Proceedings of International Conference of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Law, Economic and Management (IWPOSPA-L&EM)
32 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Paulina M. Latuheru, Ferdinand Pusriansyah, Driaskoro Budi Sidharta, Slamet Prasetyo, Bambang Setiawan, Oktrianti Diani, Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni, Monica Amanda, Fisca Dian Utami, Raden M. Firzatullah, Muhammad Fahmi Amrillah
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 3rd International Conference Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang (IWPOSPA) on November 16th, 2023 in Novotel Hotel, Palembang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Economic Recession Threat and Increase in Fuel Oil on Lembar – Padangbai Crossing Transportation Tariff
Fisca Dian Utami, Muhammad Khairani, Muhammad Taufiqqurahman, Khoirunnisa
The sheet - Padang Bai route is a sea crossing route in the Lombok region, West Nusa Tenggara Province. This track has a distance of 38 miles and is one of the links between the Bali Strait and Lombok. Ferry transportation that helps mobilize visitors and tourists generally on this route is sea transportation....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of The Operational Performance of The Hunimua Ferry Port, Maluku Province
Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni, Febriansyah, Dona Aprija Putri
The current service time at the Hunimua Ferry Port, based on temporary observations, shows that the queue time for vehicles boarding the ship takes more than 30 minutes, while the time to get on and off the ship takes more than 5 minutes. Based on the Decree of the Director General of Land Transportation...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Asset Inventory System Utilisation on Learning Motivation of West Sumatra Sailing Polytechnic Cadets
Nazarwin, Edi Kurniawan, Agus Triwijayanto
Learning in class is not optimal and continues to hinder the lecture process. Lack of leadership often delays learning and even causes classrooms to be moved to find suitable spaces. The purpose of this research is to use the Poltekpel Asset Inventory System. This type of research uses a quantitative...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Ferry Transport Tariffs Based on Operational Costs of Ships Operating on The Merak-Bakauheni Route
Monica Amanda, Sri Kelana, Alya Farhana
The current transportation rates for crossing the Merak-Bakauheni route are application-based Ferizy, must be in line with existing guidelines, namely Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 66 of 2019 concerning Mechanisms for Determining and Formulating Ferry Transport Tariff Calculations as...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Feasibility of Berthing Facility at Ulee Lheue Ports, Aceh Province
Yulia Puspita Sari, Elfita Agustini, Aprize Ben Guiron Malau
600H fenders with a distance of 9.56 between fenders and the number of fenders being 6 Ulee Lheue Harbor is located in Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh. The Ulee Lheue Ferry Port has water facilities in the form of fenders, bolders, breasting dolphins, mooring dolphins, and catwalks, however, the water facilities...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of The Implementation of The Zoning System at Ketapang Crossing Port, Banyuwangi Regency
Driaskoro Budi Sidharta, Dimas Pratama Yuda, Novan Gunawan, Hanum Salsabiela Ramadiana
Ketapang Port is a ferry port in Ketapang Village, Kalipuro, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java which connects Java Island with Bali Island via sea transportation (Bali Strait). The aim of this research is to find out whether the zoning system at the Ketapang Ferry Port is in accordance with Ministerial Regulation...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of The Impact of Usahamina Port on The Socio-Economic Welfare of The Sorong Manoi District Community
Djuliyanto, Surnata, M. Fahmi Amrillah, Muhammad Murhidayah Riandi
Usahamina Port is located in Sorong City, West Papua Province, which is useful for crossing activities. Seeing that the Sorong City area is in the 3T area where there is a lot of economic inequality, and the surrounding area is not yet developed, the researchers took the research theme of the social...
Proceedings Article
Character Building Through Exemplary Methods for Cadets at The Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang
Broto Priyono, Yulia Puspita Sari, Febriyanti Himmatul Ulya, Dimas Pratama Yuda
In the official school, cadets are the subject of education who get influence from the campus environment with the Boarding School system. Research was conducted to determine whether there is an influence of exemplary mentors and senior exemplary on the character building of cadets. By using SEM PLS...
Proceedings Article
Review of Completeness of Safety Equipment and Certification for Traditional Ships at Simanindo Port, Samosir Regency, North Sumatera Province
Doharman Lumban Tungkup, Santoso, Irham Hasahatan Dalimunte, Sultan Naufal Nabhan
Simanindo Port is a very important ferry port in connecting Sumatra Island with Samosir Island via waterways. In the transportation system, security and safety are highly prioritized as a form of providing good services. Safety is demonstrated not only to service users, but also to ship operators/ship...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Of Service Quality At Kmp. Seira Operating On The Bakauheni – Merak Route
Febriansyah, Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni, Fitri Anis Kurly, Nachia Salsabila
Minimum service standards for ferry transportation on ships have very important value for companies and regulators, being used as a benchmark in providing services and can also be used as a reference regarding the quality of a service provided by ship managers. Based on the results of field surveys,...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Crossing Port Services at Jepara Crossing Port, Central Java Province
Kumila Hanik, Andri Yulianto, Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni, Azira Salsabila
The ferry port functions as a place for the operation of ferry transportation activities, in the operational system, ferry transportation must not be hampered or disrupted in its service. Therefore, good facilities and infrastructure are needed to support service activities at ferry ports. This research...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Main Land Facilities at the Kariangau Ferry Port, East Kalimantan Province
Febriyanti Himmatul Ulya, Monica Amanda, Nadia Maharani Chadiza, Nindya Ayufia Putri
The existence of crossing transportation must be equipped with adequate facilities and infrastructure for service users. Land facilities that are adequate and can be utilized are an important element in providing services. This research aims to evaluate the level of feasibility of land facilities and...
Proceedings Article
Overview Of Vehicle Transport At KMP.Mutis On The Tanjung Kalian - Tanjung Api - Api Route
Raden M. Firzatullah, Oktrianti Diani, Vita Permata Sari, Eric Cantona
In the transportation system, security and safety are highly prioritized as a form of providing good services. Such as arranging and handling vehicle cargo on board. However, the procedures for transporting and fastening vehicles on board the KMP.Mutis ship operating at Tanjung Kalian Port on the Tanjung...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Vessel Scheduling on The Mintin – Anjir Sampit Track, Pulang Pisau District, Central Kalimantan Province
Atika Khoirul Umaroh, Yohan Wibisono, Bambang Setiawan, Ikka Suharli, Elena Oktaviani
Mintin River Port is one of the river ports in Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Mintin River Port has a total of 5 ships operating at this port, with the LCT type. Which is used by local people to cross from origin and destination. This crossing has an average sailing time of 15 minutes...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation Of Prevention Of Water Environment Pollution In Ports And Motor Ships In Tanjung Emas, Central Java Province
Novan Wijaya Gunawan, Andri Yulianto, Paulina M. Latuheru, Wijanarto Sapto, May Tuti Zunariya
Tanjung Emas Semarang Harbor is a coastal area in the city of Semarang which is a productive area and has potential resources for the country’s development in the economic sector. High activity in Tanjung Emas waters can reduce sea water quality. Activities that can pollute Tanjung Emas waters come from...
Proceedings Article
Overview of The Implementation of The Zoning Systems at The Batulicin Crossing Port of Tanah Bumbu Province South Kalimantan
Slamet Prasetyo Sutrisno, Oktriani Diani, Novi Tri Susanto, Arleiny, Meuthia Ramadhani
Zoning is the division of the Port area/area used to serve Ferry Transport into several zones according to the function and management objectives to create a safe, comfortable, orderly and smooth Port. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a zoning system that is in accordance with applicable laws...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Crossing Vessel Scheduling on The Rupat-Dumai Trail, Bengkalis District, Riau Province
Yeti Komalasari, Sudarwan Danim, Direstu Amalia, Bambang Setiawan, Elfita Agustini, Muhammad Faris
The Tanjung Kapal Ferry Port is located in Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province. This port serves the Rupat - Dumai crossing. As a port that operates for 12 hours with 13 trips/day, setting a schedule at this time is very important. Based on the results of a survey conducted by the author, there is no ship...
Proceedings Article
Study of Factors Causing Accidents of Loading Vehicles onto Crossing Vessels at Merak Port
Elfita Agustini, Sri Kelana, Monica Amanda, Yeti Komalasari, Fisca Dian Utami, Annisa Dwi Setyani
In December 2022, at almost the same time, the same type of accident occurred at Merak Port, Cilegon City, namely an accident when loading a vehicle just as it was about to enter the ship. To prevent such accidents from happening again, this research aims to determine the factors that influence vehicle...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Operational Performance Standards for The Tanjung Kalian Ferry Port, Bangka Belitung Islands Province
Desti Yuvita Sari, Chairul Insani Ilham, Herlina Febiyanti, Wade Kurnia Fondraradodo Zega
The Tanjung Kalian Ferry Port is a ferry port located in the Bangka Belitung Islands province and is under the supervision of the South Sumatra Class 2 Land Transportation Regional Office. This port serves the route between Tanjung Kalian (Bangka Belitung Islands province) and Tanjung Api-Api (South...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Procedures for Transportation and Tying of Vehicles aboard Crossing Vessels at Galala Port Ambon, Maluku Province
M. Fahmi Amrillah, Noor Sulistiyono, Wijanarto Sapto, Yudra Damai Kusuma
The Galala Ferry Port is in Ambon, Maluku Province, managed by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Ambon branch. The Galala Ferry Port serves the Galala – Namlea route which is served by 2 ships, namely KMP Wayangan and KMP Garda Maritim 5 with a speed of 10 knots. The Galala-Namlea route takes 8–10 h....
Proceedings Article
Marine Traffic Risk Assessment Using Spatio Temporal AIS Data in Makassar Port, Indonesia
Joe Ronald Kurniawan Bokau, Faisal Saransi
Makassar Port plays an important role in the Ministry of Transport goals of hub and spoke and made a huge impact to reduced economic disparity between eastern and western portion of Indonesia. As an important Port, the safety of the port and the marine environment must be protected at all costs, thus...
Proceedings Article
Sanur Bali’s Green Sunrise Tourist Port
Romanda Annas Amrullah, Agus Dwi Santoso, Arleiny, Saipul Imam Subakti, Maheswari Elvaretta Paramesti
Tourism is the fastest growing and emerging sector after the Covid-19 pandemic ended. However, there has been no maritime tourism port specifically built in Indonesia, even though Indonesia is known as an archipelagic country and the world's maritime axis. The development of coastal areas (especially...
Proceedings Article
The level of River Boat Operators’s Understanding and Obedience of inland water signs (Case Study: Pier 16 Ilir)”
Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni, Slamet Prasetyo Sutrisno, Monica Amanda, Nyimas Arnita Aprilia, Ahmad Tomix Kurniawan
The high enthusiasm of riverboat users in the musi river waters should be accompa- nied by the high awareness of service providers of safety factors, both safety for the ship oper- ator itself and passengers as service users. So the government often calls on service providers or ship operators to prioritize...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Ship Operational Costs (SOC) in Determining Passenger Tariffs for River Transport on The Batang Serai-Sundari Route, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province
Erika Dwi Sulistyorini, Sri Kelana, Monica Amanda, Dian Putri Mei Cica
River transportation (Getek) is a mode of transportation that connects Batang Serai with Sundari. The problem often faced by users of river transportation services (getek) is the large fees paid for traveling. In connection with this problem, it is necessary to conduct research regarding river transportation...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Improve Passenger Facility Services on Ships Longboats In the Musi River, South Sumatra
Chairul Ilham Insani, Eddi Idris, Yunita Panggabean, Monica Amanda
Longboats using outboard engines powered by 200–400 PK with a capacity of 30–50 people, operating in the waters of the Musi River, have received a negative response from users of river transportation services, especially regarding services in terms of safety, comfort, and appropriateness or suitability...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Application MTPD Diploma III graduate Towards the World of Work
Muhammad Khairani, Andri Yulianto, Doharman Lumban Tungkup, Surnata, Fajrin Wira Perdana
Polytechnic Palembang River, Lake and Crossing Transportation is college tall services managed by the Ministry of Transportation below auspices of the Development Agency Transportation Human Resources. Polytechnic River, Lake and Palembang Crossing Transportation is the organizing polytechnic based education...
Proceedings Article
Study Of The Potential Of The River To Become A Shipping Lanes In Palembang City
Broto Priyono, Elfita Agustini, Febriansyah, M. Khairani
The role of river transportation in Palembang City can be seen from the activities of passenger and goods ships sailing along the Musi River. River transportation is alternative transportation for residents who live in isolated places to facilitate the flow of commodities in and out of an area and can...
Proceedings Article
Overview Countermeasures Pollution in Waters Harbor Peacock Crossing, Banten Province
Yeti Komalasari, Badeni, Direstu Amalia, Santoso, Chairul Insani Ilham, Dan Rima Sabrina Hidayat
Pollution that occurs in port waters and its surroundings is largely caused by activities at the port. The more the number of ships coming to the port increases, it can be indicated that the greater the level of pollution that will occur. The results of the discovery of pollution that occurred at the...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing the Implementation of Vehicle Loading Regulations on Ferry Ships
Dahlia Dewi Apriani, Muhammad Yusuf
Lashing is carried out to maintain shipping safety while maintaining the stability of the ship from shifting or overturning of vehicles on board, especially large and heavy vehicles, so the government has stipulated Minister of Transportation Regulation number: PM. 115 of 2016 concerning Procedures for...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Videos on Programming Language Courses Hypertext Markup Language Material
Edi Kurniawan, Nazarwin, Achmad Alu Mashartanto
Programming languages require HTML media materials that guide them step by step to complete the HTML work process. Visualizing the basic work steps of web design programming in programming language courses greatly influences lecture results. This research aims to develop a learning video of HTML (HyperText...
Correction to: Proceedings of the International Conference of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Law, Economic and Management (IWPOSPA-LEM 2023)
Ferdinand Pusriansyah, Slamet Prasetyo Sutrisno, Oktrianti Diani, Monica Amanda, Siti Nurlaili Triwahyuni