Proceedings of the First International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Industrial Revolution (ICSTEIR 2020)
345 authors
- Sutikno
- Writing Text Procedures in Seventh Grade Negeri 3 Kualuh Selatan Junior High School Students in the Academic Year 2020-2021
- Sutikno
- The Effect of Practice Methods on the Ability of Writing Text Complex Procedures of Eleventh Grade Students of Swasta Swadaya Hamparan Perak Senior High School Academic Year 2020-2021
- Sutikno
- The Effect of Multimedia Presentation on the Explanation Text Writing Skills of Eighth Grade at Al-Bukhary Rantauprapat Islamic Junior High School 2020-2021 Academic Year
- Syafruddin, Yano
- Analysis of Code Transfer for Teachers and Students of Indonesian at the Robitul Istiqomah Huristak Islamic Boarding School
- Syamsuri, Abd. Rasyid
- Decision-Making Culture in Organizations
- Syofya, Heppi
- Waste Bank: Model and Education of Organic and Non Organic Waste Processing in Riau Province
- Syuhada, Ilhamdi Zefry
- The Effect of Multimedia Presentation on the Explanation Text Writing Skills of Eighth Grade at Al-Bukhary Rantauprapat Islamic Junior High School 2020-2021 Academic Year
- Tajuddin, Azza Jauhar Ahmad
- Lecturers’ Readiness and Emotional Presence on Online Teaching Data in a Malaysian University During COVID-19
- Tanjung, Ali Mukti
- Distribution of Assets After Divorce of Members Indonesian Army (TNI) AD DIKODAM I/BB Perspective Legal Standing Civil Inheritance
- Tarigan, Diah Handayani
- The Effect of Practice Methods on the Ability of Writing Text Complex Procedures of Eleventh Grade Students of Swasta Swadaya Hamparan Perak Senior High School Academic Year 2020-2021
- Toti, Usman Shah
- The Contribution of Writing Recall Summary Protocol and Gender-Specific Background Knowledge of EFL on Reading Comprehension: A Case on Saudi EFL Students
- Trisna, Nila
- Social Mobilization in Simeulue Coastal Community Education
- Triyanto, Deni
- The Role of Millennials in the Development of Creative Industries as a Poverty Reduction Effort in Bengkulu City
- Umasih
- Creative Teachers: A case Study of History Teachers at Lab School Senior High School in Jakarta and Bekasi
- Umasih
- The Dilemma of Teachers in Teaching Controversial Issues of Indonesian History
- Wahab, Muhammad Ammar bin Abd
- Religion as an Indicator of Social Well-Being in Malaysia
- Wahid, Abd Hamid
- Digital Branding in Increasing Civic Engagement; A Public Relation Strategy in the Battle of Perceptions
- Wahyuni, Dewi
- Escalation of Competency Analysis of Short Stories Intrinsic Elements in Inquiry Learning by Eleventh Grade Students at SWASTA PAB 9 PATUMBAK Senior High School Academic Year 2019-2020
- Wibawa, I Made Citra
- Improving the Critical Thinking Skills and Responsibility Character of Students with Blended Learning Based on Tri Hita Karana
- Widayat, Prama
- Waste Bank: Model and Education of Organic and Non Organic Waste Processing in Riau Province
- Widhyastuti, Cahyaning
- “I’m Sure, But I’m Not Sure”: Self-Efficacy in UNIBI Employee College Program
- Wilantara, Pandu
- The Effect of Multimedia Presentation on the Explanation Text Writing Skills of Eighth Grade at Al-Bukhary Rantauprapat Islamic Junior High School 2020-2021 Academic Year
- Wilis, Ratna
- The Effect of Practice Methods on the Ability of Writing Text Complex Procedures of Eleventh Grade Students of Swasta Swadaya Hamparan Perak Senior High School Academic Year 2020-2021
- Wulandari, Yunita Sri
- Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats on Multi Jasa Financing at PT BPRS Daarut Tauhid
- Yahya, Satria Asyraf bin
- Self-Leadership and Gamification as Madani Society’s Human Resource Educational Elements
- Yasin, Mohd. Faiz Mohd.
- Between Reformist and Interpretation: Notes on Hamka’s Methodological Strategies as Reformist Mufassir
- Yasin, Siti Khatijah
- Leadership Communication Among Youth Leader in Malaysia
- Yasmini, Luh Putu Budi
- Developing of Inquiry Based Learning Tools for Increasing Self-Efficacy and Student Learning Outcomes
- Yeltriana
- Juridic Problematics Management of Social Support Institutions (Case Study at Al Washliyah Ormas)
- Yohanna, Syarifah Nelly
- Analysis of Code Transfer for Teachers and Students of Indonesian at the Robitul Istiqomah Huristak Islamic Boarding School
- Yopiza
- Juridic Problematics Management of Social Support Institutions (Case Study at Al Washliyah Ormas)
- Yulianasari, Nina
- Influence of Local Income and Remaining Budget Calculations on Opportunistic Behavior of Budget Preparation in Bengkulu Province Year 2013-2017
- Yuningsih, S H
- Youth Perspective Towards LGBT’s Behavior Based on Gender: Implications on Social Work
- Yuningsih, Siti Hadiyanti
- Comparison of Body Mass Index Class Against Motor Performance Towards 7-Year-Old Boys in Malaysia
- Zainoddin, M A R
- Effect of Residential Area on the Physical Activity of 7 Years Old Child in Malaysia
- Zainoddin, Mohamad Amirur Rafiqi
- Comparison of Body Mass Index Class Against Motor Performance Towards 7-Year-Old Boys in Malaysia
- Zainol, Mohamad Khairi
- The Physico-Chemical Composition and Sensory Acceptability of ‘Kacang Koro’ Talbinah
- Zainol, Mohamad Khairi
- Halal and Non-Halal Gelatine as a Potential Animal By-Products in Food Systems: Prospects and Challenges for Muslim Community
- Zakaria, Perry
- Designing a Problem-Based Mathematics Learning with the Integration of Guided Discovery Method
- Zakiyah, Ummi
- Digital Branding in Increasing Civic Engagement; A Public Relation Strategy in the Battle of Perceptions
- Zamroni
- Digital Branding in Increasing Civic Engagement; A Public Relation Strategy in the Battle of Perceptions
- Za’ba, A’lya Syafiqah Sharif
- Biomass Briqmure: BBQ Briquettes Fuel Source from Cow Manure
- Zin, Zamzahaila Mohd
- The Physico-Chemical Composition and Sensory Acceptability of ‘Kacang Koro’ Talbinah
- Zin, Zamzahaila Mohd
- Halal and Non-Halal Gelatine as a Potential Animal By-Products in Food Systems: Prospects and Challenges for Muslim Community
- Zulkarnain, Muhammad
- The Role of Mediating Leadership Morality on the Influence of Organizational Culture on the Internal Control System