Proceedings of the First International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Industrial Revolution (ICSTEIR 2020)

345 authors
Writing Text Procedures in Seventh Grade Negeri 3 Kualuh Selatan Junior High School Students in the Academic Year 2020-2021
The Effect of Practice Methods on the Ability of Writing Text Complex Procedures of Eleventh Grade Students of Swasta Swadaya Hamparan Perak Senior High School Academic Year 2020-2021
The Effect of Multimedia Presentation on the Explanation Text Writing Skills of Eighth Grade at Al-Bukhary Rantauprapat Islamic Junior High School 2020-2021 Academic Year
Syafruddin, Yano
Analysis of Code Transfer for Teachers and Students of Indonesian at the Robitul Istiqomah Huristak Islamic Boarding School
Syamsuri, Abd. Rasyid
Decision-Making Culture in Organizations
Syofya, Heppi
Waste Bank: Model and Education of Organic and Non Organic Waste Processing in Riau Province
Syuhada, Ilhamdi Zefry
The Effect of Multimedia Presentation on the Explanation Text Writing Skills of Eighth Grade at Al-Bukhary Rantauprapat Islamic Junior High School 2020-2021 Academic Year
Tajuddin, Azza Jauhar Ahmad
Lecturers’ Readiness and Emotional Presence on Online Teaching Data in a Malaysian University During COVID-19
Tanjung, Ali Mukti
Distribution of Assets After Divorce of Members Indonesian Army (TNI) AD DIKODAM I/BB Perspective Legal Standing Civil Inheritance
Tarigan, Diah Handayani
The Effect of Practice Methods on the Ability of Writing Text Complex Procedures of Eleventh Grade Students of Swasta Swadaya Hamparan Perak Senior High School Academic Year 2020-2021
Toti, Usman Shah
The Contribution of Writing Recall Summary Protocol and Gender-Specific Background Knowledge of EFL on Reading Comprehension: A Case on Saudi EFL Students
Trisna, Nila
Social Mobilization in Simeulue Coastal Community Education
Triyanto, Deni
The Role of Millennials in the Development of Creative Industries as a Poverty Reduction Effort in Bengkulu City
Creative Teachers: A case Study of History Teachers at Lab School Senior High School in Jakarta and Bekasi
The Dilemma of Teachers in Teaching Controversial Issues of Indonesian History
Wahab, Muhammad Ammar bin Abd
Religion as an Indicator of Social Well-Being in Malaysia
Wahid, Abd Hamid
Digital Branding in Increasing Civic Engagement; A Public Relation Strategy in the Battle of Perceptions
Wahyuni, Dewi
Escalation of Competency Analysis of Short Stories Intrinsic Elements in Inquiry Learning by Eleventh Grade Students at SWASTA PAB 9 PATUMBAK Senior High School Academic Year 2019-2020
Wibawa, I Made Citra
Improving the Critical Thinking Skills and Responsibility Character of Students with Blended Learning Based on Tri Hita Karana
Widayat, Prama
Waste Bank: Model and Education of Organic and Non Organic Waste Processing in Riau Province
Widhyastuti, Cahyaning
“I’m Sure, But I’m Not Sure”: Self-Efficacy in UNIBI Employee College Program
Wilantara, Pandu
The Effect of Multimedia Presentation on the Explanation Text Writing Skills of Eighth Grade at Al-Bukhary Rantauprapat Islamic Junior High School 2020-2021 Academic Year
Wilis, Ratna
The Effect of Practice Methods on the Ability of Writing Text Complex Procedures of Eleventh Grade Students of Swasta Swadaya Hamparan Perak Senior High School Academic Year 2020-2021
Wulandari, Yunita Sri
Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats on Multi Jasa Financing at PT BPRS Daarut Tauhid
Yahya, Satria Asyraf bin
Self-Leadership and Gamification as Madani Society’s Human Resource Educational Elements
Yasin, Mohd. Faiz Mohd.
Between Reformist and Interpretation: Notes on Hamka’s Methodological Strategies as Reformist Mufassir
Yasin, Siti Khatijah
Leadership Communication Among Youth Leader in Malaysia
Yasmini, Luh Putu Budi
Developing of Inquiry Based Learning Tools for Increasing Self-Efficacy and Student Learning Outcomes
Juridic Problematics Management of Social Support Institutions (Case Study at Al Washliyah Ormas)
Yohanna, Syarifah Nelly
Analysis of Code Transfer for Teachers and Students of Indonesian at the Robitul Istiqomah Huristak Islamic Boarding School
Juridic Problematics Management of Social Support Institutions (Case Study at Al Washliyah Ormas)
Yulianasari, Nina
Influence of Local Income and Remaining Budget Calculations on Opportunistic Behavior of Budget Preparation in Bengkulu Province Year 2013-2017
Yuningsih, S H
Youth Perspective Towards LGBT’s Behavior Based on Gender: Implications on Social Work
Yuningsih, Siti Hadiyanti
Comparison of Body Mass Index Class Against Motor Performance Towards 7-Year-Old Boys in Malaysia
Zainoddin, M A R
Effect of Residential Area on the Physical Activity of 7 Years Old Child in Malaysia
Zainoddin, Mohamad Amirur Rafiqi
Comparison of Body Mass Index Class Against Motor Performance Towards 7-Year-Old Boys in Malaysia
Zainol, Mohamad Khairi
The Physico-Chemical Composition and Sensory Acceptability of ‘Kacang Koro’ Talbinah
Zainol, Mohamad Khairi
Halal and Non-Halal Gelatine as a Potential Animal By-Products in Food Systems: Prospects and Challenges for Muslim Community
Zakaria, Perry
Designing a Problem-Based Mathematics Learning with the Integration of Guided Discovery Method
Zakiyah, Ummi
Digital Branding in Increasing Civic Engagement; A Public Relation Strategy in the Battle of Perceptions
Digital Branding in Increasing Civic Engagement; A Public Relation Strategy in the Battle of Perceptions
Za’ba, A’lya Syafiqah Sharif
Biomass Briqmure: BBQ Briquettes Fuel Source from Cow Manure
Zin, Zamzahaila Mohd
The Physico-Chemical Composition and Sensory Acceptability of ‘Kacang Koro’ Talbinah
Zin, Zamzahaila Mohd
Halal and Non-Halal Gelatine as a Potential Animal By-Products in Food Systems: Prospects and Challenges for Muslim Community
Zulkarnain, Muhammad
The Role of Mediating Leadership Morality on the Influence of Organizational Culture on the Internal Control System