article

Research of Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the System of Lean Manufacturing

S N Glagolev, S M Bukhonova, E D Chikina
This paper deals with the historical development of the lean manufacturing system in Russia, the United States and Japan. The modern significance of this direction is shown. It is given the authors’ opinions on the necessity to improve the entire manufacturing system, search for new knowledge, thoughts,...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the COVID-19 on Private Equity

Yuehan Chen, Wenlong Yang, Lizhi Zhang
The COVID-19 are disruptive events that have profound consequences for the global economy. Based on this starting point, this paper aims to present an analysis of the economic impact of the COVID-19 on the private equity (PE) firms and the industry and discuss what adjustments they have adopted to respond...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Epidemic on E-commerce Industry

Yantong Chen, Mingli Hou, Yimin Lou, Yue Zhao
Under the condition that the COVID-19 spread all over the world, the economy is affected negatively. The government published some policies to pretend people from the virus. At the same time, global commerce is affected. In this condition, e-commerce met its opportunity and risk. This paper contains...
Proceedings Article

How Technoparks Contribute to ICT in India?

I V Andronova, I N Bokachev
This paper describes the IT sector as part of India’s National Innovation System. The Indian National Innovation System is a network of interconnected structural elements, in which the technology parks (technoparks) serve as the country’s research and production centers for IT. The authors hereof underline...
Proceedings Article

Research on Enterprise Platformization Based on Organizational Structure Reform——Taking SF Express as an Example

Jingyi Shi
With the rapid development of information technology oversetting more and more industries, platformization has become an important trend to transform and upgrade for enterprises. Related to the survival and development of enterprises, it also provides sustainable power to create more value. However,...
Proceedings Article

Rapidly Changing Landscape of Retail in China

Can Warehouse Membership Clubs Win Chinese Consumers

Ze Yuan
The retail sector is undergoing a drastic change in China: thanks to the growing wealth and new technology, the public’s higher demand for quality is now heating competition between different retailers, both local and foreign ones. Among the competitors, a player quite new to the Chinese market is warehouse...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Covid-19 on U.S. Car Industry Based on Fama-French Five Factor Model

Li Bai
Asset pricing model reveals the relationship between expected return and risk associated of the portfolios for investors during the investment decision-making process. Concepts (e.g., the correlation of different variables and the growth or decline of the portfolio) are quantified in different models...
Proceedings Article

Management Decisions in the Area of Russian Universities Competitive Growth

O G Zlobina, O I Nekrasova, V V Komarova
The relevance of the topic is proven by the fact that increasing the competitiveness of Russian universities in the international educational market not only enhances the attractiveness of the national education system, but also enhances the country’s position in the world community. Modern tendencies...
Proceedings Article

How to Develop the Traditional Automobile Industry under The Dual-Carbon Background

Current Situation and Problems of New Energy Vehicles in China

Yanming Mei, Yanjun Teng, Yirui Zhang
The development of the traditional automobile industry has brought great convenience to people, but at the same time, it has brought huge carbon emissions, which not only pollute the environment but also waste a lot of energy. With the policy of “Carbon Peak” and “Carbon Neutrality” proposed in China,...
Proceedings Article

Correspondence Between Constructive Real Numbers and L Number in Constructive Mathematics

Xin Shen, Yiding Huang, Shixiang Wang
In a broad sense, construction real number is a constructable real number, relative to the set of some construction methods. This essay mainly focuses on the left numbers in constructive analysis. After introducing the basic context and conditions in Constructive Mathematics, connections between concepts...
Proceedings Article

Principles and Methods of Project Management in Organization

V V Komarova, O I Nekrasova, O G Zlobina, A V Milaia
The relevance of the chosen topic resulted from significance of the project management due to innovative development of the Russian economy. To maximize the effectiveness, more organizations adopt this model into the business and make adequate investments for using project management by staff, teams...
Proceedings Article

A Comprehensive Study of the Reasons for Underpriced IPOs

Kelai Wang
The paper reviews mainstream explanations of the underpricing of IPOs and aims to locate the most logical explanation among both existing literature and hypotheses to be corroborated. The author divides current literature into two groups, informational explanations and non-informational explanations....
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Fluctuation of Stock Prices of Coca-cola and Pepsi

Jing Jin
Based on the recent stock price fluctuations of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, this paper analyzes the factors that affect the stock price fluctuations of Coca-Cola and Pepsi. The paper’s research method is to come to a conclusion through data review and analysis. The research object is the stock prices of Pepsi...
Proceedings Article

Investigating the Market Strategy of Smart food’s latest product based on Business Analysis Models

Baoyi Jiang
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the profitability potential for a new low-carbohydrate snack and predict its future market condition. By applying the PEST model, Porter’s five forces model, and SWOT model, I analyzed the market condition from both external and internal factors that would impact...
Proceedings Article

Support of Children with Autism: Structural and Functional Model

I A Nigmatullina, A A Tvardovskaya
This article presents structural and functional model of support of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders in a consortium of scientific and educational organizations, which includes the main directions of its implementation in the Republic of Tatarstan. We have described its characteristics, key...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Status and Sustainable Development of Zigong Global Geopark

Yuxin Liang
The Park situation and main geological relics of Zigong Global Geopark were introduced. Zigong Global Geopark’s current geo-tourism development and geoscience popularization publicity were elaborated. Based on the current development status, the problems of unbalanced tourism development, ineffective...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Strategies in Times of Crisis Exploring More Digital Strategies in Luxury Industry

Rui Cheng, Jianyi Zhu, Xiuheng Zhu, Churui Zhang
With the outbreak of covid-19, digital marketing has become a turning point for the phenomenon of luxury offline activities being blocked. Marketers and consumers are paying more attention on this emerging marketing approach from traditional mass. In order to understand how luxury goods continue to use...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Real Estate Tax on House Price in Shanghai

Xintong Feng, Minxi Jia, Chenghao Yang
The rapid growth of housing prices prevents the Chinese government from introducing policies related to real estate. This paper takes Shanghai’s second-hand real estate market as the research object, takes GDP and income as the main indicators, analyzes and establishes an econometric multiple linear...
Proceedings Article

Russian Business Strategy and Tactics on the World Market of NPP Construction (As Economic Systems)

Y Chernyakhovskaya, V Berezka
Research encompasses up to date references and expertise on the world market of new NPP construction. An insufficient level of comprehensive scientific analysis of organizational aspects was noted considering the project life cycle of nuclear power plants (NPP) as economic systems and customer needs...
Proceedings Article

Sharing Economy under COVID-19: Evidence from the United States

Hanqin Liang
The implication brought about by COVID-19 in the first quarter of 2020 impacted the sharing economy in the United States. The research study explored the sharing economy in the US during the pandemic; the data studies were from January 2020 to June 2021. The purpose of the article is to understanding...
Proceedings Article

The Nirvana of the US Clothing Industry After COVID-19

Based on the Fama-French Five-Factor Model

Ding Gu
In 2020, the global spread of COVID-19 has brought a huge impact to the international financial market and destroyed many industries. This paper applies Fama-French five-factor model to analyze the effect of COVID-19 on the clothing industry. Based on the data from Kenneth R. French’s database, this...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation on How to Maximize Cattle Diet Revenue While Controlling Carbon Emissions through Linear Programing

Kewei Huang, Mingyang Bao, Chenle Han, Rong Xie, Tingxu Chen
In this work, the goal is to select the appropriate amount of given set of foods that will satisfy a set of cattle daily nutritional requirement at minimum cost. Despite the consideration of finantial gain and cost, the concern about environmental protection is recognized in this paper. The opitimum...
Proceedings Article

The Regional Brand Formation in the Category “Processed Products of Oilseed Crops”

N I Pyzhikova, K V Chepeleva, Zh N Shmeleva
The article reveals the role and the structure of the regional brand in the category “processed products of oilseed crops” as a source of the region’s sustainable competitive advantages formation and one of the state projects and programs priorities. The analysis of the Krasnoyarsk territory enterprises...
Proceedings Article

The Validity of CAPM: A Critical and Conclusive Study with Empirical Evidence from the UK Security Market

Siman Peng
CAPM is a fundamental asset pricing model that has complex viewpoints from scholars. The validity of CAPM is essential for the market participants, as many of their decisions will be based on the securities’ estimated returns. This paper aims to give a more comprehensive discussion of CAPM and test its...
Proceedings Article

Market Segmentation in Tourism and Hotel Industry

Jianing Feng
The hospitality and tourism industries have been of no small concern, not only in the past but in the future, even though the fact that they are now being hampered by the epidemic, these two industries also still have great potential for growth due to the general trend of globalization and economic development....
Proceedings Article

Study on the Development Status, Risk Problems and Countermeasures of Internet Consumer Finance in China

Dan Hu
With the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of the financial market, Internet consumer finance has attracted many users resulting in its obvious advantages of convenience, quickness and wide coverage, which has greatly enriched the types of Internet financial...
Proceedings Article

Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and Green Human Resource Management (GHRM): A Literature Review and Future Research Direction

Jincheng Wang, Ningxuan Wu, Ziyi Yu
Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) are two important branches of Operation Management and Human Resource Management in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development. The GSCM and GHRM were studied in isolation from each other in many years...
Proceedings Article

Non-Equivalent Vocabulary Translation in Literary Text

V V Alekseeva
The paper describes the theoretical and practical aspects of the non-equivalent vocabulary translation in the literary text. Special attention was paid to literary allusion as bases of country background information and its role in the development of student’s communicative competence in the process...
Proceedings Article

A Sorting Strategy for Alpha Based on ROE Linked with Global Financial Market

Shenkai Wu
Finding sorting variables for alpha is crucial in investing stocks. The alpha, also referred to as abnormal return, measures the investment strategy’s ability to beat the market. It is the part of portfolio return that the existing model cannot explain. Return on equity (ROE) is one of the key factors...
Proceedings Article

Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy of the UK

Ceyue Gao, Yimiao Que
This article will describe the impact of British fiscal policy and monetary policy on the British economy. As an important trading entity, economic power, and financial center, the British economy is the sixth largest economic system in the world and one of the world’s richest, most economically developed...
Proceedings Article

Development of the Siberian Federal District in the Transitive Economy

D N Ganchenko
Siberia is the region with rich resource and infrastructure potential that is of strategic importance for the country. Highly fluctuated current economic environment presents new challenges that affect the key vector of region development. An economic infrastructure of the region with its traditional...
Proceedings Article

The Theory and Development of Business Ecosystems

Ruijiong Gao
As a kind of ecosystem, the composition of the commercial ecosystem must be intertwined with each other, just as the natural ecosystem can extend to the natural environment of the outer planet and can be subdivided into a specific chemical element. The commercial ecosystem is endless. Understanding the...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Big Data in Customer Acquisition and Retention

Xiaotian Wu
This paper sought to examine the usefulness of big data in customer acquisition and retention. Data for the study were collected from secondary sources such as articles and online publications. The data were later analyzed using thematic content analysis. Findings indicated that big data is revolutionizing...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Professional Strategies of the Higher and Vocational Education Organizations Graduate Students as the Future Subjects of the Labor Market

G A Kapranov, F M Kremen, S A Kremen
In a dynamic labor market there are higher requirements to young specialists on planning and managing their careers, therefore, the relevance of the study the professional strategy as process characteristics increases, which determines the purpose and means of its achievements in the professional field....
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Influence of COVID-19 on International Financial Market Integration and the Improvement of Climate Finance

Yaqi Zhang
The Coronaviruses virus become the most concerned topic nowadays since it is first discovered by people. Whether it is in terms of health or economy, the severity of the Coronaviruses virus brings unprecedented blows to the economies of many countries, but it only has a negative impact on the economy,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Sustainable Product Design Strategy in Sharing Economy in Post Epidemic Period

Qi Song, Wanyi Li
The allocation model of economic resources with the goal of sharing has gradually formed a sharing economic ecosystem in China and played an important role in the development of green economy. COVID-19 has brought a heavy blow to the new economic industry. The digitalized enterprises have ushered in...
Proceedings Article

Investment Research and Analysis for the Elude Company Based on POCD and SWOT Analysis

Jiangzhe Han, Ziqi Li, Hailong Lu
Investment requires significant consideration of diverse elements, especially for a new product or service in the market. Elude company is one company in the travel industry that presented an app to help people identify areas they can visit based on how much the budget. The paper uses different components...
Proceedings Article

Experiential Marketing of L’Oréal in China: A Case Study Based on Consumer Behavior of Chinese Female University Students

Bingchan Xia, Minxuan Han, Yunxi Zhu
Contemporarily, cosmetic consumption of Chinese female college students is becoming larger and larger. Experiential marketing is used extensively to attract young people. As a French company, L’Oréal (L’Oreal) is successful in the Chinese market and in implementing experiential marketing. This article...
Proceedings Article

Research on Marketing Strategies of Car buying Among Covid-19 Based on Experimental Analysis

Matengfei Fan
During the epidemic, in order to achieve sales targets and maintain quarterly performance, vehicles of various brands have reduced prices and increased sales. But in this case, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of vehicle marketing and the accuracy that customers like. From this period of time,...
Proceedings Article

Regional Disproportions in the System of US Foreign Trade

Y A Konovalova, S A Ushanov
Article is dedicated to the trade and investment cooperation of USA with EU at the present time with taking into account current conditions of international trade uncertainty caused by US’ external economic policy transformation into the direction of protectionism, «trade war» with China and potential...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Images in the Performance of Crowdfunding Projects

Xinfang Zhang
With the popularity of crowd-funding, crowd-funding provides a more convenient way for people to realize their dreams and start their businesses. At the same time, there are a large number of projects on the crowd-funding platform but they are also mixed. This paper selects popular crowd-funding projects...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Analysis of the Credit Rating System Between China and the United States

Xinrui Li
China’s bank credit rating system, as one of the main aspects of bank control, has not yet met the international requirements for accurate measurement and effective management of credit risk, and is in urgent need of reform and improvement. Based on the relevant theories of bank credit rating, this paper...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on the Stocks of Japanese Firms that are Sponsored

Lu Wang, Yifan Yao, Yaran Tu, Mingwei Jiang
With the 2020 Japan Olympic Games postponement, the 2021 Japan Winter Olympics has received increasing attention. The effect upon the stock market of domestic Japanese sponsors became uncertain because of the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper uses event study to analyze the influence of the...
Proceedings Article

Bidding Strategies in Online Art Auctions with Buyout Prices

Peize Dong
Online art auctions with buyout prices are extensively applied as a modified form of art auctions for breaking the limit of fixed time auction ends and combining fixed-price selling with English auctions, while numerous problems exist in the real process of these auctions since reliable information on...
Proceedings Article

Formation of the Social Revolutionary Organizations in the Far East and Their Activities Until February, 1917

V L Kuzmin, S M Nechitailov
The article discusses the history of formation Far East organizations of the Party of Socialist-revolutionaries. The influence of the salient features of region and its social structure on the popularity of the party among the local population is studied. The authors examine the activity of the Far East...
Proceedings Article

Policy Performance Analysis of Six Stability and Six Guarantees Based on Empirical Analysis

Yuchen Liu, Yunyi Qi
In recent years, China’s international situation is tense and will be affected by the Novel coronavirus in 2020. In this context, the government has put forward a policy of six stability and six protection, that should ensure the stability of employment, finance. At the same time should also implement...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Human Capital Development in Commerce

E R Sharko
The article considers the essence and significance of the assessment of human capital development in commercee. The author presents the basic concept of evaluation of the performance of commercial personnel of a commercial company, the calculations of indicators, as well as various scenarios of their...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Effectiveness of Donation Marketing Taking Erke as an Example

Yingtong Chen, Yifei Huang, Xi Qin
In this era of frequent natural disasters, companies should seize the opportunity to find new marketing strategies for brand development, fulfill their social responsibilities, and do a good job in donation marketing. The paper analyzes the case analysis of Erke’s donations in Henan floods and other...
Proceedings Article

On the Improvement of Techniques of Throws in Basketball Student Team

V Chibrikina, I U Alekseeva
The role of testing the players of the basketball team at the University in order to improve their skills is considered. Regular pedagogical control, analysis of test results allows the coach to determine the most effective means and methods. Used in the work. If necessary, make appropriate adjustments...
Proceedings Article

Research on Building Industry in U.S. Stock Market during COVID-19

Yiwa Lai, Feiming Qiu, Wenkai Xu, Yujing Yang
The pandemic caused by Covid-19 has created a severe global economic recession and destroyed many industries since it broke out at the beginning of 2020. However, many companies in construction material industry had an outstanding performance last fiscal year. This paper applied Fama-French five-factor...
Proceedings Article

Major Aspects of the Customs and Logistics System Development in the Eurasian Economic Union

Y V Malevich, Y N Gorbunova, N V Maslobonikova
For the further development of a single transport area, an increase in the export of transport services, the development of the transit potential of the EAEU member states and economic integration, special attention should be paid to improving transport, customs, and logistics infrastructures. The study...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Internet Celebrity Brand Marketing Strategy

The Example of Nayuki’s Tea

Yibo Wang, Xiwen Cui, Wenxuan Zhou
With the rapid development of the Internet and economy. Internet celebrity brands have become a new generation of large economic systems. This article uses a case study method to select the Internet celebrity brand Nayuki’s tea to discuss the marketing strategy and analyze all the same Internet celebrity...
Proceedings Article

Simulating Prices of the Barrier Option Based on Black and Scholes Model

Zhongao Li, Zhinan Wang, Haokun Yao
In the financial markets nowadays, the option is one of the popular financial products that has been increasingly traded. Exotic options, including barrier options, were invented to cater to the special needs of the investors. However, the pricing model of these financial instruments is complicated,...
Proceedings Article

Optimize the Choice of Counteragent Based on the Application of the COSO Internal Control Model

E Y Selezneva, S Y Rakutko, O S Temchenko
The financial security of trading companies depends on the management of their assets, liquidity and solvency. The authors in this article recommend the formation of an internal control system using the COSO’s international approach (The Committee of sponsoring organizations of the Treadway commission...
Proceedings Article

Fin-Tech and Corporate Innovation

Evidence from China

Shuo Huang
Can Fin-Tech improve corporate innovation? Using the data of Chinese listed companies, this paper studies the impact and mechanism of financial technology on corporate innovation. The empirical results show that the development of financial technology has significantly improved the innovation performance...
Proceedings Article

An Overview of Bond Pricing Models and Duration of Bonds

Jieyi Chen
This paper presents and compares different bond pricing models, points out whether these models work well and if there are any limitations of these models, this paper concludes models for corporate bonds, convertible bonds, and zero-coupon bonds. Besides, this paper introduces Macaulay duration and Modified...
Proceedings Article

Calculation of the Tax Burden for an Automobile Enterprises

A Ryzhova, O Shirokorad, S Arkhipov
For optimum tax planning and tax risks of the motor transportation enterprises need to be able to calculate the tax burden on its activities. The article presents an analysis of the methods of calculation of the tax burden. Given the author’s definition of evaluation of the tax burden, absolute and relative....
Proceedings Article

The Predicting Power of Asset Pricing Models during Market Turmoil

Xinyuan Liu, Yunlong Ren
This paper investigates the predictive return power of three asset pricing models during market turmoil: the CAPM, Fama-French 5 factor model, and q-factor model. We select two periods of market downturns: the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 Covid period. The models are trained before these two periods...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of “Double 11” by Anchoring Effect

Shuaitong Li
Under double 11activities, people’s desire to consume becomes very strong, and the turnover of each network platform is much higher than usual. Why can the activity Double 11 be so successful? The author analyzes this topic through literature review. The research data come from other people’s papers....
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Gross Municipal Product on the Republic of Bashkortostan as an Economic Development Indicator for Municipalities

E R Mamleeva, M Yu Sazykina, N V Trofimova
In order to evaluate the economic development of municipalities in a region, it is necessary to find the resulting indicator, for example that could be gross municipal product (GMP). There are many methods of calculating GMP. to calculate the GMP of the Republic of Bashkortostan the article uses the...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Advertising Co-creation on Brand Building on the Perspective of Value co-creation Theory

Run Tan
The traditional concept of value creation holds that value is an one-way output by enterprises to consumers, and consumers are only responsible for the acceptance and use. However, with the development of network economy and the diversification of marketing communication, the subject of value creation...
Proceedings Article

The Culture and Institutions: Features of Interaction and Impact on the Economy

E V Romanenko, V V Biryukov
The article proposes a methodology for studying the relationship of culture and institutions in economic processes, based on rethinking the relationship of economic culture and institutionalized forms of economic development in the framework of the intersubjective paradigm. It allows to go beyond traditional...
Proceedings Article

Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Housing Prices: Take the United States as an Example

Xinying Ding
Residential real estate takes the largest part of asset market in the United States. This study investigates how changes in macroeconomic variables affect changes in housing prices, using time series data from 191 observation samples in the United States over the past 15 years. The dataset was collected...
Proceedings Article

Research on the GameStop Stock Prices Surge during Covid-19 under the Perspective of Individual Investors

Yilin Zhao
The breakout of the covid-19 in the United States has caused significant changes in the stock market, while the proportion of individual investors’ direct trading increases. The recent Game Stop(GME) short-selling incident showed the power of retail investors, which makes people pay attention to the...
Proceedings Article

Impact of the Macroeconomic Factors on the Initial Public Offerings in the Gulf Cooperation Countries

I Aidrous, S Glavina
This paper seeks to address the question of whether local macroeconomic parameters (reference interest rate, crude oil production, stock market index, direct foreign investment, loan growth and GDP) have any influence on the numbers and volume of IPOs on an emerging markets of GCC region over the period...
Proceedings Article

Positive Effects of Covid-19--Digital economy

Meijing Su
Under sudden outbreak epidemic, the economies of countries around the world have received a severe blow. But there are good potential developments, most notably in the digital economy. In the face of various lockdown policies, the epidemic has undoubtedly promoted the rapid development of the online...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Strategies Based on the Analysis on the Features of Tool Knives

Xinglin Li
As the demanding number of descent knives grow, knives are great deal in the business market. According to a sanding gear selling company [1] Red Label Abrasive’s survey report of 100 knife maker, “ the survey indicated that the industry appears to be in good financial health. 73% of knife makers have...
Proceedings Article

Pandemic-related Impacts on Housing Market

Will the Housing Market still Perform Conspicuously during the Pandemic?

Kuan Yan
Globally, there are almost no countries unaffected by the pandemic. As governments struggle with new lockdown measures to combat the spread of the virus, the economies have to pay the price. The real estate cannot escape from this damage. This article explores why and what housing market is influenced...